Author Topic: A Feast of Mom  (Read 14738 times)

Fearless Wretch

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on: June 23, 2020, 01:02:04 AM
This is my first go at a story like this and I welcome any constructive criticism. This story is about non-consent, drugs, and an unconscious mom.

"Ian! Are you almost ready!?" she shouted with increasing impatience.

"Yeah I'm coming down in just a sec!" I said with matching impertinence.

I already missed the bus to school and my mom was about to drive me- but me, the video game-addicted teenager that I am, saw the ten minutes she said she needed to get ready as the perfect window of time to level my character.

"C'mon Ian you're going to be LATE!" my mom belted out which I was accustomed to know was the final straw.

"I'm right here." I said as calmly as I could to dissuade her anger with me.

As I hopped on one foot to put my shoe on the other, I glanced up at my mom who was standing near the front door with her hands on her hips. I guess you can say I've always been a mama's boy seeing as my dad left when I was a baby and she was all I had my whole life, but recently I've been noticing things about my mom that I probably shouldn't. Things like how wide her hips are, her long shapely legs,  or her dark brown hair which frames her beautiful but tired face. Her olive complexion I inherited but without a doubt looks much better on her, seems to almost glow in the sunlight when she's working in the garden or walking our dog, Miko.

I put my shoe on as tight as I could and I followed her out the front door to the car. I always walked behind her even when I was little because she always had a habit of walking too fast. She was impatient but understanding with me, driven but not a workaholic, and beautiful beyond words. Her wide hips swaying in a quick pace with her ample ass cheeks matching the brisk rhythm; she marched us to the car. I'm not too keen on being so open with my affection since it's frankly embarrassing, but more so because I always have this nagging feeling that she might know how I really feel about her.

"You have everything?" She chirped while adjusting the mirrors as the car's engine rumbled to life.

"Yeah." I said with barely a breath as I had grown tired of giving the same answer almost every day since I've been in school.

All I wanted to do was play video games, and it was the only thing I could think about these days. Well besides girls, my mom, and sex. I dreaded school because it kept me away from all of those things, but in the very least I'd be able to see my friends and we'd be able to talk about girls, games, and sex all day long. I snuck a glance over at my mom's lap as she was driving, and I don't think I'll ever get tired of how her ass and thighs look pressed up against something as firm as a car seat. If I could describe how full and bountiful my mom's hips and ass are: I'd say I could just about touch my other wrist if I were to wrap my arms around their circumference. I'd give anything to just bury my face in my mom's crotch and just inhale to my lungs' capacity. She was wearing a simple zipper hoodie and yoga pants with generic tennis shoes this morning. I'm almost certain she wasn't wearing a bra under her jacket because her heavy, juicy breasts hung lower than usual on her chest and jiggled fervently with every speed bump we drove over.

"I hope you aren't late." She said, in a wilted tone of worry. She was always quick to baby me even after just minutes ago she was barking words at me. She shot me a furrowed brow of sympathy as she pulled in front of the gate to see the hundreds of other students already piling into the buildings. Her beautiful big brown eyes always seem to catch the sunlight just right so that a single worried look from her always wrenches my gut into submission.

"No I should be fine. Thanks mom." I murmured with a tired smile.

"Have a great day at school sweetheart, I love you!"

"Love you too." I said with markedly less volume for fear of anyone I respect hear me say such a humiliating and forbidden phrase at my age.

Every day at school is the same damn thing. Day in and day out I day dream about leveling my character and killing monsters, or what my mom is doing right now and who's probably hitting on her. I think she works as a secretary to some guy for a company, but today she'd be at the gym around this time. Honestly I don't pay attention as much as I should to her affairs but I don't claim I'm the best son. My mind also wanders into the confines of the sweater she was wearing, and what her breasts look like underneath. It's the tail-end of summer and it's still hot as hell here and I'd guess that she's probably sweating in that thing by now. I only saw her naked once in my entire life, not counting when I was a baby, and the image of her naked ass cheeks bobbing from side to side as she waddled to the bathroom door were seared into my mind even years later. But I could only guess what her glistening chest looked like right about now.

"Yo Ian, what up?" Piped Michael, holding his fist out as our usual greeting. My other friends did the same as we stood against the wall to a classroom and ate our lunch. My friends are pretty cool: they like games as much as I do, they are as obsessed with girls as much as I am, but I don't think they'd be cool with knowing my darker obsessions. Although in the two times I've had one of them over they ogled my mom like she was the most delicious thing they've seen on a silver platter, so I wouldn't put it past them to understand. More likely they'd harass me to come over to "visit" incessantly just to get a peek at my mom coming out the shower or bent over working in the garden. Just like one of my ex-friends. Tyler.

"You see what Ms. Silvia has on today? God fuckin' DAMN she's so fuckin' fine." My friend Pat practically hollered.

"Yeah she's got such a fat fucking ass, I'd give anything to fuck the shit out of her." Hissed Nate while slapping the air.

Ms. Silvia was our English teacher and she was much younger than most teachers at 25. She had wavy red hair and a fat ass atop some killer legs she undoubtedly earned from countless squats. She was gorgeous to be sure, but no woman compared to mom. None of my friends knew this since after kicking my ex-friend Tyler out of my life, I made sure to never make the mistake of sharing the bounty that is my mom with anyone ever again.

"Yeah she's a total milf." I said with a fond half-smile.

"You know who else is a milf? Fuckin' Alia Battle Queen III, am I right?" Good old Mikey always steering the conversation into a more cultured direction.

"Yeah I just got that game today dude!" I said enthusiastically to him. "I didn't think any of you guys liked that game so I didn't say anything!"

"Oh yeah that game's fuckin' dope dude, everything about it is just the coolest shit so far." Everyone seemed to bounce excitement off one another while we all talked about this new game.

"Hey, would it be cool if I came over and we play the game at your place dude?" Pat said apprehensively to me, as he nor anyone else in the group at been to my house yet and was cautious.

"Uh, I dunno dude. My mom can get pretty strict." Was my go-to answer, but I felt a pang of guilt when disappointment shown on my friend's face. "Ah, but maybe she'll be cool with it since it's the weekend." I said without too much pause as to let him stew in his defeat for even a moment.

 I was eager to please my newish friends since we've only known each other for about a year. They were really cool and only occasionally annoying with how embarrassingly nerdy they can get when girls are within earshot, but I quickly weighed how much I want new friends versus how much I want to avoid being used again for my mom. Who knows though, these guys are way cooler than Tyler ever was so I decided then and there that impressing my friends was more important than protecting my mom. But then my stomach dropped.

"Hey you mind if I come over too? Said Nate with a grin from ear-to-ear.

Fuckin' hell no. Nate was a bigger perv than me, if that was even possible. I know one-hundred-fucking-percent that Nate was gonna perv out the instant he laid eyes on my mom.

"Ah man, my mom doesn't like too many people over. I might be able to convince her of just one, but there's no way in hell she'd agree to letting more come over." I said as lamentable as possible so as to not arouse any suspicion.

"C'mon dude, you know I'm not gonna take your shit or anything dude! I'll bring over some of my games and you can borrow some of them if you want."

Shit. Nate's also got a bigger video game collection than I do, and my mom for her big heart and good work ethic still doesn't make a ton of money to fuel my video game addiction. Fuck it, what's the worst thing that could happen? My mom's a grown woman, she doesn't need a creep like me protecting her- I shouldn't even be her guard dog, what kind of son cock blocks his mom anyway? Not that any of these virgins, good friends as they are, even have a chance with a golden goddess like my bombshell mom.

"Alright dude, you can come over but no promises my mom won't be a huge bitch about it." I warned him cautiously, as if that were ever going to happen. My mom is an angel to guests and since I never have any over, I know she'll treat them like royalty.

"YESSS, sweet dude! I'll go home and you text me your address and we'll come over right after!" Nate was practically bouncing with excitement as he said this. I couldn't tell if he was more enthusiastic about the game or if he somehow knew what my mom looked like. My gut was doing somersaults as he said this.

The rest of the school day was as boring as they always were, but this time I was confronted with the increasingly stupid choice I made in a vain attempt to impress my friends. I honestly can't say I know them that well since we only see each other at school and we've only all been friends for less than a year. Could Nate have talked to Tyler at some point? About my mom no less? There's no way. Tyler, after he became a douchebag, became super into drugs and hung with the wrong crowd. There's no way a turbo-virgin like Nate would ever cross paths with Tyler and have a pleasant conversation about mom's plump ass, big milky tits, or her delicious meaty thighs. This was my paranoia talking, and today I wasn't going to entertain it. These guys are my friends, they're all awkward, kissless virgins to my knowledge, and at the end of the day they're good dudes. I think I can trust them.

"Hi honey, did you have a good day at school?" My mom's melodic voice filling the living room as I trudged through the front door, half-tired from the long day and half-excited to play games with my friends soon.

"Yeah, hey mom can I ask you something?" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

My mom was facing the stove making chicken when she spoke. I didn't hear what she said because she was wearing short jean shorts that ended right when her ass cheeks ended and a white tank top without a bra. Her tan legs seemed to go on forever and the feint color of her areola showing through her top utterly hypnotized me. She must have been out in the garden because she had worked up a sweat because I could see her glistening from the sunlight coming through the kitchen windows. She was a goddess. I peeled my mind from thoughts of licking her all over and guessed at her reply and spoke accordingly.

"Is it alright if I have some friends over today?" I said, bracing myself for rejection.

"Of course sweetheart! Of course you can." She said in surprise and adoration. Those words coming from her were both a beautiful song to hear, but also a death knell. For it was in that moment that I realized I fucked up.

My mom is a gorgeous sex goddess wearing next to nothing right now, and I'm letting slavering wolves in to feast on her? What am I, some kind of sick degenerate? I know exactly what those guys are going to think when they see her like this. They're hot-blooded teenage boys and I've got a leggy bimbo mom bouncing around my house with barely any clothes on! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"They're gonna be here soon then." I said with some urgency. Hopefully she can sense it in my voice and know she should change or at least put on a bra. Please god put on a bra. Her beautiful sweater puppies are a treasure any other day but not today. Knowing these guys, I'd want her in nothing less than a burqa if it were up to me.

"Alright then, just let me finish making dinner and I'll go get cleaned up. Do you think your friends will be hungry?" She said innocently.

Of course they'll be hungry. As soon as they see you they'll be starving.

"Uh maybe. I dunno." I said disinterested.

"Okay, I'll maybe order some pizza, does that sound good to you?" My mom turned back around so I could feast my eyes on her big juicy, plump ass from behind.

"Yeah that sounds fine." I said as I walked out of the kitchen, never breaking eye contact with her meaty feast of a body.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 01:07:29 AM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #1 on: June 23, 2020, 01:03:17 AM
It felt like only a moment had passed before the doorbell rang and my mom said, "Ian! I think it's your friends!"

My heart had pounded like a sledgehammer the moment I saw my mom walking out of the kitchen and towards the door. She was still wearing the tank top and short shorts! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!

"Here mom, I'll get it." I hushed as I lunged at the door.

Please take this single last moment to go into your room and change. Please mom I'm begging you.

The door handle automatically began to turn in my hand as I couldn't miss a beat without raising any suspicion. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to make my mom feel embarrassed, or worse: let her know I know what she looks like. Up until now she's never worn anything super conservative unless it was for work because she's always felt comfortable around me. We've never had the birds and the bees talk but she also thinks I'm not a headcase. She still sees me as a little kid and still wears whatever is comfortable around the house. God knows I need things to stay that way if I'm going to keep getting eye fulls of her delicious body in compromising positions every day.

"Sup dude, what's up!" Both Nate and Pat were there at the door. A jolt of fear ricocheted around my insides when I saw their faces change trajectory.

"Hey boys, how are you?" Said the melodic voice behind my head. The braless voice. The supple-titted, wide-hipped, olive-complexioned-sex goddess behind my head.

"I'm Pat." "I'm Nate." "Nice to meet you Mrs. Fletcher" They were both putting on their best Sunday-best smiles as they said this rehearsed greeting.

"Oh you boys can call me Catherine. I haven't been "Mrs. Fletcher" in years!" My mom chuckled when she said this. Her comment was knives in my intestines and her laughter was twisting them. They REALLY didn't need to know that mom.

As they slowly walked through the doorway, I watched their faces go right to my mom's backside when she turned to walk towards her bedroom. Her fat fucking ass wobbled like a prize on a string, wagging in front of their drooling mouths just begging to be plundered and destroyed.

"I'm just gonna get changed. I ordered some pizza and you boys are welcome to anything!" Rang my mom as she closed her bedroom door.

They're not welcome to your asshole and pussy, mom. They're welcome to anything in this house but not you mom. You're my mom, and no one else's. Jealousy tore circles in my stomach when their gaze never left her bedroom door as she said that.

