Author Topic: My Mom the Birthday Cake  (Read 21390 times)

Fearless Wretch

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on: August 27, 2020, 08:44:04 PM
This story includes non-consent and drug use.

It was a week until my birthday and I genuinely couldn't care less about whatever my science teacher was reciting. This year my birthday party was going to be different than any other, because despite moving so much, this year I finally have friends. My family's just mom and I and we've always had to move for her work but the downside was always only having a couple years at most to make friends before inevitably saying goodbye. It's never really the same either when staying in touch online through games or socials, and my mom always worries that I don't go out enough even though it's her fault in the first place I have no one to go out and do stuff with. I don't blame her though since she's doing it for us and I know she feels guilty about having to drag me from one new house to another.

Bless her heart though, and her wide hips, and her shapely thighs, and her long legs. It's especially easy to forgive mom when she's a goddess, honestly. If I had to attribute her to something she'd definitely be the goddess of lust, debauchery, and love. Not that she's aware of any of this. No, my mom has always put me before everything. This includes finding a man to replace my dad, but I think she knows she never could and subsequently never tried. Which is a shame because I love hearing those rare occasions when mom sneaks a guy into the house when she thinks I'm asleep and the whole house is filled with the wonderful creaking of her bed frame. It's not hard to imagine my goddess of a mom naked let alone bent over on all fours getting fucked like an animal. I've only seen her naked one time when I was younger but even back then I knew I had to burn the image into my very neurons as much as I could because I'd need that image someday. That image of mom's pale, wobbling ass as she tip toed into the bathroom not knowing my eyes were drinking in her delicious, heart-shaped backside. That image in my mind I've secretly worshiped every day since then, and the woman I've practically openly worshiped whom it belongs to.

The class was finally over and as usual I retained absolutely nothing. The only thing I could think of was all the fun things I had planned for my big day. The house we moved into has a pool, and even though I rarely get to see mom use it, I was guaranteed to see her use it next week. Not to mention all the games my friends and I are gonna play, and all the delicious, mouth-watering cake I know mom will bring. The only downside is inviting my friends over, which is an unusual thing to say considering my yearly predicament. Practically the entire school knows how beautiful mom is since she sometimes chaperones for school trips, to my dismay. She's pale due to her northern-European descent, but the Texan sun prevents her from looking completely alabaster. Long, wavy black hair frames her kind, motherly face with her big, blue eyes always inadvertently enchanting every man who locks eyes with her, married or otherwise. Don't get me started on everything below her neck though, I always slept through my English class and as a result I don't have the adjectives to properly describe how perfect her body is. All I can say is: picture a hot, young athlete who settles down with a lethargic workaholic and the life as a young mother blesses her with wider hips, thicker thighs, big, torpedo-shaped breasts that sag purely from the virtue of their fullness, and an incredibly beautiful, but exhausted looking face. I know it wasn't easy raising me alone, and who knows what she'd think if she could read my mind, but damn it I love my mom with all my heart and all my dick and there's nothing I can do anymore to quell these feelings. These feelings have gotten me into trouble in more than one occasion however, as I'd describe myself as a jealous person. Jealous and overly-protective.

It always stresses me out bringing my friends over to my house when mom is home, and I know that they basically relish the thought of being under the same roof as her. I've always had a hard time making friends because of constantly moving, but it's mostly because of my own selfish desire to keep mom's immaculate form a secret from the lusty gaze of men. It always felt like juggling one too many balls when coming up with an excuse to my friends why they can't come over, or to my mom why they aren't coming over. But this year I've resolved to have a birthday party to remember and there's nothing my darker thoughts can do to prevent me from having a good time. This year I was lucky enough to not have a bully or at least some group of antagonizing dick weeds actually meet my mom. That year was a grueling one to say the least. I was constantly hounded by my so-called "friends" and my mortal enemies to come over to my house and catch my mom in one compromising position or another and to relentlessly hit on her through veiled kindness. I have some friends and unfortunately some enemies this year as well, but they never met my mom or weaseled their way into my house one way or another, thankfully.

"Hey Will, wait up!" Said Kyle, running up behind me.

Kyle's a cool kid, but I know he'd turn into a slobbering wolf like everyone else the instant he sees my mom.

"Hey man, what's up?" I said as I turned to look at him. I saw he was running alongside Chris to catch up to me. Chris is less cool, and I was actively worried about him coming over to my house. I'll just say that I'd never, EVER leave him alone in a room with my mom if she were unconscious or tied to a bed, if you catch my drift. The caveat to inviting him though was potentially getting an extra birthday gift. Selfish I know, selling my mom fro a video game or two, but the darker parts of my mind sometimes fantasized worse things involving mom.

"Ms. Calder didn't assign homework to us today, and neither did any of our other teachers dude!" Chris was practically shouting with excitement, but I think he somehow forgot that our teachers didn't assign homework when the SATs were coming up.

"You wanna hang out and play games this weekend to celebrate?" Those weren't exactly comforting words to hear from Kyle's mouth, but considering they and many others were coming over anyway next week I figured why not. I could use this as a chance to test the waters and measure how big of a fuck up I made inviting almost a dozen of my friends over for my birthday.

"Sure, why not. You guys have never been over to my house before, have you?" I said as coolly as possible as to not betray my growing anxiety.

"Nah, and I don't think Dylan has either." Said Kyle.

"Dylan?" I asked.

"Yeah, Dylan can come over too right? There's no way we could leave him behind." Said Chris, much to my dismay. I agreed to two pairs of horny eyes lapping up every inch of mom's skin, but not three!

"Uh yeah sure, of course. How many of us are there gonna be?" I asked, with increasing nervousness in my voice.

"Well, I was thinking Ray and Thomas could come just like the last time when all of us hung out at my place. You remember?" I looked at Chris and instantly thought back to that afternoon when we dug up Chris' dad's porno mag collection from the garage and I had to listen to them talk about all the things they'd do to the women in those pages. Little did they know those girls were incomparable to mom and I inadvertently went to sleep that night picturing my mom in all those positions and my friends doing everything they described to her.

"Oh well I'm not sure if my mom would be comfortable with this many people over." I said trying to sound as dejected as possible.

"Why don't we just ask her then?" Said Kyle, pointing behind me.

I turned around and saw my mom waiting to pick me up in the SUV. What brilliant timing mom, you honestly could not have picked a worst time to show up. Actually, scratch that, I can unfortunately think of at least a dozen more times she could show up that are far worse.

My friends and I walked up to the passenger side window and I introduced them. I could instantly tell that the gears in their heads were turning now that they got a good look at her for once. They unfortunately weren't completely and utterly blind and could see how drop-dead gorgeous my mom turned out to be.

"Well of course you boys can come over, bring everyone!" My mom said in her cheerful voice. Hearing her say that was painful to me but not unexpected. Mom always worried about me not having any friends but the real reason she never saw them come over was because I didn't want them to see how hot she is. That was now no longer an option now that I've dug this hole for myself, and I might as well lie in it.

We waited for Ray, Dylan, and Thomas to appear before waving them over to mom's SUV, and we all piled in. I sat in the far back with everyone else to the right of and in front of me with Ray in the front seat next to mom. To my horror I could tell that each of them were eyeing my mom up like a piece of meat while she drove us home. Her thighs looked so full in her seat and her breasts were almost constantly jostling when we went over every speed bump out of school. This was exactly the sort of thing I was afraid of. All the way in the back I could hear whispering from Kyle in front of me and I could barely make out the words, "bro, and fuck, and she's hot."

When we finally got to my house my friends unfortunately got to also witness her signature ass wobble as she walked to the front door of the house. Mom was wearing pleated yoga pants that accentuated her already full ass cheeks, and a baggy old t-shirt of mine since I assumed today was laundry day. It wasn't so baggy on her however as her large, heavy breasts strained against the ACDC logo printed across the front. The fifteen seconds it took for her to unlock the front door were the longest in my life, and I could practically feel their eyes glued to mom's delicious buttocks. I'm relieved we live in a nice neighborhood in a civilized time, because I can only imagine what they'd do to her right now if we weren't.

"Come on in boys!" Mom said, letting everyone in. No one cared about the house however and all eyes were practically attached to her as she walked into the kitchen to make sure there was food for us. Little did she know they were feasting right here and now. On her.

"Thanks Mrs. B!" Piped up Thomas after mom told everyone to help themselves to anything in the kitchen. I only wished she hadn't said that while she herself was in the kitchen. I could essentially read minds at that moment when she said that, and the snickering from my friends when she said that was proof.

"Oh it's no problem boys, I'll just be over here doing some yoga before I take a nap." She said as kicked her yoga mat into place in front of the living room window.

"Should we keep it down for you then, Mrs. B?" Probed Ray, possibly wondering how deep a sleeper mom is before other thoughts crept into his perverse mind.

"You boys can make as much noise as you want! I'm a heavy sleeper so I won't hear a peep once my head hits the pillow." Mom said proudly, as if suburban moms using sleeping pills was somehow a still a secret to guys our age. I could only hope none of them were listening as intently to her as I and were more busy with imagining what mom's asshole tastes like or whatever.

