Author Topic: Begginings  (Read 22502 times)


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on: March 12, 2020, 04:22:29 AM

This is a story that I've been working on, on and off for a while now. I don't pretend to be a good writer, or even a decent one at that. But if any one is interested in reading it your welcome to struggle though my bad writing. This is the begging of the story as it exist now, theirs no sex as it just to try an introduce the major charters as give an idea of whats to come. It''s not set in stone and things a subject to change, especially as I'm not 100% satisfied with how things play out.

   Nathan was having a very unpleasant week. Things had started to go bad when he had had to change schools when he and his mother Ada had to move for her work. She had promised him that things would be good for them as she was moving up in her job, and he would get a chance to start fresh at a new school with new peers, but things hadn’t been working out that way for Nathan so far.
   Their was this kid at his new school, the school senior quarterback Brandon. From the start of the school year he had singled him out right away as the new kid and an easy target. At first it had been nothing major, tripping him in the hallways, calling him names, and more than once  “accidentally” knocking his tray of food into him at lunch. Being singled out by the schools quarterback had made him a social pariah, and by late February he didn’t have a single friend at his new school. But he never said anything to his mother as he didn’t want to upset her as she had been so happy about moving.
   Nathan had hoped that he could just get through he last semester in high school, once he graduated he wouldn’t have to deal with Brandon any more. But things got much worse for him when his mother picked him up from school. Nathan knew that his mother was rather beautiful, but he had trouble admitting that she was also very sexy. With her long legs, wide hips, thin waist, large full breaths, and long blond hair she was definitely a MILF.   Today she was wearing a short skirt that came  just above the knees, hiding the top of her black leggings. She had left for work wearing a jacket of the same black as her skirt, but the warmer weather had made her take it off leaving her in just her white blouse with the top button undone.
   One of the student wolf whistled when they saw the Ada step out of her van. She couldn’t see who it was, but Nathan could. It was Brandon, cat calling his mother. He could hear several of the other students laughing at his embarrassment of having one of his classmates whistling at his mother. Brandon had a reputation around the school as being a womanizing stud, supposedly he had slept with the entire cheer leading squad, as well a quite a few other girls from the senior class. He didn’t believe the rumors, but their sheer prevalence gave them some weight. And now he was catcalling his mom.
   “How was school,” Ada asked acting as if she hadn’t heard the wolf whistle.
   “Fine,” Nathan didn’t want to have to stay any longer knowing that his school bully was eyeing up his mother.
   “Your classmates are rather, ummm lively,” she didn't know how best to describe a high school cataloging a women twice her age.
   Nathan didn’t know how to respond to that question.  He had hoped that she was talking about the other students laughing, but he had seen her blushing and knew it wasn’t.
   Nathan though that Friday was a bad day, but things got even worse on Monday. It was right after he got off the bus that he was cornered by Brandon.
   “I had no idea that you had such a hot piece of ass for a mother,
   “What did you say to me you little piece of shit,” Brandon yelled at him. Nathan was to stunned at being yelled at. that he didn’t have a chance to even attempt to stop what happen next. Brandon punched him right in the gut knocking the wind out of him and sending him falling on all fours, hi phone falling out of his pocket. “Here I am complementing your mom and you tell me to shut up. You need to learn some respect”
   Nathan saw Brandon pick his phone up off the ground “Give it back!!”
   “You insulted your mother, so no I don’t think ill give it back”
   Nathan made the mistake of attempting to get to his feet. He fell back to the ground as he was kick in the gut.
   “If you want your phone back meet me at lunch time.”
   Nathan could do nothing as the bully walked away with his phone leaving him on the ground. He heard the bell ring and got to his feet as fast as he could after having gotten punched and kicked. He reasoned that things had already gone bad, so how could it get any worse.  At luch time he met with the bully, and things got worse.
   “You know your phone actually has a pretty good camera, see” Brandon said holding his phone up for Nathan to see.
   Brandon had snapped several pictures of three girls changing in the locker room for gym class from Nathans phone. Two of them were at and angle with their back to the camera unclasping  their bras and the third was already topless, bare breasts facing right towards the camera. He recognized all three of them immediately, not because he knew them but because of their reputation.  The were all all on the cheer leading squad, and were also the most popular girls in the entire school.
   The two with their bras still on were Regenia and Clarissa, Clair for short, and the topless one was Victoria. Victoria had a reputation of being a busty ditz, he had overheard rumors about her that made her sound like a real slut. He guessed that even if half of them were true she still would have had to have slept with the entire senior football team, at least. Now that he saw her topless breasts, even if just a photo on his phone, he had to admit that probably all the rumors were true. He knew Clair was Josh’s girlfriend, even if he had heard rumors that he slept around. He had hear rumors that Clair had manged to get a fellow cheerleader who slept with Josh kicked out of school. Regenia was practically the queen of the school, and one of if not the most desire girl in it, but as far a he knew she wasn’t dating any one. He had heard that she wasn’t into high schoolers, and was seeing ‘older guys’, but he wasn’t sure if that was true. Despite the situation he was disappointed that Brandon had only manged to get Victoria topless and not Clair, and definitely not Regenia.
   “Your a real pervert taking photos of the cheerleaders changing,” Brandon said “Unless your do what I say I’m going to send these photos from your phone to the school.”
   “you took those,”
   “If I took them why are they on your phone”
   Nathan made a quick grab at his phone, but Brandon was faster.
   “First in insult your mother, then you snap some pictures of the girls changing in the locker room,” He smirked “Maybe I should take this to the principle and have them sort it out”
   “No you can’t,”
   “I can’t what, let everyone know your a perv, you got some nerve.”
   “Please you can’t.”
   “Fine if you it maters that much to you I wont,”  Nathan was  relieved that he wasn’t going to get in trouble for what Brandon had done  “If you do me a favor for me.”
   He felt a giant pit in his stomach as he knew he was trapped, no one would believe that he hadn’t been the one to take those photos. Brandon was to respected, and the girls were to popular. He would certainly be expelled. His mom had been so happy with their move, he knew she would be furious with him if they had to move because he got expelled. Worse she would be disappointed in his behavior, he didn’t know if she would ever let him live it down.
   “Yes I do you favor.”
   “A favor for what.” Brandon was raising his voice, and nathan didn’t want to get punched again.
   “yes I will do you favor for not telling the principle that I’m a dirty perv.” He was defeated, he had been bulied in accepting responsibility from something he hadn’t done.
   “Good, If you want your phone back then your going to have to come over to the field house after school”
   “Yes Brandon,” Nathan said defeated.
   He spent the rest of the day dreading what Brandon had waiting for him at the field house. finally the last bell rang and instead of heading over to the buses, he instead went over to the field house. He had never been to the field house before as it was mostly used for the sports teams and their equipment. It was also across the from the entire field at the edge of the school, as far as possible from the buses. Some how Brandon was already their.
   “Took you long enough Nancy,”
   “Its Nathan,”
   “Sure thing Nancy,” he emphasized the Nancy, letting Nathan know that it wasn’t up for discussion. “Like I was saying this morning you got a hot piece of ass for a mom. I was really impress at just how big her tits are too.”
   Nathan didn’t like how Brandon was talking about his mom. It was bad enough that he had been bulling him for months, but not her was making crude remakes about his mom.
   “In fact I made a bet with Josh on what size Bra your mom wears, and your going to settle it for me,” Brandon smirked at the look of disbelief on Nathans face upon hearing about the bet. “Your going to get your moms bras and send me photos of them so I can settle the bet with Josh.”
   Nathan tough he had found a way out “Fine ill do it”. He hoped he sounded defeated enough for Brandon to buy it. If Brandon gave him his phone back then all he had to do was just delete the photos off of his phone. After that he would just have to tell his mom what had happened, at least having his phone stolen part. But the bully was still one step ahead of him.
   “oops that’ your other phone,”  He said snatching the phone out of Nathans hands. He tossed the other phone at him, Nathan tired to grab in but he missed letting it fall on the hard concrete. When he picked it up their was now a large crack across the screen.
   “that's your number right,” he opened up the setting menu then held it up for Nathan to look at. The second phone had Nathans number and everything, but he had his own phone how could Brandon have it was well.
   “Like it,” Brandon laughed at the look of confusion on Nathans face “I cloned your phone so even if you wanted to delete the photo I can still send them any time I want, and it will still look like they came from you.”
   Nathan was to stunned to say anything, he had though of everything, and now his chance to get away was gone. He was either going to have to send this bully photos of his moms bras, or risked getting expelled and facing her wrath. It was an easy decisions to make, but he still didn’t want to make it.
   “Well Nancy, Whats it going to be/”
   “I’ll do it,”
   “Good,” He was smiling as just how easily beaten Nathan was. Looking back at the duplicate phone “I already text that nice ass that you missed the buss and need to be picked up, so you better hurry over.”
   Nathan didn’t say anything on the drive home, despite his moms efforts to talk to him. He kept dreading about what he had to do. He didn’t say anything until after dinner when he pretend that he was tired and wanted to go to be early. He was thankful that Ada bought his excuses and let him go to him room undisturbed.
   Nathan could hear his mother watching her favorite reality show in the living room as he sat in his bed room unable to get up and sneak into her room. After a while his phone lit up with a text from Branond.
   He knew that he couldn’t put it off any longer. Ada was watching her favorite TV show at the moment, but he still tired to make as little noise as possible sneaking into her room. Thankfully their wasn’t a direct line of sight from his bedroom to hers from the living room, but he still didn’t want to take any chances.
   Ada had always had an interests in fashion and thanks to having kept her figure over the years she had amassed quite the collection of clothing. Apart from the large closet full of clothing, she also had two wardrobes, and a large dresser. Dreading what he had to do he opened the top drawer of the dresser. The entire top drawer was filled with nothing but Ada’s her bras. Even Nathan had to admit that her collection was rather him impressive. Regretting what he was doing he snapped the photo waited for a response.
   The phone lit up with Brandon response.
   “Dame your moms got lots of bras.”
   “She must have enough to go two moths with out reusing one.”
   “Get one of the red one and lay it out on her bed.”
   “Two photos, one of the bra, and one of the label”
   Nathan did what he was asked, garbing a red bra from the drawer and laying out on the bed. He snapped the two photos and waited.
   “Ones not enough.”
   “Get a white one and a blue one.”
   Nathan graded two more bras from the dresser, it was easy to get the color right as it was all sorted by color. He laid them out on the bed and snapped the two photos each, again. As much as he hated sending his bully photos of his moms bras her couldn’t help but feel a little aroused felling a bra.
   “Your must be loving this perv.”
   “How dose it feel seeing a bra in person for the first time”
   “Looks like I won the bet”
   The last text was the relief he had happened for, now that Brandon an Josh's stupid bet was settle he could stop sending photos. Putting the bras back so that they wouldn’t look like they had been moved he realized something uncomfortable, Brandon had guessed his moms bra size correct just by seeing her once. He suspected that the rumors of just how much the bully slept around were true. Closing the drawer his phone lit once again.
   “Send me a photo of your moms lingerie”
   “One of the one she were when she brings home random guys from the bar”
   Nathan was dumbfounded, not only had he been bullied into sending his bully photos of his moms bra for a stupid bet, but now he was expected to send a photo of her lingerie. It was worst that the bully implied that his mom was some kind of easy pickup. But he knew he was still trapped by the photos of the cheerleaders. He quickly checked the rest of the dresser for the bully request. It was the bottom drawer where he found it.
   Nathan knew that Ada had remained sexually active over the years. She had several boyfriends, but none of them had stayed to long. Several times she had even come home from a one night stand.
It was still hard to see the evidence that his mother was still sleeping with guys. She had her lingerie stored in several boxes in the drawer, expect one that had been stuffed in with haste.
   It was a matching bra and pantie set of a sheer black fabric. It even came with sheer stocking and garter belt. He laid the lingerie out on the bed and snapped one last photo for his bully. He knew that his mom had worn it recently because had had seen her wearing those stocking Saturday when she went out with some work friends.
   “Your moms got some good tastes.”
   “She must make some lucky guy happy.”
   “That enough for tonight, Nancy”
   Not wanting to risk being caught looking through his mother lingerie drawer he stuffed the sheer black set back into place, and rushed back to his room before his mom finished her show. It had been the worst Monday of his life, and Nathan didn’t want to do anything but go to sleep and put everything behind him. He still had homework to do, but he would just put it off until tomorrow. It was right before he was about to lie down that he got one last string texts from Brandon.
   “I went ahead and blocked the photos on your phone for you.”
   “Don’t want your perving out on your won moms bras”
   He check the photos on his phone, true to his word Brandon had blocked the photos from the phone. But he knew they were on the cloned phone.
   “You still have the memories.”
   “You can use your imagination.”
   “Imagine what your mom will look like wearing that back set while she gives me a blowjob”


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Reply #1 on: March 15, 2020, 05:46:16 PM
sounds promising.


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Reply #2 on: March 24, 2020, 11:48:28 PM
To any one who read the first part and didn't loos faith in the written word, here is the next part.

