Author Topic: Brad The Bully Story  (Read 236574 times)


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Reply #60 on: November 17, 2019, 07:44:39 AM

Chapter 41: Convincing the Harlot

It took me so long to get myself cleaned up that I barely made it to class before the second bell. The whole while the teacher was lecturing, I kept circling back to what Josh said. "I wouldn't mind giving her sweet mouth another dicking!" I fixated on it, jealousy turning the thought over in my mind. First, thinking about all the times I'd kissed Vanessa's sweet cherry lips, then thinking about Josh thrusting his cock into her open mouth. No... I finally decided that I MUST have misheard. I finally convinced myself that my sweet Vanessa would never cheat on me - except for the time she let Brad have her pussy, of course - and the deep blowjob she gives him every day, sometimes twice a day - and then, of course, the time this afternoon when she'd be riding his cock in the bathroom, draining his cum into her body while I stand watch - but other than all that, I knew she wouldn't... Cheat on me...

Unless of course... Blowjobs didn't count as cheating... I shuddered.

The next time I got to see Vanessa would be in the hall between classes which meant I wouldn't have much time to talk to her. As soon as the bell rang I sprinted to find her. I tried not to think about the fact that Brad had me sprinting as fast as I could to try and get my girlfriend to have sex with him. He really had turned me into his bitch.

I found her putting some books into her locker - but Chelsea was standing right beside her talking. "Yes, I definitely think you should get the lip injects. It will make you look so sexy!'"

"Really?" Vanessa asked as I hurried beside her. I didn't have time to worry think about their conversation. "Vanessa! And uhh, hi Chelsea."

"Hi sweetie, what a nice surprise!" My girlfriend answered, giving me a cute smile which warmed my heart.

"Hi babydick," Chelsea answered with a smirk, making no attempt to be discrete. The boy standing behind her gave me a funny look as he closed his locker.

"Do you mind if I have a second alone with Vanessa? Please, it's very important."

Chelsea leaned against the locker, setting her place firmly. "Nope. She's a cheerleader, now. Anything you say to her you can say in front of me."

"It's true, babe," Vanessa said as she shut her locker. "It's like a sorority. We have to show we trust each other. You can say whatever it is in front of her!"

Chelsea was standing behind her, shooting me a wicked, mischevious grin. I really did not like that look. "So... What is it?"

I hesitated, but the kids in the hall began hurrying to the class and I knew I didn't have time to deal with it, I had to spit it out. "Uhh, well..."

 I was looking into her eyes, but it was taking all my willpower not to glance any lower - her nipples were poking through her top quite noticeably, taunting me to glance downward. "Yea? You can tell me, honey," Vanessa said as she rubbed her hand up my arm.

"It's a little, err, awkward. Umm... Brad and I were joking around earlier, and..."

My girlfriends face lit up with her charming smile. "I'm so glad you two are still getting along so well! So that's why your outfit is all torn up!"

"Uhhh... Yea... Anyway, umm, we were kidding around and..." Chelsea was smiling hard as she watched, enjoying my humiliation as I struggled to get the words out. "And we were joking about who's stronger, he kept saying I was, so I challenged him to an arm wrestling match..."

"Boys will be boys," Chelsea said from behind her.

"But Brad said I was too weak and he wouldn't even waste his time, so then he said if we wanted to arm wrestle we'd have to make a bet."

"You didn't bet against him on an arm wrestle, did you?" Vanessa's hand squeezed my shoulder as I spoke, her body pressed beside mine by the locker.

I tried to redeem what little respect that I could. "Yea... Uhh... I wanted to prove I was a man!"

"Oh no, babe, you shouldn't have done that! You know Brad is going to win that!" My boast backfired. Her voice sounded sympathetic as she rubbed my shoulder. I felt so pathetic.


"So silly of you." She let out a little giggle. "So now I'm curious! What did you bet?"

I sighed with defeat. Here comes the worst part. "I, uhh... I wanted to bet him money, but I didn't have any on me, so... The only other thing I could think of..." I looked up at her with guilt in my eye. Chelsea was covering her mouth trying to stifle her laughter.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Vanessa asked, looking at me with strong curiosity.

"I bet if he win... Umm..." My throat went dry and I could barely speak. "He could... Have sex with you."

Vanessa's eyebrows raised and she made a surprised "Oh!" sound. It didn't sound disappointed or upset - her voice was high-pitched and sounded more thoughtful and curious instead of angry. She kept her eyebrows raised and tilted her head to the side, letting out a thoughtful, "hmm! So you want me to have sex with Brad... Again?"

"I-I'm so sorry," I muttered, looking down towards the ground. I felt so awful and pathetic having to ask my girlfriend to have sex with my bully.

"Wow, so you made the bet without her permission?" Chelsea chimed in from behind.

"I'm s-s-so, so, so sorry," I repeated desperately, trying not to break into tears. This whole process felt so humiliating and pathetic.

Chelsea latched onto it and wasn't letting it go. "That was very disrespectful of you to make a bet like that on her behalf without even asking her first!" The young cheerleader was really rubbing my nose in it.

"Wow, when you put it like that..." Her surprised, curious face turned serious. "She's right! That was very out of line! Now let me consider if I should do it..."

I looked up, my face turning desperate. "P-please! If you don't, he, he'll..." I stopped before I accidentally said too much.

"So?" Chelsea said with her arms crossed and the naughty grin getting wider. "You're the one that made the promise, not Vanessa! So this is your problem. You'll have to start begging her nicely."

Damn her. Chelsea was making sure this was difficult as possible. I knew the bell was going to ring soon and I couldn't leave without getting her to agree. Brad had already decided that he would be having my girlfriends pussy, and now it was up to me to deliver her to him. I didn't even want to THINK about what Brad would do to me if I didn't! So, naturally, I did what I had to do and began begging. "Umm... *ahem* Vanessa... Would you..." My throat went dry again as I tried to speak. "Would you p-p-please h-have sex with Brad?"

I could tell by her face that she was starting to enjoy the sound of it more and more. I couldn't decide if I should be happy about that or not. Chelsea, however, decided it wasn't enough. She was giggling as she spoke firmly over Vanessa's shoulder, "Beg harder!"

I looked into my girlfriend's eyes and let out a little sigh. "Vanessa... Won't you please... Please go into the bathroom and have sex with Brad?"

"You want me to ride his cock, babe?" She asked curiously, trying to make 100% sure she was hearing right.

"Ye... *ahem* Yes... Please let him put his cock inside your... Between your legs..."

"Inside her pussy?" Chelsea clarified.

"Err... Yes... Would you please let him..." I was struggling not to cry as I spoke, "slide his cock into your pussy."

She could see the Hurt in my face and didn't want to put me through any more pain. "Well, I am trying to be a good girl... But if it's what you really want, babe, I guess I could have sex with Brad." before I could say a word, Chelsea cut me off. "Hang on, babydick. If Milksop wants you to agree he should at least do something in return for you."

"Oh, that's so typical of them. See babe? The cheerleaders always have my back! They're always trying to get what's best for me!" Vanessa said proudly.

"But.. What about me?" I asked, seeing how I was the one who was obviously struggling the most.

"Uhh, you're not a cheerleader, so we don't give a shit about you, babydick," Chelsea answered a little too cheerfully. "So what are you going to do for Vanessa if she agrees to fuck your really hot friend Brad?"

I began stuttering and stammering when Chelsea interrupted, "Are you going to take her shopping?"

Suddenly Vanessa's face went from pitying me to getting excited at the thought of a free shopping trip. I still had a bit of money that I'd been saving from my last summer job. I had been planning to save it for the next video game consoles, or maybe even a down payment on a car one day. However, it seemed like that might not be happening now.

"Are you going to take panty shopping?" Chelsea asked again.

"Uhh... Yes," I answered hesitantly. Vanessa clapped her hands with delight! "That will be so fun!"

The school bell rang. Our time was up. "So it's a deal! I'll go with you to meet Brad in the bathroom during lunch, and you can buy me some panties to pay me back," and then she gave me a kiss before departing. "See, aren't you glad you had me here listening in?" Chelsea asked as the girls hurried to class. "Yes!" Vanessa answered, hugging her books excitedly.

I sat through my next class with the thick buttplug straining my sore ass painfully open, and the thought of Brad fucking Vanessa kept running through my brain. My heart was torn in half. Of course, I knew it wasn't Vanessa's fault - I was the one who'd gotten her into this mess, after all - but it still, the thought of her spreading her legs and riding my bully's cock up and down made my heart tear. I had to remind myself, this was just a one time thing I'd have to get through - I tried not to dwell on the thought that this was the SECOND time Brad would be getting to slip his cock into my girlfriend's warm, welcoming pussy and filling it with his cum, while I hadn't even gotten to experience it once.

Brad and Josh were hunched over their desks whispering to each other, then looking back at me with smug, knowing smiles. The thought of Brad making my girlfriend moan... I looked away and tried not to cry. Each tick of the clock bringing the moment closer and closer. I wished it would stop.

Vanessa, on the other hand, was having quite a different experience during class. Unlike me, who was tormented with every single stroke of the clock, Vanessa was getting more and more excited with each passing moment. The teacher had split the students into groups of four to work on a group lab project, and Vanessa had of course been assigned with her three new cheerleader 'friends.' Victoria had delegated most of the work to Chelsea to take care of, which meant that Victoria, Claire, and Vanessa had plenty of time to sit around the table and talk.

Vanessa felt so guilty, but she couldn't help it! Her body was getting more and more tingly and worked up with each passing second, and she felt her pussy aching with the thought of Brad's huge, hard dick. She was even hornier now than she was with the vibrator up her pussy the day prior. Of course, the cheerleaders were devilishly building it up more and more.

"I can't believe you get to have sex with Brad! He is such a hottie, you lucky bitch!" Victoria said with a delighted smile. She absolutely loved that Brad was doing such a great job of getting into Vanessa's panties all by himself, Victoria barely had to do anything. It was making it so much easier to turn Vanessa's reputation into a loose, easy slut.

"I know, but I feel a little bad cheating on Milksop (I mean, babydick) again."

"Why do you feel bad? It's every girls' dream! You get to have sex with THE quarterback of the football team, guilt-free! And your boyfriend is okay with it - hell, he begged you to do it!"

"I-I know, I just..."

Victoria cut her off mid-thought: "You should be PROUD of it! Babydick is buying you stuff for you to do it. He's basically paying you to have sex with the hottest guy in school! I'm surprised you're not bragging to all your friends about it, you lucky slut!"

"Yes, true," Vanessa answered, trying to continue the facade that she fit in with the popular girls.

"And Brad is known for being AMAZING in bed! All the new cheerleaders have had sex with him, but you get to do it twice!" Claire said suggestively. Of course, it wasn't true that they all had sex with Brad - that was just a rumor that they used whenever they wanted to trick a new girl for fun.

Vanessa's face lit up with the memory of getting so thoroughly fucked by the huge stud in my bedroom, so many nights ago. Her pussy tingled fiercely as she realized she'd be getting that treatment once again.

Victoria noticed the look on Vanessa's face and she leaned forward to whisper. "So, what dirty things are you going to say to him?"

"Dirty things?" Vanessa asked, a bit taken off-guard.

"Well, of course," chimed in Claire, "a guy like Brad is going to expect you to be doing a little something extra for him during sex!"

"Oh, uhh, I umm," Vanessa was stammering defenselessly, and both the cheerleaders pounced.

"You should start by complimenting (no, adoring!) his cock," said Victoria with her sly smile. "Tell him you love how huge and thick it is."

"Tell him you've been craving and dreaming about it non-stop since the last time he let you ride it," Claire added. She knew I was going to be stuck in the room listening, and she loved knowing that I would be cut painfully by the words.

"Yes! Tell him it is such an honor, and you are so thankful that he's letting you ride him again!"

"Oh, uh, yes of course," Vanessa agreed, a bit overwhelmed. She had no idea that it was going to be expected for her to speak dirty to Brad. She soaked in the words eagerly. After all, she would not want to let everyone down!

Victoria continued speaking carefully, her words planned to do the most damage. "Now, I'm sure that Babydick is going to try and pull some shit and ask to wear a condom or something. You should tell him you would NEVER insult Brad by asking him to do that!"

"But, I'm not on birth control, and-"

"So? Just pull off him before he cums. You'll still need to let him cum in your mouth or between your tits of course. You'll just have to ask which he'd prefer."

"Of, yes of course," Vanessa answered timidly, continuing to act her part as the cool, confident, popular girl as she talked about letting Brad use her body any way he wanted. Obviously, she had no idea I was going to be in the room while she was agreeing to say all these depraved, humiliating sentences.

Claire leaned closer to Vanessa's ear, a cheeky smile on her face. "Not just at the start, obviously. The whole time he's fucking you, you should be saying sexy, dirty things. He'll be expecting it."

"Like what?" Vanessa asked, her legs squeezing together at the thought of Brad's thick cock squeezing inside her.

"Well, first of all, you should be telling him how great he is the entire time. Tell him how you're just STARVING for his cum - guys like hearing that. Also, tell him what a dirty slut he turns you into."

Victoria added into the fun. "Tell him that he makes you feel like a woman. Oh, and of course, you should be begging him to go deeper the whole time!"

Victoria and Claire were both snickering as their naive victim ate up every word, her thighs squeezing together as she stared blankly at the table, soaking up every thought and imagining how she would be repeating them back to my bully in the bathroom stall.

"Tell him he can use you in whatever position he wants. And of course, I know I don't even have to tell you that you should have your tits out the entire time he's riding you."

"Uhh, yea of course," Vanessa answered shyly, touching her black tank nervously, her nipples still poking through. The school bell rang for lunch. It was time.


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Reply #61 on: November 17, 2019, 07:50:27 AM
  CHAPTER  42   (1/2)

Chapter 42: Riding the Bull

Vanessa was surprised when I met her in the hallway to walk her to the restroom. "Aww, so sweet, he wants to escort me to his friend," Vanessa thought to herself as she grabbed my arm and walked beside me. She was so excitedly looking towards the bathrooms that she didn't notice how dreary and upset I must have looked.

"Do you have a condom?"

"Oh no," Vanessa answered sternly, the cheerleaders' words coming out of her mouth: "I would never insult a guy like Brad by asking him to wear a condom! Men like him deserve to enjoy it all-natural!"

The rest of the kids were pushing past us in the hall, heading towards the cafeteria, while we headed towards the men's room, the look of doom on my face grew as we approached the door. The cheerleaders watched from the end of the hall, laughing and snickering as the two of us entered the men's room together. Vanessa squeezed my arm, her eyes large and bright with anticipation.

Inside the bathroom, the stall door was open, and we could see Brad's legs underneath the walls. He must have been sitting on the toilet, waiting. I sighed.

"You should go have lunch now, babe! I think I can handle things from here!" She gave me a big wink.

"Uhh..." I was afraid it would sound pathetic if I told her that Brad was making me stay, so I decided to lie and say it was my idea. I thought it would make me sound noble. "No, it's okay - I'll stay here and guard the door so nobody accidentally walks in."

'Shit,' Vanessa thought to herself. She did not want to say all those lewd, degrading things in front of me. "No no, babe, it's okay! You should go get some lunch!"

I felt so pathetic, having to convince my girlfriend I wanted to stay in the room while Brad fucked her. But, I was in too deep to back out now.

"I... Uhh... I better stay, so nobody walks in. I want to support you." I felt like the biggest bitch on earth, supporting my girlfriend while she rode another man's cock - my bullies, no less!

Vanessa smiled warmly. She decided that if I really wanted to support her in doing this that badly, she shouldn't have anything to worry about. "Okay! Just... Don't pay attention to anything you hear, okay?"

"Uhh... Okay, sure," I agreed reluctantly, worried about what noises I would be hearing. After all the coaching that the cheerleaders had given her, it was going to be so much worse than I imagined.

"Remember, I love YOU!" She pulled down on my arm and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking towards the stall alone. "Now, ignore everything else you hear!"

As she stepped in front of the stall and looked inside, she saw her bull sitting on the toilet, looking up from his phone with a big, cocky grin. The smirk he gave her made her pussy tingle. "Mmm, hello big boy," she said, returning his smile.

"It's about time," Brad answered, sitting back on the toilet and dropping his phone into his bag beside his feet. Vanessa's eyes glanced down at his crotch, the large package straining against pants as he spread his legs.

She knew she had to recite the lines that the cheerleaders had given her. After all, she didn't want to let anyone down, least of all Brad. "Mmm," she purred seductively, "I've been waiting soooo (she really drew out the o sound) long to feel that big, thick cock between my legs again!"

My heart split. I knew she was just trying to be a good girl and fulfill the promise I'd made, but it hurt so bad watching her gush over Brad.

"You gonna let me hop on right away? Please?" She bit her fingernail as she stared at his crotch, her body rocking suggestively.

Brad grabbed his dick, adjusting it through his pants as it started growing. Vanessa flustered at the reaction.

"Not so fast. What about my payment?" Brad asked with a smirk.

She knew what he meant. She slipped her hands under her skirt and slid her panties down her thighs, careful not to let her pussy show. My eyes were bulging with intrigue as I watched the white panties slip so smoothly down her legs. My peepee strained against his cage as she slipped the panties off her high heels, held them up - displaying the front, then the back to the bully in the stall - then, she put the panties on one finger, pulled them back with the other hand and released, shooting them at Brad like a rubber band. She kept her fingers pointed at him and gave him a wink as he caught the panties.

He examined the panties, gave her a satisfied smile, then raised an eyebrow towards her chest. She knew what was next.

She glanced over to see me standing in the doorway, staring at her longingly. My heart was simultaneously breaking and also beating hard as I was getting turned by her naughty behavior. I had never seen her act so tantalizing!

"Turn around, babe! Remember, this is just for Brad! And no peeking!" I turned around and faced the doorway dishearteningly. As soon as my back was turned, she focused her attention back to the stud in the stall.

Her hands grabbed the hem of her shirt and slowly began lifting up her top as she spoke. "Pleeease let me ride your big, delicious cock? I'm soooo (her tits flop out of her shirt) desperate!"

"Mmm, I like my girls desperate," my bully scoffed as he sat back against the toilet, his cock visibly straining against his pants. Vanessa's eyes widened and she bit her lower lip, staring at his crotch. "Why don't you come over here and let me have a squeeze on those juicy titties?"

Vanessa's hungry mouth curved to a smile as she stepped closer to the bully, her heels clicking against the bathroom tile. "Yes sir!" I was completely forgotten about. Out of sight, and now out of mind, too.

My awful bully who was shoving my head into a piss-filled toilet an hour earlier was now getting to enjoy my girlfriend's breasts all to himself. She leaned forward, presenting her wonderful rack in front of my bullies face, who reached out and began rubbing her tits together with both hands.

"Mmm, I love the way you handle my tits!" She almost used the word 'breasts' but remembered better. 'Ladies have breasts, I have tits!'

The young high school student got to squeeze my girlfriends tits in his hands, each breast completely filling his palms. He smooshed her tits against each other, jiggling them back and forward as they hung down off her chest while she leaned forward. "Mmm these tits are nice and juicy, just how I like'em!" He pulled a hand back and slapped it against the side of her breast, making a loud 'slap' sound and causing Vanessa to squeal.

"Has your wussy boyfriend even gotten to play with these big melons yet?" He asked as he pulled his hand back and gave the tit another slap.

She winced, both from the pain and also from the reminder that I was still in the room. "No, he has never gotten to touch them," she answered with guilt. Brad lapped it up. With a devilish grin, he decided to push her humiliation even further.

"Here, why don't you have a seat in my lap like a good slut!" He leaned back against the toilet and Vanessa spun around and lowered her ass against the stud's lap. Immediately, she felt the thick cock beneath her buns. The boy's hands reached around her body and wrapped themselves back around her tits, squeezing and pushing them forward with his fingers. "That's a good bitch," he said in a deep, cruel voice.

Brad's words brought back painful memories, as I stared at the bathroom wall.

'And lastly, there are the breeding mares...' I heard Claire's voice in my head. It was so clear, it was like she was standing right beside me. 'You know that Brad is a real high-quality stud, right? And you know what he's going to be doing with your little breeding mare of a girlfriend, right?' I plugged my ears to block out the sound, but Claire kept speaking in my head. 'Dumb breeding mares don't need much attention. They have one purpose, and that is to be fucked. They are bred over and over by the prized stud!'

