Author Topic: Mother and Son Fall  (Read 13870 times)


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on: December 09, 2019, 12:24:50 AM
Hi all, I'm currently writing a story based on my answer in the plot thread.

This is the first story I've ever written and though it isn't finished I feel like it's at a good enough point to show. It is currently 5574 words so it's pretty lengthy.  Please keep in mind that this is a very rough draft and thus you should expect a few grammatical errors and other things. I would love some feedback from you all to see how it is. I hope you all enjoy!
« Last Edit: December 09, 2019, 12:26:27 AM by Jamenno »


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Reply #1 on: December 09, 2019, 01:05:28 PM
Not letting us read it can't find it


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Reply #2 on: December 09, 2019, 01:18:44 PM
Not into bbc stuff at all but I totally commend for actually writing what you want instead of resorting to commissions like I do. It's a great start already even if it's not my personal taste. :)


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Reply #3 on: December 09, 2019, 01:40:30 PM
Not letting us read it can't find it

Are you sure? I can try to post another link later today if you want?


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Reply #4 on: December 09, 2019, 01:42:41 PM
Not into bbc stuff at all but I totally commend for actually writing what you want instead of resorting to commissions like I do. It's a great start already even if it's not my personal taste. :)

Hey thank you, I really appreciate it. Yeah, I'm too broke and horny to make a commision, so I decided to write my own story. I hope you enjoyed it.


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Reply #5 on: December 09, 2019, 11:42:05 PM
I'm not reading it if you don't structure your story. It has paragraphs but they are big blocks of everything. Separate your narration from your dialogs. It hurts my eyes to read in this format. I read your plot and it could be interesting and I'll tell you what I think once you make easier to read.


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Reply #6 on: December 10, 2019, 01:12:49 AM
I'm not reading it if you don't structure your story. It has paragraphs but they are big blocks of everything. Separate your narration from your dialogs. It hurts my eyes to read in this format. I read your plot and it could be interesting and I'll tell you what I think once you make easier to read.

Ok, I think I've spaced the paragraphs a bit better. I don't know what you mean by separate my narration from my dialogs, can you clarify it for me?


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Reply #7 on: December 12, 2019, 09:20:18 AM
Yes could you provide another link


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Reply #8 on: December 12, 2019, 04:13:06 PM
I thought you did a good job but Im not into the group. Only like when it is one bully.

I think its better when the mom isnt forced as well


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Reply #9 on: December 13, 2019, 09:10:39 PM
Yes could you provide another link

Is it ok If I post it here? I tried to put it on literotica but they rejected it.


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Reply #10 on: December 13, 2019, 09:12:10 PM
I thought you did a good job but Im not into the group. Only like when it is one bully.

I think its better when the mom isnt forced as well

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, I'll make a one bully story in future.


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Reply #11 on: December 14, 2019, 05:42:07 PM
Yeah awesome man. Keep writing stories we need more content.

And post all the stories here.


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Reply #12 on: December 14, 2019, 10:14:56 PM
Ok so, I've decided to post the story up on this site. since it's gonna take a while to post it on literotica. It will be two parts because of the character limit. Mods If I can't do this feel free to delete this reply.

Mother and Son Fall

--Innocent mother and son fall to bullies debauchery.--

It was December 15th and school would let out for winter break in 3 days. For Juan Juarez those 5 days couldn’t finish fast enough. It was bad enough that he had the final exam due, but also James and his gang just loved to make this nerdy 18 year old their whipping boy. Everyday since the start of the year James had singled out Juan, constantly slamming his books on the floor, taking his lunch everyday, beating him and threatening to stick it where the sun don’t shine if he ever so much as uttered a whimper, all topped with a grand dose of racism to top it off.

 Lucky for Juan his mother Isabelle was coming to pick him up after school. Juan and Isabelle lived a comfortable yet solitary life. Juan’s father ran out on them early in his life and Isabelle never remarried. So Isabelle raised Juan alone in a modest 1 family home. Isabelle was a quiet mousy woman who adored her son tremendously, always doting on him and spoiling him with whatever he wanted. However recently Isabelle noticed a distantness with Juan, like a deep depression had been taking him away from her. Whenever she would ask him about it he would reply with:
“It’s ok mama I’m just thinking” and because she didn’t want to keep bothering him, would leave it at that. Juan however desperately wanted to tell his mother everything. The beatings, the insults, everything, but James made it clear as day that if anything ever got back him there would be hell, and everything always got back to James.

