Author Topic: [Story] Mom found my Camera  (Read 2138 times)


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on: March 20, 2024, 06:05:24 PM
I'm not the author, but I saved this and the original seems to be lost.


I knew something was wrong the moment I walked in. I just got home from school and the house felt...wrong. Maybe it was the eerie silence. Usually there was some background noise--tv, vacuum, Mom working in the kitchen--something. But not today.

"Mom? I'm home," I called.


I made my way to my room. The door was open. As I drew nearer, I did start to hear...something. I couldn't identify it, but the hair stood up on the back of my neck for some reason. Cautiously, I stepped in.

Mom was sitting on my bed. My GoPro was in her hand, and she was staring at it with a wooden expression on her face. The sound I'd heard was the video--the sound of a shower running, and some low moaning. Oh shit!

I was dead.

"Hello, Buddy." She tapped the screen to pause the vid and finally looked up at me. "I found this camera your father and I bought you for your 15th birthday a couple of months ago, after you begged and begged for it. So you could record yourself on your bike, you said. Share with your friends, you said. Would you like to know where I found it? It was on a shelf in the bathroom, stuck in behind some other things. That's a funny place for him to leave it, I thought. Then I noticed it was recording. That's funny, too, I thought. So I played back the video. There was you, placing the camera. And then a whole bunch of nothing, and then I came in and found it. Now that's really funny, I thought."

Despite her calm demeanor, I was literally shaking in my boots, listening to her calm and reasonable tone. I was frozen like a deer in the headlights, about to piss down my own leg as she stood up and came toward me, still talking in a normal voice.

"So I came in here, and I put in a couple of your other memory cards. You know, check out your other videos. Found some really 'cool' stuff of you on your bike. And then I found THIS!"

With the shouted last word she thrust the camera screen in front of my face. Frozen on the screen was a shot of the shower. My mother, naked behind the glass door, was squatting with the spray nozzle pointed between her legs, face contorted in ecstasy. I swear my soul left my body--You're on your own, Bud.

"Now that's really fucking funny, isn't it?" she said in a low voice.

I stared into her blazing green eyes. Her cheeks were flushed scarlet. Her painted red lips were parted in a dangerous snarl, showing her even white teeth clenched in fury. I was frozen. The moment seemed to last an eternity, my life hanging in the balance. She continued holding the lurid picture in my face. I knew she was waiting for me to speak.

"Uh..." I finally managed to find my voice.


Her hand shot up and caught me across the face so fast I never saw it coming. I was spun halfway around by the force of the blow. Stunned, I quailed before her sudden fury, backing away as she rained more slaps about my head and shoulders.


Despite being a good 5 inches smaller than my 5 foot 10, Mom kicked my ass. She chased me, slapping and screaming until I ended up falling onto my bed, protectively covering my head with my arms. When it finally ended, I looked up at her, standing over me, long blonde hair disheveled, big tits heaving under her white blouse with her furious heavy breathing. God damn she was sexy.

Fury seemingly spent, Mom stood up straight with a deep, calming breath, raking back her hair. She looked back down at me coldly. "Take down your pants," she said, turning away.

I lay there gaping after her uncertainly as she went to retrieve the camera which she had dropped to the carpet during her onslaught. Her short red skirt stretched tight across her thick ass, and rode up so high as she bent over that I could see the tops of her white stockings. I could even see a bit of skin above the stocking, and the clips from her garter belt that held her stockings up.

Funny, I hadn't noticed her stockings right off. In all my videos, never had she been wearing garter belt and stockings. And shiny red high heels... I quickly snapped my gaze away as she stood back up and turned toward me again. I managed to meet her eye as she stopped, giving me that 'Mom look'--arched eyebrow, and that expression on her face that said, "I'm waiting."

"H-huh?" I asked dumbly.

"You heard me, take down your pants," she ordered offhandedly as she began messing with the camera. "You're going to get what you deserve."

I lay there, staring up at her in disbelief. A spanking? I couldn't believe it! I hadn't been spanked since I was like eleven...

