Author Topic: Brad The Bully Story  (Read 236522 times)


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Reply #30 on: November 11, 2019, 07:43:43 PM

Chapter 24: Makeup and nails

After that sweet, passionate kiss with Vanessa, I just HAD to get out of my cock-cage before she came over the next day. That evening, after my mom was in bed, I snuck to the living room and got on my phone to text Claire.

I knew I'd have to be as humble and respectful as I could.

"Mistress Claire, may I please be released from my chastity cage tomorrow? Vanessa is coming over tomorrow and I would really like to be released for our date."

A long, silent moment went by. The phone buzzed.

"OMG, I totally forgot you were still locked up! You haven't been able to jerk off this whole time, I bet your balls are all swollen and blue, OMG that is so funny!"

"Yes miss Claire. May I please be unlocked before she comes over tomorrow? I'm begging."

Claire texted back, "Send me a pic so I can see just how swollen and blue your balls are."

I dropped my pants right there in the living room and took a picture, sending it to Claire quickly.

"Haha, those look nice and swollen. I think you need someone to come and flick them down a bit, don't you think? You want me to come by and flick them?"

Ugh. I just wanted to be released, and she was making me jump through all these hoops. I texted her back. "Yes please, Miss Claire."

A long moment passed before she sent her response, which made my heart drop. "Well, I'm out of town with my dad and I have the keys to your cage, so you're out of luck. I'll come by Sunday and flick them for you if you want but no sooner."

A moment passed then another text from Claire. "Have fun on your date, bitch."

I was so angry but knew I had to play it cool if I wanted any release at all that weekend. "Thank you, Mistress Claire." I texted back reluctantly. I was just a playtoy to her.

The next day, Vanessa would be coming over after school. I had to make sure all my chores were finished - this meant making my mom's bed, making her breakfast, and then messaging her feet as she ate breakfast and watched TV. At one point I turned around to watch TV, but there was a girl in a bikini and my mom made me look away, saying it was too sexy for me. She really wanted to cleanse me of my 'perverted behavior,' so I couldn't look at any sexy girls at all.

I had to mow our lawn while she laid out sunbathing and even had to stop to get her a drink. She was really going above and beyond to make sure I didn't enjoy my suspension from school.

It was bittersweet when Vanessa finally came over. I was thrilled to see her, but annoyed that my dicklette was still locked up, so I knew I had no chance whatsoever of anything sexy happening with her, even if we both wanted it. She did greet me with a nice big kiss, so I knew that she must have given Brad his daily blowjob already. It must have been recent, too, because I tasted the all-too-familiar salty taste on her lips as we kissed. I tried not to think about it.

"Hi, BB!" Vanessa beamed as my mom walked into the living room. "Your mom told me she was going to help teach me some tricks to do my make-up, since she's such a pro. Isn't that great?"

"Oh, uhh, yea," I answered.

"Yea, I just need to get my kit ready. Why don't you two take care of the homework you were going to go over, and I'll get it ready?" My mom suggested.

"Okay, I brought all the notes from the class that milksop's missed. I'll bring it up to your room," Vanessa offered sweetly. I couldn't help but cringe as she called me milksop even with just me and my mom in the room, but I brushed it off.


Vanessa eyed my computer as she walked into my room. The screen was off. She was dying with curiosity to see what was on the screen that Claire had warned her about. I was hoping she wouldn't.

"So..." She set her book bag on my bed and sat beside it. "You said you were going to tell me about why you haven't been at school."

I looked down at the floor. I knew it was coming, but I didn't know how to answer. "Yea, uhh, I got suspended. But it was just for a few days, I'll be back at school on Monday."

It wasn't enough, and I knew it.

"Is it true? Did you get caught... You know..."

I looked up at her face and she said the words, "jerk-off in Mrs. Hunter's yoga bag?"

"No!" I answered defensively.

"Then... What happened? Everyone at school says it..."

"No, I... I didn't! I..." I couldn't find any words and started stammer and stuttering. I knew I wasn't allowed to say Brad did it, but I couldn't think of anything else.

"Okay," Vanessa finally cut me off, "I believe you."

"You do?" I answered, somewhat shocked. I hadn't even given her a good excuse.

"Yes. You said you didn't do it, so I believe you."

I felt a huge wave of relief. My girlfriend was so sweet, how did I get so lucky!

"So," she said, changing the subject, "let's get started on the classwork you've missed." She started pulling notebooks out of her bag. We spent a few minutes going over the homework - it was nice, just the two of us, having some close bonding time together. I felt really quite lucky.

After a few minutes, I excused myself to use the bathroom and spent a minute washing myself up and making sure my hair looked good before stepping back out, when my face went pale - Vanessa was sitting at my desk, looking at my computer.

"What's this?" She asked, referring to the picture of Claire's feet on my desktop, surrounded with pink and red hearts.

"It's uhh uhh uhh" I stammered with embarrassment, but Vanessa just broke into a laugh.

"I get it! It makes SO much sense now," she said as she looked at the humiliating background.

"Y-you do?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, now I get it, why you love giving me foot massages. You have a foot fetish!"

"Wait.. Wha... No," I tried to correct her - I didn't have a foot fetish afterall - but she just kept going.

"So of course you wouldn't have made a mess in Mrs. Hunter's yoga pants, that's not your fetish at all! Now I get why you always love giving me foot massages." She started giggling a bit more as I stared, stunned.

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell her I didn't have a foot massage, but then how was I supposed to explain the picture on my desktop? Besides, she did finally seem satisfied that I absolutely wouldn't have cum in Mrs. Hunter's pants.

"It's okay," she said with a warm smile. "I've never dated a guy with a foot fetish before. All of my previous boyfriends have been into my tits or my ass, but you're into my feet."

"N-no, I like the rest of your body! I, I-" She cut me off before I could finish. "It's okay, babe! I think it's kind of endearing! Besides, maybe if you do a good job on your homework, I'll let you massage my feet as a reward." She spun around in my desk chair and wiggled her foot at me, teasingly. But when I didn't react, she got a little self-conscious.

"What's the matter?" Her voice became sad, "I don't have pretty feet?"

"What? Y-yes you do!" I felt like a complete ass as my girlfriend pulled her feet below the chair. "No, I mean, I LOVE your feet," I answered, desperately trying to reassure her.

"You do, really?" She still sounded hurt and unconvinced.

"Yes! Babe you have the sexiest feet ever, I love them!" My voice was almost pleading, I wanted to reassure her so bad. She still seemed a bit unsure, so I kept gushing. "That's why I love spending so much time massaging them. Because your feet are so sexy!"

Her bright smile returned to her face. "Aww! Wow, you really ARE into feet! Okay, well if you do a good job on your homework, I'll reward you by letting you massage them more. Won't that be fun?"

I sighed, a bit defeated. How did I keep ending up in these situations! It was so unfair - now I was stuck pretending I wanted Vanessa's feet more than her amazing breasts or shapely ass. Now my reward was going to be massaging her feet instead of getting a flash of her tits or ass.

"Yes, I'd love that," I answered disappointed. Damn Claire and the rest of those girls.

Vanessa smiled as she hopped back on my bed and we continued doing our homework.

Vanessa spent most of the remainder of the evening downstairs with my mom, practicing her make-up. My mom showed Vanessa all the waterproof lip glosses and techniques so that her makeup wouldn't smear or run if 'things got really messy with Brad.'

My mom insisted that it was important for me to join them. She said whispered to me that I should show interest in Vanessa's interests, even if they were things like makeup or dresses. When it came time for nail polish, my mom had me apply it to Vanessa, so I could learn too. Vanessa couldn't apply her own nail-polish, so it made sense to teach me how to do it for her.

"We can start with my feet," Vanessa said with a wink.

The whole time I was painting her nails, the girls chatted together - mostly about Brad. Vanessa told my mom how much she admired her and how amazing it was that she landed such a hot guy like Brad. They giggled and gossiped about the stud football player and how much he was going to enjoy my mom's new, extra-sized breasts. "He hasn't seen them yet, but tomorrow he's coming over after dinner!"

I looked up at her. "What... He is?"

"Oh, of course," my mom waved her hand, dismissing my surprise. "I said he'd be coming over once I was fully healed up. You know-" she nudged Vanessa's arm, "in case he wants to play rough!" Both girls giggled at the thought, while I pouted and resumed painting my girlfriend's toenails.

When I was done, they both admired my work. "You have a real gift for this, it seems!" My mom boasted. I have to say, I felt pretty proud as both girls commented how great I was at painting toenails. "You two should take a class together!" My mom suggested.

"A... What?" I asked cautiously.

"A mani/pedi class! They offer them at the makeup store at the mall!"

"Oh yes, that does sound fun!" Vanessa chimed excitedly, "would you want to do that with me, babe?" Her face had a big hopeful smile
 and I couldn't say no to her. "Yea, of course," I answered unsurely. A mani/pedi class sounded kind of girly but my mom and Vanessa both seemed to think it'd be a good idea for me to attend with her. Besides, if Vanessa was interested, I had to try and be interested, too.

"Great! I'll give them a call tomorrow and see about setting up an appointment for us next week," Vanessa said while sitting back and holding out her fingers for me to get started.

I began working on her manicure while she and my mom resumed gossipping and gushing over how much Brad was going to enjoy my mom. Soon, the conversation turned to the lip injections, and after a few minutes, both of them were agreeing to get collagen lip injects together. In a few weeks, they'd be a perfectly matched pair of bimbos, with big fake lips, fake blonde hair, and matching silver 'bimbo' neck collars.

The evening ended with me getting my reward - massaging Vanessa's feet while she and my mom watched a romance movie together. It was a little humiliating when my mom made me plug my ears and look away during the lovemaking scene, but Vanessa seemed to agree with my mom's judgment that it was for the best. All-in-all it wasn't the worst way a date could have gone. It definitely wasn't a manly event, but I could tell Vanessa enjoyed herself and that was the most important thing. I even got a good evening kiss when she thanked me for having her over - though she only kissed me on the cheek this time and not the lips. It seemed like I only got to kiss her lips fresh after she gave Brad a blowjob.

I went to bed with a pair of sore blue-balls. Claire's feet were still on my computer screen, taunting me. What a strange date night.


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Reply #31 on: November 11, 2019, 07:55:34 PM
CH 25.     1/2

CHAPTER  25: Brad's Bimbo plaything

My mom went all-out in preparing for her 'big reveal' for Brad. She hadn't seen him in over a week and she found herself missing him more and more. To be more specific, her body had been missing him. She'd felt so empty without the young, aggressive buck using her body and she couldn't wait to be ravished by him once again. Of course, while my mom had been pining to feel her young lover using her body, Brad hadn't been missing her nearly as much. Between pleasuring himself with my girlfriend's slutty mouth, penetrating the hot blonde teacher's pussy, or having an after-class romp with any random classroom tart, Brad had been having as much fun as he wanted during my mom's absence.

Of course, my mom didn't know this (well, except for the part about using Vanessa's mouth on a daily bases), and she had been feeling so guilty for not pleasing the young buck. This meant today she wanted to make sure every single thing would be perfect for him. On top of having me clean every inch of the house for his arrival and change her bedding out with fresh sheets, she had stocked the fridge with his favorite beer, and the smell of baked chocolate cake filled the air. She had spent a lot of time doing her make-up and fixing up her hair and had a fresh, clean waxing over every part of her body from the neck down.

"When Brad knocks, I want you to open the door and invite him in, and then stand out of the way, and I'll be standing right here in the living room doorframe," she said as she took her place, leaning against the frame between the kitchen and living room. She would be the first thing he saw when I opened the door.

I sighed quietly but knew better than to raise any objections. I was still in hot water and didn't dare risk giving my mom another reason to get upset with me. "And of course, you are to be on your BEST behavior. I don't want to hear any of your usual grumbling or complaining. You are to mind him and be very polite, and of course, say yes sir, please, and thank you when talking to him.

"Yes, ma'am," I answered somewhat aggravatedly. It was so unfair! Not only was Brad younger than me, but he was also the whole reason I got in trouble in the first place! Yet here he was being worshipped by my mom while I had to serve him and call him sir.

"Good. Now, he'll be here in an hour, so I'm going to go finish getting ready. You can sit here at the living room table and do your homework while you wait for him to knock on the door."

"Okay," I said as I knelt by the living room coffee table and cracked open my books. I had a lot of homework to do to make up for missing three days of school.

Soon, I was broken out of my homework trance by my mom's voice. "What do you think?"

I looked up from my books to see her stepping into the living room wearing her get-up that she'd put together just for Brad, and all I could do was open my mouth with shock. She took that as a huge compliment and smiled brightly, "I wanted to do wear something special for the big reveal to Brad!" I still couldn't answer fully. I couldn't believe she'd wear something like that for my younger classmate!

She was wearing some fishnet pantyhose that went from her toes all the way up to above her bellybutton, covering her legs, thighs, and waist in the fishnet stockings. The only thing she had over the fishnet pantyhose was a pair of black, latex mini-shorts that barely covered half her asscheeks, leaving plenty in view for Brad's pleasure. It was obvious that she wanted to show off her new fake ass workover, and the fishnet + mini-shorts combo worked perfectly. To make it even worse, the shorts had a zipper ran straight down the middle of her asscrack, which I knew was going to give Brad direct, easy access to her behind.

The top wasn't any better. She had taken a 3-inch wide, bright-red ribbon and wrapped it around her back and then tied it into a nice big bow over her tits! The ribbon covered her nipples but left plenty of cleavage of both the top and bottoms of her new, extra-large breasts. All Brad would have to do is tug on the ends of the bow, and the ribbon would fall off like wrapping paper. "I wanted my new breasts to be like a present for Brad! Do you think your school buddy will like it?"

I still couldn't answer as my mom put her hands on her waist and stuck out her chest, showing off the ribbon proudly and shifting her chest this way and that. She was wearing her gold hair down loosely around her shoulders, and she had on a pair of big silver hoop earrings. Of course, she was also wearing the degrading "BB" chocker-collar, and a pair of black high-heels that showed off her fishnet covered toes.

