Author Topic: Bully Takes a Bite Out of Mom (Story)  (Read 38535 times)

Fearless Wretch

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on: January 31, 2021, 02:45:06 AM
Hello, this is fearless wretch with another story. This patron has no qualms about anonymity and goes by the name, "uglyfucker." They commissioned this story and are generously sharing it with you. A .pdf file of the entire story can be found at the bottom of this first post, and you may need to be logged in to see it.

The story involves: race play, corruption, defeat, mom/son incest vibes, and humiliation.
Everyone involved in the story is 18+.

She was graceful; bounding on long, lithe legs. My heart pounded in my chest like an engine, pumping cold blood through my arteries as the bottoms of my feet collided with the pavement below. Every pound of fatty muscle on her body jiggled tantalizingly in front of me; as if she were taunting me with every salacious movement of her buxom, athletic body. We raced, as we always did. I could never catch her but I was always content with chasing her. We were always alone, her and I, with no one else I had to compete against, no one else I had to fend off. She giggled as she turned her head toward me and smiled; her eyes catching the misty, morning sunlight like diamonds.

Her smiling face shone brighter to me than the sunrise, and despite my freezing aches and pains screaming for reprieve my feet never stopped. I drank in lung-fulls of frigid air as we played; my mind carefree and my heart overflowing with love for her as we galloped like two deers in a glade. The distance between us grew and the sounds of her laughter began to fade. I tried to call out to her but my lungs were empty and my muscles were burning when I saw it. A figure tall and muscular emerged and chased after her. She must have thought it was me still behind her, the footsteps she could hear belonging to that of her beloved son, and not those of this imposing, mysterious predator bounding after her.

In my distress I ran after her, calling out to her with my ragged, breathless voice. Her bare buttocks wobbled as she pranced like a prize on a string as the pale, muscular figure gained on her with a primal fury in his movements. They rounded the corner far ahead of me after my mother continued to squeal and giggle. My body failed me and I could do nothing but frantically drink in air as my entire body throbbed in pain; mom’s distant, playful laughter falling silent. Alarms rang in my head and my feet pounded the pavement with a frenzy as I exerted the last of my energy through my legs, the silence deafening me as my heart fluttered with fear in my chest. As I grew closer and closer to the bend in the trail I could hear her moaning, panting, coupled with the sounds of flesh being slapped and the hoarse grunting of a man. The chorus of immoral lust filling my ears moments before I blinked. My head shot up and I inhaled sharply before mom glanced over at me as she drove.

“You sleep okay, sweetie?” She asked.

I nodded sleepily as my mind struggled to process what just happened, and I turned to look out the window. I sighed with relief. We were moving, mom and I, and she took me with her so we could live closer to her work. The news was a blessing, despite mom delivering it to me with trepidation; she thought I was like most people my age and didn’t like moving. She had no clue I was over the moon when she told me we’d be leaving my old school behind, my old life, and that she was taking me with her, far and away from those that tormented me. My mother was always beautiful, and this always created problems. She was about as tall as I was, but practically dwarfed me in size with her wide hips, meaty thighs, and plump breasts filling out her ample, lightly-tanned body. I was scrawny and lanky; few could see the resemblance in us, but I didn’t care. She was my mom, and despite her beauty, she was the kindest and most forgiving woman I knew.

Too forgiving at times perhaps, when even the others from school forced me to take them home so they could ogle her, and she thought they were my friends. They taunted me constantly at school, and bullied me into letting them lap their eyes all over her as she did housework when I was home. This wasn’t all I had to endure as well, as my mother enjoyed the attention from many different men everywhere, and was almost constantly at the center of it wherever we went. I grew jealous, and protective of her over time, but could do little to stop them should she occasionally invite one of them over to spend the night.

“We’re here, mijo!” Mom said excitedly as she parked the rental van.

We stepped out and looked at our new home, and for a moment, I felt a glimmer of hope that I could finally live a peaceful life with mom. She smiled warmly at me and I could feel myself beginning to blush. She put her wavy, brown hair in a ponytail and unlocked the padlock before opening the van, revealing a small mountain of furniture from our old house. I was exhausted just looking at it, and my mother quickly went to work carrying it into our new home. Her curvy body was put to use as her almost stoutly form flexed and bended under the weight of every box she carried; beads of sweat forming on her immaculate, tanned skin as she worked. I could scarcely maintain her pace and before long I had to make the decision to stop before my body gave out.

My mom was inside the house when I sat on the pavement and caught my breath. The sun was high in the sky and the quiet suburban atmosphere was peaceful. I barely made out the faint, mechanical clicking of a bicycle before I turned my head and collided with a wheel and my brain rattled in my skull. I was still seeing stars when a boy’s voice could be heard.

“You nearly bent my fuckin’ wheel!”

As my vision returned to me I looked up from the ground to see a boy roughly my age with white skin and short, blonde hair hunched over, inspecting a bike.

“What the fuck were you doing there?” He said, in a thick, Russian accent.

I could barely croak out a response before he pivoted to look at me.

“If you broke my fucking bike, I’ll fuck you up.” His blue eyes leering in anger as he spoke.

My head was still throbbing when I could hear my mom’s voice from the front door.

“Who’s this, mijo? Did you make a new friend already?” Mom asked as she stepped across the lawn to meet us.

I was looking at her but I could clearly see from the corner of my eye that the Russian boy’s gaze was fixated on her as well. Mom gasped and bent down low toward me with my face in her hands.

“Oh, mijo, what happened to you?” She pleaded in her worried, motherly voice.

I glanced over at the Russian boy and saw his eyes running down and up, and back down over mom from behind, and I swallowed hard.

“I- uh.” I stuttered.

“I was letting him ride my bike.” He stammered out.

Mom turned her head to him and smiled before looking back to me and brushing her fingers softly across my forehead. She was squatting in front of me with her knees apart and I could tell she was inadvertently giving this guy a show as she tended to me; licking a tissue in her hand before gently rubbing my forehead. Her ample buttocks and thighs straining against the material of her yoga pants as she fawned over my injury.

“He fell over the handlebars and hit his face against the wheel when the bike stopped.” The boy continued.

I don’t know why I didn’t dispute him. Perhaps it was my injury that rattled my brain, or my innate fear of boys my age as some form of post traumatic stress, but I remained silent before mom decided I was done helping her for now.

“Are you moving? I could help you move your things.” He said hesitantly, unsure of what my mom would say.

“Oh that’s alright mijo. What would people think if I took boys off the street to move my things for me?” She laughed softly as she spoke.

“It’s nothing. I can move everything no problem!” He announced proudly in his thick accent.

Mom beamed at him and placed a hand on one of his broad shoulders before leading him behind the rental van. She showed him the furniture we hadn’t moved yet, but his stare was fixated on her wide ass.

“So do you think you can handle this?” Mom asked, with her hands on her hips.

“Oh, I think I can.” He said, as he rearranged his dick in his shorts with his hand.

“I’m Maria by the way. Maria Dominguez, and that’s my son, Sergio.” She said, before offering her hand.

“I’m Viktor, it’s nice to meet you.” He replied, taking her tiny hand in the same one he rearranged himself with..

I looked down at the asphalt when the two of them disappeared into the back of the van before reappearing with boxes and furniture in their hands. Viktor looked strong, stronger than mom, yet was always slightly slower than her at leaving the van or the house, and trailed just behind her to ogle her backside. His eyes were practically glued to her buttocks at every possible moment, and before long, mom’s outfit was almost drenched with sweat. Her golden skin glistened with sweat as her blouse revealed more than I was comfortable with during their exertions. On more than one occasion I watched him carefully as he eyed her hungrily like she was a piece of meat as she bent low and flexed high with her shapely body jiggling with every movement. I could scarcely keep up with their pace, and the two of them appeared from out of the van with mom’s huge mattress in their hands.

“I can help with that mama.” I said, already feeling inadequate.

“It’s okay sweetheart, I’ve got it.” She hummed, before carefully guiding herself backwards through the threshold of the front door.

I followed them, ready to attend to my mother the moment she needed my meager help, but they practically glided up the stairs with how strong Viktor was. I could tell my mom was both pleased and relieved to have this kind of help. When the three of us made it to mom’s bedroom, they dropped the mattress down onto the box spring with an exhausted sigh of relief and mom wearily kicked the mattress straight with one leg. It must have been heavier than I thought, as she had to instead lean forward and push it with her hands as Viktor shoved it with both knees using a thrusting motion. I don’t know if it was my paranoia or my perversion, but in that moment what they were doing was not unlike sex; with my mom bent over grunting as he bucked his hips forward with the bed creaking into place. I felt my cock stir and took a step away as mom sighed in satisfaction at their hard work. Viktor looked at her buttocks with the corner of his eye.

“That should do it, mijo. Thank you again for your help.” She said as she fanned her face with her hand.

“It’s nothing, Mrs. Dominguez, really.” He admitted, leaning forward with his arms apart to hug her.

“Oh I’m too sweaty, mijo!” She pleaded before leaning toward him and wrapping her arms around his wide chest.

“It’s good! It’s good for you!” He declared, flexing his arms sarcastically as mom giggled.

I could feel my stomach turning as I watched him flirt with her, and went away toward the myriad boxes that had all of our possessions. Mom walked him toward the front door as they spoke and I pretended to be busy unpacking.

“Are you hungry Viktor?” She asked him, before turning to me. “You want to get something to eat, mijo?”

“I am- little hungry.” He said with a smirk that made my mom smile.

“Yeah.” I said dejectedly, while looking away from them.

“Let’s go get something to eat.” Mom announced, her keys jingling in her hand.

Viktor briefly placed his hand on the small of my mom’s back as he guided her through the front door before I followed the two of them out. I made my way toward the rental van before I turned my head to see him waiting for her as she locked the front door. His head went down and back up, before going back down and resting his gaze on her sweaty backside.

“I have to return the van and get our car, and then we can go grab something.” She said as the two of them walked toward the van.

“Your son- he doesn’t drive?” Viktor spoke as he picked up his bike.

Mom glanced up at me and smiled weakly.

“Oh, no he doesn’t. Not yet anyway.” She replied.

“Can I leave my bike here?” He asked, walking his bike toward the side of our house.

“Of course, mijo. This is a good neighborhood, right?” She said as she closed the back of the van and locked it.

I climbed in before Viktor and sat in between the two of them the entire drive. Despite being in the middle, I felt practically invisible as the two of them talked about the area, places to eat, and sights to see. Mom was always sociable, but I wished with every fiber of my being that she wasn’t with every question Viktor asked about her, with each little detail about her becoming known to him. I felt violated as this complete stranger who struck me with his bike suddenly made a space for himself in our life. He forced himself onto us. Onto my mom. I felt a growing weight in my chest as it felt like my old life all over again; fending off countless guys away from mom without her knowledge. I could barely stand to look at him and each time I did I was struck with the same feeling of dread I felt when the worst of my tormentors conquered my mom.

It was a Saturday night when three guys from school were watching a movie with us in our living room. My mom had too much to drink that evening and was both on the receiving end of constant flirtatious remarks, and minutes from passing out. The bathrobe she wore over her nightgown fell open at one point and the guys could clearly see her breasts in her short, velvety dress and that it had ridden up to her hips, revealing her bare legs and buttocks clad in a frilly, pink thong. I wanted to cry out to her but the three of them had threatened me several times beforehand, and would likely beat me senseless again had I warned her. I was frozen in terror and anticipation when mom announced she was going to bed, and the three of them made a show of hugging and kissing her goodnight. When she bent low to kiss my forehead, they each took a look up her gown and one of them even lifted it up for a better view. Two of them elbowed the biggest and oldest among us, David, to follow my mom to her bedroom.

I remember the feeling of the cold blood in my clammy hands when I saw the look on their faces, their devious grins, as he closed her bedroom door behind him. One of them muted the television as the other crept up to put his ear to the door, and after a few moments of silence we could hear some murmuring on the other side. Mom squealed and I shot up to my feet but froze in place. Mom moaned and the telltale sounds of spanking could be heard followed by the creaking of her bed, as if weight was being shifted around. More smacking sounds of different timings rang out from the other side of the door as well as my mother’s gasps and squeaks. They were both at the door now with their ears pressed up against it when the bed creaked again, and was then followed by more, steadier, rhythmic sounds from her mattress. I fell to my knees and nearly fainted when the sounds picked up a faster pace and were accented with fleshy slaps and lustful moans from mom. One of them opened the door and through the narrow opening I could see David’s wet, red cock glistening as he rammed my mother from behind with a hunger in his eyes. Her bare, tanned buttocks rippling under his assault as he bucked his hips greedily against her. I broke down into tears when the two filmed her with their phones as they tugged at their dicks; the worst among them eagerly defiling my drunken mom as she moaned like a whore while he churned her warm, wet hole with his fat root. I had to endure hours of listening to the sounds of my tormentor repeatedly conquering my loving mother again and again well after she passed out.

The morning after was just as horrible as the night before as I remember waking up to the sounds of my mom’s bed creaking spastically. David having apparently decided to wake my mom up for breakfast the only way he knew how, and the sounds of mom getting her breeding hole pumped full of cock filled the house. For months I was subjected to ridicule from everyone, and had to ignore David paying my mom visits whenever she let her guard down. Eventually she broke up with him, but this inadvertently caused me to suffer worse punishment at their hands, and my mom was none the wiser. I endured their beatings, their torture for my mother’s sake. I wanted her to think I was strong; that I was capable of withstanding anything. I wanted her to see me as a man, but I knew that I was naive. And foolish.

We reached the place where mom rented the van, and Viktor and I waited outside as she went in. The silence was palpably uncomfortable, but was soon broken.

“Your mother- she is single?” Viktor asked.

I stared angrily at him without moving my head to face him and didn’t reply.

“If your mother is single, I will fuck her. I will fuck her good, I think.” He said as he stroked his chin, looking through the glass doors to stare at her.

I remained silent as the both of us looked longingly at her backside from where we stood.

“I will fuck her fat ass, and you won’t get in my way. You get in my way? I will fuck you up.” He continued, while turning to look back at me.

He towered over me. I was lanky and scrawny, but he was tall and muscular for his age. The only indication of his youth betrayed by his boyish face and square jaw. I couldn’t stand to look at him.

“Okay, you boys ready?” Mom asked, as she exited the building.

“Ready for a good meal.” Viktor said, making a show of patting his stomach as he stared at her lecherously.

Mom passed him and led us to her car. We were both concentrating on the way her ass wobbled in her yoga pants that we hardly heard what she said before she turned around and asked us again.

“Did you hear me?”

I blinked hard before clearing my throat, “Sorry, what?”

“I asked if you wanted Mexican. Viktor, do you like Mexican food?” She asked, looking at each of us.

“Mexican? Oh I love Mexican.” He said, kissing his fingertips sarcastically.

Mom gave him her warm, motherly smile before she got into the car. I wanted to sit next to her in front, but I didn’t want to make a scene with Viktor having already decided and I sat in the back behind him. Mom’s ample buttocks and thighs filled her seat deliciously and I could tell he was drinking in the sight at every moment he could get away with it. They wobbled and jiggled with every step of the brake, and his erection was beginning to grow visibly in his shorts before he conveniently hid it underneath the containers of food. We came back home and ate at the table in our empty kitchen, and Viktor continued disarming my mom with fond exchanges. After a long and painful dinner with our uninvited guest, he left despite his protests and continued offers of help. Thankfully mom was too polite to take advantage of his premeditated kindness, and shooed him out the door. What I could do without however was seeing her kiss him on the cheek goodbye before he left. I grimaced at my food and I felt like I wanted to puke.

“He was nice, wasn’t he?” Mom asked as she tiptoed back to the table.

“Yeah, I guess. It was his fault I got hurt you know.” I said, practically scowling with disgust.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 02:55:29 AM by Fearless Wretch »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #1 on: January 31, 2021, 02:45:17 AM
“Oh? What do you mean?”

“He ran me over with his bike and lied to you about it. I don’t want him around us anymore.” I said, anger growing steadily in my voice.

Mom dropped the styrofoam containers in the trash impatiently before looking at me unamused and sighed.

“Sergio, you’re going to have to learn to make friends one way or another. People make mistakes, and mijo, if even half of what you’re saying is true then why would he be so nice as to help us move things? He can’t all be bad.” Mom chided, her hands on her hips as she stood facing me.

“He just wants to get in your pants. They all do-”

“Sergio Alejandro Dominguez! You will not say that about your mother! If you have a problem with me talking to men you can say it now, because I won’t let you take that tone with me and get away with it, mijo!” She scolded, her finger pointed at me.

I couldn’t bear to look at her for longer than a glance, and I stared at my food in humiliation. I loved my mom, and it was my love for her that loosened my lips in jealousy. I was a fool.

“Lord knows I still have needs after your father left, mijo! But if you think I’m going to sleep with every boy I meet you can pack your things. I won’t make you live with me if you think I’m a whore.” Mom worked herself into a fury at this point.

I knew I had to say something to quell her anger, and I resolved to look at her.

“Mama. I’m sorry-”

“You’re not sorry yet, mijo!”

“I am sorry, mama. What I said wasn’t what I meant.”

“What did you mean then mijo? Tell me what you really think of me.” Mom hissed, the items in the box clattering as she angrily searched them.

“I didn’t lie to you, Viktor really hit me with his bike. I saw how he looked at you. I just want you to be safe, mama. I love you.” I pleaded, still seated in my chair.

Mom dropped the things from her hand back into the box in defeat. There was a long pause before either of us said anything and I looked at her. She looked gorgeous, even now, with one hand over her face that smoldered with disappointment and exhaustion. I hated it when she was angry with me, and it twisted my heart in knots seeing her this way, but I loved her. I wasn’t the best son but she is far and away the best mom I could have ever asked for.

“I do love you mama. I know I say stupid things but it-”

“Hush, mijo. No more. Go look for your things and start unpacking. Start with your toothbrush and your blankets.” She said, not looking away from the box in front of her.

“Okay.” I said as I got up from my chair and approached the boxes.

“Go put your food away first, mijo.”

“Sorry.” I lamented, turning on my heels to do as she said.

I always managed to look like an idiot in front of her, but she was always forgiving. She used to be more patient with me, but these days it felt like I was doing everything wrong. Like I didn’t live up to her expectations. I couldn’t entertain those thoughts for long before I couldn’t bear the anxiety they gave me, and I buried them deep. I loved her, more than anything. I hoped I would never have to make the decision between losing her as my mother, or losing her respect and I busied myself with doing everything she asked. I hated myself; I hated that I wasn’t strong, or smart, or brave, or handsome. I wanted my mom to love me. Not like she does now, as my mom; I wanted her to really love me. I wanted to see that look in her eyes again whenever I accomplished something she was proud of, I wanted to see that glimmer of pride and love more often. I knew everything was my fault up until now between us, and in the darker parts in my mind I knew she needed a man to replace me in her life. Someone that could give her everything she needed. She was young and beautiful and smart, and she knew it. It pained me to think I was holding her back; like I was her ball and chain that she needed to escape from.

I went to bed that night with waves of guilt washing over me like a cold bath. The night after a fight with mom was always the hardest and I tried my best to fight my darkest thoughts away before I started crying. I heard a soft knocking on my door and I turned over on my side to face it.

“Mijo, are you awake?” Mom asked, her head peeking out of my bedroom door.

“Yeah.” I said, quickly wiping the gathering tears away with my blanket.

“Can I come in?” She whispered.

“Yeah.” I replied, my heart eagerly dancing in my chest as I knew what was coming next.

My favorite part after a fight however was making up. Mom was always extra sweet and gentle with me even if it was my fault; which it was, most of the time. She tiptoed to my bed and sat on the edge as the mattress and blankets sunk under the weight of her body. She wore a black, sheer nightgown, and from what I could tell, nothing else. I swallowed the saliva in my mouth and thanked God it was dark enough in my room that she couldn’t easily see my eyes.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you, Sergio.” She admitted, her dainty hands resting on the blanket in front of me.

“It’s okay mama, it was my fault. I should’ve been more careful with my words. I really didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did; I just hate the way men look at you. I worry.” My voice low, nearly a whisper.

“I know mi amor. I know how protective you can get; you’re just like your father. I just wanted a fresh start for us when we moved here, and it felt like we were fighting over old stuff all over again.” She whispered, her hand gently stroking the part of my forehead that was struck earlier.

“Did he really hurt you, mijo?” She asked, her voice as soft as satin.

“It’s no big deal. I was being a wimp. It didn’t even hurt.” I said nonchalantly.

“I know you used to have some problems with the others before we moved, and I made some mistakes.” She paused, as if she were going to continue.

“It’s okay mama. I love you. This is a new start, remember? I want to make you happy, and that stuff is in the past now.” I almost brought tears to my own eyes as I spoke.

I heard my mom sniffle before she leaned toward me and kissed me between the eyes. Her plush lips were soft and she held them against my skin firmly and lingered before they parted; the breath from her nose tickling my face as she gently stroked my ears with her thumbs. Even in the darkness I could plainly see her heavy breasts moving freely in her gown and my cock stirred. I was glad I had a blanket over me because I was nearly instantly erect as my body responded to hers.

“I love you too, mijo.” She whispered as she smiled affectionately.

She got up and the light from the hallway shone through her nightgown and revealed her delicious silhouette within the diaphanous fabric. I could clearly see her bare ass and thighs as she walked to the door, and my cock throbbed painfully and longingly in my hand. She turned to face me before she closed the door entirely and blew me a kiss. I pictured her kissing the tip of my cock and it throbbed again under the blanket.

“Good night, mi amor.” She whispered.

“Good night, mama.”

Before the click of the door closing even reached my ears, I was furiously tugging at my rigid cock with the image of my mom in her see-through gown still fresh in my mind. The big, meaty, bare ass, her breasts shifting freely, her plush, wet kiss; I barely lasted a minute before I shot rope after rope into my blanket. I was left panting in the dark as the waves of dopamine washed over me and my orgasm subsided with my dick twitching the last drops of cum into my bedding. I knew the dreams I would have of her tonight were going to be tender and sweet.

The cool, morning light shone through my window as I rubbed my eyes awake, eager to start the day. Last night was a treat, and I had high spirits and high testosterone after mom’s private little show for me and I was anxious to see what she was wearing today. The birds chirped as I crept through the new house; taking in my surroundings and inhaling the chemical smell of new paint and carpeting, and I could hear water running elsewhere in the house. I tiptoed toward the noise before finding myself in front of mom’s bedroom door. I opened it to find her bedroom empty, and was pleased to see her bathroom door left cracked open as I gave in to my baser instincts and searched the floor. My heart skipped a beat when I found out I wasn’t seeing things, and that mom was in fact naked last night under her sheer nightgown for it was the only thing that was on the floor next to her bed. I was delighted. I held the meager fabric up to my face and inhaled to my lung’s capacity. I was intoxicated nearly instantly and my dick came alive in my shorts as I inhaled more of mom’s scent before either my courage or my shamelessness boiled over and I crept up to the bathroom door. I leaned forward and attempted to reveal as little of my head as possible as my eyes strained against the foggy, textured glass door and was rewarded with the bare, naked shape of mom showering. The air was warm and damp, and the smell of her shampoo caused my cock to twitch as I stared, hypnotized by her vague silhouette through the glass. The blurry, tan figure mere inches away from me as she ran her hands all over her smooth, soapy body as if she were preparing herself for someone. I liked to pretend it was me she was thinking about when she ran her hands over her skin, but I knew that never happened. I was content with the thought of her as my mother and no one else’s and my perverse curiosity and my jealous heart were sated, and I quietly left her room.

I stepped into the living room and went to work unpacking a few kitchen items that were left still in boxes with our other belongings, and before long mom came in wearing her usual jogging outfit of a jacket and yoga pants. She was zipping her top up as she greeted me and asked if I wanted her to make me breakfast.

“I don’t think we packed much food. I think there’s some pop-tarts in one of these boxes though.” I said, trying my best not to stare too much at mom.

Mom expertly rummaged through one of the boxes and fished out a box before handing me some and opening one for herself. We sat together and ate our breakfast as she told me everything she had planned for our new house, and asked me if I wanted to join her for her morning run.

“No thank you, I want to set up my stuff in my room and it could take all day.”

“Alright mijo. When I come back I’m gonna go to the grocery store and would appreciate it if you moved some of the furniture around the way I wanted it. I’ll see you later baby.” Mom said as she left through the front door.