 “Hey Spic!” as if on cue James and his goons came and grabbed Juan .“ How’s my favorite little bitch doing? I hope you have my money, lest we have some problems?”

 “I-Im sorry sir, I didn’t get any money today you se-” BAM James caught Juan with a shot to his gut that left him crumpled on the floor heaving.

“ I told you we were gonna have problems if you didn’t have any cash Juanito.” “B-but..”
“the only butt that you need to worry about is yours hombre”

 “Oh shit James look!” Marcus, James right hand man called out

“What?, oh damn! Look at her!” Juan looked up, having briefly thanked God for saving him. His face turned to horror when he saw what they were staring at. “Oh no Mommy!’” his mom was walking down the hall, no doubt looking for him.
 “Mmm, damn what a body, she’s a tosser! I could probably turn her out and make a killing with her.” James muttered, Juan shuddered with anger at James’ words. Suddenly Isabelle caught a glimpse of her son on the floor surrounded by 4 black teens.
“Juan! What happened to you are you ok? Did these boys hurt you?!” at that moment Juan knew what he had to do, he had to tell her everything.
“Mommy is my last hope! I’m tired of this!” but before he could utter a single word James beat him to the punch.
“No ma’am we were walking and found Juanito here on the floor crying. I’m James by the way” James offered his hand to Isabelle however Isabelle refused it.
“Is this boy telling the truth Juan? You can tell me” Juan glanced at his beautiful mother and then back at James who gave him the most intense glare he had seen from him. As if reminding him that everything came back to him. With a final teary sigh Juan shook his no. Isabelle wasn’t fully convinced and stood Juan to his feet.
“Come on Juan let’s go home” staring at her retreating form James hollered.
“Not even a thank you? Okay!” and with that a plan started to form for James. “Oh yeah, she's gonna be our christmas present boys.”

Juan stared into the distance. His mind replaying James’ words.
“I could probably turn her out and make a killing with her” Juan was afraid, afraid for his mother. Now that James knew that Isabelle was his mom there would be no end to the teasing and humiliation. Even more, Juan was angry at his insinuations that his mom could be defiled like that. Indeed Isabelle was a kind hearted beauty of a woman with no bad bone in her body. Isabelle was 5’ 3” and had long flowing black hair that she always kept wrapped in a bun. She always dressed modestly and was a mostly unassuming woman, she went to church and worked from home. She didn’t keep any close company except for Juan. But James saw something in her that made Juan shudder.
“I can’t wait to leave school” Juan thought sadly. Isabelle noticed this and took Juans hand.
“Don’t worry baby nothing bad will happen to you just be strong like mommy knows you can. You’re the strongest man I know Juan.” Juan smiled at this. “Juan are those boys picking on you? Do you want me to talk to your teachers about them? I can pick you up everyday after school so you don’t have to walk home.”
“No no it’s fine mom really, they helped me” Juan cringed inwardly at this, but he knew it was for the best. “Those jerks won’t hurt my mother if I can help it.”
“Juan you don’t have finals until the 17th right? do you want to stay home tomorrow? We’ll bake cookies and watch movies all day how about it Mijo?” Juan smiled at this. School would let out early and Juan would be free from James for the winter.

Exam day had come and Juan went through it with no problems at all. James and his group were nowhere to be seen. Probably skipped Juan thought. His perfect mood was then cut off when he heard James’ voice.
“Hey Juanito! Come here”
“Oh shit” was all that ran through Juans head slowly turning to meet the voice Juan was suddenly and forcefully taken to the bathroom.
“Hey buddy you miss us?” BAM a gut shot crumpled Juan again. “Listen me and the boys need a favor from you. See we met your mother the other day and we were just impressed with her so we wanted to see her again. Since you’re her son we wanted you to take this camera and take some pictures of her. Understand?” Juan picked himself up and stared at James and his crew. “We also need you to take this” James flashed a small white pill. “Xanax, pop this in your moms drink and she won’t wake up the rest of the night”
“What do you mean?”
“What the fuck do you think spic. We want to see your mom dumbass, all of her.”

