Author Topic: Make a wish- Commission (Latina mom/White rival)  (Read 15714 times)


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on: October 22, 2019, 09:49:37 PM

Make a Wish
George felt his flip-phone tingle in his jean pocket during the half -day mark at school, sending a little blood rushing to his penis. He silently pulled out his crummy phone , immediately noticing it was a text from his mother: 'Melanie'. His voluptuous Colombian mother had recently all but renounced her loving affection for him...on the day he found out his father had died. George had no friends at school..his life was a struggle as it was it was a living nightmare. His anxiety levels and his nerves had been on high alert since just yesterday, where it felt as if he had lost his father and his mother as well, on the very same day.He felt sick to his stomach, he could hardly eat at lunch break.George braced himself and read the text's contents from 'Melanie'.

 "Hi, my loser son. You'll have to walk home from the bus-stop today, and every other day, from now on ;) . I don't have the time to pick you up anymore, you know."

   He didn't know..but in some ways..he did. George stifled back his tears.
George sighed. Another text buzzed into his phone, secretly kept under the cover of his desk. His eyes widened, heart race soared up, he began to sweat. It was a photo of his mom's fat brown dumper, covered in a thick white fluid of what could only be Jack's jizzum. His phone slipped from his sweaty palms and landed at Patty's boots. Patty was an above average height, blonde girl, one year older than him, and the captain of the volleyball squad. She always teased George with a mean spirited disdain. She nudged his phone closer to her with her  ugg-boots clad foot and snatched it before he could. He , in horror, watched her read the accompanying text too "Oh my this your mom?!" she waved the phone to her close circle of girl-friends around her, and they all began to laugh.

    Suddenly,their female math teacher, who none of them had noticed had been witnessing the display of events, Henrietta Washington, took the phone from Patty and merely shook her head. "Porno Georgie?..During school?" she shook her head and confiscated the phone, not having read the text, not realizing it was the boy's own mother. Everyone laughed, now everyone had more reasons to ostracize George, the boy who got caught with big brown ass milf porn on his phone. "Detention, 1 hour" she'd say, walking down the aisle in her beige skirt. She had an ass like his mother's but she was a few years older as well. George felt so utterly humiliated and this feeling didn't subside in the hours that passed. His ill feelings didn't subside in the least as he waited down the excruciating minutes for his detention to end.His teacher Mrs.Henriette gave him a note to sign " give this to your mother ,have her sign it" saying what he had done wrong, and why he was kept in detention.  She didn't even have time to properly discipline George, as she cut his detention early and left herself, telling him to stay by himself until the full hour was up.
There was a blizzard of a snowstorm outside to boot. George braced himself and started the long trudge home.
George finally arrived home, having missed the bus because of detention, and noticed no one was home, all the lights were off. He was too depressed to even cry anymore, let alone do his homework. He went straight to his room, without even turning on so much as a single light, and collapsed face first in his bed.

   George awoke in the dead of the night to the noises that accompanied large shifts of weight in a small bed. The metal bars of the dual-decker bed frame he and his bully now "shared" were hitting the walls repeatedly with a soft thud,the frame screeching, the mattress springs creaking. He had no idea what time it was, he sat up in bed. And above all of that, flesh smacking flesh. George's mind went to the body of Jack, his pale,scrawny body's skin  sliding and chaffing against his mother's form. The noises of Jake making passionate love to his mother's  ample,meaty flesh were undeniable to his ears now. Expanding, slurping,and schlicking , slick with moisture.Finally his eyes began to adjust to the darkness. That's when he felt something strange circulate around his neck, some kind of a belt..he looked down..wrapped around his neck was unmistakably his mom's belt. His body lifted itself up into the air , from his neck. George's hands shot to his neck, he was croaking for air..the belt relaxed a little, before immediately growing taut again, sending him higher off his bed again, hanging him slowly as he was pulled higher and higher up the bed. He was choking to death, they were choking him from up above.

That's when George awoke. It had all been a dream. As he looked up, he felt it, the bunk bed was shaking. They were in fact, having sex, and it wasn't a dream this time. He couldn't see much, especially without his glasses. Something had fallen next to piece of clothing..a tank-top..wrinkled and worn...Then another item fallen, right on his nose. He whisked it off immediately. A condom lay beside him now...used..drooling out a wet,thick substance.George hid his head under his pillow and prayed he could fall back asleep soon.\

  George woke up and laid still as a brick. He wished he could run away, but he was totally reliant on his mother..he was stuck with her..and her abusiveness. He heard creaking from above..saw one long,powerful brown leg, then the other, slowly make its way down the ladder. He watched her mid-section, well rounded and shapely, then her two breasts slowly panned into his vision from the top of the screen, heavy, brown milk-juggs, with darker areolas in the center capped off with thick gumdrop sized nipples...He couldn't help but be aroused, despite his face looking red from all the crying he had done, his cheeks still reddened from the sobs and his pillow stained from the tears he had shed that night. His mother caught him staring at her Colombian hooters and spat at his face "little pervert" she said in an accented Spanish.She stood there at the side of his bed now, helping Jack down next.  Next up was scrawny, alabaster-skinned Jake. George saw his big dong wave semi-soft as he sloowly descended down the ladder, holding the helping hand of George's mother as he did so.. He stopped half way, jerked it off tauntingly in front of George for a few moments, then he too exited the room, but not before goading him and flicking him off. "Told you..I fucking told you"
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 03:06:41 PM by uglyfucker »

Joseph Mann

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Reply #1 on: October 25, 2019, 08:38:38 AM
That's a really good start to the story so far. When will this be completed?


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Reply #2 on: October 25, 2019, 08:28:00 PM
Good shit let us know when thats done


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Reply #3 on: October 26, 2019, 03:01:47 AM
If you guys want to read the entire storyline just pm me. Not gonna post it here in case readers don't want to be spoilered.


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Reply #4 on: January 27, 2020, 04:46:04 PM
Chapter 1

George Whorniposas was an incredibly lonely teenager. His Latino heritage was impossible to miss, but he was born and raised in North America. His skin was tan, and his hair was as dark as his eyes. The same could be said for his father, the NorthAmerican son of two Cuban exiles.

His mother, on the other hand, was a proud Colombian, and she was so stunning that sometimes people wondered what on earth she was doing with her husband.

It wasn’t that Martin Whorniposas was ugly. He certainly wasn’t. That being said, he was rather plain, as was their son. Meanwhile, Melanie was drop-dead gorgeous, with an hourglass figure that could melt any man just by flaunting her curves.

George was facing a real problem, along with all the issues that naturally came with adolescence. He was 16, awkward, and incredibly unpopular. For some reason, people simply didn’t like him. It might have something to do with the fact that his dad was a police captain. Perhaps, instead, it was that George really struggled to fit in. Or maybe it was that he was one of the few Latino students at his school.

For whatever reason, George felt isolated and depressed. Still, even if those problems were always floating in his mind, it was far from his biggest concern. Because with loneliness and sadness, he could deal. What he couldn’t deal with, it was the ever-growing attraction he had been developing for his gorgeous mother over the past year.

It was wrong, wrong, wrong! He knew it full well, and yet he couldn’t stop those feelings from stirring deep within him every time his mother swayed her sensual, round hips around the house.