With that I clambered up the stairs to my room expecting my friends to be behind me, but as I turned around I could see each of them with their heads still pointed at mom who was now performing downward dog position. Mom was completely ignorant of the sensual show she was inadvertently putting on for us, and I had to peel their sticky minds off mom's perfumed backside by announcing the video games I had. That thankfully worked, but I could've sworn I saw Ray and Dylan with their phones out aimed at mom.

The snickering and whispering among them didn't stop even when we were all playing games in my room. Each of them would occasionally leave to use the bathroom, but I never heard the bathroom door close or the toilet flush. Almost everything had gone wrong at this point with mom wearing one of the worst things she could wear around them, and all the sexual tension she was unwittingly creating with a room full of horny, young guys. They'd practically fuck anything let alone a milfy bimbo with sex appeal that almost hangs around her like an aroma. The only thing I could hope for is that they don't stay the night at this point. There was nothing I wanted more right now than to protect my mom from these animals in heat, and I wasn't going to let them take turns rutting mom like she belonged to them.

A little over an hour passed and Ray hadn't returned from "using the restroom" as it were, and I got up to check while everyone else was playing games. I walked out to see Ray standing next to mom who was now lying on the couch. He must not have seen me or I was silent because I watched him pull out his phone and I assume take pictures of mom while she slept. Then I watched him take the glass she presumably drank from and enter the kitchen with it to rinse it out. I waited a moment and Ray came back out and walked up the stairs when I surprised him.

"Oh shit, you scared me dude, what's up?" He tried to say as nonchalantly as possible.

"What's up!? Bro I just watched you creep on my mom just now, what the fuck dude!" I sounded like I was pissed, but honestly I was more surprised and afraid than angry. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't know how to properly protect mom from these guys.

"Oh nah you were just seeing things dude. You see I was just checking my phone when I went up to ask your mom if I could get something to drink. No worries man!" He said reassuringly, but I wasn't buying it and he knew it.

Just then however, someone grabbed me with their arm around my neck and put me in a headlock. It was Thomas, that fat prick.

"What the fuck are you doing dude, let go!" I choked out with what little air I had left in my lungs.

In that moment, I was facing Ray and I could see him grinning from ear to ear as he motioned the others downstairs. My vision was blurring and everything was going black when Thomas dropped me on the carpet and followed them down the steps.

I don't know how long I was out for, but as I was coming to I could hear wet, rhythmic slapping noises coming from somewhere in the house. My heart lurched in my chest when I remembered everything that had happened and I crept down towards the noises as silently as I could. As I got closer to the sounds I realized they were coming from mom's bedroom and pain ricocheted around my rib cage like a lightning bolt. I turned the corner with as little of my eye as possible and what I noticed first was that her room which normally reminded me of heaven, now smelled like a rancid boy's locker room. The creaking of the bed frame which brought me perverse joy in the past was now accented by a hoarse panting. What I saw however made my head ring and my limbs numb. Thomas was naked on top of mom who was face-down in bed with her arms and legs splayed apart and her hair a tangled mess. His massive, sweaty body almost dwarfed mom's despite his age, and he was relentless in his animalistic thrusts up into mom's wet, glistening ass cheeks. The bed heaved and creaked noisily  as he greedily forced himself up into mom's pristine entrance, but of which one it was hard to tell from my angle. I wouldn't put it past the disgusting pig to plug mom's perfect, pink butthole with his stinking, veiny, red cock, but I could only grasp at the hope that he wasn't.

Suddenly, Chris surprised me by slapping me hard on the back. To my horror he was completely naked and his cock was wet and red from overuse. The other guys grabbed me and I saw that Dylan was filming Thomas with his phone as he hungrily plundered mom's velvety entrance. He resembled more like an animal than a human at this point, and it made me want to throw up knowing this disgusting beast was breeding mom for all she was worth. It also made me sick to know that the guys must have rummaged through her lingerie and underwear because mom wasn't wearing fishnet stockings and strappy black high heels when they knocked me out. I could see now from the end of the bed that mom was wearing a black g-string that was forcefully pulled to the side with Thomas' red nutsack fervently slapping against her pussy. He was ravaging her butthole. Thomas, the fat moron who smells like rotten milk, was gaping mom's pink butthole with anal sex. I couldn't believe it, I refused to.

The guys threatened to show everyone at school the photos and videos they took if I disobeyed them. I wanted to cry, but I only choked up a "yes, just please don't show anyone" before one of them forced a phone into my hands.

They forced me to film them as they took turns defiling my unconscious mother. I had wished with all my heart that she would wake up, but I knew that it would only makes things worse if she were awake right now. I couldn't bear to think about what they would make her do if she were awake, and the things she'd say, or the noises she'd make. The blood in my cranium felt cold and I thought I was going to pass out, but the guttural sound of one of them cumming inside mom brought me back to this hell.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 03:05:35 AM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #1 on: August 27, 2020, 08:44:34 PM
Each of their cocks at this point were bright red and soaking wet. Mom's supple entrances that were once pink and pristine were now red, raw, gaped, and completely coated in cum. Mom's beautiful butthole in particular was subject to most of the abuse and winked closed only to relax back open almost tantalizingly inviting another phallus to violate it. Even unconscious, mom was seducing my friends and I had to film Ray climbing back on top of mom as he guided his cock up her legs. Her labia strained and wrapped around his cock and I could see that even now, mom was still deliciously tight despite all the abuse my "friends" put her through. The image of Ray's flexing, thrusting butt cheeks on top of mom's perfect, round ass meat as his raw, red cock was disappearing up inside mom was being burned into my mind. With every thrust more cum gushed out of mom's pussy and I couldn't believe the amount.

My heart beat like a drum when I thought that these dick heads might have gotten my beautiful mother pregnant with this act. Not one of love or intimacy, but of dominance and animalistic lust. My mother deserved better, and seeing her limp, unconscious body be subjected to their insatiable hunger finally brought me to tears. Up until now I had only felt numb but seeing my beautiful mother's smiling face now wet from sweat and saliva with strands of her hair stuck to it pushed me over the edge.

It was at that moment one of the guys saw me begin to cry and they all started to laugh at me. Everyone except Ray who was now racing to an orgasm courtesy of mom's supple, pink pussy lips. He moaned so loud I was afraid the neighbors might hear. It was like he was showing off, and when he pulled his cock out of her more cum than I expected poured out of my poor mom. I love her more than anything, and seeing her like that threw me into a frenzy and I leapt forward and flung my arms over my mother, covering her holes with my hands.

"Please, no more!" I feebly begged, feeling mom's butthole and pussy twitch and relax in the palms of my hands. They grabbed my arms and roughly pulled me off of her.

"Aw, the little mama's boy wants to protect his breeding bitch mommy!" Thomas chided and everyone chuckled. Dylan pulled up his phone and took a picture of me. I could do nothing but stare at the ground.

 Kyle climbed onto the bed and brushed mom's hair to one side with his hand. A gesture that would seem merciful if not for his red, raw, erect cock that he'd been using for the past few hours to utterly defile her.

"Christ Will, your mom really is gorgeous. Do you think we should keep fucking her until she wakes up and really break her in?" He said this without looking away from her sleeping face.

I didn't answer but more tears silently streaming down my face was answer enough.

"Yeah man, she's real sexy. We could make her our slave with all this shit we got her doing with us." Said Ray as he was scrolling through his phone, sometimes pausing to grin wide and swiping again.

I knew he intended to blackmail me but it hadn't occurred to me that they could blackmail her as well using all of the humiliating photos and videos they took with her. Thoughts raced through my mind of what I could do to protect her, like maybe calling the cops or something. But just then the darker thoughts made their way in and picturing mom being used as breeding cattle for boys as young as her son made me sick and my cock twitch. They'd likely make her wear slutty lingerie and force her to humiliate herself in front of others or in front of me. I couldn't bear the thought of my kind, intelligent, wonderful mother being reduced to a sex slave for these animals.

My brooding was interrupted when I looked up and saw Kyle now making out with my unconscious mother and Thomas lining his cock up with one of her holes. Kyle took mom's beautifully manicured hand and wrapped it around his crooked, red dick and pumped it feverishly as he continued to feast on her mouth and tongue. He moaned as if he were in love and continued to pump his cock with mom's delicate hand as Thomas began to pick up speed on top of her, churning his hole of choice and likely stretching my poor mom to her limit. Watching the flesh of her ass and thighs ripple beneath the impatient thrusting of the sweaty brute sent more unwanted signals to my cock and when the strained grunting from Thomas as he erupted into another orgasm atop mom reached my ears, something in my brain snapped like a twig.

I realized that despite what my mind and heart thinks, my body agreed with them. As much as seeing as my angelic mother being used as breeding stock for these young bucks revolted me, my cock delighted in finally seeing mom being properly used for her intended purpose. This woman who loved and protected me my entire life was almost too kind and beautiful for her own good, and now nature had taken over and the strong, dominant, young men had gotten their hands on her and were never going to let go. My body knew this truth despite how much it pained my heart, and I had no choice but to witness the horrible beauty of animals doing what animals do. My mother belonged to them now whether she knew it or not, but the darkest parts of my mind were now enlightened.