"I-i-it," I couldn't find any words which caused my mom to giggle and smile brightly. "You must really like it! That's great! That means Brad is going too, also! Now I just can't wait to get my lips done, too!" Her smile widened proudly as my heart sank lower. She was dressed up like a complete anal slut for my school bully, and she was proud of it. I knew there was no getting her back from Brad's control, now. He had transformed my beautiful, caring mom into his willing, pumped-up anal fucktoy. All I could do was hope it wasn't too late for Vanessa, too.

'Ding-dong!' The doorbell rang, and I knew it was him. "Ooo hurray! Remember, answer the door and welcome Brad inside, tell him BB's waiting for him, and I'll be standing right here." She quickly stepped into the center of the doorframe, leaning against it and bending her body in a sexy, seductive pose. "And remember: be extra polite and mindful to him!"

"Yes, mother," I answered with heartache as I opened the door.

There was Brad, staring down at me with his cocky, condescending smirk. He and I both knew that he was the whole reason I was suspended from school, and there was not a thing I could do about it. He was loving it. "Hello, milksop." He pronounced the words slowly and sharply, emphasizing each syllable of my name, almost the point of spitting. I felt so little and degraded as I averted my eyes to his feet.

"H-hello, Mr. Brad. Please come inside, my mom is waiting for you." I wanted to die. I stepped out of the way and opened the door wide, presenting the view of my ready and waiting mom.

"Hi, big boy, like what ya see?" She asked in a sexy, seductive voice as she slid her hands down her waist and rolled her shoulders, swaying her new, large tits for the much younger stud.

"Oh helllllloooooooo," Brad said slowly as he took in an eye full of the delicious view in front of him. His pleased greeting made my mom squirm with delight, and she quickly turned around to show him the back view. "A little present behind, too," she said in her teasing, seductive voice, and she reached her arms up to the top of the doorframe as she jutted her juicy ass towards Brad and began wiggling it back and forward.

The desired effect obviously took hold of Brad - he reached down to his crotch and adjusted his pants as his dick hardened. That made my mom purr a loud "mmm" as she saw him adjust his crotch, and she felt a hot tingle between her own two legs. She spun back around and pushed her large, round tits into each other, rubbing them together and enticing Brad further. "BB's got a nice juicy present for her big stud," she said flirtatiously. "Now, why don't you come give me my hug?"

Brad slung his bookbag off his shoulder and shoved it into my chest as he walked past, basically making me fall over backward as he kept walking towards the blonde prize in the living room. My mom threw her arms around him in a welcoming embrace. First, Brad hugged her with his arms around her back. Then, after a short moment, he removed his hands off her back, lowered them a bit and then gave her ass cheeks a full, open-palm squeeze with both hands.

"Ooo," my mom squealed unexpectedly, and her lower body pushed into Brad, inadvertently feeling his stiff dick through his pants. My mom's pussy began tingling fiercely as she felt the young stud's thick cock. Brad broke off the hug but kept an arm around her waist as he slid behind her to face me. His arm was around my mom like she was his prize as he began
 speaking to me, "Hey milksop, I'm gonna take your mom into the bedroom to... Have a little fun with her." I couldn't see it, but his hand was still planted on her full asscheek and he was squeezing and feeling her up while he spoke to me. I hated seeing my mom hanging off his arm like she was some teenage ditz, twirling her blonde hair excitedly in her finger.

"You can go up to your room and take care of the homework in my bookbag for me."

"What!" I objected, looking towards my mom for some reasoning. "But this is HIS homework! Why should I do it!"

My mom quickly took rivals side, his arm still wrapped around her hip. "Honey, what did I say about being respectful and minding Brad?"

I looked down, realizing I was probably out of line, and my mom kept talking. "Brad's been working very hard all week, attending classes and also with his football practice, while you've been home skipping out on school. I think it's very fair you take up some of the slack by doing his homework." As she was talking, I saw the smile creeping wider and wider across Brad's face while my mom took his side on everything. "Now, what did I tell you to do to Brad while he's here?"

I looked down even further and grumbled out my response, "To be obedient and respectful."

"That's right. So, what do you say to Brad?" As she was mid-sentence, Brad pinched her fat asscheek, making her squeal and giggle. I felt like a toy, standing there holding Brad's book bag while he played with my mom's ass.

I cleared my throat. "S-sorry for back-talking, Mr. Brad, I'll get started on your homework..."

"That's much better. You can come back down in an hour to serve the cake and beers."

"Two hours," Brad said smugly, squeezing a handful of my mom's ass as he spoke, making her squeal. And don't worry, I'm going to take GOOD care of your momma." He continued squeezing her ass as he spun her around, and the two of them began walking towards her bedroom, my mom giggling and saying "Oh I bet you will!" He gave her behind a loud spank, making her jump as she led him into her bedroom and disappeared behind the closed door.

I was fighting back tears as I climbed up to my room, clutching Brad's bookbag against my chest. It felt just like a repeat of the first night he spent with my mom. It was so unfair! HE was the one who jerked off into Mrs. Hunter's yoga pants, and I was getting punished for it! I threw the bag angrily on my bed and pulled out the notepad with the assignments. I considered doing all the answers wrong just to get back at him, but I quickly realized how poorly that would turn out for me. I still had Vanessa, and if I didn't play by Brad's rules, she would quickly disappear from my life. I was Brad's bitch as long as he liked. I cursed him as I opened the book and began doing his math homework.


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Reply #32 on: November 11, 2019, 07:58:25 PM
CH. 25    2/2

While I was doing Brad's homework (again!), he was downstairs with my gorgeous, dolled-up mom. "So are you ready to open your present?" She asked sweetly as she stood in front of her bed, her hands behind her back, rocking her chest side-to-side flirtatiously. It was obvious she was horny and eager to feel the young stud's hands on her body.

Brad stepped close, his eyes glued to my mom's new enhanced chest, and he grabbed the ends of the ribbons and pulled. The bow came smoothly undone and fell free off her chest, leaving her two giant knockers completely free for Brad. My mom stood still, hands behind her back, her eyes focused on Brad's, gauging his reaction as he saw her new tits. A smile crossed the boy's face as he lifted his hands to grab the pair of full, round tits that greeted him.

My mom's face lit up as she saw his pleased reaction, and she continued standing perfectly still to let Brad take his time examining her new tits. She loved seeing him smile and desperately hoped they pleased him. Brad closed his palms around the large globes of my mom's tits and began squeezing and lifting them. My mom could see the pleased look in his eyes, and it made her feel all warm. "You like them, honey?" She asked hopefully.

"Mmm they're a huge improvement, you are starting to look more like a real model, now."

The words made my mom's whole body tingle.

"And they feel much nicer now, so much better than before." The boy continued squeezing my mom's full tits, and she desperately wanted to jump up and kiss him as he continued groping her tits and telling her what an improvement they were. Though she felt a little ashamed that her previous, natural tits didn't feel as good as the new, fake, plastic ones. However, she also felt relieved and thankful that she'd gotten the enhancement. Finally, her body was starting to become good enough for a guy like Brad!

"Mmm, I'm so glad you like them," she said in a warm voice. "I got them just for you, babe."

"Mmm, oh yea?" He closed his fingers around her large tits, giving them another squeeze. "All for me?"

"Oh yes!" She answered quickly, continuing to push her chest forward into the boy's hands.

"So these tits are all mine," he answers triumphantly, pinching and twisting her puffy nipple.

"Yes babe, these tits belong to you!" She stood perfectly still with her hands behind her back and didn't budge as Brad twisted and pulled on her nipple, making her wince. She wanted so badly to prove herself to him, while he did nothing but degrade her.

"What about that fat ass, too?" He asked naughtily.

"Mmm, yes, of course, babe! My ass belongs to you." Brad spun her around so he could get a closer look at her new ass, and she dropped forward onto the mattress, bending over and sticking her ass up towards the boy. She began wiggling it side to side as he watched.

Brad had a wide, hungry smile on his face as my mom bent over and wiggled her fishnet covered behind at the boy's face. "It's all yours, babe!"

The young man had already felt her new ass up plenty, and now he wanted to do something more. He reached forward and pulled the zipper down the back of her latex shorts, causing them to peel open like a flower. The fishnet pantyhose beneath the shorts had a big gap sown into them around her crotch, but it didn't quite reach up to her anus. It was obvious she'd intended him to be using her pussy this evening, though as usual, she'd given herself an enema, 'just in case'.

Brad reached his fingers up to my mom's mouth who instantly closed her lips around them and sucked. Brad pulled his wet finger out of my mom's mouth then shoved it into the crotch hole and inside my mom's wet pussy.

"Mmm," she moaned as she felt the finger work inside her cunt. She hadn't had sex since her supervisor had raped her in his office, and her body had been worked up and aching to feel a man in her pussy the whole week. Feeling Brad's finger work it's way into her horny, wet pussy sent warm shivers down her entire body, and she began begging for more.

"Oh, you want to feel my cock?" Brad asked tauntingly as he withdrew her finger.

"Ohhh GOD yes Brad! I've been aching for your big dick all week!"

"You want THIS dick?" He asked teasingly as he unzipped his pants, pulling out his fully erect, stiff man-meat. My mom's eyes widened as she saw it - just as massive and hard as she'd been fantasizing about - and a hungry, desperate look filled her face. "Oh yes, babe, I need that thing inside me, I've been waiting too long!"

"Hmm..." Brad stepped closer, a taunting look on his face. His cock was so close to her pussy she could almost feel it, and she began bending further back to push her ass towards it. "Just one problem. Your crotchless panty-hole doesn't reach all the way to your ass."

"Ohhh, but my pussy is open," my mom answered hungrily, grabbing her latex shorts and pulling them further down towards her knees.

"Oh, you want it in your slutty little cunt, huh?"

My mom was squirming and moaning as Brad held his hand on her ass, rubbing his cock with his other, driving her wild. She reached her fingers between her legs and felt her drenched, burning-hot vagina. It was juicy and starving to be fucked. "Yes, yes, yes, I want it in my pussy so bad!"

"Well..." Brad answered slowly, still rubbing his long, erect shaft up and down. "You know..." He reached forward and grabbed a tiny fishnet hole over my mom's ass and ripped the pantyhose open, "you got this brand new, juicy ass, and it is all for me..."

My mom's entire body was trembling with horniness as she felt Brad tear the pantyhose open around her ass, and she knew what was coming next as the boy stepped closer. "Yes?" She asked hungrily, impatiently. The way he was taunting her about fucking her ass just made her pussy even wetter.

"So I really think..." He was standing directly behind her now, his large cock an inch above her ass.

"Yea?" She asked impatiently, fully aware of what was coming but getting turned on more and more from hearing it.

"Instead of fucking your pussy, I'm going to try out your new ass, instead."

"Ohhhh!" My mom moaned as the words finally came out. She hadn't even been penetrated and somehow, she felt like she was about to orgasm already.

"Yea," he said as he pushed the tip of his cock between her fat, round asscheeks. His cockhead slid between his asscheeks smoothly, as if they were inviting him in, directly towards her tight, closed asshole. "I'm going to ride your ass roughly and really break it in."

My mom's fingers were violently shoving into her wet pussy as she felt the thick, intrusive cockhead penetrate it's way into her tight hole, forcing it open. The blonde bimbo howled as she felt the young stud forcing his cock up her ass, and on the very single first thrust, she felt her orgasm. She had been so worked up and teased that her body exploded with pleasure from the very first feel of the man's cock, and she rubbed her clit violently with her fingers as her ass squeezed Brad's thick shaft.

"Oh my god, oh my god, you just made me cum," she panted
 loudly as Brad rested his fat cock buried in her asshole.

"You came already, slut?" He asked degradingly.

"Y-y-yes, sir," my mom answered breathlessly.

"Well, I hope you aren't expecting a break to recover because I am just getting started." He began withdrawing his dick, then pushing it back in, without giving my mom a chance to catch her breath. The poor blonde MILF began moaning as her knees weakened, and her body fell against the mattress, giving Brad an even firmer position to fuck her. He began thrusting faster and faster, my mom's body pinned between his and the mattress, and she began moaning painfully as her tight ass was stretched and violated by the boy's thick shaft.

"Oh yea, your new ass feels great, I think I'll be coming over to fuck you up the ass a lot," he said cruelly as he reached forward and grabbed a handful of my mom's thick, blonde hair, pulling it.

All she could do was moan and say yes as the boy continued fucking her ass as deep as he liked. "This ass does belong to me after all, right?"

"Uhn, uhn, uhn! Y, ye, yes!" Her body was rocking and shaking from every thrust, and she had no control of her body as the bully continued pulling her hair and ramming her behind. Her tight hole was now stretched out and accommodating the large dick nicely, letting him work each thrust with ease.

"I can come over and fuck you up the ass whenever I want, right?"

"Y-yes, yes babe!" She was already beginning to feel her second orgasm building, something she'd never experienced before during sex - multiple orgasms, from pure anal sex.

"Clunk, clunk, clunk." I tried to ignore it, but even when I plugged my ears, I could hear the baseboard of the bed smacking loudly against the wall. I was still in my room the floor above my mom's, trying to finish Brad's homework, but that noise was so distracting. "Clunk, clunk, clunk." I knew that cruel bully must be riding my mom's body so hard. Worse still, it made my little pecker get hard and strain painfully against my dick-cage. Brad knew I would be hearing it, which made him do it even harder.

I swallowed and tried to put the noise out of my head. I KNEW I had to finish the bully's homework before he was done, or I'd risk losing Vanessa. I heard my mom's voice, muffled through the floorboards, moaning with pleasure and calling out the boy's name. I cursed him and solved another math problem. "Clunk, clunk, clunk."


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Reply #33 on: November 11, 2019, 08:04:09 PM
There’s a good chunk for you I might post more when I have time


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Reply #34 on: November 11, 2019, 08:07:08 PM
There’s a good chunk for you I might post more when I have time
That's nice. Thank you very much


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Reply #35 on: November 12, 2019, 05:00:30 AM
Thanks. Someone actually had the story and is willing to share! You're the GOAT Assketchem!