   Ada kissed her son goodbye before he left to get on the bus to go to school. She had hoped that the move would give him a chance to start new and make some friends, but she hadn’t seen him with any other students. She hoped he would at least have a good day at school, unfortunately for Nathna he wasn’t going to have a good day. Ada didn’t know about the photo he had taken and sent, but by now most of the football team had, and knew her cup size as well.
After sending her son off to school on the bus she turned around and got ready for her day. The first thing she did was head straight to her room slipping the nightgown off her shoulder and letting  it fall off her curvy figure onto the floor. In just the black panties she had worn the night before she picked out her preferred jogging outfit.For someone who tried to dress fashionable Ada choice of cloth ok NG was rather conservative. A light grey sports bra under a black tank top that came down over her belly button, but still left a little skin visible at her waist.
Ada did prefer to stay fashionable, but she tried not to dress stylishly when she went jogging. With her hourglass figure and large chest she attracted a lot of attention , especially when she wore her tight fitting jogging clothes stretched over her curvy body. When she was younger It had been a great boost to her confidence knowing she was still appealing, especially after she had Nathan. It was great knowing that she was still desirable despite having had a child. But it was one thing to have lots of guy hitting on her for sex, and another thing finding guy who wanted to be in a relationship.
   When she was younger she had loved the attention, but over the years she had found it to be more of a hassle. The guys who hit on her or cat called her while she was running were interested in getting just one thing from her. She enjoyed the attention but she wanted something more than just a quick fling.
   She was able to finish her morning jog without being approached by a random guy trying to hit on her, but she knew that more than a few of her maile neighbours had kept their eyes on her longer than was necessary. Strping off her joging outfit befor she had even made it to her room Ada tried to think less about being eyed by the husbands and sons in her neighborhood.
   Ada walked in to work and sat down at her desk. She had changed into a skirt that came down below her knees, with a white blouse under a black button up shirt. She had debated to herself on if she should wear heels, in the end she had decided to do so but settled on the pair that look the most professional. Despite her attempts at not being to outlandisht her black heels still made a clicking sound announcing her presence whenever she took a step. She had barely sat down at her desk when one of her coworkers started talking with her.
   “Ada do you have a minute, the boss has something for you” It was David, one of her coworkers, and head of their department.
   David was one of her fellow coweres, a forty something married man with two children that she knew of. Even Ada had to admit that he was still rather good looking for his age, and he was also a really good guy. It was unfortunate that he was already married, why were all the good men taken she thought to herself. She put the toughs of how great of a guy David was and started listening to what he had to say.
“What does he want,” She was more concerned than interested, afraid that something from the old office had followed her here.
   “There are some spare pages in the upcoming spring issue, and the boss wants us to do it on local talent,” Daivd kept his eyes directly on Ada eyes, like the professional man he was, something else she liked about him “Since you were willing to move for this job he is willing to let you run it.”
   “He wants me to run a photo shoot,” Ada wnt from slight panic, to full blown excitement. After the move she had been afraid that she was going to be at the bottom, and have to work her way up all over again. But now she was being given a chance that she had never even been considered for at the old office.
   “Nothing complex, He thinks I would be good if we tried finding some new models, and he thinks that using local talent would be good in building a more loyal local brand.”
   “I’ll do it,” Ada was doing everything she could to keep her excitement contained, there would be plenty of time to celebrate when she got home.
   “Good, we already have time and money to do at least fifteen different shoots, but he thinks I would be best if we only focused on 3.”
   Ada had spent the rest of the day doing her mindless paperwork that was required  to run a business, but it was still one the best days of work she could remember. she kept going over in her head every detail of how to run the photo shoot. They would place an ad on their website to appeal to any of their female readers, but she wanted to make sure that it wasn’t just restricted to their readers.
She had also decided on printing out a bunch of flyers and posting them at bars and other local hang outs where she knew some local college girls would be. She had experience with college age girls who wanted to be models. She got off of work early so that she would be able to put  the flyers around town, with permission from her boss of course. It was at the last bar she visited, the same one where she went over the weekend that her day took a turn for the worst.
   Theri was a group of guys sitting at the bar enjoying a drink together when she walked in, none of them noticed her, but she noticed one of them after she had finished putting up the flyer. It was the same guy she had gone home with over the weekend. Ada was more excited than she could remember being in a long time, today had really been the best day. She started walking over to get a chance to talk with him when she overheard him talking.
   “Of course I'm not going to see her again,” he was laughing with several other guys at the bar “she was a lot of fun, but she is definitely not worth the work”
   Ada forze when she heard what he had said. The words “not going to see her again” kept rolling over in her head drowning out everything else from the conversation he was halving. she had though they had a great time together. She had thought that he had enjoyed himself as much as she did. She had thought that they were going to see him again, but she didn’t think it would be like this. it was like so many other guys she had been with befor, just sex and nothing more. She remembered how bad it had been with her last boyfriend.
   Her last boyfriend had just been intrested in sex. When she had finally been able to break up with him she had been relieved. Butthen she learned that he had been filming them having sex, and after she broke up with him he posted into online. She had though she had met a great guy, but he too was only intrested in sex. He had said she was not worth it, she imagined that he had been bragging to his friends about getting an easy lay.
   Today had stared out incredibly for Ada, but now she just wanted it to be over, to forget it all and start again. But didn’t stay to confront him, she just ran to her car wanting to get inside before she started crying. She failed breaking into tears before she was even half way theri. She sat in her car crying, losing track of time, only remembering when she got a text from her son.
   He was asking her where she was. Ada remembered that in her excitement she had sent him a text that she would be picking him up after school, as she wanted to share the good news with him. Now she didn't even want to talk about today at all.
She tried her best to control her tears as she drove to pick her son up from school. But anyone who had so much looked in her direction would know she had been crying, she was thankful that Nathan was kind enough to wait until they got home before he asked her what was wrong. what had been one of the best days she had had in a long time had turned into the worst.
Brandon had had a much better day than either Ada or Nancy. After winning the bet with Josh he had sent the photos to the other members of the football team who had seen Ada when she picked up nancy. Several of them also rode the bus, and they had mercissly made fun of Nancy, mocking his mom and calling him a perv. Branodn had gotten in on the fun himself, thanking Nancy for sending him the photo. He made sure that Nancy knew that he wasn't done with him, but he didn’t have any plans just yet.
Branond was too busy to keep thinking about the hot p Milf Ada and her bitch of a sun Nancy. Right now he wanted to finish playing with his prize form the bet with Josh.
Theri was a new senior who had gotten on the cheerleading squad, and now she thought that had  made her part of the popular crowd. And as part of the in crowd she thought that that meant she would be allowed to have any guy she wanted, and she had a crush on bothe Brandon and Josh. Josh had a girlfriend already,not that it had stopped him before. But Branond was still single, not that it mattered to him or Josh when it came to some new conquest. After seeing Ada they had bet who would get first shot at the new cheerleader based on who guessed Ada cup size right.
Lucky his parents gave him a long leash, so he had picked her up right after school and had driven back to her place. It didn’;t even take fifteen minutes before he  in her bedroom geting a start of sex blowjob. She had stiped down naked but he hadn’t even bothered to unzip his fly, letting her do all the work of fishing out his dick and getting him hard. She did her best to please the stud, but being her first time she was inexperienced and Branond had to take hold of her pony tale and force  her down. One quick face fuck later he dumped a large load right down her through, keeping her lips pressed into his pubs untill she fished sowwling every last drop.
After his first load he had pushed her down onto her bed and unceremoniously taken her virginity with one hard thrust, forcing her into the headboard before he took the liberty to pound away unrestrained. With one load down he was able to hold back for awhile, but the combination of a tight virgin and hard fucking inevitable he blew his second load into her unprotected woumb.
With two loads down, Branond left it to her if he was getting a third load that evening. She had been riding him trying to get a third load out for over half an hour when he got a message on his phone, It was from one of the other students on the football team. without considering her feelings he opened it and read”
“It's definitely that bitch boy's mom” the message had a link to a site that brand had visited before. taping the link a video began playing, and knew what the message ment.
Brandon knew he recognized her from somewhere, he had seen a video of her last year before she and her son had moved. It had been last year he had been let on to a revenge porn site by one of his friends. One of the videos has been incredibly popular, with many of the comments remarking that the girlfriend was definitely pronstar material. Looking at the video now he knew that it was definitely Ada being fucked by her then soon to be ex boyfriend.
He remembered seeing that  hot piece of ass crying as she drove up late to pick up her son. He didn’t know why she was so upset, but it didn’t matter at this moment. He was already getting an idea on what else he could get Nancy to do for him. But first he was going to cum a couple more times in the newest cheerleader, knowing one of his classmates' mom had done a porno had gotten his engine going.


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Reply #3 on: March 29, 2020, 09:33:23 PM
Hey shit head get over here and finish this story it's one of the best we've had in a while


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Reply #4 on: March 30, 2020, 06:58:32 PM
Mostly just more set up.

His mom had sounded so excited when she had called him during school to tell him she was picking him up from school as she had “great news”. But when she had driven up she had obviously been crying, he had asked her what was wrong when they bother got back homem, but she had insisted that nothing was wrong. He knew that something had upset her in the time from when she had called him and when she had picked him up, bad enough for her to not want to share the great news with him. He had decided that it would be best not to pester her on what the problem was and just let her brush it aside.
After having been blackmailed into taking incriminating photos, then taunted about them he hoped that Branond had  his fun and would just leave him alone. Brandon had other plans for him and was able to corner him at lunch time. Without warning the bully knocked Nathan's tray of food out of his hands and onto the floor.
“I saw your mom yesterday, looks like she had been crying her eyes out,” thinking of the porno that Ada had unwiiling started in he added “What happened her boyfriend pump her then dump her again”
Nathan didn’t get the reference, as he didn’t know about his mom's revenge porno.
“Shut up,” Nthan knew it was a mistake to tell him to shut up as he was saying it. Branond gave him a hard punch right to the gut.
“Here I am trying to be nice, asking about what upset your poor mother so much, and you keep running your mouth.” He hit Nathan in the side again “looks like i'm going to have to take time out of my scedual teach you some manners. After school meat me behind the field house again ”
Nathan massaged the sore part of his side where he had been punched twice. The rest of the day he had a dull throbbing pain in his side, a constant reminder of his lesson in manners that he had been promised after school.
Knowing that Brandon held both the set of photos over his head Nathan didn't go the busses after school ended, instead going back once again to the field house. Last time he was blackmailed into getting photos of his mom's lingerie, he didn't want to think about what he would be required to do this time. When he got to the field house he saw that it wasn’t just  Branond this time, but Josh, and Keith were there as well.
“In, Nancy” Branond commanded Nathan in, opening the unlocked door to the field house, normally it was locked unless there was sports practice, but for some reason Branond had a key.
“Wack!!!!!,” Brandon kneed him right in the balls as Josh closed the door behind him. Natahn doubled over in pain from the impact, dry heaving as he hadn’t had any lunch today thanks to Brandon.
“See if you had eaten today you would have ruined your clothes,” Brandon said reminding Nathan“looks like that another thanks you owe me.”
Natahn was still gasping from having his balls smashed in and was unable to respond. Josh grabbed hold of his arms and kich the back of his legs causing him to fall to the floor.
“Well,” Josh said, keeping Nathan on his knees, “You're going to thank him or not?”
“Help!,” Nantha screamed at the top of his lounges, he was far too sacred to think about his situation. His cry from help earned him a kick to the chest, knocking the wind out of him.
“If you're not going to thank me, then you don't get to say anything at all,” Branond said, holding up a roll of duct tape. Josh dug his fingers into Nathan's hair garbing it by the roots so he could pull his head back and let Brandon tape his mouth shut.
The three bullies took turns hitting, and kicking Nathan over and over again. hisbound hand prevented him from fighting back, not that he wouldn have been able to. And his gagged and bound mouth stopped him calling for help, not that anyone would have heard him any ways.
Nathan wasn’t the only one who was having a very bad day. Brandon's late night hook up was so worn out after her  all night fuckathon with the stud, and what she thought was her new boyfriend, that she hadn’t even been able to get up for school the next day. She was thankful at first that her stepfather hadn’t been home last night so she had been able to spend it all with Brandon. But the moment she heard her stepdad brage into her room screaming at her did she realise her mistake.
She had seen him anger before, but this was a special case of rage. A failed night of trying to get laid at a local bar had left him quite backed up, and very hung over. It was made worse that he had gotten a call from the school that she hadn’t arrived that morning. In a rage he though that his dumb bitch of a stepdaughter had tried to run away now that she was eighteen. He had gotne back home expecting to see that she worte a note telling him to fuck off, but he instead found her slepping naked in her bed the air reaked of stale sex.
“GET THE FUCK OUT,” she screamd uppling the sheet up so she could cover her naked body from her furios step dad, the stupoer of having been fucked all night wearing off in her panic.
“If you're not going to school then you're going to have to start paying rent” “You're an adult now, so no more free ride.”
“I don’t have money to pay you rent” not liking how he was eying up her naked body that was covered only by a sweet stained sheet.
“In this household we pay with cash or ass,”He smiled at looking over his naked step daughter “so ass it is.”
She barely had time to put together the implication of what he had just said when he ripedthe sheet she had been covering herself with.
‘mmmmmm,” was her only respons as he shived his lips on to her raping her mouth wiht his will her mauled her naked tits. Panicking she made the mistake of trying to slap him away.
The back hand slap he gave her was enough to not just know her senseless, but send her head bagnign into the headboard of her bed.
“ungrateful slut,” he muttered to himself as he walked out of her room to get supplies “worse than that whore mother of yours.”
The back hand slapped and hit her head, keeping the poor girl in a daze long enough that by the time she started to gain awareness of her surroundings it was too late, her step day had returned carrying a roll of duct tape.
He picked up her panties from last night, the ones that had been soked when she had stiped them off for Brandon and shoved them into her open mouth. It had a horrible taste to it and she actively tried to spit it out, but he put the tape over her mouth wrapping it around her head several times so there was no chance of her spitting it out. Next he held his step daughter down, taping her hands together behind her back preventing her from being able to fight back..
She was still dizzy from being hit across the face and didn;t fight back as he tied her ankles to the post at the foot of the bed with the duck tape. She regained her sense as he was working on taping her other ankle to the bedpost, in a fit of panic she tried to kick him. this time he hit the side of her head with his fist, dazing her once again letting him fishing and tying her down. Now she was naked on her bed bound and gagged her legs spread wide
“Little whores need to be taught a lesson,” He said, pulling his belt off. With her underwere stiffed in her mouth and ducking tape wraped securly over her lips there was no way that any one was ever going to hear her as her stepfather began wiping her with his belt. He wanted to make sure she knew she had the defiance wiped out of her before she paid her rent, and he was going to enjoy it as long as he could.
“ahhhhhhh,mmmmmmmmmm,ahhhhhhhh,ehhhhhhhhh,” was all she could get out as she felt the belt on her ass and back.
The three bullies fished working over Nancy, Branond wanted him beaten but not so badly that he wasn’t functional so they kept most of their kicks to his arms and legs. Bandon had stopped first letting both Josh and Keith working over Nathan, making sure he learned his lesson, while he messed with Nathan's phone.
“That's enough,” Brandon camanded fishing whatever he was doing on Naths phone. Looking down at the pathetic bitch he could see just the slightest hint of resistin in his eyes, small enough for it to be his imagination, but that didn’t matter “or is it, have you learned your lesson.”
Nathan didn’t respond for a whole secdon, but his hesitation was more than enough for the alpha bully. “WACK,” Branond kicked him right in the testcales while he was helpless on the floor, they were already senstavie from being kneed so it only hurt more. The pain was too much from the bitch to ever cry out, not that he even could, he could only gasp from breath through the gag.
“Well even if he hasn’t learned his lesson that should be enough for today,” Josh was starting to grow bored with just hitting and kicking Nathan on the limbs.
“Now I text your mom telling her that you need her to pick you up from school ASAP,” Branond help Nathan's phone up to his face so he could see it from the floor “Or not only everyone going to see the photos you took of the chearleads, but theri going to see your personal pron collection.”
   Natahn had been too stunned to do anything but nod along so far, but as soon as he saw what was on his phone he snapped back to reality. The bully had put several dozen videos of gay porn on to his phone. seeing the look of disbelief on his face the bully smirked then swiped over to the photos, showing Nathan the thousands of photos showing men in higly inappropriate situations.
   “When your mom picks you up you're going to say nothing, you're only going to agree with everything I say, or else.” Branodn was samling at just how easly it had been to trap the little fag. Natahn nodded in defeated disbelief, it was the only thing he could do at this point. Josh had left as soon as he saw than the litle fag was defeated, and keith simply followed him. Nathan was too absorbed in his own problems to hear their conversation to know what they were talking abou, but it sounded like Keith was asking if he could have a go at a girl after Josh was done with her.
“Remeber play along, or everyons going to know about your fag porn collection,” Brandon said remidning Natahn of the gay porn he had saved onto his phone while he slung his arm over his shoulder and beagn helpinghim walk to the fonrt of the school.

