Author Topic: Mom swapping  (Read 2625 times)


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on: March 23, 2024, 09:57:57 PM
Do you guys find mom swapping is hot? I wonder theres a good stories about swapping moms like i really wanna read them, watch them etc.
And in my opion swapping moms is much more hotter than just being a cuck or bull, i was fully cuckson back in the time but then i found this fantasy so i became a switchson
right now my ultimate fetish is having a guy friend who has a milf mom like mines and talking about them, creeping, making nasty comments about them annnnd maybe really swapping them?? haha would be so fun. espically if its interracial mom swapping, it would be so freaking hot

Lemme know if you guys really like that and also you can guys drop links if you guys know good mom swapping stories.


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Reply #1 on: March 24, 2024, 12:04:05 AM
Oh i like that idea so much. I have a really hot mom and my friend have one too, filthy really. We always exchanged pictures of them, we are close to each other in street so he comes to my place and i visit him too so we creep around, make pics and exchange underwear too, jerk off in it etc. Its so hot to have a friend to share that fetish, would be nice if we can really swap moms,. His mom is blonde, mine is dark haired so its perfect match.


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Reply #2 on: March 24, 2024, 02:47:38 AM
Oh i like that idea so much. I have a really hot mom and my friend have one too, filthy really. We always exchanged pictures of them, we are close to each other in street so he comes to my place and i visit him too so we creep around, make pics and exchange underwear too, jerk off in it etc. Its so hot to have a friend to share that fetish, would be nice if we can really swap moms,. His mom is blonde, mine is dark haired so its perfect match.
dudee thats my ultimate fetish, i wanna talk to you about that also we got similiar moms so lmao


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Reply #3 on: March 25, 2024, 03:03:09 PM
dudee thats my ultimate fetish, i wanna talk to you about that also we got similiar moms so lmao
We know what Casual's mom's ass looks like. Shes hot as fuck. From what I've read on comments you've made before, your mom also has a monster ass. We would love to see it!


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Reply #4 on: March 30, 2024, 11:19:40 AM
That's the one aspect of this that I actually thought about since I was a kid.

My mother was very attractive but I didn't understand just how much more attractive she was compared to other women. However, I had an aunt (Unrelated, she was married to one of my uncles) that was even hotter. 4 or 5 years older than my mother but looked amazing (Curvy but slender body, light blue eyes, airhead, prob had some work done, etc.) . That aunt had two sons & a daughter. The oldest son was the same age as me and the younger son was a homosexual so basically just the oldest & me. I would tell him how hot his mom was and he didn't really know how to respond. One day we wondered if we could trade moms for a bit and do XYZ afterward. The thing is, I prob could have nailed that aunt if I had been a bit more cunning.


This will sound like complete bullshit, and not going to lie I honestly didn't believe it myself despite personally living it. For whatever reason my cousins seemed to admire & look up to me so my aunt liked having me around. My cousins were (very) spoiled brats but toned it down when I was around.  When I was 13 (ish), my aunt asked to talk so I followed her to her bedroom. She had split up with my uncle by this point but I still visited my cousins now & then. Anyway she gave me this schpiel about how she felt old and was back in the 'market'. I wasn't paying attention to her words since she was wearing some kind of semi-transparent nightgown (Looked expensive) and we were sitting on her bed so my mind was somewhere else. Till she asked me for "semen". I thought  I'd misheard or something  so I asked her to say it again. Basically she wanted a young man's cum because some mixture cream thing that supposedly helped re-invigorate the skin but I didn't care about that. I realized that I was alone with my extremely attractive aunt, I could basically see her whole sexy body and she was more or less asking to start having sex (Or at least to make me cum) on the regular. We had been sitting next to each other but over the next few minutes I put my arm around her midsection, shifted my body closer & occasionally rubbed her leg. I was waiting for her to get angry but she never did. I wondered if she was drunk (or on pills). My cousins weren't able to see us but they knew I was in their mother's bedroom with her. I saw myself as 'The cool cousin'  so it didn't register in my mind that they prob thought I was railing their mom. Heh.