Juan stared in horror at James who was laughing to the side along with his group. 
“They want to see my mommy naked! What do I do!?” Juan then remembered his mother’s kind words from two nights before
“Nothing bad will happen to you, just be strong.”
“No James I won’t do it!” James was dumbfounded.
“what did you say to me?”
 “Do whatever you want to me but leave my mommy out of this!”

 James could do nothing but laugh at the bravery of Juan.
“Ok if that’s what you want! Boys grab him!” Juan tried to fight them off by throwing his book bag and making an escape but was caught when another fist met his sides courtesy of Marcus.
“Aw hell nah, you ain't escaping this, lil piggy.”
“All we want is some pictures to please us. if your not gonna help then we’re gonna stuff you like the mexican pig you are!” James took off his pants and showed his massive black cock to the horrified Juan. Turn him around and drop his pants, you should have just agreed you worthless spic, nobody had to get hurt!”
“Wait! Wait! Please I’ll help you! I’m sorry!”
“You better be sure Juanito I don't give second chances easily! You better be one hundred percent on board because if you don’t bring those pictures to me tomorrow I’m turning you and your mother into my personal cumdumps!” And with that James and the others left Juan in a miserable pile of shame.

At home Isabelle was busy preparing dinner, her head filled with worries.
 Ay dios mios I let Juan go to that school with those hoodlums, what kind of mother am I? That boy, James, who does he think he is? I can see right through him, he is no good. The door opened, and roused her from her thoughts. “Juan is that you? Dinner’s almost ready! Juan?” Isabelle peeked around the corner to see Juan sitting on the sofa, his eyes red and swollen. “Juan! Are you ok? What happened?”

Juan had come home cursing his fate, the cruel winds chasing him the whole way through. He thought about just going to the police and telling them but they would probably write him off as a punk kid with nothing better to do. How can she possibly think I’m strong, I’m weak! I let that monster beat me everyday and now my mom is going to pay the price! God if you're there let me get hit by a truck or struck by lightning I can’t handle this! However nothing happened to Juan on his way home.
 Entering the door Juan could smell his mothers heavenly cooking. I don’t deserve this. Juan thought to himself.
“Juan is that you? Dinner’s almost ready!” Juan sat on the sofa his head in his hands. “Juan?” his mother called.  “Juan! Are you ok? What happened?” Isabelle rushed to her son’s side. “Did that hoodlum mess with you again!?” Juan nodded his head slowly.

 “Ooh! That does it I am going to that school and having a talk with that James first thing in the morning!”
“No mommy you can’t!” Juan yelled terrified.
“Why not? He doesn’t scare me Juan.” Isabelle huffed her chest out a little as if to prove her point. Juan thought quickly, he couldn’t exactly tell his mother the truth, he was terrified at what James would do to his mother if she did confront him. Thinking quickly Juan retorted
“Because school is closed for the break remember?” Isabelle lowered her head in defeat. “Ok Juan, dinner is almost ready and I need help setting up the table, do you think you can help me?”

 Juan nodded breathlessly. “Oh no, now I have to drug my mother, my beautiful innocent mother. all she wanted to do was to help me. I’m a coward!”
“Juan hurry up! I need you to set up the plates!” Juan was snapped out of his thoughts. “Coming” Juan called. Nervously, Juan set up the plates one by one, his head lost in thought.
“Juan I’m going to freshen up a bit can you pour the sodas for me?”
 “Ok mom” Juan muttered. Smiling Isabelle gave Juan a peck on the cheek and made her way to the bathroom.