Melanie was… a dream come true. Her breasts were massive. Huge! No dress or shirt could hide her considerable assets. But even that wasn’t the most alluring part of the Latina mom’s body. Her ass was pure perfection. Round, full, firm, and utterly perfect. He couldn’t stop himself when he began daydreaming about fucking that beautiful brown ass… just like every student and teacher at his school.

Everyone agreed that Melanie was the hottest mom in the district. And her tight little dresses only enhanced the reputation. She was very interested in fashion and style, so her dark, long hair was always perfectly styled, and her olive-toned skin never showed a single blemish. Manicured nails and tall high heels always completed her carefully-maintained image.

The fact that she worked as a nurse at the local hospital only enhanced the desire men and teenagers felt for her. After all, they could all picture her in a tight, sexy nurse uniform, and George had to endure kids in his class fantasizing about fucking her in the staffroom wearing her nurse uniform… and nothing at all underneath!

Her face was stunningly beautiful, her eyes wide and enticing, her lips oh so full. No matter what angle of her body you glimpsed at, Melanie was a gorgeous and desirable woman.

How could his father keep his hands off his wife? George couldn’t understand that! They both worked long hours and sometimes went entire days without seeing each other since they worked different shifts. Could his mother be sexually satisfied? Should a son be asking himself that question regarding his mom?

His father was his hero, but it still bothered him that Martin didn’t seem to pay enough attention to Melanie. A woman like that deserved to be lavished with gifts and fantastic sex every night! If her husband couldn’t give her that… maybe her son could?

Of course not! George chastised himself. She was his mom, and he could not allow himself to harbor such sinful desires for her!

George couldn’t help but notice that over the past year, her mom seemed… distant. Not uncaring, and certainly not unloving, but there was an impossible to miss distance between her parents, and that seemed to extend to him. George wondered if his dad worked a few fewer hours, maybe his mom would stop feeling neglected, and everything would go back to normal.

Perhaps, just perhaps…

But then again, something else of importance had occurred a year ago. Something that deeply upset Melanie to the core. George couldn’t understand why! Jack was a jerk, and he wasn’t even her son! Why did she care if he wasn’t around any longer? She should care about her own flesh and blood!

Up until a year ago, Jack used to come over to his place almost every day. He was a tall, but incredibly thin fellow student. Clearly a stark difference from George. After all, Jack had long, silky blond hair, while the Latino kid had short, black hair. Their skin seemed as different as white chocolate and light milk chocolate. And Jack, even if slender, was handsome. George… well… he knew he wasn’t going to be winning any beauty awards.

They had been best friends since they had been in kindergarten. Martin never liked the little rascal, and kept a watchful eye on him most of the time, at least when he was around. Melanie, on the other hand, absolutely adored Jack. She would tell him he was like a son to her and would hug and kiss his forehead even more often than she did George’s!

Back when neither kid cared about women, everything was cool between them. They’d spend hours and hours talking about cartoons, comics, and video games. They played in the backyard and had innocent fun.
Everything changed when the two kids began experiencing the first signs of puberty. Then everything slowly began going straight to hell.
Jack stared at Melanie often, fascinated with her massive ass and hugging her for an extra-long time whenever she embraced him. This made George feel even increasingly jealous, even if at first, he didn’t fully understand why!

Jack would follow her huge brown ass around the house, and George would try to distract him any way he could. At first, it worked, but as Jack’s fascination grew bigger and bigger, their friendship became more and more strained. Jack would playfully hug Melanie’s ass, and she’d laugh and pet his head tenderly. He would ogle her ass openly and find any excuse to see her bend over in front of him.

George finally had enough of this obsession and talked to his dad about it. Martin seemed irked, but he tried to reassure his son. Martin kept a sharp eye on Melanie and Jack from then on, though, and seemed to be around the house a lot more often from that moment on.

A few weeks after that incident, George was relieved that both his parents would be working until late in the evening. That meant that, finally, Jack and he could play as they used to without his best friend following his mom like a stupid puppy.

At first, everything seemed fine. They were having lots of fun and playing video games. Jack excused himself, claiming he needed to go to the bathroom. George nodded and kept playing, not thinking much of it.

That was until Jack simply didn’t come back. It had been over 10 minutes, and Jack was nowhere to be seen. Worried, George began looking for his friend around the house.

Much to his horror, he discovered Jack in Melanie and Martin’s room, sitting on the marital bed and holding his cock in his right hand! On his left hand, he was grabbing a sexy pic featuring his mom with barely any clothes on. It was clear that she must have taken that picture for her father because it was impossibly sexual, and the pose was entirely explicit. She even showed a little nip slip, and it seemed to be entirely intentional.

Worse still, Jack was masturbating with something… rubbing a piece of fabric over his cock over and over again… It took George only a second to realize it was one of his mother’s 36G bras!!

George screamed at Jack, blinded by anger. His rage only grew when his former best friend didn’t seem ready to stop touching himself!

“Dude, relax!” Jack chuckled, dismissively. “Let me cum on your mom’s bra, and then we can go play more videogames!”

Of course, George wasn’t having any of that! He jumped at Jack, and the two teenagers began fighting.
They were so focused on beating each other that they didn’t realize someone was approaching them. It was police captain Martin Whorniposas, walking into the room with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

“What on earth is going on here?!” He screamed, using his well-practiced tough police voice. The two teenagers froze, and then Martin could take a good look at the whole scene.

Jack’s cock was hanging out of his pants, a pair of his wife’s bras laying on the floor, moistened with a shiny fluid. Over the bed, one of the pictures his wife had taken and given him as a gift as an anniversary gift.
“He was jerking off with mom’s bra!” George accused his former best friend at once. Jack pushed the shorter boy back, making George trip back.

“You rat! You aren’t supposed to tell on your friends!”

George didn’t have any time to react. Martin had stomped toward him and, with a forceful, firm grip, began dragging the young teenager down the hallway.

“You will never lay a foot in this house again, kid,” Martin hissed, using his most threatening tone. He wanted so badly to beat the everloving shit out of that little pervert, but he knew how the neighbors would react. Even if he was entitled to do so after what Jack had done under his roof, the little jerk was still a kid, and he was still a police officer. He had to remain level-headed.

“Let go of me, fucking spic!” Jack screamed, finally letting go of any pretense that he was a good guy and cared about this family. He growled and tried to push Martin away, but the police chief was far stronger than that slender teenager. “Get your dirty brown hands off me!”

“If I ever see you in this house or near my wife again, I’ll make you regret it!”

Martin shoved Jack out the front door, making the teenager come close to tripping. Jack turned around, his cock still hanging out his pant’s zipper, and he grabbed it before tucking it in, giving Martin a nasty look.

“This is the kind of white cock your brown wife needs! She’ll be a whore for it!” Jack spat, and scrawled at Martin “You are nothing but a spic pig, with a pathetic spic son!”

Martin moved forward, stomping his feet against the ground and making Jack retreat, startled. The police chief restrained himself, and he simply snapped at the teenager, telling him to leave at once.

And Jack did leave, but not before screaming:

“Your fucking wife will be sucking my big white cock soon, fucking wetback!”

George stood behind his father, staring at his former best friend in utter disbelief. How could Jack utter such hateful, horrible words? He had always thought Jack cared about him, but it was now clear that he didn’t at all.

At least now, he was out of their lives… or so he thought.

Martin called Jack’s parents, screaming over the phone for ten full minutes before calming himself down. He warned them against ever letting Jack come close to his house, and told them that he was considering getting a restraining order. He fully intended it on doing it, but knew his wife would fight him every step of the way.

