Author Topic: Leocasper Elise's Silver Tongue  (Read 1371 times)


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on: January 18, 2024, 10:37:47 PM
Do you know where I can find that story? I really like it and I couldnt find since neobic site is out..


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Reply #1 on: February 01, 2024, 07:25:27 PM
Thankfully I had it saved. Always save porn you enjoy, it could be gone tomorrow.

Elise didn’t quite know when it first started.

Suppose if she were to recall, it had first started the day her husband lost his job. The man she married had gotten a new boss at his workplace. Fat fucker, really. Was real mean spirited too. While she didn’t bother remembering his name, he would frequently antagonise Josh for no particular reason. Petty didn’t begin to describe it. It had gotten to the point where Josh was at his wits end.

Now Elise had plenty of experience dealing with difficult people. Even with her husband being a plain white collar worker, her job often had her butt heads with others. This wife knew how to control a situation and get exactly the result that she wanted.

Elise was gifted with a silver tongue after all.

But she didn’t think that she would ever use said tongue to suck off her husband’s boss. The fat freak probably never touched a woman without money changing hands. But surprisingly his prick was also just as fat. She could barely fit him inside her mouth.

Kneeling under his table, Elise could feel his hands gripping both sides of her face as he thrusts his dick in and out. The wife never felt like this before. Her husband was always gentle with her. His boss, however, treated her as if she was a sex toy.

And she hated every second of it.

At one moment, Elise had entered his office to bargain or even find a way to blackmail the fat fuck to laying off her husband. At another, she was shown that the asshole was apparently embezzling company funds and planned on framing her husband for it. Elise felt furious. But she also felt like her back had been driven against the wall. Even if she could fight it in court, this would no doubt cause a scandal for her career that she couldn’t live with. Now she didn’t have access to her husband’s company records so proving his innocence would’ve been very difficult. Elise herself was quite busy at the time attending to her own work, she couldn’t possibly juggle between her husband’s problems and her own.

So the wife had tried to use her silver tongue to wrestle a deal. But whatever she offered, the fat piece of shit shot it down. During their negotiations, she couldn’t help but notice that he had been staring at her body. If there had been a more accurate description of a fat pervert, it wouldn’t have went past her husband’s boss.

Elise didn’t know what had caused her to say it. But after having all her offers shot down, she was the one who offered him a blowjob in exchange for him not framing her husband for embezzling the company funds.

So at that time, there she was on her knees, face fucked by a dick almost larger than her own mouth.

The wife honestly didn’t expect much from the guy. But her husband’s boss apparently wasn’t a quick shot. And he certainly lasted longer than her husband ever did. Since her face was bouncing up and down on his dick, she didn’t exactly have time to look at her watch. But if she had to guess, it had been closer to about thirty minutes.

She was actually late that day to work because of it. Elise was speaking with her husband’s boss at lunch time and she didn’t expect it to take too long. Being face fucked wasn’t on her to-do list at that time.

The fat son of a bitch actually wanted her to bend over there. But Elise drew the line. Slapping him with the coldest expression she could muster, Elise demanded that he “cut the shit” and keep his end of the deal.

And even after all that, much to her frustration her husband had been fired anyway. Nothing to do with the fat fuck that planned on framing him for a crime he didn’t commit. The piece of shit actually kept his word. The man she married was at his wits end and his worked suffered because of his new boss. Upper management “let him go” because of that. Didn’t exactly help that his company was looking to cut wage slaves to save money. So in a way, it was because of the fat fuck. But at least she could say that she avoided a scandal.

Still the whole experience was terrible. Elise was well aware that it was wrong for her to do so. She may have loved her husband, but she needn’t go that far. She did that because it would’ve been an inconvenience to her career at the moment.

Elise swore she would never again betray her family like she did at the time.

“Ah, that mouth of yours is amazing Mrs. Newman!”

On her knees, inside the back of her BMW she was eagerly sucking off her son’s bully. Jack Mauder from what she could hear from her son’s stories made his high school life an absolute hell. From beating up him up outside of class to embarrassing him in front of the girls, Jack had pretty much crossed off every checkmark on the list for the stereotypical bully.

Unlike her husband’s boss, Mauder had been fit and athletic. And even if he was young enough to be her son, something about the boy’s confidence and demeanor had set sparks in her. Now Elise was not your typical love struck teenage girl who pined for the forbidden fruit. She was a mature woman who knew what she wanted. And at most times in life, she had gotten it through her wits, guile, and hard work. Her career had demanded it.

But when she met this young ruffian for a talk, she once again found herself with her mouth open and silver tongue doing what it’s good for: negotiating. Now Elise never offered blowjobs as an offer to get what she wanted. She had only ever serviced a handful of men including her husband and his ex-boss as well as a couple of her ex-boyfriends.

“I remember you now!” Jack said while she was swirling her tongue around his shaft. “Damn, you were all over the news!”