Juan breathed a deep sigh. Ok, if I do this I will never be a man, I will forever be a scum, But if I don’t James will come here and do unspeakable things to me! But maybe James will let me go If I do this. Please God if you are there, please help me! Give me a sign, anything! Juan was at odds with himself Taking the Xanax out of his pocket he looked intently at it. If I put this into her drink she could die! What if she never wakes up, or what if James is just messing with me, what if he’s not there tomorrow? What if he is and I don’t have the pictures? What do I do?
 “Juan?” His mother’s voice scared Juan and caused the Xanax in his hand to fall in to the soda.
Oh no! What did I do! I have to throw the soda out!
“Juan are you ok? you look pale” Juan looked at his mother sadly.
“Everythings alright mom, just felt a gas passing is all”
 “well just don’t pass gas during dinner Juan.” Taking the glass to her mouth before Juan could get his hands on it it Isabelle took a big sip to Juans horror. “Mmm fizzy pop my favorite! Do you want to say grace  with me Juan, for old times sake?” “Juan silently nodded. “Dear lord we are gathered here in good tidings, Please take care of us and watch over us in peace and grace amen. now let’s eat!”

 The meal went relatively quiet with both sides deep in thought of the same subject, James. He had clearly left a mark on the family of two in such a short amount of time and it seemed they could not rid themselves of his presence. Isabelle felt a growing heaviness on her shoulders
“that’s strange, I’m so tired. Ooh.. I must’ve eaten too much.” Juan suddenly grew still as a board. “I think I’m going to bed early Mijo I’ll talk to you tomorrow, goodnight.”
“Wait mom!” Juan called out.
“Hm?” Isabelle mumbled. Juan saw that Isabelle was barely coherent and he couldn’t save her at this point. So he resigned himself to his fate.
“Let me help you to bed.”

Juan laid his mother on the bed, she was out like a light. Juan looked at his mother's sleeping figure. She looked like a sleeping angel, hardly making a stir. Juan looked lower and noticed her breasts, how tight they seemed pressed against her shirt. They were moving up and down enticingly. Juan had never noticed his mother fully like this before. It was like he was seeing a new side of her. He glanced lower and noticed her thighs, how wide they seemed. Feeling her side he noticed how warm and soft she felt. Raising his hand he made his way up her stomach. His breathing became ragged, he could smell her perfume and it made him want to see more of her. Calming himself Juan called to his mom.

“Mommy are you up? Mommy?” No answer. This was the moment of truth, if the drug didn’t work as it should his mother would wake up and there would be hell to pay. Juan briefly contemplated backing away completely but he saw how far he had sunk for James, he knew there was no backing out, maybe James would let them off the hook for selling his own mother out. Either way Juan steeled himself and reached his hand up to his mother's chest. Placing his hand on her breast Juan instantly noticed how soft it was to his touch, like a bag of milk was in his hands. Juan felt a slight pressure in his pants and was surprised to find his penis had gotten hard. It felt sensitive, as if it was ready to burst at any second. Continuing to fondle his mothers breast Juan remembered what James told him, he wanted to see ‘all’ of Isabelle. All of his mother. Juan made his way downstairs and reached into his backpack, the camera James had given him was hidden from his mother this whole time, its nefarious purpose was about to be realized. Making his way back up his mind flashed to an image of James who was busy laughing, his hand grasping his mother on her side, his face growing ever closer with hers… Snapping himself out of that disturbing thought, Juan noticed the pressure in his pants had grown even more. “What's happening to me?” Juan thought. Making his way to his mother's room Juan set the camera down. Looking at his mother Juan said a silent apology and began to disrobe her.

The day had come and Isabelle woke up groggily, noticing she was in her room in her clothes from last night, made her way to Juans room, and noticed he wasn’t there.

“Hmm that's odd what time is it?” Looking at the clock Isabelle was shocked to notice it was already afternoon. Making her way to the kitchen Isabelle saw a plate ready for her from Juan with a note. Went out, will come back later. Isabelle smiled. “My son is such an angel!” Thinking back to the past couple of days, Isabelle felt  that Juan and her needed to leave town for a couple of days to escape the drama that enveloped their lives and so she could surprise Juan with a gift for his kindness. Isabelle set out to work on her gift.