"Hey guys, let's go up to my room!" I said with fake enthusiasm as to lure them away. Away from the bountiful feast that was completely naked behind a single unlocked door three feet away from them.

"Alright, I brought over some games we could play if Battle Queen turns out to be boring co-op." Said Pat as he bounded up the stairs toward me. Nate was still looking at the bedroom door when he ran up the steps toward my room.

"I got everything set up already, so we can chill here until the pizza comes." I unveiled my room to my friends, who were thankfully seemingly impressed by what they saw. Game consoles, a big TV, and a bean bag chair with all the other decor a teenage kid would have. Hopefully it's all enough to distract them from what they just saw.

"Hey, isn't Battle Queen a two-player game?" Said Nate. This sentence was like a siren blaring in the distance, foretelling a dread fate that would soon come for me.

"Uh, I got my computer set up in the other room if you want to play something? I got a ton of games on there you can play if you don't want to watch us co-op Battle Queen, or we can all take turns?" I rapid fired suggestions at Nate to get him to stay upstairs. Stay up here and away from my mom. Anything but mom.

"Alright man, I'll use your computer to play some Smeggle Online. You said you play it, right?" Nate said with a tinge of accusation. What was that I heard in his voice? Surely he wasn't hoping I say no and think that gives him free reign to go roam my house for bimbo milfs in various states of undress? Luckily for me I played that shit game months ago and didn't remember to uninstall it. Score one for lazy-past-Ian saving my ass in the future.

"Yeah? Oh course I do dude! I used to play the fuck outta that game!" I said with my best fake smile.

"Oh! Cool, right on!" It worked. He seemed genuinely surprised I had it and was eager to hop on and play it. Hop on and stay the fuck away from my mom, sweet.

Pat and I were totally engrossed in Battle Queen and her big tits bouncing every time she ran, which of course was constantly. It wasn't long though before the doorbell rang again and rang in my head the upcoming disaster that is my mom being in line of sight of my friends. I expertly dashed to the top of the stairs and looked down at my mom in the front door paying the pizza guy. Thank god she was wearing ... A FUCKING BATHROBE!? No, no, no, no, no! You're supposed to be wearing clothes mom, fuck!

As this image sunk into my head like a boot sinking into a pit of mud, I glanced over my shoulder horrified to see Pat and Nate stepping out of the rooms and towards the living room. They were going to see my mom in nothing but a robe. They saw her ass and thighs and hips and tits. And now they're going to see her fresh out of the shower. Her stupid fucking bath robe ends at her mid-thigh and she never ties it closed enough to not give me the perfect view all the way down to her fuckin' belly button. Any other day I would lap up the view like a hungry dog, but now is not the time. Today is not the day.

"Uh guys wait a sec." I said apprehensively and slowly as to buy myself time to come up with some bullshit excuse.

"Boys! Pizza's here!" Her voice struck me like a hammer blow and the two of them walked past me and down the stairs. Down the stairs towards my mom. In nothing but a robe, but wait... I turn and walk down the stairs behind them but my mom is walking towards the kitchen with the box in her hands. The stairs were always my favorite non-nonchalant vantage point to look down her shirts and dresses, but now my friends were unwittingly using it to drop their eyes right down my mom's bathrobe. Please mom, please try harder to protect yourself. There's only so much I can do. They're ogling you at every moment and you don't even notice it. Please mommy, they're devouring you.

I walked down the last few steps defeated as I heard their steps go into the kitchen behind my mom. I swung around the railing just in time to see utter horror. My mom was reaching to the far side of the dining table to get some napkins and unbeknownst to her, the robe was rising. It was less than a second but it felt like minutes with how much adrenaline was coursing through my veins. Her robe kept climbing and climbing what seemed like forever. It already rested at half-way up her thigh, but it was now just underneath her butt cheeks. The only saving grace is that this abject torture was less than a second long and you couldn't see any of my mom's holes. Her delectable entrances into the nirvana that is her body were spared from the barbaric sight of horny remorseless teenagers. Horny animals that if we were in the wild would surely take turns mounting and conquering my defenseless mother again and again.

"I'll get you boys some plates." My mom said  turning on her heels towards the cupboards. The cupboards. The fucking cupboards. It wasn't five seconds after my mom was bent over the table with her ass and pussy on display for my sex-starved friends before she was going to be on her tip-toes reaching for the plates. If she didn't flash them her goods before, she was guaranteed to do it now and I had to think fast.

"Let me get that for you mom." I said as I briskly stepped in between her and my friends' gazes.

"It's okay sweety, I got it." She smiled at me with plates in hand and faced our guests. I could see right down her robe even now. Her breasts on full display, and is that...? It is. Areola. I see my mom's areola peeking out the tops of where her robe parts open, but just barely. To my trained eyes I can detect the subtle shift in skin pigmentation from her breast to her areola, but I can only hope to god my friends aren't as observant. I can only hope she's not letting them be as observant. Please mom, stop letting them eat you alive. Please mommy, you're supposed to be mine.

"Help yourselves boys! I also made some chicken if you boys want some?" She said with her hand on a pan lid to reveal a deliciously moist, golden brown breast of chicken. My mom was that chicken. She's moist, delicious, golden brown, and seconds from being gobbled up by my horny teenage friends. God, why did I have to slip up and let not just one, but two guys into my home to feast on my mom's body? Please just stop talking and go back to your room mom. Go into your room, lock the door, bar the windows, and don't open it for anyone not even me.

"We're fine I think, the pizza should be plenty." I say with some urgency; hopefully an ample signal to mom that she should leave.

"Okay, well if you boys need anything let me know. Ian here never has anyone over so it's a big deal when some of his friends show up!" My mom grinned at me after she said this in a playful jest. She has no idea I never bring guys here for a reason.

"Really? Ian told us you don't like having people over. More of his friends would wanna come over if this is the case." As Nate said this he turned to Pat and nodded his head as he spoke. Those motherfuckers are talking in a language my innocent mother could never decipher but it's written all over their faces. It's scribbled all over Nate's smarmy fake smile that he just discovered a goldmine and he wants to share every inch of her perfect body with everyone he knows. Not on my watch. You're going to have to work for all those eye-fulls my mom has been unwittingly giving you.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #2 on: June 23, 2020, 02:48:04 AM
At that moment our dog, Miko starts barking at the glass door at our new guests. Miko's a Great Dane and he's always been a good, loyal buddy. Between him and I, surely no one's getting past us and in between mom's legs.

"Hush Miko! Quiet boy!" Cried mom. "I'm sorry, he just gets agitated when there's strangers nearby." My mom began to unlock the sliding glass door.

"Oh it's no problem Catherine." Nate saying my mom's first name like that was like a spell of pain that shot through me.

"I've got a Great Dane at home too, his name's Yogi." Pat piped up for the first time, which is unusual for him as he's supposed to be the shyest of the group. Which also means he's supposed to keep his mouth shut around my mom and stop contributing to the unwanted conversation with her.

My mom's back was to my friends when the glass door opened and Miko charged in to sniff the intruders. Miko's a good boy and can sniff out horny bastards as well as I can. Except for me of course. When the dog was satisfied with what he found, he turned back to my mom and did probably the worst possible thing imaginable. He was sniffing my mom, who always babies him with treats, and stuck his snout right up her robe.

"Miko, no!" Cried mom. Stepping away from Miko, my mom thankfully was able to prevent the worst from happening and kept the traitorous dog from giving my friends any sneak peeks at her naked body. I took this chance to step forward and grab Miko's collar and lead him back outside.

"Maybe you should go change?" I quickly whispered to mom. The pooch might have almost betrayed me with that maneuver, but he also gave me this chance to tell my mom to put something on without being accusatory or more importantly: within earshot of my friends.

My mom stepped out of the kitchen and started toward her bedroom door when Nate turned around with pizza piled on his plate and said, "Thanks for the pizza Catherine, it's really delicious."

Stop talking to my mom and let her put some clothes on you bastard.

"Oh no problem sweety, have as much as you like! I almost forgot..." My mom turned around and headed towards the fridge.

God dammit you two just let her go; leave my mom alone.

She opened the freezer and pulled out a tub of ice cream. "I've got some ice cream here too if you boys want any dessert!"

They want you for dessert mom, don't you see? She held it to her abdomen for but a moment but that afforded the two teenagers free reign to openly stare at her tits.

"Oh that sounds great actually!" Exclaimed Nate, quickly putting the plate of pizza on the dining table and grabbing the tub of ice cream. His face and hands were inches from my mom's bare breasts and was definitely getting the view I was getting only moments ago. There's no way he didn't at least see her areola peeking out of her robes, and there's no one stopping him from getting what he wants. I wasn't fast enough for this pervert.

"Oh well pizza and ice cream might certainly work I guess!" My mom obviously taken aback by his enthusiasm to take the dessert from her.

My mom had to awkwardly pass around Nate to leave the kitchen as in one deft movement, he was turning around at the same speed pretending to look at the tub in his hands. The conniving bastard was ogling her tits as much as he could! Does he have no shame? What if she caught him? God I hope she catches this lecherous creep red handed.

As my mom walked towards her bedroom all eyes were plastered to her swaying hips and buttocks which the bathrobe could barely contain. The two boys gave a knowing look to each other before looking at me with disbelief.


"I know."


"Look I know, calm down."

"BROOOOO!" Nate was now shouting and jumping up and down at what he just witnessed.

"Calm the fuck down, and stop shouting dude. Keep quiet until we get to my room and then we can talk about it." I hushed them and we all took our piles of pizza up to my room.

I was the last one to enter my room and the moment I closed my door Nate half-whispered "Bro, you never fucking told us you have a fucking MILF MOM dude!"

"That's why I never invite anyone over, any time I bring people over they start freaking out about it and become annoying. Look, I get it dudes, I understand. But tone it down around her and maybe I'll invite you guys back some time. But only if you guys promise not to talk about this to anyone." I delivered the ultimatum to my friends. Without a moment passing Nate's face lit up.

"Not anyone? Who else knows about this? Bro you could be the most popular guy in school with a sexy fucking milf mom like that!" He exclaimed. "Guys would be lining up to pay you to come here and ogle your breeding cow mom!"

Those words were the final straw for me.

"Dude seriously, shut the fuck up. I'm not whoring out my mom to be popular. Listen to yourself, this shit you're saying? You're talking about my mom! MY MOM. It's not cool dude." With this, Pat seemed to nod in agreement. Thank god for Pat.

"Alright alright, I'll bring it down a level. But seriously bro, think about it. It's a real opportunity for you here!" His raised eyebrow made me want to punch him, but I know he'd beat me in a fight hands-down let alone in my own house with my mom nearby.

"Alright, let's just go back to gaming and move past this." I sighed as I dropped down onto my beanbag chair, pizza in hand.

The two of them were playing Battle Queen co-op as I ate my pizza in dejected silence. Then it dawned on me: my mom looked like the Battle Queen. Her massive tits, her wide hips, her long brown hair, it was her. I pondered on the likeness before I began to once again enjoy her compromising animations and lewd dialogue. There was some lost metaphor with having these two assholes double team my Battle Queen-mom-lookalike to their own ends. Controlling her, making her squat, crawl, and taking damage on purpose to make her grunt and squeal in pain. But I was too engrossed in eating my pizza and watching the TnA show unfold before me.

As I finished the last of my pizza, I looked up at them and said, "You guys mind if I play a bit?"

Nate handed me the controller and walked towards the other room. "I'll play some more Smeggle Online, you guys tell me when something sexy is about to happen, alright?"

"Alright dude." We chuckled as we unpaused the game and went back to forcing my "mom" to do humiliating things.

We played the game for several hours, losing track of time before a sex scene started to unfold before Pat and I. Pat turned to me with surprise and said, "Gotta get Nate to see this!"

We'd been playing video games for hours before I remembered Nate existed. Before I remembered Nate was in the same house as my mom and I let my guard down for several hours.

"Oh shit you're right!" I said uncharacteristically worried. I shot out my room and into the office. Nate wasn't here. Computer wasn't on either. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. What could that asshole be doing? I thought as I plodded down the stairs and listened for my mom.

I heard the radio in the backyard and walked into the kitchen toward the glass door. Nate was standing there rubbing the outside of his pants while my mom was on all fours with her wide, round ass pointed directly at us digging into a flowerbed. At first I said nothing and just waited silently for him to notice me behind him. He didn't. Instead he kept rubbing his obvious erection while his eyes were glued onto my mom's plump, ample buttocks which were now safely draped in a flowery sun dress.

I wasn't happy with her clothing choice but there were certainly worse choices and she wasn't about to change any time soon. I was just thankful it's a long flowing sundress that goes down to her ankles and not another pair of the short shorts she frequently wears.

But wait... Is that... No...