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Reply #36 on: November 12, 2019, 07:04:09 PM
CHAPTER  26  1/2

Chapter 26: Brad uses his sex toy: my mom

TWO whole hours passed. The entire time I spent doing his homework, I was interrupted by the sounds from the bedroom below me, as Brad went to town on my mom. He fucked her thoroughly for the entire two hours, working over her new, plastic-enhanced body in every position, though the majority of it was in doggy-style, with her body bent over and her face buried in the pillows. He would rotate between fucking her ass, and bringing his fat cock over to her mouth to suck, then back into her ass.

My mom was struggling with the guilt she felt over sleeping with her supervisor. Sure, it had technically happened against her will, but she knew that she HAD enjoyed it, as much as she tried not too. Her pussy had become wet and she secretly, deep-down had loved feeling her supervisors big cock entering her pussy. The guilt fueled her desire to please the young bully, and she tried desperately to make it up to him by fulfilling his every desire, even if that did mean dropping to her knees and sucking the juice off his fat cock after he withdrew it from her stretched, gaping anus.

In fact, about the only part of her body that didn't see any action during those two hours, was her pussy. Anytime she hinted that her pussy wanted to be stuffed, too, Brad quickly shut her down, saying that her new fake ass was "way too much fun." Of course, with my mom's internal guilt for letting another man use her body, she quickly complied, bending over on the bed and letting the young bully use her ass again and again as she clenched the sheets and tried not to focus on the pain. Brad had ripped her fishnet stockings down to her thighs, and the entire rest of her body was naked - except for her chocker collar, and her high-heels, which Brad had instructed her to leave-on.

Brad pulled his fat cock out of my mom's sore asshole. "Now, reach back and spread your cheeks. I wanna see my handiwork," Brad instructed. My bimboed up mom complied, reaching behind her and grabbing her fat, round ass cheeks and spreading them apart, letting Brad get a look at her fuckhole. Brad smiled down at her menacingly and slipped his cock into my mom's waiting backdoor hole.

He slipped it in and out a few times, before speeding up his thrusting.

"That's a good slut, this ass feels so great when you're bent over like that. I think we found a new permanent use for you," he said as he grabbed her hips tightly and thrust his dick into her again and again, making the MILF moan.

"Th, th, thank you, babe! A-a-anything you want!" She answered between the painful thrusts, feeling good that she was making up for having sex with Richard.

Brad quickly picked up on the woman's willingness to please him, and he kept pushing it further and further to see what he could get away with. He stopped referring to her as Becky - he didn't even call her BB - instead, he started only calling her names like dirty slut, fuck-toy, or anal whore. My mom ate it all up, worshipping his cock with her lips, bending her legs up to her shoulders so he could fuck her ass even deeper, or squeezing her fake tits together so the boy could enjoy a nice, rough tit-job from her sized-up, extra-round breasts.

"Now... Why don't you bend over on your hands and knees? I want to see those giant knockers swinging while we have sex," Brad suggested with a naughty smile. He was pulling on her heartstrings everytime he bossed her around and she loved pleasing the young, demanding stud. She quickly assumed the position and began rocking her body back and forward, making her heavy tits swing beneath her. "Like this?"

Brad moved behind her and positioned his dick against her sore, loosening asshole. "Yea, let's see if we can't make them swing even more," he said as he shoved his dick back inside her butt. "Uhn," the young MILF moaned as she felt the fat cock returning inside her. It felt bigger than she was prepared for, every single time. My mom's body began rocking along with his thrusts, causing her large, fake breasts to swing back and forward. Brad began laughing at how ridiculous they looked, so fake and oversized as they swung too and fro. "That's great! Like big, fat, cow udders," he said mockingly. All my mom could focus on was the fat, unrelenting cock that was pounding her sensitive anal hole. He began slapping her asscheeks as he fucked her, making the poor girl whimper and moan as the dick slid in and out of her ass and her tits swung and swung with each thrust.

He came twice in those two hours. The first time, he emptied his load deep inside her ass, at a time when my mom was bent up against the headboard of the bed, causing it to make an extra-loud banging noise against the wall with every thrust. I heard that one loud and clear.

After he finished, he collapsed back comfortably on the bed. "How was that, honey?" She asked caringly, hoping she pleased the much younger stud.

"Mmm nice, your new fat-ass is way more fun than before," he said without looking at her as he grabbed a remote to the TV in my mom's bedroom.

"Ohh that makes me so happy to hear! Do you want anything else?" She asked sweetly as the boy took her spot in the middle of the bed and turned on the TV against the wall.

"Hmm. I guess you could suck on my nuts," he answered unthoughtfully.

"Sure babe," she answered willingly, feeling more eager than ever to please her young lover and keep him happy.

She lowered herself between his legs and planted her mouth beneath his dick, taking his nuts into her lips as he switched to MTV and began watching a show.

"Mmm, yea, that's nice. You're a great slut," he said happily as he sat back comfortably against the pillows that I'd just washed, watching the TV while my mom sucked dutifully on his nutsack. He spoke to my sweet, loving mom like she was an absolute whore, and she responded by gently rubbing and massaging his big balls with her tongue. After having his nuts sucked on for ten straight minutes, the young bully got a naughty idea. He loved degrading my mom more and more, and the thought of his naughty idea made him smile with delight.

"Hey, BB."

My mom smiled hearing the boy finally use her proper nickname, instead of referring to her as a slut. "Mmhmm?" She mumbled as she looked up to him from her position against his nuts.

"You should move your mouth a little lower."

She obediently moved her mouth lower down his ballsack. "Likgh Ghish?" She asked, her lips still pressed against the big nustack, his wet, flaccid dick resting over her eye.

"Mmm, no. A bit lower." A naughty smile crept across my bully's face as he spread his legs and made my mom get even lower.

"Like... This?" She was now beneath his ballsack, her lips still against his body.

"Lower..." The boy responded, lifting his body to give my mom access.

It was clear what the young stud meant. There was nowhere 'lower' to go, except for...

My mom didn't even hesitate. As soon as Brad's anus was in view, my mom pushed her lips right against it.

"Oh yea, now get that tongue in," he said with an immature ring in his voice.

My sweet, lovely mom responded by opening her lips and shoving her tongue forward, mashing it into Brad's asshole and licking. Brad had a huge, triumphant smirk on his face. He'd told me again and again how much he was going to fuck my mom, and now he degraded her all the way into licking his ass clean.

"Mmm that feels great! Get your tongue even deeper in there. Yea, just like that! There you go, nice and deep. I think we found a new use for your mouth!" He continued watching with a big, naughty smile as my mom licked and munched on his dirty hole, trying desperately to keep him pleased. He'd caught her at a very weak and vulnerable night, and he took full advantage of it.

"Ohhh. You keep licking my ass like that, and I think I'm going to get hard and fuck your ass again."

"Mmm!" My mom moaned in response as she shoved her tongue back between the boy's cheeks.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Mm-hmm!" She moaned enthusiastically.


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Reply #37 on: November 12, 2019, 07:05:23 PM
CHAPTER 26   2/2

Brad chuckled. "That's a good anal whore."

Soon he had her sprawled out on the bed and was using her ass once again, rotating his dick between her stretched out, gaped hole and her wanting red lips. It was such a contrast - my mom's pink, untouched pussy just inches above her wide, gaping anus.

When he was done, her ass was so stretched out that Brad had to finish finished off his second orgasm with her giving him an A-class titjob. She stuck her tongue out and tried to massage the tip while she squeezed her soft, cushiony breasts around his shaft. The boy thrust his cock between her tits roughly while saying what an improvement her new tits were. She'd never felt so inadequate about her tits until now, and more and more she felt confirmed about her choice to get implants. The young man thrust and grunted until he finally released his load, sprayed his cum all over her chest, face, and tongue. She lay still, looking up at her lover as he unleashed squirt after squirt over her loving, open-mouthed face. All-in-all, she received exactly 0% pussy penetration during the entire two-hour fuck session.

"That was great," Brad said after emptying his load onto my mom's messy face. Even though her ass ached from being fucked into oblivion, and her tits were sore from being groped and used so roughly, she also felt pleased deep inside knowing that she satisfied her young lover. He looked more attractive to her than ever as he squeezed the last bit of cum onto her face and then collapsing onto the bed beside her.

"Mmm, I'm so glad," she purred as she climbed off her back, the warm feeling of cum all over her fake tits.

The young stud felt like a million dollars, having messed up my mom so thoroughly with his big cock. "I'm kinda hungry," he said with a knowing glance.

"I made some of your favorite chocolate cake! Or would you
 like something else? I have some chicken pasta I could heat up for you," she immediately replied. She started towards the bathroom to clean herself up, but Brad interjected. "You're not going to get dressed, are you? You shouldn't hide that new, sexy body!"

My mom's smile beamed. "Besides," Brad added, "It's been over two hours. I'm sure milksop is asleep. I think you should cook me something naked," he said with a naughty smile. The suggestion made my mom feel completely naughty, and she couldn't help but smile and agree.

"Okay, you naughty stud," she answered playfully.  She felt herself feeling more and more in love with my hung, bossy schoolmate bully. She wanted to jump up and kiss him but knew better than to do that with her cum-stained lips.

She waltzed out to the kitchen in her black, tall high-heels.

I was finally finishing up with Brad's homework when the two-hours were up. I let out a sigh of relief as I finished up the last of his assignments. I knew the rules: anything less than an A meant I'd be getting my ass kicked. The noise had subsided from the bedroom, and I figured it was time to go downstairs. I thought I heard a noise from the kitchen anyway.

I walked downstairs and the noise got louder, and I saw the light from the kitchen. I walked in, and my jaw hit the ground.

My darling mother was standing in front of the oven, bending over to put a dish inside. Her perfectly round, fake ass was on full display and I could see her wet, stretched out anus with a drizzle of Brad's juice dripping down her thigh. She stood up as she closed the oven, sticking a finger in her mouth as she set the oven timer. "Hmm, perfect," she whispered to herself before turning around to see me, standing in the doorway, with my jaw dropped.

"Oh, my," she said thoughtfully as she saw me staring. She looked like a compleeete wreck. My eyes roamed up and down Brad's work: Her fishnet stockings were completely torn off from the thighs up but the bottoms were still wrapped tightly around her long, muscular legs. Her ballooned-up tits were still fresh with Brad's cum - dripping down to the nipples. Her golden blonde hair was matted-up, and her lipstick was smeared all around her mouth. About the only part of her which still seemed fresh was the degrading BB chocker around her neck. It was clear that my bully had through-and-through ravaged my loving mom's body in any way he'd desired.

The worst part of all was that when I saw her naked and worked-over, I immediately felt my dicklette grow hard in its cage, making me wince.

"So sorry, sweetie, I didn't expect you to see me like this," she said sweetly. She looked around for something to cover herself with, but all she could find was a little dish towel which she grabbed and held over her crotch, leaving her cum-covered tits fully exposed. She considered going back to her bedroom to put something on, but she decided that this was a sensitive subject and she better discuss it then and there.

"But, as you know, mommy and Brad are adults... I know you're roughly the same age, but you know that he's much more mature and grown-up in some ways. And, as you know, a man like Brad has needs, as does mommy... You understand, right?"

It felt so awkward and humiliating, my mom's big tits moving with her breath, the wet cum sliding down the sides. There was still cum splattered on her neck and face, too. All I could do was nod.

Just then, I heard Brad's voice as he walked out of the bedroom, "Do I hear you guys talking? Ohh, hi, milksop!"

My mom's face lit up as my younger school bully came walking triumphantly out of her bedroom. He walked up to my mom and slunk an arm around her.

"Yes, I was just explaining to milksop that we were having some adult fun, but that everything was fine," my mom said sweetly.

"Yea, that's right. We've been having some..." and he slapped her fat ass, making her jump and squeal, "adult fun in the bedroom. And BB here has learned some great new tricks in the sack. She's a really great lay."

"Aww," my mom cooed sweetly as Brad squeezed her left asscheek.

"And these boobs..." He raised his hand and placed it square on top of her right, round breast. "So plump and juicy," he closed his fingers around it and squeezed. A smile grew across my mom's face. Brad got a bit of the cum from my mom's breast onto his finger, so he lifted it up to her smeared red lips. She quickly closed them around his finger and sucked the cum off.

"Good girl, BB. In fact, I might have a little more 'fun' with you now. Wouldn't you like that?"

My mom's smile turned into a grin. "Yes indeed."

"So, you head up to bed, while I go play with your mom some more," Brad said confidently.

"Yes, sir," I answered with humiliation. Just as I turned around to walk away, Brad spoke up. "Now, hang on..." Something sounded scary about his voice.

"Y-yes, sir?" I asked meekly.

"You can't go to bed without giving your mom a goodnight kiss," my bully said sarcastically.


"Well? What are you waiting for?" The bully asked impatiently. My mom smiled, charmed at the thought.

The room spun, but I didn't have any alternative. I began walking towards her naked body as she stood there with the dishrag over her crotch. The whole thing felt like a hazy dream. She leaned forward and puckered her lips, then gave me a big wet kiss with her puffy, red, cum-glazed, ass-licking lips.

Brad smiled cruelly as he watched. "Come on, don't be rude. Kiss your mom back," he said mockingly.

I cringed and did as I was told. My mom wasn't thinking at all about the nasty places her lips had just been a few minutes prior and was happy to receive her goodnight kiss while Brad chuckled at my humiliation, knowing that I was kissing the lips of my ass-licking mom. He had really outdone himself this time.

"Hmm, I don't know, milksop still seems a little pouty.

"Good night, sweetie. See you tomorrow!" My mom said sweetly as Brad brought her back into the bedroom so she could suck on his nuts some more.

"G-goodnight, mom..."

I went to bed that evening with a sore crotch - I'd had dramatic, sexualized thoughts all evening and my dicklette had been straining against the hard cage, causing it to ache. I was so glad Claire would becoming over to relieve me the next day because I didn't think I could last another night. My horniness was starting to become too much to handle.

While all that had been going on, Claire had arrived back in town. The first thing she did was meet up with Victoria and Chelsea for their weekly 'homework study session'.

"You are not going to believe what the fat cow sent me," Victoria said as the three girls gathered in the blonde Goddess's bedroom. 'Fat cow' was their name for Vanessa when she wasn't around.