I don't know how much time had passed, standing in mom's bedroom like a statue as boy after boy took their turns with her. Each one more savage and violent than the last, each bringing themselves indescribable bliss using my mother's holes for the purpose nature intended. When Dylan's raw, red cock finally unsheathed from mom's gaped, twitching butthole, young, virile cum flowed out of its reddish pink entrance and pooled into the crevice of her adjoined thighs. The boys dressed themselves, taking their final mementos with various parts of mom's body before dishing their expected threats of violence to me. They didn't need to, as there was nothing they needed to say for me to protect her. Despite all that they did to her, my heart still beat for her and I still had her. They hadn't taken her from me just yet and I stood their in silence as they trodded out of our home, looting mom's panty drawer as they left.

Wearily, I took mom's beautiful, naked body into my arms and tried to carry her to the bathroom. She was wet with sweat and saliva and heavier than I had expected. I knew it'd be easier to just drag her into the tub like a piece of meat, but my heart could never let go of the sentiment I had for her and I struggled to carry the bountiful woman into the shower. I was still clothed when I ran the warm water over us, carefully and thoroughly lathering her flawless form with her fragrant soaps and oils she uses to the best of my ignorant ability. She was pure again.

I carried mom now into her clean bed, after debating whether or not to burn the sheets. I watched her as she lay there, still as a marble statue of perfection. Only her chest rising and falling peacefully as quiet, contented sighs left her in her slumber. Mom never questioned what happened after she fell asleep or why she was wearing different clothes when she awoke, nor did she ask me about the smells that still lingered in her room. To tell her what happened felt as though I would implicate myself in what they did to her. The countless hours of churning and pumping they did to her entrances, the ropes of seed they filled her with, the textures and pleasures they experienced inside her butthole and pussy, the delicious, forbidden flavors of her body now known to the voracious boys who invaded her in her sleep. She couldn't know any of it, and I knew I had to protect her from it, knowledge and all.

She simply attributed her soreness to her exercise and her missing underwear to her forgetfulness and our life went on. School had become tormenting however as my "friends" had all gorged themselves on the flavors of my mother's heavenly body, and weren't about to be satiated with just the single, barbaric experience. My birthday was coming up and I don't know how I could devise an excuse to my mother as to why I was no longer interested in inviting them over. Not after what had happened, not after what they did to her.

But my mother knows me better than I do and could practically read my heart, if not my mind were I to tell her I suddenly no longer wanted a party. The torturous weekdays followed each other mechanically and my dark thoughts hung over me like a pall. Each day mother seemed to be more beautiful than the last, and I can safely say that somewhere in that hazy week, I truly fell in love with her. Before the final school day of that week I held her long and tight.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" She said, her worried voice that was like a wedding bell to my ears.

"Nothing's wrong mom, I just love you is all." I said, not opening my eyes.

She brushed my hair from my face gently and planted a big, wet kiss on my forehead. Her lips lingering for the briefest of moment as I felt the breath from her nose caress my skin. I wanted to kiss her back, I wanted to hold her and never let go, never let this moment pass by and for us to be frozen in time like this forever. Then the spell was broken.

"Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow sweetie?"

I released her and looked at her. Her big beautiful blue eyes that always seem to capture light in their twinkling form. They stared back at me with more love than my young, inexperienced heart could ever hope to comprehend, and I wept. I knew I couldn't let her see me cry like this and I quickly pressed my face into her bosom.

"Yeah, I am. I love you so much mom."

I surprised myself with how naturally I was able to deliver that line without choking on my tears, and my mother held me so tightly and so warmly to her breasts that I felt like everything was alright for the briefest moment. I stood still, just listening to her heartbeat.

"Hey Will, you ready?" Said a voice behind me.

I had remembered just then that we were in the school parking lot, and my world came crashing back down. Removing myself from my mother's warm embrace, I turned around and saw them. All of the boys that had violently bred my mother like animals. They who forced their gnarled, veiny, red cocks into her velvety, suckling entrances. They who drank in her nirvana to overflowing and replaced the warm, aromatic love in her body with hot, stinking ropes of cum. Each of them that took their turns, grunting and panting like beasts on top of my poor mother as they had relentlessly churned her insides again and again.

"Just saying goodbye to my birthday boy." My mother said, her hand falling from one shoulder and running along my back to the other.

She smiled at me so contentedly and so lovingly, it was almost comical to turn to the boys and see them looking at her so hungrily. One of them biting their lip, the other licking his lips as his eyes went down and back up, and back down again.

"I wish I had a mom like you, Mrs. B." Said Ray, not lifting his eyes from mom's heavy breasts.

"Oh Ray, you're like family to us. You boys can practically call me your mom if you'd like!" Said mom, almost too excitedly. I knew she was more than eager to invite my friends into my life and to seem like the cool mom, but all she was doing was inviting my friends into her body and she sounded like a dumb bimbo.

"Then would it be alright if we hung out at your place after school today?" Said Thomas, a horrifying glint in his eyes as he looked at her.

A cold chill ran up my spine as my eyes ran along each of their faces and I could read nothing but a predatory instinct had taken over. To my horror, that beautiful voice said exactly what I feared it would.

"Of course, I'll pick you boys up after school then and you can all have your fun!" My mom smiled at them, and they grinned their toothy grins back at her body. Her voluptuous body. Would mom still be wearing her fishnet stockings and her strappy black heels when she'd pick us up? Because it made no difference that mom was fully clothed in this moment or any moment with them, to these animals she might as well be naked and bent over on all fours right now with the looks they were giving her.

We all watched as she walked around the SUV, her ass wobbling with every step in her yoga pants. One of the boys openly rearranging the rigid meat now straining in his pants as she turned away. I waved, she waved, and they waved.

"You know we're gonna rape the shit out of your mom again, right?" Chris said, his eyes not moving from the back of mom's car.

I almost began to hyperventilate as I ignored his comment and paced briskly toward the school while staring blankly at the ground. I was a fool when I thought the days before were torment, as today was the day that fear had completely eclipsed me. Would mom take a shower before she picked us up? Would she unknowingly be preparing her body for them to feast on? Would she lather her perfect breasts and creamy thighs and buttocks with the mango-scented soaps and lotions she frequents afterward? Would she shave again? Was she still red and sore? I know the boys were more than happy with the state of her pussy and butthole when they first feasted on her, and I can't imagine that my mother would disappoint them again.

I wasn't hungry and my breakfast rolled over itself in my stomach when I looked over to see Dylan holding up his phone to show another classmate something. He then pointed at Thomas and then at me. I looked back down at my food and almost vomited.

When the final school bell rang, the pit in my stomach grew and I stood silently in the parking lot waiting, dreading the arrival of mom's SUV. I didn't move when I heard the myriad footsteps behind me and join me in waiting for a goddess to appear, and appear she did.

"Hey boys, hop on in!"

I didn't move an inch when all of them eagerly climbed into her car, with Thomas taking the front seat and smiling ominously at my beautiful mother. Mom simply flashed her warm smile at him and leaned to the side to look at me.

"C'mon birthday boy, you coming or not?" She teased.

I briefly pictured one of them closing the door as she drove off with them somewhere. The windows getting wet and foggy as they were all writhing their bodies against her wet, immaculate form in the backseat like an unholy orgy. Entire car rocking relentlessly as one cock or another probed and violated mother's orifices.

I climbed into one of the very back seats and looked forward toward mom. She smiled at me through the rear view mirror, and my eyes looked slightly down to see Kyle holding his phone, showing a video of mom's head being roughly pulled up by her hair as Ray emptied his balls inside of her. The vacant, almost drunk expression on mom's unconscious face and one of complete depraved ecstasy on his.

"We're gonna have a lot of fun, Mrs. B." Said Thomas, looking back and grinning at me after saying that.

"Good, I hope you boys enjoy yourselves." Mom said, not removing her attention from the road.

With that Chris elbowed me and snorted.

"It's not often Will has friends over." She said.

"If it were up to us, we'd be coming every day Mrs. B." Said one of them.

"Oh well you might as well, Will never goes outside and maybe you boys will do him some good!" Mom said smiling at me. She wanted the best for me, but the best for me was not to be forced to watch my gorgeous mother be relentlessly used as a sex slave for these degenerates day in and day out.

I stared out the window the rest of the short drive home, and I didn't move an inch when we arrived and everyone piled out of the car. Mom stopped halfway to the door and waved me to come out. The boys were right behind her and were massaging and tugging at their cocks from outside their pants. Now openly mocking me by licking their lips at her and thrusting at the air. Thomas disturbed me the most when he locked eyes with the back of her head and barred his teeth while grinding his hips forward in a slow circular motion. That's how he violated mom, and that's how he was going to violate her again.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2020, 12:37:43 PM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #2 on: August 27, 2020, 08:44:43 PM
I reluctantly followed them as we went to the house, and while mom was unlocking the door Ray quickly knelt down behind mom and sniffed at her ass. Right as mom unlocked the door however, she quickly turned around to usher us in only to see him with his face inches from her crotch.

"Oh! I almost stepped on you, honey!" Mom said, taking a step back in surprise.

"O-oh uh yeah, I was just tying my shoes." Ray stammered while pretending to fumble with the laces on his shoe.

My innocent mother bought it, and he got away with openly disrespecting her and she even called him "honey" for it. I wanted to wring his neck when he stood up and smiled at her and she smiled back. His lungs were probably still full of her scent when he looked back and grinned at the other guys.