For some reason, Melanie adored and cherished that little jerk. Martin wanted to tell his wife all about what had happened, but he knew his Melanie had a soft heart. She would not handle the disappointment well.

“Son, I think it’s best if we just tell your mother that you two had a falling out. If we tell her what really happened, she’ll be incredibly upset. She’s been working so hard, it’s unfair for us to burden her with something she can’t solve.”

George agreed with his dad. He honestly didn’t want to tell Melanie what he had seen, so he was eager to pretend nothing happened at all.

Melanie, though, didn’t take the news well. She begged George to apologize to Jack for any fight they might have had.

“He’s your best friend, Georgie… and he is part of the family! He can’t just be kicked out because you two had a silly little argument. Just apologize and tell him to come back as he usually does.”

“No, mom… he was really mean to me. He’s the one who should apologize,” George replied, flustered and uncomfortable, but his mother refused to believe this.

“I don’t think he was. You must be mistaken. Jack is such an upstanding, sweet boy. He would never offend you. Perhaps you misunderstood.”

“Mom, I didn’t misunderstand anything! He was mean, and I don’t want to be his friend any longer.”

“Just apologize, honey. We need Jack in the house! He is part of our family!” Melanie insisted over and over again. During the following few weeks, the plump and sensual woman seemed depressed and distraught and tried to convince her son to bring Jack back time and time again.

She would try everything she could think of! She bought George gifts, cooked his favorite dishes, even promised an expensive family trip if Jack came along with them.

George refused every single time, and with Martin supporting his son, there was little Melanie could do to change her son’s mind.

At first, Melanie seemed depressed and sighed all around the house as if she had lost a son for real. Then… she began to grow distant from her actual son and her husband. She claimed she was just tired from work, but she no longer cooked them their favorite meals, and he didn’t kiss George on the forehead every morning as she used to.

Something had changed, and George couldn’t understand why or how. Melanie was growing ever distant, and all he could do was hope that his mom would soon come to her senses. It wasn’t that she was ignoring or mistreating him. She simply wasn’t as loving and tender as she used to be toward him. And this bothered the young boy immensely.

Finally, to get Melanie to stop insisting over and over again, they decided to come up with a new lie.

“I apologized to Jack, and we’re friends again,” George informed his mother, and her entire face seemed to grow brighter for the briefest moment “But his grandad is very sick. He’ll have to take care of him. That’s why he probably won’t be able to come for a long time.”

“Oh… I see…” Melanie mumbled her face darkening immediately. Something seemed to click in her mind, but George could not comprehend what it was. The curvaceous Colombian woman stood up and left the room after that.

She never spoke about Jack to him again, but for some reason, George wasn’t certain this was the last they’d hear of that little turd.

George mostly ignored Jack at school from that day on. A whole year had slipped by, and his mother had slowly begun going back to normal. She seemed happy, and would sometimes work very long hours, though she didn’t arrive with her scrubs as she did before. It was odd, but George knew better than to question her about it.

George did not know that Melanie’s feelings for Jack went far deeper than anyone imagined. Unbeknown to her family, she’d slip into the bathroom while her son and husband slept, taking a small box with her. In it, she had hidden pictures she had taken of her darling Jack. She stared at them for the longest time, caressing the photo and sighing heavily.

She missed him dearly, and couldn’t comprehend how her precious boy wouldn’t come around any longer. He wasn’t her son, and yet, she cherished him as one. Perhaps even more so than her own child. She loved George, yes, but Jack… there was something special about him. Something she couldn’t stop thinking about.

She still cooked for him and his dad and took care of the house, but she still wasn’t as gentle and sweet toward them as she was before. She didn’t seem to be eager at all to kiss and touch Martin either, which George blamed on his father working long hours so frequently.

He couldn’t help but think that if he could fuck his mom, he’d never spend a single night without at least groping her amazing, large ass… but that wasn’t appropriate. He knew he shouldn’t masturbate to such fantasies and yet… he was weak.

A full year after the big fallout with Jack, George was almost certain the issue was far behind him. Boy, was he wrong.

When he opened his locker that morning, he discovered the entire inside had been covered in all sorts of lewd drawings. It was clear they were meant to be Melanie, with her brown skin and her enormous ass. She was bending over in some, exposing her ass and her sexy little hole. In others, her legs were spread to the sides, showing her sensual pussy with no shame. Her breasts were massive and dangling on every single drawing, with big brown nipples. She was smiling, and though the drawings were crude, it was clear she was meant to be naughty and sexy.
The worse pictures were the ones showing a skinny white boy being ridden by the large Latina woman, letting him sink his cock into her ass. It was very clear the sex was anal, as whoever had drawn it made sure to leave behind lewd remarks letting George know his mother liked being fucked up the ass.

George had no doubt in his mind that this was just another of Jack’s terrible jokes, and he rushed down the hallways, searching for the little bastard.

He found him in the playground, chatting with a few other students. He was so skinny and pale, clearly not fit for fights, but George didn’t care. He wanted to beat him senseless!

George slapped Jack right across the face, and the idiot, instead of getting upset, chuckled cruelly. He was too weak to punch George back, but he had a sharp tongue to hurt him just as much emotionally.

“What was that for, Georgie?”

“Don’t call me that, Jack!” George snapped back and punched him again. Jack’s smirk was still plastered on his face. “It’s for the drawings!”

“Well… Art reflects life, doesn’t it?” He asked, still chuckling, and then simply walked away. All the fellow students standing around stared in surprise, and began laughing at George.

“You kicked him twice, and he just walked away like it was no big deal! You must kick like a girl, wetback!” One of the most overt racists at school yelled, and the whole yard laughed along.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 01:53:14 PM by uglyfucker »


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Reply #5 on: January 27, 2020, 04:47:38 PM
George turned around and left as well, trying to hold back the tears. He knew they’d only mock him more if they saw him sobbing.

He wished that this little joke would be enough for Jack, but there was still a whole lot coming. The very next day, the drawings were gone. They were, however, replaced with something worse.

Somehow, Jack had managed to break into his locker for the second time, and this time plastered the inside with several pictures clearly ripped out of porn magazines. They all showed skinny blond guys fucking sexy Latina women. All had big asses and lovely brown skin.

George was livid with anger, barely able to contain his frustration. He stomped toward the yard, where Jack was reading a magazine, this time alone. Without hesitating, George grabbed his former best friend. He lifted him off the ground, dropping the scrawny young student in a wrestling move he had learned in the wrestling team. George didn’t really like it, and he didn’t get along with his teammates, but Martin insisted his son practice some sort of sport. Wrestling was better than the alternatives. Now, at least, it had been useful to have Jack panting on the floor.

George hoped that this would get Jack to shut the hell up for once in his life, but instead, once he could breathe again, he began laughing dismissively.

“Keep roughing me up, Georgie… this will only make your hot spic nurse mom tend to my wounds. I might even tell her that my cock is hurt, she might give me a nice, long handjob!”

George screamed in frustration, and though he wanted to kick Jack’s ass, he noticed a teacher walking close by. If he was caught fighting, he would be suspended in an instant. Instead, he walked away, cursing under his breath, and cleaned up the locker so that no one saw it and thought he had done it himself. That would also get him in a world of troubles.