"GET UP! TAKE DOWN YOUR PANTS!" she suddenly screamed, the fury returning. "Unless you want me to take this straight to your father," she added threateningly.

I jumped up, immediately beginning to unbuckle my belt as I watched her pop the memory card out of the cam. I turned my back as I lowered my pants to half-mast.

"Underpants, too," came the cold command.

I hesitated only a second before pushing my boxers down. Hell, I could take a whipping from Mom. Even bare-assed, it was a hell of a lot more preferable than what Dad might do to me. I just prayed she wasn't going to tell him.

"Have you showed this to your friends?" she came around and held the card up before me.

I know. Lie, dumbass. But I was too scared, and too flustered at standing there with my shit exposed to think straight.

"U-uh, a c-couple," I stammered.

For a second I thought she was going to slap me again, and actually flinched when she moved. But she merely turned away and stepped over to my desk. "Whom did you show?" she asked icily.

"Geordie," I muttered, inwardly kicking myself for not lying. Idiot! "And Pudge."

"Geordie and Pudge," she repeated thoughtfully. "I suppose they've been jerking off to it, too."

Too? She couldn't know...

I remained silent, keeping an eye on her as she popped a new card in my GoPro, coming back behind me. I heard her kick the door shut. What the fuck? Glancing over my shoulder, I saw her looking at the screen, punching buttons. Then she held it up, pointing it at me.

"Turn around," she ordered, still looking at the screen.


Looking past the camera at me, the eyebrow went up again. I turned around. She looked back at the screen and moved to record me, up and down.

"Move your hands."

This wasn't a spanking. I stared at her in disbelief. "Mommm," I whined.

"I told you you were going to get what you deserve," she replied. Another threatening look.

"Mom, I'm sorry!" I pleaded.

"Move-your-fucking-hands," she bit off each word, staring at me coldly.

Seeing I had no choice, I removed my hands from my junk.

"Ah, there's the little guy," Mom purred with satisfaction. She came forward, leaning down to take a close-up. She looked up at me. "Take off that shirt. It's blocking my light."

I grunted in protest, but dutifully pulled my t-shirt over my head.

"Yes, that's better," she smiled wickedly, refocusing on my dick. "Disgusting little pee-pee." She panned the camera up my naked torso, catching every inch before settling on my face. "Go ahead and get out of those, too." She waved her free hand vaguely at my legs.

Hanging my head in shame, I sank down on the edge of the bed to awkwardly pull off my boots, then kick out of my jeans and boxers. Lastly, because I didn't want to be told to do so, I took off my socks. All the time, Mom was moving around me, recording everything. Now completely naked, I started to rise.

"No, stay there," Mom stopped me. I looked up at her questioningly. Her attention remained focused on the screen. "Lean back," she instructed. "That's right. Now spread your legs--that's it. Let your tiny little pee-pee hang down there, with your ugly little balls. Just like your father, fucking ugly balls." She shook her head disgustedly, zooming in with the cam. "At least you've done a good job manscaping. Glad to see you've put that trimmer we got you to good use. If I want your dad's done, I have to do it myself--and suck his fucking cock to get him to stand for it."

I was shocked by her language. I had never heard her talk like this before. Sure, I'd heard her curse--plenty of f-bombs--but talking about blowing him? And not only looking right at my junk, but so clearly unimpressed by the sight. Mostly I felt humiliated.

"Okay, are we done?" I demanded, face burning with embarrassment.

Mom laughed as she backed away for a full body view with the cam. "Oh no," she answered gleefully. "Now you're gonna touch yourself!"

"What? I ain't gonna do that!" I proclaimed, beginning to rise and reach for my pants.

"Sit your ass down, fucker!" Mom snarled with such venom--momentarily forgetting the camera and stepping forward threateningly--that I instinctively fell back into position. "Have you forgotten why we're here, you perverted little weasel?" She pointed an accusing finger at me as she ranted, face once again going red with rage. "YOU hid this camera, spying on your own mother! YOU thought it was okay to watch ME touch myself! How many times have you jerked off, watching me? Well now I'M going to watch YOU! Grab that pathetic little pee-pee! That's right, pick it up! Wrap you're hand around it! Now, JERK IT! Jerk it like you have a thousand times before, you fucking little pervert!"