Juan made his way to school nervously. Last night was a success and Juan felt guilty. Juan had defiled his mother’s trust in him and now her bare body was on display for James to ogle at. Arriving at school Juan saw James standing by himself staring straight at Juan. Making his way to James, Juan saw his wicked smile forming.
“Hey Juanito, you got my payment or are there going to be problems?”
“No sir there are no problems”. Slightly surprised James questioned
“So you actually got the pictures or are we gonna play with our dicks the whole time?” “Will you leave me alone if I give you the pictures?”
“Listen if you don’t hand me the pictures I’m gonna beat the shit out of you and take the damn pictures anyway, hand them over!” Juan gulped and quickly reached into his backpack. Apologizing to his mother one final time Juan handed the pictures over to James. “Holy shit, I knew she was fine but wow, she's a 10 for sure! Look at that round juicy ass and those perfect titties!” James settled down quickly. “Ok Juan you’re safe for now have a merry Christmas, because we sure will!” James laughed before leaving. Step 1 of 2 complete, “now for the fun part!” James thought evilly.

--Part 1 end--


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Reply #13 on: December 14, 2019, 10:16:26 PM
--Part 2--

Juan made his way back home, his mind once again lost in thought. “I hope I don’t have to see him anymore!” Juan thought about his mother and how innocent she was in all of this and how Juan manipulated that Innocence for his own cowardly purposes. Juan thought of her beautiful smile, her black hair and how it flowed in the wind, her big breasts and how soft they felt in his hands and her luscious ass and the smell of her womanhood and how inviting it looked.

 Shaking his head clear of the disturbing thoughts, Juan felt the pressure begin to build up again. Juan had to stop walking and catch his breath as he felt like he was going to blow. Juan made his way back home. Entering he was greeted by his mother.
“Juan guess what, I booked us a flight to Florida, so we could spend Christmas by the beach! Isn’t that wonderful!”
“Yeah mommy, that sounds cool! When do we go?”
“we leave on Christmas eve Mijo!”

Things were starting to look up for Juan. James wasn’t going to mess him for now and he could go on vacation with his beautiful mother. Juan could barely contain his excitement.
The days went by uneventfully and the 23rd of December had arrived. Juan and Isabelle had been in relative peace the whole time. Juan was busy preparing for the trip when he heard his mom call out.
“Juan I need you to go pick up a few groceries for me.”
“Ok mom!”

 Making his way down the street Juan was in utter bliss. A whole month away from school, away from James. “Finally things are looking up for me!” Just then Juan heard the worst sound in the world.
“Hey spic!” Juan saw James and his group approach him and briefly thought about running back home to the safety of his mother. “Hey relax we’re not here for you Juanito we were going to our boys house. How’s your fine momma doing huh? She still sitting on gold?” James and his gang laughed at this.
“What do you want James?” Juan asked fearfully.
“I thought I told you we’re going to our friends house Juanito” now if you’ll excuse us we’ll see you later” Juan stared at James’ retreating form and a deep anxiety grew in the pit of his stomach.
“Something is not right.” Juan thought.
“Let me finish the groceries quickly so I could go home.”

Isabelle was finishing her packing when suddenly she heard a knock on her door.
“I wonder who that is.” Reaching the door Isabelle called out “Who is it?”
“James.” Isabelle was shocked.
“what is that Monstro doing here?”  “What do you want you hoodlum, my son is not here! Go away before I call the police!”
“Ma’am we don’t want any problems we just want to speak with you in private, It’s about your son.”
“My son?” Isabelle thought about just calling the police and being over with it, but her thoughts went to her son. “If you have so much as laid a hand on him you will be sorry.”
“No Ma’am we’ve seen the error of our ways and wish to make peace with you” Contemplating, Isabelle sighed.
“Alright I’ll let you in, but no funny business.” Upon being let in James noticed how  Isabelle was dressed modestly and how that modesty accentuated her figure. “Please sit.” Isabelle said softly.
“Don’t mind if I do come on boys. Sitting down on the sofa, James began. “We came to give some terrible news about your son. See he came up to me the other day with these pictures, told me they were of you. Now, I hope your ready to see this, we sure weren’t.” with that James dropped Isabelle’s pictures onto the table in front of her. Pictures of her nude figure strewn throughout. Isabelle was shocked
“What is this!? How did you get this!?”
“I told you you dumb cow, your spic son came and gave this to us!”  Isabelle was torn at her son’s betrayal and ashamed with the fact that James and his hoodlum friends had seen every inch of her. Angrily she addressed James.
“I bet you had something to do with this you Diabolical little boy! Leave now or I will call the police on you!”
“Now see you’re not going to be doing a Goddamned thing you slag. You got us, we put your little bitch boy up to it because we wanted to come here and see your face when we showed this!” Unzipping his pants James took his long 12 inch black dick out. Isabelle’s face dropped at the absurd sight of his monster. “Now you see, we came here to break you and break you we shall. You have two choices, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.” Isabelle found herself surrounded by James and his friends. She gave a hard glare to James.