The sun dress wasn't nearly of thick enough fabric to obscure my mom's prized parts, and you could clearly make out the dark coloration of a black thong covering her asshole and pussy underneath the dress. Nate was surely observing this as he rubbed his erection through his pants with increasing vigor as my mom was unknowingly giving him a show: bent over on all fours like a whore. Begging him to mount and rut her like the bitch in heat she doesn't know she is.

"Yo Nate, we got a cutscene you're gonna wanna see." I said suddenly to his surprise.

"Oh shit, alright dude cool. Let's go check it out!" He said nonchalantly as he enthusiastically walked past me and up towards my room. My mom was still bent over on all fours wiggling her ass back and forth as she dug into the soil when I turned away and followed him.

All three of us watch silently as the Battle Queen was getting getting her clothes torn apart leaving her only in a tiny black thong, using her arm to vainly cover up her huge breasts. We unlocked the bad ending because we made her do too many humiliating things. But this was far from the worst ending as all of us agreed it was hot as hell seeing the Battle Queen get knocked down a peg and stripped naked by the enemies. Nothing happened beyond that unfortunately as this isn't that type of game, but this stirred unsavory feelings in me.

My friends were watching the Battle Queen, who I already think looks like mom, being humiliated and dominated by her lessers. The meaning of this wasn't lost on me this time, and I quickly skipped the credits and began to shoo my friends towards the front door. They came for Battle Queen, they got Battle Queen, and now they're leaving.

"Wha- c'mon bro, we just finished the game and now you're kicking us out?" Exclaimed Nate dejectedly.

"I gotta go to a dentist appointment first thing in the morning tomorrow and you guys would have to wake up at like 6am to leave." I made up that lie on the spot, and there's no way they would have anything to say to parry that attack. But I know that my mom would let them stay the night. I know for a fact she would welcome them into her home for the night while she's unconscious and defenseless just twenty feet below them.

I needed them to get the fuck out of my house before my mom goes to sleep. She's always had sleeping problems and uses pills to help. I should know since I've always taken the chance to smell her panties or do other more terrible things that I'm too ashamed to say. If she's knocked out in her bed wearing her slinky little pajamas, if any, and that dirt bag Nate finds his way in it's over. I would do ANYTHING to keep that from happening. Over my dead body are any of these creeps getting a slice of my beautiful mom while she's completely vulnerable for several hours. I can't keep tabs on both Pat and Nate the entire night, and what if I fall asleep? I can't let that happen, and they need to leave. Now.

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Reply #3 on: June 23, 2020, 03:53:37 AM
"Ah that sucks." Sighed Pat. Yes Pat, take the bait. Help me convince this slavering hound to back off from my mom and I'll GIVE you my copy of Battle Queen.

But Nate didn't buy it. Fucking Nate always weaseling his way into my life when I want him out. Weaseling his way into my mom's warm, wet holes. Fuck no, not today.

"Look dude, we can just stay here while you go to the dentist's while we play games! And when you come back we can hang out some more!" Nate's proposal gave Pat some hope that spread across his face. And horror across mine.

Even if I were to go to this supposed dentist, there's no way in hell I'm leaving these two alone under the same roof as my mom's underwear drawer. The things they'd see- the thing's they'd take! If I give them even half a chance, one of them would steal one of her bras or panties and show them off at school! These guys are supposed to be my friends but I know deep down they'd pull that shit. I can't let them.

I know my mom has work tomorrow in the morning and it was very likely she'd kick them out by all rights. As I started down the stairs towards the backyard I ran simulations in my head: What if she says yes? Will she still take her sleeping pills with horny teenagers in her house? If she says no, will they take the news lightly? Will Nate try to weasel his way into the warm, soft parts of her heart and make her say yes? A million questions and more poured through my head like raindrops and we reached the glass door.

My mom's black g-string thong still visible through her sun dress as she was now cleaning up and the sun was beginning to set. The two "friends" behind me could surely see this too so I intended to make this quick.

"Hey mom?" I asked timidly.

"Yes sweetheart?" She looked up from the now coiled-up water hose in her hands. A lot of water had gotten on her and was making the pubic area of her dress see-through.

God dammit. Again my mom is a feast for their unwelcome eyes, and my poor innocent mother still has no clue she's being used for eye candy for these two.

"Um, is it alright if my friends spend the night?" Please say no, please say no, please say no, please-

"Sure sweetheart! They can spend the night." My mom smiled sweetly at the guys behind me but I didn't need to turn around to know their gaze was fixed on the tiny black triangle that was now more obvious than ever when the patio lights automatically flicked on.

"I just have work in the morning so you boys are going to have to be a little quiet tonight." My mom walked up to them and put a hand on each of their shoulders smiling briefly as she headed into the kitchen.

Did she know the water also poured all over her backside and we were now getting a perfect view of her ass cheeks and g-string thong through her soaked dress? It seemed with every passing moment fate itself affixed its horrid gaze on me and willed with every possible fiber of its being to deliver my beautiful mother's ass and tits into the hands of these bastards. Her buttocks wobbled as it always had with the small black triangle quivering atop it as she walked. Her meaty thighs and wide hips were also on display as the wet dress stuck to her body's form and acted as a big wet bow on this plump, wobbling present. I'll be damned if they were going to unwrap it tonight. Or any night. I will protect you mom, I won't let them plunder your warm, bountiful feast. I promise.

My mom was in her robe again but with a night gown underneath, as if that helped. She was getting some blankets and pillows set up in the rooms for them to sleep in when I saw him. Nate was laying on the ground pretending to look at his phone. When my mother passed too close to him I saw him pivot his upper body underneath her and take a picture. He grinned wider than I've ever seen before. I gritted my teeth and spoke to my mom, "I think we're good now. I don't think we're even going to sleep tonight." I said, knowing full well it could mean either video games, or a night-long vigil over my potentially vulnerable and unconscious mother.

"Okay, well either way please keep it down if you can." My mom smiled her beautiful smile at me and the guys.

"Oh we will Catherine, you won't even know we're here." Said Nate through still-grinning teeth. I wanted to punch those teeth in so bad when I heard that.

"Alright boys, good night. Sweet dreams!" My mom spoke the last part on her way down the stairs. Something tells me they'll be having sweet dreams all right. And that's all they're going to get.

The three of us played games as quietly as we could into the night when I got up to use the bathroom. On my way back I walked in on the two of them whispering something and leaning away from each other in an attempt to conceal their treachery.

"Hey bro, you want me to get you something to drink?" Said Pat. "I'm thirsty as hell, I think I'm gonna get a quick glass of water if that's alright with you."

Something was up. Why was Pat offering to do this for me, and in my own home?

"I can go get it dude, you stay here." I said, but just after, Nate shoves a controller into my hand and I look at him impatiently.

"Check this shit out real quick dude, Pat and I unlocked a new character!" Nate selected some creepy dude who can put people into a choke hold and put them to sleep.

"Woah." I said in amazement as I personally always liked the weirder characters in games, even if they're not very powerful. I knew he was distracting me but before I was able to check on Pat, he came back to my room with drinks in hand.

"Here, this one's for you." He said, handing me a glass of soda.

"Thanks." I said, cautiously watching him as I take a sip.

Could he have put something in my drink? How likely is this since neither of them would even have access to that sort of thing, much less know about drugs that do that. Surely I was overthinking things and giving these two idiots far too much credit. Neither of them even glanced at me as I gulped down the soda. It didn't taste off, they didn't see to care, I guess I really was just paranoid all along.

The lights in my room were off and the only source of light was the blue glow from the television as the two of them played games. I was way too exhausted from the long day at school and constantly having to keep these two in check. But nothing really happened aside from Nate being a creepy dirt bag. The two of them seemed to have even more energy than before as the clacking of the joysticks rattled in their hands. I'll just close my eyes for just a second and play more games with them. That noisy clattering is surely going to keep me awake, right?

The room was pitch black, and I thought I awoke to hear a murmuring coming from elsewhere in the house. Was I dreaming? Surely the two of them would still be playing games by now and I could have sworn I closed my eyes for only but a moment. This wouldn't be the first time I had lucid dreams, and in my groggy state it really was hard to tell what was real and what was fake in a lot of my more immersive nights. I was dead-silent in my bed as I listened further... I could hear a rhythm of some kind... I believe I drifted off back to sleep but had eventually gotten up. The rhythmic creaking was even louder and more frantic this time. Surely this was a dream, and with that in mind I stood up out of bed and walked out of my room. The entire house was pitch black except for the street lights leaking through the living room windows.

I stepped downstairs following the rhythmic creaking as if I was descending underwater. My body felt incredibly strange in the state I was in and sat back in my own mind and watched my dream unfold. There was a light peaking out of the bottom of the door to my mom's bedroom, and it seemed to also be the source of the noisesome creaking. As I approached, I thought I could hear panting, or grunting noises. They were accompanied by the wet, fleshy slapping rhythm accented by the unmistakable squeaking of a bed frame. I knew now that I was having one of my darker dreams that I seldom entertained during my lucid periods. I knew that I was dreaming of what it would be like if my friends were fucking my unconscious mom the entire night, discovering the secrets her warm, wet body. Plundering and dominating every exposed part of my mother. Doing what I wish I had the depravity and the courage to do.

I opened the door silently and peered in. The first thing I could make out was my mom's lower back, and from what I could scarcely make out was that she wasn't wearing her night gown any longer. For the light source would occasionally pull back revealing her bare ass cheeks and a swollen, wet, red thing penetrating them and receding. Pushing and pulling in and out of my mom's apparently greedy ass cheeks. The grunts became breathy and laborious as the light source tumbled onto the blankets beside my mother before being picked up again this time by a new pair of hands. This new angle for the light source revealed what I think was Nate hunched over and laying on top of my mom, thrusting. My mom's calm, sensual breathing pattern was offset by Nate's hoarse grunts and the replying wet squelching coming from mom's pussy. Or asshole. I couldn't tell in the darkness and I wouldn't put it past either of them to completely explore and defile her bountiful body.

The light source fumbled as I heard the bed creak of weight being shifted and a whispered, "Your turn."

The light source was again framing someone mounting my mom, whose face was now buried in the pillows. The rhythm of flesh resumed but with a different timing. The grunts were replaced by moans and I can only assume I was now dreaming that Pat was pumping my mom full of cock.

It wasn't long before I assumed Pat reached orgasm using my mother, marked by an animalistic grunt and an enthusiastic crack of the bed frame hitting the wall. I silently turned around and crept back into bed. Thankful that this was just a dream. As I closed my eyes, the rhythmic slapping resumed once more as I drifted off to sleep.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 07:13:12 PM by terribleguardian »

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Reply #4 on: June 23, 2020, 07:16:54 AM
Excellent story. Loved it buddy.

Fearless Wretch

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Reply #5 on: June 23, 2020, 08:59:04 AM
 The next morning I awoke in a cold sweat, springing up from my bed- eyes darting around the room. Did last night really happen? Surely I really was dreaming, despite it seeming so real that I could still smell the hints of sex. No, there is no way any of that nightmare was real, and it had to have all been a sick fantasy I was entertaining in the back of my mind. Although I have to admit it was pretty hot seeing my friends take turns churning my mom's plump, round ass with their ugly, swollen cocks. I mean, how bad would it really be if all my friends took turns using my mom for sex in her sleep? She'd never know, and I'd have these guys by the balls in favors giving me practically anything I want in exchange.

Then I saw her. My beautiful, radiant mother in her night gown tip toeing into the kitchen and all those terrible ideas tumbled down like a house of cards. There was absolutely no way I was going to ever give this goddess milf of mine up to those sex-starved beasts. I silently followed her into the kitchen, and inspected her without her notice. She seemed fine, and there were no stains or wet spots on her night gown from what I could tell. Perhaps they stripped her of her single article of clothing before they defiled her sacred places? No, no, I was entertaining the darker thoughts again. They never took turns mounting and breeding her asshole and pussy nonstop for several hours last night. They never recorded the entire thing on their phones as they feverishly and impatiently pumped their gnarled, wet cocks deep inside her. They never battered her cervix and butt hole with their swollen, purple tips before they deposited rope after rope of cum inside her guts. No, those were the worst case scenarios my mind wanted to play for me last night for one hell of a jack off session. My mom was completely unsullied of greasy, desperate teenage hands and she was now quietly humming to herself as she began to make eggs.

"Hey mom." I whispered to announce my presence. Continuing to get an eye-full of her gorgeous legs from behind.

"Oh good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" She chirped, turning around at the waist to smile at me. What I would give to bend her over right here and now just like that.

"Yeah I slept pretty well. What about you? Did you hear or notice anything?" I asked, subtly probing her for any unusual response.

"Nope! Slept like a log, as usual. I had some really weird dreams though, but I can't remember them now." She remarked, cracking another egg onto the searing pan.