Victoria pulled out her phone and showed it to Claire, whose face lit up as she read the message. "i'm frekaing out, i just got the bill notification from my credit card and it's due soon and its huge. my parents r going to kill me if they find out"

Claire let out a soft, satisfied moan as she read the message. Vanessa's desperation was culminating, and she knew it was time for the girls to take advantage.

"I'm so sick of this bitch's teasing and fake smile, I think it's time we really push this stupid cunt," Victoria said with disgust.

"I agree," Claire answered with full satisfaction, "it's past time we REALLY put her in her place." Chelsea was listening in with absolute glee and excitement as Victoria pulled out a small white box. "And I have just the thing," the blonde said with a naughty smile as she slid the box open.

"Ohhh, yay!" Claire exclaimed with excitement as she saw what's inside the box. Her face lit up with devious pleasure.

Victoria smiled proudly. "It has long range control, and it's absolutely silent, even on the highest setting. That fat cow is going to be a wreck when we're done with her!"

The devious blonde continued talking as the two girls ogled at the device in front of them. "We'll need to string her along. We'll pay half her credit-card debt in return."

"Half?" Chelsea asked, "Why don't we just pay the minimum, and keep her desperate for more?"

"Because," Victoria answered confidently, "we have to play this very delicately. If we only pay the minimum, she might freak out. By paying off half, we give her hope and keep her willing to do more and more." Victoria gave Chelsea a stern look. "Besides, I looked it up. Paying off half will give her just enough credit for her to pay for her lip injections. She won't even think twice about once she sees us pay off half the entire debt."

Chelsea lowered her head. She realized how dumb she was to question her friend. Victoria was always two steps ahead of everyone else, and this just proved it. She knew the scolding was coming.

"This is why you leave the thinking to us, and you just keep your mouth shut and whatever the fuck I say."

Chelsea remained looking down. She knew she fucked up by questioning her friend. Victoria was ALWAYS right, and she should have known better than to get in her way. Claire was the only person in the world who could get away with questioning Victoria. Not even the teachers could question her, as Victoria had demonstrated more than once. The brunette remained silent and took her scolding. "Now, come over here and brush my hair while we finish planning."

The brunette hurried over to brush the Goddess's hair, relieved to get back on her good side.

"So, what's the latest with the fat cow's little fag boyfriend?" Victoria asked as Chelsea began brushing her long, blonde hair.

A big smile came to Claire's face. "About that. I have something to show you, too."

Victoria's eyebrows raised as Claire pulled a surprise of her own out of her purse. It was a black, bulbous anal plug. "A little gift for babydick," Claire said with a giggle. "And, since he got himself suspended..." Both girls
 giggled, knowing that it was them who'd caused me to get suspended, "I'm not going to let him cum this week!"

"Oh my God, Claire, you are such a perfect bitch," Victoria said with a cruel laugh. "That little fag is going to have to walk around with a buttplug, without even getting any relief? That is so hilarious!"

"Yea, while his girlfriend is going to be getting played with by every guy on the football team!" Claire deviously added, and all three girls had a big laugh as they continued ironing out the next few steps in their plan.


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Reply #38 on: November 12, 2019, 07:07:17 PM

Chapter 27: Buttering up Brad

The next morning...

I went downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen. She was wearing her sexy purple sheer gown - the one with puffy, fluff-ball trim around the hem and breasts. It was a little unusual that she was wearing a pair of purple high-heels with her nightgown, but I didn't think too hard on it. She did enjoy looking stylish, after all. "Good morning, sweetie," she said softly as I walked in. She had a warm smile on her face and despite the disgraceful encounter last night, she still seemed to be in quite a cheery mood. I was just happy not to see Brad still hanging around. He must have gone home after working my mother over really good last night.

"Have a seat," she instructed. I smelled the delicious smell of bacon and scrambled eggs and my heart warmed at the thought of her making breakfast for me - just like old times before Brad showed up. I quickly grabbed a seat at the table.

"Listen, we need to chat," she said as she stepped closer and leaned onto the table beside me, resting one leg on the edge. Even though she was still a mess from last night and hadn't done her hair, she still looked amazing in the purple gown with her juicy ass resting on the table.

"About last night..."

I cringed. "No no, it's okay," I responded quickly, wanting to brush the whole thing off as much as possible. I honestly wanted to forget all about the degrading view of my mom holding the dishtowel over her crotch, her ass stretched by Brad's rough dicking. "You don't need to explain," I continued with shame.

My mom giggled as she realized what I was thinking. "Hehe, no, not that. I know that was a bit embarrassing, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

I wasn't sure if I should feel relieved or not.

She began explaining, idly twisting a strand of her blonde hair in her fingers. "Thing is, Brad and I were talking last night, and he said you've been a bit disrespectful to him at school."

My jaw dropped with disbelief. Me? Being disrespectful to HIM? He's the one that bullied me and called me a loser every day! "What! But-" before I could say another word, my mom cut me off. "Ah-ah! No back talking. He's right, because I noticed it last night, too. You gave him a lot of sass whenever he told you to do something."

I put my head down. I was already defeated. I hadn't said two words, and I knew I'd already lost. Anything I tried to say to defend myself was just going to blow up in my face. My mom continued talking. "He said you two haven't been getting along so well at school lately, and I think I know why. It's because you're jealous he's been getting head from Vanessa."

My jaw was dropped. Of course, we hadn't been getting along: I NEVER got along with Brad, he had made my life hell from the moment I met him at school. But now, he was playing it up like it was MY fault! Worst of all my mom was buying into Brad's lie.

"It's not fair to Brad for you to be mean to him," my mom continued. "Afterall, it was YOUR idea to make that deal with him and Vanessa."

"But, mom! He's the one that's always mean to me!" But before I could half-way through the sentence, she held up a finger to stop me from talking. "NO backtalking. Everyone else gets along with Brad just perfectly. If you two aren't getting along, it must be your fault."

I sighed and looked away. I couldn't decide which was more humiliating: the fact that Vanessa was giving Brad a daily blowjob, or the fact that my mom knew about my pathetic arrangement. My eyes began roaming up and down my mom's long, tan leg resting aside the table, with her high heel on her foot. Damn, she looked good. I couldn't imagine how nice it must be for Brad to spread those long legs when he mounted her last night.

"I-I'm sorry," I answered pathetically as I looked down at your feet.

My mom's voice sounded a bit more pleased with my apology. "Good, but it's not me that you need to apologize too. You need to make Brad happy, not me," she answered. "So, here's what we're going to do," she continued, "I made a nice breakfast meal. You're going to grab the tray and bring it into my room to serve it to Brad. He's still in bed."

My heart sank with disappointment. Brad was still here! I looked over at the meal sadly as I realized it wasn't for me after all.

"And when you bring it to him, you're going to be very polite and tell him that you're going to start being MUCH more respectful to him at school."

"Yes, ma'am," I answered quietly.

"Good. Now, don't keep him waiting," she said as she slid her ass off the table. I reluctantly grabbed the tray and brought it into her bedroom.

Brad was laying on his back under the big blanket with his back against the pillow. It was obvious he was naked below the covers. "Hey, pussy-wimp. Got something for me?" He asked as he put his hands behind his head.

"Y-yes, sir..." I answered as I stumbled into the room carrying his tray of sizzling bacon, scrambled eggs, golden toast, and a glass of orange juice. I heard my mom clear her throat behind me and I knew I had to start playing ball. "I brought it in to try and make-up for how disrespectful I was last night."

The smirk on Brad's face was huge as he stretched out, enjoying my groveling.

"And?" My mom asked impatiently.

"And... From now on,m I'm going to start being more polite and respectful towards you at school." Brad rolled his tongue under his lip, enjoying how I was having to stand there groveling to him in front of my mom. She was standing behind me with her arms crossed, listening intently to make sure I was being sincere. She'd prided herself on what a gentleman she'd raised, and she was enjoying listening to me be the 'bigger man' and apologizing to Brad.

I grit my teeth. Brad was always such a disrespectful jerk towards me at school, and now I was having to suck-up to him. "So from now, I'll start being a lot more respectful when you and Vanessa are hanging out, and when you make jokes about me..."

Brad little out a little chuckle as I put the tray on the bed beside him. "Well... I'm glad you're starting to realize just how unacceptable your behavior's been. You definitely need to learn your place, but we can still work on that. Now, as for your mom..." He turned his glance over to my mom, standing there in her gown and high heels, and she blushed with a shy smile. The view of the jacked stud shirtless in her bed was making her tingly. "I think she needs to get in her place, too: under the covers."

"Ohhh, yeah?" She asked excitedly, "do you have some 'morning wood' that momma needs to take care of?"

"Uh-huh, I sure do. What do you think, Milksop? Isn't your mom such a MILF?

I grumbled as my mom put her hands on her hips and swung them to the side, posing her sexy body for the young bully.

"Uhhh... Yea..." I answered in a whisper as I stood there awkwardly.

"She's got a body like a pornstar," he said in a half-mocking tone.

"Aww, that's so nice! isn't Brad so sweet?" My mom asked as she slid her hands under her giant tits and began pushing them forward towards Brad, a big smile on her face. When I didn't answer, my mom asked again, somewhat more sternly. She'd given her body completely to the young stud, and he'd used her body all night long. She was completely under his spell. "Well, hon?"

"Oh! Uhh, I mean, yes, Brad is so nice."

 and he took the opportunity to further my humiliation. "You're not still giving me attitude, are you, bitch?"

"N-noo!" I answered desperately, snapping to attention.

"When I compliment your mom, you're supposed to thank me. Let's try it again." Brad cleared his throat and spoke: "Your mom looks like a pornstar," he said cruelly.

"Th-thank you, Sir," I answered humiliated. My mom continued smiling, beaming from all the attention and continuing to sway her body as Brad looked her up and down. She noticed a bulge growing under the blanket which made her tingle even more.

"Now..." He put his hands back behind his head and looked over at my gorgeous mom. "I think it's time we put that mouth where it belongs..." And he nodded down towards his crotch. My mom bit her lower lip and purred as she got down on her knees at the foot of the bed and lifted up the blanket.

I felt crushed as my beautiful mom's face disappeared under the covers as she crawled between Brad's legs. I turned to leave, thinking my job was done when Brad stopped me. "Where do you think you're going, loser?" I had hoped the insults would stop after my groveling and promising to be more polite, but it was clear I was wrong.

"Uhhh... Out... While, you know..." I didn't want to stay in the room while my mom obviously gave my bully head under the covers, but Brad wasn't about to let me slip away.

"What did you just get finished saying... That you were gonna start being more obedient, right?"

"Ummm... Yea?" I answered while I listened to my mom moan as her fingers found the boy's thick cock and began squeezing it.

"So..." Brad answered, getting more comfortable as my mom began stroking her fingers up and down the boy's hard dick. "I think you need to stick around. What if I need a refill of orange juice?"

"B-but... My mom..." I whispered, about to break into tears as I heard the sound of sucking coming from my mom's mouth.

"So what, bitch? Mmm..." He groaned, enjoying the feel of my mom's lips closed around his cock and her tongue massaging against it. "Your mom gives great head." After a moment of silence, he looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Did you hear me? That was a compliment. I said your mom is a MILF who gives great head."

I was fighting back tears hard as I choked out the words. "Th... Thank you... Sir..."

He chuckled as I began sniffling. "Yea, that's right. You need some more work on your manners. You need to stay here and do some more sucking up to me." He chuckled again. "You have to suck up to me while your mom sucks me off!

He slipped his hands under the blankets and pulled my mom's hair back, then began working her head up and down. The noise of her sucking became louder as he pushed her face up and down on his dick.

"Is that toast buttered?" He asked, turning his attention towards the breakfast tray beside him.

"Uhh... There's butter beside it," I answered in a complete mess, my focus shifting between my mom sucking off the boy and the slice of toast.

"So... Show me how sorry you are and start buttering my bread," he answered with half a laugh. I didn't dare give any hint of resistance. I knew it was very important to be completely compliant to him while he had my mom so far on his side. Without any questioning, I picked up the butter knife and the plate, scooped up some butter and began spreading it across the toast.

I was really struggling to choke back tears now as I heard my beautiful mom purring with pleasure as she sucked on my bullies thick penis, swirling her tongue around the large cockhead and sucking like she was starving for his cum. It was making a wet, sloppy sound as I continued buttering his toast, staring at my mom's head as the blanket bobbed up and down over his cock.

Brad moved his hand down beside her bobbing head and gave a 'thumbs up' next to the blanket, shooting his tongue out mockingly at me while my mom continued sucking diligently.

"Yea, butter up my toast nice and thick, I'm going to be hungry after this."

"Y-y-yes, Mr. Brad." The tears were starting to come out now, creeping down the side of my face while my mom continued sucking her hardest on the boy's thick shaft.

"Haha, this is great! I might make you the full-time buttering boy! We've already found the proper use for your mom," he said, nodding down towards his crotch. "Buttering-boy sounds like a perfect job for a sissy like you!"

The tears were coming down even harder now, streaming down my cheeks and making me sniffle while my mom began moaning wantingly, louder and louder.

"Fuck, you're mom's slutty mouth is gonna make me cum! I'm about to blow my load down her throat! The bully put his hands over the blanket and began shoving her head down onto his dick. She began making a loud, unmistakable sound of gagging as she allowed the boy to deepthroat her as roughly as he wanted.

"Oh fuck, yes," Brad began moaning as my mom deepthroated him. "Yes, I'm about to cum in your mom's slutty mouth! Oh god, yes, right there!" He leaned his back into the pillow as he grunted and orgasmed into my mom's throat.

"Mmmm!" I heard her moan as she tasted his cum filling her mouth, the reward that she'd been working so hard for. "Gulp, gulp." I heard her exaggerated swallowing noise as she gulped down the cum, squirt after squirt. "Mmmmhmmm!" She continued moaning deliciously as she finished swallowing the last few drops of his cum.

Brad laid there breathing heavily for a few moments as he recovered from what I can only imagine as the most incredible orgasm of my life.

"You filled my mouth so full," my mom said as she popped her head out from the covers beside the young bully. "Oh, hon, you're still here!" My mom said with surprise as she saw me standing there, idly rubbing butter over Brad's toast with the knife. She either didn't notice or pretended not to notice the tears streamed down my cheeks.