I watched her plump ass wobble in her tight, form-fitting pants as she moved. The darker side of me briefly fantasized about her attracting the attention of someone more debased and dangerous than me, and my cock twitched again in my shorts. I darted up to my room with one of my boxes in my arms, eager to unload its contents before movement outside my window had caught my eye. I was both surprised and pleased to find out I could still see mom from this vantage point, and I stared longingly at her backside as I idley stroked my cock through my shorts. Seconds later I saw what looked like someone on a bike coming toward her from the opposite direction, and my fears were confirmed when mom waved at them. It was Viktor. Mom continued the direction she was running without stopping, but I watched as he circled around to ride some distance behind her. I knew he was ogling her, and he was even brazen enough to follow her on his bike for a while before they broke line of sight. Seconds later however, I could see him tearing down the street with his bike coming toward my house. I quickly tossed my box under my bed and went back to the window to see what the bastard was up to. I lost sight of him but could hear strange noises coming from the side of my house, and it sounded like a vague thumping. Like a sailor on a deck, I ran from one side of my house to the other to locate the source of the noise as I frantically peeked out each window to no avail. Suddenly, I heard mom’s window rattling before I burst through her bedroom door to find the invader. Fear froze me where I stood within the doorway, and Viktor was climbing through the window with one foot already planted on the carpet.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I shouted, in a poor attempt to scare him off.

He didn’t answer me until he was fully in our house and popped the window screen further off its hinges for later escape.

“I’m just taking a little souvenir.” Viktor said, grinning as his eyes darted around mom’s bedroom.

“Get out! Get the fuck out!” I hollered, stepping toward him as if I were to strike.

He hardly telegraphed his movement before his fist collided with my solar plexus, and I crumpled to the ground as I heaved. The pain in my abdomen was quickly eclipsed by the burning sensation in my lungs as I gasped for breath with my body still struggling to address the blow I took. My chest heaved and my mouth was agape like a suffocating fish but no air could make it to my lungs as Viktor swiftly went over to mom’s dresser drawers. I was left clutching my stomach as his hands dug through piles of frilly, lacy, and silky panties of various colors and fabrics; all smelling the same as mom. He held handfuls of her panties to his face, inhaling deeply before he squeezed his cock through his pants with his mouth open in lust. He tore through the other drawers, admiring her bras and lingerie collection, holding each piece up before him as if he were imagining her wearing them. He had mom’s see-through nightgown that she wore last night up to his nose and mouth when he turned at the waist to see her laptop on her desk. The vials of makeup and lipstick clattered and tumbled as he hastily sat down and pulled the screen open to wake the computer. My heart sank and my blood grew cold when I remembered mom never put a password on her laptop, and I could see the corners of her wallpaper around the side of Viktor’s back as he clicked the mouse several times.

I was barely able to breathe again and I climbed back up onto my feet as I held myself steady with my hands on the doorway. He moaned something in Russian that I couldn’t understand as I saw one of his hands steadily tugging on his dick from outside of his pants. I could see he had an email open and he quickly began typing before he dragged a bunch of files I couldn’t see onto the window. A few clicks later and he laughed softly to himself; exhaling through his nose in amusement at what he had done before he pulled some of the images back up. They were pictures mom had taken with her phone. Nude pictures. I could hardly see from where I stood but I could plainly make out a photo of mom with her ass pointed at the mirror and another of a close-up shot of her butthole and pussy with her legs open. I struggled to say something with the scant air in my lungs, and could barely manage to croak out a word before I heard the lock on the front door clattering.

Viktor’s head shot over his shoulder at the noise and hastily closed several windows before slapping the laptop shut and darting toward mom’s underwear drawer. I still couldn’t talk to alert mom and instead resorted to haphazardly smacking the wall to get her attention as he tore through her room to escape. Mom saw me beside her bedroom clutching my stomach and quickly stepped toward me before seeing him and gasped.

“What’s going on here? Viktor?” She asked, taken aback by what she was looking at.

She was clearly surprised to see Viktor here, let alone in her room, with me gasping for air like a fish. I strained against my voice box and doubled over to force some sort of noise out of my throat to no avail.

“What’s wrong mijo, are you hurt?” Mom whispered loudly, her hands taking me by the shoulders.

“I’m sorry Ms. Dominguez. Your son- he was rummaging through your things.” Viktor spoke.

Mom looked at him, and I looked at her. The expression on her face when she looked back down at me sent a shiver down my spine and I wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

“Is this true, Sergio? What were you doing?” She asked, surprise quickly giving way to anger in her eyes when I was unable to reply.

I feebly and exhaustedly shook my head several times but to her it must have looked like an admission of guilt.

“He invited me in- but I saw him go to your room. I found him holding this.” He continued.

Viktor was holding in his fist a pair of her frilly, white panties that he had been sniffing only moments ago. Mom cursed under her breath and took them from him before she impatiently turned to me and held them in front of my face.

“This? You wanted this? You are sick, Sergio. Sick.” Mom hissed, fury now having completely clouded her beautiful face.

Viktor looked at us with smug satisfaction as he continued to ogle her backside while she had her face in mine and I physically cringed before her. I endured a string of insults and curses before mom slapped me on the back of the head before a rain of more slaps across my face and ears followed. Mom was still cursing when I made it into my room as her screaming now filled the corridors of our house. I turned to look at her in shame and I knew I made the wrong move, for her wrath had nearly piqued at just the sorry sight of me and she continued berating me with a revitalized irritation. She tore through the house in her rage, tossing my boxes over and pulling the contents out as if she were looking to humiliate me with something. I could scarcely make a noise with what little air I had in my lungs and pleaded with her as she went past me into my room.

“Mom- please. I didn’t do it-” I whispered hoarsely with my ragged voice.

She reappeared from the other side of my bed with my box in her hands and she opened it as if she already knew what was inside. Briefly pausing her string of curses, she dumped the contents of the box onto my bed and I was mortified.

“And your little nudey magazines- your pornos that you stroke your little penis to, all of it!”

Tears welled up in my eyes and the humiliation of it all could nearly be physically felt as mom continued to pour through my stash.

“You’re sick, Sergio. I let you have your little... Little milf magazines, but your own mother, Sergio? Me? You stroke your little penis to me? Ay dios mio, Sergio, this is filth.” Mom said, as the magazine with a Mexican woman with a fat, oiled ass on the cover fell from her pinched fingertips.

“Mama, he broke in-” I croaked.

“No. I don’t want to hear it. Not from you. You sit there and think about how to fix this.” Mom said, leaving my room as she hissed a breath out.

She angrily stomped past Viktor who was now standing in the hallway between mom’s bedroom and mine, and disappeared into her room. Tears ran down my cheeks and I couldn’t even stand up straight when I looked at him and he smirked at me. I could hear mom slamming her dresser drawer shut and cursing when I watched him grin and stroke his cock from outside of his pants before he joined her in her room.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #2 on: January 31, 2021, 02:45:58 AM
I shut my eyes and quietly closed my door; tears now openly falling as my shame twisted itself into a knife in my chest. I could still hear mom’s muffled shouting through the walls of the house and Viktor’s as he was presumably trying to placate her. The thought of him alone with her and consoling her filled me with jealousy and anger, and I vowed to get back at him if not for my own sake, but for my mother’s. She was too good for him, and she was mine. And not his. I wanted him out of our house, out of our life, and I wanted mom to see him for what he truly is; to see what I’ve seen. I knew he was going to tear my mom and I apart if I let him, and every low murmur I heard from him through the door catalyzed my own anger.

Right now however, I had no choice. I had to accept this defeat for now and mull over the possibility that my mom will forever see me differently, and that the humiliation I faced was likely not the end if she was still angry with me tomorrow. I let myself cry. Crouched behind my bed away from the door I quietly mourned over my pride, my privacy, and my relationship with my mom. The sadness didn’t last long in my mind as my feelings of anger and betrayal were being tempered by my jealousy and love for mom.

“I won’t lose her. Not to him.” I swore to myself in a low, barely audible murmur.

When my sobbing and breathing quieted, the deafening silence of my room became more apparent. I don’t know how long I sulked in my room, but after fishing my phone out from under my blankets I saw it had been hours. My emotions had quelled and I was becoming more aware of the fact that Viktor was still in my house, and he was still likely with mom. I had no clue what they were doing or what he would say to her, but the thought of them alone together made my cock stir. I didn’t know exactly what I felt in that moment, but it was some combination of disgust, shame, and depravity. I knew I had to go to bed. I wasn’t thinking clearly, and I had little else to do to pass the time with mom angry with me.

As I lied in bed with my collection of magazines carelessly tossed into a pile on the carpet I struggled to sleep. My thoughts were noisome and my mind disquieted by everything that had happened; being replayed over and over as I contemplated my situation with my eyes closed. Images of mom holding one of my porn mags in her hand made my cock stir and I had enough. I needed to think clearly. I needed to sleep. I ran my hand along the sheets until I found my phone and I turned it on and pulled up the browser. In incognito mode, I typed in the address of my favorite porn site and after a brief pause, I entered in her name. Selena Adams. The porn star that had an uncanny likeness with mom. She was always my favorite shame, and I quickly and expertly navigated to the video that always got me off and I sighed.

The camera followed her ass closely as she slowly walked up a flight of stairs in heels, her hips moving slowly from side to side as if she were taunting me. At the top of the steps, a tall, muscular man who was only wearing a pair of jeans was waiting for her, and held her by the waist briefly before pulling her in for a tongue kiss. He used his calloused hands to pull her butt apart for the camera, and her butthole winked; her small, black g-string leaving little to the imagination. I freed my dick from my shorts and steadily tugged on it under the blankets as the scene continued to unfold, with the woman being bent over the bed as the actor poured oil all over her tanned buttocks and thighs. A close shot of her pussy and butthole panned back to reveal a swollen, veiny, red cock tip eagerly twitching with anticipation as it pointed directly at her entrances and I couldn’t endure it any longer. I ejaculated the moment the wet, red pole disappeared into her suckling orifice and images of Viktor mounting my mom flashed across my mind in an instant. Wave after wave of dopamine washed over my brain like an ice bath as my cock throbbed the last ropes of cum over my knuckles. Mom continued to grunt and moan as he pumped her warm, wet hole. Exhaustedly I closed the app on my phone and caught my breath. It wasn’t my mom. It was just some porn star. It wasn’t my mom. My mind was still processing the images in my head and the phenomenon that made me cum was left unanswered. Sleep had taken me.

I sat up in bed with the sun casting light into my room through the window, and I could smell breakfast being made. I tentatively stepped out of bed and emerged from my room clinging to the hope that mom was no longer angry with me, and that we could begin healing our relationship. I tiptoed toward the kitchen and was delighted to see mom in a pair of tight, pink boyshorts and an apron and my cock instantly sprang to attention in my boxers. I stepped further into the kitchen and saw him. Viktor was sitting at the table on his phone as he vacantly tugged at his cock in his shorts. Mom was quietly humming to herself as she made breakfast and I went up to her to speak. I felt a weight on my chest and no sound could be heard coming from my own mouth despite every attempt to scream and shout. She didn’t even react when I waved my hand in front of her face and I was startled when Viktor appeared beside us, with his cock freed from his shorts and pointed directly at mom’s crevice. I tried to push him away with my hands but I was feeble, and merely pushed my own body away from them with no reaction. Mom flinched in surprise and turned her head back to smile at him as it disappeared into her backside and Viktor’s hands went under her apron to paw at her heavy breasts. The plump shapes deforming under the fabric as he hungrily mauled her milky, lightly-tanned tits with his fingers. He tugged her breasts free from out of the sides of the apron by pinching her succulent, brown nipples and pulling them in different directions. Mom moaned like a whore and he bucked his hips up several times as her fatty, meaty hips were pressed flat against him. She turned the stove off with one hand and lovingly held his head with the other as she hoarsely whispered to him with her mouth agape in lust.

“Breakfast’s ready baby.” She moaned, her hands running along the sides of his body as he kissed her neck.

He took the pan in one hand and separated himself from her before giving her a loud, meaty smack on the ass. He poured the contents of the pan onto a plate before sitting down, his rigid cock still standing straight up. I watched in disbelief as mom moved toward him with an alluring stride before climbing on top of his lap and proceeding to feed him like a baby. He ran his hands hungrily all along her thighs and buttocks as she took forkfuls of food and offered it to him one bite at a time. She would occasionally interrupt feeding him with a loving, motherly kiss on the lips before continuing again. I shouted and screamed, and even tried wrestling my mom away from Viktor, but I was completely powerless. It was as if I wasn’t even here. He thrusted his hips up a few times, causing mom to bounce which elicited a giggle from her as her breasts and body jiggled. They looked like lovers.

“You want to help with my homework?” He asked in his thick accent.

“I’d love to baby.” Mom replied, her voice filled with lust.

I followed them. I don’t know why I did it, but I went with them into the living room that was fully furnished and put together like in our old house and mom strode over to the couch. I watched as she untied her apron before tossing it to the floor and lying on her stomach; she was eagerly holding her buttocks open, with her panties pulled to one side as Viktor knelt over her with his cock in his hand. He lowered himself onto her as he guided his veiny, red root into her before it disappeared in between her ass cheeks as the two of them moaned in tandem. He quickly went to work thrusting into her; the air in her lungs grunting out of her throat under his weight. Mom reached down with one hand and pulled his backpack open and retrieved a textbook.

“W-what ch-chapter a-are y-you o-on b-baby?” Mom stuttered, her breath being forced out of her under the forceful thrusts.

Viktor didn’t reply, and instead grunted as he hastened his pace on top of her while lowering his face next to hers and groaning into her ear.

“Baby you need to concentrate.” She whispered, her voice ragged and breathy.

He opened the book in her hands and turned to a seemingly random page before he stopped thrusting into her and began feverishly kissing the back of her neck, his hips pressed up against her plump buttocks.

“How did Oedipus fulfill his prophetic fate?” Mom asked, her voice now steadied.

Viktor paused with his eyes closed, unmoving as he lied on top of her.

“I don’t know.” He replied before going back to kissing her neck.

“Come on baby, you know this. Remember? From last time?” She whispered.

He paused again as he stared at the back of her head.

“Did he fuck his mother?” Viktor said, remaining motionless.

He then suddenly groaned in surprise and bucked his hips in a single, forceful thrust before continuing to frantically kiss her neck and shoulders.

“Very good baby. Do you remember the rest?” She said, before sucking on her bottom lip as she waited for his response.

“He killed his father, yes?”

Viktor moaned suddenly despite not moving his hips and the two of them remained motionless as he continued to groan and whine on top of her. Mom bared her teeth with her upper lip curled as she was presumably squeezing the base of his cock with her warm, wet hole for every right answer. This went on for several more moments before she daintily flipped to the next page.

“What was he the king of?”

He was left panting with his tongue practically hanging out of his mouth before he somewhat composed himself.


“No baby.” She said, lying still.

Viktor’s eye’s glinted as he looked like an idea had suddenly struck him.

“It was Thebes, yes? And he became king after saving the city from, how you say… A sphinx?”

Mom turned her head partly to face him and smiled warmly; love filling her eyes as her motherly gaze was fixed on his for a moment.

“Very good baby.” She said, her tongue pointed upward, covering her front teeth.

He quickly gasped and grunted hard and it looked like he couldn’t take it any longer before he quickly and brutishly began fucking my mom like an animal. He held her down against the cushions with his hands under her, squeezing her breasts while she held onto the couch with her hands near her head. Mom was squealing and moaning into the seat cushions as he panted hungrily above her head, violating her pink, wet hole with his gnarled, red cock churning her insides. He suddenly lifted his upper body with his hands on my mom’s waist and pressed his entire body weight up against her sweaty backside; her tanned, glistening flesh deforming under his gravity and he held her still as his buttocks flexed and relaxed before flexing once more. I watched him pump ropes of his seed deep into my mom as she lied underneath him panting for air. Viktor stroked her long, brown hair aside to see her face before he placed his hands on her shoulders and grinded a last few pumps into her plump buttocks, my mother quiet as his orgasm subsided. He then lifted himself off of her completely in one motion, and his moist, red cock made an audible, wet pop as it was pulled out from the depths of her alluring crevice. Her panty shorts were still pulled to the side and he smacked her ass before wiping his cock dry with her apron.

My insides felt like I had swallowed shards of glass and my head was spinning. I was seconds from vomiting but I didn’t retch and the cold blood pumping into my skull nearly made me faint. Viktor walked past me completely naked with his cock still glistening and reddened as he disappeared into her room. I watched quietly as mom eventually got up from the sofa slowly before looking around as if she had just woken up. Her eyes were panning around the room as she stuck her hand into the back of her underwear for a few moments before retrieving it to look at her fingers. I watched her sniff at them before licking her fingers and put his book away while picking up the soiled apron. I followed her as the sounds of water running could be heard elsewhere in the house, and she went to work dutifully cleaning the house in her panties. Her bare breasts swaying gently with her movements while she picked up after Viktor like she was his wife. After the house was in an acceptable state, she walked toward her room and I watched as she pulled her panties down to her ankles and joined Viktor in the bathroom.

His feet were sticking up out of the soapy water with his head back and his eyes closed. Mom quietly sat down on the edge of the tub and proceeded to pour more soap into the warm water before dipping a hand in to gently stir at the surface. She leaned further into the bath with her arm now disappearing into the water up to her elbow as she looked into Viktor’s face, his eyes still closed. He groaned in pleasure as mom’s arm pumped steadily beneath the water for several moments before she stood up and climbed over him and into the bath. She was kneeling over him before she lowered herself into the water, with her buttocks descending down in the area where she had her arm. A few moments in which both of mom’s hands were under the soapy water as she was crouched over him was interrupted with a gasp from both of them.

“You made a mess inside me baby. I’m gonna need this to scrub me clean.” Mom moaned.

The surface of the water bowed out over the edge of the tub as she rocked herself up and down on top of Viktor as he grunted in satisfaction, running his hands all over her breasts and body. Mom’s nipples were covered in suds and she pushed up on the edges of the tub with her knees now sticking out of the water as she continued to bounce on top of him.

“Oh yeah mi amor, so fucking deep in me. Ay, you’re so fucking deep inside me.” She said as she bit her bottom lip and bared her teeth.

He continued to obsessively molest her soapy breasts with his hands, the slick flesh slipping and sliding in his grip as hints of brown skin appeared and disappeared underneath the small shroud of bubbles. After several moments, Viktor reached up and pulled my mom down by her hair and she knowingly pulled herself up off of him and followed with her head down into the water. Her wide, soapy, wet buttocks were sticking in the air and out of the water directly at me from where I stood, and I could see the suds gliding around the plump curvature of mom’s hips and ass. He held her hair in his fist and her head disappeared under the soapy water as his arm could be seen moving up and down as bubbles bubbled up to the surface before stopping. Viktor continued to moan and pant for several long moments while mom’s head was still underwater, and he suddenly and loudly groaned before she quickly emerged from the water and gasped for air. She was kneeling on her hands and knees in the bath as she caught her breath and he looked at her.

“I had to clean out that filthy, whore mouth of yours too.”

Mom was wiping the soap out of her eyes.

“Thank you baby.” She said, reaching for a towel with her eyes closed.

After she dried her face she climbed back onto Viktor and kissed him as the two of them were lying in the bath like a bed. I could see his shoulder moving behind her and I could only assume he was groping her under the water as her own arm was gently shaking with a steady rhythm on top of stomach.

“There’s one more place I need to clean.” He said, looking at her with their faces inches apart.

Mom quietly gasped in sarcasm before she smiled and blinked slowly at him.

“Get under me bitch.” Viktor said, suddenly pulling himself out from under her embrace and pushing mom face-down into the water.

Mom held onto the side of the tub with one hand with her head held barely out of the water as he hunched over her. I could see one of mom’s feet emerging from the other side of the soapy bath as she looked like she was trying to steady herself before Viktor was in a push-up position on top of her. He pushed his hips downward and mom moaned for a split second before he pushed her back down under the water suddenly. The bathroom filled with his steady grunting as the water sloshed around in response to his impatient thrusts and I was gripped with fear. How long could she hold her breath, was he hurting her, and was he going to kill her? I knew I could do nothing to stop him and I panicked there in the bathroom as Viktor went to work on my poor mother trapped underneath him in the soapy bathwater. Several anxious moments later he presumably stopped holding her down as she shot up from the water and gasped for breath. She gulped down lungfuls of air at a time before he pushed her back down under the water and went back to work on her, pumping and bucking his hips with glee as all kinds of sounds of pleasure escaped his mouth. When the bubbles stopped, I was filled with fear yet again as this time she was under the water for far longer than before. I screamed into his ear and shouted as I swung my fists at him when mom’s hands came up from the water and attempted to grab onto something. Viktor grunted and hissed as he was now presumably orgasming inside of my mom and after his groaning subsided, mom surfaced from the water yet again, to my relief. She gasped and panted and blindly reached for a towel before holding it to her soapy face.

“Oh baby, you can’t do that to me. You have to let me up for air, mi amor.” Mom said, as she patted her face dry.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #3 on: January 31, 2021, 02:46:21 AM
“You’re fine, bitch. You get tight when you’re scared. So tight it makes me cum hard.” Viktor replied in his butchered English.

“Did you like it?” She asked, turning her beautiful face toward him and smiling with an unusual calmness.

“Yes bitch, I did.” He said matter of factly, before mounting her again.

Mom was on all fours with him crouched on top of her as he began to pump into her again, the small bathroom walls shaking with the two of them grunting in unison as he churned her tight, wet hole open with his veiny, red cock. I turned away from them and waited for them to stop, standing next to the bathroom door like a lonely dog. Eventually they emerged from the bathroom, mom clutching a towel around her gorgeous, wet body, and Viktor following closely behind her completely naked with his cock still fully erect and bobbing as he moved. He left the room and I could hear him going into the kitchen to open the fridge, and the telltale sound of a beer can opening could be heard as I stood in mom’s bedroom with her. Her hair was still wet when she wrapped it into another towel, and the one she wore fell to the ground. She was beyond immaculate.

Her lightly-tanned skin glistened and her breasts hung luridly on her chest like heavy fruits, begging me to devour them; her wide, plump ass wobbling like a prize with every movement. I couldn’t stand it any longer and I lunged toward her and wrapped my arms around her. Her warm, wet skin against mine made my cock twitch to life in my boxers and I could feel the moisture against my underwear as I feverishly humped and grinded against her buttocks. Mom was completely unaware and unphased by what I was doing and continued to pick out lingerie to wear to bed as I hastily fished my cock out of my boxers and pointed it directly at her delicious, brown butthole. Before I could push my cock into her she stood up and pulled a lacy, black thong up around her waist, the fabric disappearing between her greedy, round cheeks and I was denied. My cock continued to twitch expectantly, inches from her heart-shaped ass as she pulled a pair of stockings on and went down to sit on the edge of the bed; having picked out a pair of black high heels and fastening them onto her perfect feet. I watched with my cock still standing fully and painfully erect as she went to her panty drawer and retrieved something. I saw a pair of small, black, heart-shaped pasties in her hand and she carefully applied them to her breasts, covering her nipples with them. I couldn’t handle how drop-dead gorgeous she looked and the image of her brown areola peeking out from the edges of the stickers on her nipples set me over the edge. I tugged at my cock unashamedly when Viktor returned from the kitchen and mom turned to him and smiled; presenting her body to him like an offering. WIthout my knowledge or consent, my own feet and legs moved underneath me as I feverishly pulled at my cock to the sight of my mom.

“Mom, don’t!” I finally said to my own surprise, “Get away from him!”

Mom smiled weakly at me for a moment, looking directly into my eyes before climbing on top of Viktor as he lied in bed with his hands behind his head. I was still shaking and pumping my shaft in my fist when I watched her climb on top of him, pulling the blankets up over the two of them with her high heels sticking out from under the sheets. The bed creaked and shifted as she lined herself up on top of him and he began to buck his hips up. She squealed loudly as if she wanted me to hear; the bedframe steadily beginning to smack against the wall with an impatient rhythm as the shape of the two of them together bounced underneath the fabric. I shot ropes of cum against mom’s bedroom door as the whole house seemingly shook in reaction to Viktor’s thrusts; family photos of mom and I falling to the ground and the glass shattering. Mom whined and screamed and panted as the fleshy sounds of her animalistic love making assaulted my ears and I pounded on the door as it slowly closed. The last thing I saw was mom’s whimpering face pointed upward as the rest of her body was covered by the blanket that violently shook with the lusty pumping Viktor was giving her. I begged for them to stop and hurled my fists against the door in desperation.

I shot up from my bed into sitting in an upright position. The last thing I remember as I awoke was the feeling of despair and defeat coupled with an unyielding lust and I blinked hard. I looked at my phone beside my pillow. It was the day after. The tip of my cock was wet, but I sighed in relief. I knew mom was still angry with me after yesterday and I struggled to build up the courage to leave my room and I listened carefully. Footsteps, and they were coming toward my door. Before I could even get up from my bed my door had swung open and Viktor was standing there, scanning my room before his eyes rested on me.

“This your room?” He asked.

I didn’t answer him. I had barely begun to mentally digest everything that happened yesterday, and seeing him felt like my wounds had just reopened. I sat motionless in my bed as I watched him meander around looking at my belongings, waiting for him to make a move. When he reached one end of my room, he saw the discarded pile of magazines mom berated me over and he exhaled sharply through his nose.