All night long, he wondered what on earth he could do to get Jack to stop. He couldn’t think of a single solution, and to release some tension, he decided to masturbate in the darkness of his room. He imagined Patty Harrison, a stunning blonde student he had developed a crush for years back. She was so beautiful and perfect, and her ass was almost as big and firm as his mom’s! Since she was the captain of the volleyball team, it was impossible that her ass was anything short of perfect, of course, but it was also so big and enticing!

George loved the idea of being allowed to bite and grab it hard, but she never gave him a second look.

Much to his embarrassment, as he rode Patty in his imagination, another woman slipped into his sexy daydreaming. It was none other than his mother, and she encouraged him to fuck her ass as well and compare both bodies. George cum hard onto his hand and panted as he imagined his cock sinking into his sexy mom’s asshole.

The truth was, masturbating to those thoughts was humiliating, but it also managed to soothe his nerves. Thanks to it, he was able to sleep well that night, which was a relief. George had been able to sleep through the night since Jack began messing with him again.

His peace of mind was short-lived, though, as the moment he opened his locker, he found the most humiliating so-called gift Jack had left for him: The huge 36G bra his mom and sexy picture Jack had masturbated to a whole year ago!

George was so confused! He was certain that he had put it back in his mom’s drawer, so how did Jack have it now? Had he been in his house after the incident? Or could his mom…?

He couldn’t focus on any coherent thoughts, though. George was simply too aroused after seeing his mom’s hot picture. He needed some relief, and couldn’t handle simply going into the bathroom and jerking off like a little pervert.

So he decided to finally gather the courage to ask the beautiful, popular Patty out. Perhaps she would let him fuck her, and he could finally stop fantasizing about his own mother like a complete freak. He wanted so badly to get laid that his awkwardness and timid personality were cast to the side for a few moments. Later on, George would wish that he would have remained a coward. At least that way, he wouldn’t have gotten publicly rejected in front of the whole school!

Walking up to Patty, he gulped as he realized that she was surrounded by her equally hot friends. They were all gorgeous, but they didn’t have the amazing ass Patty did. It wasn’t the time to back down now, so instead, he began speaking.

“Patty… I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me tonight?” He asked gently and waited for her reply. Patty didn’t even turn around to acknowledge he was standing there. George was confused… maybe she didn’t hear him?

He repeated the question, and still, she ignored him. George was growing more and more uncomfortable, but he refused to simply give up. So he tapped her shoulder gently, and she shot him the iciest glare he ever saw in his life.

“What?” She snapped at him, and George gulped down again. He should have walked away then, but he decided to try a third time.

Big mistake.

“I want to take you out on a date, Patty. I think you are the most beautiful girl in school. We could have a really nice time… movies and dinner, perhaps?”

Patty’s friends laughed and stared at the scene unfolding, and that was when Patty seemed utterly humiliated. She pursed her lips, and all of a sudden, she exploded in rage and grabbed George by his shirt collar.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself being shoved against the lockers. His back hurt, and he stared in disbelief at a furious-looking Patty.

“Listen to me, you little spic. You are short, brown, and fucking disgusting. I only date handsome, white men. I don’t want to reek of beans and nachos, fucking wetback!” She screamed at him with disgust in her tone and her eyes. “If you ever touch me again, I’ll rip that little peanut you have in your pants, do you understand me, bad hombre?”

All of Patty’s friends laughed, but this time they also cheered Patty for humiliating him in such a manner. Patty was encouraged by their reaction and kept on attacking George verbally.

“We all saw the dirty photos in your locker, freak! You took them down so no one would notice, but Sasha took pictures of how you adorned the inside of your locker and sent it to us. It was disgusting, and you are fucking pathetic! A woman like me would never let a fucking spic touch her, so get it in your thick head!”

Finally, Patty let go of him. She was so beautiful, with her long, silky blonde hair. Her eyes were a dark shade of brown, and even after she had been so nasty and demeaning toward him, George couldn’t help but think she was gorgeous.
Perhaps the way he degraded him aroused him in an odd way that he couldn’t comprehend. How could such a stunning woman have such a fantastic body and such a nasty attitude? And why did he still want to beg her to date him, if only once?

He walked away in utter defeat, trying his best to keep himself from sobbing in front of all the girls who mocked him relentlessly. He managed to look stoic enough until he was far enough from them. He locked himself in the locker and sobbed silently, but forced himself to go back to class and pretend he was alright.

He wasn’t alright at all… if only his mom would give him a hug and a big kiss… if she would let him grab her ass… maybe he would feel better.

To unload his anger on someone who actually deserved it, right after class, George began looking around for Jack. He was nowhere to be seen, and now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen him in the cafeteria that midday.

Asking around, he was told that he hadn’t been to school at all that day. And he probably wouldn’t be coming around for a long while, as he was in the hospital. George felt skeptical about this fact… he had a bad feeling about this whole situation.

Something smelled fishy here. A few days ago, Jack had been well enough to play all those horrible pranks on him. Something was amiss, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. Perhaps he had hurt Jack after all? His mom would never forgive him if he had!

He walked back home, worried about the consequences of the fight, and was relieved to discover his house was empty. He found his dinner in the fridge with a note from his mom. It still wasn’t his favorite… she had never cooked that again since the incident with Jack. But it was something, and the note was sweet enough.

George hoped for more. He wanted a big hug from his mom, but she rarely hugged him at all lately.

After munching on his dinner, he decided to go into his room. To his surprise, his parent’s bedroom door was ajar. Usually, it was closed, so his curiosity peaked.

He wondered inside and smelled the pleasant perfume his mom used. He loved that scent! It was so sexy!

He awkwardly checked Melanie’s drawers and began finding lingerie sets he had never seen her wear. Clearly, she saved it for his dad. He felt so jealous all of a sudden. If he was her husband, he would never spend a single night without giving her a good fuck, as she deserved!

He picked one of her bras, so silky and perfect. He was shocked to read that they were 30GG! It made sense, though, since Melanie had the biggest tits he had ever seen in his life.

George groaned as he realized his cock was now as hard as a rock. He wanted to relieve himself but still felt too depressed from being so violently rejected by the girl he had such a big crush on.

He was about ready to leave when he noticed a little box semi-hidden underneath the bed. It seemed to be peaking out just a few inches as if someone had put it away quickly and didn’t get to really hide it well.

Filled with curiosity, he grabbed the box and opened it as he took a seat on his mom’s bed.

The first few pictures were the same Jack had found a year ago, but then, to his shock, he began discovering more. His mom kept pictures of Jack smiling, posing for the camera, flexing his nonexistent muscles, and even flipping off the camera like a smug schoolyard bully.

To top it all off, there were even pics of both his mom and Jack. She had her arms around him, and the little brat was sitting on her lap. He rested his tiny head on her massive breasts, and she seemed to encourage him tenderly. Another picture taken immediately after by the looks of it, showed her kissing his cheek!

Much to his dismay, George noticed that her smile was far wider than any she ever displayed while he was around. She seemed genuinely happy. Even more so than in her wedding pictures!

George felt incredibly frustrated, and he hated Jack so badly all he wanted was to go to the hospital and beat him into a coma. Fuck consequences!

His cock, though, was still impossibly hard, and maybe even more so than before. Forgetting all about Patty and her humiliating words, he began masturbating right there on his parent’s bed, just like Jack had a year ago.

Much to his embarrassment, it took him merely a minute or two before he was cumming all over the pictures featuring his mom and his rival smiling together. If his mom discovered his cum on them, he’d be in a world of trouble!!