I wanted to protest, but she gave me no opening. Helpless before her anger, I did as I was told. She swung the camera back into position as I timidly took my dick in my hand and began to stroke it weakly. Not surprisingly, he was in no mood to cooperate. My dick stayed as limp as last week's lettuce.

After several minutes of recording me flogging my soft log, Mom lowered the cam. She stood with hands on hips, looking down on me with disgust.

"Can't you even get a hardon? You're a fucking teenager--you horny little bastards can't help but walk around with an erection 90 percent of the time, rubbing up against everything in sight! You're never going to please a girl with that pathetic little limp pee-pee!"

Burning with shame, I finally dropped my dick in humiliation. On the verge of tears, my eyes looked at the floor, at the clock on my bedside table, at my own worthless hanging junk, anywhere but into her eyes as she stood towering over me. I couldn't help, however, continually glancing at her big titties as they strained the buttons of her blouse, stretching the fabric tight. Her hard nipples were standing out like bullets.

"Pathetic," she was muttering scornfully. Then she noticed my eyes straying to her chest. She looked down. "Oh, I see!" she exclaimed with exaggerated comprehension. "Fucking little pervert can't even get hard unless he's staring at his Mommy's body, is that it?" she snorted with disgust. "Well, let's give the pervert what he needs, then, by all means."

I shook my head slowly in denial, but couldn't tear my eyes away as she began unbuttoning her blouse with one hand, the other once again pointing the camera my way. She reached the last button, then untucked her shirttail and pulled her blouse open, revealing her over-stuffed white bra. I could see her darker nipples through the lacy material. She touched one erect nipple, pinching it through the gossamer fabric, then grabbed the edge and slowly pulled the cup down to reveal the bare titty.

"Oh, there he is!" she exclaimed, looking at my dick through the camera screen. She lifted her foot and nudged it with the pointed toe of her red shoe. Sure enough, it was rapidly beginning to chub up, especially when she touched it. Smiling triumphantly, but somehow still radiating scorn, she switch hands on the cam and pulled the other tit out of her bra. "Now grab it," she hissed. "Take it in your hand and jerk it off!"

I did that, grabbing my rising prick and immediately beginning to stroke while staring in wonder at Mom's bare tits. I had seen them lots of times on video, but that was nothing compared to 'in the flesh'. Big, white, round globes of titty-meat, with stiff, fat, red nips. I could see traceries of pale blue veins beneath the gleaming white skin. I could see the excited little bumps standing up in the wide pink circles around the hard red nipples. And she was touching them with her free hand, squeezing the soft, pliant flesh, pinching and pulling the erect knobs like they were made out of rubber instead of sensitive flesh and blood.

And all the while she was cursing me in a low, husky voice that retained its scornful tone despite the growing excitement in her green eyes as she watched me jack it through the tiny screen on my own GoPro.

"That's right, you nasty little fuck. Jerk it. Pull on your cock. Dirty little pee-pee. Fucking little perv. Can't get a fucking erection unless you're peeping at your own mother. Jerking off, staring at Mommy's tits. Perverted little weasel Peeping Tom fuck. Stroke that pathetic little thing. Fucking animal. Fucking weasel. Look at you, you don't even care, do you? Looking at Mommy's naked tits while you play with your dirty little thing. Well how about Mommy's panties, hmm? I bet you want to see Mommy's panties, too--Mommy's panties and her ass."

As she said this, she began pulling on her tight red skirt, lifting it over her flaring hips to bunch up around her waist, revealing tiny white lacy panties framed by her garters. She turned, keeping the camera trained on me, and thrust her thick white ass out. The tiny thong disappeared between the two big white moons of her round ass, a tight white garter stretched over each globe to frame it so goddamn sexily.