"After you Mrs. B." Said Thomas, waving my mother in.

"Oh what a gentleman, thank you." Mom said before turning toward the doorway into our living room. Everyone watched as Thomas pumped his fists and hips inches from her ass, mockingly foreshadowing the sordid act he was all but guaranteed to perform on her later today.

"You gonna do some yoga and take another nap, Mrs. B?" Asked Dylan with his tongue in the corner of his mouth while openly staring at her crotch.

"Oh not today, I've been sore all week after I think I injured myself exercising. It was almost too painful to even sit down just earlier this week." Mom said as she put her purse down on the dining room table.

Under their breath, someone murmured something about, "if you think that was bad..." Before she turned to enter the kitchen she asked us what we wanted to eat and if they were planning on staying the night.

"You know us, Mrs. B. If we had it our way we'd be eating juicy cake all night long." Said Thomas while everyone was dropping their backpacks on the carpet near the front door.

"Hmm, well I think all we have is Will's birthday cake for tomorrow, but let me check." Mom said before she walked into the kitchen. Each of the boys leaned over to watch her ass as she left.

Everyone but mom knew the cake Thomas was talking about, and there was more than enough to go around tonight whether she would be willing to or not. Each of them were more than ready to help themselves to a slice of mom's warm, wet pie for themselves, and she had no clue.

Mom came back out of the kitchen with a tray of cupcakes she made for the both of us earlier this week that said stuff like "I <3 U" and "Happy B-Day." She held the tray up in front of her breasts for everyone to see but no one was paying attention to the sweets on the plate, but rather the voluminous, milky teats just inches behind them.

"I made these for Will's birthday tomorrow, but I planned to make more. You boys can help yourselves to these as much as you'd like." Mom said, ignorant of the fact that her breasts were still practically on display when she said that.

"We're definitely going to help ourselves to those later Mrs. B. They look so big and delicious."

Mom furrowed her brow and smiled quizzically at that comment before setting them down on the coffee table next to us. This took but a fraction of a second, but some of the guys got a good look down her blouse as she did this while others enjoyed her plump, round cheeks bent over for their enjoyment. Mom was unwittingly giving them exactly what they wanted, and they were lapping every inch of her up with their hungry eyes.

"So what's the plan for today Mrs. B?" Asked Ray, probing her for an opportunity to attack.

"I just plan to do some work on my computer before taking a nap. You boys are welcome to use the pool out back if you'd like."

"Why don't you join us Mrs. B? It'd be a lot of fun." Said Chris through a wry smile.

Mom smiled at me.

"What do you think honey?"

I looked at her and back at them. Thomas was looking at me with his fist in his hand and nodded his head.

"Uh, yeah that'd be okay mom. Do whatever you want." I said with my eyes pointed down at the carpet.

Some of the boys pumped their fists in excitement as my mom went into her bedroom. When she closed the door, Ray went to his backpack and took out a pair of mom's panties and her strappy black heels. My stomach tightened. The panties were the pair with the heart-shaped hole in the back right where mom's butthole would be. They were always my favorite pair of hers and I felt a knot in my throat when I saw them in his fingers.

"Doesn't really matter what that bitch is putting on right now, because she'll be wearing these when we get down to business." Said Ray, to the agreement of everyone else.

The boys stripped down to their underwear in the living room and made their way into the backyard. I cautiously followed them, still fully clothed and watched as some of them figured out some of the windows in the backyard are a part of mom's bedroom and they elbowed each other for a glimpse at her undressing. Only a few minutes passed and I could hear mom's bedroom door open. I stepped back into the house while everyone else was in the pool waiting for my mom and I could see her coming toward me from the living room, stepping over the discarded clothing from the boys. That image of her in a two-piece black bikini stepping over the haphazardly piled boy's clothes gave me an abstract, fearful feeling. The symbology wasn't lost on me and I tiptoed up to her.

"Mom, I don't think you should be wearing something like that." I said to her with pleading eyes.

"You think I'm going to embarrass you in front of your friends, sweetie?" She said to me with a hand to my cheek.

"Not really that mom. It's just that..." I paused thinking of a way to word my desire for her to escape. To run far away and never look back. Far away from their rough, greedy hands. From their vulgar, hungry mouths. From their veiny, red cocks.

"I'll go change if you want me to honey." She said, but just as she was turning around Ray appeared behind me and his voice made me wince in pain.

"Woah, Mrs. B! You look gorgeous! Come on out to the pool and show everybody!"

"Oh, you really think so?" Said mom as she turned around.

She flashed me a worried, apologetic smile and followed him out to the backyard. Mom's ass looked so full and meaty in those tiny black panties. She obviously was careful putting them on to cover her crevice, but her ass looked more than ready to devour the tiny black triangle that feebly covered those full, delicious cheeks.

I stayed behind where I stood and listened to them hoot and holler upon her arrival. They were now openly devouring her, and she was consenting. Mom had no idea what she was consenting to and my head and neck felt hot as I thought about how they were looking at her, and what they were seeing. I was still frozen there when I heard one of them ask, "you want me to get you something to drink, Mrs. B?"

Ray came into the house from the pool and walked past me toward his backpack. I still didn't move when I heard the small rattling of a pill bottle in his hands. He held up two bottles in front of my face, shaking them mockingly.

"One's sleeping pills, and the other's grade-A ecstasy. You want me to put one or both in her drink?" He was walking backward into the kitchen when he asked me.

I was as motionless as a scarecrow when he went to pour a glass of water. I could hear the crunching sound of the pills and a moment of silence as they dissolved into the glass. I didn't know what he put in mom's glass of water, but the only thing that could move in my body was my heart, and it was writhing in my chest when I saw him enter the backyard, glass in hand.

I lethargically walked into the kitchen to look out to the pool just in time to see mom taking a healthy swig of water from her glass. As she did this some of the boys looked at Ray and he said nothing but stuck his tongue out and rolled his eyes back while shaking his head. I wanted to vomit. I couldn't watch this and I trudged up the stairs slowly while listening to the sounds of the water and of mom's voice. When I reached the top of the stairs I collapsed and just curled up into a ball while listening to them talk. Listening for mom's voice. I prayed that I would continue to hear her voice for the rest of the day. That the drugs would have no effect and that she'd be okay. That they wouldn't get to desecrate her sacred body. My prayer must have been received by some dark power because I got my wish. Slowly but surely I could still subtly hear mom's voice among everyone else's, but I detected a change. I eased my creaky legs down the steps one after the other, slowly as to not make a sound louder than the ones I was hearing coming from the backyard.

As I turned the corner, what I saw made my head spin and my intestines spasm. Two of the boys were pushing my mother with her back up against the edge of the pool directly in front of me. I could only see the back of mom's lulled head but the boys had each of her breasts in their mouths and were greedily sucking on them while a third was hoisting her feet out of the water and onto his shoulders. I had to listen to my mother's hoarse moans as they hungrily suckled her tits and the third was presumably lining himself up with one of her entrances.

"St... stop... top..." My mother could barely speak but was aware of what they were doing to her. She had her hands up and was feebly trying to push Kyle away who was now thrusting feverishly toward her.

The sight of this left me frozen in my tracks and it was as if every cell in my body was completely still as the revolting scene unraveled before me. Mom pushed with all her might away from Kyle and onto the concrete toward me. Mom's nipples audibly popped out of Chris and Dylan's mouths as she turned away from them and looked up at me with hazy, almost drunk eyes.

"W-Will, help me..." My mom said weakly, her gorgeous, tearful eyes looking up at me pleading. Her bare breasts pressed flat against the concrete and she weakly tried to pull herself up out of the water only to be pulled back down by the three boys. Mom was now bent over the edge of the pool and Kyle suddenly threw his body on top of hers and began to impatiently and roughly thrust into her after briefly lining his cock up with her behind.

Mom screamed sharply and she painfully moaned in rhythm with Kyle's brutal thrusts. One of the boys grabbed a fistful of mom's wet hair and pulled her head up. Kyle leaned his torso backward while grabbing onto the edge of the smooth concrete, continuing to jackhammer against mom's buttocks with his hips. From behind, each of the boys forcefully grabbed mom's breasts and sucked and gnawed on her nipples as she grunted in pain. Seeing mom with her hair tangled around Dylan's fist with each of her breasts being suckled and Kyle staring intently down at the part of mom he was violating made my blood hot and my head dizzy.

Mom was completely naked in the pool and was being utterly defiled by them. Ray and Thomas sat back at the far end of the pool with their phones in their hands, presumably filming my mom getting gangbanged by these boys. Kyle’s grunting and panting began to quicken as mom’s moans grew more guttural and laborious until he leaned forward with his head next to mom’s, and groaned directly into her ear. I could see Kyle’s eyes roll up into his head as he grunted and to my horror,  mom’s eyes did the same with her mouth agape. The orifice Kyle chose likely looked like the shape mom’s mouth was making as he continued to thrust a few more times before collapsing off of her and into the water.

Chris and Dylan stopped molesting mom’s breasts and one of them climbed out of the pool only to grab mom by her hair and roughly drag her out of the water and onto the concrete as if she were a sack of meat. The other went into the house and came back out with a handful of mom’s lingerie and high heels. They went to work dressing her up like a whore as she lay there catching her breath.