I uncovered my ears just in time to hear Vanessa's breathy moaning as Brad pinched her nipples, her ass grinding against Brad's cock like she was trying to fuck it through his pants.

"Mmm, that's a really good bitch," I heard Brad moaning once again. "Why don't you apologize to your wimpy boyfriend that his classmate gets to enjoy your tits instead of him."

She felt a pang of guilt, but it was no longer enough to stop her. She was consumed by her carnal lust as she slid her ass around and around over the thickest cock she'd felt in her entire life. "Sorry, Babydick, but you know the deal. Once again, Brad gets to enjoy my tits instead of you! You have to keep being a very good boy before you're allowed to enjoy my tits."

"That's *sniff* okay, I un- *sniff* understand," I answered as bravely as I could, fighting back the tears. I heard another loud slap as he smacked her tit once again - the other one, this time - and Vanessa's subsequent squeal. "This is what you wanted though, right?" She asked, trying hard to subdue her guilt.

"Of course this is what he wants," Brad said with a loud laugh as he gave my girlfriend's breasts a good, hard squeeeeeeeze - hard enough to make her moan and suck her teeth. "Mmm, your girlfriend's tits are soooo nice and juicy, she really has a great pair of melons!"

Vanessa's hand was already between her legs, rubbing her clit while she grinded her ass in Brad's lap.

"Mmm, I think your girlfriend's tits might even be better than your moms! Although your mom's big fake tits are fun, too. I think I'll have to get your mom and Vanessa together and take turns feeling them up to see which one has the best rack."

"Uhnnn!" Was all Vanessa could respond. She had turned to putty in the controlling, confident bull's grasp. She was already reaching her hand between her legs, trying to work the thick anaconda out of the boy's pants.

"They could even have a slut-off to see which one can turn me on more. How does that sound, wimp? Maybe this weekend?"

"Y-yes, sir," was all I could answer as the tears streamed down my cheeks. I was staring at the bottom of the stall - all I could see was my bully's tennis shoes, with my girlfriend's white high heels an inch in front of his shoes, her knees obviously spread apart.

"Great, it's a date! You hear that, Vanessa? You and BB are going to have a slut-off this weekend at Milksop's house."


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Reply #62 on: November 17, 2019, 07:51:42 AM
 CHAPTER  42  (2/2)

"Yes babe," Vanessa answered through a breathy moan. Her fingers were continuing to work her lover's dick out of his pants.

"Woah, your girlfriend is really aggressively trying to pull my dick out. She's quite a slut, isn't she?"

"You're so bad," she whispered as she continued working open his pants. Brad shut her up with another painful, open-palmed slap against her left tit. Vanessa wasn't used to having her tits treated so roughly.

"Don't worry, Milksop. I'll satisfy her slutty urges for ya! Is this what you've been craving, slut?" Brad pulled his dick out of his pants, sliding it between her thighs and rubbing it over her naked cunt.

"Ohhh fuck, yes, that's what I've been craving!" Vanessa regained a moment of clarity, just enough to remember that she was supposed to keep talking dirty to Brad. "I've been dreaming about this huge cock every night! I fantasize about it all night long in my bedroom!"

I was so torn. I had no reason to doubt the words she was saying, which made it hurt so much more. I forced myself to remember that that none of this was her fault, she couldn't help her body reacted to a stud like Brad. I had to forgive her fully while she rocked up and down on Brad's cock in bliss, screaming how great he was. Brad, on the other hand, was chuckling. He loved that she was saying all this right in front of me, and kept encouraging her to say more.

"You've been dreaming about my cock every night, have you?"

"Yes!" She screamed, her thighs squeezing around Brad's cock, willing it to slip into her vagina.

He lowered his voice to a groaning whisper so that I couldn't hear his words. "Say I'm the best, then."

I could hear Vanessa's loud and clear, though. "Oh god, Brad you are the BEST! Please let me have your cock!"

My heart splintered. The tears rolled down my cheek. I stared motionlessly at their shoes as Vanessa stood up, spun herself around - her legs straddling his - and lowered her pussy towards his dick. "I'm not on birth control, so don't forget to tell me before you cum, okay?" She said timidly.

"Yea, don't worry about it," he answered, a smirk from ear-to-ear as he felt the warmth of her pussy against the tip of his cock.

She held the thick, purple cockhead in her fingers and lined it up over the opening of her pussy. Her heart was beating hard, her pussy soaked and throbbing, and her tits pointing straight towards Brad's face. The boy was gleaming with a big, confident grin as he was about to take my girlfriend right in front of me. He knew I was crushed, watching their feet below the wall, desperately hoping that something would interrupt. His smile widened. Vanessa pushed the tip of his cock into the folds of her warm, pink vagina, letting out a soft, hungry moan.

Then, she fell down onto his lap - the dick driving into her pussy as the full weight of her body forced in deep. Brad's thick, erect cock stretched the inside of her cunt open, just like she'd been pining for. "Uhnnn," she moaned as she felt the large penis filling her up inside.

I knew it happened. I could tell by the way her feet shifted in her heels, the way her legs bent under the stall. My heart stood still. "Oh God, babe, this is what I've been waiting for," my girlfriend moaned as she grinded her pussy back and forth in his lap, feeling the strong cock stretching out every centimeter inside of her vagina. I can only imagine the immense, pleasurable sensation that Brad must have been enjoying as his dick was buried inside my Vanessa's cunt.

And of course, the bull was just getting started. That was merely just the first taste. Brad reached a hand back and slapped her in her plump asscheek, giving her a reminder that this was about Brad's pleasure, not hers. She responded immediately. She threw her hands around his shoulders, pushed down on her high-heels and lifted her body, her pussy squeezing his cock as it slid up the long shaft. She then fell back down, her full body-weight dropping onto Brad and driving his cock straight back into her tight, wet pussy.

Her large tits bounced freely in front of Brad's face as she raised up and slammed down onto his cock. The only thing I heard was the sound of her body as it slapped against his legs, and the faint squishing sound of her wet pussy sliding over his dick. Then - starting out quietly and slowly gaining volume - I could hear the quiet growing of her moans. Faint, soft whimpers that were slowly getting louder with each bounce. By the 5th time she dropped down onto her cock, she was full-on moaning out-loud.

"Uh... Uh.. Uh. Uh! UH! UGH! Ohhhh! OHHH!! OH GOD!! UHNNN, UHNNN, OHHH!" She began howling loudly, her voice echoing throughout the bathroom. Her fiery Latina passion was unleashed in full, and she continued moaning with full-voice as her sexy, bomb-shell body rocked up and down on Brad's cock, forcing the thick shaft into her body between her legs again and again.

"Oh yea, that's a good slut," Brad encouraged as Latina babe shoved her body against his cock, riding it with her hips as quick as she could. "Yes! YES! Brad! Your cock is so incredible!" She yelled and moaned loudly as her pussy grasped tightly around the thick cock, squeezing it as she slid up and down. She was done. Totally out of control, her body, mind, and soul completely given over to lust. Between telling Brad how amazing he was, she began speaking out words in Spanish, words that neither I nor Brad understood. I could barely hear them, she was speaking so fast, saying things like, "Mamacita!" and "Hazme tu puta!"

The only noises I heard from Brad was him laughing, enjoying the fact that he had turned Vanessa into an out-of-control, cock-lusted whore. "More, more, more," she moaned before letting out another string of words in Spanish, followed by more of Brad's chuckling.

Eventually, he reached behind and grabbed her ass with his hands. He squeezed her buttcheeks, slowing her from bouncing. He could have shot his load right then, but he was having way too much fun and wanted to rub my nose into it some more. After he stopped her from bouncing up and down, he held her for a long moment, letting her rest on his cock. She was still panting heavily, and every few seconds he felt her trying to lift her body to start riding again as he held her body down.

"You're such a good little whore," he said as he held her body tightly, his throbbing cock still stuffed inside her pussy. She just sat there panting loudly, but she felt so warm and fulfilled being used by the young, hung bull. She was ready to do anything for him.

"I wanna shove my dick even deeper inside your little cunt. Turn around," he said with his confident, bossy voice. She complied without a thought. She felt a longing as the cock slid out of her pussy, but she knew she'd be feeling it again VERY soon. She watched is the erect, bulging penis fell against the bull's chest, glistening wet with her pussy juice. She must have been a lot wetter than she realized!

As she stood up - her legs weak, wobbling in her heels, her hand pushing against the stall for support - Brad reached down into his bag at this side and secretly pulled out his phone, and placed it down within very easy reach. He had something very naughty in mind.

"I'm gonna fuck your girlfriend reverse-cowgirl style now, you still doing okay out there, bitch-boy?"

"Yes Mr. B-B-Brad," I answered, blubbing with snot and tears.

"Mmm... Don't worry babe, Brad is a really caring, gentle lover," Vanessa said as she lowered her ass towards his lap.

I heard a loud slap as he spanked her ass hard. "Hurry up, whore, I want to feel that big, slutty pussy some more!"

"Eep! Yes, babe!" She answered willfully.

G-Gentle lover,' I whispered in tears as I watched her feet shuffling around, repositioning herself facing away from Brad so he could slap her ass and ride her from behind. She reached between his legs and lifted his cock, positioning it under her pussy once again. This time, the young bully grabbed her hips so he could guide her movements up and down.

As soon as she was in position, he pulled on her hips - she lost balance and fell backward onto his lap, her back resting against his chest and her pussy fully penetrated by his cock. The back of the toilet knocked against the wall from the weight. "Ugh!" She yelled unexpectedly, the pleasure of having her pussy stuffed once again taking over her thoughts. "Ohh, your dick is so big and amazing!"

She felt his hips pushing up with her legs, trying to work his cock deeper inside her pussy. She hooked her legs around his knees - her thighs spread wide open - and she began to work her pussy up and down over his cock shaft. Brad's right hand reached around her chest and squeezed her big tit, while his left one was left hand slipped between her legs and began rubbing her clit. "Oh FUCK!" She howled as his fingers rubbed around in circles over her clit, the cock sliding in and out of her pussy.

"Mmm, this is so good, I think we need a picture." Brad let go of her right tit, grabbed the phone by his side, then held it out in front of them. "Click!" Went the phone - capturing a nice, clear picture of Vanessa's leaned against Brad's chest with her tits fully exposed, bouncing up and down.

Brad shouted over her shoulder. "Hey, shit-head! Why don't you come over here and take a picture of your girlfriend? You can have a look at what a slut she is!"

"Oh, no, he doesn't want to see me like thi-" Vanessa's words were cut off when Brad shoved his fingers into her mouth, still wet with her cunt-juice. She instinctively closed her lips around his fingers and began sucking. She didn't want me to see her like this - her tits bouncing up and down, her thighs spread open while Brad's big cock slid freely in and out of her pussy over and over.

I knew I didn't want to see - it would hurt and scar me forever - but, like a moth drawn to a flame, I couldn't help myself. I stepped slowly towards the stall, one foot in front of another, the sloppy sound of her wet pussy getting louder and louder. I turned the corner to see it: My sweet, lovely girlfriend bouncing up and down on Brad's cock while he reached around with one hand and groped her large, exposed right tit while her left one bounced freely up and down. Her lips closed tight around his fingers, sucking as he slid them deeper in and out of her mouth. Her thighs were spread wide open, her legs draped over Brad's knees, allowing me a full, unimposed view of the thick, veiny cock as it slid in and out of her pink, messy vagina.

Worst of all, the view of a real man fucking my girlfriend caused my little dicklette to strain against its plastic cage. The awful bully let me sit there and gawk for a nice long while, making sure I got a nice, long, traumatizing show. He pulled his fingers out of my girlfriend's mouth - her tongue followed, hanging loosely out of her mouth with saliva dripping down on her tits as he lowered his fingers to her clit, giving it a nice rub and collecting plenty more of her pussy juice before shoving his fingers back into the slut's mouth.

He stopped groping her tit to grab his phone. As soon as he let go of her breast, it resumed bouncing and flopping up and down like the other. He grabbed his phone and it out towards me. "Start filming, babydick," he ordered cruelly. I stepped closer, only a few feet away from my girlfriends face. Her tongue was out, salivating, and her eyes were rolled up. She looked like she wanted a second dick shoved into her mouth. I grabbed the phone and stepped back, my dicklette screaming for release against the cage. The phone was already set to video. I held it up with sever heartbreak and pressed record.

"That's it, get a nice video of this slut's full body. We're gonna make her into a pornstar," he said as he shoved his fingers back into her wanting lips. He worked his fingers nice and deep into my girlfriend's mouth - even making her gag a little - before pulling out his fingers and grabbing her other tit. "Say hi to the camera, little slut," he whispered cruelly.

Vanessa opened her eyes, snapping back to reality, and saw me standing there, holding up the phone and recording. There was nothing she could do about it now. "Hello," she said, waving at the camera as she continued bouncing up and down on the huge cock.

"Haha, who am I kidding, you're not a little slut. You're a BIG slut!" Brad grunted as he pushed up on his hips the moment Vanessa's lowered down. The extra force made her squeal. "Say it," he said commandingly.

"Yes! I'm a BIG slut!" She answered through panting breaths.

"Tell everybody what you love," he said into her ear.

"Ah-I love b-big cocks," she said with each bounce, her eyes closing once again as she completely forgot about the camera.

"Mmm, you're gonna make me cum," he said in a low groan. The words sparked something hot inside Vanessa - it was like someone just poured lighter-fluid on fire - and she began bucking her hips harder, panting with each bounce.

"V-Vanessa," I whimpered through tears, trying to remind her that she wasn't on birth control and he wasn't wearing a condom. My words were drowned out into the nothing as Vanessa continued moaning and bucking up and down on the bull wildly.

Brad heard. And, just to make it even worse, he repeated it nice and loud. "Yea, I'm going to fill your little slut girlfriend with my cum. You ready, whore?"

"Uhn! Uhn! Uhn!" Was all Vanessa could answer, all of her strength dedicated to rocking her hips up and down on the bull's dick.

I kept filming, unsure of what to do. My mind was racing with ideas, but none of them turning into actions - instead, I just stood there, filming with a dumb look on my face as Brad prepared to impregnate my girlfriend.

"Oh yea, here it comes! Oh, fuck!" He moaned as he pulled down on her hips, pushing her body onto his cock and shoving it deep inside. The tears streamed down my cheeks as I filmed, zoomed in on the thick cock and pair of big balls as he sprayed his load deep into her warm, fertile pussy.

His balls tightened and lifted, his cock pulsed and throbbed as his semen emptied into her womb. I could see each load - he pushed his hips up, shoving his cock an extra inch deeper as the load released, then relaxed. Half a second later, he repeated it - his balls emptying load after load of semen into her body. My love just sat there with her eyes squinting, a look of extasy on her face as the big bull filled her with his cum.


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Reply #63 on: November 17, 2019, 08:06:54 AM

Chapter 43: Custom Birth Control

Brad grabbed the phone out of my hands and checked to make sure it was still recording. "Haha, great! That's gonna be a fun video to rewatch!" He slapped the back of my head as he stepped past me. Vanessa's body was so weak that she collapsed back down on the toilet immediately after Brad stepped away, her legs sliding open as she slinked back against the toilet, panting. The fresh, gooey creampie began oozing out of her messy pink pussy. It was wet and sloppy looking, with a little gape visible where Brad's cock had stretched it open.

"H-he..." I wiped my tears with my sleeve, "he came inside you!"

Vanessa just smiled, a satisfied look on her face from cumming so hard and being so well used by the big, masculine stud. Even her tits were a mess, covered with drool.

"Haha, that's right I did, little buddy!" Brad said as he finished washing his hands and then stepped beside me, putting a big wet hand my shoulder. I froze. This was NOT a friendly gesture. "Your girlfriend's one hell of a fuck! She's got quite a mouth on her once she gets going, doesn't she?"

Vanessa smiled, feeling a little shy but also proud that she 'spoke dirty' as the girls told her too.

"Porking your mom is pretty fun, but it's sometimes it's nice to fuck a young, perky bitch instead. Ya know what I mean?" I did not know what he meant, but I could imagine... He gave my shoulder a painful squeeze, digging his fingernails into my skin with a sadistic smile. "I guess we'll have to find out which one is a better fuck this weekend, won't we? Haha!"

"Mmm that was amazing, you made me cum so many times, you big stud," she purred to my bully as she rested back against the toilet.

"B-but... He came inside you... And you're not on birth control..." The tears tried to return as I spoke, but I fought them back. The thought of that awful bully getting my girlfriend pregnant made my heart scream.

"But that's not his fault, babe!" Vanessa quickly interrupted, defending my bully.

Brad's sadistic smile grew even wider. He squeezed my shoulder and turned towards my ear. "You know, if you don't want her to get pregnant..." His voice trailed off, quiet and sinister sounding.

"Yea?" I asked, feeling a shudder run down my spine.

"I read on the internet..." His smile grew wider with cruel intentions. "If you eat all cum out of her pussy after a creampie, she can't get pregnant."

"R-really?" I asked thoughtfully as I stared at the creampie slowly oozing out between my girlfriend's legs. I didn't know if he was pulling another mean prank, or if he was telling the truth. The thought of Vanessa pregnant with Brad's baby made my stomach churn. I was willing to do anything to prevent that from happening.

"Yea, I read it's the best way to stop her from getting knocked up. But, you have to make sure you get really deep in there to get it all out." He was practically snickering under his breath as he spoke. I didn't know if I should trust him or not, but it did make sense...

"Oh, babe, you better try!" Vanessa encouraged, spreading her legs a bit wider. "We only half 20 mins until next class!"

"Hehe... Better get down there, Babydick!" Brad chuckled as he slapped my back.

Of course, I hated him. But, I also couldn't bear the thought of Vanessa getting pregnant because of my fault (I was the one that got her into this mess by being forgetful, after all!) Maybe, just maybe, Brad was telling the truth. It seemed really gross and degrading, but I knew I had to do it. It was time to swallow my pride and 'step up, and be a man.'

I took a shy, timid step closer between my girlfriend's legs. I could hear Brad snickering behind my back, texting something on his phone.

"Hurry, babe! Brad came really deep inside," Vanessa urged.

I got down on my knees between her thick, sexy Latina thighs. Her slimy, well-used pussy inches in front of my face. I'd always dreamt about going down on a girl, but never like this... Never with a big load of my arch-rival's cum oozing out, still warm from their recent sex. "Hurry, babe," Vanessa repeated. I opened my mouth and pushed my face forward.

My tongue slid between her legs first, lapping up the warm mixture of Brad's cum and Vanessa's pussy juice. I couldn't tell which was which as I began licking it up, the salty, tangy taste sliding into my mouth and down my throat. "That's it, lick it all up, babe," Vanessa urged as she sat back against the toilet. She rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes, enjoying the pleasurable sensation.

I put my lips against the opening of her vagina and let my tongue slide into her crevice. "Ooo yea, that actually feels nice," Vanessa purred as my tongue slid inside her slimy vagina.

"Haha, oh my God, I can't believe he's actually doing it!" I heard Brad laugh behind me, filming it on his phone. He was live-streaming it to the cheerleaders.

Victoria gasped, pushing her salad away from her. "Eww, gross! I don't want to see that while I'm eating lunch!"

Claire chuckled, enjoying every second of the stream. "What a little bitch," she chuckled to herself.

Vanessa was leaned back against the wall, getting very used to the feeling of having her pussy gently eaten out after receiving such a good dicking. "That's it, babe! Brad came really deep inside, so get your tongue way up there!"

She ran her fingers through the back of my hair and shoved my head harder against her pussy. "Good boy. Swallow down alllll that cum."

"Mfth ma'am" I muttered, my tongue shoved halfway up Vanessa's vagina canal The warm, gooey cream slid past my tongue and down my throat. I could still hear Brad chuckling behind me, saying what a pathetic cuck loser I was.

His words were getting to me, making me grunt as I licked my girlfriend's creamy cunt.

"Shh, shh," she purred sweetly. "Don't listen to Brad. I think it's so big and manly of you to get down there and eat out his creampie after he finished. None of my other boyfriends would ever be big enough men to do such a degrading, humiliating thing. That's why you're so special!" She pulled on the back of my head, mashing my lips deeper into the pink folds of her pussy. I kept working my tongue deep into her gaping pussy canal, working all the creamy spunk into my mouth. "Not even Brad would ever go down on my pussy with his mouth."