“What do you want?” I asked him impatiently, still sitting upright in bed.

He kneeled down and picked up a few of them and parsed through their contents, flipping through their pages and occasionally pausing to admire what he was seeing. I was growing increasingly uncomfortable just being near him and I got up to leave the room when he spoke.

“This one- she looks like your mother.” Viktor said, holding a magazine open to show a woman with brown skin in a bikini; she was covered in baby oil.

I was embarrassed to see that he found the precise page that compelled me to buy the magazine in the first place, and I reached to grab it from him. He pulled it away from me and continued to taunt me with it before I decided to let him have it and took the other magazines in the pile away from him. He didn’t seem to care and continued to pour over the page with the woman that looked like mom. My stomach turned and I felt disgusted. Viktor pulled his pants down to reveal his sizable cock and he quickly went to work tugging at it while ogling the woman.

“Oh yeah bitch, this looks just like your mother.” He said, his thick accent becoming breathy.

Whispering Russian words to himself under his breath, it didn’t take long for him to cum, and he shot ropes of seed all over the photo. I nearly gasped when I saw this, and I instinctively tried to yank the magazine out of his hands when I realized he was holding onto it more tightly than I thought. He was almost meticulous with his aim, making sure to press the tip of his cock up against the woman’s buttocks and mouth as if the model on the page could feel it. I had not let go of the magazine yet and tried again to wrestle it from him when he suddenly lifted it toward me and shoved the wet page against my face. I recoiled in horror but he followed me backward and continued to rub the cum-stained magazine onto my head. I put my hands up and yelled at him to stop before he presumably realized the noise I was making could be heard by my mom and backed off. I was red-faced and angry and I bolted out of the room to escape him as he laughed at me and picked up my pile of magazines.

“What is all that noise?” Mom asked, her towel barely containing her breasts.

She was standing in the hallway in front of her bedroom with a bath towel wrapped around her curvaceous body and I could tell it was scarcely covering her backside, based on how high the fabric was on her meaty thighs. I was surprised to see her, and somewhat more surprised to see that her expression was mostly free of the fury and irritation from yesterday.

“Viktor is here, he-”

“I know mijo. He said he would get rid of those filthy magazines you keep in your room for me.” Mom said, as if she were casually telling me the news.

“But mom-”

“No Sergio. You should be grateful. Viktor spoke on your behalf yesterday, and I can’t say I’m happy about it. But I understand, mijo. We all go through these things, and especially young boys your age. I’m not mad.”

I tried my best to listen to what she said, but I was growing increasingly distracted by the ambient jiggling of her breasts as she spoke.

“You’re not mad?” I asked, unsure if what I was hearing was a dream, and if I was perhaps still asleep.

“Less mad. I just wish it wasn’t my underwear you took mijo, and in front of company no less. You need self-control, mijo. Too many girls with the big asses in your magazines is unhealthy.”

I was humbled, but also still uncomfortable having this talk with mom. It vaguely aroused me being able to speak openly about pornography and sex with her, but I didn’t want to do it now, much less in front of Viktor. Mom’s head tilted up to look behind me, and I followed her eyes to see Viktor with a small stack of my magazines in his arms as he walked toward the front door.

“Throw these away?” He asked.

“Yes please. I want them out of my sight. Throw them in the trash next to the garage please, mijo.” She replied, waving with one hand.

I turned my head back to face her and she glanced at me before she started toward her bedroom and paused.

“What’s this on your face, mijo?” She asked, her hand gently pulling my chin to turn my head one way and then another.

I pointed my eyes as far into one corner as possible to see if Viktor could see us, and if I should attempt to tell her the truth or not. I saw him standing in the threshold of the front door, and my upper lip nearly curled in revulsion.

“It’s nothing.” I said dejectedly.

Mom wiped the tips of her fingers and ran her thumb along them to feel the consistency of the mystery fluid on my face and head. My stomach felt queasy and my breathing hastened slightly as I watched her carefully. She was trying to figure out what she was touching. I glanced again over toward Viktor and I could see an expression of disbelief and amusement beginning to cross his face, and I frowned. I looked back at mom and to my horror I saw that she had lifted her hand to her nose and was smelling the fluid before she pulled back to look at her fingers in confusion. This moment was only a second or two in length, but it felt longer as adrenaline was likely pumping through my veins. Mom shrugged and went into her bedroom, and I sighed in relief.

I looked back toward where Viktor was standing and could see him putting the stack of porn in a backpack before he turned to face me and smirk. He rode off on his bike with my magazines despite my mom having asked him to get rid of them and I grimaced before closing the front door. The sound of water running could be heard coming from mom’s bathroom and my cock twitched instinctively. Visions from last night’s dreams still haunted me and I looked briefly at the portraits mom had hung up on the walls.

Pictures of us. Pictures of me when I was little, and when mom was young. She’s always been gorgeous, and I vividly remember moments in which my young mind couldn’t grasp what was happening, or why mom went with a man I had never seen before into her room. All those years of mom trying to find a father for me, and one day she just seemed to stop. As if somewhere along the way she changed her priorities to raise me while sometimes having a little fun on the side. To this day I still don’t quite know how I feel, but as I grow to appreciate how beautiful mom is I become more relieved that we’re alone together. Fighting my own immoral urges is almost impossible and I succumb to my lust for mom almost daily, but I can’t imagine how hard life would be if there were another man in her life. I want her for myself; I have her for myself. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love her.

I stepped into mom’s bedroom and sniffed her discarded clothing before peering into the bathroom to watch her shower. The sight of the bathroom again gave me pause, but mom’s blurry silhouette as she bathed aroused something primal in me and I grew bold. I held her underwear up to my nose and mouth and inhaled deeply as I worked my cock in one hand, watching the lightly-tanned shape run soap and water all over itself. The silhouette behind the glass seemed to turn and sway under the hot water, as if she was taunting me with her delicious body. My eyes were fixated on the plump, round shape that was her backside when one of her hands glided along its soapy surface; fingers likely teasing the alluring curvature. I was wholly obsessed with her ass, and I was nearly panting audibly as my orgasm was nearing. Mom was purifying her immaculate body; dainty fingers running along every inch of her skin, and disappearing into every warm crevice. I secretly worshipped her mere inches from the door as my gaze was locked onto her plump, meaty buttocks. They were life-giving, her hips. They gave birth to me and now as a young man they gave me purpose. I lusted after her backside as if she casted a spell on me and I wanted nothing more than to push my face up into her. The soft, warm thighs gliding across my face as I ascended up between her legs before my tongue could lap at her puckering entrances hungrily coaxing the erotic nectar from within. I wanted to taste mom, I desperately wanted to know her flavor, I wanted to feel her against my mouth. I imagined over and over the soft moans and sighs she would make if I were to lap and suckle at her brown hole like a hungry puppy. I blew my load all over my knuckles as it rocketed out of the tip of my swollen cock and my entire body shuddered so strongly I nearly toppled forward into her bathroom.

The first step I took when I turned away from mom showering was laborious and my knee almost buckled under me before I regained my composure and hid the evidence that I had been in her room. Leaving her bedroom behind, I inhaled one last lung-full of her scent before quietly closing her door with a soft click.

“I love you mama.” I whispered, face inches from the closed door.

The rest of the morning was pleasantly uneventful as mom’s anger had a habit of leaving as quickly as it came, and with Viktor’s apparent placating, she seemed only mildly irritated with me. This was enough for me as it gave me no small amount of pain to see her the way she was yesterday. Mom sat further from me than I liked while we were on the couch watching a movie when the doorbell rang. I looked at her quizzically before she got up; my eyes instantly dropping down to ogle the wide, buxom ass barely contained in her white, high-waisted shorts as she moved toward the front door.

“I think it’s your friend, mijo.” Mom said, moments before opening the door.

Hearing her say that gave me some discomfort, but I knew Viktor wasn’t likely to show up again after having already apparently visited earlier this morning and I was genuinely curious who could be at the door. I hadn’t realized my breath had left my chest and the moment my senses returned to me I sharply inhaled the frigid air coming through the front door. It was him.

“Oh you’re always welcome here, mijo. Sergio and I just watched a movie, would you like to join us?” Mom asked, her hips swaying from side to side as she came toward me.

His eyes were watching her backside so intently I swear I could see them move as mom’s ass wiggled in her shorts with each step. She sat on the far end of the couch and I was on the other, practically huddled against the armrest as I watched Viktor sit himself between the two of us and put his arms up along the top as if he lived here.

“I think we’ve got some movies here, if you have any favorites.” Mom said, as she scrolled through titles on the screen with the remote.

“What about those there?” He remarked with a wave of his hand.

“Oh those? Well let’s see.” She replied, lifting herself from the couch.

I glanced furtively at him and I couldn’t help but curl my upper lip in disgust when I saw his eyes were still locked on mom. A jolt of worry shot through my chest when I noticed she was bent over on all fours in front of us as she looked through our collection of movies kept under the television, and her white shorts were riding up her crotch. We could practically see everything; the slightly darker pigmentation that preceded mom’s butthole, the gentle cleft in the fabric that revealed the shape of her labia, and the absence of any pubic hair which told us mom kept herself clean shaven. My cock lurched in my pants and my tongue almost left my mouth to lick my lips but my fear kept my wits about me, and I was all too aware of the slavering animal next to me who was eager to lap mom up like she was giving us a show.

“Do you like scary movies, mijo?”

Viktor massaged his cock through his jeans with his hand, making little effort to rearrange it into a comfortable position and more focused on stimulating himself to the sight of mom’s plump backside being presented to him like an offering.

“Viktor?” She repeated, turning her head to look back at him but not moving from the position she was in.

“How about we play some games?” He answered, his hand motionless in his lap to look nonchalant.

Mom turned her head back and pushed a stack of movies to the side with one hand before she replied.

“We’ve got Twister. You want to play Twister, Viktor?” She asked, now sitting on the heels of her feet with the box on the carpet in front of her.

The smooth, plump flesh of mom’s thighs strained against her calves and her tanned legs looked indescribably delicious as she sat there on her knees.

“What is Twister?” He asked in his thick accent.

Mom opened the box and tossed the mat open across the carpet in front of us before she started explaining how to play to Viktor. He seemed vaguely uninterested, but he went along with it anyway, likely to just listen to her talk.

“The mat’s too small.” I said coldly, unwilling to join in.

In the off-chance that he was actually up to play this stupid game, we weren’t likely going to be able to all play at the same time. Mom’s way too big and I don’t want him to see her in any compromising positions again.

“I still want to play.” He remarked.

“Then we can just take turns.” Mom said, before smiling at me briefly.

I was still sitting on the couch frowning when mom went to work smoothing the mat out enough to play. Viktor got up and turned to face me as he walked to one end of the room.

“We’ll take turns with your mother.” He said with a perverse grin.

Mom evidently wasn’t listening to what he said and got up to hand me the cardboard dial.

“You can be the one who spins it, mijo.” She chirped, with a warm, motherly glance at me.

I wanted nothing to do with Viktor, but for mom’s sake I was willing to stomach maybe a single game.

“Okay mom, right foot yellow.”

Mom placed her foot on one of the circles closer to the edge when it was Viktor’s turn to put his left foot on green. He put his foot firmly on a circle near the opposite edge. .

“Alright, now left hand blue, mama.” I announced, before having the wind knocked out of me.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #4 on: January 31, 2021, 02:47:00 AM
“This is already hard, mijo!” Mom chuckled.

She was splayed over the mat and my cock twitched. My voice was shaking and I swallowed hard before it was Viktor’s turn.

“Uh- right foot uh, green.” I said tentatively, afraid of where he would end up.

He planted his foot right behind mom’s and looked down at her with a smug smirk. Mom was laughing and having fun playing, but she was already underneath him with the difficult circles she had taken.

“Left foot yellow, mama.” I said, glancing at the mat underneath them with worry.

“Much better.” Mom said, turning her head to me before smiling.

“Much better.” Viktor remarked, looking down at mom’s backside that was presented in front of him.

The bottoms of mom’s butt cheeks were peeking out of her shorts as she was stuck bent over in front of him with his hips inches from hers. His cock was visibly erect in his pants and was straining against the fabric, and I looked away, unwilling to watch it throb next to mom’s shaved crotch. She was fully bent at the waist with her hand on the blue circle in front of her feet and her ass was wiggling in the air. I inhaled and spun the dial.

“Right hand yellow.” I croaked, my eyes slowly climbing up to meet the two of them.

Viktor bent down at the knees and was crouched behind mom. Her buttocks were directly in his face, and he made no attempt to hide how pleased he was and stared directly at her crotch inches from him. I couldn’t imagine what he was seeing right now and I swallowed the saliva in my mouth as I spun the dial once more, anxious to get this game over with already.

“Right hand red, mama.” I announced, watching mom lean forward with her legs splayed apart in front of Viktor.

“Ay! Why do I get all the hard ones?” Mom complained as she giggled.

“It’s okay! You are very flexible! Is easy for you.” He replied, his gaze never having left her defenseless backside.

I flicked the dial. Right hand blue. I knew it would put Viktor right on top of mom as she was fully bent over at the waist, and I knew he would try to pull something. I had to protect her.

“Uh, right hand green Viktor.” I said hesitantly.

Viktor looked over at me for just a moment and saw I was lying.

“I can see from here it is blue. It says blue for right hand.” He said impatiently.

Mom tried craning her head back at us to look at what was happening behind her. She simply saw him climbing over her and was practically mounting her before her eyes looked over at me.

“Are you lying, mijo? Have you been making them up?” She asked, after turning away from me to face the mat in front of her.

“I saw it say right hand blue.” He repeated, speaking toward the back of her head with his crotch almost pressed up against hers.

“Okay mijo, just don’t get any funny ideas.” Mom giggled as she wiggled her hips for emphasis.

Mom’s hands were on red and blue circles with both of her feet on yellow, and both of Viktor’s feet were on green circles with one hand on blue. He offered her some advice for balance and told her to bend at the knees for more stability, but all it did was make mom point her ass directly into his crotch. She was unaware. Meanwhile, the blouse she wore was climbing up as a result of leaning forward and we could see her bare lower back, but from where I sat I clearly saw the bottoms of her lacy, black bra. I covered my erection with the cardboard dial and I flicked it once more. Left hand red. Viktor looked over at the dial before I said anything.

“It says to put your left hand on red, mother.” He spoke in his best English.

Mom likely had no clue how suggestive it looked when she leaned further forward from a crouching position into nearly a kneeling one, and I could easily tell Viktor was enjoying every second of it as his erection was practically tenting his pants. The swollen tip likely straining against the confines of his jeans to escape and batter against mom’s warm, welcoming entrance in a fervent act of carnal lust. I shook the perverse image out of my head and saw that the dial had changed. Viktor glanced over at the spinner and already began positioning himself before I said anything. Mom must’ve been surprised as she jumped a bit when she felt him on top of her. Left hand yellow. More specifically, he had placed his hands on the yellow circle between her feet and was touching it with his fingertips as he had to wrap his arm over her hip and thigh to reach it. His face was resting against the bare skin of her lower back and her buttocks were still resting in his lap before mom began wobbling. Before I knew it, the two of them had toppled forward and mom’s upper body fell forward onto the mat with her ass pointed up in the air with Viktor’s crotch pressed against hers as he followed her. I knew he did it on purpose and the blood in my veins was nearly boiling.

“Hey!” I shouted in alarm, getting up from the couch with my erection pointing at the two of them from within my pants.

I quickly rearranged myself before either of them saw me, but Viktor was using my mom as leverage to get up; placing his hands on her hips as he thrusted his forward. Air escaped mom’s lungs and she let out a breathy grunt as he briefly put all of his weight onto his crotch and dug forward into her from behind.

“Oh, mijo, are you alright?” She asked him, as she lifted herself from the mat.

“I’m okay. I just lose balance.” He replied, smirking briefly at me before turning back toward her.

He had just got away with molesting her and I was livid. I wouldn’t let him escape with dry humping my mom without a fight and I moved to stand next to where mom was kneeling on the ground. My fists were clenched so tightly my knuckles were nearly white.

“I saw that!” I exclaimed.


“We’re not playing this anymore. Mama-”

Mom turned to him and spoke.

“It’s okay mijo, it’s just a game. It’s just a little fun, but my Sergio doesn’t look to be in the mood for games.” She said, turning back toward me mid sentence.

“No, he-”

“I’m sorry, I have never played this game before. I will try to be more careful.” He responded with feigned sincerity; mom took the bait.

She reached out a hand and briefly held his before rubbing her thumb along its surface to reassure him.

“Just get out of my life!” I nearly shouted, taking a step back as I raised my voice.

“Sergio!” Mom scolded, her eyebrows lowering in anger.

I was already sick of the sight of mom showing him any measure of affection and I stormed off to my room. I didn’t care what she’d say to me later. I wanted to make her choose, and I wanted her to see how I really felt about this asshole. I decided that if she didn’t believe the things I told her about him that she might at least believe this indignant performance, and I debated locking myself in my room. I sat on the carpet with my back against the door and I listened to the soft murmur of mom’s voice in the living room, and the occasional deeper sound of Viktor’s in reply. I was angry, but I hadn’t lost sight of my goal to protect mom from this creep and I cracked the door open as silently as possible.

“He’s adjusting to the new house and he’s emotional from having to leave his friends behind.”

“No, it is okay. Really.”

“He can just be overprotective of me sometimes.”

“All boys of our age are like that.”

“Really? My Sergio can be a handful some days.”

“Trust me, if everyone had a mother as beautiful as you? Everyone would be a mama’s boy.”

My ears strained against the slim opening of the door and I could scarcely interpret the low murmur of mom’s voice before she began again in a normal volume.

“-mijo. It’s still no excuse for my Sergio to act this way.”

“It is okay. I just keep my distance a little.”

I could make out mom cursing in Spanish under her breath as if to banish the thought.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. He can act that way on his own, but not in front of company.”

I closed my door as quickly and as quietly as possible as I heard mom’s voice change in volume as if she were getting up or facing my room while she spoke. I still held my ear against it when I was confident she wasn’t coming toward me, but the alternative made my heart sink a little. I heard the sound of the fridge door opening and closing before a drawer opened and the clattering of silverware could be heard. Mom’s voice was muffled through the walls of the house, but Viktor’s deep voice was more clear.

“Oh, thank you.”

He sounded cheerful when he said this, and judging from the clinking of the glassware they were likely eating ice cream together in the living room. The speakers from the television bellowed and I knew mom had just put on a movie to watch and I was satisfied. My curiosity, that is. Jealousy still wracked my heart and mind and I wanted nothing to do with the mental image of the two of them together on the couch, but I still gleaned some satisfaction from getting away with that outburst. I felt as though she was beginning to respect me more and knew I was justified in my actions. It was more likely that I embarrassed her and that she was going to deal with me later, but that was a harder fact to swallow and I resigned myself to my bed. I sighed in exhaustion and I closed my eyes while I thought about mom, and how best to protect her from him. It seemed as though I had only closed my eyes for a moment before sleep took me and I was quickly stirred awake by the sound of knocking at my door. I must have fallen asleep hours ago as my room was almost pitch black save for the sliver of light leaking through the bottom of the door.

“Sergio? Are you awake?” Mom asked tentatively through the door.

I was relieved to remember that I had left my door unlocked as I had little desire to get out of bed, and I cleared my throat.


“Can I come in?”


The soft click of the door handle preceded the sight of mom in her pajamas, and I was even more relieved that I was in bed covered by a blanket. She wore only an old, oversized t-shirt that would have ended at her upper thighs were it not for her plump breasts causing the fabric to hang over her shapely body like a small curtain. She was facing me but I could tell even from the front that the bottoms of her butt cheeks were likely peeking out from under the shirt and my cock stirred at the thought of what she’d look like underneath. However I remained stoic and straight-faced as she had chosen to remain in the threshold of the doorway before softly speaking to me.

“Are you proud of what you did earlier?” She asked plainly.

“I don’t care. I don’t want anything to do with him.” I said as I lied on my back, staring at the ceiling.

“What’s gotten into you lately, mijo? Is it him? Is it me?” She continued to speak softly as she stepped forward into the darkness of my room with her hands on her hips.

“It’s him. You didn’t do anything wrong mama. I just hate how he looks at you, and I hate that you don’t believe me.” I leaned on one elbow to face her as I spoke.

Mom looked incredible even now with no makeup on and just a baggy, old shirt as a sort of dress. I wanted her bad, and so did my cock. It stirred expectantly under the sheets as I grew stiff at the sight of her.

“It’s not that I don’t believe you mijo, but that you give me little reason to take your side. Viktor’s been nothing but patient and helpful to us and you treat him like dirt. If he’s what you say he is, then I’m sorry mijo. I don’t see it.” Her motherly voice raised from a whisper into a normal speaking volume.

I had to make a conscious effort to not physically react when I heard her say his name. Her alluring voice speaking his name to my ears felt like a curse, and the sound of his name on her lips angered me still. I chose to remain steadfast.

“This is just like last time.”

I knew those words would cut deep; I needed them to. It was always a sore spot in our relationship and if I had to push on that bruise for her to listen to me, then so be it.

“No Sergio. This is nothing like that. I told you that was a mistake.” Mom’s reply was quick and emotional, but contained less anger than regret.

It was practically an open secret between the two of us that mom had slept with my “friend” David at our old house, and that they were in an almost strictly sexual relationship. Mom feels as though it was just a momentary weakness on her part and needed the satisfaction, but she had no idea he got everything he wanted from her and more. She had no clue of the emotional abuse I had to suffer at the hands of my tormentors. Everyone at my old school harassed me with racial slurs and made lewd comments about my “hot, Latina milf” and her sexual habits. It wouldn’t have been nearly so terrible had mom slept with someone closer to her age, but the fact that I had to go to class with the loudmouthed braggart like David was humiliating. I had to endure a nearly constant play-by-play of all the things he did to her the night before, and all the things she let him do. Everyone in school had apparently known at that point that mom was into butt-play, and the slew of other kinky things that he experienced with her. I sat alone in the bathrooms during lunch while I listened to them talk about all the things they wish they could do to her. They mainly involved her ass. This part of our history embarrasses mom even now, despite her only having an inkling of the effect it had on me.

I said nothing, feeling that I could leverage the silence against her more expertly than anything I could possibly say and I waited.

“I’ve already apologized, Sergio. Do you want me to apologize again?” She stepped forward again as she continued, only a couple feet from the edge of my bed.

I couldn’t tell if it was impatience in her voice or sarcasm, and I was beginning to grow angry at her. I had trouble understanding if she genuinely doesn’t know why I have such a problem with Viktor, or if she was just playing dumb and thinks I’ll roll over and let her have a go with him while my back is turned. I was aware mom is promiscuous but I had no patience for her scolding when I’m not the only one in this house who gives in to temptation. I felt I had to put my foot down. For both of our sakes.

“This isn’t about me mama, it never was. I don’t care about that anymore. I said I don’t want him in our lives, and you know how I feel about it. I don’t know why you’re acting like all of this is coming from nowhere.” I controlled the exasperation in my voice, but I could tell it still had an effect on mom.

The speed at which I retorted and without so much as a stutter nearly surprised me; it seems that despite my physical appearance, there’s a man somewhere in me that mom can draw out. I was stoic despite this small satisfaction, and mom grew taciturn. She stood quietly in the darkness of my room, the light from the hallway illuminating her from behind leaving a dark silhouette in front of me. I noticed that she held her hands together and her eyes were closed. I immediately regretted everything I said.

“Mama.” I said finally; the inflection in my voice ready to follow up with something more to say.

Mom sniffled and gently shook her head.

“No, you’re right Sergio. This isn’t fair to you. I’m not being a very good mother if I choose anyone over my own son.” Her steady voice carried through the confines of my small room like a murmur.

“It’s okay mama. I said you didn’t do anything wrong. I just don’t want anything to do with him anymore.” I tried my best to reassure her as I quickly got up from my bed and went to her.

Mom was prideful and quick to anger, but it seemed that I was still her weak spot despite it all and I was relieved. I don’t know if it was relief from knowing she still loved me or relief from the fact that I finally stood up for myself, but I was calm nonetheless. I held her tightly, with my hips angled to the side to spare her my erection and I was surprised by how tightly she held me in return. My chest was acutely aware of the large, soft breasts that were pressed firmly against me and I made no small effort to inhale her scent as I breathed. Mom pulled away to look at me.

“I’m sorry, mijo.”

She hadn’t cried, but her face still showed a deep sadness. My guts were practically wrenching themselves into a dagger at the sorry sight of mom and my voice trailed out of my chest almost instinctively.

“It’s okay mama, I love you.”

Mom closed her eyelids causing tears to escape and roll down her cheeks before she leaned into me to hug me once more.

“I love you too mijo.” She whispered.

Her mouth was next to my ear and the sound of her voice so close and intimate sent a jolt of electricity through the pleasure centers of my brain and I shivered. Mom must have thought I was cold, and took it as her cue to leave.