It was getting late and Juan cursed his luck at the store. It was packed and Juan was stuck all day in lines. “Mommy’s going to kill me!”  Juan thought, as he raced through town. Making his way through the neighborhood Juan felt a heaviness in the air. As if a storm was brewing, but the moon was shining brightly and there wasn’t a cloud in sight.

 Juan’s thought went to his mother and how supportive she was of him the past few days. Juan knew he could trust his mother fully with anything life threw their way. He was happy that they were finally going to go on vacation. A month at the beach was enticing. He would be free from James the whole month. A whole month!.

 Coming out of his thoughts Juan noticed his house lights were dimmed. “That’s strange. I thought Mommy would be cooking.” Opening the door and flicking on the light Juan noticed the living room was in a mess, as if a wild boar had come in and wrecked the house. Juan was worried, he called for his mother, but received no answer. Juan suddenly heard the toilet flushing. Oh good she was just peeing. Juans sudden relief turned to horror when he saw that it wasn’t his mother that came out but Marcus, who was naked, his long member swinging freely.

Marcus noticed Juan standing there staring at him.
“Hey Juanito, how’s it hanging?”
“W-where’s my mother?” Marcus smirked.
“She’s upstairs having a ‘long’ chat with the others. I tell you she sure had a lot to say to us.” Marcus waved his hands around the room as if to emphasize his point. “But after five or six tries I think she got the point” Marcus laughed at Juan.
”My mother would never agree with you monsters, you must’ve drugged her!” Juan stated angrily. 
“Hey, if you want to see her I think she’s in your room, go ahead I won’t stop you, Juanito.” “By the way, your mother really loved the pictures you sent us.” Juan suddenly stopped and looked at Marcus, he felt his guilt return to him stronger than ever.

Making his way upstairs Juan could hear  the voices of James and his group laughing, but nothing from his mother. Juan smelled a strange odor coming out of his room. It smelled like hot sweat mixed with eggs. James’ voice was loud coming outside the door and Juan could smacking and popping as well. Juan was terrified of what he might see but steeled himself, his mother needed his help. Pushing his fear inside Juan grabbed the doorknob and opened the door slightly.
“Oh my God!” What Juan saw would forever scar his poor young psyche. James and his other two cronies stood side to side with their backs to the door. Juan could see glimpses of his mother’s black hair moving back and forth as James grasped it, moaning in ecstacy. Juan could hear his mother struggling to fit James’ cock down her throat as she gagged and coughed. “My mommy is being raped!” Juan was startled to feel the intense pressure in his pants had returned.  “Am I enjoying this? My dear mommy is being raped!”