"You should step out and let Brad have some peace." She began roaming a finger across his chest. She knew better than to kiss her lover after giving him a blowjob, but she did drape her sexy leg over his under the covers. "A big boy like this deserves to take his time eating breakfast in peace. Especially after giving me such a delicious breakfast, first! Mmm."

"Yea, all done with you, butter-boy," Brad said snarkily.

"Butter-boy?" My mom asked as I put down the plate and began walking out quietly.

"Yea, it's a new nickname I gave him since he butters my toast."

"Aww, that's cute!" My mom answered as she continued running her finger over Brad's chest, doting over him as he began eating his breakfast. "So glad to see you two are getting along again." She rested her head against the boy and turned on the bedroom TV for him to watch while he ate. "I sure wish I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow," she said with a sigh. She wanted to forget all about the awful situation with Richard, the producer, and the camera-men. She was worried about what awaited her return to work and she began wishing she could stay here by Brad's side forever. She felt right where she belonged - in bed, pleasuring Brad and being used as his sex doll day and night.

"You know what was fun?" I heard Brad say from behind the closed bedroom door. "When you and Vanessa both gave me a blowjob at the same time. We should do that again!"

I was crushed.


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Reply #39 on: November 15, 2019, 03:16:38 PM
That's nice. Do you have more chapters?


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Reply #40 on: November 16, 2019, 07:59:05 AM
 CHAPTER   28  (1/2) 

Chapter 28: A new game for Vanessa

The girls had Vanessa over after lunch so they could discuss her 'credit card problem.' They met at Claire's house so that it would be nice and private for their discussion. "We don't have much time," Claire announced as Vanessa walked into the room behind the three bossy cheerleaders.

"Victoria said it was urgent." Claire sat on her big kingsized bed, and Victoria and Chelsea took the only two chairs, leaving Vanessa to sit on the beanbag in the middle of the three. She felt quite small as she sat down a few feet below the other three girls.

"Umm. Right. Yes! So," Vanessa began, searching for where to begin. "My credit card bill came through. I'm freaking out! It's so much more than I expected, and I can't even afford the minimum payment. If my parents find out, they're going to kill me," Vanessa said pleadingly.

Claire let out a little snicker. Vanessa looked so pathetic, sitting on the beanbag chair in her usual slutty outfit and high heels, pleading for money. "So... Usually my dad pays off all the cheerleaders expenses." Claire was dangling the payment in front of Vanessa, toying with her emotions. "He could easily pay off your debt with no problem. He probably wouldn't even notice."

Vanessa's eyes were widening, waiting.

"But..." Vanessa's stomach clenched as she heard the word. "Seeing as how you're not fully on the team yet - I mean, you don't even have a uniform - I don't think we can ask him to pay it off."

Vanessa's blood pumped. "But!"

"Hang on!" Claire cut her off before she could speak. "Victoria and I are always looking out for our sisters. We were talking, and we agreed we'd help you pay it off, but it will be from our own allowance. Our parents both give us a couple hundred dollars as a weekly allowance to spend how we like."

Vanessa was both relieved, and off-put. It sounded like Claire received a weekly allowance for free that might even be more than Vanessa's parent's made working full time.

"Now, of course, if we're going to pay out of our own pockets, you'll have to do something back in return for us."

"That sounds fair," Vanessa answered, trying to hide her desperation. She would do anything at this point. The debt was a lot more than she could handle on her own. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, you know how us girls love games," Claire winked at Victoria, both girls had a cheeky, knowing smile. "So, you'll have to play along with a little game with us. And, in return, we'll both pool our allowances together to pay off HALF your entire debt."

Vanessa's eyes widened. Half the debt! That would be such a relief for her. She quickly agreed to play along, not even caring what the girls put her up to at this point.

"Great! So, here's the game. Chelsea, get the package."


"Got it!" Chelsea exclaimed, pulling out the white box and handing it to Claire.

"Perfect. So, the game is simple..." Claire said, walking over to her coffee table - the same table that I was tied to and strap-on fucked a few weeks prior - and she placed the white box on the table.

Vanessa's eyes followed the box with intense curiosity. "It's easy really." Claire pulled the top off the white box to reveal an expensive looking, smooth, egg-shaped vibrator. "Look, isn't this nice?" Claire asked, lifting up the vibrator for Vanessa to see. The black egg had a wire hanging a few inches below it, with a receiver on the end. Claire lifted up the remote control with her other hand. The cheeky redhead switched on the controller.

Vanessa gulped.

The egg began vibrating, making a quiet hum. "It's the highest-end model you can get. The receiver range works up to three miles away, straight through walls, too." Claire switched the controller a notch higher, and the egg began vibrating more in the girl's fingers. "So we can control it on anywhere from school. It's completely quiet, too, so nobody can hear when it starts vibrating."

Vanessa's eyes widened. "Y-you don't mean that I have too..."

Claire smiled, showing her teeth. "Come on Vanessa, stop pretending to be so naive. We both know where this is going, right?"

Vanessa swallowed hard and meekly nodded her head.

"Good. Tomorrow morning, before school, you're going to take this egg and stick it up your big latina cooch." Chelsea giggled as Claire degraded the sweet girl. "Stick it really good and deep up there, and put your panties over it so it doesn't fall out."

Vanessa nodded again, feeling a lump in her throat that made her unable to talk.

"You'll have to wear a skirt. Throughout the day, Victoria, Chelsea or I will stop by and check to make sure you still have it inside. You're not allowed to take it even for a minute, not even in the bathroom. You have to keep it in at all times until the end of the school day. You take it out once, you lose. That means no payment made on your credit card. You understand?"

She nodded again, feeling her throat close up but fighting through it.

Victoria clapped her hands together. "This is going to be so fun!"

"Now, you obviously can't have the receiving hanging out of your pussy and dangling between your legs for the whole world to see, so you'll have to use some tape to tape it to the top of your thigh. We'll be waiting to inspect it when you get to school first thing
 tomorrow morning to make sure it's in properly. Then, we'll turn it off and on whenever we feel like it, through the whole school day. As I said, it works through doors and walls, so we can turn it off or on whenever we feel like it. So, I suggest you try to keep control of yourself at all times because you never know when we're going to turn it on, and you don't want to make a scene."

She knew she had no choice. It was just one day. She knew she had to suck it up and get through it. Vanessa nodded, fully agreeing to go through the torturous ordeal that the girls had planned out for her.

After they finished priming my girlfriend for a super demeaning day at school, Claire had another thing to take care of: giving me my relief (or more accurately, NOT giving me my relief).

Of course, my mom was all hugs and warm greetings when Claire showed up. My mom loved Claire - I had always been such a loner and it made my mom pleased that I had become 'social,' and she loved that I now had friends over on the regular. Especially one as pretty as Claire.

"So nice to see you, angel," my mom said as she hugged the mischevious red-haired beauty and welcomed her inside. My mom always used my nickname to help her fit in with the young popular girls. "Milksop is upstairs. He's been expecting you, so you can go right up. Let me know if there's anything I can get you, sweetie!"

"Thanks, BB," Claire said with a grin as she hurried up the stairs to pay me my visit. She opened my bedroom door (without knocking, of course) and stood there with her hands on her hips, staring me down confidently. "Well, well, well... It's Brad's little butter-boy."

I cringed as I heard the nickname. She must have gotten it from Brad already. They sure didn't waste time. Even though I was scared at the sight of her, my dicklette twitched in its cage. It knew that the sight of Claire meant release, and it reacted accordingly. "H-hello, Mistress Claire," I answered solemnly. I knew that as long as I kept my fire-haired tormentor happy, I would be okay.

"Oh good, I see you still have your computer background set as my feet," she said as she stepped close to my desk, smiling at the picture of her feet surrounded by pink girly hearts. "I heard Vanessa had quite the reaction when she saw that pic. You had to tell her you loooove feet, didn't ya?" She giggled at my humiliation. I felt like such a fool - Claire and the other girls kept setting me up and playing me more and more, and I kept stupidly walking face-first into their traps. Now Vanessa would only be letting me play with her feet as a reward instead of any of her other amazing body parts that the other boys got to enjoy.

Claire plopped herself down on my mattress and held her bag in her lap. She pulled out a little chain with the pair of keys. "So, is this what you've been waiting for?" She asked as she dangled them in front of me.

Instantly, I felt a jolt between my legs as my dicklette grew an inch, straining against the plastic cage. My throat went dry. I quickly got out of my chair and down on my knees before answering, "Y-yes!"

"Hahaha!" Claire burst out laughing at how quickly I dropped to my knees. "Marvelous! You're finally starting to become better trained!"

I felt quite pathetic as I sat there on my knees in front of her pleading for a pair of keys, but I knew I didn't really have a choice. I HAD to play along with her.

"It took you a while to get trained, but you're starting to get there. You just needed a kind, generous girl like me to come along and help you learn your place. I'm so nice for training you. Right?"

I swallowed. Time to prove just how low I was willing to sink for a chance of release. "Yes, Mistress Claire, you're so good to me," I answered.

"Yes, that's right." She leaned forward, holding the chain out with one finger and letting the keys sway side-to-side in front of my face. "I'm so good to you. Letting you cum once a week is way more than you deserve. You're lucky I'm your chastity key-holder, aren't you..." Her eyes narrowed and she smiled cruelly as she said the final word: "Bitch?"

I felt my dicklette shrink with fear from her gaze. I could tell she had something nasty planned, but I didn't know what. "Yes, Mistress Claire, I am very lucky to be your bitch," I answered nervously.

I felt a bit less tense when she burst out laughing once again. "Hahaha! That's right! That my biggest flaw, is that I'm just TOO generous sometimes! Hahaha!"

She regained her composure and opened her bag, looking inside it. "Well, you know what has to happen before you're allowed to play."

"Yes, Mistress."

"And that is?"

"I... I am not allowed to cum unless something is shoved up my ass." I hated that rule. It made it so hard to enjoy the week-long-built-up orgasm when I was feeling a painful object inserted into my ass.

She giggled as she continued reaching into her bag. "That's right! And, while normally that would be your lover: Brad the strap-on, I actually have a little gift for you."

"You do?" I asked excitedly. Maybe she was going to let me cum without a painful insertion!

"Oh, babydick sounds excited!"

"I am! I love gifts!" I answered excitedly, my dicklette beginning to strain against its cage once again.

"Well... Surprise!" My eyes widened as Claire pulled her hand out of her bag. She was holding a black, bulbous, anal plug. It looked like one of those traditional ones you'd see in porn with a flat bottom, thin neck and thick, round bulb that would get lodged in the rectum. I swallowed hard.


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Reply #41 on: November 16, 2019, 08:07:47 AM
 CHAPTER   28   (2/2)

Claire held it out a few long seconds, grinning at me as she watched the fear come across my face. She began speaking matter-of-factly. "Now... This is just the first one. It's a trainer one, you see? It comes in a set of three. We're going to start you off wearing the smallest one, and by the end of the week we're going to work you up to the biggest." She twirled it around in her fingers, watching my face as I studied the buttplug with trepidation. Claire's grin grew wider as she watched me processing the information.

"You're going to love it. Now, what do you say when someone gets you a gift?" She finally asked.

I knew I had to say the words. "Th-thank you... Mistress Claire..."

"Mmm, good babydick. You're welcome!"

She let out a giggle and then reached into the bag once again. "There's something else!" She said excitedly before pulling out the final insult to my pain: a butter knife, and a sealed stick of butter. "Lube," she said with a sneer. The look on her face said it all: I was about to get to work 'buttering-up' the buttplug - a painful reminder of the event from that morning.

"Now, you butter-up your new toy... Make sure you spread the butter on nice and thick all around, or it's going to hurt going in dry. And while you do that, I'll put on some nice porn for you to jerk-off too." She opened her laptop and began scrolling to a special folder while I opened the butter and began using the knife to spread the butter over the buttplug. I could almost hear my mom gagging and moaning on Brad's dick as I began spreading the butter. It almost felt like I was reliving that morning all over again.

Claire spoke aloud as she scrolled through her files. "Some nice special porn for milksop. His favorite kind. Some nice... She-male porn." I knew she was trying to provoke a reaction from me. Worse still, it didn't matter if I tried to hide my reaction or not because she didn't even look up from her laptop. I continued rubbing the butter all around the buttplug, the threat of having it shoved in dry still ringing loud.

"Ready to have your ass stretched open, butter-bitch?" She said as she looked up over the edge of the laptop. I felt my dicklette shrivel. "Drop your trousers, then." She said as she stood up.

She always giggled when she saw my dicklette caged up with swollen, painful blue-balls after a week in chastity. Of course, before there would be any playtime for me, I would have to withstand her flicking my balls a few times with her fingers. It hurt like hell as she flicked her finger directly into the center of each of my poor testicles (I swear she flicked them much harder than last time), but it was a small price to pay for the chance of an orgasm. The strangest thing of all was that I was beginning to LIKE Claire. Maybe it was because I was beginning to associate her with my weekly orgasm release. Or, maybe it was because of how in a twisted way, she actually had been strengthening my love relationship with Vanessa. Or, perhaps it was just desperate horniness after being denied any sexual playtime for so long. Whatever the reason, I found myself attracted to her when she laughed with pleasure after smacking my balls. I wanted to make her happy. I tried to stand still she whacked them a third time.

Next, she had me shove the butter-covered buttplug up my behind while she watched me with her phone camera. Even though it was warm and slippery, I really had to struggle to get it in - it was quite a bit thicker in the middle than the strap-on and it hurt quite a bit. I could feel my ass stretching until it slipped it, getting itself lodged inside.

"Come here, bitch. I want to make sure it's in all the way." She had me bend over the bed as she gripped the base of the buttplug and began pulling. I felt it straining and stretching to get out as she pulled on it. She kept pulling it out until the thickest part of the bulb was about to pop out - stretching my ass open painfully. She held there with the thick middle stretching me open and began working it in and out on that part, making me clench the side of the bed and groan with pain.

"Oh perfect, your ass is starting to get nice and stretched open," she said as she continued sliding the absolute thickest part of the buttplug in and out of my opening.