“Okay mijo, time for bed.” She said softly.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #5 on: January 31, 2021, 02:47:24 AM
I climbed back under the blanket and was pleased to see that mom hadn’t left my room yet and was instead moving toward me. She daintily tucked the blanket under me before sitting on the edge of my bed and leaned over to kiss me. I savored the feeling of her soft, warm lips against my forehead and my cock lurched impatiently under the blanket.

“Night mama.” I whispered to her as she leaned back.

Mom stroked my cheek with her thumb for a moment as she looked at me.

“Good night mijo.” She finally said, before leaning forward again to kiss me once more.

The bed rocked softly as she got up and stepped toward the door. I watched her heart-shaped backside closely as I squeezed my cock under the sheets, and I nearly blew my load before she reached my door; her wide hips swinging around to face me. She smiled weakly at me one final time before pulling the door closed, the soft click of the handle preceding the pitter-patter of mom’s feet as she went to her bedroom. I quickly went to work fervently tugging at my cock to the image of her burned into my mind; the image of mom’s fat ass and thighs moving under the thin fabric of her shirt. I pictured myself mounting her on my bed, pulling the shirt up over her as her bare, naked ass was displayed in front of me, waiting to be plundered. I barely managed a few pumps before my imagination was too much and I blew my load into my blanket; hot liquid could be felt running over my knuckles as waves of ecstasy washed over me. I scarcely even remember rolling over in bed before immediately passing out; lazily wiping my hand off onto my blanket before images of mom lulled me to sleep.

Clack, clack, clack, clack.

The sound of mom’s high heels jolted me awake, and my perverse need to see what she looked like today pulled me out of bed almost mechanically. I swung my door open just in time to see her backside disappearing around a corner before I walked after her.

“Mama?” I called out.

Clack, clack, clack.

I hastened my steps to a brisker pace as I followed her, more confused than aroused due to the lack of her reaction.

“Mama!” I again called out, more urgently this time.

Her heart-shaped buttocks was straining against the confines of her short, jean shorts and I could practically see everything as they were no larger than the underwear she’d normally wear. The sight of the bare, tanned skin of her long legs made my cock throb to life in my pants as the lithe shapes ended in a pair of black high heels that collided with the floor like gunshots; my cock twitching with each of her footsteps as I hurriedly walked after her to ask her where she was going. Yet despite how quickly I followed her the distance between us seemed to never decrease and she turned another corner ahead of me, deeper into the labyrinth of walls from what looked like our new home.

“Mama, wait!” I shouted, almost running after her.

She was practically taunting me with it; her plump backside wobbling as she walked ahead of me at a casual pace despite my exertion to keep up with her.

“Mama, I need you! Please! Wait!” I pleaded, afraid I would soon lose track of her in the maze of drywalls and wood floors.

I chased after her more frantically now with images of her hips in my arms and her buttocks pressed up against my face being played before my eyes. My tongue practically hung out of my mouth as I doggedly pursued her, having lost sight of her moments ago and had now been reduced to following her footsteps. Every clack from her high heels was like a siren’s call, and I was growing more and more desperate to locate her with every passing second as I impatiently darted through the confines of each hallway and the next. I stopped calling out to her as I was more reliant now on the sounds mom was making as she moved; each step seemingly closer and farther away despite every direction I thought I was taking toward her. Then she moaned.

“Ay, you surprised me.” She said, her voice dripping with lurid intent.

“Mama? I’m here! I can’t see you!” I called out to her, thinking she was finally speaking to me.

I listened intently for her response but was instead greeted with hoarse breathing and a quiet, sucking sound accompanied by heavy panting. The wet noises maddened me and I sprinted through the corridors with renewed vigor as I was more desperate than ever to see what was happening to mom.

“Mama? Mama!” I continued to cry out, hoping she would make another sound.

Mom let out another moan like she was being fucked, and I was reminded of my erection that was now fully rigid and pointing directly outwards creating a tent in my pants as I ran. I was so hard it was nearly painful but I was more focused on finding mom that I was able to suppress the need to address the stiff pole straining against my clothes as I grew closer to the wet sounds. The sucking and groaning noises were getting louder and louder before I turned the final corner and saw her.

I was startled to see mom’s face contorted in what looked like pain, but I recognized it as the face she’d make when she was close to cumming and I timidly stepped toward her. She was bent over at the waist with her hands on her knees when I realized someone was squatting behind her; their face obscured.

“Mama?” I said, unsure of what exactly I was seeing.

Mom grunted in reply before a wet pop followed from her backside and a satisfied sigh from the man behind her. Her shorts were still on which confused me, but had little idea of what the two of them were doing when I walked closer to her. My cock throbbed painfully in my pants at the sight of mom like this, and I carefully stepped around her as I drank in the sight of her beautiful body bent over. My feet felt heavy and my blood ran cold when I realized the man behind her was Viktor; his face buried in her buttocks as he hungrily sucked and lapped at her crotch from behind. He didn’t acknowledge me and instead kept up the feverish pace in which he devoured mom’s suckling entrances; her shorts offering no resistance to his barbaric feasting and she continued to moan as if he were fucking her. Mom panted like a bitch in heat, gently rocking her hips back toward his head as he pawed at the plump, spread butt cheeks that practically engulfed him and I was frozen where I stood.

“Mm, he’s getting me ready, mijo.” Mom said, her eyes half-closed as she bit her lip.

I was surprised by the sound of her voice and I moved to stand in front of her face, eager to finally talk to her.

“Mama, are you okay?” I asked, afraid of what she would say.

“He’s getting my little holes nice and wet, Sergio.” She whispered, practically moaning the words.

“No mama, you can’t let him! You said you wouldn’t!” I could hear the panic growing in my own voice as I spoke to her.

“He says I’m almost ready to make a baby, Sergio.” Mom licked her lips as the words left her mouth.

“No. You can’t. You said-”

“He’s going to pump a white baby into me, mijo. He’s going to make me his breeding bitch.” She bared her teeth after the last syllable, her face contorting in reaction to the pleasure she was experiencing.

With a loud, wet pop, Viktor’s mouth separated from mom’s orifice before she stood up and faced him. Her crevice and crotch were completely wet; his saliva having drenched her shorts leaving her inner thighs and butt cheeks slick. The two of them kissed passionately before his hands pulled mom’s butt apart to reveal her winking brown butthole that was barely covered by the fabric of her shorts. I collapsed at my knees in an instant, eager for my turn to lap at her crotch like a hungry animal when in that moment she pulled away from me causing me to nearly fall flat on my face.
“No, baby.”

I caught myself with my hands on the floor when I looked up to see the two of them disappearing around the next corner. I sprang to my feet into a sprint as quickly as I could yet when I followed them to the next corridor I was met with a painful image several feet ahead of me.

Mom was bent over on her hands and knees for a moment before she lowered her face toward the mattress, with her ass still presented to Viktor kneeling behind her. She was still fully clothed for what little modesty it offered her in this position, and I could see her spread buttocks from the front, the tiny fabric of her shorts likely leaving nothing to the imagination based on what I saw. Viktor was fishing his cock out of his jeans when he tugged her shorts to the side by a small margin before lining himself up with one of her holes and pushing his hips forward. Mom grunted and he took a fistful of her long, dark brown hair in his fingers before he pulled her head back and began pumping into her.

“Uh, ugh. Ay. Ah!” Mom’s groans turned into squeals as he pushed her face into the mattress, the sounds from her pussy beginning to compete in volume with her voice.

He was both pushing her hips down onto his cock as well as thrusting upward into her when the clapping of mom’s plump flesh and the wet squelches from her velvety pussy reached my ears. She continued squealing like a whore as the two of them continued breeding with increasing force.

“Mama!” I cried out, my feet frozen where I stood.

Mom’s only reply was more breathy grunts as her eyes rolled up into her head as Viktor continued churning her warm, wet hole with his fat, red pipe. I winced when I saw the girth of his cock when he pulled his hips back before bucking back into her like an animal; I was afraid he might be hurting her and I willed my body to move. Mom was being forcefully pushed face-down into the mattress but it looked like she was offering no resistance, and with every ounce of willpower, I jerked one leg forward.

I shook myself awake with having kicked my leg into the air; my bed jostling under me. I lowered my leg back down as I exhaled and I lied there with my eyes open as I collected myself. Still in a half-dazed state, I finally closed my eyes after several moments of daydreaming, my mind having tasked itself with committing the image of mom bent over to memory, and the dream of her was bittersweet. My cock disagreed, however, as it was painfully erect creating a tent in the sheets and I went to work tugging on it with my eyes closed and mom bent over in front of me.

The sound of the front door closing was the first thing I heard when I poked my head out of my bedroom, hoping to hear the sound of mom’s shower running. She must’ve left for her morning run, and I took this as an opportunity to carry out the nearly daily ritual of raiding her underwear drawer. Just before taking a step toward mom’s bedroom I felt compelled to watch her from my window and I followed my instinct. She was jogging down the street in her yoga shorts and a sports bra when I saw what I assumed was Viktor coming down on his bike. I gritted my teeth as just the mere sight of him from this distance disgusted me, and I watched him ride up beside mom before the two of them stopped. I watched them intently as the two of them were presumably talking to one another about something important; Viktor not letting her leave and seeming intent on continuing their conversation by coasting alongside her as she walked and they talked. A few moments later, Viktor peeled off away from her on his bike toward our house and I could tell from the look on his face that he wasn’t happy.

I panicked and could feel cold blood rushing to my face as I debated on hiding or preemptively calling the police when he broke line of sight from my window, likely tossing his bike out of sight before looking for a way to break in again. I darted out of my room and stood in the hallway and listened carefully for any indication of what he was doing when a loud pounding at the front door made me jump. I made no move toward it, having no intentions of letting him in after seeing the look on his face. I knew mom likely told him something he didn’t want to hear, and he came to exact his revenge on me while I was alone.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Viktor cursed through the door, interspersed with a slew of Russian words.

I was terrified, and I crept as silently as I could toward my room before locking the door with a quiet click. I held my ear against it and silently listened for any signs of him breaking in. I held my breath but heard nothing. After what felt like several minutes, I finally exhaled and unlocked my door before poking my head out to listen. Nothing. I closed and locked my door again before creeping up toward the window on all fours to prevent him from potentially seeing me and I was relieved to see him riding back the way he came. I was still shaking when I thought about what might have happened were he to break in again, and I was left slightly puzzled as to why he didn’t. I shook my head to regain my composure and simply chalked it up to good fortune as I had nothing to defend myself were he to do so. I spent the rest of the morning looking out the living room window for any sign of his return when I was gladdened by the sweaty sight of mom panting toward our house.

“Hi mama.” I said, opening the door for her as she approached.

“Hola mijo.” Mom replied, her tired face smiling at me as she pulled her earbuds out.

“How was your run?” I asked, hoping she would bring up Viktor and the conversation they apparently had.

“It was good. I still wish you would come with me sometimes, mijo. It’d be fun.” She answered breathlessly before grabbing a glass and filling it with water.

I watched her pull the curtain open with one hand as she looked out the window while drinking her water. Mom’s skin glistened in the morning sunlight and I could already feel my cock stirring to life again in my shorts in anticipation for her morning shower. Her clothes were drenched with sweat and I could see that all of it on her shorts pooled up on her crotch and along her crevice, practically guiding the eyes toward the supple treasures between her legs and I swallowed hard.

“What are you looking at?” I asked her, still hoping she would bring him up so I could know for certain.

“Oh, nothing.” She said, before letting the curtain drop and finishing her glass of water.

“You want me to make us some breakfast?” I asked.

“That would be lovely, mijo. I’m going to just hop in the shower real quick and then I can help you.” She replied while flashing me a warm smile.

My eyes followed her backside as she left the kitchen; her plump, round cheeks jiggling with every step and her long, shapely legs moving under her and revitalizing my cock. My mind quickly came back to reality when I heard her speak.

“Oh and one more thing, mijo? No more spying on me in the shower, please.” She said cooly, still walking toward her bedroom as she spoke.

I was floored. I stared hard at the back of her head before she disappeared down the hall as I blinked, dumbfounded. At first I was unsure of what I heard her say, but then panic began to creep in followed by more confusion. How long had she known? Why is her reaction so relaxed? Is she that comfortable with me now, and if she isn’t, why haven’t I been read the riot act yet? I had no idea how to feel knowing my mom was aware the whole time, but my cock apparently did and I stood there in the kitchen star-struck with a full erection as sounds of mom’s shower starting could be heard.

I was embarrassed and I could feel my ears turning red as I resolved to ignore what she said and go about making breakfast for the two of us to the best of my ability. Thoughts of what to say and how best to act nonchalantly about the situation distracted me and I barely made any progress when the sound of mom’s shower being turned off struck me with some measure of anxiety and I nearly burned the toast. The sound of her door opening and the soft sounds of her footfalls nearing the kitchen practically turned me to stone and I couldn’t bear to face her and instead busied myself with making eggs and bacon for us as she entered.

“That smells delicious, Sergio. You want some help?” Mom asked, looking over my shoulder at my poor attempt at cooking.

“Uh, sure mama. Thank you.” I replied, still somewhat awe-struck by what she said earlier and with my guard up.

Mom had her hair wrapped up in a towel and she wore her bathrobe as she expertly made us breakfast far quicker and more successfully than I ever could have. She was always good at cooking and her offer to help usually implied she’d take over from here on out and I relaxed a bit as I watched her work. I began to feel some warm familiarity return to me at the sight of mom’s softly shaking backside as she jostled the spatula. It was small moments like these that reminded me how inescapably in love with her I was, and how futile it was to fight against my baser instincts; she was perfect.

“Mama.” I whispered, barely audible even to myself.

It was said almost like a secret prayer or a wish as I watched her shift her weight on one shapely leg then another; her ample buttocks pushing against the plush fabric of her robe, creating a bountiful heart-shaped feast for my hungry eyes. I watched her take the toast I haphazardly made earlier and begin to plate the food she made for us. It was like Chilaquiles, but with the bacon I made and instead of chips she used slices of toasted bread, incorporating my amateur attempts at cooking into her warm, home-cooked meal. My heart throbbed in adoration at the sight of it; a part of me taking in what she had done just now as if my mind knew I would need this memory of us in the future. I wanted to smile but instead I gave her a big, dumb grin as I struggled to contain my elation; mom taking over to fix the mess I made and using what little parts I had to create something beautiful gave me a strange feeling of pride and love. This feeling wasn’t unfamiliar to me, but wasn’t something I felt often as I had always struggled to feel a close connection to mom; my immoral obsession with her creating barriers in my mind as some sort of defense mechanism. I was hopelessly in love with her but ironically felt somewhat awkward and uncomfortable around her. I was just as intimidated as any other man by her beauty despite being constantly exposed to it. I could never grow accustomed to it. Her beauty. Her form. My thoughts of her always rebounded between being shocked by how captivating and charismatic she is and being relentlessly enthralled with her buxom, motherly body. She made me feel like an animal; like my ancient ancestors were crying out, demanding that their latest living heir cast all shame aside and mate with this woman at any cost.

“I’ll go change, mijo. You can have it all if you want.” Mom said, smiling at me before leaving the kitchen.

I watched her backside shift and sway; bringing fork-fulls of food to my mouth but never breaking eye-contact with her ample buttocks.

“I’ll have it all.” I thought.

My cock was rigid now under the table and I made short work of shoveling mom’s delicious food down before going back to my room to be alone with some images of her still fresh in my mind, but just as I had started, mom’s voice could be heard from elsewhere in the house.

“Sergio! Can you put out the trash bins please?” Mom shouted.

“Okay!” I yelled in reply, gruffly pulling my shorts back on in dissatisfaction.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #6 on: January 31, 2021, 02:47:54 AM
Sexual release would have to wait, and I had to tuck my erection upward in my underwear to minimize the risk of mom seeing it create a tent in my pants. I was determined to finish this chore as quickly as possible so I could go back to jerking off to mom, and I practically bolted out the front door with trash bags in each hand. After tossing them into the bins and rolling them out to the curb I could hear the clicking of wheels before I turned my head in their direction and my stomach dropped. Viktor was riding on his bike and I could tell he saw me. I tried my best to pretend I hadn’t seen him when I heard the wheels screech to a halt behind me.

“Hey you fucking shitskin! I’m talking to you!” He said, anger clearly present in his voice but not loudly enough to attract the neighbors’ attention.

I physically cringed in fear when he said that, and I tried to make a mad dash toward the front door when I felt a strong tug on the collar of my shirt that yanked me backward onto the ground. I was dazed and reflexively covered my face with my arms when I felt two, strong blows to my ribs and a third directly onto my upper abdomen, causing me to writhe in pain on my front lawn. The wind had been knocked out of me and I could scarcely croak out a moan before Viktor dragged me by the shoulders out of sight of our house’s windows. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and his face was contorted in rage as his breath smelled horrible and faintly of alcohol.

“You tell your mother to stop talking to me? Did you tell her to stay away from me? Eh, little shitface?” He slapped my face with the palm of his hand as if to get my attention as he spoke.

I could only shake my head no as I winced in pain, my face turned away from his so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

“You shitty little rat. I told you I would beat the shit out of you if you got in my way. You want me to beat the shit out of you, eh? Fucking bitch.” His thick accent coming through more coarsely in his anger, making it harder to understand him.

He cursed at me several times in Russian before he shoved me backwards onto the concrete. My head was spinning from the blow and I put one hand up in front of my face in a feeble attempt to protect myself.

“You want me to kill you, eh?” He said, towering over me as he swatted the dust off of his clothes.

I shook my head no as I waited, terrified, for what he would do next.

“You go back, you tell your whore mother she can talk to me, and I don’t crush your little rat neck under my foot. You do this, I won’t kill you.” He emphasized his words by pivoting his boot against the pavement so that the popping and crunching of small stones underfoot could be heard.

I shook my head yes for a moment before he grabbed me by the arm and yanked my upward onto my feet, nearly dislocating my shoulder. He brushed the dirt off of the back of my shirt before patting my neck.

“Good. You go inside and tell your whore mother I can come see her again some time and we get along, okay?”

I didn’t look at him and merely nodded my head in agreement before I carefully stepped toward my house, away from him. When I was halfway to the front door, I hesitated a moment before slowly turning my head back to see if he was still there. He was sitting on his bike watching me when he impatiently waved his hand toward my house while saying something in Russian. My heart was beating like a drum when I finally closed the door behind me and I locked each lock mindfully to make sure he couldn’t get in, and I began to quietly make my way toward my room.

“Sweetheart, can you take these towels into your bathroom, please?” Mom asked, as she washed the dishes in the sink.

I was still in pain from the blows I took just now and simply nodded before taking them. Anxiety gripped me like a cold chain, and I stopped at the threshold of the kitchen before turning around to face her. Mom was wearing tan, form-fitting capris and a tight, white blouse with a neckline that revealed the tantalizing valley of her heavy breasts. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

“Mama?” I croaked, somewhat hoping she didn’t hear me.

“Yes, mijo?” Mom replied, turning the faucet off before drying her hands.

I paused for a moment, but I knew I had to say something soon otherwise she would know something was wrong.

“It’s okay if you want to talk to Viktor again.” I said, feeling what felt like a weight being laid onto my chest as I spoke.

I had no idea what her reaction was going to be, or what to expect, and I looked at the folded towels in my hands before building up the resolve to look at her.

“Really mijo? Okay.” She said quizzically.

“What made you change your mind?” She continued.

I sniffed and glanced out the kitchen window toward the street and watched a random car pass by. For a split second I thought about who they were, and where they were going, and if their life was as hard as mine in this moment. I didn’t want to think about what I had to say; I wanted to be anywhere else but here.

“Uh, nothing really. I just felt bad that you had gotten along with him and all.”

“Oh mi amor. You’re always thinking of me.” She purred, taking my face into her hands.

“Are you sure you’re okay with him? You don’t have to feel bad on my account, mijo.” She asked, leaning forward to look at me.

I closed my eyes and nodded before opening them to see her alluring face staring into mine, accompanied by her warm, motherly smile. My heart ached painfully in my chest when I realized what I just said, and regret spread like wildfire across my mind when she turned around to leave.

I just gave her away.

Her wide, plump buttocks wobbled as she moved and I could feel cold sweat dripping down the back of my neck.

I gave this to him.

Mom bent over to pick up a basket of laundry and her meaty ass strained against the fabric and created the seductive shape that drove men wild.

That was going to belong to him.

I shuffled away to my room as those words echoed in my head like a deathknell.

I just gave mom away.

I could feel a pit of despair growing in my stomach and the hair on the back of my neck raised in alarm as the reality of my situation fully set in. My mom, the woman I love, the object of my every carnal desire; I just handed her to Viktor on a silver platter. He would undoubtedly seduce her. It was only a matter of time and I knew he would revel in thoroughly exploring every inch of her. He would get to taste the nectar in every little crevice of her lurid body, and he was likely to make her into the sex object he’s always wanted. That I’ve always wanted. He was going to fulfill my every fantasy, and she would give it all to him. Her pussy, her butthole, her breasts, all of it and more. She was going to be his and I closed my eyes hard and wished none of it was true.

I was fully erect and I needed to think clearly if I had any chance of escaping with my mom intact. With an almost mechanical precision I searched for my favorite pornstar on my phone and went to work while watching a series of closeups on her oiled ass being prodded and played with.

“It’s just like mom’s.” I thought.

No sooner did the thought cross my mind did the video lose its luster and I was forced to once again dip into the perverse catalogue in my mind; all of it was of mom, all of it. Yet I struggled to reach my climax when the most unforgivable image crossed my mind’s eye: mom being held down by Viktor. I gasped as an orgasm had almost taken me right then and there, but with no small amount of willpower was I able to control myself and continue entertaining this unsavory thought. I was rock hard and dutifully pumping my swollen rod as images of mom’s wide, bountiful ass being contained in her tight capris was ripped loose in the impatient, barbaric grip of the Russian boy’s hands. My bed creaked quietly under the rhythmic pistoning of my fist as Viktor pulled her butt apart to drink in the delicious sight of mom’s velvety holes; her plump flesh deforming in his brutish grip as he leaned forward to lap at her backside as if he was licking a plate clean. Mom’s luxurious hair hung down over one side of her face as she panted for air, her hoarse rhythm occasionally broken by the soft, satisfied moans of her seductive voice. Within the span of a single breath, he was on top of her, mounting her. Mom did nothing to stop him and simply let him do what he wanted to her, what all men wanted of her. The abstract shape of a man thrusting down onto a submissive woman was the last thing I saw before I opened my eyes and saw the white, textured ceiling of my room. My cock throbbed almost painfully as an alarming amount of cum had apparently rocketed out of my tip and all over my stomach and chest. Never before had I experienced an orgasm as powerful or as satisfying as this, and the revelation of what it took unsettled me.

I knew in the deepest reaches of my heart that I loved my mom and needed her in my life, that much I knew was true. What made me uncomfortable was not knowing if my darkest, truest desire was to see her being taken like an animal, again and again. Not knowing if some part of me reveled in being the defeated, or if having something so treasured and irreplaceable taken from me only to be defaced and defiled like she was a piece of meat was what I really needed. I shook my head the moment that possibility crossed my mind and I vowed never to entertain the idea again. For mom’s sake.

I carefully and meticulously wiped off all evidence of my own perverse betrayal from my bedding before changing my clothes when a soft knocking at my door could be heard.

“Sergio? Are you awake?” A soft, loving voice asked from the other side of the bedroom door.

“Yeah mama, I’m up.” I announced, pulling a clean shirt over my head.

A click of the door handle and mom’s beautiful little face peeked cautiously at me as if she was prepared to close it at a moment’s notice.

“What is it?” I asked, stepping in front of her to reveal that I was fully clothed and not at all busy masturbating to the thought of her.

“Since you said you wanted to be friends with Viktor again, do you want me to invite him over for dinner?” She asked, opening the door slightly wider in relief.

He wasn’t my friend. I never said he was, and I never said I wanted to be. It was a careless little mistake on mom’s part, but even the idea of being his friend sickened me and I had to make a conscious effort not to grimace in response to her question.

“Oh no, uh, you can if you want.” I said curtly, my reply being more automatic than purposeful.

“Okay mijo, I just don’t want you to turn into a loner if there’s something I can do to help.” Mom said as she gave me a reassuring smile.

The truth of it is that there was a lot she could do. I just didn’t want her to have any part in this, and I knew I had to be more creative this time in separating the two of them now that I was forced to give my consent. Mom was mine, and she belonged to me. I just had to come up with a way to make sure she knew that even when he was here. I needed to make sure she would choose me over him. I needed her to. At any cost.

“I’ll go make us something yummy then before I call him over.” She said, turning on her dainty feet before walking toward the kitchen.

I was puzzled for a moment before I leaned out of my door to look at her.

“Call him over?” I asked.

“I have his number. He gave it to me in case we needed anything.” Mom answered from the kitchen.