Elise had wanted to tell him to shut up. Now wasn’t the time for anything else outside this car. Her job and past experience wasn’t something she wanted to talk about. Especially not with this dumb muscle.

“You’re that lawyer who got a fucking killer off scott-free!”

The wife had stopped sucking for a moment. She opened her emerald green eyes to stare at him with a disapproving gaze. Though her mouth never left his cock.

“What? I was just admiring your work…” Jack sneered.

Elise let go of his cock with a pop.

“Which one? My past cases or me giving you fellatio?”

“Both, babe. Both.” Jack placed a hand on the back of her head and slowly guided her back towards his dick. Elise obliged, resuming her work while Jack moaned. “Ahh, there you go! Shit I wish the girls at school gave blowjobs half as good as yours.”

Elise moaned in acknowledgment but otherwise said nothing. She enjoyed the compliment knowing she was better at servicing him than those high school sluts. Even if this was the young man who had beaten her boy so bad once he had to go to the hospital for a fractured arm. But her familial matters were neither here nor there at the moment.

“It was all over the news last year. You had some punk, Harold what’s-his-name, facing some serious jail time for murdering a couple of assholes downtown. Heh, everyone and their mothers knows he was the one who did it. But you got him off. I mean not the same way you’re trying to do to me now.” Jack chuckled at his little euphemism joke.

The mature lawyer tried to block off Jack’s talk and focus on cock sucking. One hand slipped under her skirt and tried rubbing herself. But it was difficult due to how little room she had to move around in. Elise began sucking him off even harder in an effort to get him to shut up.

“Fuck, with the amount of evidence against the guy you must had to blow off half the jury to stand a chance in hell.”
‘Shut up already.’ ​ Elise thought. Despite that, she was rubbing herself harder. And the wife was amazed that he hadn’t cum yet even with how desperate she was to get him off. She doubted her husband’s ex-boss would’ve lasted this long with half the effort she’s placing.

It also didn’t help that Jack was particularly well endowed. While he didn’t quite have the same girth as her husband’s ex-boss, the young bully was gifted enough to stretch her out should it ever enter her vagina. Now Elise wasn’t a size queen, but she imagined that this big dick would’ve made her scream in a way her husband never could.

She also felt a string of guilt wrap her heart with the thought. But she threw it to the back of her head.

“But you got him acquitted anyway! I still remember that shit-eating grin he had on his face when they made the announcement.”

Elise could also remember the same “shit-eating grin” on her former client. It was a very difficult case. All the evidence was stacked up against her. And she had to use everything she learned to get an acquittal. She gathered evidence that backed up their story. Told her client exactly what to do. At the same time, she had to discredit the victim’s family.

Now Elise wasn’t a callous woman. At least, she didn’t believe so. She didn’t enjoy watching the outrage of the family and friends of the innocent victims when Harold Bane had gotten away. Because she knew, with absolute certainty, that her client was the killer.

But in the world of a law practitioner, this was nothing personal. Attorneys often had to lie, cheat, and discredit to get the results that they wanted. Elise learned that early in her days as a paralegal. If you wanted to even survive in this career, you had to be willing to sell a piece of yourself.

That’s why she didn’t like talking about Harold Bane. At the time her husband’s ex-boss was in the middle of framing him for a crime he didn’t commit, she had to defend a very high profile and notorious client. Imagine what would happen if it hit the news that the husband of Mr. Bane’s lawyer was embezzling company funds. Her family’s reputation would suffer as was her own case. The media would’ve eaten her alive.

It was the most stressful case of her life. It took a strain on her as a professional, as a wife, and as a woman. She basically had to prostitute herself in order to win.

Elise needed a break from it all.

So when she was visiting her son at his school, she was surprised to see him leaving the boy’s toilet room wet and smelling like piss. The poor lad had tears on his eyes and walked away from his mother with a noticeable limp in his left leg, clearly embarrassed to be seen like that. She
almost ran after him, but heard laughing in the boy’s room and with her motherly instincts taking over, ran inside instead.

That’s when she caught Jack pulling up his trousers with his donkey dick hanging out. Judging from how sticky it looked, he was obviously the perpetrator of her son’s torment. The bully had barely any time to put on his belt before she dragged him outside to the parking lot inside her car.

It didn’t make any sense. It sounded like something out of a twisted porn flick. But here she was, sucking off her son’s bully exactly right after he pissed on him and broke his leg.

Elise was angry. She had been angry. But coming just out of her stressful work and needing some relief from her husband, seeing Jack with his dick hanging out had really set her off. Elise was confident in her looks and groomed herself well. No jury would want to believe an ugly lawyer. Not that this mother had a problem in the looks department. If she wanted, Elise could grab any guy off the streets and just fuck. Not that she ever did before. Elise’s loyalty to her family kept her from indulging in herself.

At least, until now.

“Damn, just like that, Mrs. Newman.” Jack howled. “You suck your husband off like this too?” Elise slapped his leg. Though she still continued the aggressive fellatio the young man was obviously enjoying.