I jerked my dick like there was no tomorrow, still listening to her berating diatribe. Now, however, the more she belittled and humiliated me, the hotter I got. For some reason, my fear and shame only heightened my growing excitement. The more foul-mouthed and contemptuous she became, the harder I jacked it.

And she was recording the whole thing.

And she was right--I didn't care.

She turned back around. "So fucking pathetic--jerking your sorry little excuse for a cock in front of your mother. Staring at Mommy's tits and ass. Her panties. I bet if I showed you my pussy you'd nut all over yourself, wouldn't you, pervert? Disgusting little pervert likes to watch Mommy touch her pussy in the shower, don't you, you little pervert?"

She ran her fingers over the front of her lacy white panties. Moving to stand with her feet spread apart, she rubbed herself between the legs. My unblinking eyes were riveted. I held my breath and jacked my dick, staring raptly as her red-painted nails slipped beneath the flimsy fabric. I could see the lumps of her fingers moving under the crotch of her panties, touching herself. Then she pulled her panties aside, exposing her bald pussy, thrusting it out towards me as she ran her middle finger down the wet slit and pushed it into the hole.

She was right again. I nutted all over myself.

"Oh yes! Squirt it, you disgusting little pig! Jerk it and squirt it all over yourself! Look at Mommy's pussy! Unh! Unh! Look at it, pervert! CUM! UNGH! CUM ALL OVER, YOU FUCKING LITTLE PERVERT! UNGH! UNGH! PEEPING TOM PERVERT! FUCKING... UNGH!... PERVERTED... UNGH!... FUUUUUCK!"

I watched in disbelief as she frigged her pussy wildly, screaming at me as I shot my own goo onto my stomach. I couldn't believe what was happening--Mom was cumming, watching me cumming, showing me herself, berating me for looking. It had become so unreal that my brain couldn't comprehend it anymore. As my nuts drained, so did my senses. I collapsed back on the bed, panting like a fat man, sweating like one, too. I stared at the ceiling, numb, senseless.

I gradually became aware of movement. I lifted my head just in time to see Mom stuffing her fat titties back into the cups of her bra. She saw me looking and gave me a cold stare as she adjusted first one, then the other. She held up the camera, made a show of removing the memory card and tucking it into her bra. Patting it safely, she finally smiled wickedly.

"Now I have a video to show to my friends," she chuckled evilly.

I gaped at her. Surely she wouldn't... Before I could utter a protest, though, she stepped up between my legs and leaned over me threateningly.

"If I find this," she dangled the camera above me, "somewhere it oughtn't be, I'll rip these," she grabbed my dangling balls in her other hand, "right out of their sack and stuff this in there instead! Got it?" She squeezed my poor nuts hard for emphasis.

I whimpered in pain. "Yes, ma'am," I squeaked.

"Good," she dropped the cam right onto my jizz covered belly. One more threatening squeeze of my tender balls, pointing her finger at my face, then she turned and walked away.

Halfway out the door, she stopped and looked back. "Oh, and Buddy?"

I looked up.

"Invite Geordie and Pudge over after school tomorrow. Tell them... Tell them you have a new video to show them..."

I did not like the way she smiled as she shut the door.


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    • bluvelvet99
Reply #1 on: March 22, 2024, 03:20:26 AM
Where did you find it? It's very well-written

I'm still writing new stories at



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Reply #2 on: March 22, 2024, 08:40:30 AM
Where did you find it? It's very well-written

Actually I don't know. I just know that once I wanted to read it again and I almost didn't find it. That's when I saved it.

Part Two:

I was sitting in World History, definitely not listening to yet another droning lecture from dried up old Ms. Kaminski. What I was thinking about was what had happened yesterday after Mom had found my GoPro hidden in the bathroom. I couldn't stop picturing her bare boobs, her thick white ass, her wet, hairless pussy as she fingered herself watching me jack off. I was suddenly snapped out of my reverie when my name was called over the intercom.