"You're right as fuck I wouldn't," Brad agreed readily. "That dirty hole is for taking dicks only!"

"Just keep swallowing it down, babe. Don't think about the fact that Brad's dick was just in there, ok?"

"Mmthay," I muffled out in response as best I could. Brad let out another snicker. "You girls still watching the stream, seeing what a pathetic wimp he is? First she wacks his balls, then he cleans up my creampie out of her snatch! Haha, what a sucker!"

Vanessa pulled on my head once again, trying to soothe me and help me ignore Brad's taunts. "None of my boyfriends ever, ever went down on me in the past. You're the first one! Doesn't that make you feel special?" She asked sweetly. It was working - her words were starting to make me feel better. "Mm-hmm!" I answered proudly, shoving my tongue to a new depth inside her pussy. The inside of her vagina was tighter this deep up her canal, but there was still tons of creamy spunk sliding down. Brad had really shot a big load deep up inside my girl's belly.

"Mmm, it really does feel good, too," she purred softly. "I've always wanted to know what it felt to be eaten out!" I swelled with pride - this was the first time I'd really been so intimate with Vanessa, and I loved the feeling of giving her satisfaction. Even if it was just with my tongue instead of my dick.

"Mmm, yes, work your tongue around nice and deep in there. Focus on french-kissing my hole, try not to think about all the dicks that have been in there." I closed my eyes, trying not to imagine all the previous football players and athletes that had shoved their cocks into her hole; the volumes of cum that had been dumped in there over the years. I swallowed down mouthful after mouthful. I felt Vanessa's legs slide over my shoulders, her calves hooked around my back. I swallowed down another mouthful of cum and pussy juice, then worked my tongue in deeper.

"Oh, and Vanessa, don't forget," Brad boasted loudly, "you still owe me a blowjob today!"

"Mmff!?" I answered in shock. I tried to pull my mouth away to protest, but Vanessa locked her legs tight around my back. She put her hand behind my head and shoved my mouth back into her honeypot so she could talk to Brad in peace.

"Oh, yeah... I guess that is true," she answered thoughtfully. "Brad is right, I still owe him one. Sex doesn't really count as a blowjob, after all, does it?" She looked up at the cruel bully. "Would you like your blowjob now?"

"Na, I have to get to class in a minute. But, I will take a little dick-cleaning. There's still pussy juice from earlier." He unzipped his pants and stepped over me, his legs straddled above my body.

"Okay," Vanessa answered obediently. I looked up - my tongue still lodged in her pussy - and watched as she leaned forward and took Brad's flaccid, hanging cock into her mouth, closed her lips around it and gave it a couple of good sucks, circling her tongue around it to get all the nasty remnants of sex off of his dick.

"Good." He stepped back, tucking away his clean cock and zipping up his pants. "I don't know if I'll have enough time to get my blowjob today." I felt a pang of relief as he said that. It was the least he could do, really. He'd just fucked her, after all!

"So, I think I trade it to Josh for today. I owe him back from earlier."

My heart stopped beating, and I began to panic. Did I really hear that right? I withdrew my tongue from Vanessa's sperm-filled honeypot. My lips made a wet sloshing sound as I pulled them out of the folds of her vagina. "Y-you're going to give Josh a blowjob?" I asked, looking up at my girlfriend with pleading, pitiful eyes.

"Well... These are HIS blowjobs, so he can trade it if he wants..." She let out a sigh. "Sorry, babe. That's just how things go." She reached a hand behind my head and pulled my mouth back against her pussy, dismissing all my objections completely.

"Should I give Josh his blowjob now?" I heard her ask as I slid my tongue back into her gooey vagina. I continued to eat her out, but my heart wasn't in it. I was stricken with jealousy as I listened to her make plans to blow Josh, my other school bully.

Brad finally stepped out, leaving me on my knees cleaning his creampie out from between my girlfriend's legs. As soon as he stepped out, Vanessa let out a soft sight. "It feels so lovely having your soft tongue sliding around my pussy. It's so soothing and relaxing feeling your gentle tongue after Brad made me cum so hard! You probably heard me when I came, didn't you?"

The pang of jealousy hit me hard. Vanessa didn't feel like there was any reason to hide it - I had just heard the entire session, after all. In fact, it was a relief that she could share those intimate feelings with me. She felt like we were bonding. I continued dutifully lapping between her legs as she spoke. She looked down at me with concern, suddenly worried that she was making me jealous. "You don't mind hearing this, do you?"

"Mm-mm," I answered, shaking my head and trying not to sound jealous. Of course, it hurt to hear those details, but my jealous drove me to hear more. I had to know all the details.

Vanessa smiled with happiness. "I knew it! I love that I can share all these things with you! You're such a great boyfriend! Mmm, get your tongue in there even deeper!"

She closed her eyes and started speaking dreamfully. "He made me cum so many times. I couldn't help myself. You saw how big his cock is! I came almost the second I felt it inside me!" Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked down at me with pity. "Oh... But, of course, size isn't that important! Even a small dick can make a girl feel satisfied! It's all about how they use it!" She reached down and patted me on the head as if everything was fine now that she said that. I had never felt so small and inadequate. At least she seemed to be enjoying my tongue as I cleaned up the creampie. That gave me some reassurance.

By the time the bell rang, I had spent a good 15 minutes cleaning out Vanessa's vagina with my tongue. I pulled my mouth away from her cunt - my lips and chin were covered with juice. Of course, she couldn't kiss me - she hadn't given Josh his blowjob yet, yet - so she patted me on the head. "Looks like you got lunch after all," she said smiling.

I did eventually get a kiss, though! Later in the day, after our next class break, I saw Josh walking out of a craft supply closet, zipping up his pants. A moment later, Vanessa stepped out behind him, adjusting her top. Her tits were still jiggling freely without a bra, and now she didn't have on any panties, either. "There you are," I said with relief after looking all over for her. She had a big smile on her face, and instead of answering me, she walked up, grabbed the sides of my head and mashed her lips against mine, shoving her tongue into my mouth.

I didn't even think about the creamy taste - I had come to expect that every time we kissed. now. When she finally broke off the deep kiss, I asked what she was doing in there with Josh. Of course, I kind of already figured the answer, but I was hoping she would prove me wrong. She didn't.

"Don't worry about that, babe. At least we can kiss now!" She pushed her lips against mine a second time, and I welcomed her tongue back into my mouth.


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Reply #64 on: November 17, 2019, 08:11:40 AM
  CHAPTER 44   (1/2)

Chapter 44: The Neighborhood Cougar
Becky was so pleased as she squeezed her pink sports bra over her ginormous breasts. "My favorite running outfit still fits!" She thought happily as she examined the shirt in the mirror. The cleavage of her tits wasn't popping out of the top - it was popping out from the bottom! The pink sports bra was straining to contain the newly enlarged plastic breasts, and as such you could see a quarter of an inch of her breasts squeezing out of the bottom of the cropped-cut bra.
The shorts were a much easier fit - they were spandex running shorts - booty shorts - and the black spandex easily stretched to accommodate her perfectly round asscheeks that were now two sizes larger than the shorts were designed for. Becky got ready for her afternoon run around the neighborhood, pulling her blonde hair into a ponytail and smiling to herself as she put on her white running shoes, pleased that her favorite outfit still 'fit.'
It was a perfect day outside - the sky was blue with a few big white clouds and a refreshing breeze was blowing through the tree's as my mom ran past the neighborhood houses, waving at the neighbor's cars that drove by. Various men peeked out the windows of their house, checking out the blonde cardio bunny as she ran past their houses, her breasts bouncing beneath the pink sports bra.
Several times during her run, Becky had to pull her sports bra down to keep it from sliding off her tits. "Gee, maybe I shouldn't have worn this," she thought to herself as she adjusted it a third time. It felt like the top was about to slip right off her breasts as she ran. Thankfully, she was able to keep that from happening.
As she turned the bend leading back to our house, Carl (our neighbor) was just stepping out of his car in his driveway, just in time to see my mom bouncing down the street in her pink, barely fitting sports bra and her black spandex shorts stretched tightly around her big, artificially-perfect round ass.
"Oh, good afternoon Carl," Becky said sweetly as stopped next to her neighbor's mailbox.
"Good afternoon, Becky," the friendly neighbor said warmly. "Have you met Mr. Bernard? He just moved in down the street!"
"Oh, no, I haven't. Welcome to the neighborhood," she said, acknowledging the middle-aged gentleman stepping out of Carl's car.
"Thank you! It's nice to meet you, Becky," he said as he glanced at the quarter-inch of under-boob that was sticking out of the bottom of my mom's ill-fitted sports bra. The poor young MILF felt very self-conscious of the attention being drawn towards her new, upsized tits.
She crossed her arms to try and make them less obvious, but she knew there was no concealing it. Both the men were glancing down at her chest. It was painfully obvious she'd gotten breast enhancements - and large ones at that.
"Oh, I saw your spring-break beach special," the neighbor said, trying to break the awkward glance. "That was, uhh, some wild... Umm... News reporting."
Becky cringed. It was painfully obvious that her neighbor didn't consider her a real news reporter. And how could he, after watching her dancing in a bikini while college guys sprayed foamy beer all over her at a beach party?
"News reporting?" The new neighbor asked curiously. "What time do you come on? I'd love to watch!"
"Thank you, uh, it's the late-night reporting. It starts after 11 PM." she said timidly.
"Oh, that late at night? What kind of reporting is that?" Mr. Bernard was just trying to be polite, but it was making my mom feel more and more self-conscious. She couldn't help but think about her new neighbor channeling to the station just as she was answering the Twitter feed questions.
"Oh, it's a bit wild. Last week she was on a beach during - what was it, a college party during spring break?" Carl asked, trying to be helpful.
"Yea, Crystal shore Spring Break Party..." She was trying to sound professional but was starting to blush.
"Yea, that's right! It seems like you were having fun! Becky looked like she was having a lot of fun! It definitely seems to be your calling!" He glanced down at her large tits once again.
"Haha, well, that was just for the spring break special! I promise I'm not usually like that!" Becky was trying her hardest to conceal her embarrassment. It was clear that she was starting to be thought of as some late-night TV hostess, and she was desperately trying to change the perception to being a respectable, professional anchorwoman, not just some cheap, expendable, late-night TV dancing girl.
"Haha, that's a relief to hear! Because I have to say, it seemed like I was watching some sort of skin-flick show, what with all the scantily dancing, and the adult commercials throughout the whole broadcast." My mom blushed harder. She could feel her new neighbor taking another glance down at her tits as he imagined her bouncing up and down on a party stage.
"Yes, that was just for the special... It's not usually that crazy." My mom gulped nervously, getting redder in the face. What would her neighbors think if they found out she was sleeping with her boss before every set to keep her job.
"Becky, the home-owners association is having a little Potluck this weekend to welcome the new neighbors!"
"Oh, I'd love to come," my mom answered cheerfully, trying her best to be welcoming to the new neighbor.
"Nothing too formal, just a little meet'n greet and introductions. It'd be great if you could stop by."
"I'll be there!" My mom answered warmly. "I'll bring a casserole. It's my secret recipe!"
As they were talking, the school bus pulled up the house to drop me off after school. Just like earlier that morning, the boys were pressing their faces up against the window to get a look at my mom's fake tits. I was embarrassed as the boys pressed their faces against the window, making comments about my mom. "Does anyone see Milksop's mom? I want to get a look at her big fake breasts!"
Of course, in any other place, their words would have been considered hurtful and mean to say that in front of me, but none of them cared at all anymore. Brad had turned me into a joke to all of them, and they no longer considered my feelings at all. "Hey, Babydick - that's your nickname, right? - where is your mom? I want to see her fake tits!"
I hugged my book bag and scooted past them to exit the bus.
"There she is!" One boy said, and the rest of the kids looked over to see my mom standing at the neighbor's mailbox, next to Carl and the new neighbor.
My mom saw the school bus pulling up to the house, and smiled. Brad would be on it. She reached her arm to give the bus a wave hello. Her outstretched arm was all that her little top could take. Just as Carl was saying how he was relieved that my mom wasn't some crazy wild party girl like she seemed in her show, the bottom of my mom's pink top slipped up over her nipple and then folded in on itself, sliding up to her neck. Both of her big, fake tits popped freely out of the top, flashing the entire school bus full of horny teenagers! Her big heavy tits bounced up and down two whole bounces before my shocked mom was able to pull her hands over her tits.
It was in such a shock that she didn't even have time to pull her top back down over her breasts. Instead, she just stood there with her fingers pushed over her nipples and plenty of the fat breasts visible around the edges. The bus driver - a deadbeat highschool dropout - honked the bus horn in approval. My mom's face turned bright red.
I stepped off the bus, hearing the yells and laughs of all the school kids. "Haha! What a stupid bimbo! Look at those big udders!" I looked around - confused as to what had happened - when I turned and saw my mom standing there with her hands over her tits and a red blush on her face. Carl was standing next to her with his hand over his mouth. "Oh my," he said with shock as his eyes were looking down at my mom's chest as she held her tits in her hands, her palms not large enough to cover the whole jugs. Mr. Bernard had also obviously been looking his fill. He would definitely be tunning into her channel now! He was already wondering if he'd be able to find the Crystal Shore Beach Special if he searched for her on the internet.
"Hi, honey," she said sweetly as the school bus drove past her at a snail's pace, the bus driver ogling her hard from the driver's seat. Behind him, all the kids had their faces pushed against the windows, examining my mom's big round butt beneath the stretched black elastic booty shorts.
"What happened?" I asked curiously.
"I, uh, had a little wardrobe accident." she apologized to both the neighbors as she slipped back to our driveway with her head low. "No problem!" Mr. Bernard answered loudly.
My mom's face was beet red. Carl was too shocked and embarrassed to speak. My mom followed me into the house, trying to pull her top back down without flashing the neighbor's a second time. Mr. Bernard got a second peek of her nipple as she did.
Inside the house, my mom pushed the door shut and leaned back against it, letting out an embarrassed sigh. "What happened? Who was that man?" My mom brushed me off, not wanting to relive the embarrassing events by explaining it. "Don't worry about it. That was our new neighbor, Mr. Bernard. He just moved into the house down the street." She couldn't believe she'd have to face him again this weekend. She felt so ashamed.
As the evening progressed, my mom recovered and settled down. As we were eating dinner, she told me that she'd need my help after dinner, before she left for work. Her boss wanted to increase her public outreach to help draw in more viewers for the show and had instructed her to make a social media profile for some photo-sharing website. They wanted her to start posting photo's, answering comments and trying to get lots of high ratings on her pictures to help grow her fanbase. She fanned herself like a diva as she joked about having a 'fans.'
Since she didn't know much about computer stuff - and since I was always on my computer - she was going to have me help her set up the account. Then, she was also going to get my help in taking photos to post to her profile. Sara was also going to be taking photo's of her before each show, so she could post herself in the cute, dolled-up outfits on the website before each show. They'd even sent her home with several photo's of her 'naughty devil' outfit that she'd worn the previous day, including a close-up picture of her tail (which really just meant a close-up pic of my mom's ass).
I didn't like the implications that this might lead too - especially when she mentioned that she'd be sharing her profile with the guys on the football team, hoping for more comments and high ratings. But, of course, I agreed to help her - it was for her career, after all! I knew it was important to do a good job. She babbled on excitedly about how this would allow direct contact between her and her 'fans,' and how good this was going to be for her career. I could tell this was starting to play on her fantasy about being a model by the way she was gushing and clapping as she spoke about the different outfits and locations she'd pose in.


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Reply #65 on: November 17, 2019, 08:13:06 AM
  CHAPTER  44  (2/2)

I figured it would be a good time to bring up the 'slut-off' while she was in such a good mood. "Umm, mom? Brad and Vanessa were talking about the little get together we were planning to have this weekend, and..."
"Yea?" My mom asked, her mood improving even more with the mention of Brad. She brushed her long hair behind her ear and smiled.
"Brad said he wanted to host a little competition between you and Vanessa."
"Oh, what kind?" She asked, leaning forward across the table with curiosity. My mom's always had a spunky competitive streak.
"Umm... He said it'd be like a, uh, like a fashion contest." My mom's eyes really opened as I spoke. Fashion was right up her alley! I kept speaking. "Um, Brad and Vanessa called it a, uh, a 'slut-off.'" I was cringing as I said it, worried my mom would get upset.
"A slut-off! Haha, oh my goodness, highschoolers these days come up with the craziest names!" Becky was smiling widely as she spoke, a thoughtful look in her eyes. "And Brad will be the judge?"
"Yes..." I answered with disappointment at my mom's apparent willingness to participate in Brad's depraved competition. I knew that competitive look in her eyes. She wasn't just looking to compete - she was looking to win.
My mom's eyes lit up. "Mmm... I think I have some ideas! Okay, haha! Tell Brad that I'm not one to back down from a challenge! I'm in!"
"Yay..."I answered with complete disappointment. I hated seeing my mature, respectable mother giving in to such childish demands anytime that Brad waved his finger. She was jumping feet first into the degrading, immature competition just to try and impress the popular high school bully. First, she's giving him private webcam shows anytime he asks... Now she's agreeing to compete in a slut-off against my girlfriend to prove who's sexier for Brad.
After dinner, I had finished creating her website profile. After putting all her personal information, she made sure to turn off all the privacy options so that she was easier to find by any of her fans. She wanted to promote her profile as much as possible. Her full name, work location, and all her images were freely available to the public.
"Now, it wants you to set a profile picture. Want me to take one?" I asked.
"No, that's okay. I don't have time to get all modeled-up for pictures before work. But the studio gave me a flash drive with a few pictures from last night's broadcast, I will just use those."
She plugged in the flash drive and opened up the pictures folder. Five single images, all taken of her in her naughty devil outfit. The images had been carefully selected to be as appealing and sexy as possible: pictures of her leaning forward and blowing a kiss, leaning against the desk with a leg kicked up, pictures with her jumping around with her hands up in the air. And of course, the worst of all: the close-up picture of her devil tail, which was actually just an up-skirt picture of my mom's ass as she bent forward. "I better upload them all just to be safe," she said as she dragged the upskirt pic to the website.
The website didn't take long to gain traction. In fact, before she was even out the door to work, she'd already gotten a rating! She opened the app on her phone and saw that her new neighbor, Mr. Bernard, had rated her profile picture with five stars! My mom's stomach had butterflies. "How sweet!" She thought with giddy pride at getting her first rating. He must have gone home and searched for her name online, just like he'd said he would.
A few seconds later, and he'd rated another picture with 5-stars: the one of just her ass. "Less sweet..." She closed the app.
"Bye honey, I have to get going to work, I don't want to be late!" She left out the part where her boss would be waiting to empty his balls between her legs as soon as she got there.
My mom had a very unexpected surprise at work.
"My own office!" She said excitedly, breaking her professional attitude with giddy excitement. "That's great! Thank you so much, Mr. Richard!" Finally, it seemed like sleeping with her boss was paying off. She wasn't getting a promotion or a new title, but she was getting her own office!
Her boss led her to the room adjacent to the filming stage. On the front was a little brass plaque that read "Becky's office," and beneath that was a little calendar planner with different timeslots where people could write in appointments. Below the calendar were a few tear-away sheets which read, "Coffee orders."
"I thought it'd be convenient to have a sheet for coffee orders on your door, so that crew could fill it out and slip it under your door whenever they need refills."
"Uhh, yes, of course, that's very practical." My mom was still in charge of serving refreshments and drinks to everyone as part of her additional duties.
Inside the office, my mom was a little disappointed. It was small. The size of the room was something between a closet and an office. Not only that but the only furniture in the office was a tiny desk in the corner with a chair behind it - just room enough for her laptop and a notepad - and, against the wall opposite of the desk and taking up most of the space in the office was a large, pink, plush, couch.
My mom looked around the little florescent-lit office. She noticed on the ceiling directly above the couch was a large, 8-foot long mirror. It was very tacky and not my mom's style at all. In fact, it reminded her of one of those sleazy love-nest sex motels. She half expected the couch to vibrate! But, regardless, at least she had her own office!
"There's no lock on the door, so don't leave your laptop open," her boss told her as he showed her inside the 'office.' "But I've told the crew not to enter if the door is shut. Especially if someone has an appointment booked."
"Thank you, that's very respectful," she answered politely.
"I've forwarded my phone extension to ring in here during work hours. That will make it easier for you to schedule my appointments and handle my paperwork."
"Thank you, Mr. Richards," she answered respectfully. It seems she hadn't escaped her menial secretary duties at all.
"You should check the planner on your door each morning (err, I mean evening) when you get into work to see what tasks you are scheduled for the shift."
Her boss grabbed the hanging pen and wrote something init one of the timeslots right then: 'dressing room, Sarah. 9:00-10:30.'
The boss smiled and wrote something else in the slot just above it: 'Mr. Richards, 8:30 - 9:00.'  It was already 8:30.
"Oh, look at that, you have an appointment right now!" He said with a laugh as he finished writing it in. "After you!" He held out his arm, ushering her back into her little office.
She fought back a sigh. "Yes, sir," and stepped into her office. The man followed, closing the door behind them.
"Thirty minutes. I think you know what appointment this is," he said as he slid one hand around her lower hip and began loosening his tie with the other. She knew.
How convenient that her office had a big, plush couch for her to get fucked on. She obediently slipped off her panties and crawled onto the couch, arching her back as her boss moved in behind her with his cock in hand. She no longer offered any resistance or complaints. She'd learned that it was best if she just bent over and let her boss use her body whenever he was in the mood. She reminded herself that it was only a temporary situation. Soon, she'd be a real, full-time reporter and wouldn't have to-
Her thought was interrupted as she felt the painful slap on her asscheek, followed by the firm, erect, cock driving into her loose mom-pussy. "Uhn!" She moaned as the man began thrusting, fucking the blonde bimbo like she was a living fuckdoll. She had never imagined her job would come to this: being her bosses fucktoy. Then again, she knew she wouldn't be able to compete with the young, talented girls who were lining up to take her job and would be willing to do whatever it takes. She closed her eyes as her boss's prick continued pounding away between her legs. Looks like she'd be entering the filming set with another full load of creamy cum inside her snatch.
On the other side of the office door, the filming crew was setting up the stage for the show. Becky could only imagine the door to her closet-office wasn't very thick, and so she had to contain her moans as her bosses dick worked in and out of her pussy. She would be horrified if the filming crew heard her being fucked in her office by her boss every evening.
At 9 PM, Mr. Richards came walking out of Becky's office, a satisfied grin on his face. A minute later, my mom came walking out behind him: her skirt was a wrinkled mess, her top crooked, her hair matted and messy. The filming crew nodded and exchanged glances as the embarrassed blonde hurried past them, brushing the wrinkles out of her skirt as she stumbled towards Sarah's dressing room with her head down in shame.