In any case I was very suspicious and thought it was some kind of trick or maybe a trap somehow. Highly attractive adult women do not throw themselves ass first at young guys in their early teens. I was too inexperienced to realize it was legit.  She was generally stupid, had just gotten  divorced which means unstable, and that someone probably lied to her about this but failed to take advantage of the set up. I just thought 'THIS IS BULLSHIT. THIS IS A SCAM. NO WAY.'  so I turned her down. She was sad that I refused and became less touchy-feely overly friendly after that. I had a chance and I blew it, but if that happened at least 3 years later, I could have hooked that up np.  My cousin, the brat that was my age, hated how friendly I was with his mom  but I didn't really dislike him so I didn't feel the need to press the issue. However, it would have been easy to make something happen and torment him for years to come. Oh well. 


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Reply #5 on: April 02, 2024, 01:23:54 AM
That's the one aspect of this that I actually thought about since I was a kid.

My mother was very attractive but I didn't understand just how much more attractive she was compared to other women. However, I had an aunt (Unrelated, she was married to one of my uncles) that was even hotter. 4 or 5 years older than my mother but looked amazing (Curvy but slender body, light blue eyes, airhead, prob had some work done, etc.) . That aunt had two sons & a daughter. The oldest son was the same age as me and the younger son was a homosexual so basically just the oldest & me. I would tell him how hot his mom was and he didn't really know how to respond. One day we wondered if we could trade moms for a bit and do XYZ afterward. The thing is, I prob could have nailed that aunt if I had been a bit more cunning.


This will sound like complete bullshit, and not going to lie I honestly didn't believe it myself despite personally living it. For whatever reason my cousins seemed to admire & look up to me so my aunt liked having me around. My cousins were (very) spoiled brats but toned it down when I was around.  When I was 13 (ish), my aunt asked to talk so I followed her to her bedroom. She had split up with my uncle by this point but I still visited my cousins now & then. Anyway she gave me this schpiel about how she felt old and was back in the 'market'. I wasn't paying attention to her words since she was wearing some kind of semi-transparent nightgown (Looked expensive) and we were sitting on her bed so my mind was somewhere else. Till she asked me for "semen". I thought  I'd misheard or something  so I asked her to say it again. Basically she wanted a young man's cum because some mixture cream thing that supposedly helped re-invigorate the skin but I didn't care about that. I realized that I was alone with my extremely attractive aunt, I could basically see her whole sexy body and she was more or less asking to start having sex (Or at least to make me cum) on the regular. We had been sitting next to each other but over the next few minutes I put my arm around her midsection, shifted my body closer & occasionally rubbed her leg. I was waiting for her to get angry but she never did. I wondered if she was drunk (or on pills). My cousins weren't able to see us but they knew I was in their mother's bedroom with her. I saw myself as 'The cool cousin'  so it didn't register in my mind that they prob thought I was railing their mom. Heh.

In any case I was very suspicious and thought it was some kind of trick or maybe a trap somehow. Highly attractive adult women do not throw themselves ass first at young guys in their early teens. I was too inexperienced to realize it was legit.  She was generally stupid, had just gotten  divorced which means unstable, and that someone probably lied to her about this but failed to take advantage of the set up. I just thought 'THIS IS BULLSHIT. THIS IS A SCAM. NO WAY.'  so I turned her down. She was sad that I refused and became less touchy-feely overly friendly after that. I had a chance and I blew it, but if that happened at least 3 years later, I could have hooked that up np.  My cousin, the brat that was my age, hated how friendly I was with his mom  but I didn't really dislike him so I didn't feel the need to press the issue. However, it would have been easy to make something happen and torment him for years to come. Oh well.
damn... that's hot as fuck. I wonder how your mom and aunt look like, more specifically.


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Reply #6 on: April 12, 2024, 08:39:37 PM
Also, how about the idea of moms initiating the trade. or "son swap"?


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Reply #7 on: April 14, 2024, 02:08:01 AM
Also, how about the idea of moms initiating the trade. or "son swap"?
damn thats quite unusual but im down with that lol