"Bud Harris, report to the office, please. Bud Harris, report to the office."

Of course there was the usual chorus of hoots and catcalls as everyone turned to look at me. I felt myself blushing, not because everyone was assuming I was in trouble, but because of what I had been thinking about--and the rock hard boner it had given me.

"Class! Settle down!" Ms. Kaminski scolded. "Mr. Harris, stop at my desk for your assignment."

Oh shit--everyone still looking and me with a fucking pup tent in my pants. I took my time gathering my shit, trying to will the son of a bitch down. Not happening.

"Mr. Harris, if you please..." Ms. K waved me forward.

I rose from my seat, quickly moving my book to cover my boner. Thankfully, I sat on the left-hand side of the room, so I could angle my book toward my right hip, effectively hiding the telltale bulge. From everybody but old Ms. Kaminski, that is. It couldn't be helped, though--it was either she see it, or every girl in the class, and every guy. I would be known as Buddy Boner forevermore.

So, fuck it. Let the old bitch see. And she did.

Shuffling through the mess on her desk, looking for the right paper, she glanced up as I neared, then did a quick double-take. Her eyes went wide as she pushed her glasses up nervously. With suddenly shaky hands she went back to searching for my assignment, but kept glancing back at my crotch like there was a rattlesnake there that might strike at her any moment.

Pretty sure the wrinkly old girl hadn't seen one in many a year, so I rather magnanimously lingered, even after she handed me my worksheet. I pretended to give the paper a good look-over, giving her time to do the same for my boner. Finally, I gave her a nod and a smile of thanks. She managed to tear her eyes away long enough to scowl up at me and wave me toward the door. As I left, I wondered if a lady her age still liked dick. No way, I told myself with a chuckle.

Walking down the hallway, however, my thoughts turned to nervously wondering why i was being summoned to the office. I wracked my brain, dredging up all the shit I had done lately that might get me into trouble. Couldn't think of anything in particular, but a guy never knew.

Anyway, by the time I reached the office my dick had thankfully relaxed. I reported to the counter, where the aide, a bored looking senior girl with thick glasses and braces, waved me to a seat. When I asked why I was here, she just rolled her eyes and dismissed me with snort.

Fuck you too, bitch, I thought as I took a seat. I hadn't been there but a minute, however, when I was surprised by my mother walking in. She didn't see me right off, but went to the counter.

"I'm here to pick up my son, Bud, for his dental appointment," she told the girl. "I called ahead..."

"Yes, Mrs. Harris," the suck up bitch replied with a sweet smile. She pointed me out. "He's waiting on you. If you'll just sign him out..." She handed Mom a clipboard.

Mom returned her smile, scrawled her name, then turned to me with what I recognized as false cheer. "Come along, Buddy. Mustn't be late for your appointment."

I followed her out the main door, where the sunshine seemed to change her demeanor right away. She walked briskly, high heels clicking on the pavement, as she seemed to ignore me completely, flipping the sunglasses resting atop her head down over her eyes.

"Um, I didn't know I had a dentist appointment today?" I tried. Nothing. "Is it just a checkup, or what?"

"Did you invite your friends over after school?"

My heart skipped a beat. "Uh, yeah," I answered uneasily. I had hoped she had forgotten about that. "You're not going to show them that video from yesterday, are you?" I asked in a pleading tone.

She looked at me in surprise, then laughed, a harsh, mocking laughter. I scowled with resentment and dropped back a few paces. She continued on, heedless of my feelings. Even though I was pissed off, I still admired her nice, round ass, swaying back and forth with her movements.

She was dressed quite similarly to yesterday, with a short skirt--black this time--stretched tight across her ass--tight enough that I could see the dimple in each cheek as she walked--and stopping well above mid-thigh. Her black stockings had a seam running up the back, accentuating the length of her leg, which her high-heeled black pumps gave a nice sexy shape to. I couldn't help but wonder if she had a matching black garter belt under her skirt, or even a black thong panty nestled between those swaying buttocks. She had on some kind of tight, knitted top, white with no sleeves, titties bouncing heavily underneath. Her long blond hair was in a girlish ponytail, which swished back and forth, almost brushing the top of her ass.