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Reply #66 on: November 17, 2019, 08:19:56 AM
 CHAPTER  45   (1/2)

Chapter 45: The Bullrush Bar

While my mom was at work, I was at home trying to take my buttplug out of my ass. My hole was intensely sore from having different sized buttplugs shoved in it the last few days. Trying to get this largest one out ached and burned anytime I pulled on it. While I was still in the bathroom, my phone rang. It was Vanessa.

"Hi, babe!" She said cheerfully as I answered the phone. "I'm so excited for our trip to the mall tomorrow! You owe me a lot of panties!" There was a spark in her voice and I could tell she was in a cheery mood. When I asked about it, she explained that she was relieved that her visit to the principal's office was over with.

"How'd it go?"

"Oh, it wasn't bad at all! A little embarrassing, of course, but I didn't get in trouble or anything. He said he's going to move math classes!" So from now on, instead of being in Miss White's class (I could hear the inflection in her voice - she did not care for the old cranky teacher), I am going to be in Mrs. Hunter's math class, with you! She's going to start tutoring me during breaks, too, to help me get caught up."

"Oh, that's, umm..." I felt a buzz in my head. Somehow the thought of my girlfriend spending one-on-one time with Mrs. Hunter (the teacher that I'd always had a special crush on since I moved to this school) made me feel uneasy. What if they talked about me, and brought up those nasty events of the yoga pants, or that letter that she thought I'd written. I felt very uncomfortable.

"I knew you'd be happy to hear the news! I'll be in your math class with Brad now! Oh, there's one more thing!"

As she was talking, I was still trying to pull my buttplug out of my ass, trying not to groan as it finally slipped out painfully. My ass felt so stretched, I knew it would never be the same again.

"I was telling Claire about the bet you made with Brad, and how you... You know... Lost that bet against Brad, and then ate his creampie on the toilet. Mmm, that felt so good!"

I cringed. Of course, Vanessa had no problem sharing that intimate and degrading fact about me with the cheerleaders she thought of them as her sisters, after, all - but I knew how evil Claire could be and how she'd have no reservation sharing it with the whole school. Vanessa just didn't know about the wicked side of the redheaded cheerleader.

"Anyway, Claire said she had some ideas to help you out and wants to have another couple's therapy session during school tomorrow! Don't worry, she promised there'd be no more 'aversion therapy,' but she said it was important we have another session ASAP. She's going to arrange a cheerleading session and have you join us for it."

"But... During school?" I answered, panting as I washed the buttplug off in the sink, my poor asshole screaming. Claire had really done a number on me.

I could hear the change in Vanessa's voice. She was not happy with my response. "Claire is being very supportive by doing this for us. She's going out of her way to improve our relationship. You should be thankful that's trying to help!"

"Y-you're right, I'm sorry," I promised that I'd be more appreciative of Claire in the future.

"That's better. I can't wait to go shopping at the mall with you tomorrow! Oh and don't forget that your mom and I have an appointment at her clinic to get our lip enhancements after school! Oh my God, it's going to be such a fun day!"

I sighed. Both my ass and my bank account would be hurting when the cheerleaders were through with me. After I hung up the phone, I received a text message. It was from Brad. What now?

"Hey loser. Did you tell the bimbo MILF that she'll be participating in a slut-off against your girlfriend this weekend?"

Gah! I hated Brad so much! He knew he had power over me, and now he was just rubbing it in even harder. I clenched my fists and ground my teeth until I was able to compose myself, then replied with the way I knew I had too:

"Yes, sir. I did."

Another message. "What did the dumb MILF say? It's so easy to get into your mom's skirt. I bet she is eager to demonstrate what a slut she is, isn't she?"

Gah! He knew exactly what to say to get under my skin. I was cursing him under my breath, but I knew I had to answer respectfully or I'd be punished. I wrote out the reply slowly and painfully, lamenting each word: "Yes, sir, she was excited for a chance to compete."

"Excited for a chance to compete in being a slut, you mean! Haha. I had your girlfriend did a good job blowing Josh today. She's starting to turn into a real big slut, just like your mom. You must be so proud."

He got to me. I was sitting alone in my bathroom crying as I read the messages and wrote the only responses I knew how. "Yes, sir. Thank you."

"You're welcome, little milksop! I'll have another one of the football players take good care of Vanessa's mouth tomorrow, too!"

Back at Sarah's dressing room at my mom's studio, Mr. Richards had picked out a very fitting outfit for the next show. Since my mom would be covering a country bar this time, it only seemed fitting she wear a country outfit to match.

A short, snug pair of daisy dukes - the ones that were shredded at the bottom and cut so short that you could see a little of her ass cheeks poking out of the bottom.

A red and white plaid top that covered nothing below the rib cages, and was too small to button across her chest.

"Where's the bra?" Becky asked as she began to change into the outfit.

"Oh, you can't wear a bra with this top, you just have to tie the top to cover your chest, like this." Sarah wrapped the top beneath each of my mom's breasts like a sling, then tied the top in a double-knot across her chest. The knot squeezed her tits together and would turn them into a sexy, teasing view for the public.

"It has to be tied real tight to make up for not having a bra on," Sarah explained as she squeezed my mom's tits together with the knot.

Next, Becky was given a sleek, sharp looking cowgirl hat. For a brief moment, she almost could have passed as an actual country girl - until Sarah finished the outfit by painting my mom's lips with bright red lipstick and a pair of shiny, silly, pink cowgirl high-heel boots. Suddenly my mom looked much less like a country girl and much more like a dressed-down cowgirl bimbo.

Before loading into the filming van to drive to the bar, they had Becky pose for pictures to use on her website profile page. She felt a bit embarrassed walking to the middle of the filming stage with the entire crew standing around watching as she posed for pictures. She'd fantasized about being a model her whole life, but never like this...

First of all, the camera guys had both seen her sleeping with the producer during the beach trip. She couldn't even look them in the eyes. Secondly, she could still feel her bosses warm sperm swimming around in her pussy. She saw Mr. Richards standing by the wall, watching the photo-session with a grin. To make it worse, the crew didn't treat her like a model, either.

She'd always imagined a model is almost like a celebrity, standing strong with confidence and doing whatever she wanted while everyone around bent to her will. That's not how she felt at all. Quite the opposite.

"Stand over there, and lean forward a bit more. There you go."

Becky couldn't look anyone in the eyes as they bossed her around.

"Push your chest out more. There we go." *click, click* "Now shake your tits. Good." *click, click, click*

"Now have the cowgirl bend over the desk. Let's get a close-up of those daisy dukes. Nice. Now to the side. Mmm, good!" My mom obediently followed each command, doing her best to appear happy and smiley as the camera clicked away at her tits and ass.

Most of the time they referred to her as "The cowgirl," "blondie," or sometimes, "hot legs" (it was inevitable she was going to pick up some sort of nickname eventually with the outfits she wore each day). Anytime they did refer to her by name, they always used the name "Naughty Becky."

"Looking great, hot-legs."

"Thank you, sir!"

"Now, bend over and start twerking that behind like a good cowgirl while I snap some more pictures. There you go. Now hold your hat, jump up and down and say yeehaw!"

While Naughty Becky and the rest of the crew went to film at the bar, the editor would stay behind and work with Mr. Richards to pick out the best pictures to use. Then Becky would be given the finals on a flash drive and be told to upload them to the website for more likes and ratings.

When they got to the bar to film, things were a little better. It was a country bar, so at least she wasn't the only one dressed like a cowgirl. She was, however, the sluttiest dressed cowgirl there. The patrons swarmed around her. Once they realized it was okay to ogle her up close (All she did was continue smiling and kept reporting, maybe interviewing a few of them), they began crowding around her, whistling and catcalling her while checking her out from all angles.

Of course, she had to keep up appearances for being fun and flirty; thanking them for the 'compliments' and saying what a fun and sexy crowd they were and encouraging them on as they said things like "damn, look at the size of her tits!"

After the second commercial break, the script called for Becky to ride the mechanical bull in the center of the bar. The director spoke with Becky, prepping her for the show. "I spoke with the owner, they've set the bull's strength to low, so you don't have to worry about falling off or anything."

It was obvious that this was going to be less of a show of strength, and more like a chance to show her off like a slut.

"We want to film lots of reactions, so the stage will be surrounded by an audience from the bar. Make sure you encourage their cheers and try to get lots of shouts and applause!"

The director briefed her on the dance: she was to keep one hand up at all times, but since the bull was set to low strength, it shouldn't be difficult for her to stay on. "Try to make the show as sexy as possible. And of course, it goes without saying: remember to smile and make it look like you're having lots of fun showing off for the crowd! Directly after the show, we'll have you go to the back-stage VIP area to answer some more Twitter questions. The cameras will already be set-up there waiting for you."

"Yes sir," she answered quietly. She was starting to fully accept the fact that she was just a sex decoration, used for nothing more than to advertise the channel by appealing to horny (and often intoxicated) men. At least Brad would be proud of her for sticking to it! At least, that's what she thought to herself.

The stage was actually a 20-foot wide pit, about 2-feet lower than the rest of the bar, with pads all over the floor for when drunk patrons fell off the bull. Circling the stage was a fence with tons of drunk guys (and a couple of fine-looking girls) leaning over the railing, all looking forward to the show.


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Reply #67 on: November 17, 2019, 08:21:02 AM
  CHAPTER  45  (2/2)

My mom made her way to the bull in the center of the pit. She paused for a moment, running her hand over the saddle. The light shone down from above. She felt a bit dirty and degraded as the drunk crowd laughed and cheered from all around her. The cameraman was in the entrance of the pit with the best view of all, sure to capture every second of the sexy bull rider.

Becky stepped up and slung her long, bare leg over the saddle (still wearing the rediculous, bright pink cowgirl boots). The crowd roared as she straddled the saddle, her short daisy dukes sliding into her round, silicone ass cheeks which were facing the camera.

The saddle came to a point at the front with a short round rope attached. My mom grabbed the rope between her legs. With her other hand, she grabbed her cowgirl hat and waved it at the crowd, brandishing a sharp, sexy smile with her red lips. The crowd cheered at the blonde Bimbo MILF and the game began.

Immediately, the bull tilted forward, causing my mom's body to slide forward in the saddle until her pussy was pressed against the little round handle. My mom gasped as she felt her pussy slide against the little nub at the front of the saddle, but maintained her composure and began rocking her body. The bull tilted even further forward, forcing my mom to arch her back as the handle slid even further into her daisy duke booty shorts.

The bull finally pulled back, allowing my mom a moment to twist and shimmy her body in a fun, seductive dance which the crowd loved. "I have to make it sexy," the 'news reporter' thought to herself as she arched her back and shook her chest for the crowd of drunk, cheering college boys. Every time the bull rotated, my mom was blinded by the spotlights shining down onto her from the ceiling.

The show went on for a few minutes - the bull was being operated by the owner of the bar who was in the control room. Of course, he was having a lot of fun with the blonde bimbo. He had noticed my mom's gasp as her pussy slid against the handle. As the show went on, he made sure to tilt the bull forward many more times, adding lots of vibration as my mom's spread legs had the handle shoved between them. The whole crowd watched and cheered as my mom's pussy vibrated against the handle and her back arched so she could stay upright. She was trying her hardest to maintain control as her pussy vibrated against the handle. She kept smiling and trying to look sexy as she the vibration between her legs got worse and worse.

As the show came closer to an end, the owner gave the bimbo MILF a grand finale for the ending. He tilted the bull back, so my mom's plump ass was visible for all to see - then he pressed a button on the controls, which caused the bull to begin shaking a few inches up and down. The up and down shaking caused the bimbo to bounce up and down, her plump ass and braless tits jiggling wildly. The little knot-tied top felt like it was barely going to hold together as her large fake tits bounced freely beneath the fabric. The crowd lost it - some of them were cheering, while others were laughing hilariously as my mom tried her hardest to maintain composure.

She wanted to grab the rope with both hands but remembered that wasn't allowed. She had to keep one hand off the rope at all times. The owner began to rotate the bull in a slow circle, giving all the patrons a 360-degree view as my mom's tits and ass jiggled wildly, the bull tilting from back to forward. Becky put her a hand on her hat to keep it from falling off as her legs squeezed around the bull to keep her from falling off. She saw the camera and remembered to give another smile as she heard the crowd laughing all around her.

Finally, the bull stopped it's awful up-and-down bouncing and leveled off, coming to a rest. The crowd roared with cheers as the bull came to a rest and the show ended, leaving my mom panting as she waved and tried her best to look sexy and appealing. The bull ride wasn't the only thing the crowd was cheering: during the long bouncing stretch at the end, Becky's left tit bounced its way over the knot that was holding her top together, and now her large jug was hanging freely out of her top. The entire crowd had a full view of her fake breast and pink nipple hanging out of her plaid shirt.

My mom was panting so heavily from the bull ride that she didn't even notice her top was loose. She waved, trying to catch her breath as the crowd cheered and flashes of cameras went off from all around her. She had no time to recover, either - as soon as the bull ride show ended, the cameraman was ushering my mom to the VIP area so she could answer her twitter questions. She slid off the bull and hurried to the back area, the padding on the floor making her stumble in her pink high-heel boots. Her pink nipple kept bouncing as she stepped towards the VIP area, the cameramen recording her entire walk.

They positioned her quickly into the already set-up filming area in the back of the bar. They shoved a mic in her hand and had her stand in front of the prompter so she could read the questions - and the answers.

My mom was still out of breath and barely had time to brush her hair behind her shoulder and straighten her hat when the director called out, "We're live in 4, 3, 2..."

My mom quickly stood up straight, putting on her best smile as the broadcast went live once again.

"Hi, guys! I hope you all enjoyed my cowgirl skills on the bull - I know I sure did! If there's one thing a cowgirl like me loves, it's going for a ride on a big strong bull!" She was giving a big charming smile as she spoke, unaware that her entire left tit was still hanging freely out of her loose top for the entire channel to see.

"Now it's time for my favorite part of the show: answering questions from the audience! Please go on Twitter and tag the show to get your questions answered. Oh, and you can also use the tag 'Naugty Becky' to get your questions in! I love answering your questions so much, I had to beg the producer to let me keep this part of the show, so please send in some questions!  And remember, I love Naughty questions the most!" She winked at the camera, feeling more degraded than ever. She kept brandishing a large, fake smile.

"Now, let's get started with the first question! Mar asks, 'What would a fan have to do to have a one night stand with you? Are you pretty easy?' Oh my!" She let out a laugh, trying her hardest to keep it light and fun as the degrading answer strolled onto the prompter for her to read.

"What a Naughty question! I love it!" She knew it was important for her to maintain viewer interaction, and the tease that the viewers could sleep with her would, of course, keep her ratings up. She reminded that to herself as she read off the pre-written answer.

"While a girl doesn't like to kiss'n tell, I'll just say that I looove my fans so much, and have never said no when a fan offered to buy me a drink!" She gave the camera another suggestive wink before answering the second part of the question. "And, am I easy? Hmm, well... 'Easy' was my nickname in high-school!"

She let out a playful laugh and thanked the viewer for his question - her left tit jiggling as she laughed - and then moved on to the second question. "This question is from Anthony, He asks, 'What sex position makes you feel more like yourself, Becky?'"

My mom held back a sigh. They were no longer even trying to hide the fact that the questions were explicitly about sex. My mom did the only thing she knew to do: she kept reading off the prompter while giving a big, sexy smile.

"While of course, a cowgirl like me loves the cowgirl position, I'd have to say the one the sex position that makes me feel the most like myself, is..." She paused, praying that her neighbors weren't watching. "Doggy style!" She quickly moved onto the next question, trying to move past it as quickly as possible.

"Next. Oh, another question from Anthony. He asks, 'Does size matter to you? If so, big or small?' Oh my, you guys are asking such fun, naughty questions! To answer: Of course size matters! I like them BIG!" She then held the microphone between her hands, holding up the length for all to see. "Sorry boys, but you must be this big to ride Becky! Haha, I'm just playing!" She kissed her hand and blew it to the camera.

"Thank you so much for your question! Okay, we still have time for a few more. Next, Rahul asked, 'Have you ever been with a woman?'" She gave another pause before continuing. She felt so dirty and humiliated, but all she knew to do was keep reading, just like all her training had taught her.

"Oh absolutely! Obviously, I have more fun with guys. Cowgirls love bulls, ya know! But I've also been with women a few times! Thank you so much for the question! Next, Jeri W asked, 'Did you get your implants for someone special?' First of all, Jeri, thank you so much for noticing my implants! I got the implants for my fans, of course! It was one of the most asked requests, and I love to please my fans!"

The prompter instructed her to 'jiggle your tits towards the camera as you say the line,' and so she did. "These implants are all for you guys!" She leaned forward slightly and began to wiggle her chest back and forward. As she did (her loose tit swinging freely), she realized her wardrobe malfunction and panicked. Her whole face turned red as the realization hit that she'd been doing the entire Q&A session on live TV with her breast hanging out. And of course, none of the crew bothered to inform the dumb starlet that her tit had been hanging out the entire time.

"Oh my god, excuse me," she said as her face turned red and she began to fluster. She quickly fumbled with her top in a panic, trying to fix her top. However, the top had been so tied so snug that as she pulled to stretch it over her breast, she accidentally pulled the knot undone. In a snap, the little red and white plaid top flew open. The fans were really getting a good look at her new implants now!

"Shit not again," she muttered loud enough for the mic to hear as she fumbled to cover herself. None of the crew budged to help, and Becky stood there in the middle of the room, blushing red as she tried to tie the knot back around her breasts on live TV. With her panicky, fumbling fingers she wasn't able to tie the knot very well. Instead of being a snug fit that held her breasts together like a bra, it was loose and barely held 'anything' in place.

"There, so sorry! Haha, these happen on live TV," She said into the microphone, feeling incredibly humiliated. She brushed her hair behind her shoulder, trying so hard to grasp to any shred of decency she still had. The prompter was still sitting there on her next line. She regained her composure, trying not to panic under the pressure, and kept reading.

