Author Topic: Light novel fodder (not mine received from friend)  (Read 946 times)


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Alan, the eldest son of the Dustin household, had always been the shadow in his mother's eyes, cast aside and ignored. Born from his mother's forced marriage, he endured a lifetime of abuse and neglect, while his half-siblings basked in their mother's love. The castle staff seized upon Alan's vulnerability, tormenting him at every opportunity.
   To escape his tormentors, Alan was banished to the frontier, granted a small plot of land. In this barren wilderness, memories of his past life as a successful business owner on modern earth resurfaced, along with the skills he had acquired. Determined to wrench himself from the clutches of his painful past, he fought back, transforming into a wealthy lord and a legendary warrior.
   Meanwhile, Alan's mother, Alice, burdened by guilt, sought redemption by delving into her son's memories while negotiating a trade deal. The horrific truth about Alan's abusive upbringing shattered her, and she longed to make amends. However, Alan, scarred by years of mistreatment, remained wary of her intentions.
   In the midst of this brewing storm, Alan's forced marriage to the eldest princess, Lilyanne, loomed heavily. She too had once loathed him and reveled in his humiliation. But as time passed, Lilyanne's heart softened, and she grew to adore him. Desperate to atone for her past transgressions, she yearned for Alan's forgiveness.
   In a desperate attempt to frighten Lilyanne away, Alan tried to force himself upon her. But instead of resistance, he found unwavering love and devotion. Frustrated and bewildered, he cast her out, only to learn that their night of passion had kindled a life within her.
   As Lilyanne's pregnancy progressed, Alan's mother, Alice, shunned by her own son, sought solace in helping deliver Lilyanne's child. Witnessing the miracle of birth, Alice's heart softened, and she vowed to shower the baby with all the love she had never given Alan.
   Together, Alice and Lilyanne pledged to protect and nurture the child, a living symbol of the one night of love Lilyanne had received from her beloved lord husband. United by the child's existence, they set aside their past grievances and embraced the hope of redeeming their tarnished family ties.
   However, Alan, still haunted by the ghosts of his past, feared that his own son would suffer the same fate. As the battle for custody raged, he clung to the belief that only he could protect the child from the demons that haunted their family.
   In this dark and treacherous battle, the chance of repairing their shattered bonds hung precariously in the balance. Could redemption be found amidst the shadows? Only time would tell if love, forgiveness, and the strength of familial ties would triumph over the darkness that threatened to tear them apart.