  Juan unconsciously ran his hands down his pants, feeling it brought an intense pleasure to him. Seeing his mother being used without regard awakened a deep feeling within Juan as he continued stroking his member.
“Mmm this bitch sure is a fine dicksucker. Probably the best I ever had.” James moaned. “Who would’ve thought that little pig had such a fine whore for a mom, haha!” With that James took Isabelle's mouth off his cock and slammed her face first on the floor. His boys on either side held her arms outward so she couldn’t move.
“Please, you monsters have gotten what you wanted, you’ve used me completely, you win. Please just let me go…” Juan still stroking his member was shocked to hear his mother pleading with James.
“Now see that's a lie, We haven’t used you completely and you know it. There's still one hole we haven’t tried. And I think we all know what that is!” Juan and Isabelle widened their eyes simultaneously.
“Por favor James! Please not there! I can’t take it!”
“Don’t you worry your spic ass about that, we own you now. You know it’s funny we were going to do this your son, but you seem like a much better choice! We told you we were gonna break you!” Juan was stuck, he was in this very situation not but a week ago and now his dear sweet mother was going to suffer it in his stead. He knew he should do something, but a part of him wanted to see it, to see how it would play out. He couldn’t believe it, he wanted to keep seeing this debauchery take place instead of stopping it. What kind of son was he?  He no longer felt any interest in saving her, only in seeing how far his mother could fall. She was no longer his mother, now, she was James and his gang’s property and Juan wanted to see her break!

Isabelle continued to plead in a broken mix of Spanish and English but James wasn’t hearing it. Instead he caught a glimpse of something moving just outside the door. Smiling, he called out to Marcus.
“Hey yo, Marcus come upstairs and let the pig in!” Juan froze.
“Does he know I’m here!?” Juan try to stand and get away but his nerves made it impossible to stand properly. “Oh no if finds me…”
“Hey little pig, enjoying the show?” Juan looked and was greeted with a grasp of his shirt.

 Marcus threw Juan into the room where his mother lay, their eyes interlocking in shock. “Juan! What are you doing here!? Please let him go! He has no business being here!”
“Your son was busy pleasuring himself when I saw him.” James laughed at this.
“Oh is that true Marcus? Man what a little pervert you are! You like seeing your sweet mommy get fucked huh Juanito? You wanna see me stick this big thing balls deep in your mommy's asshole?” Juan looked up at his mother, her eyes pleading with Juan to do something, anything to get her out of this hell. His eyes gazed upward and met James’s amused stare. “I’ll tell you what I’ll give you to the count of five, if you tell me to stop I’ll save your mom. But if you don’t say anything I’m gonna show you and your mom how far I can go.”

 Juan stood silently pondering his choices. On the one hand he could save the day and his mom’s ass, or he could leave her to her fate and find his release. “1” James started counting “2” Isabelle continued struggling futilely against their grips. Her eyes never leaving Juans. “3” James smiled a wicked smile at Juan, His massive cock resting on Isabelle’s back as if to show how far it was going to go. “4” Juan was still contemplating his choices when all of a sudden Isabelle spoke
“Juan please tell him to stop, I’m sorry, I don’t blame you for anything, these monsters forced you to do this, please be strong and help me baby!” “Juan heard his mother”s pleas and it snapped him out of his stupor.
“5. sorry Juan you were too late!”

“No please! Don’t hurt my mother!”
“Hold him Marcus, make him watch!”
“No please I can’t take it! Dios mio-ooo!” James impaled Isabelle's tight asshole. “Ohhhh!!” Isabelle yelled a high pitched moan, she was trying to take a breath, but all of her air had left her body.
“Oh shit this bitch is fucking tight!” James uttered.
“Holy shit my mommy getting destroyed what have I done!?” Juan thought.

 “Please, please don’t move I can’t take anymore!” Isabelle begged
“Hell no! I told you I was gonna go balls DEEP!” splurch! James entered his entire 12 inch cock deep into Isabelle in one thrust. 
“Oh!!” Isabelle screamed.
“Mmm you enjoying this Juanito? You want to jerk your little dick? Let him go Marcus.” doing as he was instructed Marcus let Juan go and made his way towards Isabelle.
“Come here baby give me them dick sucking lips.” Marcus took Isabelle's mouth and stuck his dick down her throat. Juan was in shock at the absurd scene in front of him. His mother was being used as a spitroast by his bullies while two more bullies used her hands to jerk themselves off.  It was as if Isabelle was a human stretch armstrong with how she was being pulled in all directions. Juan couldn’t handle it anymore. He hurriedly tore his pants off, his penis now bare and started going to town.
“Hey there we go Juanito join the party!” James kept thrusting into Isabelle. Thwap Thwap Thwap Thwap. Isabelle was fighting to keep her sanity, a wave of euphoria hit her every time James and Marcus thrust their members into her. Her trust in her son was broken, he had condemned her to this. Suddenly Isabelle started to feel a rising tension deep within her. James and Marcus were nearing their boiling points.