"Okay, last question. Tom asked, 'Hey Becky, when will us fans see you getting spanked for being such a naughty girl?'"

My gorgeous, blonde mom paused for another moment as she read ahead on the prompter, her red painted lips still shaped in a smile. "So happy you asked!" Her voice cracked as she read the next lines with hesitation. "Naughty girls definitely need to be spanked! I'll have to ask my director if..." She swallowed hard before continuing, "If we can get some volunteers in here to give me a spanking!"

She turned to the director, giving him a desperate, pleading, look. The director just shot her back a heartless smirk and gave her a thumbs-up before turning to open a velvet rope with a line of guys standing behind it. My mom turned back to continue reading the prompter. "Good news, guys! The director already has a few volunteers lined up!"

One of the crew quickly took the mic out of her hands and placed a chair in front of blonde TV bimbo so she could lean against it. My mom did her duty, placing her hands against the back of the chair and leaning forward. One of the crew was standing in front of her with his arm stretched out, holding the mic up to her mouth as the camera continued filming her bent over the chair.

The director led the line of men towards my mom. They had picked out five volunteers - athletic, handsome young men, varying in levels of intoxication. The guys smiled and chuckled as they approached the MILF with her large, daisy-dukes ass sticking out towards them.

They stood in a line behind her ass as she spoke into the microphone, still reading off the prompter. "Our stage director found five young hunks to help me out! Come on, boys! Naughty Becky needs her spankings!" The prompter was very clear: 'Shake your ass towards the volunteers.' My mom did exactly as the prompter said. She began shaking her ass towards the lines of men behind her, and the first guy stepped up.

*Smack!* The young drunk volunteer spanked his hand against my mom's daisy-dukes covered asscheeks. The set-up was fake, but the spanking was quite real. My mom yelped into the microphone from the painful spanking, and the words scrolled across the prompter: "Continue shaking your ass. Say: 'Naughty Becky needs more spankings.'"

The Bimbo starlet felt so humiliated, being bent over and spanked on live TV. But, the fans had asked for it, and she knew that keeping the viewers' attention was the only thing that mattered. She began wiggling her ass, the camera lowering down to focus on her big jiggling behind. "Naughty Becky needs more spankings!"

Even though the line was completely degrading, part of Becky felt like she did need a spanking after flashing her tits on TV like a harlot.

The next drunk college guy stepped up, eager to prove himself. He placed a hand on the Bimbo's lower back, reached his other hand far back and then let it slam. The hand slapping against her ass made a noise so loud the camera picked it up. *SMACK!*

"OUCH!" She yelped into the microphone. The crew member that was holding the microphone in front of her let out a little chuckle. "That was a good one," she read off the prompter. "I've been a really naughty girl and I need to be spanked more! Come give it to me, you sexy hunk!"

The next guy stepped up. He was quite built and handsome with a cheeky grin. Eager to out-do the guy before him, he stepped behind the MILF and put his hand on her ass, slowly rubbing it in a circle to 'warm-it up.' My mom remained bent over, trying to smile into the camera. She felt like a 2-dollar whore.

The young guy rubbed his hand over my mom's ass. "One, two," the young stud lifted his hand off her ass and pulled it back. "Three!" He smacked it with as much force as the previous guy, sending my mom jolted forward. Unfortunately, the make-shift knot that the starlet had tied in a hurry was not snug enough. As my mom's body jolted forward, still bent forward against the chair, both her jumbo-sized breasts swung out of the top, the knot slipping beneath her jugs.

"Oh, damn it," she whispered, the microphone picking up each word. The poor MILF struggled to tuck her breasts back into the top with one hand, while the other hand rested against the chair. The two guys still in line, however, did not bother to wait for my mom to fix her top. They'd been eagerly waiting to smack the hot MILF's sexy, twerking ass. As soon as the third guy stepped out of the way, the fourth took his place.


My mom yelped from the unexpected smack, her tits popping right back out of the top she was finally squeezing them into. This particular guy was a bit more intoxicated than his fellow volunteers. After giving the MILF a good smack, he leaned down against her ass, giving a 'thumbs-up' to the camera as he posed next to her booty. Then he stood up and gave her ass another hard smack with his hand, slapping it downwards from the top this time before moving aside.

Poor Becky was distraught, struggling to maintain her dignity and hide her breasts while the drunk guys took turns squeezing and spanking her ass, the entire filming crew standing around without offering the slightest help.

The whole ordeal only lasted a few short minutes, but it felt to my mom like it had gone forever. When the segment was finally finished - and my mom had her tits tucked back into the loosely tied knot - she ended the show by thanking her fans and hinting that if they came to the show live, they might get a chance to spank her ass, too.

"I had so much! And if you didn't get your question answered on Twitter, don't worry! I will be answering your Naughty Twitter questions every show from now on, but also, you can get onto my brand new website profile to post questions there directly, as well as check out some pictures of me from the show!" The screen flashed a link to her profile as she finally finished the broadcast by blowing another kiss to her fans and waving goodbye.


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Reply #68 on: November 17, 2019, 09:33:00 PM
  CHAPTER   46   (1/2)

Chapter 46: Buttfuck Becky's Live DP Premier

Becky returned to the studio after going through a long, humiliating evening of filming. She couldn't wait to get out of the cowgirl outfit and put on a bra. Not only had the lude exposure made her feel ashamed and embarrassed it had also been detrimental to her professional reputation.
She stopped by her boss's office for a look at the pictures she'd be uploading to her website profile. She scrolled through them on her boss's computer. 8 pictures in total, each of them looked like something you'd see from a Hustler or Playboy magazine. Becky bent over her desk, looking back at the camera with a hand on her ass. Or a picture of her fingers on the loose ends of the knot, teasing it like she's about to pull it open for the camera.

"But, sir, some of these pictures don't even show my face," my mom protested as she looked at a few which were nothing more than close-up shots of her tits, legs, and course her big, unnaturally perfect round shaped ass.

"Yea, these were carefully picked out by our editor. You know what parts the viewers want to see," her boss answered as he gave her a little smack on her Daisy Dukes ass, making jiggle.

She knew that if she were to quit and try to find a job with another news channel, nobody would ever hire her after she'd flashed her tits multiple times on live TV. She was now more desperate than ever to keep her job. "Yes, Mr. Richards, of course," she answered obediently. She was completely at his mercy, even while he treated her like nothing more than a pair of tits used to sell commercials.

"These are called Gifs," he said, showing her another folder. "You can upload them just like pictures, but they move. We copied them from the filming tonight."

My mom watched with embarrassment as the gifs played across the scene: a scene of her tits jiggling up and down as legs squeezed the bull, a scene of her bent over the chair as a guy slapped her ass, replaying over and over, and the worst of all...

They took a clip of when she was tying her top back together, except the put it in reverse so it looked like she was untying it and holding her top open. When it showed her pull her top open, the words "Tune-in live!" covered her nipples. Her dream of being a professional news anchor seemed to be slipping further and farther away.

The clips were so humiliating, but she knew she had no choice but to upload every one. Now the channel had ruined her reputation, she could never find another job if they fired her. This was her only chance of making it as a news anchor. She grabbed the flash drive and left the office as her boss reminded her that she had to be sure to interact with her 'fans' and answer any comments they post on her pictures.

Just as she returned to her new office, thinking the worst of the night was finally behind her, she left out an exhausted sigh as she read the 30-minute appointment which had been written on the calendar on her door.

"Camera crew meeting with Frank and Ivan."

Frank and Ivan were the two guys who had walked in on her while she was sleeping with the producer. Then, thanks to their position in the union, they had been cemented in as Becky's permanent camera crew.

"What do they want now?" She said aloud as she opened her door. It looked like she'd have to wait another 30 minutes before changing out of her cowgirl outfit.

She was only in her room for a few seconds when the two men walked into her office, looking a little aggravated. Becky had never noticed just how tall they stood when they weren't holding cameras. She could barely look them in the eye after her multitude of humiliating events.

"What do you guys want?" She asked, trying not to sound curt but also trying to relay her frustration at not being left alone.

"Wow, that's a heck of an attitude to have towards the guys you tried to get fired," Ivan said as he shut the door behind them.

My mom cringed. It was true. She hadn't done it intentionally, it had all happened so quick with her boss and the offer, and... She looked down shamefully. "I'm... Sorry..."

"Maybe we should return the favor and you get you fired for sleeping with the boss," Ivan responded with a stern look in his eyes.

"No, please! No other studio would hire me now that I've flashed my chest during a live broadcast!" There was pleading desperation in her voice. Frank and Ivan both smiled. It was so pathetic: the more the channel exploited her, the more dependent she became on keeping her job here. No other respectable studio would ever hire her.

"Please don't expose that I'm sleeping with Mr. Richards," She begged.

"Mr. Richards? We were talking about the producer, during the beach trip," Frank said with surprise.

"You're sleeping with Richards, too?!" Ivan added with excitement.

My mom cursed herself under her breath. How could she be so stupid! She just admitted she'd been fucking her boss in return for her job. It'd been a long day. She sat down, looking away from the guys with humiliation.

"That explains why you've been spending so much time in his office," Frank said with a smirk.

"No... I mean, ugh. Yes," She finally said as she gave up on trying to hide her shameful secret. "Please, don't expose it, it'd ruin my career!" She knew that the cameramen working for the studio (especially ones in a  union) would have lots of connections with news channels and they could completely ruin her reputation if they chose. She felt so helpless.

Frank smirked at the desperate, humiliated MILF. She had her hands folded and was practically on her knees begging "Don't worry, we won't get you fired. Not just yet."

The blonde MILF noticed as the guys lowered their eyes to her chest. Their glance lingered at her breasts, barely concealed beneath the little knot. A silence hung in the air. My mom knew what she had to do. Without another word being spoken, she stood in front of the two men and began to untie the little knot that held her top closed.

The smirk on the cameramen's face widened as the late-night TV starlet pulled her top open, exposing her pair of beautiful, extra-large breasts. The two men took it in. The puffy pink nipples surrounded by the fat, juicy, 850-cc enhanced jugs.

After staring at the vulnerable blonde MILF for a few seconds, Ivan broke the silence. "If we just wanted to see them, we'd rewatch the film."

"Uh. Yes, of course," Becky answered, lowering her hands to her sides so the men could touch. She winced as she felt each guy reach out and grab a handful of her breast, but she did nothing to stop them. The guys began to squeeze her tits, each holding one in their hand. My mom let out a slight, accidental gasp as Ivan pinched her nipple.

"I know you wanted us to feel them, that's why you've been teasing us for weeks with these big MILF knockers of yours," Ivan said as he pinched and pulled on her pink nipple while Frank continued groping her other jug.

My mom burned with humiliation as the two men talked down to her. It had become more and more natural for the guys on the crew to speak to her in a casual, even lewd way with her sexualized filming. For example, giving her the nickname 'hot legs.' Now they were referring to her breasts as knockers and calling her a MILF. She hoped the slang wouldn't continue during filming sessions.

The two guys smirked at each other, pleased with how easy it was. The dumb MILF had played right into their hands. The Bimbo's hands began to raise, trying ever so slightly to give the signal that the guys had had enough.

"Hands down to your sides," Ivan said sternly as both men groped her breasts, squeezing and kneading them with their fingers. My mom complied, dropping her hands to her sides with defeat and allowing the guys full, unimpeded access to her sensitive breasts.

"Oh yea, these fake tits feel great!" Both guys kept squeezing her tits in their hands, working their fingers all over the fat jugs. "You've got a nice, full-sized pair of mommy-breasts," Ivan said with a wicked smile. He enjoyed watching her fluster at the degrading comments, enjoyed getting his revenge for my mom trying to get him fired.

"Th... Thank you," Becky answered, too bewildered to think how else to answer the degrading compliment.

"Gosh, she agreed to let us play with her tits that quickly," Frank said, shooting his friend a knowing glance. "Imagine what she'll do when we show her the video."

My mom's eyes widened. "Video?"


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Reply #69 on: November 17, 2019, 09:34:15 PM
  CHAPTER  46  (2/2)

Ivan let go of my mom's breast and pulled out his laptop and put it on the small desk beside my mom's chair. Frank stepped behind the dumbfounded bimbo, sliding his other hand around her to grab her other breast. He began squeezing and kneading her large tits with both hands.

Ivan opened the laptop and turned it towards my mom who was still sitting in the chair having both her tits groped. Frank's fingers pinched her nipples and pulled on her large breasts as she looked at the screen with fearful curiosity. She winced as Frank pulled her nipples and then let them flop back down.

The two guys had found the website that Brad had put up, the one staring 'butthole Becky' and their eyes glowed when they saw the video of my mom fucking the producer. The title of the video had even been, 'Butthole Becky sleeps old fat boss for a raise at work.' When they joined the website chatroom and started mentioning they worked with her on the news channel and mentioned that it was a true story, the boards lit up.

Perverts who wanted to see the dumb blonde MILF get fucked up even harder told the camera crew to blackmail her, and both Frank and Ivan liked the idea - especially after she tried to get them fired. It was time to teach this blonde slut what 'Doubled Penetration' meant.

Brad had also read that particular conversation, and when he asked if the cameramen would record themselves fucking her and send him the video so he could upload it to the website, they said they'd do it for free. They wanted revenge on the little entitled starlet who tried to have them fired. "As long our faces don't show up on the video," they requested. Brad readily agreed.

My mom's eyes widened as Ivan started playing the video on the laptop directly in front of her face. She recognized the person in the video was herself but was stunned with disbelief. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about your giant cock. I want it inside me!" She heard her own voice saying from the laptop.

Her mind was racing. How was there a video of this? How was it recorded? As she was trying to piece together how the video existed, Frank let go of her left tit and moved his hand down between her legs and began rubbing her pussy beneath her Daisy Duke shorts. His right hand remained firmly planted on her round breast, squeezing and pulling it.

My mom tried to piece together the situation as the man violated her sensitive privates, while Ivan stood there watching with a huge grin. Suddenly, it started to make sense. That was the night the producer only got 1 hotel room for them to share. He must have gone in early and set-up cameras in the room, then somehow the cameramen got their hands on it. She knew that if the video got out, the whole thing would come crashing down on her head.

"Oh my God, please," she muttered under her breath as she realized how bad the situation was.

She heard the producer's voice coming from the little laptop speakers: "I bet someone is hungry for some cum, isn't that right my little sugar doll?"

"Oh God, yes! I want your cum so bad!" She cringed as she heard her own voice, begging for dick in the video. She would be so humiliated - destroyed, even - if the video got out to the public. Her desperation was mounting.

"P... Please," she was whimpering, Frank's fingers slipped beneath her panties and were now rubbing against her pussy, wettening it. Both guys smiled at her desperation. They had her exactly where they wanted her, and now they were going to take full advantage of it.

My mom noticed the bulge starting to grow in Ivan's pants. She knew what she had to do. She had no choice. She was going to have to let the cameramen - the ones who were technically her subordinates - have their way with her body. She sighed, relenting as Frank shoved his fingers farther down her shorts, rubbing her pussy roughly.

Ivan smiled, adjusting the thick cock in his pants as he watched his friend molesting the hot MILF. My mom's eyes were glued to the laptop screen, watching the video of the producer sliding his cock into her pussy. Of course, what she didn't know was that she was looking directly into the built-in webcam which was currently sending a live stream to Brad's computer - and the naughty website.

The website lit up: "Live now" and sent a notification to over a thousand subscribers, enticing them all to log in and watch the live-stream titled: "Buttfuck-Becky gets tricked into rough DP sex to keep her job"

Of course, any subscribers who didn't log in to watch it live could always watch it anytime they wanted since the video would be saved to the website. Frank whispered into her ear, telling the blonde to repeat after him as she unwittingly stared directly into the webcam. He was careful not to let his face show to the webcam.

Bimbo Becky repeated his words aloud, trying not to moan as his fingers slipped further into her pussy. "I am a mother..." She took a pause, letting a little moan slip out, then continued repeating his words, "and a fuck-whore. I want a big dick shoved down my throat," she gasped as the man's fingertips slid over her clit. "And another shoved in my pussy!"

Ivan chuckled as my mom spoke directly into the camera. They wanted to completely humiliate her and teach her not to try and mess with their job again. "If you want a dick shoved in your holes so badly, I guess I could help you out," he said as he stepped forward, pushing his crotch out for her to touch. She scowled at him but knew that she had no choice. The guys had her completely over a barrel. She reached out and began to undo Ivan's pants while Frank undid the button on her Daisy Duke shorts.

"That's it. I want those mommy-lips slobbering all over my dick," Ivan said with a grin.

My mom scowled at him once again. "Gah, you are awful," she said as Frank squeezed handfuls of her ass.

"Now now, that's no way to talk to your superior." Ivan was rubbing it in even harder. The fact that she was his superior made it even better. "Really, you should be thanking me. You don't want that video to leak, do you?"

The scowl quickly wiped off her face and was replaced with one of humility. "No, sir," she answered softly.

"That's more like it. Now, why don't you get those mommy-lips where they belong." Ivan grabbed his dick and began to wave it, and my mom did what she had to do. Frank backed off, letting the MILF drop down to her knees, and she closed her lips around the fat, hard cock and began sucking. Ivan tilted the laptop down, causing the camera to stay centered in on the kneeling MILF.

"Oh yea, that's more like it! This bitch is great with her mouth, just like I thought! She's such a well-experienced slut!" Ivan reached down and grabbed a handful of my mom's hair, pulling him off his cock and forcing her to look up at him. "That was a compliment," he said firmly.

Becky was so distraught, her perfect red lips had a bit of drool from sucking on the man's cock. "Thank you, sir," she answered as she looked up at him.

"Haha!" Ivan shoved her head back onto his cock, and she began sucking. She knew that the sooner she could get him off, the sooner this would end.

"I want a turn," Frank said as he whipped out his own cock and stood beside her. Ivan pulled her head off his cock, then shoved her down onto Frank's. She didn't have time to catch her breath as the two men began passing her back and forward, using her blonde hair as a handle grip.

"Gag, gag, gag," the poor MILF choked on one cock, then the other. Her red lips were now coated with drool as the slid over each dick, one at a time. After sharing her mouth, passing her back and forward for a while, Ivan spoke up. "What was the whole you said you wanted stuffed, again?"

"I think she said she wanted a dick shoved in her pussy," Frank answered, both guys using a mocking tone. Poor Becky just froze, knowing she had no choice but to let the guys follow through. She'd hoped that if she got them off with her mouth, she wouldn't have to get fucked. She knew she was too late.

"Oh yea, well let's help the little slut out, then!" The picked up my mom and tossed her onto the pink couch, her face down into the cushions and her ass sticking up.

Ivan peeled back her Daisy Duke shorts, sliding them down to her knees. The tight shorts caused her knees to stay bound together and gave her ass a nice, heart-shaped view as it stuck up in the air. "Look at this, it looks like your ass is still a little red from all those spankings you got from those drunk guys earlier tonight," Frank said with a grin, humiliating the poor MILF even more. He then gave her juicy ass a spanking himself, adding to the pinkness of her cheeks.

The helpless blonde starlet yelped from the hard spanking, her face still planted against the pink cushion. She couldn't help but think about the fact that her face was pushed into the exact spot on the couch where her boss had fucked her just before the show that same night. Her pussy was quickly becoming the cum deposit slot for all the guys in the studio.

"Let's move the webcam so the video records a better view," Frank said with a huge smirk.

"V-video?" My mom asked, her voice ringing with the sound of desperation. The guys laughed as my mom's face twisted with horror as she realized they'd been recording the whole time. "How could I be so stupid, I fell for it again!" She thought to herself as Frank slid the laptop closer, angling it to get a full view of the MILF's body bent over on the couch.

"Of course we're recording it!" Ivan said with glee as he gave the MILF another hard slap across her asscheeks.

"But, but..."

"This is going to be so fun to watch later. I'd suggest you start being a very good girl, unless you want us to leak both videos?"

My mom practically screamed. "No! I-I mean, yes sir! I'll be a good girl!" Frank pushed his cock in front of her face and she began sucking violently on the man's dick, while Ivan gave her juicy ass another hard spanking, chuckling the entire time. The poor MILF's ass was had a pink handprint on it from the slapping, and Ivan picked up the laptop and held the webcam close so the viewers got a good, close look.