Good, nothing out of the ordinary. We are in the clear and I have to admit I felt relief course through my body like a cooling wave. I knew that it was all a dream, but some part of me felt it was real. I felt like those guys really did take turns churning my mom's guts with their cocks last night and I had a hard time convincing myself it wasn't real until now. My perfect mother. Even now dissuading me of any fears or doubts without even knowing I've got them. She really is perfect in every way, and I can't say there is a woman on this earth that is more beautiful and kind as my mom. I love her more than she could ever know, and in every way possible.

Just then my daydreaming was interrupted by the thumping of Nate and Pat stomping down the steps. Fuck off already- this is our little moment between mother and child.

"Sup bro, sleep well?" Said Nate, grinning his stupid, creepy grin as he said this. His hair was disheveled and the thinnest layer of sweat glistened off his chest. The only thing he was wearing were his boxers.

"Uh yeah, what about you guys?" I said, cautiously as I prepared for the worst.

"Oh we slept well alright." "Yeah your mom is the best; she gave us the best cushions to use last night." "And the blankets were so warm and tight I couldn't get out before I was sucked back in."

Upon hearing these double-entendres but not recognizing their sarcasm, my mom appeared in the doorway to utter a touched, "Aww, I'm so happy you guys slept well. Well you boys are welcome here at any time. Our home is your home boys."

No mom, our home is NOT their home. Their home is somewhere way off in the distance and way the fuck away from here. And what were those choice of words? Who describes their sleep like that? They weren't talking about... Mom, were they?

The two teenagers bounded back up the steps and into my room to play video games.

"Do you think they want some breakfast? I have a little time before I have to start getting ready for work." My mom asked, not knowing she was potentially making breakfast for the guys who took turns fucking her last night.

"Oh nah they're not hungry. We've still got some pizza upstairs." This was a lie. We tore through that pizza like they tore through my mom's ass hole and pussy last night, but there was no way I was going to give them the chance to eat her beloved cooking. To taste anything she created with her beautiful hands. The same hands that stroked my forehead when I was little, the same hands that held my face when she kissed me. The same hands that held mine as I looked up at my towering goddess of a mother, looming over me like a monument to true love and devotion. They were going to starve for all I cared.

"Oh alright, well let me know if you boys change your mind." She replied, tending to the sizzling eggs.

I climbed the stairs and entered my room when both of them looked over at me with knowing smiles. Or were they? Why were they looking at me like that, did I have something on my face? Did they see something from my mom again?

"What are you two up to...?" I said, knowing their bullshit smiles from experience.

"Oh nothing bro, just really glad you invited me over to hang out. I'm sorry about all the stuff I said about your mom. She really is a great person and I was just being annoying yesterday." Said Nate. Honestly, I expected a million different responses from him, but that was not one of them. I have to say I was genuinely touched at this remark, and that thought reinforced my belief that last night really was all a dream.

"Oh shit man, you don't need to apologize. I know a milf mom when I see one, and my mom is pretty fucking hot I'll admit. If you stop making comments I think it'd be alright if you guys came over more often to hang out." When I said this, both of their faces lit up in happiness.

"Fuck yeah dude!" Said Pat, unpausing the game and the three of us playing more Battle Queen. Only this time having unlocked more humiliating costumes for her, which subsequently made my mind wander back to my mom. We were now putting my "mom" in even worse positions with even skimpier clothing and we were all lapping it up. It was only when one of our characters, since we all ended up playing as my "mom," ended up getting carried off over the shoulders of a huge ugly pig man that my mom's voice carried up the steps.

"I'm leaving now! You boys need anything before I go?" Yelled mom. I darted out of the room to say goodbye, but I don't know why the two of them followed me.

She was wearing her business attire, a black blazer, and pencil skirt with a white button-down shirt and black heels. Her hair was always up when she went to work and her make-up... Her make-up! I forgot about her make-up! My mom always looks mouth-wateringly delicious, but when she puts on make-up for work or an important event she looks undeniable. Her dark red blowjob lips and prominent eye lashes never failed to stir my cock in my pants, but now my friends were unfortunately drinking in the view.

"Um no, we're fine." I said awkwardly. The only thing I needed was for her to leave without turning around and giving them a view of that plump, round ass straining against your pencil skirt.

"Alright, I'll be back. I'll bring you something on the way home, and are you boys gonna stick around?" Said mom, halfway out the front door as she said this.

"Ah, no we'll be out of your hair soon. We got what we came for!" Remarked Nate jokingly. What the fuck did he mean by that? He better be talking about video games.

And with that the front door was slammed shut with a rattle and a click to signify that it had been locked. The distant sound of clop, clop, clop, marked my mom walking to her car in her heels as we all went back into my room.

"I think I'm gonna head out now bro." "Yeah me too, thanks for having us over." They both said. Why were they leaving now? Did they really just stick around to ogle my mom, and decide to leave now that she wasn't going to be here for the entire day? Fuckin' dicks. At least now I won't have to keep a close eye on mom's panty drawer. Which reminds me...

After the two of them had left, I made a beeline for my mom's underwear drawer. To assuage any final doubts about what might've happened last night, I rummaged through her panties mentally cataloging her collection and trying to pick any out that might've been missing. No, there doesn't seem to be any missing from what I can tell... But wait... Where is her black g-string from yesterday and her kinky panty bottoms with the heart-shaped hole in the back? Surely they're in here; my mom never wears the kinky pair but just yesterday I could've sworn she did the laundry. The g-string thong should at least be in here! I rummaged desperately through the pile of panties.

Thongs, bikini bottoms, g-strings, her vibrator, all of it. I ended up taking everything out of the drawer and meticulously taking inventory, and when I was sure I didn't miss them I headed into the laundry room to see if any were still there. Nope. Nothing. Maybe she was wearing one of them to work? There's no way my mom would take the kinky, heart-shaped hole-in-the-back-panties to work. Her boss as far as I could tell has no game at all and no chance with my mom, plus he's married I think- not that that matters but still. Maybe the black g-string? That's not impossible, but I distinctly remember my mom's tight, plump ass imprinting a panty line against her skirt to my dismay. I remember this because I was worried my friends could see this too and know what she was wearing under her milf-secretary costume.

Defeated in my search, fears began once again to creep in from the corners of my mind. Did my friends really steal some of her panties? When did they do that; when I was sleeping? If they did it while I was sleeping, then that means my mom had to have been also asleep. Which would also imply they were mere feet away from my defenseless, unconscious mom last night. Wait, that's it! The murmuring, the rhythmic noises, the creaking... It was all real but in my deep sleep I was interpreting the sounds of my friends stealing my mom's panties as sounds of her getting fucked! I breathed a sigh of relief. If I had to choose between my friends stealing mom's panties and my friends taking turns creampie-ing my mom's warm, wet holes: I'd take the missing panties any day.

I still didn't like the idea of my asshole friends stealing my mom's panties, and the sexier ones no less, but I knew that the alternative was far, far worse. The rest of the day was uneventful until mom came back with some food. We talked about various things, including my friends, to my dislike. She mentioned how polite they were, and how happy she was that I had friends.

 I never brought them to the house for a reason mom, and your panties have been stolen.

I didn't say much other than hum's and uh-huh's before dinner was over and I headed back upstairs towards my room. When I get the chance, I love jacking off to amateur milf porn before bed. The shittier the camera work, the more believable the video in my opinion and I scrolled through pages and pages of milfs until one video caught my eye.

The thumbnail depicted a fat, round ass getting pumped with a veiny, red cock in a sort of prone bone POV style. The lighting and the camera work was utter garbage, but it was clear that the woman getting fucked had a gorgeous pair of ass cheeks, and the most delicious looking butt hole whenever the guy holding the camera pulled them open. There was short, trimmed pubic hair all over her crotch and pussy lips, and a her butt hole was completely bald. A pink, little triangular flower that was just begging to get gaped and destroyed by veiny, ugly cocks that winked at the camera whenever the gnarled, meaty root pushed into the pearly, pink pussy below it. It was utter perfection despite the shoddy camera work, but I gave it a pass because there was no way in hell I'd be able to focus if that ass was presented in front of me like that. She was laying on her stomach with a pillow under her hips which made her ass and thighs look enormous from this angle. It wasn't long after some frantic pumps that the gnarled, veiny, red cock emerged glistening with her pussy juices and blew rope after rope all over her butt hole and ass cheeks. It winked in response. God I fucking love it when they do that.

I also started to notice the woman in the video wasn't making much noise despite the camera guy obviously fucking the shit out of her. You could barely make out feint snoring beyond the animalistic grunts, the wet squelches, the strained creaking of the bed, and the slapping of flesh against flesh. This bitch was drugged, or faking it. Most of these videos are fake these days so the chances that some guys actually filmed a sleeping woman with this perfect of an ass and pussy to fuck to their heart's content is slim to none. It was then that the camera guy unmounted from her plump, round ass with a pop of his cock head leaving her pussy again. God, what I would give to hear my own mom's pussy make a suction-y pop noise with my dick. Just that merest thought caused me to shoot the biggest rope of cum ever. It was the hardest I'd ever cum and with that I closed the window just as another guy was mounting the "unconcious" woman's ass. We'll save this for tomorrow, I thought.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 09:41:49 AM by terribleguardian »

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Reply #6 on: June 23, 2020, 12:08:48 PM
It was a Monday. Truly the worst day of the week by a long shot. The school day was pretty uneventful despite my friends acting weird all day and telling each other jokes they apparently didn't want me to hear. By the time lunch break came, I was fed up with their snickering. I walked to our usual spot outside a classroom wall and found they weren't there. None of them and not a sign any of them were late in arriving. What the fuck is going on? I dejectedly ate lunch alone for a few minutes before walking off to another group of friends, acquaintances more like, and mingling with them. I always kept an eye on my friends' spot, but none of them showed up the entire lunch break. Where could they have possibly all gone? Did they get detention? I wouldn't put it past them; they probably all got caught taking upskirts of Ms. Silvia and are getting raked over the coals right now.

Just then the whole lot of them arrived laughing and talking as they collectively parked themselves in our usual spot.

"Yo, where were you guys?" I exclaimed, still half-hurt that they would abandon me like that.

"We were just talking with some other dudes, Mikey came to look for you but you weren't at our spot." Said Nate with a shrug.

"I was literally twenty feet away from our spot dude. Whatever. Who were you guys talking to anyway?" I asked, genuinely curious as to what my friends thought was more important than one of their own.

Upon asking this, Pat and Mikey looked at each other and then to Nate. Something was up.

"Oh it was nothing." Said Nate, trying to be as nonchalant about their betrayal as possible. "We ran into Tyler's group and they were hooking us up with some weed is all."

My friends were talking to my ex-friend Tyler, getting weed from him and his friends, and they ditched me to do it? What the fuck are these guys' problem? They know I hate Tyler's guts! Sure they might not know why since I fed them some bullshit story about how he treated me like shit, but they're my friends! They should have my back in times like this. I'd never tell them I stopped talking to him because he ogled my mom, hit on her incessantly, stole her underwear, and threatened to post pictures of her sex toys. All while constantly pestering me at every turn to come over and "hang out." Fuck hanging out, and fuck these guys.

"Dude that's not cool, you know I have beef with Tyler. All you guys know that." I protested. I wanted them all on my side, not fucking Tyler's. They didn't even talk to him in the past, why the fuck would they start now?

"Ah c'mon dude, he's not that bad, really. I know you've had some shit with him in the past but he's a completely different dude from before. I know you'd get along with him if you two didn't know each other until now." Nate made his case on Tyler's behalf.

The dude's a fuckin traitor. First he steals my mom's panties, then he undoubtedly got a good look at her sexy body while she slept, and before all that he was jacking off to my mom bent over in the back yard! Fuck this guy!

"Man fuck you dude, you don't know what I've been through. You don't know what a piece of shit that guy is, you really don't." I said raising my voice. I was at my limit. He was aligning himself with the guy who preyed on my innocent mom and I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Look man, I know he's a piece of shit, but we can totally like mediate something between you two or something." Mikey piped up with that stupid ass suggestion. I had thought he was a cool guy before today but after ditching me, no one was my friend today.

After that drama, the rest of the school day rolled out about as fast as you'd expect. Only this time my blood boiled with the thoughts of losing my friends to that asshole Tyler. Him and his sketchy-ass group of potheads and drug addicts are always hanging out with grown-ups too. Makes my skin crawl seeing the creepy dudes that likely supply him and his friends with drugs. If anything, Tyler's only gotten worse over time. No doubt he's told his friends stories about how sexy my mom is or how she was coming onto him and wanted his dick. None of which was even remotely true, but to a delusional, horny teenager a genuinely kind and caring woman like my mom might be seen as a horny, desperate bitch in heat. What a complete scumbag.

As I walked toward the bus stop to get home, my friends stopped me. To my surprise they were flanked by some other students I knew of but never spoke to.