“I found him behind the school getting where some kids cornered him,”Branodn said as he helped Nathan into the back seat of Ada’s van  “But I found them and stopped them before things got too far.”
Nathan kept his mouth shut like he was told, despite just how much he wanted to tell his mom the truth. Brandon and his friends had been the ones who had beaten him, and now Brandon was pretending that he was his savior, and there was nothing he could do without getting in even more trouble. the entire thing was completely unfair.
Ada was far to hysterical at Nathan's condition to question any further, she didn’t even question it when Brandon offered to come with her to help Nathan into the house.

Branond gave another hard jab into Nathans side as they walked in, right after Ada turned her back, it was the same spot he had hit him earlier that day and Nathan was sure that the bruise that had formed would only get bigger.
“It’s ok he just slipped,” Branond reassured Ada when she heard her son falling onto the floor. She let her sons bully take him to his room while she went a got the first aid kit to help treat the bruises and cuts.
“If your mom asks who the kids who attacked you are, you better tell her that you didn’t see their faces,” Brandon pressed into the large bruise on Nathan's side as he talked.
Ada returned with the first aid kit and helped clean her son's cuts while Brandon put bandages on the cuts and the bruises, making sure to tie them unnecessarily tight so that they pressed into his already aching injuries. Teh bandages were tight enough that Natahn couldn’t stop himself from moaning in pain.
“You know I have some pain killers in my bag, the coach gave them to me in case I hurt myself badly at practice.” Branodn  told Ada, who was far too grateful that he was offering to help her poor son, that she didn’t question why he had pins meds when the football practice hadn’t even started yet.
Nathan didn’t want to take pills that had been given to him by his bully, but he had no choice in the matter. He swallowed the pills when his mother handed them to him. He knew they weren’t pain meds as he immediately started to feel drowsy, the last thing he saw as he lost consciousness was his mother and his bully.

If any one was wondering, no the cheerleader doesn't have a name yet, but not she still part of things to come.


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Reply #5 on: April 01, 2020, 09:44:42 PM
Pls go on..


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Reply #6 on: April 04, 2020, 07:27:56 PM
Ada kissed her son good night before she left his room with Brandon. The painkillers that Brandon gave him must have worked great as Nathan fell asleep almost immediately. It was good that he was getting rest, as he would still need to go to school tomorrow.
“Thank you so much for saving my boy from getting hurt worst,” Ada said. He was still in high school and he was already willing to help someone else at his own personal risk, he was such a great kid. And he would make such a great man someday she thought as she finished talking“It was such a brave thing you did today.”
“It was nothing, I'm sure any one else would have done the same,” Brandon was enjoying the praise from Ada. She had been far too hysterical at seeing her bitch of a son in such a terrible state to question the situation any further. And the bitch boy had done what he was told and just went along with everything he had said.
It was starting to get late, Ada realized as she looked at the clock, it had taken more time than she realised to make sure her boy had been properly taken care of. She would have to drive Brandon home, but she didn’t want to just pack him up and send him with out thanking him properly, it was the least she could do.
“Since it's so late,” She really wanted to thank him for all he had done, and she reasoned he would have missed dinner if she took him back now anyways “how about I cook you dinner?”
“Are you sure, I mean i don’t want to just barge into you house and eat your cooking,”
“O nonsense, it’s perfectly alright after what you did,” Ada really didn’t want to make herself look ungrateful in front of such a brave kid.
“Alright since you asked so nicely”
Ada got to work cooking Brandon dinner. She had plenty of ingredients that she had gotten easier for her and Nathan's celebration dinner in honor of her being put in charge of a section in the magazine. But after overhearing her weekend hookup bragging about how he wasn’t going to see her again despite how much fun she was. She was too devastated to cook anything that night, but now she was glad that they were being put to good use. Diner was ready before it was even dark outside.
“Do you mind setting the table while I put the final touches on.”
Brandon didn’t even respond and just diligently started setting the table for dinner, like the  polite and well mannered young man she thought he was. She put everything on the table, which he had set so that they were directly across from each other. Pouring herself a glass of wine and pouring Brandon a glass of water, he was still too young to be drinking regardless of how adult he was.
“So what do you do for a living,” Brandon asked looking down at the lovely dinner that had been made for him. By the sexy mom of the kid he had beaten the shit out of no less. He smiled at the thought, it was like he was being rewarded for teaching bithc boy Nancy some manners. Ada though he was smiling at the dinner she had made, it was a great feeling to be appreciated again.
“Well the company I work for does a lot of work in a variety of  different media, TV and magazines are our biggest division” She was so excited to get a chance share what she did for a living as she hadn’t had much of a chance to since the move  “I’ve worked in broadcast, booking, editing, modeling, and...”
“OO i didn't know you were a model,” Brandon jumped into Ada explanation before she had a chance to finish
   “Silly, I’ve just worked with them, I'm not a model myself.” She was flattered none the less at the thought of  a high schooler thinking she was a model.
   “Really, cause you look like you could be a model,” “ you have the looks, the sense of fashion, and the personality.”
   “Yea it's not just enough to look good, and you can always just look up the latest fashion, you also have a good personality.” “You know you have to be smart, cleaver, interesting, fun to be around.”
   Ada enjoyed all the attention and praise that the high schooler had been giving her. She remembered how superficial the boys had been when she was in high schooler, and hard overhead some of the younger girls she had worked with could confirm that things hadn’t changed much. But Brandon was so much more mature than any high schooler she had met or ever heard of. He was brave and caring, two things she didn’t see a lot in boys, or men.
   Ada was so excited to finally have some to talk about her job with a length that  talked for so long when she finally bothered to check the clock she realized that it was getting quite late. Time had passed fast when she had been enjoying dinner and talking with Brandon and now it was dark outside.
“Shit” Ada realized that she needed to take him home soon, unfortunately she remembered that her favorite show would be coming on soon and she would miss it in order to drive Brandon home “I need to take you home, its a school night.”

   “It’s ok, my parents won't mind if i come home late tonight,”Brandon reassured Ada’s worries about keeping a student awake late on a school night “They trust me a lot.”
   “Yea they don’t even mind if i don’t come home at night,” Brandon  “So what do you normally do after dinner.”
   “Well normally I would watch tv as my favorite show is on,” Ada was impressed at home much trust he had from his parents. She was enjoying his company and didn’t want it all to be cut short unnecessarily  “Do you want to watch it with me?”
   “That sounds great,”
“He is not  a boy,” Ada thought to herself as she sat down to watch her favorite show. Brandon sat down next to her scooting up close to her on the couch rather than sitting an appropriate distance from her “he is a charming young man.”
Ada's favorite show was a reality TV style format, with the show taking breaks to interview the different people. During one moment when they were interviewing one of the girls, a nineteen something blonde girl that looked a little like Ada, she said she wanted to be a model so much, but she kept being turned down by everyone. she was reminded of how much she had struggled to start a modeling career when she was the same age, and she too had been turned down by everyone.
Being reminded of how easy it was to be rejected, all the bad memories of her rejection over the years came back. She had been rejected by so many modeling agencies, and so many boyfriends, even now she was still getting rejected. The evening had been going to well, but now she could only think about being rejected.
Brandon could see Ada begin to hold back tears “What's wrong.”
“It’s nothing,” she tried to stiff back her tears. Brandon had been so great and she didn’t want to ruin his great time with her problems.
“Its ok,

“I wanted to be a model when I was younger,” Ada stifled through her tears “but no one would even give me a chance.”
“Why didn’t you, you have everything it takes,'' Brandon reassured her, leaning in so that he was pressed against her, feeling her large breasts against his arm. He was reminding her of how much he had complimented her during dinner,saying she was smart, interesting, and beautiful.
“Things just didn’t work out,” Ada didn’t want to bring up old memories of when she was younger.
“Didn’t you say that your boss is letting you look for some new models,” “why don’t you ask him if you could audition for it?”
“Do you really think he would let me try considering that i'm supposed to be the one running it?”
“Of course, he would never let such great potential go to waste,”
“But i don’t have any photos to submit,”
   “I can help you take some tonight,” thinking about what sore of skimpy outfits she had that would look great for a photo shoot.
“You really are a great guy,” Ada said leaning in closer to Branond so that her face was right by his“You know that right.”
“I'm sure anybody would have done that same,”
“No they wouldn’t,” Ada said. Brandon had saved her son, helped take care of him, been so nice to her at dinner, ressasure her when she was down, and was now willing to help her pursue her dream of being a model. “Smooch” Ada kissed him pushing him back into the couch so she could straddle the perfect young man that she had met.
Nathan was very drowsy when he woke up, whatever he had been given, they were not painkillers no matter what Brandon had claimed, was still working on him even if he was now awake. He could tell it was late so Branond would have had to go home by now, he was thankful that there was no chance in meeting him. He could hear his moms favorite show coming from the living room, but there was something else.
“mmh” It sounded like his mom, why would she be moaning while watching tv.
“Ohh that nice,” she wasn’t just moaning, she was talking to someone else. In his stopper he wasn’t able to think straight and decided to just see who his mom was talking with “ahhh”
“Mmmhmmm,ohh” Ada moaning could be heard all the way back in his bedroom. Nathan turned the corner and saw the worst thing in his life.His bully Brandon was lying back on the couch, his own mother leaning into him giving him a deep long kiss. Adas back was to her son, but the bully could see him, smirking he flipped him off before pushing the milf off of him.
“mms, these feel real nice” Brandon smirked running his hand up from her waist to the side of her chest his thumbs resting on the side her breasts
“Do they,” Ada self esteem couldn’t have been lower and being completed was more than enough for her. Letting him keep his hand on her side she pooped a few of the buttons on her blouse till it was open past the bottom of her bra “Is this better.”
Nathan couldn’t see what Brandons hands were doing, he only saw him move them from the side of Ada's chest to the front. It didn’t take much thinking to know that Brandon was now feeling up his mother's breasts.
“Mmhmmh, ahhh, ooh,” Ada was enjoying the high schooler's hands on her breasts with only her bra separating his hands from her bare breasts. The thicker material dulled the sensation of the high schooler's hands on her sensitive skin underneath, thinking to her self “Fuck I wish I was wearing  a thinner bra.”
Brandon was enjoying himself  as well , despite the thicker material dulling his hands ability to feel the skin underneath,as he kneaded the MILF’s breasts, glancing over he saw her bitch of a son was still watching with jaws dropped. Knowing that she wouldn’t see him he stuck his tongue at Nathan in a taunting, “what are you going to do about it maner.”
To Ada’s disappointment she felt him remove his hands, but before she could even voice her disappointment she felt him wrap his arms around her. Next thing she knew she was pulled into an embrace, his arms warped fully around her pressing her chest into his as forcefully kissed her. Without being asked she pressed her lips frimy into his and forced her tongue into his mouth, he responded in kind.
Nathan could feel the tears on his face as his own mother was giving the bully that had blackmailed him and beaten him a deep french kissing while slowly rubbing her bra covered breasts into his chest.
“mmmhmmmh,” Ada enjoyed the high schoolers forceful approach as he violated her mouth. instinctively she ground her crotch into his, even though their clothing she could feel his hard on. She had dated enough guys to know that he was packing.
Brandon broke off the kiss fist “I'm going to make sure Nathans doing ok, but don't worry i’ll be back.”
Nathan snapped back to reality, he didn’t want to be caught watching his mom make out with his bully. he could hear his owns mother's signs of disappointment as he rushed into his room, knowing Brandon Was right behind him.
“Enjoying the show Nancy,”  Brandon didn’t even bother pretending to knock when he entered, putting extra emphasis on Nancy. Nathan was still in shock from what he had seen happening and made the mistake of not responding “Well Nancy, did you enjoy the show.”
“No,” Nancy struggled through tears, he  knew he was going to get it even worse if he kept on trying to avoid answering the question.
“Why not?”
“Why would I like watching you kiss me mom,” Nathan didn’t even know if Brandon understood him though the tears.
“Kissing you mom, is that what you thought that was,” Brandon smirked at Nathans pathetic attempts to talk though his tears  “No Nancy I was mouth fucking a MILF while she let me feel her up.”
Nathan knew that the bully was right. A kiss is what his mom gave him when he was young when she tucked him in, or sent him off to school, it was a sign of affection. What him mom and bully had been doing was just pure physical enjoyment.
“I knew your mom was a hot piece of ass, but I didn't know she was an easy one too.” Brandon was taking just as much pleasure in Nathan's misery as he had in mouth fucking him mom“I was thinking it was going to take a week at least to work up to a kiss, but she went for it. she must be really desperate for dick after her last boyfriend dumped her huu. Maybe i'll be nice and give her one?”
Nathan knew he could do nothing, Brandon had too much on him.
“How was he?” Ada said exited to see Brandon return.
“Sleeping, he’s not going to wake up at least until tomorrow,” Brandon said smirking at Ada, she was still sitting on the couch with her top open and bra exposed. “Now where were we.”