The only thing left was to shove his dick into her pussy. He held the laptop behind her ass as he slid her panties down her legs, revealing her pink, juicy cunt smooshed between her legs. It was still moist and sticky from the cum-load her boss had dumped in her before the show. The sound of her lips sucking on Frank's cock filled the room.

Without any further delay, Ivan grabbed the sides of my mom's hips and then shoved his cock into the pink slit between her legs.

"Mmf!" She moaned as Frank's cock pushed in and out of her lips while Ivan began fucking her pussy. The cameraman reached down and grabbed a handful of Becky's hair, pulling it and making her back arch. She was being proper fucked, spit-roasted like a pig with a cock sliding into her mouth and another in her pussy.

The guys were on each side of her on the couch, pulling her hair, slapping her ass, and talking down to her - all being broadcast live on the website. Her big, heavy jugs were hanging down off her chest, swinging as the men thrust into her body. "Damn, this pussy is wonderful! It's pretty loose and stretched out, but still feels great!"

"Mmfth thou," my mom grunted in response, her mouth filled with Frank's thick cock.

"You're welcome," Ivan answered as he smacked her round ass once again and continued thrusting his cock into her pussy.

Frank and Ivan both enjoyed my mom for a good while, going out of their way to disrespect and humiliate her the whole time. And of course, my mom had no choice but to obey them and kept sucking on their cocks whenever they put one near her mouth.

Half-way through fucking her, they switched places when Frank said he wanted to 'try out her pussy.' Ivan withdrew his cock (now drenched from my mom's pussy) and stepped over to the other side of the couch, holding his wet cock to her lips. She froze for a moment, realizing that the cock had just been in her dirty pussy and probably had a mixture of Mr. Richard's cum on it from earlier. Ivan pushed his cock against her lips and she cringed, trying not to think about her bosses cum as she slipped her lips around Ivan's dick and began sucking.

"You're going to delete the video when we're done, right?" She asked pitifully.

"Don't worry about that," Ivan answered, shoving his dick back into her mouth to shut her up. She felt the other cameraman grabbing her hips from behind and sliding his cock over her big, loose, sopping-wet pussy entrance. A second later the dick rammed inside her, thrusting into her pussy again and again.

"This broad really knows how to work that tongue! You're finally starting to learn your place," Ivan said with a grin, adjusting the laptop to make sure it captured both ends of the MILF's body as the two dicks slid in and out of her. "I can't wait to try out your mouth after you get those new lip injections tomorrow."

"No way I'm giving you another blowjob!" My mom thought to herself. She reminded herself that she wasn't dumb. She was certain that she'd be able to out-think the cameramen and get herself out of this mess wi- *Gag!* Her thoughts were interrupted as Ivan pushed his cock into Becky's throat, making her choke and sputter on the dick. She reminded herself that the sooner she got him off, the sooner this ended, and she continued sucking and sliding her tongue over the dirty shaft as he pushed it deeper into her throat.

"Her wet cunt is squeezing my dick so hard, I'm about to dump my load into this broad!" Frank squeezed her hips tight and continued thrusting his cock into my mom's pussy, making her moan. Ivan's orgasm was also fast approaching thanks to the MILF's expert dick-sucking skills.

Frank squeezed my mom's hips and shoved his cock into her pussy, holding it deep as his cum began squirting into her body. That was the second cum-load she'd received that night. Ivan withdrew his cock and pushed my mom's into the couch, holding the side of her face against the cushion. He held her mouth open with one hand and began jerking his cock in the other, holding the tip right against her open lips.

The cum began to shoot out of his dick, right into her open mouth. *Squirt, squirt, squirt!*

The helpless blond MILF gasped, feeling completely overwhelmed as the two men both deposited their cum into her holes.

"Mmm, that's a great pussy." Frank slapped the side of her smooth hips as he pulled his cock out.

"Ughn," she stuck her tongue out obediently and held it while Ivan emptied his entire load into her mouth. She knew that as much as she hated the cameramen, she had to try and keep them happy.

"You know, good office sluts always swallow. You want to be a good office slut, right?" Ivan was giving her a big, mischevious smirk as he spoke. The message couldn't be any clearer.

She withdrew her cum-covered tongue into her mouth, looking up at Ivan as she made a big gulp. Ivan's smirk grew wider as he watched my mom swallow down his entire load of cum.

She felt dirty and used as the two men zipped up their pants, collected up their laptop (making sure to hit save on the video) and then waltzed out of her office, leaving her bent over on the couch with her daisy duke shorts still tangled around her knees.


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Reply #70 on: November 17, 2019, 09:42:00 PM
  CHAPTER   47   (1/2)

  Chapter 47: Doctors Prescription

The next morning, I had just finished buttering up my buttplug and forcing it into my behind (It was the largest of the three 'trainer' plugs, and it really took a lot of effort and deep breaths to get it in) when I got the text from Claire.

"Don't wear your buttplug to school today."

I sighed as I read the text. It was like she waited until I inserted it on purpose. She laughed when I told her I'd already inserted it and told me to "have fun pulling it out, babydick! Actually, video-chat me while you pull it out. I want a good laugh!"

I sighed and walked back into my bathroom, setting up my phone so she could watch the humiliating display. I heard girls laughter coming from the video-call as I strained to pull the bloated plug out of my ass. I think Claire must have been sharing the call with Victoria and Chelsea.

"Ahhh, ugh," I groaned as I bent over the bathtub, straining to pull the large plug out of my ass.

"Plop!" The buttery plug finally came out, leaving me a panting mess.

"You know, actually..." I heard Claire's mischevious voice speaking from the videocall.

"Now that I think about it... I think go ahead and put it back in."

"But..." I kept panting, the pain from my ass was screaming.

"You mean 'yes Miss Claire?'" Victoria asked through the call.

I sighed, defeated. I knew I had no choice but to comply. The girls had turned me into their toy and were having fun torturing me.

I set the plug on the edge of the bathtub and squatted down, forcing it back in. It hurt even worse the second time in, but it went in quicker. There wasn't much resistance. "Plop!" It slipped inside, filling me up.

"Oh wait, Claire," I heard Victoria's voice. "You're going to be taking down Milksops pants during therapy, so you can't have him wearing his buttplug!"

"OH yea, that's right! We can't have Vanessa seeing you with your buttplug. So, I guess you'll have to take it back out."

"B-b-but..." I was already tearing up from the pain. My asshole felt stretched wide and it burned like it was laced with jalapeno seeds.

"Better hurry, before the bus comes. See ya at school!" The video chat clicked off. They had their fun. I felt used and cheated. They had played me like a fool. I looked at the clock: 10 minutes until the bus arrived. I had no choice but to quickly yank the plug back out of my poor asshole, then got dressed for school.

Just as she promised, Claire had prepared another 'therapy session' during school. She had Chelsea clean an old office chair she'd found in the prop storage area, and set-up a little office on the gym stage, with seats for Vanessa and me. She had us meet her there during lunch, while the rest of the students were in the cafeteria.

Before Vanessa arrived, Claire sat in her office chair and had me stand in front of her like I was some sort of specimen. It was just the two of us on the dim stage, behind the large maroon curtain.

Claire had her legs crossed, and a serious, professional look on her face. "You took your buttplug out as I instructed?"

"Ugh, yes," I answered with frustration. It had hurt, the way she forced me to pull it and put it back in repeatedly!

Claire pulled a ruler out of her bag and smacked in her hands.

"This is going to be so much worse if you don't behave." I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Yes, Mistress Claire," I answered softly.

"That's better. Now, drop your pants. It's time for an inspection." She waved her ruler with her fingers and I knew I'd better obey.

I undid my belt and pulled down my pants and underwear, letting the red-headed cheerleader get a good look at my caged dicklette. Claire smiled as she examined the sight in front of her. My balls were blue and swollen, and the head of my dicklette was a deep purple color, straining against the container.

"Your poor wittle baby-balls," Claire said as she made a mocking baby-voice. "They look like they need a good flicking, don't you think?"

"P-please," I begged with a dry throat.

"Come here, let Mistress Claire take care of those milksop's wittle baby nutsack." She motioned me closer with her finger, and I stepped forward as instructed, bracing myself. The cheerleader smiled, enjoying how whipped and obedient I was. She held up her hand, positioning her finger against her thumb.


The pain shot through me like an electric bolt. My balls were bruised and sore from the awful beating they'd had the other night, and now that little tiny flick brought it all back to life.

Claire laughed as I bent forward in pain. "Don't worry, Milksop. That's not the real reason I had you take your pants off." She sat back, putting her ruler into her bag and pulling out... A pair of silver, shiny keys. My heart jumped into my mouth. The keys to my cockcage!

"Does your wittle baby-dicklette want to be unlocked?" She asked mockingly as she swung the keys off her finger.

"Yes! Please!" I answered so quickly it almost came out as a yell.

"Go ahead and say it, then." She pulled her out phone and opened the camera. She loved how helpless I was as she hit record.

I cleared my throat. "My dick wants to be unlocked," I repeated quietly.

"Tsk tsk, that's not right." She deleted the video and got ready to record again. "Your wittle baby dicklette, right?" She hit record a second time, smiling widely. I knew what I had to say.

"My wittle baby dicklette really wants to be unlocked," I repeated pathetically, looking into the camera as I spoke like a baby.

"Aww, does the little baby peepee hurt?" She stuck her hand on her mouth to keep from laughing.

"Yes, my wittle peepee hurts and wants to unlocked," I repeated feeling like a complete fool.

"I don't think we can unlock it like that. I think it's too swollen." Another cruel smile crossed her face. "I think it will need a few more flickings, first."

I swallowed hard. "Would you please flick my nuts some more, Miss Claire?"

"Oh, sure, since you asked so nicely," she answered with a smile. She held up her hand and I put my hands behind my back while she gave it another painful flick, followed by lots of giggling.

"Oh no, still too swollen," she said as she jingled the keys in her fingers. I was hypnotized like a moth to a flame as I stared at the shiny, jingling keys.

"Please flick my balls more," I said in a trance as I stared at the keys, desperately wanting to be unlocked.

She had me beg to be flicked a few more times before she finally unlocked my cage. It was heaven when the cage finally clicked open. I heard angels singing as the little plastic cage clicked into two pieces and my redheaded Mistress pulled it off my dicklette.

Instantly, my dicklette stretched free and began to grow. I couldn't believe such a small, innocuous-looking piece of plastic had caused me such unbearable hell.

"Ah-ah," Claire corrected quickly as I looked down at my dicklette, finally free from its prison. "No playing! Pull your pants up and tuck that little dicklette away, where it belongs."

"Yes Miss Claire," I answered obediently. I didn't complain at all - it felt wonderful just to have my dicklette hang free again! Even the soft lining of my underwear felt amazing after being locked up for so long. I knew that in no time I'd be running to the bathroom to have that sweet, sweet release that I'd been dreaming of for so long.

A minute later, and Chelsea walked Vanessa back to the office, then returned to the cafeteria.

It was just the three of us sitting in the little make-shift office. Claire with a mischevious smile, Vanessa looking eager and helpful, and me, enjoying the relaxing feeling of having an uncaged Dicklette!

Claire sat us down in her office, and mentioned how 'doctor-patient confidentiality' was very important. I couldn't help but roll my eyes (she wasn't a doctor, she was still in high school!), but Vanessa seemed to take her very seriously, nodding respectfully as she spoke. I do have to admit, Claire did a great job of looking the part. She crossed her long legs as she sat in the office chair, her red hair brushed neatly behind her ears like a professional, and she even had a little notebook and pen.

"Chelsea tells me that you made a bet against Brad that you were more manly than him?" I burned with embarrassment as she spoke.

"Yes, that's right," Vanessa answered earnestly, trying to be helpful. "Brad got to make love to me when he won."

"You mean have sex with you?"

"Yes, in the men's bathroom." There was a look of embarrassment in Vanessa's eyes as she spoke, but she still told the truth. Claire already knew all this, but Vanessa wanted to be open and thorough for our 'couples therapy'.

Claire began jotting something down in her notebook. "Yes, that's what I was afraid of."

Vanessa perked up with curiosity. "What is?"

Claire shut the notebook and tapped her pen against it. "Milksop is feeling weak about his manhood and is trying to compensate. That's why he's making these bets with alpha males."

"What, I am n-" Claire held up her finger, cutting me off before I could say another word.

"This is not good. I've read about this kind of behavior in my psychology classes. Babydick is feeling inadequate because of his tiny manhood, and he's subconsciously idolizing superior males. He's fantasizing about being like Brad or one of the other strong, manly football players." Claire sounded so professional as she spoke. Her lengthy, well-articulated words sounded so convincing. I could see Vanessa nodding as she listened, grasping onto each word.

"N-no I'm not," I tried to protest, but my words were softer and wimpier this time. It was sounding like not even I doubted Claire.

Claire dismissed my argument with ease. "Oh please, babydick. You're trying to say you're not ashamed of your tiny dicklette?" She pointed down at my crotch with her pen, and I put my hands over my crotch to cover myself. Both girls noticed.

Claire flipped her notebook open and began writing something else. "Milksop might not even know it's going on. It can all be in his psyche. But, it's a very bad sign. Milksop's frustration is causing him to live out his fantasy of being a man through his friends. That's why he wanted you to have sex with Brad. These types of feelings of male inferiority can be quite damaging to Milksop's psyche, and to the relationship on a whole."

"Aww!" Vanessa squeezed my shoulder, feeling pity. "What can we do?"

I wanted to protest, but I felt so vulnerable when Claire pointed at my dicklette. I definitely wasn't 'well-endowed,' especially compared to Brad. My confidence was shattered. I sat there quietly with my hands in my lap as Vanessa squeezed my shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'm here to help!" Claire closed her notebook and smiled cruelly. She started me down, enjoying how wimpy and defeated I was starting to look. "These issues stem from a lack of testosterone. Milksop has a severe testosterone deficiency, which is why he has these feelings of inadequacy, as well as the..." She paused for a moment, her eyes glancing down to my crotch. "Shortcomings... In other areas." She giggled. It was obvious exactly what she was referring too.

"Unfortunately, you can't just buy testosterone boosters. They have to be prescribed by a doctor. But, there is another solution!" Claire wiggled in her seat as she opened up her notepad. Her excitement was obvious. "Now, you said Milksop went down on you in the bathroom and licked up Brad's creampie, right?"

"Uhh, yes, that's right..." Vanessa looked away and brushed her hair over her shoulder, looking nervous and embarrassed.
"Well, I think that's a great start. You see, cum is chalked full of testosterone. Especially cum from an alpha male, such as Brad!"

"Oh, really?" Vanessa perked up, looking quite interested.

"Yes! Milksop probably got more testosterone from eating Brad's cum than his body produces all year. So, here's what I'm going to do." She flipped to a new page in her notebook and began writing. "I am going to prescribe Milksop to consume one load of Brad's cum every day."

I looked up in disbelief, my mouth open with shock.

"You're still giving Brad a daily blowjob, right?" Claire asked, looking up at Vanessa.

"Yes ma'am, every day, including weekends."

"Great! So keep doing that, but from now on, Milksop should be there to swallow down Brad's load when you're done with his blowjob."

"I'm not doing that!" This time I did protest, loud and clear. But Claire wouldn't have any of it.

"Ahem! So you aren't willing to work on your relationship with Vanessa?"

Her retort caught me off guard. "What? I..."

"You're being very selfish, Babydick. You're basically telling Vanessa you aren't willing to do anything to save your relationship with her."

Vanessa pulled her hand off my shoulder with a hurt look in her eyes. I felt so terrible.

"Oh no, of course, I am, I just-"

Claire cut me off mid-sentence. "Vanessa has been doing everything she can to support you. She's been coming to me for advice every day on how to improve your relationship, and even agreed to do all those things to Brad that you asked her too. And now you're not even willing to try one little thing in return."

"B-but, but..." I felt backed into a corner. Of course, I was willing to do anything to save my relationship with Vanessa, but this was asking too much! "But I don't want to eat Brad's cum, it's so degrading! People will think I'm gay!"

"Psh!" Claire zipped her hand through the air. "You shouldn't care what other people think! All you should care about is what Vanessa thinks."

I didn't know how to answer. Then, I felt Vanessa's hand on my shoulder.

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to feel ashamed! I respect so much that you're willing to do something like this for our relationship. It shows that you're willing to put aside your pride to save our relationship, and I think that's the manliest thing someone can do! Besides, it's not gay, it's just like taking doctor prescribed medicine."

I did like hearing her say how much she'd respect me for it... Plus, if it really could make my dicklette grow bigger, I knew that would give me the confidence I needed.

Claire smiled. "It will be a great bonding experience for you, too! He can be there to support you while you give Brad his blowjob! No more hiding it and trying to spare his feelings. From now on, whenever you give Brad his blowjob, I want Milksop to be there with you. He can massage your feet, or hold your hair back and tell you how much he supports you while you deepthroat Brad." Claire wrote down another line in her notebook.

"There is another thing," Claire added with her devilish grin. "Milksop needs to refrain from masturbating, too. Every time he sprays out his little loads of cum, he loses lots of testosterone."

"That makes sense," Vanessa answered thoughtfully.

"So, to make sure he's not masturbating - because let's face it, he would probably masturbate all day long if he could - I have a little contraption to stop him."

My eyes widened as Claire pulled out the cock cage - the same, exact cock cage that she had JUST taken off me, a few minutes prior.

"No, p-please," I began to whimper as Claire pulled it out of her bag, her smile beaming.

"This is called a chastity cage, it's designed to stop little boys from playing with themselves. I got it in Milksop's size, too! See?" She held up the tiny, clear chastity cage. Vanessa was wide-eyed, gazing at the little device. She'd never seen such a thing in person.

"I'll show you how to put it on. Babydick, drop your pants." Her words were stern and commanding. "Now."

I knew she wasn't messing around. I remembered her words: "This is going to be so much worse if you don't behave." I pulled down my pants.

I burned with shame as my sweet girlfriend looked down at my dicklette. Not only was it so much smaller than Brad and the other guys that she was used to, but it was also bruised and swollen from the painful flickings.

"It's good that it's so swollen, that means the aversion therapy was very effective," Claire mentioned as Vanessa looked down at my pathetic dicklette. "It will help it grow bigger once he starts eating his doctor-prescribed cumloads."

Vanessa continued watching curiously as Claire moved like a professional. I felt the plastic fasten around my dicklette once again. It was so cruel! She'd unlocked my cage for the sole purpose of relocking me back up in front of my girlfriend. I felt my will breaking as I heard the keys turn, locking the cage in place. My dicklette felt so smooshed and trapped once again.

"Two keys?" Vanessa asked as Claire finished fastening the cage tight.

"Yea! One key for you, one for me! Milksop will probably whine and try to guilt you into unlocking him if you have both the keys, so this way he can't be unlocked without both of our permissions!"

"Smart," Vanessa answered as I pulled my pants back up, feeling incredibly emasculated.

"Remember, this is for your own good," Claire sad as she wrote another line in her notebook, then tore out the page and handed it to us.

"Milksop's prescription:


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Reply #71 on: November 17, 2019, 09:43:18 PM
  CHAPTER  47  (2/2)

Milksop is to swallow a full load of Brad's cum every day. Milksop is to bond with Vanessa and join her during all of the blowjob sessions. Milksop is to support her unconditionally. Milksop is restricted to having any masturbation, and is to remain in chastity at all times." It was even signed by "Dr. Claire, couple's therapist."

Vanessa smiled and squeezed my shoulder as she read the piece of paper. "Babe, I think this is going to help us so much," she whispered into my ear.

In a weird way, it seems like Claire was right. Sure it was incredibly degrading, but I could tell how proud Vanessa was, and it made me happy. Maybe in some weird, cruel way, she actually was strengthening Vanessa and my relationship.

Claire was beaming. "I'm so happy to help! Now, we'll have to have follow-up sessions each week. If Babydick is not showing signs of improvement, we might have to up the dose."

"Yes, of course," Vanessa agreed excitedly.

"You'll also have to describe the situation to Brad, obviously. I know how helpful he is, so I'm sure he won't mind. Just explain how you need to eat his cum because you're not very manly. I'm sure he'll be okay with it once you explain how it will help your relationship."

"Yes Miss Claire," I answered obediently. I was completely whipped.

"Dr. Claire," she corrected.