He cleaned them as best as he could, but it was still clear someone had stained them. He could only hope that at least his mom wouldn’t notice what the stains were!

George decided he needed to get out of the house and discover if he had been the one to put Jack in the hospital. The only way to figure this out was going straight to the source.

The Latino teenager walked the few blocks that separated his house from Jack’s. When he rang the bell, he was received by his former friend’s mom. She regretfully informed him that Jack had fainted the previous night and was currently at the hospital. The doctors were apparently running some tests.

When he was offered a ride to the hospital to check on Jack, George felt obligated to go. After all, Jack’s parents weren’t to blame for their son’s horrible behavior, and they seemed really upset.

The ride was quiet and tense, but George was relieved that Jack hadn’t told his parents about the fight.
Once there, they were guided into the room by the head nurse, a close friend of his mother’s who greeted George sweetly.

At Jack’s room, George and Jack’s parents were greeted by the silhouette of his mom’s huge cleavage as she’s bent over Jack’s bed behind a curtain. The nurse immediately pulled the curtain back and revealed Melanie putting a feeding tube into Jack’s arm.

George’s cock sprang back to life: Melanie’s breasts were so huge that she looked like a nurse out of a porn scene. He tried not to stare, but it was hard. He hadn’t seen his mom in a nurse uniform for such a long time, and now he couldn’t keep his eyes off her rack. He wanted so badly to slip into the bathroom and jerk himself off again!

Jack’s dad stared as well, and his annoyed wife elbowed him. He coughed uncomfortably and looked away, but the damage was done. Jack’s mom was incredibly jealous, and it showed in the way she stared at her husband.

The annoyment lasted only a few seconds, though, for a moment later, a doctor walked inside the room.

He had terrible news, regretfully, he said. George expected the doctor to say there was some kind of organ bleeding from the fight or something like that! He’d get in so much trouble!

However, the diagnosis the doctor revealed was far worse. Jack had leukemia! His parents were stunned, and they didn’t even know how to react. Melanie immediately began sobbing, and she had to be escorted out of the room.

George followed behind her, feeling stunned and confused. He was relieved Jack wouldn’t be bothering him any longer, but at the same time, his parents were friendly people. They didn’t deserve to go through that trauma!

He quietly walked back home. It was a long stroll, but he needed time alone to think. His mom’s reaction had also been terrible, but at least soon, Jack wouldn’t be in their lives any longer.

George didn’t know if he was relieved or worried, but he, for sure, though that the hell Jack had put him through was finally over. Little did he know that it was about to get much, much worse.


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Reply #6 on: January 27, 2020, 10:46:59 PM
Wow, this story is impressive in many ways, Melanie really loves Jack more than her own son and husband, that ending is sad in a way, it is not sad for George but it is a dramatic situation, Melanie has suffered a lot in this story, she deserve to be happy with Jack and have a lot of sex to make her son suffer


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Reply #7 on: February 17, 2020, 01:49:24 PM
Chapter 2

By the time George arrived home, Melanie’s car was already in the driveway. That wasn’t a big surprise, as he had taken the long way there, and on foot. He needed time alone to process everything that was happening.

Jack was a jerk, yes, but he was still young, barely a teenager, and he had once been a dear friend. Did he really want him to die? Well, no… but at the same time, he was relieved. He couldn’t help feeling that way. Jack had turned into a real jackass and really overstepped the boundaries. So, if they skinny idiot had to go… well, at least George hoped he didn’t suffer too much.

Martin, his father, wasn’t home yet, and all George heard in the house were the sounds of his mom cooking. She was clearly upset. Usually, she’d listen to bachata, a kind of Colombian music genre. Now, however, the house was eerily quiet.

He didn’t like it one bit. George couldn’t help but wonder, if only for an instant… would his mom be this upset if he was sick? He blinked at this thought. Why would he even consider that question? Of course, his mom wouldn’t be happy if her own son had cancer!! He knew that, and it was unfair for Melanie for him to think that way.

Still… something deep inside, George told him… maybe, just maybe, she cared more about Jack than she cared about her own flesh and blood. Why did she keep his photos hidden underneath her bed if she didn’t, like a long-lost son or worse… a cross-stared lover.

George decided to play a few video games to let go of these silly concerns. Jack would soon be gone, and that would be it. He would be freed of this little jerk, and even if his mom did love Jack more than she loved George, he’d be long gone.

Finally, Martin arrived, exhausted after a long day at work. Being the chief police officer was hard work. He was sweaty and tired, and clearly not in the mood to talk. Perhaps he should try harder for Melanie, George found himself thinking. Maybe then they’d get along better.

As Melanie served them dinner, her lip quivered, and she sighed as if trying to gather the courage to tell Martin something she found terrible.
“Martin…” She said as she took a seat, and the chief gave his wife a concerned look. “I have something to tell you.”
“What is it, dear?”

“Jack, Georgie’s friend… he’s sick. He has leukemia and has been admitted to the hospital. The doctors don’t think he had too much time left.”
Martin didn’t react the way Melanie expected him to. Her eyes were puffy from sobbing, and her usually sun-kissed skin was uncharacteristically pale. She was a stunning woman, she never could stop being one with her amazing looks, but she looked tired and sad. She was usually so filled with life!
She clearly expected her family to mourn the news with her… but that didn’t happen. Instead, Martin chuckled softly and replied:
“Good riddance to the little bastard.”

That was when World War III started, right under the Whorniposa’s roof. George had seen his parents argue, but never that way. It was a mess! Melanie was furious, accusing her husband of being insensitive and cruel. Martin scoffed, and he replied that she never saw the real monster that hid behind the good boy facade.

“He is a child!” Melanie spat, crossing her arms in front of her massive boobs. “How can you call a child a monster?!”
“He is hardly a child, Melanie, ¡Por Dios!” Martin screamed back, throwing his arms in the air. “Es un muchachote de 16 años!”
“Don’t you speak Spanish to me!” She screamed back at him in anger “You only speak Spanish when you are mad and think you are right! You are not right by wishing a boy dies!”

“Dies, disappears, whatever. As long as he stays the hell away from my wife and my son, I’m happy!”
“Stop it!” She shrieked, clearly incredibly upset.

George found refuge in his bedroom, refusing to witness their argument any longer. Unfortunately, the screams were so loud that he simply could not block them out. They continued to argue well into the wee hours of the night, and George kept turning and tossing in his bed. They screamed nasty things to one another.
He discovered things no son wanted to know about their parents… like how they didn’t have sex any longer and how she didn’t want him to touch her even using a long pole. How she was disgusted with the man, he had turned into over those years of marriage.

Truth be told, Martin didn’t hold back any insults either. What Georg didn’t know was if they were being honest or just trying to hurt one another. He hoped it was the latter… but it felt like the former.

Much to his dismay, just as he was succeeding at falling slowly asleep, he heard his phone beep. Checking the screen, George realized it was a text from none other than Jack.

All is going according to plan, spic

George was wide awake after that, unable to stop thinking about what that bastard might mean by that. He sent at least a dozen texts and called Jack over 7 times, but there was no reply. George had a bad feeling about it and somehow believed that even his parents’ argument might have to do with that text. Jack was messed up enough to come up with a plan to ruin his entire life

The next day, he had to crawl out of his bed, feeling his knees wobbly. He had slept less than an hour or two, and could barely keep his eyes open.
Melanie wouldn’t allow him to stay home, no matter how much he pleaded.

