Author Topic: Nightmare Come True: Part Two.  (Read 1210 times)

Bushido is Life

  • Guest
on: December 03, 2022, 06:01:54 PM
Saul stand's at the door with a look of ingnorace and shock as he wrestles with the door handle which wasn't much in his weakened state. "I see you are still feeling that ass whooping I gave you" says Damon meanly with anger on his face; Saul still standing there with the same stupid look on his face not able to remember what Damon is talking about, his mom stands there looking at him though the hospital room door with a look of deceit on her face as she leans forward to show her cleavage in the skin tight dress. My baby boy! My little son! Sauls mom says jokingly, I bet your wandering what you pretty little fiancee has been doing while you were in the hospital, a look of shock comes over his face as he says, NOTHING HAS BETTER HAPPENED TO MY FIANCEE!!!! Saul says in pure rage as a look of pure craziness comes over his face. "Don't worry my baby boy" his my says sarcastically with an evil smile on her face she's been having the time of her life while you've been laying in that hospital bed looking patheticly. At that very moment Saul hears what sounds like a door being unlocked as the door to his hospital room flies open knocking him flat on his back; then his mom walks off with only Damon standing in front of the opened door fearing the worst was about to happen to him Saul's mom appears with a wheelchair and pushes it into the room and says "make you way to the house and you'll find out what you precious fiancee has been doing" with the evil smile on her face. Saul grabs the wheelchair and manages to get in it as Damon and his mom walks off.