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Reply #7 on: April 05, 2020, 01:29:26 AM
This is great please keep up with the story


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Reply #8 on: April 07, 2020, 06:03:21 AM
   Bethany didn’t think that anyone could have been having a worse day then her. She had no idea how long she had been ducked taped to her bed, legs spread, wrist bound, and mouth gagged. But she knew it was long enough for her ass to feel as if it had been broken. Her step father had been so angry at her defiance, really  just her attempts to defend herself, that he had wiped her ass raw, but he was careful not to break the skin.
It had only gotten worse when someone sent her phone lit up from an incoming message.
           “This is your pimp,” he asked, picking up her phone from her bedside and seeing who it was. The message was from Josh and he had been texting her to ask if she wanted to ‘hook up for some fun’. Brandon had his fun breaking in the virgin and now per the bet it was Josh turn to have some fun “or maybe it's ones of clients”
           “Don’t worry little girl,” Stroking himself to full erection “i'll make sure you have plenty of fun tonight.”
           ‘Clunk, Clunk, Clunk’ With his balls bloated from a failed knight of trying to get laid he was very eager to blow his load ‘Cunk’. Even with a bottle of whiskey down he knew he wasn’t going to last very long the first time ‘Clunk, Clunk’, but he had all night to get his release ‘Clunk’.
          CLUNK’ grabbing hold of her ass like it was handled he bottomed out and blew his first load right into his stepdaughter's pussy “AHHH,OHH, FUCK.”
         “uuuuuuuuhh” Bethany was only able to moan pathetically into the gag despite wanting to scream for help. She released despite his balding head, bear gut, and lack of proper hygiene her step father hadn’t been boasting when he claimed that he was going to fill her up. When she felt him pull out she glanced back and saw to her horror that he was still just as hard as he had been when he had started.
        “Don't you worry one bit,” He said looking back from her doorway “I’m going to be right back”
When he went to the kitchen to get himself another bear and some left overs, he wanted to make sure he had the energy to fully entertain his whore of a step daughter. When he returned to her room, entering with a hard dick leading the way to pussy, he found Bethany right where he left her.  He smiled at the look of horror on her face when she realized that he hadn’t softed even a little while he was gone. She knew this was going to be a long night ‘Clunk, Clunk, Clunk’.
   Ada didn’t get to watch much of her favorite show, she was far too engaged with Brandon to notice what was going on. It was only after it was over that he reminded her about putting her own photos in the talent search.
   “It’s fine, their is no way their not going to let you in” he reassured her while he continued to feel her up through her unhelpful thick bra  “In fact we should get some photos now so you at least look prepared when they say yes.”
Ada was excited at the opportunity to prove to Brandon that he was right about her being model material. Ada went to her room in order to select several outfits for the photos, while Brandon retrieved and set up the camera from where she had told him it was stored.
While Brandon got the camera set up Ada was busy picking out an outfit for the test phoots.She settled on one of her more conservative sundresses, a white piece with yellow flower print that came a decent distance past her knees and had a well covered top that didn’t show off too much. Since it had a spring theme and spring was around the corner she settled on out matching yellow sandals with low heels. It looked nice and left something to the imagination and it didn't scream that she was desperate for attention like some of the outfits she had seen prospective models wearing.
   Brandon found the camera where Ada had told him it would be. It was a quality camera that could both take photos and video at the same time, with a large inbuilt mic to ensure it got high quality audio.  It even had two slots for memory cards in case the data on one got corrupted. He remembered the porn that Ada’s ex had posted to the website, it had been of a high quality both audio and video, it had  probably been this very camera used to film the MILF get fucked. Brandon smiled as he put one of the spare memory cards into the spare slot before he took it out to the living room to set it up.
   “Almost done setting it up ,” He made sure that Ada saw him putting a card into the slot even though he had already put one into the spare slot “all ready.”
   “Like it?” Ada asked him as she turned to the side slightly so that he could see her from all  sides.
   “You look beautiful.”
   Ada didn’t need direction and Brandon didn’t need instruction. She went to work making poses that she knew would show off both the sun dress and her while also looking appealing. Brandon was naturally snapping pictures right as she stuck a pose so she didn't have to strain herself keeping it for too long. Feeling a little frisky she blew a kiss at him while leaning forward giving a good view of the little amount of exposed top cleave she had.
   “Maybe you should try something a little bit more open?” Brandon asked, snapping the photo of her blowing a kiss, he guessed that he must have taken at least two dozen photos at this point.
   “You know something that says that you're not afraid of showing off what you got.’
   Ada thought about what he said, she didn’t have quite a few things that fit the description, but she didn’t want to give off the appearance that she was just trying to use her breasts and ass to get attention. But he was right she was trying to audition to be a model, and she knew the kind of competition that she was likely to be going up against as she had been the ones scoring them in the first place. Leaving Brandon in the living room she returned to her room to look for something a little bit more open. Looking through her closet she picked out a second sun dress.
    This dress was a pure yellow, with a floral pattern embroidered into the ends of the fabric. It was shorter than the first dress ending at her knees. The dress ends right at her rib cage with her breast covered by two large triangles kept up by a spaghetti strap tied around her neck, leaving her back exposed all the way down to where it was secured around her ribs. It had the effect of pushing her breast up a little while the middle section kept everything from falling down and straining the loose knot she made with the spaghetti straps.
   The sun dress would require her to go bra less in order to not look weird. After having been toyed with close to an hour her nipples were hard and pushed against the fabric, creating a bump in the fabric right where her nipples were. She considered getting one of her strapless and backless bras from the sundress, but after truing a few times in the mirror decided that it wouldn’t be that noticeable on the camera. Besides, she reassured herself it wasn’t like she was really flashing the camera.
   “I think this is open,” Ada said, rushing back to the living room to resume taking photos with Brandon “Don’t you?”
“Definitely,” He said looking her up and down. The dress was definitely sexier than the first one, but it didn’t scream ‘look at my body’. It was something she could wear to a cookout and still be considered respetable.
Like before both MILF and bully got to work snapping photos, and like before they were in perfect sync. Brandon was able to snap another two dozen photos of her before he felt she was comfortable to go a step further.
“I think that's enough photos, but don;’t you think you need something that's a little bit more?” Brandon paused for a moment, keeping Ada guessing what he was going to say “sexy. I mean you  are competing against a lot of other girls.”
Ada thought about what he said, she didn't want to flaunt her body too much, especially after what happened at her last office before she had to move. But he was right, the sun dress was appealing, but it was in no way close to what she had seen models wearing for both the magazine and when she had been out on the town.
“I have just the thing,” she said, winking at him, going back to her bedroom one last time. she wanted to make sure this last outfit would put any doubt about her desire to be a model to rest.
   Ada knew what would be the perfect outfit for the third set. She opened her closet and got out a white box that had been placed on the bottom far from prying eyes. It was a dress she had purchased years ago for an important office party, but she chickened out of wearing it at the last minute. She was proud that it still fit her perfectly as she slipped on, fishing off the outfit with some tall black heels.
   “How about this?” Ada said, walking out into the living room during a turn so Brandon could get a look at the whole dress.   
   Brandon whistled in approval.The black cocktail dress had a plunging neckline that came well below her breasts, showing off the inside of her cleavage, with the top supported by a thin string around her neck. It didn’t have a back and came all the way down to just below her waist, the front wrapping around the outside of her breasts and ending in a V. The right leg was left exposed by a long slit that ran all the way to her hips, showing off her smooth legs and her high heels.
   “That good,” Ada was relieved that he liked the dress, she was very pleased that it was finally getting some use rather than sitting gn her closet forever. She had decided against wearing the dress as it would have required her to go bra less, and her large areolas would be a risk of exposure with the deep neckline.
   The third photo shoot took much longer than the first one did, Brandon was eager to get photos of every possible pose of the sexy MILF in her alluring cocktail dress. And Ada was more than happy to keep striking poses whenever she saw the eager look on his face. After several dozen photos he began to gesture to her to make different poses, ones that were attending to optimize the amount of her curvy body she showed off.
   “A little bit more forward,” Brandon said, gesturing for Ada to lean her chest just a little bit more  forward. The dress was able to hang just a little bit down now giving him a good shot of her now exposed areolas, her nipples teasing exposure “Good”.
   Ada continued to strike poses for Brandon unaware of her now exposed areolas, and he wasn’t about to ruin his good time by letting her know. He made sure to get far more photos of the cocktail dress then he got of the two sundresses even knowing that there was no way she would be allowed to submit them.. they were for his personal collection. He reckoned that he must have snapped at least a hundred photos of the dress before he told her that there were enough photos, he didn’t want her to accidentally expose too much and realize that she had been flashing him from most of the photos.
   “Opps,” Brandon ran his finger under the fabric tugging it over so that it covered her areolasagain, letting his finger run over her hard nipples in the process “Nip slip.”
   After having her breast played with for almost an hour she was too excited to feel the young man's finger directly on her skin to even consider being embarrassed by having her nipples tweaked by a high schooler. The brief moment of satisfaction from an hour of teasing was enough for her to realize how much time had passed.
   “Shit,” She said looking at the time, it was well past when she should have driven him home “ I need to get you home, go ahead and just leave the camera their i'm just going to put on something better for driving.”
   While Ada rushed to put on something else on her son Brandon removed the spare memory card from the camera and quickly deleted the photos of Ada exposing herself. He was fast and had more than enough to time grab his bag before she returned from her room wearing the same dress from the second photo set.
“I'll tell how it went, OK” Ada said as she gave Branond one last good night kiss on the lips, A deep kiss with more than a little tongue fucking on her part.
Brandon considered checking to see if his hook up from last night was free as he watched Ada drive away, but he decided against it. She was probably busy getting fucked by Josh at the moment, and even if she wasn’t he wanted to make sure his balls were completely full of cum for the sexy MILF. theri was always latter to get a load off in the new cheerleader.
   “That should cover what you owe me for rent,” He said pulling out of Bethany after blowing his fourth load of the evening. He gave her one last slap on the ass before he left her there, retiring to his own room to sleep, right before he walked out he turned to say one last thing to his thoroughly fucked stepdaughter “well at least last week. From now on rent is due every week on Friday”
   Bethany didn’t have any idea how she was going to pay her stepfather, even if she got a job she would never get her paycheck in time for friday. She considered calling the police and telling them that he had raped her, but no one had believed her mother when she had tried to speak out, and Bethany didn’t have any reason to think that any one would listen to her. Maybe she could run like her mother did, but where she didn't know any family she could run to. She realized that she had to come up with the rent, or else on Friday she would be right back where she was now.
   “Maybe Brandon  would let me crash at his place,” she thought to herself, sure that her boyfriend would help her out, after all he was a great guy. She passed out thinking about how everything would be OK.

1.I'm not going to go back and add Bethany's name in to the previous parts,
2. Yes her name is still not set in stone, if any one has a better one fell free to comment.
3. When I reach the end (at least the end of the beginning) I will post an edited version in the standard selection ( .docx .pfd. .mobi and googel drive)
4.If you have any thing to comment on or suggestions, I'm willing to listen.