"Hey Ian, I wanted to apologize for the bullshit I said earlier man." Again Nate hitting me with that sidewinder of a sentence. This guy is a total wildcard. One minute he's a delusional traitor, the next he's a genuine bro.

"Wha- oh I don't care dude. My beef was always with Tyler, not you guys." I said, extending a proverbial olive branch to my friends.

"Sweet dude, we were worried you might be pissed at us. But hey listen, Tyler, the douchebag that he is, invited us to hang out at his place this weekend!" This news hit me like a sack of bricks the moment it left Nate's mouth. What was he playing at? And what was Tyler planning?

"Uh I think I'm gonna have to pass on this one dude. I understand you guys have no bad blood with him, but I can't stand Tyler. You guys go have fun." I said, genuinely disheartened.

"Nah c'mon man, there'll be drinks, weed, games, and no adults! No parents, anyway. Plus there'll be a ton of chicks dude!" With that last detail, Nate finally had my attention. I have games at home, and I'm okay with drugs and drinking as long as it's not with creepy strangers, but girls... One of the main reasons why I hate Tyler's guts is also because he's really charismatic. So charismatic that Lauren, the most beautiful girl in the entire school, likes him.

Lauren's your typical blonde hair, blue-eyed, Disney princess type, but what really puts her at the top of every guy's hitlist is her personality. She's a genuinely kind person, and she's completely cool with almost everyone in the school. Anyone who didn't like her simply never talked to her, and it was all I wanted to do. I'm pretty sure I heard from a friend of a friend that she was dating someone who doesn't go to our school, which adds up since Tyler's not slobbering all over her yet. I can only imagine the Adonis that landed her, or really what kind of guy she likes. I'd genuinely like to see this guy and pinpoint the type of man she wants, and maybe fake it 'til I make it or something. Now normally I wouldn't have a chance in hell with a girl like Lauren, but we have several classes together and she's always laughed at my jokes and made eye contact with me in the past. I won't read too deeply into it but that surely means she doesn't see me as a hunch-backed gremlin or something, right?

To everyone's surprise and relief I at least said I'd think about going to the party. Their responses didn't add up; why did they want me to go so badly? We've never gone to any parties, at least I never have, and why Tyler of all people? Surely Tyler knows I still hate his guts, or did he never invite me at all and my friends were dumbasses as usual and thought their invitation extended to me? Either way, I started unpacking it all in my head to make sure there was no trail leading to my mom. It was always about her with him. I knew deep down this all had something to do with getting in my mom's panties.

The rest of the week seemed to glide by at a pretty merciful speed and before I knew it, the weekend had arrived. I never did bring up my mom's missing panties to any of my friends, as I knew for a fact they'd either play dumb or make fun of me for it. Small price to pay to keep my respect among these guys I guess. These "friends" of mine are more like sharks these days. If they ever sensed weakness they'd surely tear me to pieces, or worse, my mom.

I was getting ready to leave for Tyler's party later today as I had mentally fortified myself of any incoming bullshit he was surely planning to throw my way, when my phone rang. Curiously, I picked it up and saw it was Nate calling me.

"Hello? What's up Nate?" I said.

"Hey man, the party's a bust. Tyler's parents never left and he can't have anyone over now." Hearing this glorious news was like music to my ears. Now I don't have to subject myself to the emotional trauma of being in the same house as that dick bag.

"Oh shit, no way." I said, not even half-enthusiastically. "So what are you guys gonna do now?" I asked, expecting him to not have a plan.

"I was wondering if it was cool if all of us came and hung out at your place instead!?" Nate's proposal made me grit my teeth in anger.

"Uh, not a good idea dude. I'm cool with my friends coming over but there's no way I'm having strangers in my house dude. You understand, right?" I was trying my best to be the authority on who enters my home, but with every word Nate only worked to undermine that quickly waning power.

"Oh it'll just be out group dude. You, me, Pat, Mikey, and Seth!"

"Seth?" I asked, surprised to hear that name.

"Yeah, he's got the new Jimbox 3000 console and he said he'll bring it and all the new games over if we hang out!"

Fuck. My one weakness besides mom. If I was going to have that many people over that simply meant more eyes on my mom's curvaceous body. My gut wrenched itself as I strained to speak, but my gaming addiction croaked the words right out of my throat.

"Alright man, what time?" I said, with dread and regret already boiling up to my eyes.

"We can come over later today, it'll be great!"

Tap. The phone's backlit screen dimmed and I could see my reflection in its blackness. I now knew what I looked like with regret written all over my face.

My heart never stopped fluttering in my chest up until they were going to arrive. My mind strained to think about all the possible ways I could defend my mom's ass and breasts from the prying eyes that would soon be here. What was she going to wear? She still had canvas short shorts on and a regular form-fitting t-shirt. The canvas short shorts accentuated her long, tanned legs like nothing else and this fact pained me. Her shirt wasn't much better either as her ample breasts strained against the polyester. At least they were both thick enough fabric that none of my friends would be able to make out any underwear she's wearing. And thank the fucking lords she's wearing a bra this time. I thought I had a better chance this time with my mom in more reasonable attire, and this idea helped steel my heart for the incoming barrage of wagging tongues and slobbering mouths.

Ding dong!

"Ian, your friends are here!"

Hearing that- it was showtime. I was completely mentally prepared now for anything that was going to happen, and only over my dead body were my friends going to plunder my mom's warm, velvety treasures.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 03:39:17 PM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #7 on: June 23, 2020, 12:09:15 PM
"Sup dudes!" I said from atop the stairs.

There were four of them now inside my house. Within arm's length of my delicious mom. Within line of sight of her plump, always-wobbling ass and thighs. They were never going to get more than what they see right now, I vowed.

We had been playing the new games for the new game console Sean brought over for only an hour before we collectively realized we all wanted a slice of my mom's warm cherry pie right about now. Only my mom never bakes pies. One by one each of them would "use the bathroom" not to return for 15-20 minutes at a time. Surely it doesn't take that long to take a piss or something? No, they were taking turns chatting up my mom who was now on the couch with her shapely legs all curled up, watching some chick-flick. When she saw me spying on them at the top of the stairs she waved up at me.

"Why don't you boys come on down and watch a movie with me?" She said in her melodic voice. Hearing her say that made my head ring, but nonetheless, I was confident none of these losers had a chance with my gorgeous, sex goddess mom.

I can only describe the way in which all the guys piled down stairs near my mom as eagerly. Every single one of these bastards was horny and ready to drop trousers and mount her at a moment's notice. If my mom showed any weakness they would surely descend upon her upturned ass like apes. Horny, violent apes that only want to kill, fuck, and eat. I wasn't going to let that happen. They were never going to get the chance at rutting my mom like animals in heat. Never.

We ended up choosing to watch some lame-ass movie about cars or something before my mom proposed a suggestion that I never in a million years wanted to hear.

"Hey you boys want some beers?" My mom asked to our surprise. We absolutely drank at parties, but this was something altogether new from her and for us.

"Of course Catherine, I'd love a beer!" Said Nate in his best gut-wrenchingly accommodating voice.

"Cool, but don't tell your parents." She winked as she got us some beers.

All eyes were glued to her hips and ass that seemed to sway hypnotically. All the way until she turned the corner into the kitchen did everyone watch her with a bestial hunger. I tried to ignore the knowing glances and the agape mouths I saw among them and looked out the window. The sun was setting fast, and if I had any hope of avoiding another dreadful sleepover, I'd have to kick them out as soon as the movie was over. One or two panties missing is one thing, but my mom would surely notice at least six pairs of her panties gone. I had to kick them out for her panties' sake, and for her sake as well for there is no chance they'd be able to steal them without me being asleep and by extension, my mom. And like hell would I ever let them near my vulnerable, sleeping mother again.

We were about halfway through this boring-ass movie when I noticed strange movements from mom. She had been tired after working in the garden all day, but was she really going to pass out on the couch? She always takes a nap in her room, and if she does, it'll be easier to protect her from the prying eyes of these now-drooling predators. But before I could impose on her that she should get up and go to sleep, she nodded off right then and there! Shit. This is not good. She never does this; how many beers did she even have? My mom certainly isn't a drinker, but she'll occasionally have a bottle or two in social situations, and she likely thought this would earn me brownie points among my friends if I had a "cool mom." My poor, misguided, bimbo mother, if you only really knew what these animals thought of you. What they wanted from you.

It wasn't long before they each noticed my mom's now vulnerable state, and even shorter still before they noticed how her ass and thighs looked nestled into the couch cushions, or how her huge, milky rack was now hanging tantalizingly defenseless on her chest. They were practically begging to be manhandled, groped, and suckled on with her head hanging back atop the couch cushions behind her.

"Hey guys, I got an idea." Hissed Mikey upon seeing my mom now alseep. "How about we bring the game console down here and start playing games on the big TV?"

"Uh, why not play upstairs?" I asked as pleadingly as I could.

"Because your milf mom is right here! A bimbo porn star just completely knocked out in front of us, that's why!" Those words from Nate blind sided me. I didn't know how to respond and could only sit there with my mouth agape, waiting for one of them to say they were just kidding.

"What do you mean knocked out? She's just asleep." I said innocent of what they had apparently done.

Nate shook a little bottle of pills. They were my mom's sleeping pills.

"What have you done?" I said with increasing horror which had quickly shown on my face at this point.

"Don't worry dude, I only put in the recommended amount! Right into one of her beers, and she gulped the bottle down like she wanted it! Hah!" Nate's smarmy laughter was contagious among the other guys, but I wasn't laughing.

My face turned red and I felt nothing but humiliation at this moment. Humiliation for having been fooled, humiliation for my vulnerable mother making a fool of herself, and humiliation for what might happen next were I to slip up again. I could only stew in my smoldering embarrassment as my mom softly snored beside me. There was nothing I could do now to wake her up so now I just had to protect her. I was now her last line of defense. I'm the only thing standing between these assholes and their gnarled, veiny, swollen cocks, and my beautiful mother's perfectly warm, wet, silky entrances. One of the boys went up to my room and brought down the gaming console. I knew none of them would listen to me so I spared everyone of my protests.

"Okay guys, here's the rules." Mikey announced. "We're all gonna play this fighting game, and whoever wins the round get to cuddle up with Ian's milf mom until the end of the next round!"

Everyone cheered in agreement and I did all I could to croak a dissenting opinion, but no one was listening. I was prepared to cover my mom's bare pussy and butt hole with my own hands if it meant protecting her from their bumpy, crooked red dicks. And in the pit of my stomach I knew it might just come to that. I was prepared for war.

Everyone picked their best character as competition darted in everyone's eyes like a bolt of lightning. My mother lay on the entire couch now, sleeping on her side, facing us. She looked angelic even now. I would give anything to have the strength to pick her up and run away to safety. But for now I need to win. The rounds were close and my heart was pounding in my chest like an engine piston.

"WOO! FUCK YEAH!" Belted out Nate.

I lost. It was down to just the two of us and I choked. I choked and now I knew my mom was going to get dry-humped by this mangy dog. Disgust bubbled up to the surface of my face as I saw him ease onto the couch and lay on top of her. Just like that night. Just like my nightmare. He began to assault her mouth and neck with frantic kissing when Mikey queued up a new game. I had already lost; the best I could do now is win the next game as soon as possible to give him as little a window to do anything worse than this. A moment before the game started I looked over my shoulder to see Nate grabbing handfuls of my mom's ample tits. For now at least, his hands were outside her shirt.

I looked over in shock and disbelief at the TV screen to realize I was instantly dead! Those fuckers took advantage of me and killed me off!

"What the fuck guys, no teaming!" I exclaimed, tears nearly welling up in my eyes.

"We weren't teaming bro, you weren't paying attention." Sean said robotically, completely transfixed on winning the game. On winning my mother.

I could only watch the others play as the kissing noises behind me grew louder. Both Pat and I looked over our shoulders at the source to see Nate had his hands up my mom's shirt and was now dry-humping her ass like dog in heat. Pat died instantly from this lapse in concentration, and my heart twisted itself in knots seeing Nate ravage my unconscious mother. Moments later Mikey's celebration rang in my ears like a funeral toll. It was his turn to humiliate my mom.

Before Nate got up however horror once again peeled across my expression as he had completely undone her bra, and managed to pull it off of her without removing her shirt!

"No!" I cried, tears now falling down my beet-red face.

"Rules are rules dude, you agreed to this, remember?" Said Mikey with a snide smile, never removing his gaze from my defenseless mother.

Nate inhaled a lung-full after pressing mom's bra up to his face. He exhaled dramatically and started vulgarly rubbing them against his crotch while thrusting.

"Fuck I can't wait to win again and fuck the shit out of your mom's fat ass. You see the way it jiggled when I was humping her?" The wet spot on his crotch only served to demoralize me further after hearing those words. Nate's scathing comment caused more tears to well up, making it almost impossible to see.