That fact didn’t sit well with me, and I closed my door while my mind raced through all manners of subterfuge.

Several hours of brooding in my room and I was startled by the sound of the doorbell. I steeled myself and stepped out of my room and stood within line of sight of the front door before mom came out of the kitchen. She opened the door and greeted whoever was on the other side before opening it to reveal that the racist shitbag was wearing what he thought was a nice outfit. It was almost comical, I was wearing just a t-shirt and pants while mom wore a simple blouse and capris, and then there was this asshole; a button-down shirt with slacks. If he was trying to look like a teenager doing his best impression of an adult then he nailed it. I could only hope he felt as stupid as he looked, coming over dressed like that for what was supposed to be a regular, old dinner.

“Muy elegante! You look so handsome!” Mom said, leaning forward to peck Viktor on the cheek.

“Thank you. It is a little fancy, I think.” He replied, feigning humility in his body language.

“You know I think I should wear a little something extra too. What do you think, Sergio?” She asked, turning toward me.

All I could manage was a simple shrug when I saw Viktor had wasted no time in making a repulsive ape of himself; he was looking right down mom’s blouse in the moment she had faced away from him, and from the looks of it he was enjoying what he was seeing. He barely managed to hide his perverted antics from mom when she looked back at him.

“Well, I’ll go put something on while Sergio can help get the table ready. I’ll be right back!” Mom chirped, her wide hips swaying as she excitedly tiptoed toward her bedroom.

I looked at his face as he watched her backside with intent before his eyes met mine and he smirked. I sighed in grueling disgust as he made a show of grabbing his crotch to rearrange himself in his pants, and I quickly moved past him into the kitchen. I had only just begun setting the table when he sauntered into the kitchen, his gaze still pointed at the direction of mom’s bedroom, and spoke.

“What do you think she’ll wear for me, hm? Something sexy you think?”

I ignored him and made myself busy with putting out the silverware when he continued.

“You think she’s changing her panties? I wonder if she’s going to wear makeup. I heard some women like to match their panties with their lipstick, you think your mother will do this?”

I slammed the forks onto the table and glared at him. He had his hand in his pockets nonchalantly stepping about the kitchen to look around as he spoke to me. He leaned over the stove and lifted one of the lids to inhale the aromas from the food within.

“If your mother fucks half as good as she cooks, I think she can make me cum hard.” He said, sticking a pale finger into the pot briefly before retrieving it.

He made a show of placing the finger in his mouth and sucking it clean as he hummed in satisfaction.

“Mmm. Your mother, she will be a good whore, I think. Good whores take care of men in many ways, not just their cocks.” He continued, replacing the lid back onto the pot as he meandered toward the opposite side of the table to me.

I was still glaring at him. I was seconds from pushing one of the forks into his eye socket, and for a moment even I was unsure if I could control myself in that instant. Suddenly, the sound of mom’s bedroom door opening preceded the soft footfalls of her steps toward the kitchen, and the two of us looked at her when she appeared.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #7 on: January 31, 2021, 02:48:20 AM
Mom wore what seemed like a small amount of makeup, but her dark red lips pulled my attention to her alluring mouth the moment I laid eyes on her. She was wearing a short one-piece dress that ended above her knees. It wasn’t skin-tight, but the material was thin enough that it left little to the imagination in regards to the curvature of her body, and the silky, black fabric hung on her as her breasts and buttocks easily overcame her outfit.

“Just a little something so our guest doesn’t feel out of place.” Mom admitted with a shy smile before daintily moving toward the stove.

Even casually mom looked gorgeous, and while I could tell she did only the bare minimum to dress for the occasion, she was incredibly sexy. I was stunned, and for a moment I think even Viktor was as well as we silently admired her buttocks that were intimately contoured by the silky fabric that draped over it like a thin curtain. I could easily make out the individual cheeks of mom’s plump ass underneath her dress, and the absence of any pantylines implied that she was wearing a thong, if anything, underneath. My cock twitched to life and I was suddenly aware of the saliva gathering in my mouth when I glanced over at Viktor to see he was also entranced by her as he idly squeezed his cock through his pants; eyes locked onto mom’s inviting, heart-shaped ass.

“It’s almost done, I hope you boys are hungry.” Mom said, still facing the stovetop.

I swallowed the saliva in my mouth and sat down at the table as Viktor took the chair on the opposite side, his gaze still fixated on mom’s backside.

“I can’t wait to dig into that delicious thing, Ms. Dominguez.” He remarked, one hand underneath the table and presumably still squeezing his stiffening cock.

“Oh this is just some spaghetti in case you didn’t want any of the enchiladas I made. You like enchiladas, Viktor?” Mom asked, turning around to look at him and nearly catching him with his hand on his crotch.

“I don’t think I’ve had en-chi-ladas before, but I’m sure I’ll love anything you make.” He replied, facing some difficulty in pronunciation with his accent.

Mom cooed in adoration, briefly stroking his hair with one hand before turning back toward the counter. She grabbed a pair of oven mitts and my cock throbbed in my lap as I felt beads of sweat roll down my ribcage. Mom bent over at the waist to open the oven and pull out the casserole dish full of enchiladas, with her wide, round ass nearly touching Viktor’s face as she unknowingly gave him the view of a lifetime. I gritted my teeth in anger as my fist clenched a fork when he nonchalantly lifted the hem of her dress high enough to look underneath it, but not high enough for me to see from where I was sitting. Mom inspected the enchiladas with a fork to test their doneness as Viktor had her dress pinched in one hand and his other underneath the table, his forearm moving back and forth steadily as he drank in the erotic sight. My knuckles were nearly white when my hand snapped open and the fork clattered noisily against the kitchen floor, and mom finally having decided to show some decency and with a satisfied sigh, placed the heavy dish on the stovetop. She pushed the satin fabric up the length of her arm to keep it from touching the food as she began plating the steaming enchiladas for us; her hands expertly presenting her hard work before us as if she had done this a thousand times before.

“Gracias mama.” I said, looking up at her as she placed the plates full of food in front of us.

Viktor said something in Russian to her which I assumed meant “thank you,” and this gave her some amusement.

“Is that how you say ‘thank you’ in Russian?” Mom asked with a sly grin on her face.

He replied in what almost sounded like “yes,” but was also in Russian, eliciting a wider smile across mom’s face.

“Da. Spasibo.” Mom said to herself as she turned all the knobs on the front of the stove.

When she finally sat down between us at the dinner table, Viktor had already shoveled a mouthful of enchilada into his greedy face and he looked at her as he struggled to swallow the savory food.

“This is delicious. Is very good!” He said enthusiastically.

“Spasibo.” Mom rehearsed with a cute smile, causing him to laugh.

She had only joined us for a second and I already felt like I was the third wheel in my own home. I suddenly had little appetite for mom’s cooking and I resigned myself to staying if only just to keep an eye on him for mom’s sake.

“Is it good, mijo?” She asked, turning her head to face me.

Viktor was still piling her food down his gullet as if he hadn’t eaten in days, and I could tell this gave mom no small amount of satisfaction as his show of gluttony implied that he loved her cooking.

“Yeah, it’s good.” I said meekly, but mom’s attention had already returned to our guest.

To my amazement, he had already finished his plate and after he gulped down some water, mom spoke.

“Did you like it, mijo? Would you like some more?” She asked, daintily covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she ate.

“Da. Yes, please.” Viktor replied, patting his stomach in contentment.

Mom took his plate and stood up to fill it with more food, and his gaze quickly fell back down to her shapely backside as his hand dropped from his abdomen to his crotch. I sneered at the sight of him openly pleasuring himself in front of mom, and his hand went back up to his stomach when she turned to present him with more of her food.

“You can have as much as you want, mijo.” Mom cooed.

I could sense pride in her voice when she said this, and for the remainder of the dinner, things hadn’t been much different. Viktor constantly peppering praises and flirtatious remarks into his comments and mom falling prey to each and every one of them, to his delight. I nearly wanted to vomit, the sight of them together stirring the most toxic feelings up from the depths of my jealousy as the two of them bantered on together.

“Do you drink, Maria?” Viktor asked, with his plate bare and mom’s barely half-finished.

“Oh mijo, I haven’t had a drink in years, but I did used to have a glass here and there.” She admitted.

Mom had mostly stopped drinking after it landed her in bed with one of my classmates. To say she only had a glass here and there was mostly a lie, as I knew she was very easily peer-pressured into a drunken stupor by her exes. With her inhibitions lowered, mom was often easy prey to their baser desires, and I quickly grew uncomfortable with the direction this conversation had taken.

“Mom doesn’t really drink.” I remarked, my comment feeling as if I had thrown a coin into a well to no effect.

“In Russia, we drink a lot. Sometimes when we’re not drinking a lot, we drink only a little.” He said, to mom’s amusement.

The soft laughter from her in response to such a cheesy joke reminded me of one of her past exes who I couldn’t stand; his corny one-liners and back-handed remarks to me somehow always getting him in bed with mom. I idly pushed my food around with my fork.

“Are you even old enough to drink?” Mom asked, with one of her eyebrows raised as the corners of her lips curled into a quizzical smile.

“Of course, but I wonder, are you?” He replied, one arm pulled back as he relaxed in his chair facing mom.

She threw her head back in laughter, and I reflexively smiled as the sound of her voice was practically written in my genetic code to deliver dopamine straight to my brain. That is, until I immediately remembered what caused it and I made sure to return to brooding as the last thing I wanted Viktor to think was that he was capable of garnering any approval from me in any form. I glanced at him as she laughed and playfully hit his arm and I looked at him as he watched her. He had a different look in his eye, something that I had trouble discerning, but could easily assume it had a sexual nature. He looked like he was formulating a plan.

“Okay, fair enough. Do you like wine?” Mom asked, taking his empty plate in her hand as she stood up from her chair.

“Mm, a little. You know what we like to drink?” He said, leaning on one arm in his seat as his gaze rested on her backside.

“Vodka?” She remarked, glancing back at him with a smile to see his reaction.

Viktor looked over at me with just his eyes; his face still pointed toward mom.

“That’s right, Maria.” He said finally, his eyes going back toward her with a relaxed blink.

A sense of panic grew rapidly within the pit of my stomach and I looked at mom.

“I don’t think we have any alcohol, plus we don’t drink.” I said hastily.

“Then just the two of us can have a glass.” She replied.

It was admittedly a pitiful attempt to speak on her behalf, but I could feel the hairs on my neck stand up when mom stopped rinsing his plate to go check the stacked boxes beside the counter.

“I could’ve sworn we had a little something from before we moved.” Mom muttered idly to herself as she pulled the black satin sleeves back up her smooth arms.

The clattering of glass came from within the first box she dug through and the two of us looked at her as I silently prayed in my head.

“Please, don’t let there be any bottles in there, please.” I thought.

My hand instinctively gripped the fabric of my pants as I anxiously waited for what felt like an eternity.

“Ah! I found some!” Mom said excitedly, a wine bottle appeared in her hands as she pulled back to read its label.

My stomach dropped.

“And you know what else?” She continued, before pulling another bottle from the confines of the cardboard box.

Mom held up the smaller, clear bottle in her hand to show us and Viktor said something in Russian that I couldn’t understand before getting up from his seat. He inspected the bottle as mom opened the cabinets to look for suitable glasses and I sat there alone at the table with my plate of uneaten food. I wanted to go home. None of this was what a real home should be. I wanted him to leave forever, and I wanted to be alone with mom. I felt trapped. The two of them spoke softly to each other as I sulked in my chair and I watched as Viktor poured the two of them a couple glasses with ice. I looked down at my plate of cold enchilada and listened to the clink of glasses meeting; more Russian.

“What does that mean?” Mom asked him, before bringing her glass up to her dark red lips.

“It is like ‘Cheers.’ We say it sometimes before a drink.”

Mom lowered her glass and a warm smile appeared on her sultry face.

“We should’ve mixed these with something.” She lamented, holding the glass in her fingertips as she inspected its contents.

Viktor moved away from her and toward the fridge before opening it and taking note of what we had stocked. I felt violated even from this small gesture, and I decided that if I had any hope of maintaining what little cool I had left, that I would spare myself from their insufferable flirting and leave for the living room. I left my plate of cold food where it sat on the dinner table and turned the television on with a reflexive flick of the remote. Listening to more soft laughter coming from the kitchen as well as the clinking of more glasses, I scrolled through the movies on the screen as I listened intently for any sign that I should return to check on them. I flinched suddenly when mom’s voice surprised me.

“Wait Sergio, go back. I love that movie.” Mom announced as her bare feet tiptoed across the carpet toward where I sat on the couch.

She had a glass in her hand that quietly fizzed as she sat it down on the coffee table in front of us.

“You wanna watch it with us, mijo?” She continued, as if she was unsure if I planned to stay.

This gave me some small feeling of annoyance to think that mom believed I’d leave her alone with him, or that I felt too awkward to be around them. This was my home; she was my mother. I was the man of the house.

“How could she even entertain such an idea?” I thought as my eyes darted toward the kitchen doorway.

Mom’s long, smooth legs curled up underneath her shapely hips as she made herself comfortable against the armrest. She was showing more skin than I was comfortable with anyone seeing, let alone Viktor, and would’ve loved to curl up next to her when he appeared and dropped himself squarely between us on the couch. Jealousy plagued me.

“So what movie are we watching?” He said, before sipping from his glass.

“I was thinking this one.” Mom replied.

Even from where I was sitting, I could tell from the slight angle toward mom his head was facing, that he knew he had hit the jackpot tonight with the scintillating view she was unwittingly giving him. He then immediately placed his glass next to hers before turning his body away from me and toward hers with one arm around the back of the couch where she lay. I was completely shut out, emotionally and now literally, as Viktor had made it obvious that he was going to get what he wanted from her tonight, and there was nothing I could do about it. Or so he thought.

I had no designs to back down now with mom on the line, and there wasn’t any shred of fear in my heart when mom occupied every nook and cranny of my mind. I knew if I had any hope of protecting her from his hairy, calloused grip that I had to take a different stance; one of affection and familiarity. Mom was quick to anger, and if my disgust for Viktor would get the better of me, then there would be little I could do to prevent nature from taking its sexual course. As long as I was a third wheel, mom had a chance. I would have a chance.

“Yeah, let’s watch that one.” I said with mock enthusiasm.

Viktor hadn’t said anything beyond a hum as his head faced the television, but his body language still revealed that he had little interest in the movie. It was some romantic comedy mom loved, and it seemed she was the only one who had any plans of actually watching the movie as Viktor was likely going to perv on her the entire time and I’d be on guard to stop him.

“Do you like American movies, Viktor?” Mom asked as she leaned forward to take her glass in one hand.

“A little. I watch some here and there.” He replied with his gaze and attention solely focused on her.

I couldn’t see mom from where I was on the far side of the couch, but I could tell that with the way he was sitting, Viktor had likely left little room for mom and was surely touching her from where they sat. Mom suddenly leaned forward to look at me and smiled.

“Maybe you like the same movies as Sergio?” She said eagerly.

I noticed that one of her breasts had almost fallen out of her dress whenever she leaned forward, and that if I could see it from where I was sitting, that Viktor was likely enjoying a full-frontal view of her full, milky globes resting prominently on her chest. I was both surprised and alarmed at the sight, but knew there was little I could do to help her without making things too awkward for myself. I didn’t want mom to think I was staring at her chest, and I needed to make sure she wanted me to stay. That little treat however, roused my cock in my pants and I thought back to remember if I had seen any sign of a bra in that moment. I was too distracted by the pale, brown softness of her breast and hadn’t properly paid any attention to anything otherwise and decided to let it go.

“That’s about all you’re getting from her tonight, anyway.” I thought, still firmly confident that things wouldn’t escalate romantically as long as I was with them.

The movie dragged on for the next hour and I could feel myself getting drowsy before I looked over to check on what Viktor was doing. He had also pulled his legs up onto the couch and his feet were practically kicking my legs as mom had apparently allowed him to curl up next to her as the two of them snuggled during the movie. Envy and resentment ricocheted around my chest like a dart and my heart skipped a beat. I was furious, but knew I had to control myself if I had any chance to prevent them from doing anything else together. I had to get her attention; I had to make sure she remembered I was still here.

“Hey mama?” I announced suddenly.

“Hmm?” Mom replied with a soft hum, not moving away from our unwanted guest.

“It’s getting kinda late.” I continued, unsure of what my own words would imply.

“We’ll just finish the rest of this movie, then.” She said after a long inhale of breath.

Mom was tipsy. That much was certain. I just had to make sure Viktor couldn’t take advantage of that fact, and that he wasn’t aware of it at all. Mom’s promiscuous at times, but when the drinks kick in, the worst memories of her are often created. Memories of her bed noisily creaking the entire night, men I didn’t know appearing in our kitchen the morning after, all of it tormented me. If anyone had any right to my mom it was me, but grown men conquering mom had worn my confidence down to its last remnants, and I was struggling to regain control of the situation. I had to take mom’s answer and I fell back down into the cushion as the two of them continued to spoon. Mom’s wide hips peaked over Viktor and I could tell that her dress had bunched up past her buttocks at some point. Viktor’s body spooned up against hers with the bare skin of her buttock being practically all I could see from where I was sitting when something else had assaulted my senses. Soft, quiet sounds of suckling.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #8 on: January 31, 2021, 02:48:43 AM
I noticed the remote was on the coffee table as well as two empty glasses, and I carefully reached forward to take it before boldly lowering the volume little by little. My worry grew when there was no reaction from the two of them as the sounds from the movie decreased before the small, wet kissing noises began to fill the room. Then, mom moaned softly. It nearly sounded like her breathing, but I could tell it had to have been something sexual. I straightened my back to the best of my ability so that I could see over Viktor to look at mom. Her dress was bunched up to her waist and I was greeted with the shape of her smooth, bare skin that went all the way from her leg up along her meaty buttock to her hip. The soft, brown color only interrupted by the small, thin strip of fabric of the waistband of her panties. They were the same color as her lipstick.

“Um, mama?” I whispered tentatively.

She didn’t reply, instead the sounds of Viktor kissing her neck was the only response I received and my panic quickly began to grow.

“Mama, the movie’s over.” I spoke, slightly louder this time.

“Oh.” Mom finally replied, her response nearly a moan in itself.

To my relief, she pushed herself up from the couch with one arm as she straightened her hair with the other as if she had just woken up. Her long, wavy brown hair hung over one shoulder as Viktor’s arm was still wrapped around her bare waist, and upon realizing the state her dress was in, she struggled to pull the hem down past his arm to better cover herself in front of me. Viktor inhaled fully before lifting his head from the couch and he pressed his nose against her back.

“Maybe one more movie?” He said, his voice groggy and his intentions lecherous.

Mom turned to look at me, Viktor still pressed up against her buttocks from where she sat.

“You wanna stay up and watch one more, mijo?” Mom asked, her voice soft and breathy, as if it was something she reserved only for her lovers to hear.

I was almost startled by suddenly being the focus of mom’s attention, and I was feeling my growing arousal just by being near the two of them when I finally remembered how to speak.

“Um, I think it’s kind of late, don’t you think?” I said, hoping to cajole mom into bed, and hopefully alone.

Viktor muttered something in Russian before he spoke again in his best English.

“We watch maybe one more movie? Maybe one more glass before we go to bed too?” His voice was low, and his face was close to mom’s when he said this.

Mom looked at him, her eyes nearly crossing with how close his face was to hers when she spoke.

“Okay. One more then, mijo. You’re gonna spend the night here though, I don’t want you leaving in the middle of the night, drunk.” She replied, her voice tender, breathy, and intimate.

My cock twitched when she said this, yet my stomach turned in rebellion and disgust. I had no plan of action now that mom wanted him to stay the night, so now my only goal was to make sure he would spend it as far away from her as possible.

“Are you sure you should have another drink?” I asked, fraught with worry, and unsure of mom’s current state of inebriation.

“Your mother - she is fine. She is not a little girl, she is a fully grown woman.” Viktor said suddenly.

Mom smiled faintly at him as she stood up from the couch, pulling her dress down. For the briefest moment, I saw that she had to pull one side of her dress down as it was still pulled up to her waist, and I had seen her full, bare butt cheek and thong before she tugged the silky, black fabric down to cover it. I knew Viktor must have seen it too, and the two of us watched her wide hips bob from one side to the other as she disappeared into the kitchen with their empty glasses. I was still looking in the direction of the kitchen when Viktor suddenly turned his head toward me.

“You. Go to your room, now. And don’t come out.” He announced sternly.

I merely grimaced in reply, before curtly stating, “No.”

He glanced over at mom’s direction when the sound of glass softly clattering reached our ears, and when he looked back toward me he quickly whipped his fist into my stomach, causing me to grunt suddenly and double over in pain.

“Little brown rat. You forget I can snap your faggot neck like it is pencil?” He whispered loudly, struggling to contain his own impatient anger.

I nearly threw my dinner up as my insides shuddered. I struggled to breathe for several moments when mom appeared in the threshold of the kitchen, and she looked at me startled as I clutched my abdomen.

“What’s wrong, mijo?” Mom said in her worried, motherly voice.

She moved toward me before setting the glasses down on the table and I looked up at her with my face straining and contorted in anger. For a moment, I said nothing, and I glanced at Viktor’s face. His eyes were resting on mom’s backside before quickly looking up to stare at me with a wicked grin on his face. I couldn’t let him win, but I didn’t want mom to see me like this either; weak and defeated. I decided for now I would gather myself in the privacy of my room before coming out again as soon as I was able to regain my composure. I needed to protect mom, but I also had to protect my pride. None of this would matter if she still saw me as a weak little boy, and after some struggle, I managed to stand up from the couch.

“Just a stomach ache, mama, I’ll be fine.” I croaked, exerting myself as little as possible as I spoke.

“Why don’t you go lie down in bed mijo, get some rest.” She said softly.

Every part of me wanted to stay and watch over her, but Viktor clenched his pale fist tightly and my body reflexively flinched.

“No I’ll be fine. I’m just gonna lie down for a second; I’ll be right out.” I said as reassuringly as possible.

Alarms were going off in my head when I looked back at them sitting on the couch together as I left for my room. Mom smiled sadly at me, and she seemed genuinely worried for me which caused my heart to long for her even more; it was already full of regret. Viktor wrapped his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder; the full, round shape of her plump buttocks nestled in the cushions with her dainty feet pulled up onto the couch. The moment I closed my door, I pressed the side of my head against it to make sure I could hear them as much as possible while the pain wracking my stomach subsided. However it quickly became too uncomfortable to kneel on the cold carpet for any faint murmuring of their voices, and I decided to wait out the pain assaulting my body in bed.

I had only closed my eyes for what felt like a moment when my body jolted itself awake. My room was still almost pitch black save for the residual light from the street lamps, and I quickly looked at the cracks of my door. No light. I rummaged through my sheets to look for my phone and saw that I had fallen asleep for three hours and panic struck me like a bolt of lightning. I quickly eased myself as silently as possible out of bed before listening at my door for any sign of the worst. Nothing. After several moments of silence, I decided to step out of my room and I moved my head from side to side in the darkness, on alert for even the faintest sign of something, anything. I moved quietly and intently in the pitch black hallway toward mom’s bedroom door and after I saw that it was left open, I peered inside. It was far too dark to make anything out, but a soft, steady creaking met my ears and I instinctively turned toward its direction. Creeping toward the faint light emanating from the television, I peered into the living room to see Viktor adjusting himself on the couch.

I was relieved, and with my eyes more easily acclimated to the dim light I could see that he was on his knees with his hands on the cushions when it hit me. There was a smooth, round shape underneath him that was darker in color than his skin. It was mom.

I gripped the corner of the wall I was hiding behind in anticipation, unsure of what to do when I heard a soft groan escape from the confines of the couch. He was steadily pushing his hands up and down what looked to be mom’s back as she lied face down in the cushions. The dim light from the television screen offered little help, but I was able to make out mom’s buxom shape lying flat across the couch as her dress had apparently been pushed up again, likely by Viktor. Her smooth, brown form softly rising and falling as she breathed, the near silence of the living room only intermittently broken by a stifled creak from the couch or a muffled moan from mom. I could clearly see even in the near-darkness that he was fully erect, as the substantial tent in his pants was hanging only inches above mom’s bare, nearly naked ass. It was difficult to tell if she was still wearing her thong panties, but it didn’t matter as Viktor’s hands made their way from her lower back onto her buttocks before he steadily kneaded the meaty globes in his palms.

Mom groaned in satisfaction as he massaged her, and he had apparently taken it as his cue to continue before he pulled her butt apart with his thumbs. He held her plump cheeks open to gaze into her for a moment before mom shifted her arm from underneath her to cover herself. Her dainty palm facing upward as she did the bare minimum to preserve her motherly dignity. Viktor exhaled sharply through his nose as he gently pulled her hand away from her crevice before mom pulled it back to continue covering herself. He then adjusted his erection so that it stuck out more prominently against the fabric of his slacks and he leaned forward above her before lying his body on top of hers; grinding his crotch into her buttocks and into the palm of her hand. Viktor bucked his hips against her backside excitedly and mom hadn’t removed her hand from between the two of them when he began quietly grunting in her ear.