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Reply #9 on: April 08, 2020, 07:44:21 PM
This is great when you can please post on thank you for the best work in this genre in a while


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Reply #10 on: April 10, 2020, 05:19:10 PM
Ada left for work after making sure than her son got on the bus to school, a little worse for wear but he would be OK. She thought how lucky her son was to have a guy like Brandon watching out for him. She left for work stress free knowing that her son would be taken care of by Brandon. Nathan would have preferred to stay home rather than risk facing Brandon and his friends at school, but his mom thought he was well enough .
   Bethany was also able to go to school, her step father being kind enough to cut her loose in the morning give her just enough time to put herself together for school. She had been relieved when he had cut her free as she had several nightmares throughout the night he had come back, continuing where he had left off. She was relieved to go to school as It was important that she get a chance to talk to Brandon, as she thought as he was supposed to be her boyfriend now, he would be able to give her a place to stay so she wouldn’t have to face her stepfather on Friday.
   Bethany had tried to wear the softest panties and pant combo she owned hoping that it would provide cushioning her sore ass. But her stepfather had been very through and she was reminded of the brutal whipping she had received every time she sat down or moved in her seat. Nathan was also  having just as much trouble only his entire body ached when every he moved, sitting down was harder as his testicles were sensitive after having them smashed in several times yesterday, he was sure they were really bruised.
   By lunch time she had still yet to find Brandon and talk to him. She considered looking around for him at lunch, but she was intercepted by Regina and her two friends Clair and Victoria. All three of them were fellow cheerleaders, but Regina was the captain. Before she had tried out to be on the team she had never even talked to any of them, but now all three of them were talking to her. She thought that it was just what came natural when someone joined the cheer squad.
   All three of them seemed friendly enough, and Bethany was surprised when they invited her to sit with them at lunch. After her ordeal the day before It was so nice to have a chance to just talk normally, like nothing had happened at all. But as much as she wanted to enjoy sitting with and talking with the three most popular girls in school she was still preoccupied with what she was going to do about her stepfather rent demand.
   Bethany assumed that she must have been incredibly obvious in her attempts to pretend nothing was wrong at all because Victoria noticed her odd behavior.
   “Or you ok?” Victoria asked, noting Bethany's fidgeting in her chair from her sore ass, not out of concern but just blank observation. Behtnay didn’t want to talk about what was happening at home, but she was scared that deflecting would only make things worse, they had been so nice to invite her to sit with them. Surely they cared on some level?
   “I kind of need some money.”
   “Why can’t you get a part time job after school?” Regina asked.
   “I need to get the money together by Friday,” Bethany didn’t want to ask for money, she was afraid that it would look suspicious and she didn't want to draw attention to her situation.
   “Can’t your step father just lend you some?” Victoria asked. Bethany was surprised Victoria knew she even had a stepfather, she had always assumed that Victoria was empty headed. She definitely had the figure to match the whole ‘air headed bimbo’ reputation that was talked about behind her back.
   “I need the money for my stepfather. And I won’t be able to find enough time going to school all week, studying, and cheer practice.”
   “I heard that a local magazine is looking for local talent,”  Regina answered, remembering what Brandon had told her about the hot MILF who was running a talent search. It was too perfect of a situation for her to not take advantage of “If you get in then you can make some money off  of the shoot. I can help you pick out just the right outfit if your want help.”
   Bethany had dreamed of being a model since she first saw a fashion magazine when she was a little girl. She assumed that just about every girl wanted to grow up to be a model some day, but to have someone suggest it to her was another thing. It meant even more coming for Regina, the so called queen in everything but the name of the school. The desperation of needing anything to escape her stepfather, and being overwhelmed by Regina’s complement made her seriously consider the talent search would work. And she was even going so far as to help her in picking out the right outfit to submit.
   Now she just needed to find a place to stay so she didn’t have to risk confronting her stepfather until she could pay him.
   “Have any of you seen Brandon, I kind of need to ask him for a favor.”
   “What kind of favor?” Victoria asked with the same blank observation as before.
   “I was kind of hoping to ask Brandon if i could stay at his place for a while,”
   “Why do you need a place to stay at Brandon's place?” Regina smirked remembering how much Brandon enjoyed breaking in virgins “Didn’t you have enough fun last time.”
   Bethany remembered that she hadn’t shown up for school yesterday, and many of the students would have seen her leave school with Brandon. With his reputation, her absence, and the sore look on her face whenever she sat down it made sense that Regina would think that she was too exhausted from the night to come to school the next day.
   “No....  my stepfather is, ummm ....”Bethany did not want people to know what had happened between her and her stepfather, it was bad enough that she had to remember it  “going out of town for a while and I need a place to sleep.”
   “Are you sure Brandon's parents would be OK with that?” Regain asked already knowing that Brandon parents wouldn’t be the problem, it would be Brandon's lack of interest in her now she had been broken in. Bethany was concerned, she hadn’t considered what Brandon's parents would say about a girl that they had never met before staying in their home.
   “How about Josh, his parents are going to be out of town for a while so you won’t have to worry about parents,” Clair chimed in, seeing an opportunity.
   “I thought you and Josh were dating?” Bethany asked. Clair must have really trusted Josh to not even think twice about another girl staying at her Boyfriend's place without any adult supervision.
   “We are, but the entire football team and cheer squad are a very close group,” Clair smiled remembering the bed that Brandon and Josh had made, but she had a better idea “I mean very close.”
   Bethany guessed that Clair and Brandon had also slept together, and it sounded like Victoria and Regina had as well. She thought about what Clair had said ‘a very close group’ did that mean that Josh had also slept with Victoria and Regina, what about the other cheerleaders and football players, who had slept with who. It would be kind of awkward to think of sleeping at Josh's house, after all she thought she and Brandon were now supposed to be dating after Monday night.
Bethany remembered that she didn’t have to have sleep with Josh, and the thought of instead having to risk being in the same house as her stepfather drained her ability to think rationally about her situation. Regina was right if she was staying with anyone else their parents would ask questions, and none of them would believe the answer she gave them. Staying with Josh was really her best option at the moment, at least until she could get enough money together to pay for her stepfather's rent.
   Clair would have to tell Josh to not have his fun with Bethany, at least not yet, she knew he would be quite frustrated as he was supposed to have a go at her after Brandon,she knew that she would have to find some way of making it up to him . It wasn’t that she didn’t want her boyfriend fucking someone else, she didn’t have a problem with him making that bet with Brandon.  It was one thing to tolerate Josh and his infidelity, after all he was young and virile, he needed an outlet for his sexual urges. But it was one thing to tolerate some new bitch who thought just because she was the flavor of the week she could be with whomever she wanted. She was going to enjoy putting Bethany in her place, Josh may sleep with who he wanted, but she was his girlfriend.
   Bethany thought about what Regina had told her even if she made it into the shoot she knew that it wouldn't get her the money until at least next week. Her stepfather was a bastard, but he wasn’t unreasonable, at least she hoped he wouldn't be this time, she hoped that she could convince him to give herself some extra time to get him the money for rent, worst case scenario Clair said that Josh would let her sleep at his house.
   Regina had her own plans for Bethany, but she could tell that Clair had started to form plans for her as well. She would have to remind Clair not not mess up the plans for the sake of getting her boyfriend the sloppy seconds he was promised from Brandon’s and Josh's bet. Lunch would be over soon, and she could make sure that Clair wasn’t overstepping her bounds after school. She was going to have so much fun with Bethany, and Clair could join in as long as she didn’t mess it all up.
   Clair smiled as she sent a message to Josh asking him if he would put off fucking Bethany for a special treat. It didn’t take much effort to convince Josh to pass on Bethany, at least for now, for some quality time with Clair. She wasn’t the withholding type, but her boyfriend was a stud and needed more than she could give him, but he wouldn’t pass her up at least not for a flavor of the week like Bethany.
   Behtany was excited as she left for her next class. Yesterday had been hell, but now she could see a chance at making it nothing more than a bad memory. The day had been great, and it was still only half over, she was glad that Regina and Clair had turned out to be such good friends.
   Ada day had been going great. Despite all the reassurance that Brandon had given her yesterday she was still nervous about asking David about letting her join in the model search even though she was also supposed to be running it. Thinking about what Brandon has said, she was smart, interesting and beautiful, giving her the confidence she needed to ask David about her desire to join in the model search.
   She was still feeling a little frisky after last night and she had picked out something a little bit more ‘open’. A clean white sleeveless blouse that had the top few buttons undone showing off the top of her cleavage, one of her white low profile bras keeping her chest high up without showing itself through the top. The skirt was the same black color that she normally wore but was shorter, coming up to knees. And black heels thinner and taller than she had worn to work before, but not as thin or tall as what she wore last night.
   “David do you have time, there's something I need to run past you,” Ada asked as soon as she saw him in the morning.
   “In my resume it said that I had a little experience with molding work when I was younger, and I was wondering if it would be allowed if I auditioned to be one of the local ladies.” she was sure her request was going to be shot down and told that her job was to run the project, not play model.
   David didn’t respond immediately. Ada was sure that he was going to immediately shoot her down, Brandon may have been a great guy but even his reassurance couldn't magically make David humor her offer.
“There's no problem in submitting your own photos for the talent search.”
   “Really, but i'm supposed to be running it?”
   “Normally I would say no, but you did have some experience modeling, and you're a local, so...” David looked Ada up and down, she did have the figure to match the models they normally used, and she did keep up on style. She looked even better than she normally did with the shorter skirt and the top few buttons of her blouse undone showing off the top of her cleavage  “some of our interns have already asked if working here exempts them from participating. But as one of the four in charge, I can't let you have a vote for yourself. ”
   Ada was elated that she really did have a chance at modeling. After years of working with them she would fulfill her dream, and it was Brandon who had given her the confidence she needed to do so. She checked the website so she could see how well the project was doing. Despite only being active for a few days their were quite a few submissions . they ranged from High School seniors who had just turned eighteen, college aged girls, and quite a few older women. They were going to have no trouble in selecting the three models for the photo shoot.
   Ada had brought all the photos that she and Brandon had taken together. At first she had only wanted to use the first set, the one with the conservative sundress, but after seeing some of the outfits that the prospective models were wearing she decided that a mixture of all three sets would be best. After all, even with the black cocktail dress she was far from the least dressed one. She submitted her photo to the web site, she felt so incredibly lucky that she had met Brandon.