I could hear another game beginning and tried my best to quickly wipe the tears from my eyes but to no avail. Unable to see or think clearly, I lost quickly and could only sob quietly as the clattering of joysticks filled the room. I looked over my shoulder and Mikey had flipped my mom over on her back and was thrusting between her legs. His face was buried in her chest and he had his hands under her ass as he zealously humped against her crotch. The tiny glimmer of hope in my heart still reminded me that she was fully clothed, and that I could still win at any time. At that moment Mikey pulled his face out of my mom's breasts, and scooted up to eye-level with her before sticking his tongue out. What was he going to do? He licked her lips back and forth like a sick, twisted freak before forcing his tongue inside. He was practically sucking on her face as he frantically humped the shit out of her, licking her neck, chest, and face before trying his best to force his tongue down her throat. I could see now that he had pushed his hands around and down my mom's shorts and forcefully pulled her panties up from behind. I could see she was wearing another g-string, red this time, and Mikey was practically flossing her ass hole and pussy with the scanty thing.

"Aww fuck man, I was so close!" Said Nate suddenly, breaking me of my hypnotism from watching someone defile my mother.

Sean had won this round, and a frown formed on my face as I thought what a loser Sean was. We never hung out with him because he's fat, and annoying, and thinks being rich makes him better than us. But knowing this revolting pig-boy was seconds from discovering my mother's pleasures was now too much.

"You can't take any of her clothes off, you just can't!" I cried, throwing myself on top of my mom with Mikey standing on his knees on the couch beside me.

"Alright bro, alright. No problem." Said Nate slyly. "We'll just use this." He picked up some scissors from a nearby table.

"No!" I cried, my voice hoarse with tears and humiliation. I had no idea what he had planned with those scissors. Was he finally going to hurt her? Were they going to torture her with them? I stood up and mentally pictured grabbing one of the kitchen knives when Nate stood over my mom, scissors in hand. I don't know why I froze then and let him do it, but he started to cut a hole in her shorts right where her butt hole would be.

"There, now we won't have to take her clothes off dude!" Laughed Nate. Everyone jumped up to take a look inside the hole he had created, and I could see from here that a small hole revealed her bare butt cheeks and a thin red string serving as the final hurdle to access to my mom's hungry, inviting butt hole.

I whimpered. I collapsed to my knees and I whined as tears now began to pour down my red face. Before I buried my face in the carpet I could see Sean fishing his cock out of his shorts while easing onto my mom. She was lying on her stomach practically offering her butt hole and pussy to this complete stranger. This complete loser was going to plunder her forbidden fruits right in front of me and there was nothing I could do. I knew that if I tried to stop them now they'd beat the shit out of me, and in my cowardice I knew that I was powerless. I nearly fainted before I could hear the couch begin to creak as Sean had nuzzled up against my unconscious mom, thrusting and adjusting something with his hand, and continuing to thrust some more.

"Oh fuck this is amazing. You guys gotta try this." Panted Sean as his thrusting had quickened its pace. He was now in a push-up position with his upper body, and his lower body was firmly pressed up against my mom's ample buttocks. You couldn't see anything from our angle as it just looked like they were both fully clothed and dry humping, but I knew there was a hole. That hole that lead straight up into my mom's guts that Sean was now gleefully exploring with his swollen purple knob. He continued to greedily thrust in a slight upward motion against mom's buttocks as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and grunted like a pig into her ear.

Maybe she could tell. Maybe my mom was going to wake up at any moment and put all of these dirt bags in their place. She was going to get up right now and elbow this fat pig in the mouth and run off with me into the sunset. Sean was going to stop his grunting and panting on top of my mom and his wet cock was going to slip out from between her ass cheeks. This was all a dream, this had to be. I slapped myself several times to no avail. Like a zombie, I trudged towards one of the controllers and got ready to play. They had killed my character off again, but the next round had to be mine. It had to. If I lost again she would be fucked again. And again. All of these teenagers would know the tightness and the texture of my mother's butt hole, its coloration, all of its ridges and its taste. Every single one of these guys were going to know my mother's body far too well for her comfort and for mine. I had to win, even though I knew I couldn't. My mind was spinning and my vision was blurry, but I waited eagerly for the next round to begin.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 07:33:15 PM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #8 on: June 23, 2020, 02:56:10 PM
"Ready, begin!" Trumpeted the in-game voice. There was a hail of gunfire, and sparks from every angle. Swords clashing and spell effects nearly blinded me with my glassy, tear-filled eyes. I concentrated to my utmost ability on timing the i-frames for dodges and getting as many sucker punches in as possible. I did everything I could in-game to win. But then I heard grunting. Sean's hoarse breathing completely broke my concentration as I was no longer able to think about attack timings and combos, and images of what was happening behind me were swimming through my mind.

Images of my naked mother swimming in a sea of veiny, crooked purple cocks all twitching and leaking precum onto her thighs and ass. My mother was doing the backstroke when a cock snaked its way up between her ass cheeks and was writhing to invade her tight butt hole. She could only squeal helplessly as more and more cocks descended upon her from every angle, hungrily seeking a vacant orifice or a soft fold of her flesh. And just like that, I was dead. My lapse in concentration lasted for what felt like minutes but the in-game clock showed I was dreaming about my mom for just three seconds.

I groggily turned around to look at my mom and I saw that Sean had ceased his thrusting now and was gasping for breath while still lying on her. He had obviously just cum inside her, and my mom still looked as peaceful and angelic as she always did. Now only this time her face, neck, and chest were completely wet and a fat, greasy virgin was panting on top of her. Ex-virgin. This thought wormed its way through my brain like a parasite, taking bites out of every happy memory I had of my beautiful mother. My mommy. My mommy that was currently being used as a sex-doll. My mommy who was being used as a cum dumpster for these dirt bags. My mommy whose butt hole was currently squeezing the base of Sean's veiny, purple cock, unwittingly milking it as she sleeps.

A breathy, groaned "oh fuck yeah" escaped Sean's lips as he began to push himself up and see his dick slide tantalizingly out from between my mother's butt crack. The creamy, wet noise I could hear from here must have been nothing compared to what it looked like, for he had quickly rocked his hips back up against my mom's buttocks and began pumping her with a renewed vigor. The creamy, wet, squelching from my mother's plump, round treasures being plundered was drowned out by the game announcer's "Finish!"

It was Nate's turn again, but I didn't care. It didn't matter who got to go again on my mom. I just wanted it to stop. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. My mommy's holes. Her warm, wet, sucking holes. The next few hours were a blur between me sulking at the base of the couch, and each one of my friends having several turns on top of my mom. They were trading wins at this point, and barely even trying to play as they had their phones out and were now recording mom being pumped and bred.

Nate was especially vicious to my mom, yanking her head this way and that. I thought he was going to hurt her with how hard he gripped the fistful of my mom's hair, and his thrusting was especially bestial. I could have sworn I could see my mother's butt hole still gripping the base of his gnarled, red root as he pulled himself out of the depths of her wet, plump ass before plunging back down into the warm, suckling entrance nestled deep inside.

A long, droning groan escaped Nate's throat as he was presumably emptying his balls up into mom's colon. After a few exasperated gasps for air, he rolled himself off of her to reveal... Mom's butt hole. It was the first time I had seen it this closely. A thin, red g-string was pulled to the side a bit but you could still see the perfectly shaped triangular flower that is my mom's ass hole. All the ridges and wrinkles instantly sprung my cock to life and seeing it wink closed underneath the layer of white slime the teenagers had deposited inside my mom's ass crack felt like a weight had been placed on my chest. Oh how I longed to plunge my own hot, angry, red rod deep into my mother's depths. To rut and breed her like an animal in the wild. To hear her pained grunts to accommodate my overgrown, misshapen root while I deposit rope after rope into her intestines.

That fantasy was short lived however as the sight of mom's beautiful, pink, winking butt hole was now that of Mikey's bare ass. His cheeks flexed in rhythm with his thrusts, likely trying to bottom-out his cock as deep up in my mom's guts as he could reach. I could see that Pat was recording this with his phone and I leaned off to the side so that I at least wasn't on camera. I was behind them and I could see Pat's phone was centered on the part where Mikey's cock disappeared into mom's ass cheeks, only to come back up moist with juices. The churning motions of his hips also indicated he was thoroughly enjoying the texture and tightness of mom's anal entrance, no doubt rubbing and prodding the sides of her guts as well.

They each took turns mounting and breeding mom's entrance to their twisted content. All taking various recordings and sending them to friends and acquaintances to brag about the bombshell milf whose ass hole they're destroying. But soon after Sean had grunted the last of his orgasm out and into my mother, Nate announced that they should take the date into her room. With this, he very roughly grabbed a fistful of my mom's hair and yanked her off the couch and onto the carpet. I was afraid he would break her neck with how forceful he was, but my protests for her safety were only met with sickening giggles. The last I saw of my mother that day was when all of the boys were naked and piling into her bedroom, with my unconscious mother being dragged by her hair and the closing and locking of the bedroom door sealing her fate.

I didn't get much sleep that night, crying and masturbating to the sounds of the orgiastic pleasures those guys were experiencing from my defenseless mother. I could hear the buzzing of various sex toys and the now fervent, rhythmless, creaking of my mom's bed indicating more than one body was thrusting into her now. The wet slapping echoing throughout the entire house and up into my room was only interrupted by the orgasmic release each of the boys were enjoying from her. Soon exhaustion took me and I drifted off to better places, my mind fading as the cacophony of grunting presided my sleep.

I dreamt of mom. Of her perfect, dainty little feet. The long, powerful legs they were attached to, and the plump, heart-shaped ass that mockingly sat atop them. I dreamt that my mother was crying, her mascara running down her face as her gaze was affixed to mine. She looked me in the eye as a great, hairy beast slavered at the sight of her full, globular ass cheeks and positioned to mount her. She and I never broke eye contact as the horrible creature was now viciously rocking her entire body back and forth as its horrible, giant, red cock slid in and out of my mother's ass. Her cries, her pained grunts, her heart-breaking squeals all informed me of how rough he was, how forceful, his rhythm, how big he was, how deep he was. Mom was communicating to me in our own secret language of what the beast was doing to her, and I sat patiently as more and more of the beasts appeared from out of the blackness. Mom's screams of pain turned into gut-wrenching screeches for her very life, as the formless nightmares descended upon her body, feasting on every vacant orifice, fold, and soft part of her perfect, golden form. The last of my dream burned the image of my screaming mother looking to me with pleading eyes as one of the animals had her hair tangled in its teeth, and dragged her into the darkness.

I opened my eyes to the sound of birds chirping and sunlight pouring into my bedroom. Was it over? Was it just another dream? I looked over at the floor to see Sean asleep with a blanket from my mom's bed covering his crotch and stomach. He was snoring loudly and I stepped around him and peered into the office to see the others sleeping just as deeply. What have they done to my mother? What state did they leave her in? These thoughts raced in my mind as I silently tip toed down the stairs and toward mom's bedroom. As quietly as I could, I opened the door to find her asleep in her bed. The musky room stunk of body sweat and cum, but the sight of my mother sleeping peacefully was like Cupid's arrow through my heart. I was assured everything was going to be okay as long as I have my mom. As long as she's safe. I silently inspected the room for any damning evidence of the orgy they had with my unconscious mom. Sex toys, lingerie, high heels, nothing was out of place in her room from what I could tell. Apart from a blanket Sean took from her bed, mom wouldn't be able to detect anything amiss. She's bound to notice the smell in her room however, but that can easily be dismissed by any number of excuses.

I laid in bed waiting for everyone to awaken, and hissing sound of my mom's shower was the first thing I heard to indicate the start of the day. I had to come up with a way to get these guys out of my house and away from my mom as soon as possible. I don't know what they have to say to me or what they'll do to make sure they still get continued access to my mom's warm holes, but I felt that I first had to get my mom on my side. No matter what I would say to these guys, my beautiful mom is the real authority in this house. If she wants these sex-gorged creeps out of her house, there's nothing they'd be able to do.

Mom came upstairs to check on me after her shower, still wearing a bath robe and her hair tied up in a towel. She noticed everyone passed-out on the floor and I could see pangs of guilt work their way onto her face.

She whispered to me, "sweety, why didn't you wake me? I could've set up better sleeping arrangements for them!" Her furrowed brow and big, brown eyes that close to my face was like a blessing. It was nothing to her, but to be this close to a woman as beautiful as my mom after that ordeal was nothing less than exaltation. I loved her. From the bottom of my heart to the tip of my cock, I loved all of her with every fiber of my being.

"Uh it was no big deal mom, no one minded." I said, noting that mom looked behind me to see Sean using one of her blankets to sleep with. Knowing he was naked underneath that very blanket my mother uses to cover her gorgeous body every night gave me feelings of jealousy.