In the car, she completely ignored me again. She drove into the city, a twenty minute drive from our suburban neighborhood, never speaking once. I kept silent, too, not knowing how to act with her after what had happened yesterday. I had stayed in my room, not seeing her until supper, where she had acted her normal self in front of Dad. I had gradually come to the conclusion that she wasn't going to tell him, and had actually managed to convince myself things might return to normal. Even this morning at breakfast she had been bright and cheery. I couldn't be sure, but the way her and Dad acted towards each other, playfully dropping hints and giving each other sly looks and lingering touches, I came to the conclusion they'd had wild sex last night.

But now Mom was back to giving me the cold silent treatment, so I held my tongue also, not wanting to provoke any more of her contemptuous laughter, or worse, her deadly anger. We were in a part of the city I did not recognize--all I did know is we were nowhere near Dr. Schaeffer's office. The area looked kind of run down, with lots of liquor stores and what I was pretty sure were titty-bars. Mom pulled up to a seedy looking building with painted over windows, and a sign that said Mandy's Magic Box, and underneath it read Novelties, Leather, Lingerie.

"What are we doing here?" I asked before I could stop myself, but Mom answered calmly.

"We're going to get a few things," she said. She unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door. "Come along, Buddy."

I got out and followed her. The door to the place had a large placard that read Adults Only! Must Be Over 18 To Enter.

"Mom, it says you gotta be 18," I said nervously.

Mom whirled on me so fast I took a startled step back. "Don't you fucking speak!" she snarled. There was that anger I had feared she was suppressing. "Stay behind me, keep your eyes on the floor, and don't you utter a fucking word, you hear me?"

I nodded, wide-eyed with intimidation.

She snapped her fingers, pointed imperiously to a spot behind her heels, then turned and entered the shop. I followed, head down.

We walked past rows of vibrators and dildos of every shape, size, and color. There were rubber pussies and assholes, blow-up dolls, and a big display of fleshlights. I almost asked Mom if I could have one, but thought better of it. One wall was covered in porn dvd's opposite a bank of shelves full of skin mags. I goggled at the sight, but Mom walked right past like she'd seen it all before.

She walked straight to the counter, behind which sat a skinny old lady reading a romance novel. As far as I could tell, we were the only ones in the store.

The woman was probably 70 years old, wore tons of garish makeup and a fiery red wig. She stuck a marker in her paperback and laid it aside, nodding at Mom and giving me a long look up and down over the top of her bedazzled pink reading glasses. She smiled lecherously and arched a painted on eyebrow. I quickly looked at the floor.

"What can I do for you?" she asked Mom in a voice that sounded like rocks in a can rolling downhill.

"I've got a little problem," Mom answered. She waved a hand in my direction. "I've got a boy here in need of a little correction."

"Ah, a disobedient sub, eh?" the old lady nodded sagely.

I made the mistake of looking up and caught her still looking at me like a hungry dog eyeing a pork chop. Hastily lowering my gaze again, I chanted to myself, don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact.

"What are you looking for, bondage or discipline?" she asked, turning her attention back to Mom.

"A little of both," Mom sounded amused. "I'm thinking cock cage."

The old lady's laugh was gravelly enough to pave a drive. I didn't know what the fuck a cock cage was, but it did not sound good.

"Right this way." She led the way to the back of the store where a large section on the right held lingerie, all lace and ribbons and feathers, while the left was all filled with black leather, whips and chains and restraints of all kinds. We stopped at a glass display case on the leather side . Inside were several wicked looking contraptions with rings and padlocks connected to--sure enough--cock shaped cages.

"Metal or plastic?" the old woman asked, opening up the back.

"Oh, metal. Those plastic ones look so tawdry, don't you think?"

"Indeed, cheap stuff for the amateurs. And what size are we looking at?"