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Reply #11 on: April 14, 2020, 06:16:11 AM
Nathan did his best to avoid coming into contact with Brandon after what he had seen him doing to his mom.  He had hoped that after getting to make out with his mom he would have just lost interest in both of them. He was really hoping that his comment about sleeping with his mom was just an empty threat. But Brandon still had the blackmail material against Nathan, as well as access to his cloned phone. Brandon didn’t need to find him, he just sent him a message.
   “I sent you an email. You're going to open it on your mom's computer and install the attached file, and don’t you dare run a malware check.”
   Nathan thought about what Brandon had done to his phone, and now he wanted him to open an unknown file on his mom’s computer. The last part was the worst, ‘don’t run malware check’, the only reason Nathan could think of as to why Brandon wouldn’t want him to run that check was if he was downloading something to his mom's computer that shouldn’t be there.
   Another message came in from Brandon “well?”
   “Yes.” Nathan knew he still didn't have a choice in the matter.
   “Goode, Just don’t forget what will happen if you don't” The message from Brandon was followed by a photo and another message.
   To his horror the photo was of his mom wearing a cocktail dress he had never seen before. It was black, thin, and skimpy, but the worst part was the deep cleave of the top had slid to the sides exposing her areolas and a faint hint of her nipples. Her expression just made it worse. she had a carefree ‘come over here’ look on her face that her clothing malfunction seem intentional “Looks like being a per run in the family. Maybe I should show everyone what a hot piece of ass your mom is.”
   Nathan desperately began typing away on the phone pleading with Brandon to not send the photo of  his mother to anyone. But he didn’t get a response from the bully on any of his messages, he was just left with the threat against him and his mom dangling over his head the rest of the school day.
   Ada arrived home from work later than she normally did. Even with her not being part final decision making with her being a contestant herself there was still lots of work to be done deciding on scheduling, themes, the basic idea for the layout of the spread. Sara had been the one to push for the spring theme with at least one set focused on summer. She claimed it would get people attention since the spring season was starting, but  excited for the summer that would come after it.
   Nathan avoided talking to his mom too much during dinner as he was far to afraid that she would notice that something was wrong and he knew he was not going to be able to explain it away. He made excuses about having homework to do so he could go to his room and avoid looking at his mother. He knew something horrible would come of what he had to do, but he couldn’t see any way around it. Even if his mom believed his side of the story he still thought there was still no chance that the school would. And even if they did it would still be a massive embarrassment to his moms credibility if the picture of her in the cocktail dress got out, especially if people knew who took them.
   He waited until he heard his mom head to her room to take a shower and change into something more comfortable for the evening. He knew he had time as she liked to take her time in the shower and get herself ready for bed so she wouldn’t have to later. As soon as he heard the water turn on he knew it was time to do what he had no choice in doing.
   He was lucky that she had left her work computer out and on before she went to the shower, it would save him time. Nathan did as he was told and signed into his email on his mom's computer, opening a private browser so there would be no history as he had been instructed,  right at the top was the email with the file attached. He clicked on it and immediately the computer asked if he wasn’t to run a malware check, following his instruction  he was told he clicked no and the file went on downloading.
   It took longer to download then he licked at right before it was done he heard the shower stop running. He closed the private browser and put the computer back into sleep mode like he found it. there was still plenty of time before his mom returned so he just sat in his room dreading the unknown outcome of what he had done.
The first thing Ada did after leaving her room was check  the website using the administrative login she had been given by their tech department. She had decided against checking to see how many votes each of the would be models were getting as she didn’t want to worry herself about how many votes she would need to be in the top three. Of course the four people running the shoot, herself, David the head of her office, Sara who was in charge of what the models would wear, and the photographer, would also have a major role in picking the three for the shoot. Since she was part of the four she wouldn’t have to be removed from the final decision making process.
Nathan knew there was nothing to do when he heard the TV turn on in the living room. He knew that there was no way he could get his homework done now. The only thing he could do was just go to bed and hope that when he woke up it would all have been a bad dream.
Before he could he got a message on his phone from the source of his problems, his bully Brandon. He knew that it would be a truant, but he still checked the message anyway.
“You're a really good boyfriend convincing your mom to help your girlfriend in getting a spot on that photo shoot. Of course if it came out that your mom helped someone cheat it would be terrible for her career, wouldn’t it. Just something for you to think about over the weekend.”
   What girlfriend was Brandon talking about, and why did he mean when he said his mother helped someone cheat. Nathan didn’t want to know what he had been forced to install on his mom's work computer, but now he suspected that Brandon had done something similar to what he had done to his phone. But who was this Behtnay he supposedly helped. He closed out of the message app and saw that there were several unread messages. Opening the app again he saw that they were all from a contact labeled GF. The GF was concerning, forgetting about just getting some sleep he began to read the messages.
   “I really need to get into the photo shoot.” GF.
   “my mom is running it.  don’t worry. ill make sure you are in top 3.” Nathan.
   “you will :)” GF.
   “I talked to mom. she said don’t worry, she going to make sure your in top 3.” Nathan
   Nathan couldn’t believe what he was reading. He had absolutely no idea who this GF was, he hadn't even held hands with a girl let alone had a girlfriend. He read the message again, his heart skipped and he went into a cold sweet when he released the implication of the message and what Brandon had blackmailed him into installing on his moms work computer. Brandon had somehow messed with the talent search to give this unknown girl a place as one of the three, and the message made it look like she had done it because she was his son’s girlfriend.
The full realization of what had been done was enough to make Nathan feel sick. Now Brandon had blackmail material on both Nathan and Ada. The bully could ruin Nathan's reputation and Ada career at any time. It was too much and he had to rush to the bathroom so as not to vomit dinner all over himself and the floor of his room. He was sure that any moment his mom would rush to him to see what was wrong with her son, but she didn’t come.
“Ohh, hi Brandon,” Ada voice could be heard over the TV as she had turned the volume down when she started talking. She was talking to the bully who had created fake evidence that could destroy her career with such a sweet voice.
One last message, this time it was from Brandon. When he checked it Nathan saw that the messages from earlier that day were gone, as well as the photo of the wardrobe malfunction. “You're such a good bf. don’t worry. ill make sure you and your mom's secret stay hidden. wouldn't want the hot MILF to have to move again. would i.”
Nathan's so called girlfriend Bethany was having a much greater time that her so called boyfriend was having. After school rather than waiting to be picked up by the bus she instead went with Regina and Clair to Regian’s own home. Bethany knew that Regina’s family had money, but the car and the house confirmed that Regina’s family wasn’t rich, they were loaded.
It wasn’t one of those McMansion that a family who wanted to fault their new money, or wanted to pretend they had money, would buy. It was the kind of house that you own when your family had wealth. Bethany was sure that it would have had to have been in her family for a while, and that Regina would surely inherit it from her parents.
Regina didn’t bother giving Bethany a tour of her family home, instead she dragged her to her bed room on the second floor, Regina's Bedroom itself  was bigger than the living room of her stepfather's house. Regina knew it was better to keep Bethany stunned rather than give her a chance to collect herself, then she might end up thinking for herself.
Regina and Clair got right to work going through Regina's clothing. They had talked earlier at school and had already settled on what they were going to have Bethany wear. They had decided on having Bethany pose in two outfits, something for casual wear and something for swimwear.
Bethany was impressed at how effective the two could coordinate and arrive at selecting the clothes they thought would be best for her. In no time they had already selected two outfits and laid them out from her to look at while they set up a camera to take the photos.
The first outfit was a low cut tube top design that came to her mid waist, with a frilly overlap that hung down to just above the bottom of the tube. The tube material was thin enough that any bra she wore would have been visible. Bethany had wanted to wear a strapless backless bra with the top so that her niples wouldn’t be poking through. But Clair assured her that the fill would cover that, and that she was perky enough to not even need one. It had the effect of leaving a decent amount of her top cleavage exposed while hiding the rest, leaving it to the viewers imagination what the rest of her tits looked like.
For the bottom the duo had selected denim short shorts, much shorter than anything Bethany herself owned, and some low heeled sandals. But it was the second outfit that caught her attention the most.
A yellow bikini with white polka dots. It had a false knot tied loosely in between the two cups, it made it look as if everything was being held back by a knot that could come undone at any moment. The bottom had the same loosely tied false knots on the sides. She wore the same healed sandals as she had with the first outfit. It was a conservative design, but the false knots made it look as if it was barely held on together and would come loose at any moment giving any lucky guy nearby a good show.
The two outfits were definitely the kind of thing that Bethany wouldn’t never wear on her own, she had never had the kind of money to buy clothing for such specific uses,and her stepfather wasn’t about to blow money just so she could have something in season.. She only owned one swimsuit herself, an old one piece of a simple blue design.
Bethany didn’t mind stripping off in front of the duo, she was already used to having seen other changes during guy class, she also reasoned that they were all girls as well. She was too excited to notice that the camera that had been set up to take the photos was on, recording the entire thing for later use.


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Reply #12 on: April 14, 2020, 10:57:24 PM
This is the last setup part before the ending parts. To those of you have continued to read this travesty of the English language, I am very sorry but i am not a very good writer.

   The day of the photo shoot arrived and Ada couldn’t be more excited. She was finally going to get her chance of being a model.  She reminded herself that this was only supposed to be a small project, but her excitement got the better of her and she couldn’t help imagining this being the beginning of her fulfilling the dream she had since she was eighteen.
   Bethany was equally excited, not only had she had dreams of being a model since she was a little girl, but this was also a way to get the money she needed to pay her stepfather. Josh’s parents would be coming home on Sunday, she didn’t want to make people start to get suspicious by asking if she could stay at someone else's house again. Thankfully the photo shoot was after school on a Friday, and her stepfather demanded the money be prayed on Saturday.
   Nathan was the only one who wasn’t excited on Friday. His week had been  a constant hell. Even though he didn’t have any more run in with Brandon or his gang it was still impossible for him to focus. He could think of nothing but what he had gotten him and his mom into. And the ever looming threat of Brandon calling him up to blackmail him into doing something had made him feel sick all day. By Friday he had still not had any contact with Brandon, and he was starting to have delusional  hope that the bully had finally gotten everything he wanted from him.
   Things got so much worse for him at lunch time when Regina of all people cornered him in a hallway away from the rest of the school. He had been having trouble even looking in her direction as he had been reminded of seeing her changing her clothes from the photo Brandon had taken in secret. She was the most desired girl in the school, and even the horror of being blamed for those photos didn’t diminish how much he had been excited at seeing them.
   “What you doing all the way over here,” Regina had a sing-song tone to her voice that most would have called playful, but Nathan knew she was way too far out of his league for that to be true.
   “I… umm, well…” Nathan was sputtering like an idiot overwhelmed by both the fear of what he had seen, and excitement and what he had almost seen.
   “You're not trying to find another hiding spot to get some pictures of me changing again,” Regain continued in that same sing-song tone. Nathan went cold, she knew about the existence of those photos.
Nathan was so shocked all he could do was sputter like an idiot. “That wasn’t me, it was Brandon.”
   “Did you really think that a stud like Brandon would need to hide,” Regina laughed at Nathan's  complete look of horror at the thought of being exposed as a perv. Watching Nathan squirm was just about the most enjoyable thing she had seen in a long time “A stud like Brandon would never need to hide, he would be welcomed in.”
   It was all based on a lie, he had done what Brandon had asked so as not to be framed for photographing Regina and her two friends while they were changing in the locker room. Brandon had been the one to take those photos, but the three cheerleaders were in on the thing the whole time. They had let Brandon into the locker room and let him take the photo, Victoria had even taken her top and bra off while facing the camera.
   “I thought you would have been grateful, after all we didn’t tell anyone about you being a dirty perv spying on girls while they changed their clothes.” Regina said seeing the look of pure horror and disbelief on his face. “Since I’m covering for your perverted behavior it wouldn’t be a problem if you helped me out would you,” The only thing Nathan could do was just nod like an idiot “Good, I'm taking your girlfriend out for the night so that favor is going to have to wait.”
Not only was he being blackmailed by Brandon, but now Regina was doing so as well. She had been in on it from the very beginning. Brandon had been using those photos to blackmail him into creating even more blackmail material. He didn’t want to do whatever ‘favor’ Regina asked of him, but he had no choice in the matter, he could only hope that she was more forgiving than Brandon. And who was this girlfriend she and Brandon kept on claiming he had.
School ended and Bethany was in Regina’s care, who had been kind enough to drive her to the studio where the photo shoot would be taking place. When she arrived was directed to the changing room to get herself into the first outfit, before Sara would put her makeup on. She saw the other two models, the college girl having not had class on Friday arrive early, and Ada who already worked there. Despite the changing room having curtains so each model could change in privacy neither Ada or the college girl had pulled them over.
   Bethany was a little self conscious that both of them had better figures than she did, she had to remind herself that they were older and had more time to mature. But she was more concerned that despite both having large breasts than her, they were still just as perky as she was. Bethany told herself that she had been voted in like the other three which meant that she was just as beautiful as them. Seeing that they were both already in their first outfits she hurried to catch up so as not to look unprofessional.
   Ada had liked the spring with a hint of summer idea that Bethany had gone for when she submitted her photos. The idea had been liked by the other three as well, so they had decided to incorporate the idea into the photo shoot.
   The first set was of them wearing more particle clothing. Bethany had a clean white shirt and pants, the collage girl wore a tube top with booty shorts that barely covered her ass, and Ada wore a shoulder less blouse with shorts in between the other two. The second had been sundress, much like what Ada had worn for her test photos. Bethany's dress was the least revealing, but pinched her waist showing off her curves, the collage girl was very short coming down low on her chest, and stopped just below her ass. Ada dress was longer only going to mid thigh, but the top was just as low supported by spaghetti straps.
   Bethany noticed how they were progressing through the clothing, with her wearing something a little bit more conservative, the collage girl wearing something very revealing, and ada wearing something in between. It was the last set of photos that things would get interesting, the hint of summer theme. Since it was spring and summer followed they were all wearing swimwear.
   Bethany's s was kind of similar to the one she had worn when she had taken the photos at regions, but much more alluring. It was pure spring yellow with thicker straps on the top and the bottom, but thinner than the polka dots bikini. The top also had smaller cups giving off more of her inner cleave, and a hit of the side of her breasts. The bottom was also set higher, coming up almost her waist. The most interesting part was the frill design of the bikini. The whole outfit gave off the impression of her having both youth and maturity.
   Ada was giving a side less black one piece. It had a deep neckline that came down to below her bellybutton. The top cups were kept in place by a spaghetti thin sting just beneath her breasts. The sides curved inward showing off much of her thin waist before it widened into the bottom. Two spaghetti thin strings connected the front of bottom to the back of the bottom, right at her hips. If you looked at her from behind it would look like she was wearing a regular bikini. The whole thing gave the impression that she wanted to pretend that she was wearing a conservative swimwear while also trying to be a revealing as possible. It reminded her of the cocktail dress she had worn for the photos she had submitted, the other three had agreed that it would look good on her as well.
The collage girl wore a simple but very alluring white bikini, more mature than Bethany's, and more revealing that Ada. Both Bethany and Ada had to admit that the revealing design fit well with her figure and would definitely make her hint of summer set the main attraction of the spread. But they both assured themselves that they were not going to be just glossed over.
   While Ada was enjoying herself at the photo shoot, Nathan was having a terrible time. Since his mother had to be at the shoot right after school he was going to have to take the bus home. It was right after the last bell of the day range that he got a text on his phone. The message claimed that it was from Regina.
“Come to the hallway behind the gym after school.”
Nathan did as he was told, he knew he had no choice in the matter. The hallway was one of the least used ones in the school, except for the P.E classes that used the bathroom their. He didn’t know why she wanted him over their, it was very isolated so if she wanted to make a public spectacle of his humiliation that it wasn’t the right place to do it.
   Just as he was wondering what Regina could possibly want from him all the way over hear he passed by the bathroom. Brandon jumped out of the bathroom, catching him completely off guard, and grabbed Nathan before her even had a chance to consider calling for help dragging him into the bathroom.
   “I heard that you were trying to get some more photos of the senior girls in the locker room,” Brandon said, his smile looking horrifying to Nathan “looks like i'm going to have to teach you another lesson”. Brandon was dragging him effortlessly towards one of the open stalls “better wash all those dirty thoughts out of your head the right way”.
   Nathan knew immediately what Brand meant when he dragged him into the stall and he was screaming for mercy as loud as he could “Please don’t do this, Please, DON'T”.
   “should have thought of that before you tried sapping some more photos.” Brandon kicked the back of his legs forcing him to the floor. The bully grabbed hold of the back of his head by wrapping his finger in Nathan's hair, yanking him back painfully while his foot pinned his chest to the toilet bowl.
   “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… ‘Gurgle’ moooooooooo” was all Nathan could get out, as the next thing he knew his head was shoved violently into the toilet bowl. Brandon was laughing as he heard Nathan's screams muffled by the dirty  toilet water. Regina had asked him to come to this side of the school for a reason. The bathroom was the last one cleaned after school, and it was used frequently thanks to being next to the guy. It also had the advantage of being very isolated, so Nathan pathetic attempts and reason would not be heard.
   Nathan's hands were free but he stood no chance of being even close to fighting Brandon off. All he could do was flail helplessly as his head was held under the toilet water by his cruel bully. After what felt like far too long the bully yanked his hand back pulling Nathan's head out of the toilet by his hair. Nathan gasped for air after for a moment, then his head was right back in the bowl. Brandon held his head down even longer this time.
   “Pl…’gurgle’ee...‘gurgle’ee...‘gurgle’...sss ‘glup’,” His panicked pleas under the toilet water resulted in him swallowing a huge gulp of the filthy toilet water. Brandon pulled his head out by his hair “Ple.. ‘spti’ ase do…” Nathan tried to plead, but his head went right back into the toilet bowl.
   Brandon repeated the process several times, holding Nathans head under the water until he swallowed some of the water then giving him a chance to catch his breath before he went back under. Nathan didn't know how many times Brandon kept this up, but after welt felt like forever before Brandon finally flushed the toilet.
   Brandon dragged Nathan out of the stall, for just  a moment he thought he was down with him and would let him go. Instead Brandon pulled him to his feet then punched him right in the gut. Nathan tasted all the dirty toilet water a second time as he puked it all out over the floor.
   “Looks like someone was having fun,” Regina was standing in the boys bathroom looking down at Nathan soaked in toilet water while coughing up more. He knew that she had called him over here for this very reason, she was just as bad as Brandon was. “Don’t worry I’ll take it form here, after all don’t you have a hot date tonight.”
   Regina allowed Nathan to wash himself off from the sink before she allowed him to leave the bathroom. He was to scared that if he tried to say anything she would just call Brandon back, or any guy for that matter.
   “I didn't tell the school what kind of dirty little pervert you are, I helped your girlfriend with the photo shoot, I'm even driving you home,” Regian said looking at Nathan as he tried to clean himself up “Looks like that's three favors you owe me now.”
   Nathan still didn’t even know who this girlfriend of his was supposed to even be. He was thankful that it was Friday and he wouldn’t have to risk running into either of them until at least Monday. But he knew that they could call him up at any time. It was late, he wanted to wash himself off and change his clothes completely.
   After she dropped Nathan off at his home Regina drove over to Josh's house. She knew that Bethany would have finished with the photo shoot by now. She had invited Bethany to go out on the town with the trio. Bethany was concerned about spending time partying rather than trying to keep up with her school work, and look for alternatives if the modeling didn’t work out. But after she saw the check she got from the studio she was confident that she had bought herself at least another week, and Regina was so reassuring about how everything was alright and she didn’t have to worry. After all that had happened Bethany desperately needed something to take her mind off of what was waiting for her when she finally risked going back to her stepfathers.
Since Bethany didn’t have any real party clothing Regina had offered to let her borrow one of her outfits.
   “Where's Clair?” Bethany asked noticing that Victoria was already at Regina's house, but Clair was nowhere to be seen.
   “She said she wanted to have some time to spend with Josh”
   Bethany wondered why Clair just didn’t arrive at Josh’s place earlier, but it occurred to her that maybe Clair wanted some ‘quality time’ with Josh, they were boyfriend and girlfriend after all, but Clair had claimed that they were all ‘very close. In the end Bethany decided that as close as the cheer squad and the football team were, Josh and Clair were still boyfriend and girlfriend and were entitled to their own ‘quality time’ together.
   She didn’t need to waste her time question Clair choices, Regina and Victoria were busy picking out an outfit for her to wear.
   Ada had left work so thrilled about how well the photo shoot went, sure the collage girl definitely stole the show at the end with that bikini, even the cameraman had been drooling. But she wasn’t going to let that get to her and she wanted to share her excitement with the person who had made it all happen. She excitedly called Brandon on his phone to tell him the good news. She was so happy that he sounded excited at how well things had gone for her as well, then she said she wanted to celebrate with him.
   “Its the weekend so you don’t have to worry about school, so why don't i come over to celebrate” Brandon said. He was right, Ada thought to herself.
   “I’ll pick you up from your house then,” Ada said before she hung up. She thought to herself as she drove to Brandon's house to pick him up, “he was such a perfect young man, and deserved a man's reward.”


