Author Topic: Family bullying: BFMM and incest  (Read 3043 times)


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on: February 03, 2023, 07:17:08 PM
I have a mind taking this fetish into a dirtier level. I understand that this is not for everyone and many won't like it.

Imagine being bullied by your family members (it happens) and your mother takes the bully's side or is your bully herself (also happens), but can we add sex to the equation?


  • Brother bullies you and mom participates in bullying, and they have sex and neglect you.
  • Household has your mom and sisters with you being the only son. You become subject to sexual harassment and other femdom practices, such as CFNM.
  • Your mom marries a man with a daughter, she puts you and your stepdad into sexual humiliation, and has your stepsister join her.
  • Your son takes over your household, that includes your wife (his mom) and your mom (his grandmother), and they all treat you like shit.
  • You're bullied by your own mom, and she uses sex as a method to humiliate you.

What are your thoughts on the subject?


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Reply #1 on: February 04, 2023, 07:52:37 PM
I really like the idea of the first one. Having a brother who's always been the favourite. He always gets special treatment, is allowed to do whatever he wants, your mom looks the other way when he bullies you, and eventually she gives herself to him too. It's hotter for me personally if it's a younger brother, but any kind of relationship could work

There's actually a story about this called "Mom's Special Boy" by Asperger27. I only read the first part.


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Reply #2 on: February 12, 2023, 07:29:54 AM
I have a mind taking this fetish into a dirtier level. I understand that this is not for everyone and many won't like it.

Imagine being bullied by your family members (it happens) and your mother takes the bully's side or is your bully herself (also happens), but can we add sex to the equation?


  • Brother bullies you and mom participates in bullying, and they have sex and neglect you.
  • Household has your mom and sisters with you being the only son. You become subject to sexual harassment and other femdom practices, such as CFNM.
  • Your mom marries a man with a daughter, she puts you and your stepdad into sexual humiliation, and has your stepsister join her.
  • Your son takes over your household, that includes your wife (his mom) and your mom (his grandmother), and they all treat you like shit.
  • You're bullied by your own mom, and she uses sex as a method to humiliate you.

What are your thoughts on the subject?
Would be interested in #2 or #5. For whatever reason, I don't like stories that feature more than 1 male member of the family. But a guy getting pushed around and humiliated by his mom and/or sister(s)? Yup. The women that are supposed to always love you, unconditionally, instead electing to make you suffer is deliciously fucked up.


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Reply #3 on: March 17, 2023, 06:41:40 PM
Would be interested in #2 or #5. For whatever reason, I don't like stories that feature more than 1 male member of the family. But a guy getting pushed around and humiliated by his mom and/or sister(s)? Yup. The women that are supposed to always love you, unconditionally, instead electing to make you suffer is deliciously fucked up.

I agree with #1, but #3 can be done with one male. You can have a man with daughters marry a rich woman. This new stepmother showers her stepdaughter with love, and she cares about their education and other thing. However, she humiliates their dad who has no options but to suck it up because he wants the best for his daughters, even when the stepmother encourages the girls to humiliate their dad as well.

Also, when the woman has a son and stepdaughters, and there's no need to mention stepdad. Her stepdaughter become the favourite over her biological son, to the point where she gives them full permission to humiliate her son.

As for #4, at least there's no need to mention that the father having any sex at all. This is the point of the fantasy.

I'd love to hear more ideas.


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Reply #4 on: March 20, 2023, 06:16:16 AM
Also, when the woman has a son and stepdaughters, and there's no need to mention stepdad. Her stepdaughter become the favourite over her biological son, to the point where she gives them full permission to humiliate her son.

I love this idea. Being the obvious least favourite child with a spoiled, pampered, confident and aggressive (step)sister is a great idea.

Similar to #4, this isn't directly incest related but I like the idea of a guy's daughter's boyfriend moving in and taking over the place. The kind of boyfriend that's every parent's nightmare - a dropout, unemployed, a drunk / stoner, puts his feet up everywhere and acts like he owns the place, always groping, kissing, or even fucking the daughter all in front of the father's face. Furthermore, the daughter, who used to be a studious, perfect little daddy's girl who looked up to and was very close with her dad, now starts to be mean and bitchy towards him. The dad's at his limit; he wants to throw the boyfriend out, but his wife won't let him. Rude and bullying as the boyfriend is toward the dad, he always makes sure to turn on the charm around the mom, who's very taken with him. Eventually, the boyfriend starts to seduce the wife, and officially takes over as man of the house. The dad goes from being head of the house to bottom of the totem pole. He goes to work every day while the other three stay home, lounging, fucking, and spending his money, and when he is home everyone treats him like shit.