I wasn't looking at her, but I could practically feel the lewd old witch's eyes on my crotch. Mom looked over at me, giving me a scornful sneer.

"Tiny," she said maliciously.

The old lady's laughter was not only harsh on my ears, but made me burn with embarrassment.

"I'll grab a couple and we'll see what fits, hmm?" After picking three slightly differing cages, she motioned us further back to where the changing rooms were.

"While you're fitting him up, I think I'll go browse for a few more items, would that be okay? He won't give you any problems," Mom said with a distinct threat in her voice as she directed that last bit at me.

"Of course! Take your time," the old lady answered gleefully. She pushed me inside the changing room and closed the door most of the way. She sat down on the bench, lined the hardware up on the seat beside her, then motioned me to her. "Okay, sweet-thing, let's see what you got."

I felt like a lamb sidling up next to a wolf as I saw the excited gleam on the painted old wrinkly face, but mindful of Mom's warning, I stepped forward and lowered my pants. Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact.

The old bitch eyed my junk speculatively, then she held up one of the cages, sizing it up, traded it for another and nodded to herself. She unlocked the small padlock, laid it aside, then deftly separated the cage from the ring, which she handed to me. "See how that fits."

I took the metal ring from her, surprised at how heavy it was. I hesitated, turning it this way and that, before slipping it over my dick. I didn't know how the fuck this was supposed to work, but even hard, this thing was clearly way too big for my dick. I guess I am tiny, I thought, burning with shame.

"Here, sweetie, let me help you with that," the old lady tsk-tsk'ed and took the ring from me with a chuckle of her rumbling laughter.

Without a qualm, she held the ring up to my right nut. She pinched my sack and pulled some skin through the hole, then her fingers went behind and pushed the testicle through, pulled some more sack, then popped the left one through, also. Lifting up on the ring, she pushed the head of my dick down and stuffed it through the opening. She pulled on my dick and the skin of my sack as she pushed the ring back, snugging it close to my body. All this handling of my junk had the predictable effect on my dick. It got hard as fuck.

"Mm, not so tiny after all," the old lady purred, bony hand still wrapped around my bony-bone. She picked up the cage. "Well, he's not going to fit in there, is he? Not in his current state, anyway..." she hinted. She was gently squeezing my rock hard dick as she looked up at me over the top of her glasses. "Shall I take care of him for you, sweet-thing?" she asked in a syrupy rumble.

Oh shit, I made eye contact. I quickly looked away, glancing nervously through the crack in the door to see if Mom was anywhere near.

The old lady took that for consent.

"Don't worry, sweet-thing, I'll get you all fixed up. Your mistress won't suspect a thing." She was openly stroking my boner now, grinning up at me like a painted prune.

Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact.

Then she took out her teeth. I swear to God, she popped out a full set of dentures with a wicked cackle that sent a shiver up my spine.

I made eye contact. Warning from Mom or no, I would have run screaming if I hadn't been paralyzed with shock. I stared down in horror as she set those gnarly choppers on the bench beside her and gave me a hideous, toothless smile.

Then she gobbled my dick.

My knees nearly buckled. Despite my revulsion, I couldn't look away as the wrinkly clown face wearing the Ronald McDonald wig and glittery pink reading glasses bobbed on my bone. The gaudy red lips slurped noisily as they slid up and down my dick. Her knobby fingers stroked along with her mouth. And the gums! Jesus, her toothless gums worked my dick over, chewing the head and shaft like a dog with its favorite squeaky toy. I blew my load in thirty seconds flat.

The toothless old hag hummed appreciatively as my spunk spewed into her mouth, stroking my shaft and milking my balls with a half-century plus of experience. There was an audible gulp as she swallowed the entire load. I quickly averted my eyes as she came off my cock with a sucking POP, looking up at me as she smacked her lips with great relish.

I had no desire to see that cummy, toothless smile. All I could think was: The first blowjob of my life and it's from the Joker's grandma. Probably instant karma for teasing old Ms. Kaminski earlier. Turns out old ladies do still like dick. I felt like I might throw up.