"Oh alright, but next time make sure to wake me up okay?" My mom said with a reassuring smile. God how I wanted to kiss her on the mouth right now. Hands right up her robe with our crotches grinding against each other, I wanted her. Bad.

She started back for her room, down the stairs and I leaned over the top of them to peer down her robe from above. God she's flawless.

I dreaded the moment my friends would all wake up and harass me endlessly for what happened yesterday, but they never did. They talked about it, how it felt, how hard they came, and how sexy my mom was. But they never attacked me as I had predicted. Were they playing mind games with me? Using me for my mom by maintaining the barest semblance of comradery with me? Whatever the answer was, I didn't like it. My brooding was interrupted by my mother's voice from downstairs.

"Boys, breakfast is ready!" I was starving but hearing her say this I knew that this was merely an announcement to every horny, depraved predator in this house to come and feast their eyes on her body once more.

The teenagers all raced down the steps after each other, all in various states of undress. Thankfully Sean put his boxers back on at least, as I especially think he's disgusting to look at. The group of five teenagers all sat at the kitchen table as my mom leaned over to place a huge platter of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes in front of us. It all looked amazing and delicious, but it was nothing compared to mom. She was wearing a cute, short dress that ended two-thirds up her thighs. Its little baby blue flowers accented the pastel yellow color and the top accentuated her breasts prominently, containing them inside a spacious, breast-shaped fabric that my mom's tits were more than ample enough to fill. You couldn't see down her dress very well unless you were standing behind her, but the moment she placed the breakfast on the table I could tell that Nate and Mikey, the two seated beside her, were feasted on the tit flesh they could see near her arm pits.

"Dig in boys!" My mom cheerfully said as she started toward the sliding glass door.

"Where are you going mom?" I asked, worried she was going to be on her hands and knees with her ass hole and pussy on display for these now dangerous and recharged savages.

"Just gonna do a little gardening today since it's so nice out." She said, my dog Miko lifting his head to see what the noise was and going back to sleep.

An urgent need for my mom to not be bent over and presenting herself in front of my friends began to grow within me, and I was about to protest and propose she should stay inside today before Nate cut me off.

"Hey Catherine, do you like to party?" He said, looking over at her legs with a mouth full of pancakes.

I knew in an instant what he was about to propose but I was again interrupted.

"Well of course! You know when I was your age, I went to all sorts of parties!" My mom claimed with pride beaming on her face. She'd always been the object of men's desires my entire life, and likely even before that. But up until recently I was always relieved to know my mom had very little interest in relationships as most men were simply using her for sex. A string of bad boyfriends and reaffirmed aspirations as a successful business mom steered her far away from the writhing sea of starving men that would paw at her thighs and tits, trying to pull her overboard and feast upon her shapely body. I didn't think I had anything to worry about with my mom until I let these dickheads into my life.

"Well a friend of ours, Tyler, is having a party today at his house and we thought it would be cool if you could chaperone for us?" My stomach dropped like a bowling ball upon hearing this.

"Tyler? Wasn't that one of your old friends, Ian? The really nice one who came over all the time?" My mom had no clue about my excommunication of Tyler from my life. She had no idea of the things he saw in her, and under her, and the thoughts he had of her, and inside her. If there was a single person on this earth that I would never want within a million miles of my mom it was Tyler.

"No mom, Tyler and I aren't friends anymore." I said with impatience. I could have sworn I told her this years ago to explain his sudden absence.

"Well this could be the perfect chance for you to get back together again, isn't it?" My mom piped up with enthusiasm. She was trying to charge me up for the opportunity but she had no idea of the danger she was getting herself into.

"I really don't feel like going, mom. I'd rather stay home, seriously." My mom could sense a real rejection in my voice when I said this, and she smiled her understanding smile.

"Alright sweety. You don't have to go." She said this and a single seed of hope sprouted in my heart. My mom was safe, and we weren't going to go anywhere near Tyler.

"But you boys need a chaperone, don't you? What if something happens? If Tyler's parents aren't home someone responsible should be there to make sure you kids are safe and not doing anything too stupid!"

Too stupid? Mom, you're too stupid. You're walking right into their trap, and the instant you step foot in Tyler's house, they're going to have you on all fours panting like animals as they take turns again gaping and destroying your silky, suckling entrances. I couldn't let her go alone.

"Uh alright mom, if you're going it'd be weird if I didn't go as well." I said dejectedly.

I looked up from my plate to see four toothy grins aimed right at me.

"That's wonderful sweetheart! Now should I change or is this okay?" My mom said, marking the last word with a quick spin to show off her dress to us.

It doesn't matter what you wear mommy. They're going to strip you naked. They're going to take turns breeding you like feral animals mom. They're going to be grunting and rutting your perfect body- again and you're going to let them- again!

"Nah that's perfect, Catherine, keep that on!" Remarked Sean. Hearing him say a single word to my beautiful mother was like poison. The group of boys agreed as I sat and stared at my uneaten breakfast.

Later that day we all piled into my mom's car about to leave for Tyler's party when my mom noticed the defeated look on my face.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" She asked, with her pleading eyes encouraging me to tell her the truth. If only I could mommy. If only I could safely tell you all the things they did to you, and all the things they made you do. The things they know about you mommy, your texture, your taste, your smell, your tightness, your plumpness. They know it all and they took it all from me.

"No I'm alright, just tired." Was always my go-to answer when I didn't want to talk.

"You boys ready to leave? She said, adjusting her rear-view mirror.

"Yup!" They said, as Pat nudged Sean's shoulder to point out my mom's buxom ass and thighs filling her car seat.

I could only look out the window and wait for the car to arrive at the place I expect the rest of me to die. I was completely powerless now, and made no plans to protect my mom. No machinations seemed to work anyway as fate had an iron fistful of my mom's long, wavy hair, and had no intention of giving her back to me. When Tyler's dumpy house came into sight, the pit of my stomach shuddered. I wanted to throw up.

Tyler didn't have a lot of money, and his parents were complete head cases. I think they're drug addicts and the business trips Tyler says they go on are more likely they leave to go shoot up at someone's house for a few days. My mom never did get along with his parents but now her pristine black SUV pulled into their cracked and dilapidated driveway. I looked around before opening the car door to remark on the neighbor's piles of garbage on their front lawn that wraps around to their backyard. This neighborhood was a complete shit hole. How fitting it is then, that my beautiful goddess of a mom would surely be defiled and despoiled in this terrible place.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #9 on: June 23, 2020, 06:43:02 PM
I also noticed that there didn't seem to be any noise coming from the house, or very many cars parked near Tyler's place. I grew worried; the only reason I even agreed to the party last weekend was under the pretense that there would at least be girls here. From what I could tell it was probably just going to be us and the few other people Tyler had inside.

Nate ran up to the door bell and rang it incessantly.

A tall, disheveled looking older man with a poorly shaved beard with white hairs answered the door. He was wearing some old faded trucker hat and his clothes were a complete mess and look like they hadn't been laundered in months. He looked like he was about to say something to Nate before he immediately looked my mom up and down as she walked up toward the door. Not even five seconds and some disgusting creep was savoring my mom with his leery eyes.

"Hey, is Tyler here?" Said Nate, trying to snap the lecherous old bastard's attention away from my mom's tantalizing body.

"Hmm oh hmm yeah, uh he's in here." Mumbled the old man.

I could've sworn he was homeless if it weren't for the fact that he answered the door, and apparently knew Tyler. Surely this wasn't his dad, was it? His muffled, barely audible vernacular betrayed him, and I knew that under that down-trodden facade that this guy was no good. If he knew Tyler but wasn't his dad, why the fuck was he here? And if he were his dad, still, why is he here? Nothing added up and genuine fear began to grip me as thoughts of horrible possibilities began to invade my mind. In some cruel, horrible way, my mom being used by my "friends" was still better than complete creeps like this who look like they'd chop her into pieces after fucking her. He looked like the type of guy you'd never want your beautiful milf mom anywhere near. But now she was stepping through the doorway, following the boys, and now I was entering their house, and to my dismay, I was not the only one to take notice of my mom's full-bodied ass and hips as the old man that held the door open pivoted his head to drink in eye-fulls of my mom's flawless body.

The place was a mess. There were food containers and crumbs of old snacks strewn about the floor. The furniture wasn't even straight and looked like it had been tossed around and rearranged a hundred times. The filthy, discolored couches with holes torn in them especially made my chest tighten. It reminded me of our own couch at home and the horrible things that took place there, only this couch had surely witnessed worse, and worse still as my mom here. I saw that she was looking at the place in disbelief and horror. Those couches, mom. Those horrible couches are where they're going to breed you mom. They're going to strip you and ravage you one by one again like bloodthirsty animals, mom. That couch is where they're going to fuck the shit out of your butt hole and pussy, mom.

As we surveyed the living room/kitchen area, my mom shot me a worried look of discomfort. It broke my heart to know she was feeling afraid now, and if it wasn't fear it was sadness. My mother is a wonderful person, and I know that for her to see the living conditions of one of my "friends" like this, I know her heart is breaking. Some more guys appeared out of the hallway and the sauntering one who was half-dancing and half-walking was Tyler. He had a cigarette in his hand which he quickly hid behind his back the moment he saw my mom, which one of the guys he was with took as his cue to hide it someplace out of sight of the dumb bimbo.

"Holy sh- is that you Catherine? Damn girl, you lookin' fine as hell!" Exclaimed Tyler, walking towards my mom with arms open and a big, wide-eyed smile on his scraggly face. Tyler looked mostly the same but he was more gaunt and had a terrible unshaven look to him. His drug use definitely took a toll on him but I know even now I stood no chance if I had to fight him. He was taller than me and had a hard life that undoubtedly made him more dangerous.

My mother reciprocated the hug with Tyler noticeably squeezing her a little longer than I'd like. No doubt feeling the fullness of her breasts against his chest, or drinking her scent as deeply as possible.

"Oh, what's happened to you Tyler? This is no place for a man like you to live in! Would you like some help cleaning up the place before the other guests arrive?" Even after all these years, my mom is bending over backwards to help my "friends." Only this one is a complete douchebag and I had a nagging feeling there weren't going to be any other guests.

Nonetheless, Tyler took advantage of her instantly and put her to work picking up trash around the house and doing the dishes. My "friends" and I all got to work hooking up the game console to the aged TV in the living room. I looked over my shoulder to see that creepy old pervert leering at my mom as she cleaned the dishes. Her vigorous scrubbing causing her plump, round ass to softly wobble in her dress. Please mom, you don't know what you're doing. There's a creep not even ten feet away from you, gobbling you up. He's going to hurt you mommy, he's going to hurt your insides I just know it. My curiosity finally got the better of me and I turned to Nate and whispered to him.

"Who's that old guy?" I said, as quietly as I could although it was likely pointless since he was completely transfixed on my irresistible mother.

"That's Tyler's dad dude, don't you know?" Whispered Nate.

I only knew his mom, who was an ugly old hag of a woman with the personality to match. She wasn't overtly mean to me, she was just a terrible host and in the few times I had hung out at Tyler's house so many years ago, she never went out of her way for guests the way my mother always did. My mom was just completely out of her league, almost as if they were different species altogether.

But knowing that the unkempt creep was Tyler's dad complicated things. Everything seemed to get worse every day, with horrible people all recently gaining access to my mother's supple, inviting butt hole and pussy. But I wouldn't know what to do if this disgusting, dirty old man were to force himself on my mom. I can only hope she's unconscious because the thought of her being subjected to his torture with a waking mind shot daggers through my heart. At least put her to sleep. At least keep her ignorant of the horrible things you're going to do to her, please. Please be merciful with my mommy. My buxom, sex goddess mommy who's now trapped in your home with your horny dogs at the ready to tear her to shreds.

We had been here for hours, and the only one to show up since we arrived was another one of Tyler's older friends who I've never seen at school before. The whole lot of them were surrounding my mom on the couch chatting her up, probing her with questions, and asking her inane bullshit just for a few seconds of her attention. The sun was quickly beginning to set and my desire to go home was like a wildfire. I approached my mom who was flanked on all sides by creeps, some of whom I recognize that go to our school, others much too old for our school and have no business being here.

"Mom, can we go home?" I asked without shame, knowing one of the many salivating beasts that divided my mother and I would surely say something.

"You want to go home sweetheart?" She said, but was quickly cut off by someone I didn't know.

"Hey man, I can take you a ride home if you want bro. My car's parked right out front." I peered from a distance through the broken blinds toward the driveway. The car he was speaking of was likely the same car that blocked my mom's SUV in the driveway. This rang more fear in my stomach when the thoughts of my mother's escape becoming impossible ran through my mind.

I managed to stammer out a weak, "o-oh no it's okay, I'd rather my mom take me."