“No! Perhaps if you showed a bit more empathy toward the suffering of others, I’d feel bad about you being tired. But you are really acting like a nasty kid” She snapped at him, surprising George.

“But mom!” He yelped, surprised by her sudden iciness.

“But nothing. You weren’t upset about Jack’s illness, and you didn’t help me defend him when your dad said he wished the poor boy was dead. Now you can make your own breakfast because I don’t feel like cooking for neither you or your mom today.”

George was wounded and confused by this reaction, but there was something in Melanie’s stern expression that let him know that arguing would do him no good.
His mother had been drifting apart from his little boy slowly yet steadily over the past few years, but now? Now it felt as if she wasn’t even looking at him with the eyes of a mom. Instead, she seemed annoyed at him, as if he was some kind of dull chore.

George thought that she was maybe just upset, and she’d be back to her usual sunny disposition in no time. So he decided to play nice and go to school without arguing, even if he was exhausted.

The next few weeks slipped by quickly. It was enjoyable going to school now that Jack wasn’t there to annoy him and leave little notes in his locker. He tried to gain his mom’s favor once again, by asking how Jack was doing, but she remained just as icy. All she’d reply when being asked about it was that he should concern himself with his homework.

That being said, something was messing up his momentary happiness… Patty. Patty, his hopeless crush. Ever since he had dared ask her out, she was furious at him, feeling like the fact that he liked her was a personal insult to her.

She was a stunning beauty and had the biggest ass and boobs in school, so it was clear most of the guys there wanted to screw her brains out. Including a few teachers. But the thought of him asking her out again made her skin crawl.

And so she decided to make his life a living hell in order to make it quite clear to him that she would never, not in a million years, even give him a second look, let alone date him.

So each and every time they crossed each other in the hallway, she’d yell a racial insult at him, making all her popular friends chuckle.

Soon, it stuck. People found it hilarious, and they began doing it too. So day in and day out, George had to endure people hollering ‘spic,’ ‘wetback,’ ‘beaner,’ ‘frijolero.’ George would blush and grit his teeth. He could get into fights, sure, but most of the students screaming those slurs at him were girls! What was he supposed to do? Punch a girl? He wouldn’t stoop that low!

One day, right after school, Patty was mercifully alone for a few minutes as she grabbed stuff from her locker. Her friends were showering after gym class, so he could approach her without her entire entourage.

“Patty…” He mumbled, feeling so nervous around her now that he knew she was so disgusted with him. “I’d like to speak to you for a second, please.”
“No way, loser. I’m busy.” She snapped, not even turning to give him a second look.

“Please, I’m really tired of being called names every single day. Stop it already. I won’t ask you out again, I’m sorry if I upset you. So just stop it, ok?”
Only then did she turn toward him, slapping the door of her locker sharply.

“No, I don’t plan on stopping, you idiot. You are disgusting, and I want everyone to know it. By the time the year ends, you’ll be the most unpopular guy at school. You’ll get fucking beaten up every day. And you are sorry? I don’t think you really are… but soon you’ll be”

“Wait, Patty…” He mumbled, surprised, as she tried to walk away. He placed a hand on her shoulder to try and keep her from leaving. Without any warning, Patty kicked him hard on the nuts, sending him tumbling on the floor.

“If you ever touch me again, I’ll accuse you of trying to molest me with the principal, do you understand, wetback?!” She snapped at him, leaning down so he could hear her even as the pain was washing horribly over his body. It was a kick on the nuts, but it was spreading to his stomach, his chest, and even his head, like waves of a terrible earthquake.

She stepped over him as if he was just a piece of garbage lying on the floor and walked away to meet her friends.
It took him almost ten minutes to feel strong enough to move, and he had to end up walking home since the bus had already left. His balls hurt like fucking hell, and he had to check a few times to make sure they hadn’t raised into his body.

When he reached his home, George strolled into his bedroom and laid on his bed. His balls still hurt like hell, but at least it didn’t feel like he was about to faint any longer.

It was then that he received an email on his phone, and an instant later, he wished he would have never opened it. It was filled with pictures, and the one who sent them was none other than Jack.

The pictures were… well, nothing a sick boy at the hospital should have in his possession. Actually, no one but Melanie’s husband should have them at all!
There were so many too! They showed his mom’s massive cleavage, as well as a few with her bending over to grab something from the medical trays. Her ass was enormous, and with the tight nurse uniform, it left little to the imagination.

Her panties were showing through the skirts and scrubs in the different pictures. They were all so sexy panties, all made out of silk or lace, more adequate in a porn film than a hospital room. There were others where she was throwing a kiss at the camera wearing her regular clothes. It was insane!
Then the worse were the ones that were close-ups of her boobs, and they looked amazing! Her breasts were so large, George knew it, but it was as if Jack had successfully snapped a picture from every single angle, and they looked even better.

George was outraged and upset to see all those pictures. And yet… he couldn’t help but feel an erection pushing hard at the front of his pants. He was just about ready to pull out his cock and began masturbating to those pictures when his mom walked into his room without even knocking the door.
She had a big smile on her face, and she looked earnestly happy for the first time in over a month. She was walking with a bounce in her step, and it made her boobs bounce hypnotically.

“Oh, Georgie, dear, I have wonderful news!”

“What is it, mom?” He asked, jumping to his feet and trying to pretend he didn’t have an erection. He wondered what could have her so happy and acting so sweetly toward him after weeks of icy treatment.

It was nice seeing her that way, and he thought that any news she could give him now would be great news. He was incredibly wrong.

“Jack is officially in remission, and he’ll be allowed to leave the hospital!” She announced, smiling like a schoolgirl in love. Before George even had the chance to reply at all, she continued with the so-called great news. “But his condition is still delicate. The doctors recommended constant medical supervision for a few months, to begin with. So I spoke to his parents, and they agreed that since I was the one taking care of him at the hospital, it would be a good idea for him to come to stay with me until he recovers a 100%!”

George wanted to ask his mom if she was crazy, but before he could even open his mouth, a loud thud could be heard from his parents’ room.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” The scream was unmistakably Martin yelling in surprise. He must have heard of the news from his room, and he was rushing toward his son’s bedroom in a mad fury. “Are you insane, woman?! That freak isn’t going to set a single foot here!”

“Don’t you dare speak to me that way” Melanie replied sharply, her tone awfully cold. “I won’t change my mind. I’m a professional nurse, and I’ll never turn my back when someone needs my help, Martin. I already made up my mind, and you won’t convince me otherwise.”

Martin seemed mad enough to actually strike his wife, so he took a long breath in and shook his head, stomping toward the front door.
“I have to leave now, Melanie, before I do something I’ll regret. I’ll be home later today. Then we’ll talk about it.”

George was confident that the door was doing to fall off its hinges by the sheer force with which Martin slammed it.

“Mom… are you sure about this?” George asked cautiously, and Melanie nodded immediately, without hesitation.

“Yes, I’m sure. I know Jack on a very intimate level, and I am the more qualified to tend to his needs until he makes a full recovery.”

“Look, mom… I never told you this because I didn’t want you to be upset… but Jack’s not a nice guy. He’s a real pervert. The reason why he didn’t come around any longer was that I caught him masturbating with your bras in your room. He’s not what he seems!”

Melanie stared at her son for an instant before shaking her head in disbelief.

“No, Jack would never do that. He is a nice boy.”