“Please… N-no more…” Mom murmured, as Thomas rose out of the pool and went to work gathering her wet hair in his fist.

He then hoisted her up like a prized catch and Ray took the humiliating photo of them and laughed. Mom’s eyes were glazed over and she was reduced to mumbling now as Thomas dragged her by her hair face down onto a pool chair. Mom’s deliciously meaty ass and thighs were prominently on display and Thomas carefully fixed her panty bottoms so that the heart-shaped hole properly aligned with her butthole.

“Hey viewers, get a load of this.” Thomas said to the phone in Ray’s hand, as he was hunched over my mom.

Ray then panned his phone camera down until it was pointed at the heart-shaped entrance to mom’s crevice. Thomas fished his gnarled, red cock out of his shorts and briefly lined it up with the dainty little hole on mom’s panties and pushed. An exhausted groan escaped mom’s throat as he pushed his entire length up mom’s butthole in a single thrust. The heart-shaped hole was now deformed and firmly wrapped around the base of Thomas’ cock and he gingerly grinded his hips up against mom’s plump ass cheeks. He began to rhythmically grunt in time with the short, quick thrusts into mom’s asshole as she was now making throaty, grunting noises in time with his pumps.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2020, 01:32:10 PM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #3 on: August 29, 2020, 06:46:17 AM
I watched with sick fascination at the expression on mom's beautiful face. It was alluring beyond words: her mouth agape, her glazed eyes rolled into her head, her long, perfect hair wrapped brutishly around Thomas' fat fist. Her entire body looked like it was in pain, being forced to accept the swollen, red cock again and again as her feet were pointed up with toes curled. The drugs were only starting to kick in as Thomas' relentless thrusts no longer elicited painful screams but instead coerced whorish moans and sounds I had never thought mom capable of. I wish I had heard such beautiful noises escape from her before this, but the moment hadn't soured this sexual discovery at all. Thomas' impatient thrusts were compelling her to become the goddess I always saw her as and her body was more than willing to oblige in that moment. Mom's entire body, contorted in beautiful pain as the hulking beast forced himself inside her over and over.

I was completely enthralled by the sight of mom being used for what she was made for, being bred like the sexual animal these savages were reducing her to. It was like time was standing still again, like in that moment earlier today in which I lost myself in mom's warm embrace. I was lost again now, watching someone else writhe and worm themselves into her warm depths. He continued to buck against mom's prodigious ass cheeks until a low, raspy moan escaped from his teeth and his eyes rolled back into his head, hips pressed as forcefully against mom's submissive body as possible. Mom responded to the new emerging sensation in her anus with her own exasperated squeaks, choked short as Thomas' grip around her hair tightened, pulling her head painfully back. He quickly pulled his rigid, red cock out from the heart-shaped hole and I could see it twitch. Mom's anus was winking but was still agape in the size and shape of Thomas' circumference behind the now deformed heart-shaped hole in her panties, before another one of the boys' cocks replaced his inside mom's gaped butthole.

I had lost myself in that moment, and I don't know how long I was standing there, on the cold, smooth concrete of our backyard. Every one of the boys filming themselves on top of, below, and inside of my beautiful, drugged mother seemed a blur in this state. My mind came to when the sound of mom's throaty moans reached my ears and I saw two of the boys holding her up with her legs up as the jet from the pool was bringing her to unimaginable heights of pleasure. She was grunting like she was getting fucked to death and after a few moments I saw her hips buck against the jet and spasm before the boys hoisted her out of the water. They pawed at her pussy lips to see how red and swollen they had gotten. A few of them took that moment to take more pictures of her before Chris's mouth latched onto mom's velvety, red orifice and released with a pop and a grunt from her in response.

"All clean again." He said, roughly rubbing her engorged clitoris with his thumb. Her pink butthole winked when he did this.

Mom stopped moving after they pulled her out of the pool however, and after pulling one of her eye lids open to observe her glossy eye lolling around her head, they determined that the sleeping pills took over.

"You think she'll remember any of this?" Dylan asked.

"Nah, dumb bitch'll probably think it was a wet dream or something." Ray said this so matter-of-factly it made me think that he had done this before, with some other poor woman. Perhaps some other beautiful, unfortunate mother.

"C'mon, let's drag her to the bedroom and make more videos." Said Thomas, hoisting my unconscious mother up by her hair once again.

They didn't even react to me standing there when they walked around me, carrying my mother into the house for more orgiastic pleasures at her expense. I quietly followed them, stepping over their discarded clothing as the procession of mom's sleeping body continued into her bedroom. I sat with my knees to my face beside her door and listened to the creaking of the bed frame as multiple boys climbed into bed with mom and began to work their various cocks into her warm, inviting entrances. Some of the boys played with the lights now as the sun was setting and I assume they wanted good lighting for the porn videos they were making with her.

Hours of wet, rhythmic slapping, bed creaking, and boyish grunting assaulted my ears as they presumably stopped taking turns at some point and were now feverishly feasting upon mother's immaculate body like starving animals. Every now and again I would lethargically turn my head into mom's room from the doorway to see a new boy on top of her, breeding a new hole from a new position with their head thrown back, taking in the forbidden pleasures and textures of the warm crevice of mom they chose to defile. Thomas in particular seemed to take the most pleasure in violating her, as he would slowly churn mom's hole with his cock, moving his hips up and down in a slow, circular motion just like he had done moments before being welcomed into our home.

Kyle was holding his phone up with both hands and his red, worn-out cock stood at attention as he panned closer into mom's spread cheeks to get a better shot of Thomas' circumference working mom's hole open. Thomas continued to slowly churn his hips, savoring the warm, wet sensations of her greedy orifice until he slowly unsheathed his fat, swollen root that now glistened and twitched in the cool air. Globs of translucent cum continued to spurt out with every twitch of his veiny, red cock and I couldn't imagine the ropes he squirted up inside her with it.

My beautiful, perfect mom who was now getting her face fucked by Ray as he greedily thrusted into her mouth as if it were her pussy, her luxurious hair gathered into his fist as he used it as a handle to better fuck her throat with. The moist, squelching sounds of Ray's cock violating mom's throat filled the room as another boy replaced Thomas in between her legs and quickly went to work defiling her hole of their choice.

It was then I heard choking and coughing coming from Ray’s side as I could see now that his cock was completely drenched and coated in the transparent slime from the back of mom's throat, its swollen purple tip still pointing at her face. The hair on the back of my neck stood up when it seemed mom was coming to, and Ray held her face up to his and looked into her vacant eyes.

"Looks like sleeping beauty is waking up after true love's kiss!" He slapped her plump, wet lips with his veiny shaft as she proceeded to retch a surprising amount of cum down her face and onto the bed.

"Oh false alarm, looks like this bitch is still fucked up from all the pills I gave her. Oh shit!" Ray began laughing as he said this.

Hot tears began to stream down my cold face when I thought about the possibility that my poor mom might have overdosed from the pills he slipped in her, and my face contorted in emotional pain as I pressed my head against my knees. I thought about how I'll be able to protect her from the aftermath this time and the terrifying possibility that something horrible might happen to my mom. I thought about her warm smile, the loving gaze she would always give me, her hypnotic voice when she told me how much she loved me. I wanted it back, I wanted to be alone again with her. From before I let these animals into my home. From before I let these animals into my mom.

I reminisced about how gorgeous mom looked in her summer dress last year, and how it was slightly transparent in direct light. I remember how she twirled in the sunlight coming through the living room window while laughing at the stunned look on my face. She must have known I was in love with her, for there was nothing else written across my expression in that moment. I remembered her skin against mine when she hugged me, the sound of her heartbeat, the smell of her shampoo, her breath against my shoulder. I remember looking up at her face and gazing into her eyes and how they were only just barely open that I could see the knowing twinkle in her sultry, blue soul. My heart tugged in a million different directions when she looked at me and I couldn't possibly match her gaze. I remember feeling her smile against my forehead before she roused my face to hers and kissed me longer than I ever remembered. I could never forget the feeling of her soft, warm lips against mine, the smell of her skin, the sound of our lips parting. None of these were things a boy should remember about his own mother, but when she said so softly, "I love you so much Will... You're such a wonderful boy... I'm so proud of you." She slowly rocked me from side to side when she held me and I knew I found heaven right here in our home.

I woke myself from my daydreaming with the sound of my own sobs and my eyes quickly darted around me in a haze. I don't know if I was awake or asleep the entire time I thought about her, but when I went to look for mom, Chris was panting like an animal on top of her, holding her neck down with one hand and her ass open with the other as he was fully pressed up against her lower body. Mom's eyes were slightly parted and her glazed look lazily drifted around the room as he rocked her body. Chris roared his climax inside mom, and he brutishly tugged her head back by her hair and held it there as filled her with his seed. The sight of mom's vacant expression was replaced however, by Dylan's buttocks as he took this opportunity to fuck her face. That beautiful face that used to kiss me good night, that face that bewitched me so many times before. That face that was now being used as a fleshlight for Dylan's gnarled, swollen meat as he worked himself down her throat, her plump lips parted around his circumference and damp, squelching noises escaping her mouth as he found his preferred rhythm.