 “If they cum in me I don’t know what will happen!” As if sensing this James started thrusting even harder. “Dios mio I can’t take anymore I’m going to go crazy!”
“You about to cum bitch? I knew you were a slut! We’re going to paint your guts white by the time we’re done with you! Take this!” Thwap Thwap Thwap. Juan was also reaching his breaking point, his breathing grew ragged and his reasoning was no more. All Juan could think of was how hot it was that his Mother was being broken in like a bitch in heat. “Oh shit I’m cumming!” James cried
“Me too dawg this bitches throat is tight!”
“Oh noo! I’m cumming!” Isabelle also couldn’t handle it anymore and let herself go. “Ooohhh..”
“Ohhh!” James and Marcus came simultaneously into Isabelle's quivering body. “Yeah take it all you fucking slut!” Juan saw this and exploded in ecstasy.
“Oh mommy!” with that James and marcus took their dicks out of Isabelle's shaking, quivering body.
“Whew, don’t think we’re done with you bitch we’ve got the rest of the year to get to know each other.” James glanced at Juan who was pathetically breathing, clearly satisfied with himself. “By the time we’re done here the both of you are gonna call me daddy. Come here and clean us off Juan.”

Thwap thwap thwap.
“Ay papi! I’m cumming!” Isabelle cried out. For the past two days James and his goons used and abused Isabelle. They would routinely take turns punching their dicks into everyone of her holes. Isabelle had tried to resist the pleasure but she couldn’t hold out. She was broken. James had won and she was his love slave.
“Hey Juanito come here!” James called out
“Yes daddy!” Juan made his way upstairs, a fox tail hanging out of his ass. James made it very clear to both Juan and Isabelle that they were his to do whatever he pleased. On the first night James made Juan clean their cocks with his mouth and ever since James continued to use Juan as his personal mop. Juan wasn’t complaining though. He discovered how much he loved being used by James and Marcus. He wasn’t broken like his mother, no, he was free. Free to use his body as his master wanted.
 “Hey Juanito come clean your mother up, she pissed herself again.” Smiling, Juan got on all fours and started crawling to his mother.
“Here you go mommy.” Juan started cleaning his mother.
“Oh Juan, you’re such a good boy” Isabelle said weakly.
“Yeah that’s right Juanito, you’ve been real good to us. Tell you what”-James pulled a candle out from the cabinet. -“I’ll let you shove this candle right up your moms asshole. All the way to the brim”
“Really!?” Juan went to James who had his hand out with the candle. Juan reached his hand out, but James snatched the candle back.
“Not with your hands Juanito! Open your mouth!” Doing as he was instructed Juan opened his mouth. James stuck the candle deep in Juans throat.
“That’s my little bitch, now go and kiss your mother’s asshole and make sure the candles all the way in!”
Juan made his way to Isabelle who was waiting with her ass stuck out.
“Come here baby, give your mommy a kiss” Isabelle spread her ass cheeks open. Juan took Isabelle by her ass and dug his mouth deep into Isabelle’s ass. Sliding the candle into her ass he could hear his mother moan. Feeling his pressure return, Juan could only moan as well. Suddenly Juan and Isabelle heard a camera flash.
“Merry Christmas my little piggys! Now come give me a kiss”  Juan and Isabelle smiled at this. If James was happy, so were they. Making their way to him, Juan and Isabelle gave a little smile and began to kiss James’ cock.
“Merry Christmas daddy!”--- End.

A/N: So, I decided to end this here for now. I lose focus quickly and couldn’t really find a way to continue. I hope, if you read this far, that you enjoyed reading this. I’m not gonna stop writing stories, I really enjoyed making this one. If I ever have any more inspiration to keep writing this I will, but until then, stay golden and keep playing with your dicks in your hands my friends!