“Mom! He is not a nice guy! He is a fucking pervert, he is an idiot, he is a jerk! He told everyone at school you have great boobs that he wanted to cum on them! I’m sorry to be telling you all of this, but you need to know who he really is!”

Melanie didn’t react the way George hoped she would. She was mad… but not at Jack! She slapped George across the face and glared at him with such hatred that it made him freeze where he stood.

“Don’t ever, ever talk about my darling Jack that way again! Even with leukemia, he is a better son than you ever could be! You are a pathetic little boy, and he is everything I wish you would have been! Instead, you grew up to be… just like your loser of a father!”

George was incredibly wounded as she left him alone in his room, barely able to snap out of his shock for the longest time. In a jealous rage, he closed the door and closed his eyes, unable to control his emotions.

He began doing something that he never imagined he’d do: He slipped his hand down his pants and began furiously masturbating to the thought of his mom and his most hated rival, Jack, having passionate sex. He could almost hear their moans and grunts in his head, and Jack’s cruel smirk as he thrust time and time again into Melanie’s tight pussy, making her massive boobs swing back and forth with each new push.

He ended up cumming in his pants, feeling miserable and furious, and didn’t walk back out till it was time for dinner.

It was when the smell of Melanie’s delicious cooking began flooding the house that George reluctantly stepped downstairs, just in time to hear someone stepping through the front door. It was none other than Jack himself, arriving at the Whorniposa house with a huge and cruel grin on his face. No, it wasn’t a grin… it was an arrogant smirk.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 01:53:01 PM by uglyfucker »


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Reply #8 on: February 17, 2020, 01:52:28 PM
Melanie seemed terribly elated and helped the teenagers bring in all his bags. The second she noticed George standing there, though, she tossed the bags her son’s way.

“Be helpful for something and take these bags to your room. Jack will be staying there until he feels better.”


“No buts! Go now!”

While George miserably fixed his room up for the impromptu guest, he heard his mom and Jack running around downstairs. George peeked down and saw them playing tag, supposedly to test the teenager’s energy levels.

With every new tag, Jack seemed bolder and bolder, going as far as slapping Melanie’s huge ass. It made those perfect buttocks jiggle inside her black yoga pants. She giggled and yelped each time, clearly enjoying it far more than she should have as a married woman.

They run all over the house without a care in the world, until Melanie picked up the skinny Jack in her thick arms. He weighed, at most, 90 pounds, so it was certainly easy for her to get that done. The hot Latina milf planted a kiss on the young teenager’s cheek and hugged him tightly, squeezing him against her massive boobs.

George walked meekly by, which prompted Melanie to roll her eyes sharply. Without saying a single word to her actual son, she instead focused on Jack and Jack alone.

“Come, Jack, honey,” She told him as she took his hand and guided him into the kitchen. With a sigh, George decided it was best not to go in there for now, and walked back into his room. There, he heard his cell phone ringing, and upon answering, was surprised to listen to the voice of his dad.

“Hi, George. I’m sorry you had to listen to your mom and me arguing today again. Listen, kiddo, I’ll be late today. There is an active shooter at the local movie theatre, and I have to be there to help contain the situation.”

“Dad! That sounds dangerous!” George gasped, worried about what his dad was revealing.

“Don’t worry, son. I’ll be ok. Take care of your mom, I’ll be back tomorrow morning, I promise,” There was a pause in the line as if someone was talking to his dad. There was urgency in his voice when he addressed his son again, “I’m sorry, Georgie, but I have to rush to the scene. Keep an eye on Jack until I get back. I don’t trust that punk to be around your mom. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Before George could reply, Martin hung up the phone. The teenager was left with a feeling of dread. This was not good… but surely his father would be ok, right? He always was.

Dinner arrived all too soon, and the truth of the matter was, George would have rather remained in his room. But his father had ordered him to keep an eye on Jack, and that was what he needed to do. So he sat there, barely able to touch his meal, staring at the oddest scene he had ever dealt with.

Melanie and Jack couldn’t get their eyes off each other. It was ridiculous. They made puppy eyes and giggled like they were out on a date. His mother looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing more makeup than she did even during her dates with his father, and was wearing an impossibly-tight and sensual pink dress. It highlighted her curvaceous body and her sun-kissed skin. Her dark hair was combed in a way that made her look youthful and gorgeous.
Why was she all primed up that way? Was it for Jack’s sake?!

“I’m not hungry, Melanie, I don’t think I can eat this delicious meal” Jack mumbled ruefully, acting much sicker than George believed he really was.
Melanie cooed at Jack tenderly and began cutting his food for the teenager, feeding him small forkfuls.

George rolled his eyes at this, but the worst was yet to come. When that didn’t really help, Melanie began chewing up the food and prompted Jack to open his mouth, pouring the half-eaten food inside! She was like one of those mamma birds feeding their babies. George opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what he was staring at!

He was so grossed out by the sight that he actually threw up his own food all over the table, feeling sick to his stomach.

Instead of getting worried about her son or even realizing how gross what she was doing was… she actually began to mock him!

“You are such an asshole, dude!” Squealed Jack, laughing his ass off, “There are starving children in the third world, and you just spit your food?”

“Ungrateful little shit,” Added Melanie, and she laughed alongside Jack.

George couldn’t even reply, feeling another rush of food rushing up his throat. So he just ran to the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet, throwing up the rest of his meal.

He sat in there for a while, feeling his stomach uneasy. He closed his eyes, wondering how his father would take the news of Melanie’s strange behavior around Jack? It didn’t seem like she was going to suddenly begin acting normal again.

Something incredibly messed up was at play here, and George had a feeling that soon enough, he’d discover what was going on.
It scared him shitless if he had to be honest with himself.

When he finally made his way out of the bathroom, his stomach still upset; he couldn’t find his mom or Jack anywhere. The vomit was still staining the table, which was so odd. Why wouldn’t his mom have cleaned it? She usually didn’t let anything be dirty around the house!

There was a note on the table, on top of the vomit, and George thought it would read that he should clean it up himself. Instead, it read that they wanted to play hide and seek and that George should find Melanie and Jack.

He grunted in annoyment, but decided to search for them so at least he could finally confront the two of them and demand that they put a stop to it before his dad arrived and kicked Jack’s ass!

George was fuming with frustration, but no matter how much he tried to find them, they were nowhere to be seen. That was until he tried to enter his mom’s walk-in closet. Much to his shock, it was locked from the side. What was worse… sounds were coming from inside it.

Heavy breathing, soft moans, little grunts. He couldn't miss what was going on in there. Once he tried to open the door, and it became evident that he had finally found them, the noises grew louder. George was furious and began banging at the door, demanding for them to stop whatever was going on inside that room, and to open the door at once.

He knocked so hard that it seemed like the door was going to break in two at any moment. It was then that Melanie opened the door, and George gasped in surprise.

He couldn’t look at his mother in the face: Not while she was wearing nothing but a pair of tight-fitting bras and sensual little panties. He could see the swell of her boobs, the nipples almost slipping out of the fabric. She was the most sensual, perfect, and voluptuous woman George had ever laid eyes on! Her breasts seemed ready to burst out of her tiny bra, almost as big as his own head!

“Goodness, George, relax. Lower your voice, I don’t understand why you need to be screaming the way you are!” She scolded him, just as Jack walked out without a care in the world, dressed in nothing but a pair of piss-stained underwear.