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Reply #13 on: April 23, 2020, 05:56:19 AM
Ada expected to return home with Brandon to find her son already there, but instead she found that the house was empty. He was still asleep in his room, it was late after all, and seeing him sleeping peacefully she decided it was not to wake him. Leaving her son asleep in his room she went to the kitchen and started cooking the celebration dinner for her and Brandon.
   It took her no time to have everything ready for dinner.
   “So how was the photo shoot,” Brandon asked. Ada was thankful that he asked first, she didn’t want to give him the impression that she was self centered by immediately dominating the conversation with herself.
   “It was great, we were lucky that we had a good amount of diversity among us three. A nice spread of ages, with a high school student and a college student making it into the selection.”
   Brandon smirked at the mention of the high school student who made it into the talent search. He was impressed at how well of a job Regina had done with the flavor of the week girl whose name he couldn’t remember, Brenda or Becky. And barely need any help at all with that revenge porno of her bringing in tons of horny men interested in seeing more of her.
   Dinner continued with Ada continuing sharing more about the photo shoot. She knew that it had been a small  thing, and it had been rushed as well. Brandon listened along not really paying attention to what she was saying, but nodding along with her talking. He was amazed at just how easy it was to string her along, she was so eager for someone to listen to her that she didn't think twice about who it was that was listening.
   Dinner fished faster than Ada wanted, she was enjoying talking to Brandon about her carer, most guys she had dated didn’t show much interest in her professional life. She remembered her last fling, then quickly suppressed those memories, Brandon wasn’t like that.
   Ada though that dinner was wonderful. She and Brandon talked the entire time, she was so excited to share her first ever real photo shoot, and she thought that he was interested in hearing it. Dinner was over faster than she wanted, she wanted to keep talking with Brandon. She thought Brandon might want to watch TV on the couch once again, she had enjoyed it last time they watched TV on the couch and hoped that he had as well.
Sha had made up her mind during her dinner conversation with Brandon. He was a high school senior, but he had acted so much like an adult, helping her realize her dream, listening to her when they talked over dinner. He was so mature that she reassured herself that it would be perfectly ok to treat him like an adult.
   Ada had time to plan ahead this time around. She had excused herself to the bathroom so she could change into something more comfortable. She slipped out the bra and panties she had been wearing into A matching black set of sheer lace that would provide minimal separation from her skin. She had enjoyed her time on the couch last time and she wanted to make sure that both of them enjoyed themselves to the fullest this time.
Brandon was already on the couch when Ada walked back out to meet him, a couple more buttons undone on her blouse. She sat next to him, curing her legs under her to the side so that she leaned into his shoulder. She made sure that she pressed into Brandon shoulder so that he could feel her breasts pressed against his arm. He responded by swinging his arm on her shoulder, pulling her tight against him.
Ada hadn’t paid much attention to what she put on the TV, she was far too enamored with Brandon to care about what they were watching, only that they were snuggled together on the couch. He too wasn't paying much attention to the TV, not with a MILF with so much of her bra and chest exposed pressing right into the side of his chest.
Brandon swung his right arm around Ada and pulled her closer to him, mashing her chest further into his chest. Ada didn’t hesitate, she arch her back pushing her chest slightly forward into Brandon’s. She had been expecting this and was glad that he had taken the hint when she had returned from the bedroom showing off the thin bra.
Neither of them bothered with pretense and began kissing each other immediately.
Brandon held Ada in place with his right arm while he started groping her breasts with his left, kissing her the entire time. Ada was glad she had made the choice to swap to a thin bra, his hands felt so much better with the thin bra on, she could really feel his hands groping her breasts.
Ada hollowed her cheeks sucking as she kissed the high school stud, all the while rubbing his crotch through his pants. She knew that she was getting Brandon excited as she could feel him getting hard through his pants.
Brandon was enjoying himself as well. She was so aggressive with how much she was rubbing his crotch while making out with him on the couch. And she hadn’t shown any resistance to him getting his hands all over her breasts with only the thin bra between them.
“This MILF’s tits feel even better than thy look,” Brandon thought to himself wondering just how much further she was going to let him go tonight. He decided that with her hands all over his crotch that she would let him go as far as he wanted. He pulled her closer with his right arm moving his hand from father over her right breast. He slid his finger under the thin bra pulling it back slight, giving him better access to the skin of her breasts.
“MMMMAAAAA, FUCK,” Ada gasped louder than she had wanted. Brandon had slipped his finger completely under her bra and was now rubbing her nipple. Nathan stirred slightly in bed at his mother's gasping, but still he stayed asleep.
While Brandon kept himself entertained playing with Ada breasts while they made out on the couch, Ada casually moved her hand down till it was resting on his crotch. She had assessed that he was very well endowed last time they had made out on the couch, but this time she wanted to confirm her suspicions.
Both kept at it for almost quarter of an hour moaning and goring the entire time. The milf rubbed the studs crotch while he groped her, both of them giving each other a serious make out session. Nathan was tossing and turning in his bed still asleep but semi aware of the sounds coming out of the living room.
Ada was at her limit and was willing to go to the next step with the young man.
   “How about I give you a proper reward,” Ada said, keeping her hand firmly on Brandon's crotch. He smiled at her with a knowing look, and that was all she needed
Ada scooted off the couch onto the floor couch, getting on her knees right between the studs legs. Slowly she unbuttoned his pants then unzipped his fly, she could see the tent in his underwear  as his erection strained against it. She had gotten a good feel when they were making out now she was going to see for herself as she thought  ‘now lets see if you're as big as I think you are,’.
   Ada was glad that her assessment of Brandon was correct, he was very well endowed, and he was already full hard. He was far too thick to fully wrap her hand around, and too long for both of her hands to grip the entire length. Ada thought about her previous boyfriends and one night stands, none of them compared in length or width to this young man ‘this isn’t just a penis, this is a cock!”
Ada knew that she was going to hard to work hard in order to properly reward Brandon. Liking
her lips in anticipation she got to work.
   “Smooch” Ada gave the head a kiss with the same passion and love that she had given Brandon lips earlier. She kept on kissing his cock all the way to the base before she licked her way back to the top. She made sure that her tongue worked over every inch of his cock several times, jacking him off with one hand while her other hand felt his balls though the boxes.
   Ada reached back into his boxes, this time she worked his balls out. She suspected that they would match his cock, and she was not disappointed. They were both equally large, but she could feel  just how bloated they were. She guessed that he must not have had a release in almost a week. She kissed each one of his huge balls with the same loving kiss that she had given the head of his cock before she started working on the pari. She sucked on his balls, using her warm mouth to losses up the pent up load he had inside.
   “That feels incredible,” Brandon groaned as Ada worked over his underused balls. She opened her mouth wide, sucking the entire time, and sucked one of his huge balls into her mouth.
   Ada knew she didn’t have the skill to take both of his balls into her mouth at the same time. So she swapped back and forth between them, leaving one soaked in her saliva while she worked on the other. The entire time she kept on hand on his cock rubbing the entire length as best she could, while her other hand massaged his free ball.
   Brandon’s groaning and Ada’s moaning was so loud that Nathan was no longer asleep, but he was still too far in the limbo between awake and sleep to understand that there was noise coming from the living room.
   After what she guessed was fifteen minutes Ada could feel that Brandon was ready for the next phase. She made sure to lick them through before she released them from her mouth, liking her lips in anticipation for the next part. Once again put her lips to the head of Brandon's cock, but this time she lowered her head down working her lips over his cock.
   “O fuck that's Incredible,” Brandon gasped felling the MIlF work her way down his cock.
   Ada was happy that he was enjoying the sensation of her mouth on his cock. She began working her head up and down, licking the underside of his cock the entire time. She hoped that he had a load to match the size of his cock and balls.
   “GLUG, GLUG!” Ada kept on working her way down his cock while he leaned back on the couch enjoying her sucking. He hadn’t had sex since Bethany, he hadn’t even jacked off. He was to backed up to hold out for as long as her normally could, and he knew that he was going to cum sooner rather than later “GLUG,GLUG!”.
   Nathan was still groggy from having passed out as soon as he got home. He had just wanted to go to bed and let this day be over but something had woken him up. It had thought it was the TV that had woken him up, but now all he could still hear was something coming from the living room. Stumbling out of bed he went to investigate the noises coming from the living room. It sounded moaning and groaning.
   Nathan turned the corner to look into the living room ready to ask his mom what that noise was. But instead he froze when he was the worst thing in his life. He could not believe what he was seeing. His mom was on the floor on her knees right between Brandon spread legs, her head buried in his crotch.
Brandon gave him a sheathing grin, then he put his hand on the back of Ada's head and pushed her down father onto his dick. Ada knew that she was at her limit, but there were several more inches left to go. He was far too big for her to take him all the way down in one go like she had with guys before, she was going to need to work her way all the way down.
   “Fuck your good at thins,” Brandon moaned as Ada once again tried to take him deeper“I don't know how much longer im going to last.”
   Nathan was snapped back to reality with Brandons statement. He held back his tears as he rushed back to his room making as little noise as possible. It had been bad enough to watch his own mother suck off his bully, but he couldn’t watch him cum in her mouth. And he didn’t want his mom to see him standing there like a pervert.
   Nathan heard Brandon give one last satisfied groan as he got back under the cover of his bed.
Brandon's load was huge. Ada gulped down the huge load that filled her mouth. Brandon hadn’t had sex since he took Bethany virginity, he hadn’t even jacked off. With almost an entire week without release and his ball were full.
“GULP, GLUP!” Ada swallowed the highschooler's huge load with several long satisfying swallows. She was glad that the size of his load matched the size of his  balls  “GLUP!”
With a popping sound Ada pulled off of the studs cock, licking her lips clean of the little bit of cum that had escaped her mouth.
“You know there was one thing that we didn’t shoot,”Ada said, still licking her lips glad she was able to satisfy the stud.  “A lingerie set. How about you help me take some test photos in my bedroom?
   Brandon was more than happy to get the camera back out while Ada checked on her son. Nathan pretended to be asleep so as not to let his mom know that he had not just overheard her sucking off his bully, but had seen it as well. It took all his self control to not break down into tears while his mother was in the room.
With Brandon getting the camera back out of storage Ada was able to go through her closet and pick something out to wear without spoiling the surprise for Brandon. She hoped that Brandon liked the piece she had picked out for the photos, and if he didn't she had already picked out several other pieces to model as well.
While Ada was getting herself ready for the lingerie photos Brandon was setting up the camera. He had looked up the camera online and found that it had some interesting features. He put in the largest memory card he could find online into the spare slot. Then he went into its setting and set it to record video and take photos, but only save in the spare slot. Now Ada would not know that the camera would film everything that was happening in her bedroom while photos were also being taken.
   “Is the camera ready,” Ada called out from the bathroom. She had shouted loud enough for Brandon to hear her, but it was also just loud enough for Nathan to hear her in his bedroom.
   “It’s ready,” Brandon shouted back making sure his voice was louder than was necessary. Nathan also heard that in his bedroom.
   “Well how do I look,” Ada asked with a sweet voice standing in the bathroom door striking a pose that would show off her lingerie clad figure.
   Brandon gave a low whistle when he saw the MILF.
   Ada was wearing a solid black nightgown with a straight lacy top and thin shoulder straps . The nightgown came down to just above her ass, showing off the same sheer black panties. She had even slipped on some short heels that she reserved for special occasions. She adjusted the nightgown, pulling it a little lower so as to show off more top cleavage. unfortunately pulling the nightgown down meant that it covered a little bit more of her ass that intended. She had hoped that Brandon liked breasts more than ass.
   Brandon started snapping photos while Ada struck pose around the bed room. They were far riskier than the photo she had taken with him last time, and way more than what she had taken during the official photo shoot.
   Brandon was getting a good view of her body with the low hanging nightgown. Twice the top spilled out enough to show off a nipple before she pulled it back on. And once while she had been bracing herself against the door frame the top had slid down enough to give Brandon a full view of her busty chest. She had taken longer than was necessary to slip it back up, letting him snap quite a few photos.
   The entire time he was taking photos the camera was also recording the entire thing.
   “Do you have something in red?” Brandon asked after Ada had pulled the top back over her breasts.
   “Actually I do.”
   Ada rushed back into the bathroom to slip out of the black nightgown into the red one she had picked out beforehand. She made sure that it was properly on before she presented herself to Brandon.
   “Well what do you think,” Ada asked standing in the doorway in the red nightgown.
“I love the red” Brandon said, eyeing up the scantily clad MILF in front of him. The first nightgown had at least the pretense of being a piece of function sleepwear, if a bit too revealing for just sleeping. But the second nightgown was full blown lingerie,far too thin for sleeping in, and far too revealing for just hiding under the covers.
Ada beamed at Brandon's reaction to her nightgown. There was no longer any pretense that the busty bound MILF was going to just sleep in her bed tonight.