“...mi amor... Ay!” Mom whispered, turning her head to face Viktor next to hers.

It was difficult to discern what the two of them were saying from where I stood, but sometimes the volume of mom’s voice increased when Viktor bucked more forcefully into her, nearly forcing the air out of her chest as she whispered.

“No more, mi amor... We need to stop…” She moaned quietly into Viktor’s ear.

He obviously had no intention of stopping as one of his hands disappeared underneath mom’s hips in the cushions before mom lifted her head up and struggled to stifle her lusty chorus of squeals and panting.

“You want me to stop?” Viktor said, his mouth next to her ear.

“Yes, mi amor. We can’t do this. Not now.” Mom replied, her breathy voice dripping with desire.

He was hungrily kissing her ear and neck as she whispered this, and she placed her hands on his forearms in an attempt to free herself from his embrace when he suddenly bit her ear, eliciting a loud and sharp moan from mom. She slapped his hands as she whispered a string of curses in Spanish and he lazily pulled himself off of her as she impatiently got to her feet. Mom whispered something to him before he pulled her in with a muscular hand on the small of her back and kissed her; she turned her head away. She didn’t seem to pull away however, when he began giving her hungry, wet kisses trailing from her neck down to her chest. Mom’s hands gently held his head as he presumably feasted on her breasts for several moments as she murmured things to him; his hands greedily squeezing her bare ass cheeks in his palms, and pulling them in different directions. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Viktor pulled his face away from mom’s bosom and she let go of his head before reaching for the box of tissues on the coffee table. Afraid one of them would see me, I ducked further behind the wall I used to hide and watched as mom wiped the saliva off of her neck and chest; the ball of tissues pinched in her fingertips disappearing into her dress to wipe her nipples dry. The sharp smack of a hand slapping mom’s meaty ass rang through the house and she practically shot daggers through her eyes at him before quickly walking toward me. Panicked, I quickly stepped away from the living room and crouched in the darkness of one of the corners of the hallway as mom went past me, her dress still pulled up past her bare ass and her hair disheveled. My eyes strained painfully against the inky, black void and I watched mom’s plump, delicious ass move as she walked toward her bedroom; the tiny, dark red thong a mere dancing triangle atop the lurid shape.

I waited anxiously for several moments in the dark before mom shut her door and the light from her bedroom glared through the bottom gap like a ray. I sighed in relief, and silently opened my bedroom door before making my way inside, and back into bed. I scarcely slept that night as the image of mom being pumped on the couch taunted me, and I blew almost half a dozen loads into my fist as my mind swam through a sea of immoral fantasies of mom. Ultimately, I knew I had failed to protect her, but it seemed that mom was able to protect herself. It seemed obvious now, in hindsight, but if I had my way none of what I saw tonight would have ever happened. Even if they had not have had sex, Viktor got the next best thing, and every cell in my body yearned to experience the same; it ached for her. For mom.

I swallowed my saliva as the image of her wide, plump ass deforming under Viktor’s bodyweight tormented me, and my mind struggled to imagine what he might have smelled and tasted of her body as he slobbered all over her like an animal. Yet, he didn’t take her from me. In her own way, mom chose me over him, and as my balls emptied from my feverish masturbation, my heart pounded in my chest, demanding I go to her. Romantic feelings for mom and her fertile body heckled me as I slept, and even in my dreams I couldn’t have her. She taunted me, teasing me with her welcoming, heart-shaped ass and the brown, suckling orifices hidden within. Neither I nor my cock slept well that night.

The birds chirping stirred me awake enough that the bright sunlight from my window shone through my eyelids, reminding me where I was and what had happened last night. I inhaled a lungful of a breakfast aroma, and as I began to get up from bed, the warm, slimy evidence of last night’s dreams soberly reminded me of what mom did; or rather, allowed to be done to her. Strangely, I didn’t feel resentful of her and their carnal act, and instead was grateful things hadn’t gone further than they did. I was more enamored with seeing mom for what she truly was, a sexual creature, and mentally digesting all of the feelings and desires I harboured for her up until now. It still pained me to know that it was a racist scumbag like Viktor that nearly experienced the pleasure of plundering the warm, wet depths of her immaculate body, and I shuddered to think what else he might have done to her last night had he gotten his way. I changed my clothes and balled my sheets up to wash later and stepped out of my room and toward the kitchen.

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Reply #9 on: January 31, 2021, 02:49:09 AM
I was about to greet mom when I had remembered that a certain Russian dirtbag was still possibly squatting in our home, and peered into the living room for any sign of him. There was nothing, and yet I still felt some unease as I went back toward the kitchen.

“G’morning, mama.” I said cheerfully, after seeing it was just us.

“Buenos días, mijo.” Mom replied, with a pan sizzling in her hand as she greeted me.

Mom was wearing her skin-tight running shorts and one of my old t-shirts as she made us breakfast. My eyes instinctively locked onto her voluptuous ass as it shook softly while she cooked.

“Is Viktor still here?” I asked offhandedly, confident that he had already left.

“Yes, he’s getting changed in my room. We planned to go running together. You wanna join us, mijo?”

My bubbly, enthusiastic mood was quickly met with the unwelcome news, and my dour mood must have shown as mom was quick to address it.

“Was it alright that he spent the night? We had been drinking a little too much, and-”

“It’s fine.” I said abruptly.

I didn’t expect anything better from what mom would say next, and I had little patience for it. I knew what they did together last night, but I was more interested in what her excuse would be, and I probed her for more information.

“Did you two do anything after I went to sleep last night?” I asked, bracing myself for a dishonest answer.

“Well, to be honest Sergio… We just watched a movie when you went to bed. He gave me a backrub, but it was just a relaxing little evening after you left. We didn’t do much.” Mom said as nonchalantly as possible.

She didn’t look at me when she said this, and the breakfast sizzling in the pan apparently demanded her full attention. I didn’t say anything, but rather, took note of mom’s body language and the intonation of her voice. In case she were to lie to me again.

“Oh, okay.” I said after a moment’s pause.

Mom glanced in my direction but stopped to rest her eyes on me when she saw I wasn’t looking at her. I have a habit of looking off into space when I think, and unfortunately for me, mom was apparently aware of this fact and it was suddenly my turn to answer her questions.

“Were we too loud last night, mijo? The movie, I mean.” Mom asked furtively.

“No. I didn’t hear you guys.” I said aptly, the lilt of my voice matching hers when she lied to me.

I don’t know why I mirrored her tendencies when she spoke just now. Maybe it was some half-hearted attempt to reveal to her that I knew she was lying, or perhaps it was a more infantile part of me longing to connect with her in some minute way. I wanted to be with her; alone with her. The heaviest part of me as we spoke together in the kitchen was my heart and I knew that I had an uphill battle ahead of me if I had any chance in ousting Viktor from my life at this point. From our lives.

“Do you think I could come with you two on your run?” I asked, to mom’s delight.

She smiled at me in a way that made me shiver with anticipation. I could feel the muscles in my back shudder when her smoky, alluring eyes locked onto mine with such a warm, motherly look of affection spread so tenderly on her face.

“Of course, Sergio. I’d love it if you came.” She said as she dumped the contents of the pan onto a large plate. “You and Viktor can have breakfast before we go. I’m just gonna have the rest of my smoothie.”

I watched her step toward the fridge; her buttocks competing with her thighs for my attention as her backside hypnotized me as she moved.

“You want some?” She asked, turning on her sneakers with a blender jug full of frothy, white smoothie in her hand.

“No thanks mama. I’ll just have some of this.” I said, scooping half of the bacon and eggs onto my plate as I heard mom’s bedroom door swing open.

My mind practically froze as I stared intently at my plate, not wanting to catch Viktor’s attention in any way. I listened and felt his heavy footsteps nearing the kitchen before mom greeted him. I said nothing.

“Smells delicious Maria. Is this special occasion?” He announced with enthusiasm as he sat himself at the table opposite me.

“Oh, no. I always make this for Sergio every morning.” Mom said as she licked the creamy, white smoothie from her lips.

“Sergio is lucky boy. We would kill for a pretty woman like you to make this every day.” Viktor’s voice descended several notes into a normal speaking volume until his eyes met mine. “I wish I had a woman like you around.”

Mom laughed softly, covering her mouth with the back of her fingers as she placed her glass onto the counter. I never broke eye contact with Viktor when she went toward him to run a hand through his hair. Neither of us moved for several moments apart from chewing mom’s food until she pulled a chair away from the table to fill it with her shapely ass.

“You boys okay with running my usual route, or you want me to go easy on you?” Mom asked as she took a sip from her smoothie.

“I can handle it. What about you, Viktor? You think you can handle it?” I asked, my voice monotone but direct as I continued to stare him down.

“Of course. I would love to see firsthand how your mother stays so beautiful. Perhaps it will make me the same way.” He replied, finally breaking eye contact with me to smile at my mom.

As expected, she ate it up. I glanced down at my plate of food as I shoveled it down so I didn’t have to look at her playfully hit his shoulder.

“Why don’t we go to the park? It’s a beautiful day out, and we haven’t had a good chance to see it yet.” Mom said, turning to look at me.

I didn’t want this to drag on longer than it had to. I wanted us to go on a run and be done with it, but perhaps the longer we spend outside the house, the more likely it’d be for mom to ask him to leave when we returned. Viktor had already far outworn what little welcome he must’ve felt he had when he arrived last night, and I wanted it to quickly become as awkward as possible for him to still be here. I cleared my throat of bacon grease before speaking.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” I said, still looking down at my plate as I chewed.

It didn’t take long for me to finish the rest of my breakfast, and Viktor had made short work of the majority of mom’s food too before I got up to get changed in my room. Even leaving them alone together for a moment gave me some unease, and I swear I had never thrown on clean clothes faster in my life before I silently opened my door to look for them. I remained motionless after I leaned out of my bedroom to spy on them; the two of them waiting beside the front door for me. The lock clattered as mom opened the front door to unveil a pillar of morning sunlight into the small foyer; Viktor stood behind her. The two of them were making small talk about the neighborhood route and when mom turned to face the front lawn, Viktor boldly reached for her backside, cupping one of her butt cheeks in his adventurous hand. He squeezed with his finger tips for but a fraction of a second before mom hissed something at him and slapped his hand away. Mom had obviously not enjoyed what he did, but she was far less upset than I was comfortable with. I decided then that I had seen enough, and left the threshold of my bedroom before announcing my presence with deliberate, heavy footfalls toward them.

“Okay Sergio, you ready?” Mom chirped, turning on her heels to face me in the house.

The breakfast in my stomach turned as my insides clenched anxiously for the morning jog. I knew I was out of shape compared to the two of them, and to make matters worse, Viktor was going to enjoy eye-fulls of her jiggling backside the entire time. Mom’s crotch was already devouring the front of her shorts, and it was far worse when she turned around. The intimate shape of her individual buttocks were prominent against the tight, stretchy fabric of the shorts that descended into her crevice. Her plump, shapely body contorted in one delicious form and the next as she stretched in front of us. My cock strained against my shorts and I had to quickly rearrange myself so that the quickly forming tent wasn’t so obvious. Mom was a goddess, and Viktor made little show of hiding what he thought of her as he stretched; his ankle in one hand behind him as he pulled his leg. He had one hand openly massaging the bulge in his shorts to the sight of mom straining and stretching her immaculate form into all manner of lurid positions. She had no idea of the show she was giving us.

“Okay, lets go.” Mom said with a huff.

And like that, we were off. The morning air was brisk at first, but quickly felt frigid in my nostrils as cold air circulated in my lungs. My nose was running almost constantly, but my legs were the first to go. I could feel the majority of my warm blood gathering in my cock as the sight of mom’s wobbling ass shook and jiggled with every movement, and I was far behind the two of them with my body feeling as if it were underwater. Mom looked over her shoulder and saw me panting in their dust before she turned to run backwards, cheering me on as she ran.

“First one of you to the park wins!” Mom shouted enthusiastically.

Her breasts jostled against themselves in her shirt, as if she were doing it on purpose. I leaned forward to restart some forward momentum, but I just couldn’t keep up with them before I broke line of sight. The ripple of mom’s long legs and her twisting waist were the last things I saw before the two of them disappeared around the bend ahead of me. I was left heaving for breath with my hands on my knees for several long, painful moments before I growled in frustration.

“Fuck!” I hissed to myself, before tugging every limb into position again.

My arms and legs felt ten times heavier than they were, but I knew that how I felt in this moment was far better than the pain of rejection should mom see me give up. I knew I had to at least look like I was running should she see me, and I mustered the last of what little strength I had before trudging on. I rounded the bend in the road and the two of them were small shapes fluttering in the distance far ahead of me as the view of the park was revealed among the boughs of the neighborhood trees. I was still suffering the torment of an inept body that went a miserly four miles an hour before I could see that mom was pointing at something in the distance as the two of them walked across the green field of grass that stretched out before me. The view was admittedly beautiful as mom was prescient enough to know to pick a home in a picturesque area, and after lapping up what felt like a gallon of fountain water, I trudged toward them with painful, laborious steps.

“Look Sergio, it’s beautiful.” Mom said, turning at the waist to look at me before facing the valley again.

We were in the richer part of the neighborhood, and there was scarcely anybody here except for the three of us. Mom was barely panting, but I could plainly see small pools of sweat soaked into her clothing; mainly her crotch and crevice. She looked gorgeous. The faint, cool breeze kissing my skin but gently pulling mom’s wavy hair off of her shoulders in small strands entranced me. Wherever we were, I wanted to stay to look at her like this forever. My mind barely even registered everything else that was around us, and my gaze was fixated on her. She was angelic. Viktor gave her a pat on the ass with a quick movement of his arm.

“You want to take walk around park?” He asked, abruptly ending my daydreaming with his oafish accent.

I would’ve missed it had I not been watching her so intently, and anger quickly welled up inside me as it replaced the dreamy infatuation I had only briefly enjoyed. 

“Hey! Hands off.” I said sternly, almost surprising myself with my quick, forceful delivery.

“Oh!” Mom added after some delay, holding the back of her hand against her backside as she turned to face me.

Viktor said nothing, but looked almost as shocked as I did when he looked at mom to measure her reaction. I struggled to contain my ire the moment mom began to speak; I could instantly tell from her voice that she wasn’t going to say what I wanted to hear.

“It’s alright Sergio-”

“I was aiming for her back. Little tap. I miss-”

“It’s fine, mijo.” Mom said as she looked at him and laughed half-heartedly. “Maybe if my butt wasn’t so big.”

Their poor attempt at a cover-up disquieted me and I walked past them to look out across the valley in front of us. I couldn’t stomach looking at them as they worked together to deceive me.

“They must think I’m a complete idiot.” I thought, subtly shaking my head as I gazed out across the landscape in irritation.

“Sergio, you want to come walk with us?” I heard her ask.

I shook my head and sheepishly waved her away with one hand as I collected my thoughts. I didn’t even look at her; I felt betrayed. The two of them left me as I thought of ways to get back at them. I was ashamed to admit it, but I was angry at mom. They couldn’t even control themselves in front of me, and armed with the context of what transpired last night, their brashness angered me - tormented me. Would that mom loved me as much as she did this complete stranger; the things I would say to her. I didn’t know what to do.

I glanced in their direction when I heard mom’s laughter. Viktor was rolling sideways down a hill to her amusement, and my disgust multiplied when she joined him; her buxom body bending down onto the wet grass before she rolled after him, giggling the whole way down. I stepped away from the edge of the park to get a better view of them, and stood behind a tree as I watched them.

“You’re covered in grass!” I heard Viktor say.

Mom was still laughing softly as she brushed the verdant confetti off of her shapely body; Viktor helped her. I watched him intently as his hands made their way from her upper back to her lower back, and as expected, to her ass. Swiping away the stray blades of grass from the surface of mom’s heart-shaped backside was but an excuse to further fondle the voluptuous woman and I continued to play the voyeur to their flirtatious games with growing wrath.


With an open palm, Viktor’s hand collided with one of the plump, wobbling globes of mom’s ass and I saw her head snap around to face him before her own hand feebly struck his muscular chest. I couldn’t see her face, but judging from her body language, mom was either genuinely angry, or afraid and I struggled to hear what she said to him before Viktor laughed. The two of them glanced up at the top of the hill toward where they saw me last, and they looked at each other again before mom began to get up; pulling her shorts up with her fingertips to ensure they hadn't fallen down. She was kneeling away from him moments from standing up when Viktor clasped his hands together and stuck his index fingers into her crevice. Mom yelped, and tried to protect her backside with her hands as she attempted to meander away from him on her knees. Mom fell forward onto the grass and he continued to dig into her; his hands disappearing into the depths of her buttocks as her body wobbled in reaction to the forceful movements of his arms. For several moments, mom remained motionless as she lay face-down in the grass, her body being shaken softly as Viktor continued digging into her backside with his hands before she finally turned onto her side, her hands holding his to likely prevent him from pushing too forcefully. He pulled his hands away to run them along her upper thighs and she placed her hands over her privates as she looked at him. They spoke in an inaudible volume for several moments before they both looked around, likely for any sign of me.

“And what do I win?” I could hear him say as he crawled over her.

Mom said something as she placed a hand on his chest and rolled over to sit up, with Viktor leaning back to give her some respite from his dogged, brazen advances.

“You said I’d win a prize.” He continued as he began moving toward her again.

“No, mijo. I didn’t say anything like that.” She chided, lifting her hand up in an attempt to stop him.

Mom was forced to lean away from him to keep her distance until she fell backward onto the grass behind her. Viktor kissed her. Mom had both of her hands on his chest as if she were ready to push him away at any moment, but she never did. Even from where I stood I could hear the wet sounds of their lips as he violated mom’s mouth with his own. Their kisses sounded lustful; they sounded hungry. In that moment I ignored all calls for subtlety and subversion and stepped out from behind the tree and marched toward them. My arousal betrayed me and my cock was eager to join them as they were, writhing against one another in the grass like lovers, seconds away from making love; but still my fury boiled over.

“Hey!” I barked, my fists clenched as I stepped out across the grass toward them.

Mom instantly pushed him off of her before getting up into a sitting position and Viktor was still wearing a wicked grin across his face that he made little effort to hide.

“What the fuck were you doing?” I shouted at them, my eyes pointed at the back of mom’s head before darting to meet Viktor’s.

“I just fell over, your mother, she-”

“Shut the fuck up!” I interjected, my fist clenched save for a wiry index finger pointed at him.

“Sergio!” Mom said, turning at the waist to face me.

“No! No more, mama! I’ve had enough!” I hollered, taking one step toward Viktor before swinging my fist upward toward his face.

The meaty clack of bone hitting bone was the only evidence I was aware of that I hit him; I was seeing red. Viktor put his hands up to cover his face before I swung at him with my other hand, reaching around his arms to strike him in the ear.

“Sergio, stop!” I heard next to me.

I swung again, this time clipping his eyebrow and cheekbone before I got a good look at him. His head quickly straightened after the recoil and his eyes locked with mine before he moved with surprising speed.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #10 on: January 31, 2021, 02:49:49 AM
In an instant, panic spread throughout my brain when I realised I wasn’t as strong as I thought I was and he held his arms back before his fist collided squarely against my eye. Pain struck my eye socket like a dull knife and I recoiled before I felt another heavy blow knock me backward. Before I knew what had even happened, my head was spinning as I writhed around on the grass as my body struggled to contain the pain that I was in; groans involuntarily escaping my throat as my chest shuddered in agony.

“Are you okay?” I heard him say.

I knew he wasn’t talking to me. My wrath far exceeded my ability to act on it and I was quickly becoming aware of what I did and what this would mean for me, and tears began to well up in my eyes as my face contorted in anger.

“I’m fine, mijo. Are you hurt?” Mom said, holding his face in her hands as he looked at me.

A string of curses left my mouth in Spanish, most of them involving Russia and Viktor’s mom. I was unsurprised that mom’s angry, yet beautiful face quickly snapped toward me as her eyes shot daggers through my heart. I knew this was going to be the worst I had ever gotten it, and so I resolved to continue succumbing to my wrath as I was far past the point of no return.

“And fuck you, mama! I know you lied to me - I know what you did!” I hissed.

No sooner than the moment my words left my mouth did regret already make its way throughout my heart, and I could see genuine pain in mom’s eyes as she looked at the ground in defeat. Fear and shame tore through my insides like a raging bull until I watched her lift her face again to fix her gaze onto me. She was beyond angry, and I had almost the resolve to meet her fury with my own until she quickly rose to her feet and she screamed at me. A tirade of indignant phrases like, “you’re a horrible son,” and “you’re sick in the head” left her mouth; some in English, others in Spanish. I knew Viktor could only understand a fraction of them but it didn’t matter to him as he brushed the back of his hand against his jaw before continuing to watch us in mild amusement.

“I’m not some piece of meat for you to fight over Sergio! I don’t belong to you!” Mom shouted before turning away from me.

He looked at her before struggling to contain his grin when he looked at me. He clamored to his feet and followed her home and I stood there on the grass clutching my chest as the frigid breeze dried the hot tears running down my face. Mom’s ass wobbled and shook as she angrily stomped away from me until the two of them were out of sight, and I exhaled.

“At least no one was here to see this.” I thought, looking around the empty park before settling my eyes onto the valley in front of me.

I don’t know how long I was there, alone in the park as the pain subsided and was replaced with a numb feeling of regret and fear. Only when the sun began to set and the wind felt like shards of glass did I finally build up the courage to leave. I wanted it back. My old, imperfect life alone with mom, and I didn’t care anymore if I had to share her with someone - I just wanted to be with her. None of this mattered if I lost her. I couldn’t let him win. I can’t let him conquer her. I could feel my knees practically creaking with every lethargic step I took toward my house, and it was almost dark when I finally reached the front door. I silently prayed that it wasn’t locked, and was relieved that mom had at least this small mercy waiting for me when I returned. The warm air enveloped my face when I stepped through the threshold and I sheepishly brushed my shoes clean against the doormat before quietly shutting the door. That was when I heard a noise.

As silently as possible, I took my shoes off and tiptoed with them in hand toward the sounds only to find myself in the hallway in front of mom’s bedroom. The noises were of her mattress steadily rocking; the creaking of the bed frame creating a lustful rhythm that assaulted my senses. My stomach dropped.

“Ay… Ah… Ay!”

I could hear mom moaning softly through her bedroom door, and I nearly collapsed to my knees when my ears met the deep sound of a man’s voice, groaning in unison with hers. My face frozen with shock and disbelief, I furtively stepped toward mom’s door and held my ear against its surface to confirm the horrid suspicion. Viktor was fucking my mom.

I couldn’t believe it, I refused to. My mind raced through every possible avenue to explain what he was doing to her in there, but my erection had little doubt and my involuntary arousal demanded I know more. My hand trembled as I reached for the handle and almost silently did it turn until I eased it open. I choked on my tears. Viktor was on top of mom as the two of them were facing the mattress, with a blanket over their lower bodies. I couldn’t see exactly what they were doing but I didn’t need to. Mom grunted whenever he bucked his hips into her and moaned hungrily when he rolled his hips in different directions, stirring whatever orifice he was in like he was churning her insides. They had likely been making love for several hours and were far past the more dramatic stages of their sex and were at the point where they were simply breeding now. Viktor scarcely separated his lower body from hers to any degree and was instead relentlessly grinding his hips into her backside as he hungrily grunted his pleasures toward the back of her head. Mom’s dark, wavy hair hung over her head like a velvety curtain as she lay face-down; her hands tugging on the sheets to varying degrees in reaction to the depth of his thrusts.

“Fucking Mexican whore. Take it! Take it!” Viktor groaned, thrusting into her after every word.

Mom grunted with each of his thrusts as he bottomed himself out inside her. She sounded like she was in pain.

“You belong to me now, bitch! Fucking whore, take it!” He continued, groaning several Russian curses under his breath as he bucked into her like an animal in heat.

Mom said nothing, and her breathy voice competed in volume with the wet slapping of Viktor’s crotch colliding with her backside under the blanket. The fabric shook frantically in response to his increasingly lustful rhythm, and a chorus of lurid noises could be heard coming from both ends of mom as he violated her. The blanket had ridden up several inches and I could now see that he was forcing her legs apart with his own with their pairs of feet next to each other; the entire bed shaking with an impatient rhythm as Viktor was now presumably cumming inside of her.

“Fucking bitch, hold it open!” He grunted, his face contorted in ecstasy as he panted. “Spread your ass!”

