Author Topic: What got you into this fantasy?  (Read 159404 times)


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Reply #15 on: February 28, 2019, 02:51:19 PM
For me it actually started with my cousin, she was a very very hot girl(she actually married to a very rich guy way older then her, which can give you a notion of what type of hot she is), and all the guys at my soccer team would get all worked up when she came watch the games. One of these guys was super popular with the girls and even at age 13 he was waaaay ahead of us in that subject. Not that the guy was ever mean to me, actually we were good buddies, but he will constantly tell me how hot my cousin was and if I thought she would like it if he showed her his dick.

At first it was annoying but for some reason one day while I was gonna masturbate his comments came to mind and I imagined him with my cousin and needless to say I came very quick.

Then it was that for some time, until a year later, my mom came to school to visit, and one of my male teachers was talking to her for a long time, and after she left he told me that I had a beautiful mom and I was lucky. Then it all came back like a tsunami but instead of my cousin it was my mom.

What got me to the point of no return was in high school, we were teasing a guy about his mom, and he tried to deflect bringing my mom into the conversation. When he said that my mom looked like a softcore pornstar, the fact that he was the only friend at high school that had been to my house and seen my mom, gave a lot of credit to his statement and then all the guys started asking about her and wanted to see pictures of her.

Of course I acted pissed off, but I am grateful that I could control my boner thinking about other stuff, because I had a hard time fending off the thoughts of some of these guys getting their paws on my mom.

I must have masturbated to that though everyday for months, and then I just accepted the fact that I was deep into this fantasy.


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Reply #16 on: March 01, 2019, 03:04:32 AM
For me it actually started with my cousin, she was a very very hot girl(she actually married to a very rich guy way older then her, which can give you a notion of what type of hot she is), and all the guys at my soccer team would get all worked up when she came watch the games. One of these guys was super popular with the girls and even at age 13 he was waaaay ahead of us in that subject. Not that the guy was ever mean to me, actually we were good buddies, but he will constantly tell me how hot my cousin was and if I thought she would like it if he showed her his dick.

At first it was annoying but for some reason one day while I was gonna masturbate his comments came to mind and I imagined him with my cousin and needless to say I came very quick.

Then it was that for some time, until a year later, my mom came to school to visit, and one of my male teachers was talking to her for a long time, and after she left he told me that I had a beautiful mom and I was lucky. Then it all came back like a tsunami but instead of my cousin it was my mom.

What got me to the point of no return was in high school, we were teasing a guy about his mom, and he tried to deflect bringing my mom into the conversation. When he said that my mom looked like a softcore pornstar, the fact that he was the only friend at high school that had been to my house and seen my mom, gave a lot of credit to his statement and then all the guys started asking about her and wanted to see pictures of her.

Of course I acted pissed off, but I am grateful that I could control my boner thinking about other stuff, because I had a hard time fending off the thoughts of some of these guys getting their paws on my mom.

I must have masturbated to that though everyday for months, and then I just accepted the fact that I was deep into this fantasy.

You are the legendary Burberryx?


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Reply #17 on: March 01, 2019, 12:15:43 PM
For me it actually started with my cousin, she was a very very hot girl(she actually married to a very rich guy way older then her, which can give you a notion of what type of hot she is), and all the guys at my soccer team would get all worked up when she came watch the games. One of these guys was super popular with the girls and even at age 13 he was waaaay ahead of us in that subject. Not that the guy was ever mean to me, actually we were good buddies, but he will constantly tell me how hot my cousin was and if I thought she would like it if he showed her his dick.

At first it was annoying but for some reason one day while I was gonna masturbate his comments came to mind and I imagined him with my cousin and needless to say I came very quick.

Then it was that for some time, until a year later, my mom came to school to visit, and one of my male teachers was talking to her for a long time, and after she left he told me that I had a beautiful mom and I was lucky. Then it all came back like a tsunami but instead of my cousin it was my mom.

What got me to the point of no return was in high school, we were teasing a guy about his mom, and he tried to deflect bringing my mom into the conversation. When he said that my mom looked like a softcore pornstar, the fact that he was the only friend at high school that had been to my house and seen my mom, gave a lot of credit to his statement and then all the guys started asking about her and wanted to see pictures of her.