"Uhh... Right. Dr. Claire."

"Good! Now, the girls and I will be joining you during your shopping trip to the mall this afternoon, to help keep eyes on you."

"Oh, yay! Victoria and Chelsea?" Vanessa asked excitedly.

"Yep! We need to do some afternoon shopping, and we have to make sure Milksop doesn't try to cheap-out on buying panties for you! Besides, we can't wait to see your big lip enhancements!"

"Haha, see? I have the best girlfriends! Always looking out for me!" Vanessa said as she rubbed my arm. The school bell rang for class. I couldn't believe what I had just agreed too. At least it seemed to make Vanessa happy knowing I was willing to do whatever it took to make our relationship last.

The next stop was explaining the new situation to Brad. I didn't have to try and find Brad - he found me. As I was walking down the hall, he and his buddy Josh came up behind me. Josh stepped on my shoelace as I was walking, causing me to lose my balance and stumble forward. I fell down onto my face, catching myself with my hands but sending my books flying forward down the hall.

"Careful, loser! Here, let me help you up," Brad said as he stepped forward and grabbed the back of my shirt, yanking it up and then pulling it over my face. I stumbled to my feet but couldn't see anything with the back of my shirt pulled over my face, caught under my chin. I stumbled around, hearing the other kids in the hall laughing as Brad and Josh began shoving me back and forward, then shoving me against the lockers. My body hit the metal with a bang.

Before I could get my bearings and undo my shirt blindfold (The whole hallway was laughing), Brad pressed on my shoulder and pinned my chest against the locker. "Your outfit is a little twisted up, here, let me help you out!"

"No, please," I tried to answer through my shirt as I felt Brad grab the back of my underwear. He yanked it upwards, causing it to pull against my asscheeks and giving me the worst wedgie I'd ever had in my entire life. I yelled, completely helpless, pinned against the locker as his buddy grabbed my underwear and began pulling up aswell. My hole was sore from the painful buttplugs, making the wedgie hurt that much more.

"Pleaaase!" I yelped, shoved against the locker as the boys finally let go. I scrambled to undo the painful wedgie (my underwear had tore pretty bad), digging my hands in my pants while they kept laughing. I finally pulled the shirt off my head, just in time to see Vanessa stepping down the hall. She had a sweet smile on her face and I said a silent prayer that she didn't witness my humiliating stumble.

I turned around to see Josh and Brad still standing beside me, laughing as I undid my wedgie.

"Heh, it's so fun how you boys rough-house and play together," Vanessa said as she stepped towards me. "I love that you get along so well!" She grabbed my arm, affectionately holding me. It was obvious that she was still feeling proud of me!

"It's great that you're here, Brad! Milksop has something he wants to ask you!"

"N-now?" I asked with embarrassment. Most of the kids in the hall had returned to their business now that the show was over, but it still felt way too public. "But Josh is here!"

"What'd you just call him?" Brad asked sternly.

"Babe!" Vanessa dug her fingers into my arm. "Josh is on the football team! You know you're supposed to say Mr. when speaking to your superiors!"

"Oh, uhh, sorry. I meant... Mr. Josh is here."

"So?" Vanessa released her grip and nodded towards the tallboys standing in front of us. "Remember, Claire said you're not supposed to concern yourself with what others think, only what I think. You should be proud to be doing this for our relationship!"

Brad raised an eyebrow. He was intrigued to hear what Claire had put me up to next. "Yea, anything you say in front of me you can say in front of Josh." He nudged his friend in the arm. I sighed.

Vanessa squeezed my arm tighter. "Go on, babe. Just like we rehearsed."

"Uhh, Mr. Brad, I umm..." I struggled to say the words that we'd rehearsed together after our therapy session. I lowered my voice so only the three of them could hear me speak. "I'm not... I'm not very manly, and, uhh, I was hoping it'd be okay if, umm... If you'd let me..." I was struggling to get the words out, it was so humiliating.

Brad crossed his arms impatiently, and Vanessa rubbed my back. "Go on, babe! Don't forget to say please!"

"Umm... Would you... Would you please let me lick up your cum after you're finished blowing your loads in Vanessa?"

The boys burst out with laughter! Josh looked like he was about to fall on the ground. "Haha! So, the little pussy-boy wants to clean-up my creampies after I spunk inside your girlfriend?"

I looked down with shame and continued saying our rehearsed lines. "Yes, sir. I'm too wimpy, and it would make me more manly if you let me... You know..." My voice got softer and softer. "Lick up your cum after you're finished using my girlfriend."

Vanessa snuggled against my arm and I could feel the pride beaming off her.

"Well, sure, little bitch-boy! If it will help your relationship, I guess I could let you swallow down my spunk after I'm done blowing into your girlfriend's dick-sucking lips." He gave Vanessa a wink which made her heartthrob and she squeezed my arm even tighter.

"It definitely can't make you any LESS manly, that's for sure!" Both boys laughed at Josh's joke.

"You're in luck, too," Brad added after they finished laughing. "I worked-out this morning, so I have a BIG load ready today!"

I felt Vanessa squeeze my arm even tighter. I could feel her heartbeat against my side and heard her let out a faint "Ooo," as he said that.

"Thank you, Mr. Brad." I wanted to die from shame. I looked over to see the three cheerleaders watching from the end of the hall, big, naughty smiles on their faces.

As we were walking away, Brad shouted "Surprise!" and grabbed my underwear, yanking it up once again to give me a second wedgie.

"No, PLEASE!" I yelped as I lurched forward, the underwear yanking up between my legs once again. The boys laughed loudly as they walked off, leaving me leaned up against the locker trying to pull my wedgie out of my pants. Vanessa couldn't help but chuckle. She found it so funny how we boys 'played' together.

It was 30 minutes before my mom picked me up from school to go shopping. Brad and Vanessa snuck into a tool shed near the parking lot, and I followed with my head down like a whipped dog.

*Slap!*  Brad spanked Vanessa's ass as she stepped into the shed, right in front of my face.

"Haha, bad boy!" She laughed as her ass jiggled from the spanking.

It was dark and grimy in the old shed. Brooms, weedeaters, and an old lawnmower filled the small space. "Now, no gay stuff. I don't want you kissing or licking her until I'm all finished, then you can have the sloppy seconds. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. I only get the sloppy seconds," I repeated with a sigh. I felt like a complete loser, standing there with my hands at my sides while Brad got ready to receive a blowjob from my girlfriend.

He leaned back against an old wooden table, eyeing the Latina up and down as she stepped in front of him with a big, sexy smile. "He's just going to stand there quietly to show he supports me," she said reassuringly. "He won't get in the way at all!"

Brad reached out and put both his hands on my girlfriend's tits without even asking. Vanessa let out a low, sexy purr as he did.

"So, Milksop, have you played with your girl's juicy tits yet?"

"No, he hasn't," Vanessa answered for me.

"Oh, I forgot, he isn't allowed to even see you naked. This broad has a great pair of funbags," he said as he slipped his hands up her shirt and under her bra.

"That's right," she turned towards me as Brad continued groping her. "You're gonna have to look away when I pull my tits out for Brad to play with."

"What? But, I've already seen you naked once!"

"Yes, but that was a privilege for you. Claire said you're not supposed to ogle me, because it's a reward you have to earn. Just because you saw me naked once doesn't mean you're entitled too whenever you want!"

Brad pinched her nipples, making her yelp. She kept talking.
"So, I expect you to respect me and look away when I pull my tits out for Brad to play with."

"Yes, Vanessa," I answered with disappointment. I hadn't looked at porn in weeks, and now I couldn't even see my girlfriend naked.

"Now, put that mouth where it belongs," Brad instructed as he put his hand atop my girlfriend's head and pushed down. Vanessa dropped to her knees, and I immediately heard her fingers undoing Brad's belt as soon as her knees touched the ground.

I tried so hard to contain myself as the soft sound of sucking filled the room. I reminded myself I had to 'be a man' and bear it as I watched my girlfriend's lips sucking on Brad's big, flaccid cock, the shaft slowly beginning to harden in her mouth.

"How's your underwear doing? Need me to give you another wedgie?" Brad asked with a smirk as my girlfriend's head bobbed up and down on his stiffening erection.

"N-no, sir," I answered meekly, trying to control my emotions. The soft, sucking sound of lips and tongue bounced around the small shed.

Vanessa was focused on her task: sucking on the boy's cock and getting him hard. Without any prompting, she reached up and grabbed the top of her shirt and bra and pulled it down, stretching it under her breasts and causing both her large jugs to push out.

"Haha! Milksop, see how well I've trained your girlfriend? She doesn't need any reminding to pull her tits out while she services us men."

I knew I wasn't supposed to look at her tits, but I couldn't help myself. I hadn't seen any porn in weeks, and Vanessa's large, tan breasts looked so enticing, mashed out of her top. My little dicklette screamed to get out of the cage. Brad noticed my gaze staring at the love of my life, on her knees servicing my bully. A cruel smile crossed his face as he reminded me that my girlfriend's tits were off-limits for me to look at.

Vanessa popped the now fully hard cock out of her mouth and turned to look at me. "Babe! You're supposed to be turned around!"

"S-sorry," I answered as my emotions finally started to break and I began to sniffle.

"B-but how come he gets to play with your tits, it's not f-fair!" I was facing the corner of the shed, sniffling as I spoke.

I could hear the frustration in Vanessa's voice as she responded. "You know that he enjoys playing with my tits, and we have to keep Brad happy. You want your babydick to grow bigger, right?"


"Good. So face the corner and try not to make any more noise. You'll be able to clean-up his cum soon!"

"Don't worry, Milksop. I'll take real good care of Vanessa's nice, soft tits." I could hear the sound of him squeezing and rubbing her breasts behind my back.

Ten long minutes passed as I stood in the corner of the tool shed listening to the awful sounds. Loud sucking and licking noises, the sound of her gagging and being throat-fucked, the sound of Brad slapping his dick on her tits.

"Oh yea, let's get this dick rubbed all over your face!"

"Mmm," Vanessa purred in response as Brad slid his big, slimy cock all over her cheeks and lips.

"I'm gonna make sure Milksop has a good mess to clean up! Now, get those lips on my balls."

"Mmm, yes babe!"


"Feel how nice and full they are? I have a big load for you today! Milksop's gonna be busy cleaning you up for a while, heh-heh."

Brad clenched the wooden desk as Vanessa gave his entire shaft a long, hard suck. "Your girlfriend's finally starting to learn her place," Brad said as I continued standing in the corner. "She's sucking my cock so hard, I'm about to blow my load!"

Vanessa quickly slid her mouth down Brad's shaft, closed her lips tightly around him and then began to slowly pull her head back, sucking hard on his shaft as she did.

"Fuck, that's good!" Brad began panting and Vanessa could feel his orgasm about to explode. He reached down and began caressing the side of Vanessa's cheek with his hand, guiding her to suck him up and down as he began to cum. She felt the warm spunk squirt into her mouth as her lips were clamped down around his shaft.

"Oh yea, keep sucking!" Brad continued gently guiding her head back and forward right over the sweet-spot of his cock as she sucked his orgasm straight out of his balls. The alpha stud let out a big, satisfied sigh as my girlfriend finished sucking him straight through the end of his orgasm.

"Let me see," he instructed as he pulled his cock out of her lips.

Vanessa smiled, opening her mouth which was now filled with the white, gooey cum, strands of it were sticking down from the top of her mouth.

"Oh yea, that's good!" He took the shaft of his wet, flaccid cock and wiped it off on Vanessa's face once again. "Don't forget to put away your tits, slut."

Vanessa tucked her large tits back into her bra, and Brad stuck his hand on her head and turned her to face me. "Time for your sloppy seconds!"

I turned around to see Vanessa still on her knees with Brad's hand on the top of her head. Hanging right beside her cheek was my bully's big, flaccid cock. Her mouth was filled with Brad's cum and there was even some of it on her lips and dripping down to her chin. It was a big load, indeed.

Vanessa was smiling with her mouth open and was calling me over with her fingers.

I stepped forward hesitantly.

"Come on, Milksop. You want your little dick to grow bigger like a real man, right?"

"Y-yes sir," I answered shamefully as I stepped closer to my girlfriend. Brad cocked my girlfriend's head back, turning her face towards me. His large dick bounced against her cheek. I lowered my face towards Vanessa's, and she slid her arms around my neck, pulling my face towards hers. I closed my eyes, trying not to think about the shame or humiliation, and opened my mouth.


She pulled my face against hers, shoving her mouth against mine and sliding creamy, goo-covered tongue into my lips. I sucked on her tongue as she french-kissed me, and she began to purr approvingly as I did. She brushed her hands through my hair, tilting my head back and coaxing me to open my mouth wider as the large, warm load of cum slid out of her mouth into mine.

"Haha, this is hilarious! Keep going! Eat down all that spunk, little loser babydick!" Brad laughed, leaning back against the desk and enjoying the show. Vanessa lovingly held my face as she shoveled more cum down my mouth with her tongue. It couldn't be any more official: I was Brad's bitch.

"Mmm, isn't that delicious?" Vanessa asked as she finally pulled her lips off mine.

I was gagging. It was so salty and humiliating. "No, so salty," I answered shamefully after swallowing down another gulp. I felt so disgusted.

"Babe, that's very disrespectful," she said as she slunk back on her knees with a disappointed look.

"I-I'm sorry!" I felt heartbroken as Vanessa pulled away from me. Even though the kiss was slimy and gross, filled with Brad's spunk, I still enjoyed kissing my girlfriend. It hurt my feelings as she pulled away.

"Don't apologize to me. It's Brad that you should be apologizing too."

I turned towards my bully who was still leaned against the wood desk, towering over me. He was just zipping his cock into his pants.

"S-sorry, Mr. Brad," I said shamefully.

"Now, tell him it was delicious, and you love eating it," my girlfriend whispered softly.

"Your cum is... D-d-delicious, I loved it. Thank you for letting me have your sloppy seconds."

"Haha! What a pathetic bitch. You're welcome, little bitch-boy!"

He lifted up his leg, stepping over us like and making us both duck beneath his crotch. "I'm heading home, Josh and a few guys are coming by my house. We're having some drinks and drafting up a fantasy football team. You have fun shopping with the girls," he said with a smirk as he stepped towards the exit. He stopped in the doorway and turned back towards us. "I think there's some more spunk on Vanessa's cheeks. It looks like you've got some more cleaning to do! Have fun! Haha!" Brad stepped out of the shed, leaving us on our knees together. Vanessa smiled as she leaned back closer towards me, turning her cheek so I could continue licking the rest of Brad's mess off her wet, dick-splattered face.


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Reply #72 on: November 17, 2019, 09:49:23 PM
  CHAPTER   48   (1/2)

Chapter 48: Showing off their new shirts at the mall

Vanessa plopped herself down on the wooden table. She sat in the exact spot where Brad had been leaning against during his blowjob. She had a happy, bright smile on her face.

"Babe, I think you deserve a little reward for doing such a good job taking your prescription."

My dicklette stirred painfully in its cage. Was I going to get a peek at her tits? Maybe she was going to let me play with her ass?

She continued smiling down at me as she kicked off green high-heel shoes, one then the other. "I'm gonna let you suck on my toes!" She said cheerfully.

"Oh... Th-thank you," I answered, trying to mask my disappointment.

"You're welcome! They might be a little sweaty from walking around all day. Sorry," she said absently as she flipped open her make-up mirror.

I scooted forward to the table and began sucking on her toes while she used a wipe and began fixing up her make-up.

I closed my lips around her toes and began sucking. She let out a little purr. "Aren't I so good to you?" She asked as she began powdering her cheeks.

"Mmhmm," I answered as she pushed her feet further into my lips.

"Oh yes, that feels nice! Suck on the soles of my feet, too. Mmm yes, just like that! You're so lucky!"

Once her make-up was all fixed up and ready to go shopping, she slipped on her shoes and we stepped into the parking lot to head to the mall.

My mom always dressed up before going to the mall, and today was no different. She looked so beautiful with her teased up blonde hair, her dolled up make-up and eyeshadow, her bright yellow, open-toed high-heels and a pair of tight, skinny jeans that had little ripped slits which shoed little glimpses of her long, tanned legs. And of course, the most eye-catching part of all: her new, large rack, tied under a crisp white blouse. Lots of guys would be getting her phone number today!

Victoria, Chelsea, and Claire all met us at the food-court in the mall. Of course, the three of them looked exquisite.

"So nice to see you, girls!" My mom said cheerfully as her, Vanessa and I joined them at the table. Victoria gave my mom a bitchy look up and down, smiled, and then complimented her on her jeans.

"So, BB, we heard about your promotion at work, and we're so excited for you," Victoria looked at her friends, all three of them with cheeky smiles. "That we got you something to celebrate!"

My ears perked up. It didn't sound like something the cheerleaders would do. Something smelled fishy. My mom, however, was all smiles as she listened to Victoria.

"We made you a t-shirt that says I love BB's channel!" Victoria said, her cheeky smile growing wider.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" My mom gushed, putting her hands on her heart.

"Although we had to shorten it a little because 'I love BB's Channel' didn't fit on the shirt," Victoria added as she pulled out a bag and placed it on the table in front of us. "So, instead of 'love,' we shortened it to a heart. And instead of BB's Channel..." Victoria reached into the bag, Claire and Chelsea watching with muffled laughs.

"We shortened it to BBC!" Victoria pulled out the black t-shirt out of the bag, holding it up for us to see. Sure enough, written in bright white letters, it said: "I (Heart) BBC." Not only that, but the heart was actually shaped like two big red lips, pushed together in a kiss. "And we made the heart look like lips since you were getting your lips done today!"

"Oh my God, I love it!" My mom gushed excitedly as she grabbed the shirt and held it up in front of her, showing it to Vanessa and me. My mom and Vanessa were both too innocent to know what it meant, but I'd watched enough porn to know instantly. BBC was a common term for "Big Black Cock," and now my mom had it written on a t-shirt...

"It's custom-fitted to your size," Victoria added as my mom held the shirt up against her chest. It had the same message on the front AND the back, branding my mom all over as a big black cock lover. And the fact that the heart was a pair of lips had other implications, too.

"And, Vanessa..." Victoria turned towards my sweet, innocent girlfriend who was smiling warmly. "And Vanessa, we know how much you support BB and have even told us how you want to work on a news channel like her."

"You do?" My mom asked curiously.

"Yea! Of course, I probably couldn't be a real, full-up anchorwoman like you. But maybe like a weathergirl." My mom was smiling as Vanessa spoke and it was obvious that she was feeling so proud.

"I think that's so wonderful! You'd be a great weathergirl! You should come by the studio with me, sometime!"

That's when Victoria reached in the bag to pull something else out. "That's why we got a shirt for you, too!" She pulled out an identical matching T-shirt for Vanessa. "We thought it could be a nice way to remember getting your lips done together! And it's fitted in your size, too!"

Vanessa grabbed the matching 'I (heart) BBC' shirt and held it up to her chest beside my mom. I couldn't help but cringe as the two girls held the shirts proudly against their chests, flashing the signal that they loved big black cocks. The cheerleaders were giggling, obviously aware of what BBC really meant.

"Want to go into the bathroom and try them on?" My mom suggested.

"Definitely!" Vanessa agreed cheerfully, and soon both girls handed me their purses to watch and then hurried into the bathroom together.

"How sweet. Your mom and your girlfriend, wearing matching shirts together." Victoria was glaring at me as she spoke, watching me sink lower down. "I heard they're having a slut-off with Brad this weekend, is that right?"

"Y-yes, Miss Victoria," I answered shamefully.

"A slut-off. How funny. They'll be competing to prove witch BITCH is the biggest slut, right?"

I cringed at how Victoria emphasized the word bitch when talking about my mom and my girlfriend. But, now was not the time to be noble. I nodded my head. "Yes, Miss Victoria, that's right."

"Your mom will win no doubt, with her ridiculous, huge cow udders. I heard Brad sticks it up her ass on the regular, now."

I couldn't bring myself to agree, even though it was true. It hurt to think about.

"We're going to make it more interesting," Victoria added with a smirk. I did not like the sound of this.

"The only way you can be unlocked from your chastity cage to wank your little babydick is if Vanessa wins the slut-off."

I looked up at the prim blonde cheerleader, her arms crossed. "If Vanessa loses the slut-off... Then no cummies for babydick for another week!"