George grunted in disgust and shook his head disapprovingly at both of them.
“I’m done with this stupid little game. I’m going to bed.”

George began to walk toward his room, and to his surprise, Jack and Melanie stepped behind him. He gave them a frustrated look, and Melanie prompted him to enter the room.

“What? It’s bedtime, and Jack needs to go to bed too.”

George, irritated at his mother, simply shrugged and began moving toward his bed, but Melanie stopped him at once.
“No, you are sleeping on the lower bunk.”

In order to have room for friends, his parents had bought a bunk bed for George years back. He always slept in the top bunk, even if there was nowhere else sleeping in his room. He loved it! His mom didn’t allow him to climb the stairs even as he protested.
“But mom, it’s my bed!”

“Not any longer. Jack wants it, and he deserves it far more than you do!” She snapped at him, rolling her big black eyes at his rebellion. “I’m your mother, and you’ll do as I say!”

George reluctantly laid down on the lower bunk and was forced to see how Melanie helped that little jerk climb the stairs. George could see her boobs bouncing as she moved up the stairs and how her ass clapped gorgeously! He wanted so badly to stretch his arm and squeeze that massive, stunning ass!

He heard his mom kissing Jack goodnight, and something deep inside him told him that it was probably a peck on the lips, not the cheek. He felt green with jealousy and anger but didn’t say a thing.

The gorgeous Latina then simply stepped out of the room without even acknowledging her own son, as if he wasn’t even there.

About a second or two later, Jack poked his head from the upper bed, a horrible smirk on his skinny face. George rolled his eyes and turned to the side, prepared to ignore whatever taunt the jerk had to throw at him… but he never expected what was actually about to be revealed to him.

“You know it’s all a show, right, spic?” He asked cruelly, dark amusement in his voice. “I don’t have cancer. I never did! Nothing went into remission. I’m perfectly healthy, just skinny as hell. But everyone ate it up like the idiots they are. Your mom helped me scheme this masterplan! We paid an actor to pretend he was a doctor, paid the head nurse that works with your mom to turn a blind eye. And you know what’s funnier? The money we used to pay for this whole show was cash your mom has been stealing from your father’s salary for over a year now! Isn’t that hilarious?!”

George should have probably immediately jumped to his feet and beaten the ever-living crap out of that little creep, but he was in too much shock to move. So Jack kept speaking, every single word filled with venom.

“The only people who don’t know the truth are you, your idiot of a father, and my lame parents. None of that matters now, though. Remember how I promised I’d be fucking Melanie sooner or later? Well, I did, and there’s nothing a loser like you can do about it!”

That was simply too much for George to bear. He jumped out of his bunk bed with the sole intention of beating Jack’s ass. This time he would end up in the hospital for real, and he’d stay there for a fucking long time, too! When his dad found out what had happened, there would be hell to pay, and the little punk would regret ever laying a finger on Melanie!

Just then, though, something even more shocking happened. The door burst open. George expected to see his dad there, but instead, it was Melanie, completely naked from head to toes! Her breasts bounced like gigantic water balloons as she rushed toward him, and handcuffed a stunned George to his bunk with Martin’s police gear.

“What the fuck, mom?!” George managed to squeak before Melanie snapped him so hard that spit actually slipped out his mouth.

“Shut up, you good-for-nothing child! Don’t stay up, loser. I’m going to be with Jack in the bunk bed on top of yours, and it’s going to be a long night, believe me!”
Without saying another word, she climbed on the top bunk, and George could hear them heavily kissing and panting almost immediately.

“Hey! Stop it!” He screamed, trying to uncuff himself, but it was all for naught. They completely ignored him except to throw Jack’s disgusting underwear onto his face. It smelled like cum and piss, and George almost puked again as he took it off his head.

The next few hours were utterly traumatic. He screamed and yelled and cried miserably, begging to be released, begging for them to stop. He told them how wrong it was, how they’d regret it, how messed up what they were doing was.

All he received as a reply were the constant moans and grunts coming from both his mom and Jack, as well as the continuous rocking of the bed. They were fucking each other brains out, and George was a reluctant spectator of it all.

It wasn’t until Melanie’s phone began to ring that they finally paused. George was whimpering quietly by then, and when he saw his mom stepping down the ladder, he looked at her in despair.

“Please, mom, stop…” he mumbled, but she rolled her eyes at him. She was sweaty and covered in Jack’s cum, her massive tits red with hickeys. Her large nipples were erect, and her ass was also covered in marks from Jack’s spanks.

“Shut up, freak,” She replied coldly and answered the phone. She heard the other person on the other side of the line deliver what was supposed to be terrible news. The police commissioner told her how Martin had been fatally wounded in the theater shootout, and how he was sorry for her loss.
Melanie laughed merrily and hung up the phone without even replying.

She turned toward George with the biggest grin on her face that her son had ever seen.

“Your dumb spic father got shot dead a few hours ago, little bitch.” She chuckled as she spoke, leaving George in utter shock. “Don’t worry, though, I already have a new daddy for you! He is a hell of a better lover and has a big fucking cock to match! He can actually make me cum, not like your loser father!

George began sobbing miserably, but Melanie simply laughed in returned and screamed to her young lover:

“The spic is dead!”

“I heard! Good riddance! Now come up here and let’s celebrate. I’ll fuck that big ass of yours, and you can forget all about that disgusting spic!”
Melanie giggled like a teenager and hopped back up the stairs, her breasts bouncing with each new step.

The top bunk of his bed began to bounce up and down wildly. The moans of his mom, the terrible woman who gave birth to him, filled the room. They were tied together with the grunts and groans of the boy who used to be his best friend and had played George like a fiddle.

“Too bad your loser son wasn’t shot alongside his spic dad!” Jack chuckled as he fucked Melanie hard in the ass, slapping her cheeks and enjoying how they bounced.

“Don’t worry, we need a little loser servant around the house! He’ll be useful, Jack,” Melanie replied between moans.
George closed his eyes and tried in vain to gulp down the tears. It seemed like it was the first night of a terrible living nightmare.


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Reply #9 on: February 18, 2020, 09:31:20 PM
I love the part where Melanie chews the food to give it directly to Jack from mouth to mouth, like a mother bird would do with her beloved little bird, George is not able to assimilate that image and that situation, George vomits every time his mother feeds  Jack like that... George must be suffering a lot with the death of his father, it would not be unusual for Jack and Melanie to have very aggressive sex and the bunk to broke, then all the weight from above would fall on George, probably George will scream in pain because his legs or arms will break, Jack and Melanie will probably laugh at the situation and continue to have passionate sex, George feels more pain with every movement of Jack's hips, but at the same time he can't help but have an erection, despite having broken bones and being trapped down there, George ends up cumming in his pants, also pissing and pooping in his pants, after many hours Melanie decides to call the ambulance to take George to the hospital, the men in the ambulance were surprised to see the broken bunk and the unfortunate state of George, the men also saw George's pants...


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Reply #10 on: May 23, 2020, 08:13:22 PM
Some art work a cool dude called binkykun did for me on Fiverr


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  • Danica Collins (Monica Mckay)
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Reply #11 on: February 24, 2023, 04:25:49 PM
Sorry for the bump guys but I forgot all about this story ;D The thick latina mom in this story was based on Shanie Gaviria, a favorite of mine ;D

PDFs for those who dont want to read it on here

« Last Edit: February 24, 2023, 04:37:46 PM by uglyfucker »