Of course I acted pissed off, but I am grateful that I could control my boner thinking about other stuff, because I had a hard time fending off the thoughts of some of these guys getting their paws on my mom.

I must have masturbated to that though everyday for months, and then I just accepted the fact that I was deep into this fantasy.

You are the legendary Burberryx?

Uhm... I do use the Burberryx handle in some other sites and when creating captions, but not sure what you mean with legendary haha.


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Reply #18 on: March 01, 2019, 10:46:33 PM

Uhm... I do use the Burberryx handle in some other sites and when creating captions, but not sure what you mean with legendary haha.
Man, if you wrote this you are a fucking legend. The best in this gender.


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Reply #19 on: March 08, 2019, 07:18:30 PM
i guess it was a retro porn vid, the actress remind me my mother in her 30s and it was very hot. Then some incest hentai (i dont have desire for her, just i fantasize about her getting fucked).


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Reply #20 on: April 25, 2019, 05:38:39 AM
i must say i always jerk off when i am 15yo, my mom is a beautyful chinese woman, when i am single in the home. i found her gray pantyhose, that's a good toy for me, now i hope she can be rape by some black beggers,hard, again and again, even be snuff ,damn she is a cute woman!


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Reply #21 on: June 17, 2019, 03:28:57 AM
It was my freshman year in high school and I was on the basketball team. And there was this kid Mitch who didn't like me. We were in the locker room and Mitch said to me, "I saw your mom she has the best tits ever. I'm gonna titty fuck the shit outta her." He turned to another kid on the team Nick and Mitch said, "Right Nick?" Nick replied, "Oh yeah her tits are massive." I felt kinda bad at first then I immediately got a throbbing erection. From then on I have fantasized about Mitch and sometimes my whole basketball team fucking my mother.


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Reply #22 on: June 17, 2019, 03:30:35 AM
It was my freshman year in high school and I was on the basketball team. And there was this kid Mitch who didn't like me. We were in the locker room and Mitch said to me, "I saw your mom she has the best tits ever. I'm gonna titty fuck the shit outta her." He turned to another kid on the team Nick and Mitch said, "Right Nick?" Nick replied, "Oh yeah her tits are massive." I felt kinda bad at first then I immediately got a throbbing erection. From then on I have fantasized about Mitch and sometimes my whole basketball team fucking my mother.


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Reply #23 on: June 20, 2019, 06:34:41 AM
Had a hot mom that was pretty loose. She left my pop when I was very young and if the term had existed back then, she would have constantly been the local MILF.

That was basically it. Everything else was extra.


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Reply #24 on: June 26, 2019, 04:11:11 AM
So, true story, but here goes. (Not mentioning names, just to be safe for obvious reasons.)

It was my senior year in high school, and I won't say I was really out of the ordinary z- definitely didn't get bullied or anything dramatic, but I was nowhere near varsity sports, either. I floated around, for the most part and ended up making a friend or two in most of classes. (This was like '11 or '12, not even sure now.)

Before anything else is said; my mother is Mexican and relatively attractive, I admit, even if she was roughly 44 or 45 at that time. Obviously age put some chub on his hips and body overall, and she isn't athletically fit by any means, but I can readily say she is nowhere near overweight and such. It's that type of chub, where you can still look at a woman and wanna grab her from behind. (I lean towards thick girls, so a little bias is admitted.) She's fairly light skinned, but she has a strong Spanish accent and a rather playful Spanish voice. Dark brown and natural straight hair that borders on black, and reaches her mid-back. She was perhaps 5'4 and 145 pounds?

Anyway, Valentine's Day had come around, and my stepfather had to fly to Chicago to see his mother, who had fallen ill. Nothing serious, but he was going to be gone the whole week, and my mother was meant to pick him up when he returned.

Thing was, I was *this* close to getting laid for the first time, and I had to get my mother out to have the house alone - one of my friends happened to laugh at my situation, but did the favor of pretending to the sweet boy act and invited my mother to a Valentine's Day date. Long story short; they went out for a late dinner and a movie and came home sometime just before 1 in the morning.