Mom’s hands disappeared under the blanket and she continued to remain motionless as she spread herself open for Viktor as he pumped her backside with several ropes of hot, white cum. She cried out when he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back, but her cries of pain quickly turned into squeals and moans when she began to feel his throbbing cock pump her full of warm cream. Soon mom’s bedroom grew quiet save for their exhausted panting and Viktor’s lustful kisses against her neck. I eased the bedroom door closed as quietly as I had opened it and stood there in the hallway, unable to move.

The low murmur of their voices could barely be heard through the door, but the creaking of the bed springs could be heard more clearly and I knew one of them was getting out of bed. The final vestiges of consciousness still clinging to my cold, vacant psyche willed me toward my bedroom door and I resembled a reanimated corpse as I shambled lifelessly toward my room. Less than a second after my own door clicked shut, mom’s had swung open and I could hear someone’s heavy footfalls make their way toward the kitchen before I could hear a glass being filled with water from the sink. I quietly eased myself into bed, not even mustering up the strength to remove my clothes before I closed my eyes to the sounds of their footsteps making their way back into mom’s bedroom. I shivered in bed as my mind remained empty, my eyes staring into the black nothingness behind my eyelids. Mom’s bed began creaking again. A dreamless sleep took me.

The warm sensation of the cum in my shorts stirred me awake; the soft fabric of my underwear caressing the surface of my cock reminding me of what I saw. I lay awake with my eyes still closed, not knowing the time of day it was or of how much time had even passed since I lost consciousness on my bed. I contemplated all that happened yesterday, and what I witnessed last night. I couldn’t begin to think of what to say to mom were I to ever leave my room, and I sluggishly kicked the socks off of my feet before curling up with my knees against my chest on top of the blankets. But then, several long moments of silence were met with a quiet creaking from mom’s bedroom. They were still going. My cock twitched eagerly and tears escaped my closed eyes and soaked my pillow before I rolled over, grinding my crotch against the mattress to the rhythm of mom’s moans. I came after less than ten thrusts, and as my cock pumped warm cum against my abdomen, mom’s panting grew louder as Viktor continued fucking her in the other room.

When I awoke my body felt heavy and the frigid morning air nipped at my nose and ears. I instinctively pulled the blanket over me and sat there as my mind dwelled on vague shapes on the ceiling. For a long time I didn’t move. I didn’t even think. My body just lied still as if I were asleep with my eyes open. I don’t know how long it had been before the quiet clinking of glasses being moved in the kitchen snapped me back from wherever my mind had been and my stomach turned when I realized I had to leave my room at some point. I didn’t want to see him. I knew he was still here and I know now that my mom loved him. More than me? I couldn’t bear entertaining that thought for more than a moment before I could feel myself begin to grow more anxious by the second. I had no idea what to expect from the two of them or how mom would react to seeing me again, but I had nowhere else to go. It was always ever the two of us, mom and I, and it pained me to think my mom didn’t want anything to do with me. I just wanted a normal life again, as close as it was.

The aroma of mom’s cooking wafted through the hallway and slipped under my door like a love note. I hadn’t eaten since yesterday’s breakfast and I was starving. Starving for her cooking; starving for her affection. I remembered that no matter how angry mom had ever gotten with me, she never once stopped feeding me whenever I was hungry and I was reminded that deep down - mom always loved me no matter what. I sat upright on the edge of my bed for several minutes as I listened to the soft murmuring of a conversation elsewhere in the house. So still was I that when I finally set foot on the floor I swear I could hear my bones creaking as the soles of my feet were met with cold, unwelcoming carpet. I took a small breath before grabbing the handle of my bedroom door and turning, forcing myself to do so loud enough that the others could hear and preventing myself from retreating prematurely out of fear. I was slightly relieved for a moment when the sound of their conversation was uninterrupted by my arrival, but anxiety still welled up within me with each step I took toward the kitchen. I stood in the threshold, the kitchen tiles feeling like ice cubes against my feet as I looked at the two of them seated at the small dining table.

“Morning.” I said with a mutter, moving toward the fridge.


Mom’s voice caused the hairs on my neck to stand on end, and I was grateful to have already opened the door to the fridge. I was able to maintain my composure from not having to look at them before closing it to face her, carton of orange juice in hand. I waited for what was likely only a second or two, but had felt like an excruciating eternity. Viktor had his back to me and was digging into a plate of mom’s cooking while mom sat in her chair facing me with her legs crossed. She was wearing one of her shorter bathrobes that ended above her knees, but in her current position, rode up to her upper thighs.

“What?” I uttered exhaustedly.

To me, my own voice sounded like that of an overworked father replying to a daughter he had little patience for after a long day. My mind lingered on the immaturity mom had shown recently for Viktor; that they both had shown for each other. The brief thought that I was the only adult in this house might not have been far off the mark until mom spoke again, and I had again felt small.

“Can you sit down please? We need to talk. The three of us.” She said, her fingers idly running along the sides of the coffee mug in her hands.

I looked at the steam rising out of the cup as I pulled a chair away from the table with a clatter as its legs ran along the surface of the tiles. I said nothing but simply leaned back in my chair, mentally preparing myself for the bullshit I was about to endure. I knew nothing good was going to come from what mom had to say, and that what she really meant was she had several things she wanted to say to me and that was the end of it.

“Are you alright?” Mom asked, her voice almost a whisper.

I didn’t look at her. I just shrugged as I stared at the grain in the wooden table.

“I’m sorry you got hurt yesterday.”

How neutral of her.

“But you shouldn’t have hit Viktor like that. You could’ve just talked to me, Sergio. Things…”

I sat motionless in my seat with only my eyes moving up to meet hers as I waited for her to continue.

“Your mother and I are a couple. You hear us fucking?” Viktor said suddenly, his accent competing with the food in his mouth to make his comment almost unintelligible.

“Viktor!” Mom hissed.

I saw her move in her seat the moment he flinched in his. Mom must’ve kicked his leg under the table. Even now their little antics didn’t cease, and my mood was far incapable of any compassion toward either of them.

“I heard you.” I replied gruffly.

Mom’s eyes drifted down to a far edge of the table as she brushed a strand of hair from her face.

“I hope you’re okay with it.” Mom said meekly.

My gaze never faltered and I stood and stared at her until her eyes met mine briefly before dropping back down to her coffee.

“By that I mean, I hope you understand, Sergio.”

She was clearly uncomfortable with my reaction, or lack thereof, and shifted in her seat looking for a more suitable position.

“I don’t get it mom. Why him?” I asked, my voice still carrying a sort of defeated authority with my openness toward her even now.

“Well. He-”

“Your mother needs a man. You are not man enough for her, I think. She needs someone like me to take her to bed and make her my bitch.” Viktor interjected, with a finger in his mouth as he picked his teeth.

“Sergio, that’s not-”

“I get it.” I said, my eyes finally moving from mom’s to Viktor’s face.

I could see her gaze shifting from mine to his as she watched us talk.

“I get it Viktor. My mom is beautiful. There’s not a single woman on the planet that’s as gorgeous as her. If I were in your place I’d want to do the same exact thing.”

He stuck his tongue behind his molars as his cold stare peered at me like a soldier looking at the enemy from a distance. I held his gaze, for once unafraid of what he’d do if I challenged him, and continued to speak.

“But why did you have to destroy my relationship with my mom? I love her. There was already nothing I could do to stop her if she wanted you.”

As I spoke I felt mom meekly touch my forearm with her fingertips. For a moment it felt nice, but the reality was that she wanted me to stop as she was growing uncomfortable with the conversation she started.

“I did nothing. You are little runt who thinks this woman belongs to him just because you come from her wet little pussy.” Viktor leered as he spoke.

“Viktor! I’m not some piece of meat!” Mom gasped, taken aback by everything she was hearing.

I knew he intended to say more but couldn’t with mom here.

“Say it.” I dared him, my own eyes narrowing.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #11 on: January 31, 2021, 02:50:12 AM
“No mijo, that’s enough.” Mom said as she got up from her chair and stood next to us.

Viktor repositioned his jaw and leaned back in his seat, not breaking eye contact as he reached over to pull mom closer to him with his arm around her thighs. Mom placed a hand in his hair with her hip touching his shoulder when she turned her head to look at me.

“Sergio, I’m going to find a way to get through to you, mijo.” Mom reached out her other hand and stroked my cheek with the back of her finger. “You boys can settle your differences for me. Just give him a chance please? For me?”

Viktor smirked.

“We can get along, I think.” He said, smacking her ass with a palm and squeezing it in one motion.

“Ay!” Mom chided, smacking his hand away from her body before turning away to leave.

The two of us were silent as she left, and I got up from the table to pour myself something to drink when he spoke again.

“It is good joke. Little Mexican rat like you thinks he can own piece of ass like her.” He said as he got up from his chair before stretching his arms out.

I stared at the wall next to the fridge.

“In one night I make her mine. Her pussy, her ass? Mine. I fill every hole. I make her drink my semen, and she acts like it is honey. And tonight I will fuck her again. Nice and loud maybe, so you can learn how your mother likes it.”

The plates clattered loudly as he dropped one from his hand and into the sink before he faced me. The sound of mom’s shower running could be heard.

“I will go feed your mother some more cock. Maybe I will feed her asshole too.” He said, making a show of grabbing his bulge through his boxers as he spoke. “That is how your mother likes it, you know. She was always a whore, I think. She just needs a man like me to teach her.”

I squeezed the glass in my hand so hard it could’ve shattered. I could feel every muscle in my body vibrate as blood pumped through my veins as if my heart were an engine, and I stood there weighing the pros and cons of shoving the glass in his eye. Maybe then mom wouldn’t touch him if he looked the same way to her as he did to me.

“Haha! You are shivering like little dog - little rat puppy hungry for his mother’s titties - shivering in the cold!” He said, practically howling with laughter as his shoulders bobbed up and down.

He then slapped me so hard on the back that it nearly knocked the wind out of me before turning to leave. I could hear his footsteps go to mom’s bedroom before the sounds of the water running grew louder for a moment, and quieting again as he entered through the door. I stood there as I felt myself deflating with inadequacy, alone in the kitchen as he was now presumably getting comfortable with my mom in the shower. I made myself a meagre breakfast of toast before dejectedly going back to my room, and when I neared mom’s room from the hallway I could hear wet, slapping sounds and mom’s muffled screams coming from within her bathroom. I could also hear Viktor’s grunting as he was likely pumping her full of cum in that moment. I shut my door.

Life with mom went on as expected, only with coming home from school to an unwelcome guest constantly in our home who she treated more like my brother than a replacement father figure. I can’t say if I preferred this than the alternative, as mom’s constant attempts to make me like him were annoying at best, and excruciating at worst. I figured that at least if he were older, mom wouldn’t be so concerned with making us friends, but it pained me to think someone my age was fucking her. That is, until one afternoon on the internet enlightened me to an unexpected glimmer of hope.

“Individuals suspected of entering the U.S. illegally can be arrested by local or federal law enforcement before being transferred to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody.”

I exhaled through my nose. There was no way, and yet. I knew Viktor’s family was poor because based on where he said his house was, he lived in the shittier part of the city. I also knew he didn’t go to school or work, despite what he told my mom. He was some jobless, uneducated hood rat that got by doing who-knows-what, and was now leeching off of my mom. That last thought caused my jaw to involuntarily clench. But could I get him deported? I shook my head softly as I smiled faintly.

“Dinner’s ready, mijo.” Mom said, poking her head through the crack in my door.

“Mhm, gracias mama. I’ll be right there.” I replied, minimizing but not closing the browser on my phone.

I followed mom down the hallway toward the kitchen. She was wearing a thin, frilly dress that ended at her mid-thigh and I admired her long, smooth legs that moved gracefully under her. I was still upset with mom, but it was nigh impossible to stay mad at her with that body. The fabric of her dress bowed out around her plump ass and I could clearly see its shape through her skirt. My tongue almost hung out of my mouth at the sight of her.

“I just made a little lasagna, if that’s okay with you.” She said, reaching behind her to untie the apron she had on and causing her heavy breasts to strain against her blouse.

“That’s fine, mama. Thank you.” I replied, pulling out a chair before sitting at the table to watch her.

Viktor came into the kitchen from the living room, and moved toward her after getting a good look at her from behind and adjusting himself with one hand. He looked at me for a moment and grinned before pressing his face against mom’s neck and pushing his crotch into her backside. Mom didn’t respond, but she craned her head away from him causing her long, wavy hair to drape across her shoulder as she continued plating the food she made for us. Mom pushed him away with one hand on his chest and she placed a plate in front of me. It smelled and looked amazing, but I was more focused on what he was doing to mom.

The two of them were more openly affectionate after our “talk” several days ago, but mom only tentatively answered his affections in front of me; likely because she didn’t want me to see anything too adult. Viktor was the complete opposite, and seeked to torment me by constantly fondling and flirting with mom like they were teenagers. He would only usually stop when mom made him, but with the caveat that she’d give him anything he wanted later that night. When she couldn’t placate him, I was sent to my room while she let him devour and plunder her motherly body right then and there.

I stared at the steam rising from my food while mom giggled softly as Viktor’s hand lifted and disappeared under her skirt. I could see the smooth, tanned flesh of her ass cheek for a moment as he ran his hand along its immaculate surface before his forearm moved and mom’s heels were further apart than her toes. He stepped behind her to block my view but I could tell exactly what he was doing to her, and mom’s stifled little gasps served as further evidence. He lifted his hand up to his nose and inhaled for a moment before he sucked his fingers and whispered to her. Mom groaned before quickly reaching her hand down between them and grabbing at him, preventing him from going back in for seconds. Mom didn’t turn her head to look at him when she whispered.

“Go sit down.” She said, giving him an impatient swat on the crotch with one hand as she plated food with the other.

I was eating my dinner as quietly as possible so that they might forget I was here when Viktor sat down and openly sniffed his fingers.

“Smells good.” He announced, his eyes darting toward me as he smirked.

“It’s just a little lasagna I made. I hope you like it.” Mom replied, smiling as she faced him with a plate in each hand.

Her hips bobbed from one side to the other as she moved toward her chair and I watched as the thin, frilly dress flow out before she sat down. Her bare ass was in the seat and my cock twitched at the thought. Mom adjusted her velvety, brown hair with both hands before daintily picking up a fork and taking a bite of food. The food on the end of her fork disappeared behind her plump lips as her jaw bobbed up and down as she chewed. I was transfixed. Her mouth was a sexual organ. I continued eating while watching mom’s mouth as covertly as possible, paying close attention to her throat when she swallowed and her lips as they wrapped around the prongs of the fork. With Viktor around, it became harder and harder to spy on mom, and my favorite pornstars were always less inspiring than the real thing; this became my foreplay. I watched mom neatly finish her small plate of food before she got up with her and Viktor’s empty plates in each hand. I always loved watching her ass move as she walked, and as she reached toward the cupboard for the bowls, I admired her meaty thighs and the marks the dining chair left on them. I wondered if she would have marks on her ass by the end of this night, too.

“Do you want some dessert, sweetie?” Mom chirped, with a cardboard container of ice cream in her hands.

I raised my voice for a fraction of a second to reply, but Viktor’s was much louder when he accidentally spoke over mine.

“Maybe something to drink too, perhaps?” He said, unaware that he interrupted me.

“Mijo?” She said, looking at me with a small smile across her lips as she waited for my answer.

“Uh, yes please.” I said again, faintly answering mom’s smile with my own.

I was the first one in the living room with a bowl in my lap as I took my seat on the couch. I eagerly awaited mom’s arrival, but the two of them were taking an unusually long time to leave the kitchen and my perverse need to keep tabs on mom demanded I go take a look. However, the moment I sat my bowl down on the coffee table and stood up, I saw Viktor taking mom by the wrist down the hall. Mom’s eyes locked with mine before the corner of a wall broke line of sight.

“I’m just going to go help him with his homework, Sergio.” I heard mom say.

I stood there alone in the living room when I heard mom’s door click shut and the springs of her bed strain as two bodies climbed onto the mattress. Standing motionless for several moments, I despondently took my bowl of ice cream and dumped it in the sink before leaving for my room. My cock ached and my heart yearned to spend more time with mom this evening. I knew she’d be taken from me, but I didn’t know it would happen so early tonight and I sulked on the way to my room before my ears picked up the sounds of their lovemaking. The rhythm at which the bed creaked pulsed desire into my cock, and my perversion had gotten the better of me.

Lying down on the ground next to mom’s bedroom, my ear was directly in line with the bottom opening of the door. I could hear everything as if I were in the room with them; the creaking of the bed frame, mom’s lustful panting, the wet slapping sounds, and Viktor’s hoarse grunting. I frantically pulled my pants down and tugged at my cock as mom’s salacious moaning grew louder and louder. I envisioned what he was doing to her; what they looked like right now. Viktor was likely on top of her, pumping her full of cock as mom squirmed under him as she presented her plump backside to him like an offering of submission.

“Hmph… Take it… Take it… Umph.” I heard him grunt, his debasement likely matching the rhythm of his thrusts into her.

“Take this shit off.” He continued, the rhythm of their lovemaking pausing for a moment.

I turned my head toward the bedroom door and the corner of my eye could just barely see the carpet. Mom’s dress was thrown onto the floor and lay crumpled in a small pile in front of me; the bed started creaking again. Mom’s moaning turned into whining and squealing as Viktor’s grunting became more gruff and animalistic and I struggled to contain the noise of my own laborious breathing as I grew closer and closer to orgasm. I resolved to only cum when Viktor had, but his stamina was apparently far beyond mine as I contended with my desire to climax to mom’s lewd noises. I knew I couldn’t pleasure her as well as he could if I had the chance, but this didn’t stop me from trying my best to build the stamina and discipline. I had to be able to perform for her, even in my fantasies. I wasn’t content until I knew I could make her cum if I had the chance. My shaking hand released my shaft as it flexed impatiently; my dick on the brink of orgasm. Their voices competed with one another in volume as the rhythm of the creaking increased its pace; he was close to cumming. Suddenly, mom’s moans became clearer and I realized that in whatever position they were in, mom’s face was now pointed toward the door and my cock twitched at the thought of locking eyes with her as she was being defiled. Her breath escaping past her lips was like a siren song, an immoral chorus hounding me toward orgasm. My mother’s loving voice had always commanded me effortlessly, I was her creation, and yet now as it dripped with desire, the lewd whining and groaning of her throat as she was being plundered, commanded me to cum. I grit my teeth as my cock intended to obey the commands she was unaware she was giving me in her throes of passion, and she finally gasped.

“Ay… Ah!” Mom choked out a squeal.

Viktor grunted loudly and the bed stopped creaking save for a few, loud and deliberate cracks as he presumably bucked violently into her like a stud breeding its mare. Mom was silent and I could only hear his panting until he slowly climbed off of her, from what I could gather by the bed frame’s creaking. I panicked for a moment when I saw a pair of feet on the carpet until they began moving toward mom’s bathroom. No other noise from mom’s bed could be heard and I knew she was left lying there after Viktor had done what he wanted to her; I listened closely for her breathing. The toilet flushed and there was more creaking of the bed springs as he presumably climbed back on and a loud, sharp smack could be clearly heard. Mom gasped. Another smack. Mom whined. Several moments of silence were followed by kissing noises, which then gave way to a slow rhythm again by the bed frame.

“Mm. You do it.” I heard him say.

The bed groaned under the weight of shifting bodies and after a moment of silence, I could hear a breathy gasp from the both of them before the room was filled with their lovemaking once more. I listened to mom’s moans as sucking noises invaded my ears, and I reached for my cock when I realized my abdomen was already covered in cum. I went to work massaging my flaccid cock back to life as I pictured what mom looked like on top; if she was squatting over him with her delicious, full tits hanging in front of his face or if she was leaned back and grinding her crotch into him as she bucked her hips with his cock sheathed inside her. Whatever position they were in, she was apparently working his cock like a pro as the wet sounds from her pussy were sounding sloppier and sloppier.

I went to bed that night with my balls empty as the sounds of mom getting her hole churned open by thick, white cock permeated through the house. My face was illuminated by the light of my phone and I pulled the browser back up.

“Fucking whore! Uh, fuck!” Viktor’s muffled voice carried easily across the silent house.


I slept that night with butterflies in my stomach. I awoke the next morning to my phone vibrating my morning alarm, and as I got up from bed to get ready for school I could hear mom’s shower running. She was moaning like a whore. I shrugged my backpack onto my shoulder and left the house, determined to put an end to this nightmare and retake the woman I love.

During my lunch break I finally built up the courage to call the number and was anxious to hear another person’s voice on the line. I answered their questions as calmly and collectedly as possible, feeling as if I were committing a crime.

“And your name, sir?” The person asked.

“O-oh, my name? I thought you guys wouldn’t need my information.” I replied, scared out of my wits at the question.

“We need your name in case we have to contact you in the future.”

“Ah, alright. My name is Sergio Dominguez.” I said as clearly as possible in my exuberant state.

When the call ended I was almost giddy with excitement. Fear commanded considerable space in my heart, but I brushed it off as thoughts of my life together with mom played out before me. We’ll finally be free - I’ll finally be free. Once he’s separated from mom by forces out of my control, she and I can go back to the loving family we were before. She’ll be distraught, surely, but perhaps I could console her the way a real man would and mom would see me as something more. Fantasies plagued me the entire day until I got home, and I struggled to contain my excitement for the near future as I stepped through the house.

Slurp. Suck. Slurp.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #12 on: January 31, 2021, 02:50:35 AM
I knew exactly what that noise was, and I didn’t know what to think hearing it coming from the living room. I assumed they must not have heard me enter through the front door and I leaned as silently against the corner of the wall as possible. Mom was on her knees with Viktor’s cock in her mouth as she dutifully sucked on his veiny, red pole like she was worshipping him. The swollen tip bulging in her cheek as the side of her head rocked back and forth along his shaft. Then, mom’s eyes opened and met mine. She gasped and shot up to a standing position on her knees; Viktor’s cock leaving her mouth with a loud, wet plop. Mom quickly pulled her blouse down over her bare breasts with one hand as she turned away from me and grabbed the box of tissues, hastily pulling several of them out at once.

“Why you stop?” Viktor said, his cock still standing straight up in his lap as mom frantically cleaned herself.

Mom glared at him for a moment before looking in my direction and he groaned before pulling his jeans back up. He leaned forward to look at me around the corner and waved away with one hand.

“Go wait outside. Your mother and I are busy. Go.”

“Sergio, it’s okay.” Mom announced as she stood up and tiptoed toward me.

“Sorry mama. I guess I should start knocking on my own house.” I said with a sigh.

I’d be more upset with them if I didn’t know it was going to end soon, instead it was mildly amusing to me. Something about mom tasting the last licks of her lollipop before it gets taken away from her; then she’ll have to settle for mine.

“No mijo, I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to see that. I’m so sorry mi amor.” Mom lamented, her hands fidgeting with each other as we stood in the foyer.

“No really, it’s fine mama. I don’t care.” I reassured her.

That couldn’t have been further from the truth, but I did play with the idea of the two of them openly having sex in front of me. I shook that thought away as I knew little Ivanov and his deadbeat family were going on a plane to the gulag soon and that I would never willingly share mom with anyone anyway. A faint smile escaped me and mom mistakenly thought it was for her.

“Okay. If you’re really alright with it. Um, how was school?” Mom timidly asked, still uneasy at my reaction.

“Oh it was fine mama, same old.” I said, taking my shoes off and tossing them near the front door.

“Well, I had something planned for the three of us this evening.”

My ears perked up and the perverse majority of my mind had its jaw drop with its tongue wagging at the potential prospect. I dismissed that thought almost immediately.

“If it’s not too awkward, um. If you feel like it, would you want to go watch a movie with us at the drive-in theater? It seems like fun and I wondered if you wanted to come along.” Mom asked, unsure of my response.

I couldn’t tell if she wanted me to say no, but I figured that if she did, she wouldn’t have asked in the first place unless she felt guilty enough to offer an invitation. An invitation. My cock twitched at the thought and I knew the two of them were going to go regardless of my answer, so I decided I would at least enjoy a front-seat view of mom getting her guts rearranged in the car.

“Yeah, that sounds fun. What time?” I said with a reassuring smile.

Mom smiled back at me, her beautiful face radiating a motherly energy as she grew relieved. She was unaware that one of Viktor’s pubic hairs was stuck to the corner of her mouth.

I climbed into the back seat of the car as mom left through the front door of the house. Mom looked gorgeous especially now, as she wore a long, button-down coat that went almost down to her ankles to cover her dress that she wore underneath. I didn’t get as good a look at it as I’d have liked, but it had a deep “V” that went almost to her belly button and there were cuts in the sides of the skirt that went up to her hips. The whole thing was a satiny red and might not have been past her knees in length. I wondered why mom didn’t show it off to me as she usually had in the past, and I was salivating by the time she got in the car.

“You ready to go pick up Viktor?” She asked as the car hummed to life.

“Yeah.” I said, hardly offering any enthusiasm in my voice.

“We can go get dinner after the movie, but if you’re hungry I think they sell popcorn and candy.” Mom said as she turned back briefly to flash a smile at me.

