Author Topic: Deer Man and doe city.  (Read 692 times)

Dark Blade Katana

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on: November 08, 2023, 05:40:01 AM
Edward is a skinny man but he got lucky enough to score a hot girlfriend named Erica, Erica had huge boobs, a tight waist and a big ass; her flowing red hair and light green eyes made her an amazing beauty. Edward and Erica lived in there apartment in a city called doe city, doe city had tall sky scrappers and high energy people. Edward was walking near a grassy area in doe city with tall trees when a powerful deer comes out of nowhere, it snarls and stomps before charging at him with full speed, with it's horns sticking straight out...... It slashes Edward leaving a huge gash before running off into the grassy area. Edward runs to his apartment.....he stumbles in bleeding from his stomach before falling out on the floor, Erica has a look of shock over her face before helping Edward to the bed, he lays on the bed moaning and groaning as Erica runs into the bathroom to grab some peroxide and bandages, she puts the peroxide on the wound, it "Burns and Sting's" as Edward groan's in pain before she puts the bandages on the area, he drifts off to sleep, he sees horns coming from his head, then See's himself running super fast with great stamina. Edward wakes up rubbing the area where the wound is supposed to be but he feels nothing but a smooth spot, he head also feels heavy........he touches his head to feel something sticking out from his head, he goes into the bathroom and looks in the mirror to see strong stiff deer horns sticking out from his head.