I actually got some action that night, so it was a major win - but supposedly nothing really every did happen between my mom and my friend. They did go to dinner and the movies on time, so I never did have anything to suspect - nothing else changed afterwards, but I did have the first "What if?" thought hit me, oh what I would do if I found out that they were actually on a date fucking around. Eventually, that delved into the bully subject, and I still do sometimes imagine being stuck at the house in trouble for picking and losing a fight, while my mother is secretly off on a date with my bully, fucking him hard and sucking him off until he busts all over her face and mouth.

I like to imagine her making me wait after school to pick me up, while she's riding him at the house on my bed, ignoring my texts and calls as he makes her cum.

That also taught me that I'm a switch, so I also sometimes imagine myself as the aggressor, fucking some kid's mother or sister, making them orgasm like never before - the kid either forced to watch and listen, or blissfully unaware of what's going on.


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Reply #25 on: June 26, 2019, 06:21:18 AM
I've posted this before so I'll repost it below but this is what got me into this genre.

Growing up I had a friend whose Mom was always a little bigger and she always hated it, she wasn't overweight and looking back, she would be considered thicc. She wasn't unattractive by any means though you weren't accidentally mixing her up with some twenty-year old At the time she was a brunette with shoulder-length hair with I'd say a C-Cup or a B-Cup that was really close. She worked at for a big company that would have monthly dinner parties to celebrate their success or whatever, not too sure because I didn't really care growing up. Now usually her and her husband would go and the few times I spent the night they would get back around 1-2AM. Her husband either didn't drink or he drank very little but she would always be drunk but trying to play it off like she wasn't in front of her son and us. I heard this second-hand but one time she was just sloppy drunk and when her son and some of our friends where in the living room she feel backwards onto the couch and into the lap of a friend of ours. According to him he got a few squeezes in until her husband helped her back up.

Anyways, it was a Sunday afternoon and I was hanging out with her son. His dad had a business trip that week and was supposed to get home later that day, he wasn't too sure on the time. I don't recall why but we had to stop by his house and we saw his dad's car was there. We normally entered through the front door which is loud but since his garage door was open, we went through there. Now had we gone through the front, his parents who were upstairs in their bedroom would have heard it but since we went through the garage, they didn't hear us coming in. We walked in and within moments we heard them fighting which shocked me because I had never, ever heard his parents fight though I had seen his dad get mad at his mom before and even then he didn't yell. I don't know why but we both kinda just stood there and listened trying to figure out what was going on.

Remember those work parties I mentioned before? Well there happened to be one the same week the dad was out of town. Apparently his mom wasn't supposed to go as the dad wasn't there to go with her and more importantly, control her since she liked to drink a lot at these events. It was a perfect storm because with her husband gone and her son home, she had no reason to go. However another buddy of ours (whose Mom was the definition of a MILF) had invited us to spend the night that Friday so with her husband and son gone, I guess she decided to go. Now since I wasn't there I can't be sure how true these next parts are but this is what I gathered from the screaming match going on.

So she goes to this party which is hosted at a hotel her company uses often and proceeds to drink like usual. Being a big department of varying ages people tend to mingle around and as the night went on she found herself talking with some "younger" guys. I'm gonna assume around 25 as she was 35 or 36 at  the time. You can probably see where this is going but one thing leads to the next and her and these three guys end up fucking in a hotel room. I'm not sure how it happened or what led her to cheat but she not only fucked each of them, she apparently took two of them at the same time, multiple times. Now the dad was screaming a lot of random shit way too fast and in succession for her to answer so I probably missed some things. He kept asking her how many times they fucked her, if any of them fucked her in the ass..etc. Like I said he didin't wait for a response before rattling off his next set of questions. At the time I remember feeling super awkward listening and sad for my friend as he also had to listen to this. Suddenly we heard a door slam close and someone stomping down the stairs which registered too late for us because within a couple seconds we were staring his dad in the face. He just looked at us and told us to get the fuck out of here, which we did.

It was super weird for a couple weeks being at their house because I just assumed the mom knew I was there during their fight. Neither parent acted differently and while I thought they might of gotten a divorce, it never happened. In fact they celebrated an anniversary not too long ago and I saw pictures on Facebook.