"Ian, I-" Tyler cut my mom off and said to me, "you can go home if you want, but your mom should stay here and keep watch over us hooligans." With this he looked over and grinned at my mom, who responded in kind with her best not-at-all-uncomfortable smile.

He had his arm around the back of where she sat on the couch, and some other older guy I don't recognize was sitting next to her on the other side. His hand was on resting on his own leg, but was mere inches away from my mom's bare thigh. Even on this shitty couch, my mom's ass and thighs seemed to transcend reality and look more full and delicious than could've possibly dreamt up by any but the most depraved. There was no way everyone hadn't seen what she looked like right now, and in this moment I would've described her as a proverbial treasure trove of plump fruits and juicy, life-giving meats piled atop a heart of gold. I needed her out of here, now.

"Mom, seriously, can we just go, please?" I said with obvious urgency in my voice. I didn't care what they thought now, I wanted my mother some place safe. Far away from their undressing stares, far away from their hungry, drooling mouths, and far away from their quickly swelling knobby, misshapen cocks that were now surely rousing in response to their prize about to escape their collective jaws.

"Alright sweetheart, let me just find my purse." She said before Tyler's dad bowled into the room with a disturbing speed.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 06:50:25 PM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #10 on: June 23, 2020, 06:43:32 PM
"You ain't fuckin' leaving, bitch." He barked at her. My mother visibly flinched upon hearing that, and she could only stammer a cowardly little, "w-what? M-my son-" before he grabbed her by her hair and held her face to the filthy carpet. My mother screamed in fear as he forced her head down. Her ass was higher than her head, making her dress fall up her back revealing her frilly, white-laced panties and the poorly covered shaven pussy and butt hole underneath.

Everyone gasped and I heard a few "holy shit's" coming from some of them. No one moved as Tyler's dad ran his fat, calloused hand over my moms ass cheeks and lower back.

"Yeah I could really used a bitch like you in this house. I seen the way you clean, I like the way you looked when you cleaned. You're a well-trained house-bitch, ain't 'cha?" With this he let loose a firm slap on one of my mother's ass cheeks. The full, meaty smack was almost a work of art if it wasn't for the abject terror I was feeling at this moment.

"Alright I guess it's show-time dudes." Said Tyler, now looking over at his friends. What did he mean by this? There's no way they all planned to assault my mother did they? They hadn't laid a trap using who I thought were my friends to get my mother to come, had they? How long were they planning this? How obsessed are these people with my beautiful, innocent mother? What did she do to deserve this?

The jingling of belts and zippers filled the room as my mom now began to whimper and wiggle fruitlessly under her predator's grip.

"Please don't do this. Not in front of my son. Please, please, please-" My mom's begging was cut short by another full smack on her ass by the old man.

"Oh we're gonna fuck ya alright. You don't come into my house lookin' like that without givin' the man of the house a nice helpin' slice of that delicious little pussy and ass ya got here." He smacked her buttocks once more, this time not letting go of his grip and squeezed a generous handful of her ass meat as his tongue escaped his ragged facial hair to lick his oily lips.

"No..." My mom squeaked. "Ian, please don't look. Cover your eyes baby, please." She couldn't see me from where the disgusting old bastard had her pinned, but I couldn't look away. I could never miss the opportunity to see my gorgeous sex goddess mommy get her guts pumped and churned by a dozen different cocks. All different sizes, shapes, and colors, they were all going inside my mother tonight and she was going to feel every single one of them enter her from every angle.

"I've been waiting fuckin' forever for this, you dumb bitch." Tyler was the first to line up behind my mother who was still being held face-down against the carpet.

The other guys and my "friends" all stepped closer to the scene, now with her completely surrounded- I couldn't see my mother behind the wall of bodies that were jacking off and stroking their cocks. It was only moments before I heard my mom let out a loud squeal and Tyler groaned in response.

"Oh fuck yeah. All you had to do was give me some of this pussy, but you had to make me work for it, you bitch. You forced me to do this you fat, fucking cow. Now we're all gonna fuck you." Tyler's words hissed out from between his clenched teeth as he said them. He said his rehearsed curses as his thrusting began to increase in ferocity and speed.

The hurried slapping of flesh on flesh eclipsed my mom's rhythmic little noises that escaped her mouth. I can't imagine how beautiful she looked at this moment, bent over and taking Tyler's filthy, veiny cock up into her pristine, pearly pink pussy. The filthy thing was surely going to end up cleaner than before after a breeding session with mom. Which reminds me of another big reason why I wanted my mom to stay far away from Tyler. There were rumors he had a massive cock- like at least ten inches or more. With how he seemed to bed a new girl every week I knew that was no rumor. But now he was pistoning his long meaty rod all the way up my mom's guts, and my beautiful mommy was taking it like a champ.

The quiet sobbing of my mom was interrupted by a load groan erupting from Tyler's chest as he bottomed-out inside my mom's pussy. With his length he was surely battering her cervix constantly with his swollen purple tip as he thrusted down into her. The crowd around them was starting to disperse as some of them had already blown their loads to the show, and I could now see Tyler crouched on top of my mom's raised ass, slowly pulling his long, bumpy cock out from the depths of my mother's entrance. It was completely wet and the time it took for the entire thing to unsheath from my mother's backside was disturbing. He wasn't ten inches, his cock was easily a foot long. He wasn't ridiculously thick, but the length of his cock made me jealous and fearful now of how much he was hurting my beautiful mom just now.

The muted whimpering from my mother now turned into more audible sobbing with Tyler's dad twisting her hair in his fist as he lined his pale, bony hips up with her bountiful, golden ones. He pulled his long, wirey, grey pubic hair to one side as he fished his disgusting, pink cock out of his pants. With a few tugs he was already fully erect and after prodding the entrance to her succulent, pink entrance, my mother began to sputter and cry out a breathless, "N-no, please. Please stop. No more, please."

The wretched old man simply moaned in response as a breathy groan escaped my mother's lips. This disgusting bastard was inside my mother, he did it. My gorgeous mommy was here for but a few hours and you're already mounted and balls-deep inside her. I can't believe it. If you would have asked me or my mom before today if this disheveled old ratbag was going to plunder my mother's delicious golden fruits, we'd have told you no, not in a million years. But here he is now, slapping his hips against my mom's round, golden ass cheeks as he conquers and defiles her warm, velvety, pink temple.

I sat there blankly as guy after guy took their turns holding her down, stripping her, fucking her in various positions and in various places. They were recording the entire thing and uploading it online, as they continually passed my beautiful mother around. Even my "friends" were taking part in plundering my mother's forbidden depths. When I finally came to, I looked over at the couch everyone was on to see my mother bouncing in someone's lap with nothing but their nut sack hanging out of her pussy. Another one was mounting her from behind and she was about to be double penetrated. My mom was going to be double penetrated. My beautiful goddess of a mommy was going to be mounted by multiple dogs and they were going to pump and churn her guts with their hot, angry cocks.

She didn't do anything to deserve this, she's a wonderful woman who couldn't hurt a fly. Now her hair is tangled in some guy's fist as he forces his stinking cock down her throat with an audible, "gluck gluck gluck" coming from my mother's throat. A gurgled scream escaped her lips as the guy entering her ass hole must've forced it in too fast for his size. He didn't wait for her to acclimate to his size and shape before he began to feverishly pump my mother's pink butt hole for all it's worth. I walked closer for a better view. The guy was forcefully pulling her ass cheeks apart as he thrusted into her little, pink, triangular flower. It looked like it hurt with how far apart my mom's cheeks were being spread as I could see the supple flesh of the inside of my mother's ass cheeks were straining under his barbaric grip. Her butt hole seemed to maintain its grip around the base of his gnarled, veiny red root whenever he pulled it out too forcefully. I wouldn't put it past him to destroy and prolapse my beautiful mother's perfect, pink butt hole, but I can only hope he doesn't. Please don't destroy my mommy. Please don't break her, she's fragile and beautiful. Please don't ruin her forever. She's my mommy, I need her in one piece. Please.

A wet, retching sound escaped my mother's throat as the man that was fucking her face must've now emptied his balls into her esophagus. With a breathy "ah fuck," the man pulled back his disgusting dick from my mommy's throat. My mom was coughing and sputtering, thick globs of slime coated her lips and chin, and more still was escaping from her mouth as her head lulled to one side in defeat. It wasn't a moment before the man's cock was replaced by another, more misshaped dick. He grabbed my mother by her hair and from behind, I could only see his dick disappear into her face. His eyes rolled back as he groaned and began to thrust into her with the same pace the others were doing to her suckling entrances.

Almost robotically, I sat down next to the younger guests who were my "friends" and I picked up a controller. I didn't speak a word to them as we played, but I would occasionally look back to see a new trio of men forcing their way inside my defeated mother from every angle.

This kept on for several hours and it was now dark outside. This horrific "party" was still in full swing, but now the guys were forcing my mom to wear the various pieces of lingerie my "friends" apparently stole from her bedroom. She was wearing her strappy, black high heels and nylon stockings that ended just below her ass cheeks. She also was wearing the kinky panties with the heart-shaped hole in the back that I knew one of them stole from her. Her top was a ragged t-shirt with big holes cut out in the chest for her heavy breasts, much to the amusement of the guys that made her wear it, and as soon as the laughter died down, the men descended on my whimpering mother like wild dogs. Two of them went straight for her breasts, greedily biting and suckling her shapely, milky teets which forced a pained grunt from my mother, and a furrowed brow on her perfect face. Another was crouched on the ground behind her, his face buried in her ass cheeks, presumably feasting on her butt hole through the heart-shaped hole in her panties. The final one was kneeling in front of her, pulling the front of her panties to the side and his mouth latched hungrily on to my mother's vagina. He sucked forcefully on my mother's clit like a pacifier, and my mother screamed louder than I'd heard her before. He was hurting her special spot. The tiny pink button that was supposed to bring pleasure and warmth to my beautiful mommy, and this hideous beast of a man was trying to pry it from her body with his lips, sucking and slurping as my mother's screams became more hoarse and painful. She didn't want this. I didn't want this, but I needed to see what it looked like when she orgasmed. I needed to see my mommy writhe and convulse and squirt and moan like a wild animal at least once before I die.

It was then my mom began to grunt like an ape, humping the guy's face whose mouth was latched onto her pussy. She had a hand on the back of his head, forcing his face as far as it could go into her pussy, and another on the back of another guy's head, whose tongue was surely up inside her perfect, pink butt hole. My mother's perfect body was being feasted upon by all these men, sucking and gnawing at her massive breasts for milk. The two at her chest tugged painfully at her udders as my mom's mascara, which they made her put on, was now running down her gorgeous face while she sobbed. My mom uttered a half-groan half-scream as her legs convulsed and the guys held her up with their hands, without stopping their feast on her delicious parts. My mom's powerful convulsions from her orgasm subsided and were replaced with the sounds of her crying and sobbing. It pained me more than anything to see mom in pain, but my rock-hard erection in my pants made me apathetic to her plight.

"Harder guys. If you're going to take my mother away from me, take all of her away. Plunder her over and over to your heart's content and leave nothing behind for me." I thought, as I tugged at my own dick seeing my mother being carried off into one of the disheveled bedrooms likely to be forced take a new cock again and again.

Almost all the lights in the house were now off as I slept on the ragged couch. The light leaking from the bottom of one of the bedroom doors was like a beacon of depravity in the night. Behind that door multiple boys were still pumping away at my poor mother's butt hole and pussy with no end in sight. I could clearly hear everything they were doing to her, everything they were calling her, and all the curses and malcontent they were emptying inside of her. My beautiful mother who welcomed these boys into her home, fed them, and took care of them... They were now all piled on top of her holding her down like animals and rearranging her guts with their cocks of various shapes and sizes. I have to hand it to my mommy, she sure knows how to take a cock, no matter its size and shape. She must've been forced to take at least a dozen different dicks today. Her butt hole and pussy must surely be agape now with that many gnarled meat poles having stretched  the supple little entrances into her body.

A strange feeling in this moment washed over me, a new clarity that wasn't there but a second ago. A large part of me enjoyed, even craved my mother's plundering. Hearing that bed creaking in the other room was like music to my ears, with her choked grunts and whimpering an orchestra of angels. No longer was her voice so perfect and melodic to me, now I wanted to hear her scream, cry, and beg like the breeding slave they've made her. The enchanting rhythm of her ass cheeks colliding with some random guy's torso was my new heartbeat, and if I listened closely... The creamy squelching of her entrances being forced open by gnarled, misshapen roots was truly what I now lived for. I no longer worshipped my beautiful, untouchable, sex goddess of a mother. I now prayed for her domination. I would pray every day from then on that yet more men would claim her like an alpha claims its bitch in the wild. My mother's butt hole and pussy would always be ready and willing to pleasure a new cock regardless of its size and shape from this point on.

These men would partake in the endless feast upon my mother, and I would never let her escape it.

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