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Reply #14 on: April 24, 2020, 11:00:08 PM
   Bethany loved the dress that Regina and Victoria had picked out for her. It was a black strapless party dress, with a slit down the middle that came to the middle of her breast, showing off a small out of cleavage. It wasn’t too short either ending just above her knees with a slight in the left side so she could walk unrestricted. She was wearing low heels with a thick strap around her ankles holding the heels firmly in place.
Victoria was wearing a royal blue party dress with a plunging neckline that went well below her breasts, a criss cross spaghetti thin strap running between keeping the dress from falling to the side exposing her naked chest. The heels were a matching royal blue, and were much taller than anything Bethany had ever worn herself, she suspected that Victoria had experience in wearing heels.
   The dress did a great job of covering her extra curvy figure, and extra large chest. Bethany was surprised that those two thin straps were able to hold the top of the dress tightly over her enormous breasts. She hadn’t done up her dirty blonde hair and instead let it flow freely.
Regina had chosen to wear a deep imperial purple party dress, it didn’t expose any cleavage and was the same length as Bethany's dress, but the slit had materia underneath so there was no exposure of her naked thigh. Even if her dress was less revealing than either Bethany or Victoria's she knew that Region was the best dressed, and would be the one with the most attention on her. Even Victoria's large exposed cleavage wouldn't be able to compete with Regain. Like Victoria she hadn't done her hair up, letting her long auburn hair down.
   Regina handed her a small black purse that matched her dress. Bethany opened  the purse that Regina had given her so she could put her fake ID in it. She was shocked when she noticed that there were several condoms in there.
   "Why are there condoms in here?” Bethany asked concerned as to why Regina thought she would need condoms.
   “Isn’t it better to be prepared, then to not be prepared at all, right?” Regain answered. Bethany had to admit that she was right. She reassured her self that she wasn’t going to have sex tonight anyways, so what harm was their in having several condoms in the purse.Tonight was about celebrating her first ever photo shoot. It was unfortunate that Clair couldn’t join them. She hoped that at least Clair was enjoying her time with Josh.
   Clari had arrived at Josh's place ready for the night. She had surprised him with a cream white full lingerie, a lacy bra and panties, with a matching garter belt stocking combo, and extra tall white heels. It was the kind of lingerie that he had described as pron star lingerie. She knew that he would like it, and she definitely wants to make sure that he enjoyed the night.
   Clari started off their evening with a blowjob. She  didn't particularly enjoy giving  blowjobs, but  just because she didn’t enjoy giving blowjobs didn’t mean that she didn’t know how to please her boyfriend. She had resisted giving him a blowjob when they first started dating, but eventually she agreed to suck him off.
   She had struggled to take him tall the way to the balls the first time they had sex. Afterwards she had bought a dildo the same length and girth as Josh so she could practice. Now she had no trouble pressing her lips all the way to the balls, taking his cock into her throat. She knew how to please her stud.
   Josh warped his finger into Clair's light brown hair and started bobbing her up and down on his cock at the pace that he wanted. Normally she would have resisted, she didn’t like being used, she would suck him off but only at her pace. But Josh had been denied his rightfully won fun with Bethany, and he hadn’t taken advantage of having a desperate busty blonde diving in his house with no adult supervision. Now he deserved a reward, so she let him bob her head up and down his cock while she ran her tongue up and down the underside.
   While Clair sucked off her boyfriend, the trio arrived at the club.
Bethany had expected to need to use the fake ID to sit at the bar of  the club. But Regina and Victoria simply sat down and started ordering drinks for the night. She guessed that the two looked so mature that they just assumed that they just had to be adults, and not high school seniors. Regina took the liberty of buying all three of them drinks as soon as they sat down at an empty table.
   “I think someone like you,” Regina said looking over Bethany's shoulder, right as their drinks arrived.
Bethany turned around to look behind her. She was a mid twenty something guy sitting at the bar. He quickly looked away but not fast enough to hide that he had been looking at her. She didn't have to admit that he had strong sharp features, and he did dress well, He had a well put together look, but still looked like he was rugged.
While Bethany was checking out her admirer herself, Regina doped a small pill into Bethany's drink. The pill dissolved in quickly disappearing before Behtnay turned around. She was none the wiser that something had been added to her drink.
   “Cheers, you first successful photo shoot,” Victoria said, raising her glass, while Regina did the same. Bethany followed suit tasting her success before she took a large sip of her drink that had been spiked without her knowledge..
   “There's so nice,” Bethany thought to herself, setting her spiked drink back down.
   “I'm gonna cum,” Josh half ground half shouted. He kept his firm grip on the back of head, then he pushed her all the way down to his balls as he started cumming.
   Clair did her very best to swallow down his large load as he started cumming in her throat, it was difficult swelling such a large amount without letting any escape. But she knew it was a small price to pay, getting one load out before they really started would help him last longer.
“I need that,” Josh groaned satisfied, cumming right into his girlfriend's throat. Clair dutifully kept his cock in her mouth as he started to soften. With one load down she started cleaning him up before she got to work being him to full erection for round two. With his sexy girlfriend wearing a porn star cream white lingerie, sucking him hard, it didn't take long before he was ready for round two.
Having worked Josh up to his second erection Clair stood up before she pushed him back onto his bed. She made a show of reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra. Teasing it off her shoulders before she took it off with one hand letting it hang from her finger before dropping it to the floor.
   Josh smiled seeing his girlfriend standing topless at the foot of his bad wearing that porn star lingerie. Clair was glad that he was impressed,she wasn’t as big as Regina or Bethany, and definitely not as big as Victoria.She remembered the last time Josh had fucked Victoria. Victoria had told her that he couldn’t keep hands off of her “boobs' ', as she called them. In fact she claimed that Josh had enjoyed playing with her boobs more than he enjoyed actually fucker her.
   She was on the pill, but she still insisted that he wore protection. Before they went any further she made sure to roll a condom over his cock. She tossed the remaining string of condoms onto the dresser by his bed, within easy reach.
Clair slid off her panties, now she was just in her stockings, garter belt and heels. She crawled onto the bed giving him a good show of her breasts before she straddled him. She took both of Josh's hands in hers and brought them up to her exposed breasts letting him get a firm grip before she let go of his hands. Josh gave her a couple of hard squeezes while he played with her hard nipples, enticing several moans from her. She placed both of her hands on Josh's stomach, bracing herself against his abs.
In just her cream white porn star lingerie, now with bra or panties, she started bouncing up and down on her stud of a boyfriend.While she bounced up and down on Josh he kept a death grip on here breasts, pinching her hard nipples in between her index and forefinger.
   “Fuck, I needed this,” Josh groaned looking up at his girlfriend. She was glad that her boyfriend was enjoining the fucking she was giving him she picked up her pace, the screaming of the bed frame drowning out both Josh’s and Clair desperate moans. Both of them hat wanted to get as hard of a fuck as possible.
Their would be time for sex latter, right now she need to give her boyfriend a good hard fucking.
   Back at the club the pill that Regina had sneaky dropped into Bethany's drink was starting to take effect. Bethany thought that she was just a little drunk from the alcohol, she had been out to drink before, but she was that experienced. She had only used her fake ID a few times since she got it for her eighteenth birthday.
   “Maybe you should go say hi to that nice man,” Regina said, looking over Bethany's shoulder.
   “But…,” Bethany stammered, she though that she was supposed to be Brandon girlfriend after all, even though she hadn’t even seen him since they had sex.
   “It’s fine you should reward yourself,” Victoria cut her off “And there's nothing more rewarding than being complimented by a guy, is there?”
   With the pill working on her Bethany wasn’t in the right frame of mind to disagree.
   It didn't take long before Bethany had started talking to the guy who had been checking her out. Before she even knew what was happening she had been talking with a guy in college for at least fifteen minutes.
   “I'm here with my friends their taking me out to celebrate,”
   “What are you celebrating?”
   “Well...,” She didn’t want to brag, or sound like she was over hyping herself, but the pill in her drink was working against her thought process “they took me out to celebrate my first photo shoot.”
   “So you're a model?” he asked, eyeing up the busty blonde in front of him. He didn have to admit that she had the looks, the figure, and the outfit to be a model.
   “Well… no it was just a talent search photo shoot,”
   Bethany and the guy kept on talking while Regina and Victoria watched.
   “This is working out so well,” Regina thought to herself watching Bethany chatting with the starger. Victoria was losing interest and had started eyeing two college students at the bar who were also eyeing her up.
   After Bethany finished the drink that Regina had bought her the guy bought her another one. She drank the second drink faster than the first one, the alcohol and the pill dulling her senses. He ordered her a third drink, and after she finished that one she was really starting to feel empty headed. He started to get a little aggressive with his hands, but Bethany didn’t mind, in fact she was enjoying it quite a bit. The pill she had drunk without her knowledge wasn’t just making her empty headed, it was also making her excited. That and the three drinks she had were making it hard for her to think straight.
   It was after she had the fourth drink he had bought for her that he took things further.
   “How about we head out?” He asked Bethany with all the confidence of a guy who didn’t expect to be turned down “we can go get a hotel room.”
   “Mmmh,” Bethany's head was far too clouded from the pill to fully understand what she was saying “sounds great!”
   Regina smiled as she watched Bethany leave with college students. Not long later she watched Victoria leave the bar with two guys she didn’t know, and considered going home with someone herself. She decided to leave by herself, she had never had a problem getting what she wanted, and she saw no point in wasting her time picking around whoever had just happened to show up to the bar. She had far more important things to think about, she needed to start working on her future plans for Bethany.
She smiled to herself as she drove home thinking about the guy that Bethany had left with. She made sure that the college student knew to leave the money with Bethany when he left the hotel room, as well as the note with the specific information. He had been more than happy to get laid and make some quick cash on the side, after all it wasn’t his money being left with Bethany. It brought a smile to her face, the idea of Bethany waking up in a hotel room with no memory of last night only to realise that she had accidentally whored herself out to a stranger. Bethany was the flavor of the week, but with Regina’s help she could be a A class whore for the football team, or whomever needed sexual favors.  Clair had ruined Regina's last project by getting her kicked out of school before she could go beyond just the poor girls introduction to sex.
   But this time she was going to have as much fun as she wanted with her new project.
Bethany and her pick up had barely entered the hotel room and closed the door before she got started. Without even asking him she had unfastened his belt, unzipped his pants and started sucking his cock. As inexperienced as she was giving blowjobs she was still able to suck a load out of him in less than five minutes.
   Tasting the creamy load he had dumped into her mouth Bethany was ready for the next step. The pill made her too excited and too empty headed to fully think about what she was doing.
   Pushing him back onto the bed she unzipped her dress letting it fall to the floor.  Now in just her back lacy boot short style panties and her heels she took the condom out of her purse. Regina had been right about it was good to always be prepared. She gave his cock one last kiss before she put the condom on. She straddled the guy whose name she still didn't even know and started bouncing her hips up and down on his cock.
   Josh and fishing fucking Clair as hard as he could by filling the condom with a creamy load. He knew that she was going to let him take control so he rolled her onto her stomach before he rolled a second condom on.
   “Fuck this was worth it,” Josh said right as he started pounding away at her, doggy style. With two loads down she expected that his third load was going to take a while. Clair enjoyed just how much Josh was enjoying him self. She had though that he would be a little bit upset and not getting to fuck Bethany. But with his eager thrust she knew that he had forgotten all about the flavor of the week, now he only had thoughts for his girlfriend.
   Both Clair and Bethany settled into a long night of hard fucking.

The last part is up next