Here's another story involving the same MILF that happened a year or so later.

This was right before I had entered high school, it was summer time so myself and a group of friends where hanging out at my buddies house (one from the story before) playing video games. They recently had some new neighbors move in who had two sons who had just finished high school yet for some "odd" reason would hang out with us in the summer. I guess looking back its not too year to see 14 year olds and 18 year olds hanging out. The reason though I say it was "odd" was because these guys were not anti-social or lacking in the friends department. By all accounts they were somewhat popular having played sports. On this particular occasion the older one was hanging out with us and giving my friend shit about his Mom, which was pretty usual as we all did that. Even more so now that we were becoming more and more interested in women. The older guy, Brad kept talking about how if he wanted, he could get with my friends Mom. Our friend group was mixed on our response as half of us were telling him to do it and provide proof while the other half said he was just a big talker. I was with the 1st group because the though of seeing my friends mom naked would be a dream come true.

Anyways, summer goes on and one afternoon as I'm heading over to my friends house Brad, who was hanging out in his garage calls me over. We talked for a bit and he asks me if I was going over to my friends which he already knew the answer too but wanted a nice intro into the topic he had originally called me over to talk about. He pulled out his flip-phone and tells me to come over and after "accidentally" showing me a few nudes of his current girlfriend, shows me a picture that's a closeup of some women pulling her bikini-top down showing her boobs. I knew who it was "supposed" to be and the only thing I asked him is how. According to him, he had been working on her for awhile and finally got him to flash him at one of his parent's backyard BBQ parties that seemed to happen almost every other week during that summer. At the time I had no idea if he was telling the truth or if the women in the picture was actually my friends mom as it was just a closeup of her boobs. I thought he had quickly taken the picture without her knowing but apparently she was OK with him taking it provided her face was not in it.

He told me to keep it a secret but he knew I was gonna tell everyone except for the friend in question and each time, he showed whoever asked the picture.

Now as far as I know, nothing further ever happened even though I always hoped for him to tell me a new story. He ended up going away for college and that summer was pretty much the last time I saw him. However, years later I would find out that his story was in fact not bullshit and she had actually flashed him. How I would find out is another story in itself but my friends mom had a couple freckles on her left breast that I remember seeing in the picture that matched perfectly.


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Reply #26 on: July 08, 2019, 08:57:16 PM
my mom had an affair with a 18 yr old boy when I was 16. That caused my parents divorce, and turned mine and my familys life upside down. She met the boy through her work at a gas station, and they had an ongoing 6 months relationship when they were discovered .The fact that my mom had sucked, kissed and fucked a boy close to my age and that everybody in our community knew about it, made me feel very humiliated but soon also very aroused. Everytime I jacked off, the only thing I was thinking about was my mom and Patrick (boys name) having sex. (Still makes my cock hard everytime). Their "secret" affair came to an end with the discovery, and unfortunately mom started drinking and smoking more heavy. She used to drink wine and sometimes smoke pot in the past also, but it was mostly in the weekends. Now it became more often. She still looked good anyway.

Now I knew my mom had a taste for boys my age, and I found that very arousing. When I had friends home, or she talked with or in other ways came in contact with boys, especially if they were hot (and knew she was a horny slut like most people in our community did), I had jerk off material for many days. The same when someone commented on her, friends, classmates or others. That happened, not in a bully way, just innocent things like "shes hot" and things like that. A friend asked me once, after a few beers, what I thought about my moms relationship with Patrick. I said I didn`t care. It was her life, she could fuck who she wanted to.   My friend then asked what if he had fucked her? I said the same. Don`t`care. I didn`t want him to know that I really wanted this to happen, but I had sent a signal to him and the other boys he talked with that my mom was "free to bee taken".But I also said I wanted to know if she fucked someone, with Patrick everybody but me and my family knew, and I didn`t want that to happen again. My friend promised to keep no secrets for me.  I jerked of many times that night, thinking about what I had done made the chances for someone to score with mom much bigger.