It didn't take long for him to reach an orgasm using mom's heavenly throat and when he pulled his cock out of her mouth, frothy, transparent fluids joined from his twitching root to her mouth and lips before he let her head limply fall over the edge of the mattress. Another one of the boys made themselves busy humping away at one of mom's holes when I crawled towards mom's head. I gently held her head up with my hands as her whole body rhythmically shook according to Thomas' ravenous thrusts and I looked into her listless eyes. She looked right through me and I could only find emptiness where there used to be a playful and smoldering love. I held my ear to her lips and listened to her breathing. I felt my stomach drop when I could make out a soft and breathy sighing escape her with every pump from Thomas' weight against her. Even unconscious, he was making her feel pleasures I never could, and her body was responding. I knew then that no matter what happened from then on, that at its core, my mother's body was enjoying the breeding session Thomas gave her and he was more than happy to oblige. Their flesh was one, my mother being bound to this horrible pig in an unholy joining of carnal lust, and he was better than anyone at pleasuring her, whether anyone knew it or not. My mother was being claimed by this boy and my heart sunk as I looked into her dazed face.

The soft, breathy sighs escaping her mouth with each of Thomas' pumps were growing louder and more deliberate as the breeding intensified and I realized mom was coming to again. I sat there on the floor at the foot of mom's bed, as he leaned forward and was now laying on top of her with his face next to hers, silent as I watched some semblance of life slowly begin to return to mom's face. Thomas' thrusts were now short and upward inside her as his face was pressed against mom's neck, with a couple of the boys filming her from the other end of the bed. I can't imagine how delicious it must have looked to see mom's wet, pink hole being churned by Thomas' fat, swollen meat. Mom's face began to somewhat awaken and her brow furrowed in what looked to be pain and her lips were parted with her teeth barred. Mom started meeting his rhythmic pumps with her own hips, pushing up against his shaft and panting like a bitch in heat.

"Oh fuck, oh yeah fuck just like that... Fuck." Grunted Thomas as he lifted his red face up from mom's shoulder, eyes closed.

Mom's face was turning red as well to my horror and whorish grunts and squeals were coming from her now as sloppy, wet squelches were reaching my ears from the other end of the bed. Some of the boys were now eagerly working their cocks with their cameras in hand, still filming whatever was going on from that angle and mom's eyes were slightly parted to reveal that they were almost completely rolled up into her head. Mom was being bred like an animal. Thomas was breeding mom. He was breeding her. This is what it looks like when mom was being pumped full of cock properly and I couldn't look away from her gorgeous face now contorted in incorrigible lust as the oafish boy on top of her was feverishly filling her with his swollen, red meat.

The "plap plap plap" sound of mom's hole being violated was overshadowed by the choked screaming from mom and the labored panting from Thomas. They were going to share an orgasm together and the blood pumping to my brain felt freezing cold. He was going to make her cum. She was going to cum on his cock. He was raping her with his gnarled, red root and she was going to squirt and cream on it like a used up whore. I couldn't believe that this was my mom. My beautiful mom who woke up early to make me breakfast, who kissed me goodnight, who washed my clothes, who held me and told me so sweetly how much she loved me. She was pleasuring Thomas' ugly, veiny cock and he was seconds from filling her with more hot, thick ropes of his stinking seed.

"Ahh! Ah! Ah--" Mom's gasps for air were cut short as Thomas clenched his ass cheeks, pressing his crotch as far up her ass as humanly possible.

I didn't even know which hole he was violating at this point and I just stood there as the two of them lied still for a few moments before collapsing and writhing against the warm wetness of one another's bodies. He claimed her. My mom belongs to him now, whether she knew it or not. Thomas made my mom his breeding whore and it was disturbingly similar to an alpha claiming his new bitch in the wild.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 08:49:36 AM by terribleguardian »

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Fearless Wretch

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Reply #4 on: August 29, 2020, 01:29:51 PM
When Thomas pushed himself up off of mom, a creamy sound from her ass could be heard and each of the boys with their phones in their hands leaned forward to capture the sight. He and everyone else were staring intently at the area where Thomas had violated her, and I couldn't see what they were looking at from where I was kneeling. I could see a couple of them pulling her cheeks apart and holding their phones closer as a sadistic smile crept across Thomas' face and he admired the work he did on my poor mother's hole.

"My ass... He fucked... My ass... My... Ass..." Mom was mumbling nearly incoherently and I held her face up to mine.

"Mom, does it hurt? Are you okay?" I whispered to her as I searched her face for any signs of cognizance .

"My ass... He fucked me in my ass..." She kept murmuring about the state of her butthole and what Thomas had done to her.

I watched as her eyes dart around under their lids and her breathing become calm. I leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead while softly running my hand across her hair.

"It's okay mommy, It's almost over. Just sleep now." I whispered as she continued to mutter in her half-conscious state.

"Fuck dude that was fucking hot." One said.

"Yeah, she loves you!" I heard another say.

"Yeah the bitch was made to breed, it's in her nature. She just doesn't know it yet." Said Thomas proudly as the creamy noises of his cock withdrawing from mom's butthole marked the end of her sodomy.

The boys laughed at me cradling mom's head in my hands and they dug through her room looking for more trophies. I heard several of them laugh when one of them found and turned on her vibrator before sticking it in my ear and taunting me. I tried my best to ignore them and they went through all of her underwear, choosing their favorites to take home. One of them shoved me aside as they each took turns pulling off and replacing different pairs of panties and taking pictures of mom. They were practically using her as a mannequin for her sex-wear and were laughing at her the entire time. After about another hour of the humiliating dress-up session and another impromptu orgy spurred on by an exceptionally sexy piece of lingerie, they finally left, taking their lacy prizes with them.

I steeled myself from crying when I was left alone with my unconscious mom, muffled laughter heard from beyond the front door. It was completely silent now, no more rhythmic sounds of any kind, no one breathing heavily, no flesh on flesh contact. I could feel the blood in my head pump in my ears each time my heart beat as I took my naked mother into my arms. It felt like she was heavier this time and tears streamed down my face and onto her hands as I struggled to carry her to the bathtub. When I gently laid her in the tub I stared at her sleeping face for what felt like several minutes, imagining all of the beautiful little moments we shared every time I looked at her. No matter what they did to her or made her do, I knew I was hopelessly, inescapably in love with her.

I tucked my sleeping mother into bed and kissed her cheek before silently easing myself off and out of the bedroom. She never stirred when I took care of her, and despite what I had just done, I never felt more distant from her. A cold sadness wrapped itself around my heart that night and I couldn't sleep. My mind was tormented with the images of mom in various positions with different men. Images of my mom being used as a slave, as an animal, a tortured goddess being feasted upon both metaphorically and literally. Each one of my nightmares involving my mother's beautiful face contorted in pain as her teary eyes always looked up at me, pleading, begging. I didn't know what would happen tomorrow, and I felt more afraid than I had ever felt before.

I felt like a zombie as I quietly stepped downstairs toward the kitchen. Mom looked indescribably beautiful with her coffee in her hands, staring out into the backyard. She had a small silky night robe that was tied shut and her long, shapely legs were crossed when I stepped toward her. There was more fear and humiliation pumping through my veins than blood in the scarce few seconds that I watched her. Then she turned to me.

"Good morning birthday boy. Did you sleep well?" She smiled so warmly and every single neuron out of the billions in my brain that were just now firing off signals of regret and doubt were silenced.

"I did, mom. Did you?" I said as I sighed, exhaling all of the negative emotions I held in.

"I slept fine. Where are your friends?" She asked, in a tone of voice that slightly alarmed me.

"Oh uh- They went home last night, they said didn't want to stay over since they had plans for uh, tomorrow-today." I stumbled over my words as if I were tumbling down the side of a cliff.

"Oh okay, I was getting ready to make you boys some breakfast." She blinked slowly and gave me a tired smile when she said this.

I watched her subtly struggle to rise from the chair and heard a hitch in her breathing as she did this. She must have been sore from yesterday, and worry clouded my mind and I spoke without thinking.

"Are you alright mom?" I said, to my own surprise. I regretted bringing any attention to what they did yesterday but as usual, mom did nothing but calm the storm in my heart.

"I'm alright baby, just still so sore. I think I might need to visit the doctor's soon if it doesn't get any better." She said without looking at me, retrieving breakfast items from the fridge.

I knew there wasn't anything left for me to do but prepare for today, if it was even going to happen, and I turned away from the kitchen to brood.

"What time are the boys coming over?" I heard her ask from the kitchen.

"I don't know." I said remorsefully before climbing the steps toward my room.

I didn't even make it halfway up the stairs when I saw mom pop her head out of the kitchen doorway.

"Are you alright baby?" She asked, her big blue eyes pleading an honest answer from the one person she loved more than anything.

"Yeah, I'm alright mom. Just tired." I said and mimicked a reassuring smile.

"Alright honey. I love you." She looked cute on purpose when she said this and batted her eye lashes at me.

If only I could just sweep her off her feet now and run away.

"Love you too mom."

It was almost 1 o'clock when mom asked me if I saw any of her laundry. I don't know why she'd come up to my room to look for her missing underwear but it pleased me in some strange way to know that she was apparently comfortable in thinking her panties ended up in my bedroom.