"P-please, it's hurting," I begged as the tears returned to my
 face. However, unlike the emotionally upsetting tears from earlier, these tears were brought on from real, physical pain.

"Please?" Claire asked sarcastically. "Well, I was going to stop, but since you asked so nicely for me to keep going, I guess I will." She pulled it out once again, making the thickest part of the plug slide past my tight hole which was quickly loosening.

"Uhn, n-no, I mean p-please st-stop," I answered between the sniffling.

"Oh, you want me to stop?" She asked mockingly, sliding the thick part back into my hole.

"Y-yes," I answered, trying my hardest to withstand the pain. Everything in my body was telling me to pull away but I knew I had to bear it and clench the bed if I wanted to be unlocked.

"Oh, well why did you ask me to please keep going, then? You're so silly sometimes!" She shoved the buttplug in one last time, making me collapse forward onto the mattress as the plug lodged back inside my hole.

Next, she had me sit on the bed with my arms at my side. It felt sitting on the mattress with the plug up my behind, but it didn't hurt.

All it took was the sight of the keys to make my dicklette strain in its cage. "Is this what you want, Milksop?" She asked teasingly, dangling the keys in front of me once again. "You want your little dicklette unlocked?"

*Gulp* "Y-yes, Mistress Claire. I want that so badly."

"Hmm. Well, I guess you've earned it, shoving that butter covered buttplug in your ass, haha. So, here's the deal." She placed her laptop on my desk so I could see it. "I am going to unlock you, and you are going to keep your eyes on the laptop the ENTIRE time. You are not to look away from the screen for a second. You got it?"

My dicklette strained harder, begging to be released."Yes, Miss Claire," I answered quickly.

She slipped off her shoe. "Good. And since you love feet so much, I'll use my foot to get you off. All you get is the bottom of my foot - you are to keep your hands at your sides the entire time. You move them an inch and I'll send this butter-video to your little girlfriend without a second thought. Understand?" The thought of Claire sending that video to Vanessa made me cringe, but I quickly agreed. My dicklette was straining painfully now, making me wince. I didn't think I could wait another minute to have the cage off.

After I agreed to the disturbing terms - I was to sit on the bed unmoving like a stone and look at the laptop while she rubbed my dicklette with the bottom of her sock - she finally unlocked me. First one key, turning it with a quiet *click,* then after an excruciatingly long time, the other: *click.*

The cage popped off and I gasped with relief as my little dicklette breathed free for the first time in a week. Claire let out a soft giggle at the sight of my dicklette, standing at attention. "I still can't believe that's as big as it gets. It's so tiny, heheh. You know that you're never going to be able to please Vanessa with that, right?"

I could only nod quietly.

Claire sat back in my desk chair. "Have you seen how big Brad is? Can you imagine how disappointed Vanessa will be when she sees it? She's used to Brad now. Can you imagine trying to please her with that tiny carrot after she's spent a week riding on Brad's giant pole?"

Claire was starting to hit a nerve, and she could tell. My face betrayed me. My lips began trembling as I tried not to cry. I think I'd cried more today than ever in my life so far. I wasn't crying because Claire was being mean - I was crying because she was right. I had always been worried that during my first time with a girl I would be unable to please her, and Claire was making me realize how true it was. I'd seen Vanessa riding up and down on Brad's giant dick. I saw her crawling around on the ground worshipping it, just like my mom had. I was starting to realize just how my little dicklette wouldn't even compare after that.

"Little advice, Milksop. Get used to using your mouth. The only way you're going to keep a loose, dick-stretched slut like Vanessa satisfied is with your tongue. You know that Brad's dick isn't the only one that's been inside that vagina, right?"

I nodded, hoping Claire would stop, but she kept going. She knew she was getting to me, and she wanted to keep going until I was a broken down mess.

"At her previous school, she had quite the reputation. Apparently, she went through boyfriends faster than tampons. I heard they nicknamed her the high-school bicycle - all the guys got to have a ride. Her pussy's been so crammed full of dicks and stretched out, she wouldn't even feel your tiny dicklette. Trust me. Give up on trying to use your pecker. Get used to using your tongue. If you eat out her vagina every night, and get very good at it, you might keep. That's the only way you'll ever be able to satisfy her."

I don't know what is more pathetic: the fact that I sat there a blubbery mess while the realization set in that I would never be able to please my girlfriend with my worthless dicklette, or the fact - even through the crying and shame - my dicklette remained hard.

"I'm telling you this for your own good. I'm looking out for you, ya know. I don't want you to try and fuck Vanessa and ruin your relationship."

I nodded. She was right. Sure, she was cruel and mean and degrading, but she was telling the truth. I had to get sex with Vanessa out of my mind. I wouldn't ever be able to compare to Brad in bed - the well-built stud who was experienced and hung, who'd had dozens of babes in the sack already - I couldn't ever hope to please Vanessa as he did. I would have to try to use my tongue to keep her happy and maybe - just maybe - after some months went by, she'd let me feel the blissful pleasure of sex.

"Good. Well, let's get your cummies out of the way now. Remember, don't look away from the screen." She hit play on the video, and of course - a tall, dolled-up shemale appeared up on the screen, with a pair of big tits and an even bigger cock.

Claire stuck her foot up on the bed between my legs and pushed her toes against the underside of my dicklette. Her white sock rubbed against my flesh and for the first time in a week, I felt absolute, sheer bliss.

"Oh MY!" Claire said as she pulled her foot away. From one little touch and my dicklette was already twitching and pulsing. "Your little dicklette is REALLY worked up, it looks like it's about to cum already. Tsk tsk."

It took all my willpower to avoid reaching between my legs and stroking myself off, but I managed to stay still.

"Can't have you squirting your little cummies too quickly. The shemale is able to last longer than you. You're even less of a man than she is, aren't you? I know! Let's make a little game of it. Watch the video, and count out loud how many time she strokes herself. And every, hmm, let's say five strokes, you get one. So, count out her strokes - you'll have to watch her dick closely, hahah - and every time you get to five, I'll stroke you with my foot."

I quickly began counting off the strokes as the shemale jacked herself off. "One, two, three..." It was so humiliating having to fixate on the big dick on the screen. When I got to five, I was rewarded with another rush of pure bliss as Claire pushed her toes up the shaft of my tiny dicklette, up to the head. I began counting again, getting rewarded with another wonderful foot stroke after another five. Just from two little strokes, my dicklette was already leaking precum. I knew I was going to cum soon.

Claire knew it too, apparently, because she stopped. "My oh my, your little baby-dicklette still looks like it's about to cum. I think we'll have to up it, to ten. You still probably won't be able to last. That means you're like one-tenth as much man as a shemale! Hahah!"

True to her word, she gave me another stroke with the bottom of her foot once the count got to ten. I no longer cared that I was staring at a dick. I no longer cared that I had a buttplug shoved up my ass. All I wanted - I needed - was to feel another stroke on my dicklette. I counted diligently, fixating on the dick as if my life depended on it. Claire had won. She had me so well trained now. I really was her bitch, through and through.

Just when I could tell my orgasm was about to hit, she took her foot off and sat back in the office chair. "You know..." She said thoughtfully as she slowly spun around in the chair. "I was thinking about what you said earlier, about how I'm too generous for letting you have your little cummies every week."

Oh god. Why did she have to torture me right now. I was so close! The only thought that went through my head was: 'Please put your foot back, please put your foot back, please put your foot back!'

"I think you might have been right. Once a week does seem a little too good for you."

"What?" I asked impatiently, frustrated beyond belief that my orgasm was so close. The shemale continued jerking off on the screen, getting as much pleasure as she desired.

"Yea, you know. You haven't really done anything to earn a release. You've been out of school most of the week, and barely done any of our homework."

The frustration was unbearable. I have to give myself credit, however: even though I wanted so badly to jerk myself off, my arms remained glued to my sides.

"Claire... Please," I begged softly.

She spun back around to face me, glancing down at my dicklette. "Yea. I don't want you thinking you're allowed to cum every week, no matter what."

"N-n-no, please," I began begging louder. "I-I won't think that!"

She put her fist under her chin and rolled her eyes up to the ceiling thoughtfully. "Hmm... No, I think we better play it safe and have you wait another week. Don't you agree?"

"B-but, Claire... Oh my God... Please..."

She uncrossed her legs and stomped her foot on the ground violently. "I SAID: DON'T YOU AGREE?"

Her loud, angry voice scared
 me back into submission. "Y-yes, I agree," I answered cowardly.

A smile crawled across her face. The sound of the shemale's loud moans filled the air as her big cock gushed out cum, while I sat there helplessly.

"Good." She pulled out the little dick-cage, and my heart dropped. My thoughts were racing. 'Is she really this cruel? I don't think I can survive another week. Surely she isn't really going to lock me up. She must be testing me.'

I stood still, my heart racing as she moved closer towards my dicklette with the cage. "Now, of course, the cage isn't going to go on with your little dicklette all erect like that. You know what that means?"

I nodded, but couldn't find any words to speak as she held up her fingers in a 'flicking' position.

A cruel smile crossed her face as she moved her finger under my swollen, throbbing testicle and gave it a good, hard flick. I closed my eyes and yelped as my emotions overtook me. WHY was this happening? Why... *Flick!* More pain. More giggling. My dicklette shriveled smaller.

I felt the all-too-familiar touch of the plastic cage covering my dicklette. I couldn't move a muscle. I heard the key click locking it shut.

"There! See, it's just one more week. That's not so bad, is it?" She asked with a huge, sneering grin.

"N-no, Miss Claire."

"Good. Hehe. This was fun! I'll see ya at school tomorrow." She stood up to walk out. I was still doubting if I was really being left locked up or not. I kept expecting her to say she was kidding and let me out, but she didn't.

"Oh and by the way, milksop." She stopped at the door. "You'll be wearing that buttplug to school tomorrow. We'll be checking to make sure. You need to wear one every day, so we can train your ass up to the biggest one, remember? I left the butter on the desk for you." I couldn't even muster a response.

"And if we check and see that you aren't wearing it at school tomorrow... No cummies for another week. Don't test me on this. Okay, bye!" She put her hand over her lips and blew me two loud kisses: "Mwah! Mwah!" before disappearing out the door.

I broke down. It was more than I could handle: the thought of being unable to please Vanessa, being Brad's 'buttering-boy' while he fucked my beautiful mom, the fact that I had to wear this dickcage for another week with my swollen, painful balls... I lost control and began sobbing, burying my face into the pillow. The buttplug ached as I moved, and I realized that was just one more thing I had to deal with: pulling it out before sleep.

Claire had successfully transformed me into the biggest loser on earth.


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Reply #42 on: November 16, 2019, 08:15:54 AM
 CHAPTER 29 (1/2)

Chapter 29: Toying with Vanessa

Monday was going to be a fun day for the three malicious cheerleaders. Not only did they have Vanessa wearing a remote-controlled vibrator buried in her snatch, but they also had me wearing the trainer buttplug under my pants, giving a new meaning to the nickname 'butter-boy.' It was a strange sensation sitting on the bus with the buttplug in my ass. Every little bump and vibration sent a rush through-out my entire body. I looked around at the other students, wondering if any of them knew about my dirty secret. They all seemed completely oblivious, distracted by idle conversation with each other and I decided that Claire must not have told anyone. Another bump as the bus turned towards the school, sending another tingly rush through my whole body as the buttplug bounced against the seat, making my dicklette twitch in its cage.

I looked out the bus window to see my gorgeous girlfriend waiting for me with a big, radiant smile on her pretty face. Her blonde hair still took me a moment to get used to, but it was starting to fit her. Her outfit definitely hadn't gotten any less revealing in the days I'd been away! She had on a loose, white blouse with a v-neck cut (obviously been picked out by Victoria) that showed a nice snippet of cleavage of her perky tits. Of course, she was wearing a skirt - the Cheerleaders had instructed her to wear it so they could easily check to make sure she was wearing the vibrator whenever they wanted. It was a bright blue skater skirt which came to her mid thighs, nice and short as the cheerleaders demanded.

In fact, Vanessa had shown up to school early this morning under Victoria's orders. They had her meet them in the girl's locker room so they could inspect the vibrator before school started. Even though Vanessa had ensured everything was in order - she'd buried the vibrator inside her pussy before getting dressed and slid her panties over it and taped the receiver to the top of her thigh - she still felt nervous.

"There's our favorite slut. Everything set-up... Down there?" Victoria asked with a snicker, gesturing towards Vanessa's crotch.

"Yes, I did everything as we agreed," she answered shyly.

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Pull up your skirt," Victoria ordered sharply.

Vanessa hesitated. Even though they were all girls - even though she'd shown them her pussy and more a few weeks prior - she still felt uneasy about it.

"Oh come on, it's not like you're modeling for pictures. Have on the bench and lift up your skirt," Victoria commanded once again.

Vanessa complied, sitting down on the wood bench and gently lifting her light blue skirt for the girls. There was the little black receiver with a single piece of tape over it, taped to Vanessa's inner thigh, with the wire running between her smooth legs and disappearing under her white panties. Victoria's red lips formed a sharp smile as she saw the naughty view. Vanessa was almost too easy, she thought to herself. So naive, playing perfectly into every one of Victoria's traps.

"Good." Victoria lifted up the remote control in her hands. "Ready to test it?"

"Oh God, now?" Vanessa asked nervously.

"Duh," Victoria answered. She looked even more confident than usual, standing in front of the shy girl, both her hands lifting up her skirt. "Tell me how this feels."

Victoria flicked the switch and Vanessa felt the vibration between her legs, deep inside her pussy. She clenched her legs instinctively, squeezing them together as she felt the strong sensation. It didn't hurt - on the contrary, it felt a bit pleasant, but it felt incredibly personal and a bit 'wrong.'

"There you go. Breath. You're going to have to get used to this. You're going to be feeling it a lot. We're going to make sure you earn your money," the cheerleader said with a smile.

Vanessa released her legs and let them spread, getting adjusted to the vibration. It was startling but manageable. "Yes," Vanessa answered cooly. Victoria switched the vibration off. "Good. That was the lowest setting." That made Vanessa gulp, but she told herself that she could handle this. She knew that Victoria got delighted from scaring people, but she was sure it wouldn't be too bad.