She was wearing the full array of makeup; eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick. My cock would’ve been standing at attention if not for my pants, and it eagerly throbbed at the perverse plan I had in store. When we arrived at Viktor’s house it looked every bit as dumpy as I’d imagined an illegal immigrant’s house to look. He was standing on the sidewalk and stepped toward the car as mom pulled up. He motioned with his hand toward her and said something before mom sighed.

“One second, mijo.” Mom said as she suddenly unbuckled her seatbelt to open the door and stand up beside the car.

My jaw almost fell to the ground. Mom pulled her overcoat open for a moment to show him what her dress looked like and the wind was almost knocked out of me. Mom looked stunning in this outfit, if that was even the word for it. She quickly pulled the coat closed as quickly as she had opened it before the two of them climbed into the front seats of the car.

“Sorry about that. I just wanted to wear something nice for when we go to dinner later.” Mom said, glancing back at me.

“It’s alright mama. You look beautiful.” I replied, my voice tender and affectionate.

Mom held her gaze with mine as she blinked slowly and smiled. Her dark red lips spreading across her alluring face into that motherly shape that always brought me joy. That always calmed me, soothed me. I love her and the feeling of a new beginning was welling up in my heart. I was ready to share it with her.

“You just drive straight for a while then take left at light.” Viktor said, motioning with his hand as he adjusted himself in the seat.

Mom’s ass and thighs bulged deliciously against the fabric of the coat she was wearing in her seat, and Viktor must have noticed it too because he spoke suddenly and intently.

“You aren’t too hot wearing that?” He asked, feigning concern.

“A-ah, no. I’m fine, really.” Mom stammered.

She didn’t want me to see anything slip out of such a tiny dress - the only reason why she was practically covered head-to-toe. A part of me resented that, but another part felt this would only whet my appetite for the inevitable, and I said nothing. I simply covered my growing erection by nonchalantly keeping my hands in my lap.

Several minutes later and we finally arrived at the drive-in theater, and I could tell the guy selling the tickets to get in was enamored with mom by the intonation of his voice and the fact that he stared at her as much as possible while grinning.

“Maybe in another life, kid.” I thought, chuckling to myself as I stared out the window.

We pulled up to our parking spot and mom decided to go get us some snacks, her footsteps clacking all the way to the concessions stand and likely turning several men’s heads as she walked. Viktor said nothing thankfully as we awkwardly waited in the car for her return. I resolved that now would be a good time to enact my plan, and I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window as if to get some shut-eye. I had no idea if Viktor was looking at me, but I continued as if he were and lied motionless save for some idle, sleepy movements. Mom returned not long after and upon her arrival I pretended to awaken again as the two of us thanked her for the popcorn and candy.

The movie went on and I scarcely paid any attention to it while the two of them cuddled in the front seats, clearly not entirely comfortable. Several minutes of this pass and Viktor mumbled something in her ear that I don’t quite catch before the two of them stir up into sitting up straight as mom looked back at me.

“You tired, mijo?” Mom asked.

I knew she was probing for a specific answer and I knew exactly what she wanted to hear.

“Yeah, sorry.”

“If you want you can switch spots with us and you can lean the seat back to sleep?”

“Yeah that sounds fine.” I said, feigning a yawn and a stretch before the three of us switched places around the car.

I could see the two of them cuddling up together in the back seat via the rear-view mirror now and my cock lurched in my pants. I pretended to be asleep for what felt like an eternity and my biggest fear right now was that I really would fall fast asleep while mom gets pumped in the back seat, inches from me. When suddenly I heard stirring in the back seat as Viktor helped her remove her coat before she leaned forward to check on me. My eyes were barely open and were easily perceived as closed in the dimly lit car and mom reached around to pull her coat over me like a blanket. It took an inordinate amount of discipline to not react as she tucked it around me and pulled it up to my neck to ensure I was warm. My heart pounded in my chest, but I knew it wasn’t fear that granted it this vigor. I could tell mom looked at me for a moment before finally retreating into the back seat and into Viktor’s arms. The angle in which my seat was leaned back afforded them little choice in their positions, and to my fortune, was also the ideal position for me to watch them make love. I was doubly thankful for the coat mom pulled over me as I was now free to tend to my impatient erection as I anxiously listened to the subtle sounds behind my head.

“Hmm?” I heard mom’s voice.

“Sergio? Sergio?” She continued.

I heard Viktor murmuring before mom replied in a barely audible whisper. I could only make out the word “no” and my cock twitched. Several quiet moments later and I could hear faint kissing sounds coming from the back seat before mom sighed. They then sounded louder and wetter as they were now presumably making out behind me, and I took a chance to glance back at them.

Mom was lying on top of Viktor with one of his arms wrapped around her waist as the two of them were kissing with intensifying passion. The two of them inhaled at the same time as they shifted their bodies as quietly as possible into a more comfortable position with Viktor leaning back against the car door and mom easing herself behind me. I made a concerted effort to look as deeply asleep as possible as I assumed the both of them were on alert for any sign of cognizance, and they silently began their foreplay merely inches behind me. My ears perked up at the first sign of wet lips parting, but I soon realized it was mom inaudibly whispering to Viktor; protests, pleas, sweet nothings, it could have been anything. The sound of silence was nearly deafening as my ears strained against the ambient noise from beyond the car. I wanted to hear it. I wanted to listen to mom as she sucked his cock. I wanted to be a part of their intimacy - even like this. I loved my mom, but I hated what Viktor was turning her into, and I couldn’t help but feel left out of her life as she shared herself more and more with him. I wanted even her dubious consent to be in the same place as them as they began doing what I’ve always wanted to with mom; I wanted to feel her, and for her to feel me.

My cock was the first to recognize the noises coming from the back seat as mom began mouthing his cock as if to worship it. My imagination was left to wander as the sounds whetted my impatient appetite, and I pictured what mom looked like. Long, wavy, brown hair draped over her like a curtain, her plump, round ass pointed at the window for anyone to see, her plush lips wrapped around the base of his cock as the suction from her mouth deformed her cheeks. The slurping sounds were becoming far lewder and noisy than I could have ever hoped for. The show I stumbled upon earlier today paling in comparison to what I was listening to now; my arousal nearly tenting mom’s coat.

I was in heaven. Every breath I took was a lungful of mom’s perfumed scent as my ears were greeted with the sloppy, indignant sounds of her love. Only Viktor’s groaning soured the moment, but he was easily ignored as my mind wrapped around mom’s envisioned body like the dress she was hopefully still wearing. I wanted her - badly. I imagined the feeling of her warm, smooth skin against my mouth as I kissed her over every immaculate inch of her motherly body. Within the safety of my mind was I able to worship her properly and without shame; she was my goddess. I could already feel the hot cum rolling down my knuckles as Viktor’s breathing became heavier and heavier. Mom was voicelessly and relentlessly pleasuring him now with what sounded like her throat, and he couldn’t get enough of her. I could hear the smooth sound of fabric being pulled along the surface of skin, and Viktor murmured something to her which marked the end of the wet sucking noises, to my dismay.

My strokes were furtive and subdued as my erection hadn’t shrunk despite my orgasm. I awaited with my perverse curiosity piqued and I listened to their bodies begin to shift once more in the back seat. Suddenly, I felt a hand softly touch my shoulder for a moment and I became as still as a statue. I don’t know how I didn’t flinch at the sudden sensation, but my performance was apparently sufficient to fool mom into thinking I was still asleep. Her hand felt as if it was pulled away as quickly as it had arrived, and a soft moan of protest escaped from the back seat as I heard Viktor’s breathing become heavier and laborious.

“Tonight mi rey, tonight. Not now, mi amor, please.” Mom whispered with a voice that could have easily awoken me.

The volume of mom’s voice was such that I could tell her face was pointed in my direction, and I imagined the position VIktor put her in as my cock continued to harden in my fingertips. He said nothing to her, and his apparent response made mom gasp as noiselessly as she was able to before the seat cushions creaked in an impatient rhythm. I had to see it - I needed to. Every part of me demanded I see mom being mounted and bred, and I acquiesced to my immoral desires before I cautiously peeled my eyelids open.

I could see it. Viktor hungrily thrusted his hips into something round. The glow of the movie screen was the only light that scarcely illuminated the dark confines of the car, but it was enough to make out what the two of them were doing through the rear view mirror. A moan escaped from mom’s chest as if she were relenting to him, and the quiet sound of something wet being churned grew louder and louder. From what I could hear, mom’s face was now pressed against the seat in an attempt to stifle her own noises as Viktor ceaselessly bucked against her crevice from behind. The scant light was enough to reveal the wet surface of his cock as it repeatedly plunged into the depths of mom’s backside, and my eyes strained against the darkness so that I could see her. So that I could see what he was doing to her, and where. Her dress was pulled up to her waist and her mocha cheeks were being held open by two pale, calloused hands that gripped her soft flesh as the noises that escaped mom’s throat became increasingly lustful and indignant. Whatever Viktor was doing to mom, it didn’t sound like she was entirely enjoying it.

“You like that?” Viktor panted, his voice breathless in between thrusts.

There was no response of mom aside from soft squeaks and squeals whenever he would push deeper into her. Viktor relished it. Mom didn’t want to do this with him; apparently not with me here. Yet he seemed to gain no small amount of joy in defiling mom right next to me, and the sounds he made revealed his audacious intent as he boldly began grunting his pleasure in the car.

“Fucking take it. Fucking bitch, take it.” Viktor whispered loudly.

The car rocked softly as his thrusts became more bestial. I could feel the weight of my own body shifting in my seat as he plundered my mom behind me. My cock was as stiff as an iron rod now as I timed my strokes to the creamy, wet noises coming from mom’s backside. Mom groaned painfully as Viktor repositioned the both of them; her hands tightly gripped the seat as he pulled her by the hips toward me. He mounted her in a position that I could only describe as humiliating as her head and neck dug into the crevice of the car seat and her orifice inches from my face. Viktor knew. He knew what he was doing, although I was unsure if he knew I was awake. His swollen, red cock pushed into mom’s hole as it greedily squeezed his shaft. They were having anal sex. Viktor was fucking my mom in the ass, and she was letting him. He held her butt apart with his palms as he worked her asshole open with a brutish pace; the remains of mom’s saliva dripping down Viktor’s ballsack as it slapped relentlessly against her vulva.

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #13 on: January 31, 2021, 02:50:51 AM
After all this time, and countless restless nights with mom swimming through my dreams like a mermaid, I finally saw it. Mom’s panties were pulled to the side and I could easily see that she was cleanly shaven, save for a thin strip of neatly trimmed hair above her pussy. It looked like a small, wet flower - this sacred place that gave me life. I almost flinched as a dainty, manicured hand appeared from the darkness to rub her clitoris at a feverish pace, inches from my head. I eagerly pumped my cock with my fist as my gaze was locked onto this place of delicate femininity. This - most holiest of places on my mother’s body. The part of her she would never let me see in the past and would never dare show me in the future. In this moment, we were alone together. Her smooth, brown vulva quivered as she rotated her finger tips at a blinding speed; the stark white color of her French nails swirling in circles as her flower glistened with inviting arousal. I could feel my own tongue escape my mouth in an attempt to taste her; I was left panting like a dog while mom practically taunted me with it.

I glanced up at the part where the two of them were joined, and I could see Viktor’s shaft flexing and pulsing as his thrusts slowed to a crawl. He leaned forward on top of mom and I watched as his ball sack tighten as mom’s warm, wet hole squeezed in response. They gasped for air, unmoving as I felt hot cum pouring over my fist. I involuntarily licked my lips as I carefully watched mom’s pussy subtly clench and relax several times - she was cumming. The smell of their sex filled the car with a sweaty, lurid aroma that made me feel drunk, and if I knew I could get away with it, I would’ve leaned forward and planted a kiss right on mom’s wet lips as they were now. She was beautiful despite what little, or how much of her, I could see in this moment. She was neither creature nor woman; like a sleeping goddess her body moved slowly underneath Viktor’s as her hand receded back into the darkness of the car. When their bodies began to stir again I quickly resumed acting asleep as I listened to them rearrange themselves in the back seat. I felt mom’s breath on my neck as she presumably leaned forward to check that I was still sleeping. A part of me dared to turn and kiss her on the lips. That part of me would go unanswered.

After almost actually falling asleep, I stirred awake and shifted in my seat to look at them. They were cuddling now with Viktor’s hands resting on mom’s curves as she lay in his arms; I could see mom’s eyes looking at me.

“You have a nice nap, mi amor?” She said, her voice nearly a moan with how sultry it had sounded.

“Yeah.” I whispered, inspecting the coat that was spread across me like a blanket.

I lifted it off of me, while making sure I was fully clothed underneath, and attempted to hand it back to her while sitting up.

“Um, thanks, mama. Here you go.” I murmured sleepily.

The aroma of mom’s perfume escaped the fabric of her coat and wafted through the small car, mixing with the humid fragrance of their lustful debauchery. Mom almost looked drunk, her hand lazily reaching toward me as if it were a puppet’s hanging by a string. I wondered if she was always this relaxed after sex, and I studied her, fascinated by mom’s freshly-fucked state of serenity. She was so sultry and sensual this way, lying across the backseat of the car in front of Viktor as if she was a newly broken-in sex slave having finally accepted her fate.

I wanted to be her man - her master. In some sick way, I gleaned satisfaction from Viktor’s supposed victory over me, knowing I was going to be responsible for all of it coming to an end soon.

“Enjoy it while it lasts.” I thought, as I watched the last scenes of the movie with waning interest.

The rest of the night was markedly less entertaining as I essentially played third wheel to their flirtatious date night and that mom’s invitation likely had been something of a knee-jerk distraction tactic after all. I felt completely out of place, as if I suddenly had nothing in common with even my own mom. I cared little however. I began to feel more and more like a dangerous beast whom the two of them had kept locked away for far too long. I patiently waited for the day I could exact my revenge and take back what was stolen from me. Mom would be mine again, and she would learn to love me - properly.

Every night Viktor spent with mom was punctuated with the creaking of her bedframe and their chorus of immoral grunts and moans that would seemingly last until the morning. During the days she would almost baby him, his every need apparently having a higher priority to her than my own - her son. He would always come up with the most paltry of excuses to be alone with mom, and seemingly beyond reasonable thought, she was always eager to oblige him. She indulged him. His every fantasy, his every whim and wish, all of it. The lurid noises that I learned mom capable of haunted me every evening, and oftentimes during the day as well. I was only able to cling to my sanity enough to stave off the darker parts of my mind, as despite knowing that Viktor’s days with her were numbered, I felt that the day couldn’t come soon enough. I wanted her, I wanted her alone. I needed her for myself and my body felt as if I were going through withdrawals each day as what little attention I received from mom only left me fiending for more as she fawned over him like he was her own son. A son she kissed, a son she loved, a son she stroked and licked and peppered with kisses.

My heart felt as if it had twisted itself into a knot when I saw her stroking his hair as his head lay against her wide, plump backside like it were a pillow. He inhaled and kissed her cheeks and thighs and she only seemed to lazily encourage his behavior by continuously running her fingers across his head. Mom saw me watching them but did little to recoup her modesty - her long lashes merely cast downwards, away from my judgemental gaze. If she hadn’t still fed me and told me she loved me, I would have believed that she was ignoring me. I knew she just didn’t want to deal with my feelings for her. I continued to watch them and their foreplay for as long as my jealousy would allow before I retreated into the solitude of my room.

The humiliation within me welled up whenever Viktor brought up my race - my skin color. I wanted to be the man that mom needed in her life, someone to make her an animal. It was becoming more and more difficult to fill that inviting hole in her warm life; it was becoming impossible to rationalize myself into it. I wasn’t big enough, tall enough, handsome enough. Viktor was everything she needed, he knew everything about her; how she liked it, how deep she took it, how hard she wanted it, all of it. I knew mom was a size queen, but it would only get my hot blood pumping when I pictured my own rigid, veiny root churning her warm, wet insides the way nature had intended. Yet it was just a stupid dream. I knew she preferred his bulging, red cock and all of the gnarled veins that adorned it. It looked disgusting, but the fat pole he used to plunder mom was apparently the thing she needed. I only clung to the hope that she still wanted me, in some small way.

I was walking back from school one day when my heart fluttered in my chest - vans, and a police car. Fear and excitement both vied for control over me as blood pumped through my arteries at an incredible rate, my whole world seemingly a blur around me with adrenaline flooding my nervous system.

“This is it. This is it!” I thought, my mind almost manic with glee as I raced toward the already-opened front door.

Mom standing with her hand over her mouth and Viktor’s slumped shoulders were the first things my eyes landed on when I lunged through the threshold into our house. He had a paper in one hand as he spoke to a couple officers when his face turned to look at me.

“There he is.” Viktor said, motioning with one hand toward me.

I didn’t know whether to smile or frown when everyone in the living room looked at me as if I were in the wrong place. Did they know I was responsible for this? Did Viktor know? A part of me would’ve wanted him to know it was me, in the end, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel uneasy in this moment. That is, until mom’s angry face gave me mixed feelings of warm familiarity, satisfaction, and guilt. She tore through the officers and screamed at me in Spanish while slapping me on every part of my head and face she could reach. It was somewhat exciting to know that mom knew it was me, and one of the officers pulled her away from me when I heard her begin to sob. My heart instantly sank.

“You monster! You little bastard! Why? Why are you like this?” Mom screamed, as she choked on her tears.

The female officer led her away from me outside and one of the other ones approached me. His uniform bulged from his pudgy weight, the dark blue fabric pulled tightly over his stomach and the first thing I noticed was the smell of deodorant and mint gum when he spoke.

“Are you Sergio Dominguez?”

“I am.” I said cautiously, quickly growing unsure of what to make of the situation.

“Do you know what you just did?” He asked, the inflection of his voice causing alarm to well up within me.

“No, what?” I said tentatively, fear now having won out over my other feelings.

“You called us, the sheriff’s department, and the immigration office to come check out this gentleman here.” The officer motioned toward Viktor who was staring straight-faced at me with unfolded documents still pinched in his hand. “And as it turns out, he’s a citizen of the United States. He’s even got his documents there.”

I swallowed hard - my eyes straining against the back of the papers in Viktor’s hand as if the light casting through it could make the backwards lettering readable. I was silent and the officer took it as his cue to continue when mom and the female officer reentered the house with a look of unequaled, but restrained fury across mom’s soaked face, tears still welling up in her beautiful eyes before streaming down her cheeks.

“Now we’re willing to let you off with a warning since you’re young and your mother shouldn’t have to deal with it, but normally we’d haul you off to the station for wasting our time.” The officer continued. “I think we’re done here.”

The handful of police officers and state workers filed out of the house and I felt my stomach sink as if I had swallowed an iron ball. Mom’s immaculate face was contorted with such rage and disgust she couldn’t bare to even look at me. I stared at the carpet and waited for her to speak.

“Pack your things. Get out.” She finally said, every word sounding as if she was on the brink of screaming at me.

I didn’t know what I could’ve possibly said to her in this moment, but my words involuntarily left my mouth in my panic.

“But mama-”

“Go!” Mom shouted. “Voy a llamar a tus abuelos. You’re going to go stay with them.”

Mom was going to send me to my grandparent’s house, and my heart raced as panic created a haze in my mind. I couldn’t let Viktor win, I couldn’t leave her alone with him. Tears blinded me as my voice croaked a wordless noise from my throat as I struggled to put my feelings into words. There were a thousand things I wanted to say to her, a million facets to my feelings I still needed to share with her. I couldn’t let it end like this.

“Mama, I love you.” I said, my breathing competing with the tears I was choking back as I spoke.

“No Sergio, you don’t love me. You’re sick. You need help, and most of all, you need to get away from me.” Mom shook her head as she glared at me through teary eyes, her arms cradled around herself as she stormed away from me and into her bedroom.

I was left sobbing in the living room, having collapsed to my knees as guilt and regret wracked my body and mind. None of it was worth it; I should have never risked her. I gambled and lost, and I knew I might never see mom again. Then Viktor hit me - again and again and again. His punches didn’t hurt, and I made no attempts to defend myself save for when I could feel my brain colliding with the inside of my skull. He spat on me and said things I couldn’t understand before he neatly folded the paper he had and followed mom down the hall. I don’t know how long I had spent there, collapsed on the living room carpet as my body struggled to digest all that I was feeling. The frigid night air blew through me and I could feel it in my bones as I stumbled to my feet, struggling to maintain my balance as I assume Viktor had given me a minor concussion earlier. I felt no life return to my body and it was as if each limb were weighed down as my feet trudged toward my bedroom door. I just wanted to go to sleep. I just wanted to go to my room. If my body could make it, I was comfortable being alone there until the end of time.

The immoral sounds coming from mom’s bedroom were far louder than usual and the door had been left open as Viktor was pumping mom full of his seed in his victory over me. He defeated me, and was now conquering her, one hungry thrust at a time. The rhythm of their wet bodies colliding each time he bucked against her filled the entire house and mom made no attempt to hide her abundant pleasure and was uttering a cacophony of lewd grunts and impatient moans as her insides were rearranged by Viktor’s fat, red pole. She sounded like an animal. They both did.

I turned away and felt the hot tears streaming down my face quickly become ice cold as they evaporated in the night air. A dreamless night took me when my mind exhausted itself from tormenting me with what had happened today. I cried myself to sleep.

With only a scarce, few hours of rest I shot awake when mom suddenly opened my door and barked an order at me. My mind in its sleep-deprived state only made out the word, “abuelos.” My grandparents were here to pick me up, and a part of me felt like it had died. I piled what clothes I could into a duffle bag before stepping out of my room and inhaling the unfamiliar air that instilled fear within me. I felt as if I were on death row, walking toward my execution.

With my belongings hanging heavily on one shoulder, I tentatively glanced at mom one final time as the two of them stood next to one another in the kitchen. Mom was wearing a sheer negligee and high heels with her arms crossed as she stood against the counter looking at me.

“You want to ruin things for me? Pinche pendejo a ver si sigues con tus mamadas.” Mom practically spat her words out as she glared at me.

And almost as if the two of them had rehearsed it, Viktor dropped to his knees and spread mom’s ass and lapped at her hole like a dog - hungrily licking her butthole and pussy from behind as she continued to stare me down with a scowl.

“You like what you see, Sergio? Get a good look. This’ll be the last you’ll ever get.” Her plush lips curled into a frown as she shot daggers through her eyes.

My cock lurched in my pants and the uncomfortable position it was in caused me to hunch forward in pain, my rigid arousal quickly becoming unmanageable.

“Look at you, you’re disgusting. You’re getting hard for your own mother. Get out of my house!” Mom shouted, the volume of her voice competing with the wet slobbering sounds Viktor was making from her backside.

My grandfather, my father’s dad, was sitting in the driver’s seat of their old car with the passenger door open. I didn’t want him to see me crying and I was practically limping across the front lawn as my erection was painfully rigid in my pants; the image of mom still fresh in my mind. After some brief pleasantries, I watched as my grandfather pulled the car away from the curb, his gaze pointed at the road ahead. My eyes drifted to the front window of our house as I longingly looked for any sign of my mom, and there she was. Her face was contorted in either pain or lust as a fist held her by the hair from behind as her body was rocked violently. Tears streamed down my face and my cock throbbed hungrily, longingly.

The first night at my grandparent’s house was a sleepless one. The dusty old bed casting clouds of tiny threads into the air as the moonlight shown through the bedroom window reminded me of home. I had spent the entire night relentlessly tugging my erection to the knowledge that mom was pleasuring Viktor’s cock right at this very moment. He was feasting on her like a beast finally having caught its prey. He devoured her flesh; the soft, meaty, heart-shaped prize being spread open as the pale-skinned animal sank its teeth into her. He would lap at her wet, suckling holes like I imagined he would.

That dream I had of us together, so long ago was finally finished. I would never catch mom before something else could. I couldn’t protect her, and I couldn’t make her love me. She was someone else’s mom now, and despite what my mind and my heart felt about it, my cock had eagerly accepted it. I could only play pretend now, in the safety of my own mind, miles and miles away from the woman I loved. But even in my dreams I could never have her.

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mathew elizabeth

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Reply #14 on: March 29, 2021, 04:57:23 AM
Just wanted to give a shout out to this fantastic story from Fearless Wretch.

It is one of the best written stories in this niche genre.

While it is rather long, the payoff for us masochist who want to lose our mothers to a foreign stranger is at its best here.

Well done 'Fearless Wretch'

The great 'Uglyfucker/NTR-Fan' commissioned this story; but I can proudly say that I had a very small hand in it as well. Mostly pitching idea's and tweaks for 'Uglyfucker/NTR-fan' to relay to this fantastic writer. Plus I got to read the chapters in real time, before it got released on this forum due to my contribution. It was an honor to be apart of it. Even if it was a small part.

This story needs more attention guys. Give it a read ;)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2021, 05:01:43 AM by mathew elizabeth »