I began having my friends over more often, hoping in my crazy fantasy to bound her with one of them. Nothing much happened though, even if she usually joined us in the livingroom with a beer or a joint. My friends commented more boldly now, knowing I didn`t care if someone fucked her. They commented to her on her looks, and she was flirtatious with them. After my friends left, I went to my bedroom to get release for my throbbing hard cock. When I was alone with my friends, they sometimes told me that they wanted to screw her and stuff, and they also said it was strange that I didn`t care. In fact I cared, but not in that way they thought. I guess my mom was not bold enough to step ever the line to fuck her sons friend, even if was obvious that she lusted for expecially one of them, Fredrik. I caught her many times looking at him, and one time, intoxiated by pot, and alcohol, she rested her head on his lap when sitting in our couch. He told us later he had a major hardon wich she had to notice. I almost came in my pants when he said that, but I just laughed with the others so he should be bold enough to be free to talk about my mom. My other friends said he should try to get her in bed, they had also noticed her interest for him. That to was a big turn on for me. It wasn`t just fantasy, other people saw the same. He said that he wanted to do that, but thought she didnt`t want to beacause of him beeing friend to her son. That was confirmed when Fredrik made a move on her next weekend when they shared a joint at the balcony.  They kissed and foundled a little bit, but she stopped from going further and said he was a hot boy, but she could not bang her sons friend. Knowing that my mom said Fredrik was a hot boy, gave me more jerking material.
My friends and I discussed how to bed Fredrik with mom. I tried to hide my shaky voice when I suggested that I should try to get some extacy pills for the next day.. If mom was intoxiated enough, she would probaly fuck him. My friends thought that was a great , but crazy idea. The drug would probaly make my lose inhibitions, but was it right? My mom was familiar with extacy, so I should  not lure it into her. She would probaly take when I offered her. The Ida made me crazy horny, knowing my mom woud probaly fuck another teenboy.

The next day came, and mom gladly joined us at our "party" with pot, alcohol and extacy.  I got so aroused when she took the pill, and it was arranged for her to sit with Fredrik in the couch. Watching her sit there with him, made me so horny. When the drugs began to work, my mom would dance. And she danced with Fredrik all the time. Watching her hold around him, their bodies touching eachother knowing that they wanted eachother, made my cock rock hard. At a point she got so intoxiated that she didn`t notice much around her, including my presence. She started making out with Fredrik at the "dance floor"  and soon after he whispered something in her ear before they left the room. They was gone for the rest of the night. There was nothing I wanted more than go after and watch, but I thought that would be a strange thing to do in front of my friends.  Fredrik told us later that she was very drunk, but also very horny. Hearing things like that, is for cuckold son like heaven.
My mom never talked about what happened, but Fredrik continued to screw her on regular basis, mostly at parties at our home. Mom tried to, but not very hard, to hide their sexual relationship from me, but my friends told me anyway.

Later on, my mom started throwing parties of her own, her drug use exalated even more, and she became one of those moms we can read about in the news, having parties and fucking teenage boys. She started dealing with drugs, and ended up in jail for pushing marihuana and for sexual crimes with a minor. She was released early though, and sent to rehab where she met her husband wich she is married with today. She has now started a new life as a christian, and don`t touch drugs anymore. Still ,everytime I jerk of, I think of her


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Reply #27 on: July 09, 2019, 10:21:04 PM
I didn't get bullied much, cause i was kinda a tough guy. But i had bad relations with girls in general. Social phobia and stuff i think. Then i got into cuckold. Then this. You know it is kinda similiar soo..


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Reply #28 on: August 02, 2019, 09:45:33 PM
Lol pretty much just having a hot mom who my friends/classmates wanted to fuck. Can't blame them since I used to be attracted to her too. She's lost her looks now abit but now I use Danica Collins as sort of a surrogate fantasy mom since she reminds me of her when she had high SMV.


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Reply #29 on: August 07, 2019, 04:19:50 AM
Lol pretty much just having a hot mom who my friends/classmates wanted to fuck. Can't blame them since I used to be attracted to her too. She's lost her looks now

Same here man.

A lot of people underestimate the effect of having a hot mom has on a boy's psyche, especially when everyone wants to nail her.