My dicklette shrank in its cage. She couldn't be serious! I hadn't come in forever, and now she was threatening to add an entire week if Vanessa didn't win!!!

Claire leaned forward, her smirk matching Victorias. "So, if I were you, I'd have a good talk with Vanessa and BEG her to win the slut-off. You don't want to have your babydick locked in the cage, having your blue-balls flicked and whipped for another lonnng week, do you?"

"N-no!" The thought made my dicklette shrivel up even more.

"Good. Then you better beg her to do whateeever it takes to out-slut your mom this weekend!" The cheerleaders sat back in their seats, so proud of themselves. They had done a fantastic job of turning Vanessa into the school's biggest slut, and they knew I had no choice but to play right along with them.

My mom and Vanessa came walking out of the bathroom, wearing the matching 'I (heart) BBC' t-shirts. They looked incredible, standing side-by-side. They were both wearing open-toed high-heels (though my moms were yellow and Vanessa's were green), tight, torn up skinny jeans, and the matching black t-shirts.

"I love them!" My mom said, proudly showing off her 'I love big black cock' logo.  "We should get some pictures!" She handed Victoria her phone and then began posing beside Vanessa. It was obvious how Vanessa looked-up too and idolized my mom as she stood beside her, imitating the MILF's poses with her matching dyed blonde hair.

"Say 'I love BBC!'" Victoria said as she held the camera up to take a picture.

"I love BBC!" Becky and Vanessa both shouted as Victoria snapped the camera. I could see other people in the food court turning to look. Men would raise their eyebrows with surprise as my girlfriend and my mom posed for pictures, proudly showing off their 'I heart BBC' shirts.

"Oh yes, these pics look so good! Keep posing!" Victoria snapped picture after picture as both girls blew kisses, made their fingers into heart shapes, and stood back-to-back with their arms crossed, winking into the camera.

"Okay, now Becky, you should pose like you're holding a microphone," Chelsea suggested with a grin.

"Like this?" My mom asked as she clasped her hands around an invisible microphone.

"Yea, but hold it up to your mouth! And open your mouth, like you're giving a news report," Victoria added.

My mom did as instructed, holding the 'invisible microphone' up to her lips and opening her mouth. It looked so bad.

"Make sure the logo is visible!" Claire reminded them as my mom stood in her pose. It looked like my mom was holding an invisible dick and jerking it off into her mouth, with the 'I (heart) BBC' logo clearly visible. I was so embarrassed as the rest of the food court watched and chuckled while my mom kept posing like she was sucking cocks.

"That looks great, oh my gosh this is definitely a profile picture for your website," Victoria laughed as she clicked more pictures.

"Yay, thank you so much!" My mom beamed as she walked to grab the camera.

"You should make 'I love BBC' your new website slogan," Victoria suggested as my mom looked through the pictures.

"I will!" She responded proudly. She couldn't wait to share the pictures on her website and she started uploading them right there from her phone. I cringed with embarrassment at how raunchy they looked.

I'd always felt 'out of place' walking beside Vanessa. She was so beautiful and sexy, and it was clear she was out of my league. However, as we through the mall with her arm around mine and her 'I (heart) BBC' T-shirt clearly visible, I felt wimpier more than ever. It was obvious that nobody was going to think I was her boyfriend now. I saw the pedestrians glancing at us, assuming I was some kind of 'emotional support' friend while she fucked other guys.

We walked past a group of rough-looking black guys who whistled as Vanessa and I walked past. "Hey, babe! I have some BBC for ya!" He grabbed his crotch as he shouted. Vanessa gave them a smile as I pulled her arm and hurried forward.

"He said they could get me BBC! Do you think they work at your mom's studio?" She asked me eagerly.

"N-no, I don't think so," I answered, hurrying my pace even quicker as Vanessa looked back over my shoulder and gave them a wave and another smile.


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Reply #73 on: November 17, 2019, 09:51:08 PM
 CHAPTER  48  (2/2)

We walked into the same trashy clothing shop that Vanessa had bought her panties from before.

"Oh my God, Vanessa, look at this lingerie!" Victoria announced excitedly as soon as we walked in the door. The blonde cheerleader was holding up a bright red, lace babydoll lingerie outfit. "You must make Milksop buy this for you!"

"I-I thought I was just getting her panties?" I whined to Victoria.

"Shut up, babydick." Victoria looked down at my crotch with disgust. "Don't be stupid. You knew what you'd be buying her."

"Yes, Miss Victoria," I answered solemnly.

"Don't worry, we'll have you buy actual panties for her, too! Haha!" Victoria then turned back to Vanessa, swaying the lingerie outfit. "And it's red! Brad's favorite colouurrr!" Victoria said temptingly.

Vanessa's smile widened and her eyes lit up, even though she was a little embarrassed. "It can't hurt if I just try it on," Vanessa agreed as she let go of my arm, leaving me standing there helplessly.

"You'll have to step out of the dressing area when she tries it on," Claire told me as Vanessa stepped into the dressing room. "This outfit much too sexy for you to see."


"No buts! You're buying it, but that doesn't mean you get to see her in it! You're not allowed to see her in any sexy outfits until you learn to respect her more, remember? So you'll have to step out."

"Okay," I answered with disappointment.

"But we need a guys opinion on how hot it looks," Victoria added thoughtfully. "So, babydick, go get that employee that was stocking shirts. You know the one: that handsome black guy. Ask if he'll come into the dressing room and check out your girlfriend for you."


"NO BUTS! Tell him your girlfriend wants a man's opinion so she sent you to ask him to check her out."

Claire grinned and crossed her arms. "And be polite!" I knew I had to obey.

I left the dressing area and walked shyly to the employee with my hands in my pockets. He looked quite a bit more grown up than me (he was probably in his mid-twenties) and was an entire head taller than I was. "Umm... Sir?"

"Yeah?" He asked, turning from stocking the boxes onto the wall.

"Uh... My girlfriend is trying on lingerie, and umm, she wants a man's opinion on how it looks..."

The employee seemed curious by the request and eyed me up and down before responding. "Your girlfriend... That Latina with the big cans?"

I was taken back by the response. I got the feeling that he didn't speak so vulgarly to most customers, but for some reason, he must have decided that he didn't have to bother with the courtesy he showed most customers.

"Uhh, yes sir," I answered nervously, being taken off guard from the unexpected response.

He sniffed and adjusted his crotch. "Sure, I wouldn't mind checking her out in Lingerie for ya." I could tell he felt disdain towards me and thought I was playing some sort of perverted fantasy, but he didn't care. A free chance to check out a big-titted slut in lingerie during his work hours seemed like a good deal to him.

He waltzed over to the dressing area curiously and gave it a hesitant knock. Chelsea pulled back the curtain and welcomed him generously. "Oh good, a real man is here to give his opinion," Victoria announced as Chelse closed the curtain behind him.

Vanessa had already stepped out of the changing room and was now standing in the private dressing area in the red, lacey, babydoll robe and panties. The little robe ended at Vanessa's hips, only covering the top half of her matching red lace panties. The adult black guy eyed her up and down. The girls had instructed Vanessa to keep her heels on.


"You like it?" Victoria asked as she stepped behind Vanessa and placed her hands on the girls' shoulders. Vanessa felt shy and exposed but also a little proud of seeing the employee admiring her body in the skimpy outfit. With her long legs, curvy hips and naturally large breasts, she had a body that guys always seemed to like!

"Uh-huh, that looks fire," he answered as he stood in the entryway. He was obviously warming up to being there.

"Give him a little twirl," Victoria urged as she let go of her shoulders. Vanessa grabbed the hem of the little robe and twirled side to side, the dress swaying with her movements as the guy checked her out up and down. I could only clench my fists as I sat on the other side of the curtains, listening to this total stranger check out my girlfriend in intimate, sexy lingerie.

"Is that your shirt?" He asked as he nodded over to the dressing stall with the shirt hanging over the door.

"Yes," Victoria answered for her as she placed her hands back onto her shoulders. "Vanessa here just LOVES BBC, isn't that right?" Victoria gave the employee a little wink.

"Yes!" Vanessa answered proudly. She assumed one of the girls must have told the employee what 'BBC' meant earlier. I ground my teeth with anger as I heard them speaking.

"Well damn, we should get drinks! I'm Jamal," he said as he stepped closer. 'He must be a fan of the show, too,' Vanessa thought to herself excitedly. It made sense, lots of guys enjoyed BB's show after all. Why wouldn't they?

"Well, I'm not old enough to drink, but I'd love to hang out," Vanessa answered warmly.

"Psh," Victoria sighed dismissively. "You know that those rules don't apply to us!"

Chelsea crossed her arms and agreed. "Yea, if you want to be a popular cheerleader, you have to be cool enough to drink."

"Oh, uhh, I mean, of course, I drink sometimes," Vanessa answered, a bit befuddled.

"Don't worry, I know a place that won't ID you. I won't tell if you don't," Jamal said with a chuckle.

"Vanessa would love to have drinks with you," Victoria said as she gave the guy another wink. I was stewing with anger as I heard this total stranger hitting on my girlfriend, right in front of me. I could do nothing but listen as Vanessa gave him her phone number. "Sounds fun," Vanessa said, feeling more and more comfortable.

"You should wear that," Jamal said with a laugh as Victoria made Vanessa give the guy another twirl.

The employee seemed startled when he noticed someone sitting outside the dressing room, but then seemed to relax when he realized it was just me. "All done, dude. Even got her number!"

"Uhh... great..."I whispered as he walked past, ignoring my response. I really hoped Vanessa wasn't actually going to have drinks with that guy at some dive bar.

I was allowed back into the dressing room area once Vanessa was safely closed in the private stall, out of sight. The only thing I could see was her heels beneath the stall door as she slipped the sleek red lingerie off her feet.

"Good news, milksop!" Victoria announced excitedly, "Jamal LOVED the red lingerie. Vanessa looked so sexy in it, it hugged her body so tight! You should have seen it when she twerked for Jamal! So, you can go ahead and buy it for her now!"

"Oh... Great..."

"Did you girls see that huge bulge in Jamal's pants?" Victoria asked her friends purposely loud enough for Vanessa to hear.

"Of course, how could we miss it? He has a huge package! Maybe you should start drinking HIS medicine, Milksop!" The girls always found a way to make me the butt of the joke. I heard a little giggle from Vanessa's stall.

As we were standing in the line to check-out, I overheard Victoria whispering into Vanessa's ear. "You should wear this for Brad tomorrow, during his blowjob! He'd love that!"

"But... That's not really fair to Milksop if he buys it for me, and I wear it for Brad."

I smiled warmly. My girlfriend was so faithful and thoughtful!

Victoria grabbed my girlfriend's arm. "See, that's exactly the type of thought process we have to fix! You need to stop letting Milksop guilt you into things! He's buying this for you because he OWES you, remember? So it's all yours, and you need to try to make an effort to shrug off any guilt towards him."

"Well... That's true, I guess... But still, I can't wear this at school!"

"Sure you can! Just bring it in your gym bag and change in the bathroom! Nobody else has to see!" It was something, watching Victoria holding Vanessa's arm like they had been best friends since childhood. Her confidence really was overpowering. She flung her head back towards me standing behind them. "Milksop, don't you think Brad would like if Vanessa wore this for him?"

"Uhh, I mean, any guy would, of course, bu-" Victoria cut me off before I could say another word. "See? Milksop even thinks you should wear it for him!"

"Well... I guess I could change into it in the locker room after classes, and surprise him in it," Vanessa answered with a thoughtful smile on her face.

"He's going to love it! Red is his favorite color, ya know!" Victoria elbowed my girlfriend's arm as she reminded her.

Claire also grabbed my arm, but it was a stern, painful grab as she pulled my ear closer to her mouth. "Wow, so you're buying this for Vanessa, but she's wearing it for Brad... So it's kind of like... You're buying it for Brad?"

A pained look crossed my face as the realization set in. She was right. Claire smiled with delight as she watched my eyes begin to burn with jealousy while Vanessa held the lingerie up to her chest once again.

Chelsea found a pair of shiny golden handcuffs on one of the displays. "Look at these, Victoria," she remarked as she held up the real, functioning pair of cuffs.

"Oh my God, Vanessa, you have to get these," Victoria said excitedly as she grabbed the gold handcuffs.

"Why?" Vanessa asked curiously. I was also intrigued to hear the reason.

"You wear it as an awesome fashion accessory! Let me show you." Victoria reached down and clasped one of the handcuffs around Vanessa's ankle. It clicked locked. "You lock this one around your ankle, and leave the other one hanging free!" The other cuff dangled from the chain, resting even with her heel, just an inch off the floor.

"Oh yes, that suits you so well," Chelsea agreed readily.

"Really?" Vanessa was unsure, but also kind of intrigued. She'd never seen a pair of handcuffs hanging off someone's ankle as a fashion statement before.

"Definitely. Guys are going to think it's so hot when you walk around school with it. Try walking around with it now."

Vanessa took a few steps around the store. She couldn't help but grin as the gold handcuff clanked against her heel, dangling off her ankle. She kind of felt like a fashion runway model as the girls gushed over how good it fit her.

"Guys are going to think you're sooo adventurous," Victoria said, excitedly grabbing Vanessa's arm as she returned to the checkout line. She reached down with the little gold key and unlocked the pair of handcuffs, then held them up with a finger. "You HAVE to get them!"

"But... Milksop's only buying me underwear," Vanessa said hesitantly. Victoria shut me down before I could react.

"Milksop is your boyfriend, he should be buying you stuff all the time, not just what he HAS to buy you." The blonde turned back towards me, looking at me with her piercing blue eyes, dangling the handcuffs off a finger. "Besides, if he doesn't buy them for you, I bet Brad wouldn't mind buying them for you!"

Victoria knew how to play me like a fool. As soon as she said that, I pulled my cash out of my pocket. "I'll buy them for you, babe," I said as fast as I could.

"Aww, you would? Even though you don't have too?" Vanessa asked sweetly.

"Of course, I want to make you happy," I answered proudly. Vanessa leaned back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I felt so chuffed!

At the checkout counter, I had to pull out more of my summer savings to pay. Not only for the handcuffs and lingerie set - but I also had to pay for a big pile of panties they picked out. It was my first time seeing the types of panties Vanessa wore, and my eyes were wide open. Lots of skimpy, sexy panties with lace and frills. Lots of bright, multi-colored g-strings - black and pinks, red and white, eye-catching neon green. Lots with words on them, too: Bad girl, xxx babe, lucky you, slippery when wet, naughty girl, EZ Lay, Spank Me. I had no idea Vanessa wore such trashy, suggestive underwear!

"You can wear THESE for Milksop," Victoria said with a nudge as she held up a pair that read: 'All you can eat' across the front. Vanessa chuckled.

Claire slapped my hand when I tried to help unload the panties. "You're not allowed to look at her panties!" She shouted loud enough for the cashier to hear, and I quickly looked away with embarrassment and handed over my cash shyly. I didn't get much change back. My summer savings fund was quickly becoming depleted.

Meanwhile, my mom was having a little shopping experience of her own. She was at Jean’s Boutique, a women's clothing store that sold lots of fashionable dresses and outfits, as well as a nice selection of lingerie (most of it French style.)

One of the managers had struck up a conversation about my mom's shirt as she was shopping. "Oh, it's a play on words? And you said BBC stands for BB's Channel?" The man asked curiously.

"That's right! It's my new slogan!"

"Haha, funny! So you're that adult showgirl, on that one channel... The one named... What was it again? Oh, yea! Naughty Becky, right?"

"Umm, yes, that's me! Though I prefer the term news anchor," my mom corrected him gently. She cringed a bit from being referred to as an 'adult showgirl,' even though it was starting to sound more and more like an apt description of her.

"News Anchor?" He asked skeptically as he glanced down at her t-shirt once again, her large breasts breathing beneath the 'I (heart) BBC' slogan. "You're on the late-night channel though, right? The one where all those guys lined up to spank you, right?"

"Uhh, yes, that's the one, heh," my mom laughed nervously as she brushed her hair over her shoulder. The man changed the subject. He noticed that she was getting nervous, and he didn't want to scare her away.

"Right! Well, believe it or not, I'm actually the owner of this store," the well-dressed businessman said proudly. Becky's eyes lit up!

"Wow, the owner! What an honor to meet you! Are you Jean?"

"Haha, no, Jean’s Boutique is just the name of the store. I'm John."

"Well, it's such a pleasure to meet you, John! I love your store," She said excitedly.

"Oh, please! The pleasure is mine," the man said as my mom gushed with excitement. He noticed how giddy she was. "Say, how would you feel about getting a bit more exposure?"

Now Becky's eyes really lit up. A news reporter's entire career depended on being recognized and getting lots of exposure! "Oh wow, I'd tell you that I'm VERY interested," she answered excitedly. "Anything to help me gain more recognition!"

The manager smiled, pleased with her response. "That's excellent!" He could tell it was going to be very easy to exploit the big-titted MILF. "I've been looking for a model to showcase some of our clothing selections. And, seeing how you already shop here, you'd be a great choice!"

"A model!" My mom was practically eating out of the manager's hands.

"It'd be great exposure for you and could help your name become more familiar with new crowds," the manager said, enticing the blond more and more.

"Let me give you my number," my mom said in a hurry, pulling out a pen and notebook from her purse. "My cell, my personal, and here's my work number. My manager will answer if I'm filming when you call." She wrote down the numbers, then wrote down her name. She decided to write her name as 'Naughty Becky,' just to be sure the manager didn't forget who she was. She was sure a prestigious business owner like him must have gotten lots of models' numbers, so she had to be sure he didn't forget which Becky she was.

"I'll be in touch, I'm sure we can set something up for next week," he said as he took the paper from her.

"Thank you so much!" My mom continued gushing how much she loved the store and looked forward to the opportunity to model whatever outfits he wanted. She felt so lucky to have built a strong work connection! Little did she know she'd be expected to model the outfits live, standing in the display windows like some sort of living bimbo mannequin, posing for people shopping around the store.

After shopping, Vanessa and my mom had a hair and nail appointment while the cheerleaders took off. I was relieved to have the vicious girls gone, but also things got a little bit awkward with just myself, Vanessa and my mom walking around the mall. There were lots of catcalls (which both my mom and Vanessa were very flattered and flirtatious with the catcallers, giving them lots of waves and winks). When we walked into the salon - Vanessa on my left, my mom on my right, both wearing 'I (heart) BBC' shirts - all the girls in the salon looked me up and down, then burst out in a laugh.

"Here for our hair appointment," my mom said sweetly as we walked to the counter. Both girls were getting their hair touched up - Vanessa was getting her hair bleached blonde again, to make sure it stayed very blonde (even though it looked so obviously dyed with her tan Latina complexion) while my mom was just getting touch-ups.

"Sure thing! Will you be getting the head massage and your nails done, too?"

"Definitely," my mom answered, handing the hostess her credit card.

"Love your shirts, very fun," the hostess said as she waved my mom and Vanessa to the back. "And here you go, little guy. Have a seat. Your mommy and her friend will be back soon!" She handed me a coloring book that was obviously meant for little children. It felt so belittling, but I was too shy to say anything as I sat on the waiting area with my children's book that had already been scribbled on with crayons. I heard saw the girls whispering and giggling at me as I sat down. I felt really out of place. I couldn't wait to leave the mall.

While I sat there fiddling with the dumb book, Vanessa and my mom chatted together and enjoyed having their hair and nails done.

"It's so fun being able to do such girly stuff, even with Milksop," Vanessa said sweetly.

"Milksop enjoys girly activities," my mom said, trying to build me up in front of my girlfriend. She thought that having me show interest in Vanessa's activities would strengthen our relationship.

Vanessa looked over at me, sitting in the waiting area fumbling with the coloring book. "Ya, that's one thing I love about him! It's so nice having someone paint my nails and help me with my make-up before I go out," she said with a smile.

When we were finally finished at the mall, my mom dropped me off at home before driving to the last (and biggest) appointment of the night: the cosmetic clinic. The same one where my mom got her new, extra-large breast and ass implants just a few weeks prior. It was time for the girls to get their bimbo lip injections.


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Reply #74 on: November 21, 2019, 11:28:43 AM

Pretty shitty stealing the hard work of one of the only authors constantly producing quality content in this genre. That's how you end up with 0 new quality  content being produced because people stop or don't see the point starting with people like you stealing their stuff. Sad...