"I didn't see any laundry anywhere. Did you check the garage?" I asked, feigning interest.

"I did, and I didn't see them. Hmm... They've gotta be in the house somewhere." She seemed satisfied that they weren't in my room and continued searching the house.

"I just don't want your friends over and finding a thong under the dinner table!" Mom shouted from the other end of the house.

My face turned red and I chuckled. Then a frown spread across my face when I realized how the guys would likely act if they found some of mom's panties in the living room. My poor mother would never know. She must never know.

Less than an hour later the doorbell rang suddenly and I flinched at the noise. I didn't leave my room and simply listened to my mom answer the door with multiple, deeper voices responding to her from the doorway. I didn't move immediately when she announced that my "friends" were here, as I knew none of them would even think about coming upstairs when there wasn't a goddess to defile up here.

I stepped out to look over the railing to see mom in the sun dress she wore from last year. From my dream. It was yellow with orange flowers and went down to her feet. The dress did little to contain her breasts since what little space there was for a woman's chest, mom was too bountiful and was nearly spilling out of the top and sides. The puffy little shoulders on the dress reminded me of a princess, and the thin dress clung loosely to her hips, ass, and thighs. She looked like an angel. I choked back a gasp when I saw her and ran to my bathroom. I splashed water on my face and stared at the mirror. I looked like I just woke up from the dead, my face was so pale with bags under my eyes. How could my mom look so impossibly gorgeous so effortlessly and yet I look like a drug addict? No, I knew the answer. I was addicted to mom. She was utterly intoxicating to me and I was suffering from withdrawals. My mind needed to be stimulated with more images of her being violated, of her being used against her will, and being claimed and bred like an animal relentlessly by them. My mind and my heart were fighting and the mixed feelings in my stomach made me vomit in the sink.

I stepped out to find more people had entered our home and I didn't know how to feel about boys I didn't know being at my birthday party. I felt that on one hand, perhaps Ray and his disgusting cronies wouldn't touch mom if there were too many people here, but on the other... The dark pit in my mind entertained me, briefly, with images of mom being used by even more guys. I blinked hard until the picture left my head and I cautiously descended the steps. I uttered meek greetings to the boys I didn't know and walked around the house looking for mom. I didn't know how many people came to my birthday but it looked to be at least a dozen, not including the five creeps that have been preying on mom all week that were now flanking her in the kitchen.

She was baking me a birthday cake and moments before bending down to slide the tray into the oven, Ray lifted her dress up over her ass for about six other guys to see, many of them taking pictures in the process. I didn't know it but when mom said her laundry was missing, I thought it meant just a few pairs of panties. From what I saw it apparently meant every pair of panties except for the ones with the heart-shaped hole in the back. Ray lifted mom's dress over her ass as she bent over toward the oven and everyone saw it. All of them saw her butthole. Her winking, pink asshole through the heart-shaped hole. Guys I never talked to at school. Guys I didn't know, saw mom's butthole. My heart pounded against my ribs like a sledgehammer and I stumbled backward out of the kitchen.

My hands were shaking and my skin was clammy when I realized what was going to happen. Why these people were here, and what they all were planning to do. My head darted from left to right, looking for any girls of any kind when I realized that the only woman in the house was mom. My "friends" deliberately invited only guys into my house. There were about a dozen male faces that were completely stranger to me, but all of them were busy warming up to mom. She always seemed to have at least three to four of them around her at all times while she was in the kitchen. Each of them relentlessly hitting on her with seemingly innocuous comments on how beautiful she looked, or how lucky I am to be her son. Mom was eating all of it up, and on more than one occasion did I see more than one of them taking selfies with her. I can't imagine who they sent those photos to, or what they captioned her as, but seeing one boy I didn't know take a picture with her and begin typing as he walked away with a grin on his face disturbed me.

There was a panic growing in my stomach when I noticed Ray was always shadowing her. He always seemed to be only a few feet from her drink at all times, and he was constantly keeping tabs on her. Mom never seemed to notice or mind however, as he always found a way to make himself useful, helping her clean up or move something heavy. I felt pangs of jealousy when I realized that my mom likely thought fondly of him, and in thinking that he was my friend, that her own disposition toward him was softening as a result. I locked myself away in my room and hardly anyone noticed despite it being my birthday in the first place. Mom was far too busy making food and keeping our home from getting messy, but everyone that came was more than content to talk among themselves or ogle mom. In a house filled with more people than it had ever been, I still felt alone. I felt like my life was ending hours from now and I couldn't tell anyone, not even mom. I felt scared and confused and the suspense of knowing what was going to happen to my mom was agonizing. I wanted all of them to leave, to go away and never come back. I felt like they were invaders, hungry animals in my house just waiting for my mom to trip or stumble before they all descend on her. I resolved to tell my mom to leave the house to go get me something, anything, and hopefully in that time the drugs Ray likely gave her will have kicked in, prompting a hospital visit courtesy of good samaritans. With this new plan of action, I bravely stepped out of my room.

I looked over the living room from atop the stairs and saw mom. Her face was flushed red and she was laughing way too hard at something someone said to her. She looked like she was out of breath and was constantly fidgeting on the pillow she was sitting on. Her and a large group of boys were playing cards and mom looked like she was having the time of her life.

"Hey Ms. B, you want me to get you a beer?" One of the boys I didn't know asked her as he got up from behind her.

He and two others were sitting on the couch behind her staring down her dress the entire time.

"Beer? You boys brought beers into my house?" Mom asked with slurred words.

It was like she lost control of her tongue and she seemed to be giggling at nothing.

"You know what, I would love a beer. Thank you." Mom said matter-of-factly.

"Hey Ms. B, you ever hear this song before?" One of them had brought a bluetooth speaker with them and was playing some random song I hated that was popular.

They all started egging mom on and cheering when she stumbled off of the ground and began to dance to the music. One of the boys returned and handed her an already-opened bottle of beer as he sat on the couch and opened his. Mom was in her own world, and I felt too awkward even in my own home, with my own mom, to even put my plan to rescue her into action. There was too much peer pressure to interrupt what they were doing without seemingly committing social suicide right then and there. I awkwardly sat on the bottom steps of the stairway, watching as one of the boys got up and started dancing close to mom. The music was some sort of club samba or something and she was shaking her hips, causing her juicy ass and thighs to wobble from side to side under her dress. I watched as another boy got up and started dancing close to her on the other side and the both of them pressed themselves up against her as the three of them moved to the music.

I watched her laugh as they felt her up, unknown to her. They were grinding their pelvises against mom's front and backside and the darker recesses of my mind knew that if they were naked, they'd fuck her like this. The boy dancing up against mom from behind grew more brazen and was now openly humping and grinding against mom as her body continued to writhe with music. I could see through his pants that he was sporting a full erection that strained against the material of his clothes, and he was prodding her with it, lining it up and pressing it deep in between mom's cheeks through her dress. He must have landed a bullseye, because mom yelped in surprise and smiled quizzically at the boy when she stepped away from them to announce she was done dancing. When mom walked toward the kitchen, her ass cheeks had swallowed her dress and everyone could clearly make out the shape of her crevice through the material. One of the guys punched the boy in the shoulder and he revealed he must have "got her right in the asshole." Mom's bottle was empty.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 02:04:12 PM by terribleguardian »

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Reply #5 on: August 30, 2020, 04:03:33 AM
awesome man !  :)
u wrote this yourself?  this is the shit we need in here!
i really enjoyed reading your story so far and cant wait to read more !
well done!

Fearless Wretch

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Reply #6 on: September 01, 2020, 02:18:09 PM
I walked into the crowded kitchen to find six guys all standing around the counter, watching mom bend over to pull the cake out. Her ass cheeks spread open when she bent over however, which released the fabric of the dress to their disappointment. I saw Chris look over at the cup mom kept on the counter that had pens and pencils, and pulled out a small roll of tape. He had a wicked grin on his face as he unfurled a small piece. I watched as another boy pulled mom's dress up over her ass again, only this time he held it up and Chris ran his hand along mom's lower back. Mom nearly leapt up in surprise when she was handling the hot tray, but he played it off as if he were trying to ask if she wanted his help.

To my delight I could tell she was growing increasingly impatient with the constant advances being made by numerous hormonal guys and the overcrowded kitchen and she made them leave.

"Hey mom." I said as I entered the now empty kitchen.

"Hi honey. Are you having fun?" She asked while adjusting her hair.

"Yeah." I said meekly, looking at the unfrosted chocolate cake.

"Your cake is almost ready baby. Just need to let it cool before adding the finishing touches." She said, leading me back out to the living room.

Mom stumbled and caught herself with her hand on the doorway.

"Clumsy me, I had a beer and that must've done it." She whispered to me with a mischievous little smile on her beautiful face.

I don't know how I looked but when mom looked at me after saying that, she frowned cutely.

"Oh don't worry sweetie, let's go have some fun." She looked so gorgeous when she said that it took me off guard.

I had completely forgotten to take that moment to enact my plan to protect her. Mom was slipping through my fingers and I watched her plump ass and legs as she walked toward the living room with her dress still stuck open from the back.