"Can I put my skirt down, now?"

"Hmm." Victoria put a finger on her cheek. "Are you sure that skirt is short enough? It seems kind of long," Victoria answered.

"Yes, it goes half-way down my thigh!" Vanessa answered, standing up to prove it. "Right between my knee and the top of my leg, see?"

"Hmm. It looks close." Victoria reached over her shoulder. "Ruler."

Out of nowhere, Chelsea pulled out a ruler and handed it to Victoria. The bossy cheerleader took the ruler and slid it up Vanessa's thigh, then down to her knees, measuring it. Vanessa started getting nervous about the length.

"Hmm. It's exactly half-way," Victoria finally said after measuring the length.

Vanessa sighed with relief.

"But..." Victoria thought for a long moment. "It's supposed to be less than half-way. We should be able to clearly tell, without needing to measure it. If it's so close like that, then it should be a lot shorter, don't you agree?"

Vanessa began feeling worried. "Sorry," she muttered nervously.

"From now on, you need to make sure it's clearly above the half-way line. You don't want guys to think you're a prude, do you?"

"No, definitely not!" Vanessa answered, feeling defensive and vulnerable.

"Here, I'll help you," Victoria offered.

Victoria put her hands on the girl's skirt, pulled it up and then folded it in on itself, doubling it up at the top and causing the bottom to be quite a bit shorter.

"There, you can wear it like that for now, until you get a shorter skirt for tomorrow."

"Thank you," Vanessa answered, a bit worried ashamed as she tried to cover her legs with her now shortened skirt. The length was now a good five or six inches shorter than Victoria's own skirt, but Vanessa knew better than to say anything. She knew that being popular meant being a cheerleader, and being a cheerleader meant staying on Victoria's good side - no matter what. Besides, Victoria really was the queen of fashion. She had an eye for what was popular. If she said this was the best look for Vanessa, then she must be right.

I looked out of the bus window and to see her waving and smiling to greet me. The sight of her made my heart jump and I jumped out of my seat to get off the bus. I couldn't wait to give her a hug and be greeted to my first day back to school.

As I stepped toward the bus stair in haste I didn't notice the boy sitting at the front of the bus stretch his foot out. He hooked his foot under my leg and I fell off the bus face-first into a wet muddy puddle, my books falling into the dirt beside me. I quickly scrambled to my knees, face filled with embarrassment as my girlfriend hurried over. "Oh no!" She shouted sympathetically as she hurried over and helped me pick my books out of the dirt. She was so sweet - she didn't even think twice about helping me up.

I heard a chuckle and noticed Victoria and her two minions sitting on a bench nearby, laughing at my fall. What brought them out here, I wonder? Just came to enjoy the show and laugh at me falling in the mud. The boys on the bus might not have known it, but I knew that Claire had told Victoria and Chelsea about my buttplug, and that made my humiliation that much worse. They knew I'd felt it deep inside my ass when I fell down, and that made me blush.

I turned around to try and see who tripped me, but it was useless - the whole bus was roaring with laughter, and it was clear nobody was going to fess up. In fact, quite the opposite - after I took a moment too long wiping the mud off my homework paper, Brad stepped off the bus. "Move!" He said menacingly as he shoved me out of his way, causing me to drop the book I was holding and fall back down into the mud.

"Oops, careful hon, you better move out of the way," she said as the line of students stepped off behind Brad, each one as impatient as the last. I stood up with dirt and mud all over my arms and pants. Why did this keep happening to me! My first day back and I was already a mess. Plus, every little movement was a painful reminder of the humiliating buttered-up buttplug lodged in my ass. "Sorry," I said as I picked up my belongings and stepped away from the bus. Vanessa didn't see the boy trip me, and assumed I'd just fallen like a clumsy loser. I could tell this wasn't going to be my day.

"That's okay. You probably still have time to get some paper towels from the bathroom before class starts," she offered sweetly.

"I was going to give you a hug, but I guess that better wait now," I said, gesturing towards my muddy arms.

"Yea," she answered with a giggle.

"I can give her a hug for you," Brad laughed, stepping over and nudging my arm with his elbow. Great. Brad the helpful.

"Brad, you're so funny," Vanessa said with a giggle.

"Happy to be helpful," Brad answered with a smirk as he nudged me out of the way and stepped in to give her a hug.

"Ready?" Victoria asked her two friends, pulling the remote out of her purse.

Brad had a way of hugging Vanessa so that it always made me jealous. He didn't just put his arms behind her back - he slid his hands around her smooth waist, squeezing her lower back and pulling her body against his in an intimate, romantic way. The moment his hands were on her body, Vanessa felt the erotic tingle up her skirt. Victoria switched the vibrator onto the lowest setting, making Vanessa's entire body feel a rush of sexual energy.

I watched over Brad's shoulder as my girlfriend's face lit up with surprise. Her red lips curved to make a big 'O' and her eyes opened wide from the unexpected pleasurable sensation. She felt warm and secure, her body held tightly in Brad's strong arms, her pussy tingling from the vibration deep inside.

 to turn a slut into Brad's bitch," Victoria whispered to her friends as the trio watched with excitement. They were cruel and twisted: - getting Vanessa to associate a rush of sexual pleasure when she hugged Brad.

I felt jealousy filling to the brim as Vanessa pushed her body into Brad and squeezed him back. It was just a hug, but she looked like she was enjoying it way too much as Brad's hands roamed over her body. She looked up from his shoulder and must have noticed me scowling with jealousy because she quickly winked at me and said, "welcome back, Milksop!"

"Yea, hope you enjoyed your welcome-back hug," Brad said to me as he broke off the hug with Vanessa. The girls switched off the vibrator as Brad released her. Vanessa felt a tang of regret as Brad's body pulled away from hers. She enjoyed feeling that pleasurable tingling sensation between her legs as Brad held her.

I hurried to the bathroom to try and clean the mud off my pants before class.

Sitting with a buttplug can be uncomfortable, but it's a thousand times worse when you're in a classroom filled with students. I tried my hardest to focus on the lecture, but anytime I moved the slightest, I felt a sore pain in my behind. No matter what I did, I couldn't get comfortable. It was made worse by Brad, who sat directly behind me. He could tell I was fidging and he took the opportunity to add to it by flicking my ear whenever the teacher wasn't looking, or kicking the back of my chair when nobody was looking. I couldn't help but wonder if Claire had told him about my little 'situation.'

Worst of all, however, was the reaction. Anytime I moved and felt that foreign object straining in my pants, it made my dicklette twitch. First, it was just a little, but as the class went on, it grew more and more until it was straining painfully against its cage. To this day I have no idea what was taught during that lecture. About twenty mins into the lecture, the door opened up and Victoria walked in. "Excuse me, Mr. Corbin, the principal sent me to get milksop."

The whole class chanted aloud, "Ooo you're in trouuuuble!"

The teacher cut them off. He had no reason to question the cheerleader. "You heard her. Come straight back afterward."

"Yes, sir," I answered, with a knot in my stomach. Was this about the incident with Mrs. Hunter's yoga pants last week? I didn't want to find out. As soon as I was in the hall, Victoria shut the door. Chelsea and Claire were standing there. "Wh-what's going on?" I asked confusedly.

"Shut up, fag. Drop them." The girls weren't nearly as gentle with me as they had been with Vanessa.


"Your pants," Victoria clarified. "Drop them, so that we check to make sure you're still wearing it."

"Yea, come on... Butter-boy," Chelsea said with a smile, bearing her teeth.

I was flabbergasted. The girls had the audacity to check my plug, right in the middle of class no less. I knew I would never be safe.

Victoria snapped her fingers. "C'mon. Drop'em. Now."

I knew that I better not delay. The longer we stood in the hallway, the greater chance there was of someone walking by. Even though classes were going on, you never knew when a teacher would step out for a cup of coffee, or a student would need to use the bathroom. I also knew that I didn't dare disobey. I dropped my pants, right in the middle of the hallway.


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Reply #43 on: November 16, 2019, 08:17:14 AM
 CHAPTER 29 (2/2)

Chelsea seemed the most interested, her eyes opening wide as she leaned back. "Wow, he's really wearing it,' she said excitedly.

"Of course! Little babydick would dare disobey his Mistress, would he?" Claire asked, proud of her handiwork.

"No Mistress," I answered submissively.

Claire reached down and grabbed the base of the plug, pulling on it. "Ow! Please," I begged pathetically as she pulled.

"Shhh, you don't want the teacher to hear, do you?"

I gulped. She was right. It's not like the classroom doors were soundproof.

She continued pulling, showing her girlfriends how the thick bulbous center stretched my ass as it pulled out.

"Ohhh that's funny, we should get one for Vanessa," Victoria suggested. "Really stretch her out good," she added with a snicker.

"Yea, good idea! Then Milksop can use them when Vanessa's done, hahah!"

Claire shoved the buttplug back until it was lodged inside once again. "You better get back to class," she said as the three walked off, leaving me standing there with my pants down and a dumb look on my face. Skipping class, walking around the halls in broad daylight - the girls definitely could do what they wanted. It must have been good to be friends with Victoria.

Victoria pulled the remote out of her purse. "What do you think, should we turn it on now?" She asked her friends as they waltzed down the hall.

"Definitely," Claire answered mischievously.

"Let's try turning it up a few notches this time!" Victoria turned the dial three notches. "That should give her a buzz," she said as she stuck it back into her purse, leaving it turned on.

Vanessa was squirming in her seat. She crossed her right leg over her left and tightened her muscles, squeezing her thighs together. The sensation coming from between her legs was starting to drive her crazy. She uncrossed and recrossed her legs, squirming in her seat. She could feel the looks from the boys on each side of her as they checked out her legs. Not only was the poor girl wearing a skirt several inches shorter than anyone else in the class, but now it was starting to ride up her leg from all her fidgeting. She couldn't help it! The vibration was driving her crazy! She twisted her legs tighter together, leaning forward and double-crossing her legs so that her one ankle squeezed behind the other.

She knew that leaning forward and intertwining her legs meant the boys got an even further view up her skirt, but she couldn't help herself. The itch was so hot between her legs that she wanted to satisfy it like a fire.

"I hope they can't see my white panties," she thought to herself as she tapped her pencil against the desk, unwittingly drawing even more attention to herself. Her head was swimming with emotions - knowing that the boys' eyes were roaming up and down her long, toned legs, mixed with the overwhelming sensation of the vibrator deep inside her pussy - it was driving her wild with horniness. "They must have it on full blast," she thought to herself as she bit her lip. She was wrong, of course - the vibrator could go much higher. "How did I ever agree to this?"

It just so happened that Vanessa was surrounded by male students. With her deliciously sexy outfits and flirtatious behavior that she'd put out the last few weeks, the boys had begun to flock around her. She had two boys sitting on each side of her, as well as three boys on the row directly behind her - football players and non-football players alike. She had gained a reputation for wearing way more revealing clothing than most girls, and now even the shy, nerdy boys tried to sit behind her so they could perve on her during class. Some nice eye-candy was always welcomed during boring school lectures.

Just as soon as the vibration had begun, it stopped. Just like that, Vanessa's entire world changed from an overpowering sexual sensation to silence, and the entire class continued on as if nothing had happened. Vanessa exhaled and relaxed her legs. She looked around and blushed as she realized just how much the guys had been checking her out - all 5 guys around her had their eyes directly on her legs, hoping for another glimpse of her white panties. Thankfully, none of them saw the receiver taped to her upper thigh. She closed her legs and scooted back in her seat, trying to discreetly pull her skirt down to cover another inch of her legs. She could feel all the eyes on her. At least the teacher didn't seem to notice.

The bell rang, and Vanessa stood with a mixture of relief and embarrassment. She couldn't bring herself to face the group of boys that had been ogling her all session. She grabbed her books and hurried out of the classroom, unintentionally giving them all one last look of her sexy figure as she walked out.

"Vanessa! How'd your first class go?" Victoria and her two friends were standing in the hall waiting for their little toy.

Vanessa felt a wave of relief as she hurried into the center of her friends. She felt safer standing with them - at least they knew her secret. "Oh my gosh, that was too much! I am so worked up," she said, feeling shy but excited.

"You mean horny, right?" Chelsea asked provocatively.

"You guyyyyys," Vanessa whined playfully, trying not to admit to the truth. She didn't have too. The smile on her face gave it all away.

Victoria pushed her shoulder and leaned in. "You ARE horny, you naughty slut!" She spoke just loud enough for one or two of the boys to overhear.

"Shhh!" Vanessa said with a laugh, enjoying the naughty secret she was sharing with her 'friends.' The boys were piling out of the classroom door behind her, heading to their various lockers, getting one final look of the Latina eye-candy. It was quite the contrast: Vanessa, with her long legs almost fully on display beneath her trashy, folded-short blue skirt, standing in the center of her three prim, classily dressed friends. All eyes were drawn directly to Vanessa's ass the guys walked out of the classroom.

"Well, I hope you're able to control yourself because we're just getting started. Just wait until I let Claire have the controller."

"Oh God," Vanessa answered nervously, subconsciously putting a hand over her crotch. The smile on Claire's face sent chills down Vanessa's spine. Worse still, Victoria was right: Vanessa WAS horny. She didn't know if she'd be able to take another class of this, much less a full day.

"Maybe you should get Brad to help satisfy your itch," Chelsea suggested with a naughty wink.

Vanessa pondered it for a moment until she felt a pang of guiltiness.
 "Or Milksop," she answered thoughtfully.

"Ha!" Claire let out a sharp laugh. "As if baby-dick could get anyone off!" The three cheerleaders laughed, and Vanessa felt pressured into laughing along. She did feel a bit guilty about it but remembered that what I didn't know wouldn't hurt me.

Victoria pulled the remote out of her purse, making Vanessa's eyes widen. She began taunting her with it. "This is so fun, making Vanessa's kitty purr." Vanessa clenched her books as Victoria put her finger on the vibration dial. "Don't you still have to give Brad a blowjob today?"

"Yea," Vanessa answered, feeling very vulnerable but trying not to let it show.