Anyway, as my dick deflated, the old broad slipped the cage over it, taking advantage of it still being slippery with her aged saliva to work the head all the way to a snug seat at the bottom of the cage. She attached the cage to the ring, then put the padlock on and closed it with a click.

"There you go, sweet-thing," she slobbered, then popped her dentures back in. She stood and was picking up the other cages when Mom came to the door. "He's all locked up for you, Mistress" she chortled as she handed Mom a small set of keys.

"Thank you," Mom replied. "I placed some items on the counter. If you'll ring them up, along with this," she waved her hand toward my caged dick, "I'll be up to pay in a few minutes."

"Take as long as you like," the old lady graveled, giving me a smiling wink as I once again broke my mantra and made eye contact. I threw up a little in my mouth.

Mom came in and shut the door. She smiled as she saw my caged junk. Then she saw my pleading expression. "What?"

"What's this thing for?" I asked, sounding like a whiny little bitch, even to myself.

"To keep you out of trouble," she grinned. She rolled her eyes at the lack of understanding that must have been written on my face. "It keeps you from getting an erection. See, look."

I looked down as she reached out to grab my package. My balls, trapped between the ring and the cage, were held out slightly, making them look bigger. The cage holding my dick curved down over them. As Mom started to fondle me, fingering my balls, and the skin of my dick between the bars, my dick swelled inside the metal framework, but could not get hard. It was very uncomfortable.

"No matter how turned on you get, no hardon unless I say it's okay," she dangled the keys tauntingly, then dropped them in her purse. "Without your little pee-pee getting hard, you won't be getting into so much mischief, like spying on your mother, now will you?"

She continued feeling of my junk, smiling happily at my obvious distress. With a malicious chuckle, she lifted her shirt above her boobs and pulled one big titty out to further demonstrate her control over me. She lifted my hand and placed it on her funbag, looking delighted as I moaned with frustration.

I squeezed the soft flesh, marveling at the pliant texture of my first ever titty. I played with the stiff nip, pinching and pulling it with undisguised fascination. Mom's smile slowly turned more lustful, her mouth dropping open and her breathing becoming heavy as I continued to play with her and she continued to play with me. She yanked up her skirt and pushed me up against the wall. Confirming my earlier speculation, she was indeed wearing a black thong.

Her panty covered crotch pressed into my thigh, rubbing up and down. My other hand fell naturally to Mom's meaty ass, and she left it there. She felt up my trapped stuff, I felt her titty and ass as she pressed against me. She slid her other hand down between us and into her panties. I could feel her fingering her pussy as she humped my leg.

"Are you turned on, Buddy? Are you as turned on as when you watched Mommy play with her pussy in the shower?" she breathed hotly into my ear.

I could only moan in response.

"I'm gonna cum," she whispered. "I'm gonna cum, right fucking now!"

The low, mewling whimpers directly into my ear as she stiffened and shivered, pushing hard against me as she came, were the hottest thing I'd ever experienced, along with her bare tit and ass in my hands.

"Oh God!" she moaned, panting as she leaned against me. "Mommy just came," she murmured. "Does that turn you on, Buddy? That Mommy just came on you, right here in this seedy little porn dressing room?"

"Yes," I moaned.

"And how does your cock feel?" she asked, backing off enough to look into my eyes.

"It hurts!" I whined.

"Wants to get hard, huh? Wants to cum?"

"Yes, Mom!" I answered pleadingly, still holding on to her desperately.

"Exactly!" she laughed harshly, stepping back and slapping my clinging hands away. She began to readjust her clothing, smiling triumphantly. "Now, pull up your pants and let's get home--we have to get ready for your little friends to come over!"

As I dejectedly got dressed, wondering what the fuck my cruel mother had in store for my friends, I couldn't help but think: Thank God for the blowjob from the Joker's grandma, or I'd be dying right now. Another shiver went up my spine and I threw up a little in my mouth.


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Reply #3 on: March 23, 2024, 03:37:37 PM
is this the end?