“No?” Jack chuckled. “You only do this for assholes like me? You got a thing for bad boys?”

“As long as they know how to keep their mouths shut.” Elise’s mouth had let go of his cock and started stroking it. Due to how wet it was, it made it easy for her hand to slide up and down.

The lawyer wife had swallowed her own spit at this moment. Elise could taste a bit of his bitter tasting piss. When she was servicing her husband, she would always demand that he washed first. Cleanliness being one of Elise’s top priorities. But the wife wasn’t exactly thinking with her priorities in mind when she decided to blow off her son’s bully.

She’d make an exception. Just this once.
“Tell me when you’re going to cum, ​Jack ​ .” Elise said his name as sultry as she could make her voice. The way she had said it was as if in a maternal way. But she would never talk like that towards her own son. “I’m going to show you ​exactly ​ how this lawyer gets her clients off.”
Elise didn’t know she had it in her. But the grin she felt on her face made her feel sexy. Add that with just how wrong the situation was, the mother could feel every nerve in her body on fire. Her maternal instincts had taken rest in the back confides of her mind. She didn’t want to think of
this delicious young man as the asshole who beat up her son. But the sheer wrongness of the fact that she was blowing the very same guy made her so horny in a level that she didn’t believe she could feel.

“Ah! Ah, I’m so close, Mrs. Newman!”

With that, Elise Newman dove into Jack’s cock like she was giving CPR. Pumping it, breathing life into it, and trying to make it feel alive. Elise could feel the hot skin on her tongue and it made her feel damn good.

“Here it comes!”

Jack grabbed hold of Elise’s blonde hair and pushed her down. Elise’s emerald eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when she felt Jack’s cum flood her mouth. Earlier she wasn’t sucking him too deeply to hit her throat. But with Jack forcing her to take it all in, Elise felt a good measure of his donkey dick almost hit her uvula and down her throat.

Now Elise Newman was a coffee person. She needed her fill everyday of the stimulant to get her ready for work. Jack’s cum to her was hotter than the coffee she drank. And seemingly more potent.

The lawyer had never felt so awake and alive as of this moment.

With Jack’s massive dick blocking the entrance of her mouth, she had no choice but to swallow it. The plan was to originally spit his cum out after drinking but if she forced herself away from the bully’s dick his cum would land on her business clothes. Which isn’t something she wanted to explain to her husband why it smelled like cum.

And Jack was cumming a lot. Almost inhumanely so. She would’ve thought he’d been holding it in till the day he hit puberty. It would explain why his balls and cock were so big. They must have been packing.

“Ah, ah shit sorry, Mrs. Newman.” With that, Jack released the milf from his cock. Elise coughed a bit before swallowing the remains. She wiped her chin with the backside of her palm because she couldn’t swallow all of it.

Despite that, Elise found herself giggling like a schoolgirl.

“Let me get this straight, you bully my kid, piss on him, break his leg but you’re sorry for cumming hard inside his mother’s mouth?”

Elise found the look of guilt on Jack’s face to be adorable. At least before a cocky smirk replaced it when she asked her question.

“What can I say, I didn’t want to hurt that silver tongue of yours, Mrs. Newman.”

Elise felt herself smirking and threw a suggestive wink his way. “Well, I hope you know how this lawyer gets her clients off now.”

“No way, for real? You really sucked off that Harold guy?”

“No, Jack.” Elise shook her head. Amused by the bully’s genuine misunderstanding of what she really did. “This was something I only ever did for you.” And her husband’s ex-boss, but that was more of a face fuck she didn’t enjoy. So that didn’t count.

“Despite what I did to your son?” Jack’s surprise wasn’t unexpected. After all, if you break a guy’s leg, you’d think that his mother would’ve been furious. Especially if said mother was a lawyer who could’ve easily sued him as he was of legal age now.

Elise hit him on the shoulder, although playfully. There was a mock look of anger on her face.

“Now I don’t approve of what you did to my son, Mr. Mauder.” She did her best “lawyer voice” on the young man who had just taken pleasure in her mouth. “But what happened here, stays between us, is this understandable? This has nothing to do with you and my son.”

Jack tried to speak, but Elise placed a finger on his mouth before he could talk. It was clear that she wanted control of the situation. It was almost as if she was talking to a hostile witness.

“Is this understandable, Mr. Mauder?”

The young bully nodded. Elise moved her hand away. Jack began to speak once more.

“So you’re saying that this isn’t a one time thing then?” There was a hopeful look on his face that Elise thought was absolutely adorable.

“As long as you make me happy, Jack.” She began using his first name again. Almost as if to promise him more of what to come.

“So I guess that means I’m gonna lay off on your son then?”

Elise shot him a look nobody could decipher.

“Like I said, this has nothing to do with you and my son.”


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Reply #2 on: February 01, 2024, 11:05:51 PM
I almost forgot how much i love this one!

 Do you have any other of his stories (except Black Invasion, Cuckold Son's Funeral, Black Inmates and Womans Best Friend) ?