"It must be so hot, blowing a stud like Brad. The star football player." Victoria turned the dial up one notch.

"Yea, he's really..." Vanessa felt the vibration between her legs and squeezed her muscles together. "Hot..." She answered, taking a breath as the vibration sent waves of pleasure through her body.

"I heard he's really big," Chelsea asked in a whisper.

"Yes..." Vanessa let out a quiet moan as Victoria turned the dial up another notch. "He's... HUGE..." Her words getting breathy and whispered.

"That's so hot. I bet you can barely fit your lips around it," Claire asked suggestively. The three girls were slowly leaning in closer around the horny girl, filling her head with naughty thoughts.

"Yes... He barely fits in my mouth..." Vanessa's fingernails were digging into her textbook, squeezing it tightly against her chest as the vibrator raged on between her legs.

"Can you swallow the whole thing? I bet Brad would love that," said Victoria, thoroughly enjoying watching the girl slowly losing control. She despised Vanessa and loved watching her turn into more and more of a slut.

"N-not all the way, but almost," Vanessa answered, obviously deep in fantasy. The vibration between her legs was driving her wild.

"Oh, you should try to take the whole thing. I bet he'd like that. You want to make him happy, right?"

"Yes!" Vanessa was whimpering now and had her eyes closed, and her tongue would gently slide over her lips every few seconds.

Victoria reached up and adjusted the v-neck on Vanessa's blouse. "You always take your tits out when you blow him, right?" Vanessa didn't react or even notice as Victoria pulled on her v-neck, causing even more of her cleavage show. Victoria opened the v-neck so wide that even part of Vanessa's bra became visible.

"Yes," she answered submissively. All Vanessa could focus on was the strong vibration between her legs and the thought of Brad's big cock using her mouth like a fleshlight.

"Good. You should give him a titjob, too. He'd like that," Victoria suggested seductively.

"Mmmm yes," Vanessa moaned in an answer, her eyes closed as she was lost in fantasy. She was craving Brad so badly.

"Oh look, here comes your pathetic Milksop," Victoria said, nodding towards me walking down the hall.

Vanessa felt pleasure-inducing vibration come to a complete halt as Victoria switched off the vibrator.

"What? No!" Vanessa cried as the vibrations ceased. Her legs were still clenched together and she had to fight the urge to stick her fingers under her skirt.

"Uhh... I mean..." She turned to greet me, the feeling of disappointment washing over her. She couldn't stop craving Brad as her pussy ached for attention. She sighed as I walked up, the mud still caked on my knees and elbows from earlier.

"Hi, babe," she said half-heartedly.

"C'mon, girls, we better leave them alone," Victoria said as the three of them walked to class. Vanessa felt more regret and longing as the vibrator control disappeared into Victoria's purse, completely switched off.

"Hi, sweety, ready for class?" Her face looked rosy and warm. I caught sight of her bra sticking out of her cleavage, and my dicklette twitched. I hadn't seen any sexy cleavage in a long time, and the sight of her bra gave me quite a stir. "You look even more gorgeous than earlier," I added affectionately. Boys will say the sweetest things when they're horny.

Vanessa's face softened as she remembered how sweet I was. Sure, she still had a deep, burning desire to be thoroughly used by a huge dick which I did absolutely nothing to satisfy - but at least I always made her feel good about herself and gave her confidence. She liked that. It was the first time in her life that a boyfriend had treated her like such a princess. She knew that a guy like Brad or Scott would never give her the affectionate treatment that I was willing to give: the hour-long foot massages, the desperate, never-ending compliments of how beautiful she was, a shoulder to cry on when she was sad... Someone to hold open doors for her and treat her like a princess. Someone she could talk to about girly things like make-up and nails - something she could usually only talk to other girls about. And someone who, for the first time ever - she felt completely secure with. No matter what happened, she knew I'd never leave her and always be there to support her. It helped, of course, that she teased me and always left me horny for her. It boosted her confidence and made her feel powerful in a way.

"Thanks," she answered sweetly.

"All the dirt's washed off. Maybe I can give you a hug now?" I asked awkwardly, with a little nervous laugh.

"Sure!" She answered happily. She was still so antsy that any intimacy sounded wonderful. I leaned forward and hugged her, feeling her soft body against mine. I wished I could kiss her, but I knew that wasn't allowed.

The hug did nothing to satisfy her. The vibrator was still turned off, and she felt incredible sexual frustration. She briefly considered slipping off to the bathroom to touch herself. "We better get to class," she disappointedly.

As we walked into the classroom, her eyes lingered straight at Brad, the sunlight shining onto his chest through the window. Vanessa's eyes roamed down to his crotch, and all she could think about was falling down to her knees and ripping his pants open. "We can sit here," I offered, pointing to two open desks near the back.

"Oh... Let's sit here instead," she suggested, moving towards a desk much closer behind Brad. I followed with disappointment as my girlfriend tried to sit closer to my mean high school bully. Victoria was watching with an entertained smile.

Brad turned around and saw my voluptuous, short-skirted girlfriend taking her seat at the desk behind him. His eyes glanced down at her cleavage, checking her out once again. Vanessa smiled at the stud, and as his eyes roamed down her body, she felt the vibrator switch on between her legs. "Oh God yes," she whispered under her breath as the masculine football player eyed her up and down. She bit her lip and leaned forward for the male, enticing him to check her out more and more as she rubbed her thighs together wantingly.

I couldn't help but notice her reaction, and I sulked with jealousy. Vanessa didn't even notice. As if the buttplug wasn't enough pain, now I had to sit here being ignored by my girlfriend as she swooned over Brad.

"Good morning, class," the teacher said as he shut the door, causing Brad to turn back around. Victoria let the vibrator run for a few seconds longer, letting Vanessa bask in the pleasure of being checked out by a real man. Vanessa wanted nothing in the world more than to feel Brad's large dick stuffing her holes - any of her holes.


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Reply #44 on: November 17, 2019, 06:49:31 AM
 CHAPTER 30  (1/2)

Chapter 30: Center stage

It wasn't until the next class when Vanessa felt the vibrator back on. Vanessa had been able to relax and clear her mind a bit - but the burning desire between her legs was never far away. Vanessa and I had different math classes, so I wasn't in the room when - Claire, this time - switched on the vibrator.

Funny enough, Vanessa was sitting in the same desk Bethany used to sit in when it happened. It was sudden and unexpected. Right as Vanessa was in the middle of a yawn, she felt it between her legs, and she let out a short but loud moan. She put her hand over her mouth, but it was too late - every boy and girl in the room looked over at her. Claire had impeccable timing. She smiled as she watched Vanessa fluster from the attention, and the cruel redhead turned the vibrator up another notch.

The teacher - Miss White - stopped lecturing to address the disruption. Miss White did not like Vanessa. Not only did she look down on the girl for dressing so provocatively - each day pushing the boundaries more and more - but the teacher had also seen Vanessa hanging out with Victoria, which made her like the young student even less. She knew that any friend of Victoria must be trouble.

"Okay, Vanessa. This lesson is obviously boring you, as you don't seem to be paying attention."

Vanessa froze, her knees clasped together. She felt every single student looking at her, and the vibration between her legs wasn't stopping. She began to panic.

The teacher continued speaking, a tone of anger was in her voice. "You obviously must have learned all this at your previous school. So, why don't you be the first to come up here and solve the equation?"

"N-no, Miss... (Fuck!) I didn't mean..." She clasped her fingers on the side of her desk and squeezed her thighs together, praying everyone would look away. They didn't. Claire switched the vibrator up a third notch.

"Come on, don't hold up the class. Get up here and solve the equation, like I just showed you." The teacher held out a stick of white chalk, scowling at the student with cleavage so deep that her bra was showing. "Don't make me ask twice."

Watching this unfold was better than any TV show for the cheerleaders. Vanessa shyly stood up and patted her skirt flat against her legs. She looked ridiculous trying to walk up to the blackboard - she kept her thighs pressed together the whole time, taking short, awkward steps in her high heels.

The vibrator was on medium now. "Let's see how high this thing goes," Claire whispered to Chelsea. She turned it up another notch higher, and Vanessa instantly felt the change. "Oh God," she whimpered as she stood in front of the blackboard, looking at the equation of numbers and letters. All the symbols melted to mush as she struggled to maintain her composure, praying that Claire would turn off the vibrator. Of course, she would get no such relief from the cruel redhead.

The entire classroom began chuckling as Vanessa paused in front of the blackboard, her sexy thighs rubbing together under the short skirt. She couldn't focus on the math problem - in fact, it was taking all the willpower she had to resist making sexual moans out loud. Claire was loving it. The cheerleaders wouldn't even care if the Vanessa fell to her knees and orgasmed in front of the entire class, exposing the entire situation - the cheerleaders knew they'd find a way to get out of it, and only Vanessa would be ruined. Claire had no reluctance turning the vibrator up even higher.

Miss White watched with disdain as Vanessa trembled in front of the blackboard. She rationalized that Vanessa must be somehow mocking her - playing some sort of game - and this just made the teacher even angrier. "Come on, we don't have all day. Start with the parentheses," the teacher instructed shorthandedly.

Vanessa looked at the board. She tried to find the parentheses but had to close her eyes. The vibrator between her legs was overpowering all her senses, and she felt like she was about to orgasm. A terrible, humiliating orgasm in front of an entire room of giggling classmates. She prayed for Claire to turn it off.

"Look, right here," the teacher tapped her ruler against the board frustratedly, bringing Vanessa back to the real world. "13 + 7. Surely you know how to solve simple addition," she said with a mocking tone in her voice. The students laughed even louder. Vanessa couldn't concentrate. Her entire mind went blank.

"Wow, she doesn't even know 13 + 7," one student whispered to the other. "How did she even pass her previous math classes?"

Victoria overheard the comment and decided to have some fun. She turned to the student and whispered, "I heard she gave a blowjob to her teacher so that he'd let her pass."

"Really?" The student asked, his eyes turning back onto the young girl at the front of the room. It made sense. There had been plenty of rumors about Vanessa floating around the school. Rumors about her and the football players, rumors about her sexual history at her last school... And now she couldn't even solve the simplest of math problems. It was starting to make sense.

"Yea," Victoria answered, admiring her perfectly painted fingernails. "Look at how she dresses. She's advertising all of her holes. Of course she'd put out for a teacher to get a passing grade."

Claire switched off the vibrator as Miss White told Vanessa to sit down. "We'll have to talk to the principal about your.. Sever gap in education," the teacher told the poor girl as she walked back to her desk. Her face was flushed red and she just wanted to sit down and get out of the center of the room. She felt a pulse between her legs thumping harder than her heartbeat. She'd almost came in front of everyone. She brushed her hair over her shoulder and scooted into her desk, flattening her skirt down once again. She knew that her panties would be soaked. She should not have chosen white panties that morning.

The gossiping student turned to his buddy. "Vanessa gave a blowjob to her teacher to pass her class," he whispered quietly.

Nothing spreads quicker than a rumor in a highschool. "Vanessa gave blowjobs to all her the teachers at her last school. That's the only reason she passed," another student repeated.

One after another, the students - guys and girls alike - repeated the rumor down the row. "Vanessa used to put out for her male teachers, in return for good grades."

Vanessa slunk in her desk, wishing she could go home and bury her head in the pillow after that embarrassing moment. The rumors continued circling around her as the students whispered to one another, the young students' eyes roaming up and down her body as they imagined the rumors to life in their heads.

"The only reason Vanessa passed at her last school was because she'd stay late after class every day, giving the teacher a blowjob."

"I heard Vanessa was a whore that let the older teachers fuck her for good grades."

"Hey, guess what! Vanessa used to whore herself out for her teachers at her last school! For a C she'd give them a blowjob, for a B she'd give them her pussy, and for an A... She'd let them fuck her up the ass!"

As the rumors flew around the class, all eyes were on Vanessa. The guys looked up and down her long, tan legs beneath the skimpy skirt and imagined them spreading open for one of the teachers. The imagined grabbing hold of those thighs and thrusting their dick into that short blue skirt, emptying their load into her hot little pussy.

Victoria, Claire, and Chelsea all continued to fan the flames of the rumor, breathing more and more life into it. "Latina girls are always horny. Look at her top, you can see her bra. She wants guys to look at her!"

The bell rang, and the class finally ended - but Vanessa wasn't off the hook.  The teacher gave her a note with instructions to report to the principal the next day for counseling. She worried that they were going to hold her back a grade. A knot welled up in her stomach as she walked out of the class. Worst still: her pussy was still begging for attention, now more than ever.

Vanessa was wondering down the hall towards gym - the students along the lockers were still checking her out, the rumors still being whispered down the hall - when the three cheerleaders appeared up beside her.

"Ready for gym?" Claire asked with a cheeky smile.

Vanessa didn't know how to react. She wanted to be angry but was also conflicted with sexual frustration. She couldn't decide if she wanted to scream or fuck. Or both.

"C'mon, we're not through with you yet," Chelsea added jokingly.

"That was so humiliating!"

"Oh please," Claire responded. "You're over-reacting. Nobody even noticed."

Vanessa walked quietly for a few more moments. In her head, it felt like she had just lived out a dream where she showed up to class and realized she's naked. But, now she realized it might not have been so obvious. Nobody knew she had a vibrator going off in her pussy, and it didn't make any sound.

"Yea, don't make such a big deal over it, nothing really even happened," added Victoria.

"But... The note..." Vanessa clenched the paper in her hand.

"So? It's just an evaluation. I'm sure you'll find a way to convince the principal not to hold you back a grade."

Vanessa felt reassured. She wasn't sure if Victoria was implying that she'd use her leverage to help Vanessa out, or... Something else... But she did know she felt relieved. And once that anger and worry left her mind, she was left with one thing: horniness. She felt an aching desire deep in her loins.

"So. You still want to earn that payment, right?" Victoria asked temptingly.

Vanessa eyed her Victoria's purse. Her pussy was burning with frustration. She answered Victoria by asking... "Could you turn the vibrator back on?"

The girls laughed, and Victoria nudged her in the arm. "That's my dirty cheergirl," she said
 playfully. Vanessa smiled. It felt good being Victoria's friend.