"Hey Ms. B, you got some movies under there?" Asked one of the boys, pointing toward the neat pile of discs under the TV.

Only mom never piled the discs under the TV like that. They must have moved them closer to the ground to make her bend over again, and upon realizing this, something lurched in my chest.

"You boys wanna watch a movie? Which one? We've got..." Mom tip-toed toward the stack of cases, squatting on the carpet with her dress still stuck.

Dylan was seated on the ground closest to her and after grinning to the other guys, pushed his phone underneath mom's feet and took a picture. I could see even from where I was standing, the picture he was showing off to the others. It was mom's asshole. Only it was so close up it covered the entire phone screen, you could make out every ridge and wrinkle on her winking, reddened butthole. Mom piped up with a movie suggestion which the group off-handedly dismissed, and more boys were entering the living room from other parts of our house. Mom ran out of movie suggestions and was now standing up, bent at the waist, looking through the cabinet for more. Everyone now could see that the heart-shaped hole perfectly framed her asshole when she bent over.

I swallowed hard but my mouth was dry, and my sweat felt freezing cold at the sight of this. I knew where everyone was looking, I knew what everyone was thinking. My mother was in danger and I had to get her out NOW.

"Um, mom?" I asked timidly, to the visible anger of everyone else in the room that was enjoying the view.

"Yes sweetie." Mom replied as she stood up, seemingly too fast as she grabbed onto the TV to steady herself.

Her face was now completely flushed red and her eyes were only half-open. She looked incredibly sultry like this but my heart knew there was no time to ponder.

"Is it alright if you go and get us some more drinks from the grocery store?" I said this as bravely as I could, despite the ugly looks the guys were shooting me as soon as I had said it.

"Of course honey, let me just get a glass of water. Can you go fetch my keys? They're in my room." Mom's eyes were closed and she held her hand to her face when she said this.

I knew something was wrong and there was almost no time left. I hurried to her room and grabbed her keys. It was then that I heard a glass shatter on the kitchen floor. I bolted toward the noise only to find mom limp in Ray and some other guy's arms.

"Mom? Mom!?" I raised my voice as I stepped closer to her.

"I'm okay honey, I just need to lie down for a bit." My mom didn't open her eyes and she was breathing heavily.

I watch her constantly run her hands up and down her dress as the boys sat her down on the couch. She seemed fidgety and her eyes looked so smokey and sexy with them glassy and half-open. The boys were crowded around her now like wolves as mom looked like she was now reacting to whatever someone put in her drink. She looked like she was sweating despite it being a comfortable temperature in our house, and one of the bigger boys, almost as large as Thomas, walked up to me.

"Hey why don't you go to the store and get your mom some aspirin." He said in his surprisingly deep voice.

"I'm fine, I just need to sit down." Mom said as her breathing increased.

She opened her eyes wider and looked around the room at each of the boys, and then at me. Her pupils were almost completely dilated and she was idly running her hands along her body, almost taken aback by the sensations she was feeling in her fingertips. One of the boys turned the TV to a random channel and another put the music back on, cutting through the tension that was building in the room, to my relief. The large boy whose name I didn't know looked at her and then back at me.

"You should really get out of here kid, you're not gonna wanna be here when this goes down." He said in a volume I could hear over the noise but one my mom couldn't.

"You have to help me. They're going to hurt her." I said in a whisper.

"Yeah, I know. We’re gonna rape her. I'm sayin' you don't wanna be here when it happens."

It felt as if there were a boulder in my chest that just dropped into my stomach when I heard him say those words. I nearly began to hyperventilate when he stepped away from me and back toward mom. Thomas was closest with his arm around the back where mom was seated. He was always big for his age and it disturbed me seeing how he was bigger than mom. I had no choice but to stay by her side despite what that guy said, and I had to make sure they wouldn't at least hurt her, or worse.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for something, but anyone would've thought it was the cake. I knew it was something far worse, and after overhearing the disturbingly forward questions Thomas was asking mom, my fears were confirmed. He was relentless with his attempts at hitting on her, asking her if she'd date a guy his age, if she had any boyfriends recently, if she wanted a man in the house. Mom vehemently denied all of his advances while she impatiently fidgeted in her dress, sweat now visible on her skin.

"I think the cake is ready now..." Mom said as she tried to get up from the couch.

Thomas grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back down but mom didn't react the way I thought she would. She feebly grabbed at his hand trying to pry it open, giggling and telling him to stop. This got the attention of the other boys and a few of them now were watching the two of them play with each other on the couch. Then she snapped at him.

"I said stop!" Mom's voice was surprisingly loud compared to everything that was going on, and Thomas let go of her arm.

He hungrily eyed her ass and thighs as she got up and marched toward the kitchen, her dress still stuck open only now we could see that her ass cheeks swallowed the black triangle of her panties and was essentially a g-string now. I could see that mom was impatiently rummaging through the cupboards for frosting and candles when Ray entered the kitchen. I could hear him ask her if she needed help but I couldn't make anything else out. After a couple of the guys got up and went into the kitchen without returning, I got up to look.

Mom was sucking the frosting off of Ray's finger as he was sucking on hers. Her eyes were closed and she looked like she was dreaming as she rocked her head back slowly, her eyes closed and her lips still sealed around his finger. I was surprised suddenly when Thomas barged past me and entered the kitchen while this was going on. He lined himself up behind her and dipped his finger right into the cup of frosting before holding it right up to her mouth. When mom slowly opened her eyes after sucking Ray's finger clean, she looked down and saw another fat finger covered in frosting for her and she bobbed her head down and went to work. Thomas groaned in response and bucked his hips against mom's ass until she was pinned against the side of the counter. He took his fat mitt of a hand and roughly worked it into her dress through the arm hole. To my horror, mom didn't recoil when he began to maul her breast in his hand, deforming the shape under the dress as he  squeezed and tugged on the tit flesh. She simply moaned on his finger that was now wet with her saliva and pulled her head up to pant as he pressed himself against her ass, pinning her against the counter harder and harder.

"Mom?" I said timidly.

"Oh baby." Mom said with her eyes closed and her head lulled back, as one of the boys reached forward and dug through the side of her top to get a heaping handful of her milky tit.

I didn't think she heard me and the last ember of hope I had of protecting mom faded when Thomas took the finger that mom licked clean and stuck it below the counter where I couldn't see. Mom squealed at whatever he had done however as Thomas began to pump his arm in and out as she stuck her tongue all the way out and panted. Thomas held his mouth to her ear.

“I told you I was gonna fuck you, bitch.”

Thomas pulled his finger up and smelled it before sticking that same hand down his shorts and worked his cock. I watched as he stepped aside as another boy who I never spoke to quickly licked his finger and went to work on mom's exposed asshole. What disturbed me the most however was watching one of the boys take the cup of frosting and lowered it toward his crotch. When he pulled the cup away I saw he was clutching something that was completely coated in the frosting and he stood up off of the stool and shuffled toward mom.

"Hey Ms. B. You missed one."

Mom was getting her asshole finger banged by two of the boys at once now when she barely opened her eyes to look at what the third boy was clutching. She lowered her face toward the boy's frosting-covered member and she licked it. It sent shivers down his spine and he held it up closer to her reddened face. Mom went to work unknowingly cleaning this guy's cock as she was now fully bent over. Thomas who had been content with molesting mom's butthole alongside another now greedily shoved him away. I watched him tug something out of his shorts as he lined himself up with mom's backside. The boy whose cock was being cleaned by mom neatly gathered her hair up into his hand and held it like a leash as mom worked her lips around the top of his shaft. She suddenly moaned with his cock in her mouth when Thomas gave a hard thrust into mom's ass, as if to announce to her he was gonna start fucking her again.

"Mom!" I said, this time louder before Thomas began to pick up the pace inside mom's unprotected hole.

Mom let the cock from her mouth drop as she grabbed the edge of the countertop to look up at me with glazed, dreamy eyes.

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Reply #7 on: September 01, 2020, 02:46:32 PM
"Baby I don't feel so good." Mom said, her speech hitched by every thrust from Thomas as he held her hips in an iron grip and hungrily pistoned into her with his rigid, veiny member.

She then reached a hand behind her ass to grab at Thomas' cock. This must have worked because he stopped thrusting and grabbed her wrist and she squealed in pain. He forced himself against her again, pinning my mom's voluptuous body against the counter and he had his mouth to her ear. I couldn't make out what he said to her but mom must not have liked it as she tried to push him off of her more forcefully and desperately this time.

"I WILL fuck you bitch." Thomas hissed through his clenched teeth.

I darted forward to intervene but he shoved me hard onto the tiled floor with one hand, and I hit my head hard and felt the wind from my lungs get knocked out as I landed. Thomas grabbed a fistful of mom's hair and bent her over the counter top and this time he really started to pump into her. Mom's pained screams as she clawed at his hand grabbing her hair attracted the attention of the other boys in the living room, and some of them got up to see what was happening. About eight guys were now in the kitchen watching mom get forcefully sodomized by Thomas over the counter, many of them with phones in their hands and filming.

"Give her more pills!" Thomas demanded.

Ray took out a bottle from his pocket and crushed a few against the counter before he took the powder in his palm and forced it against mom's mouth. Mom shook her head feebly as her eyeliner began to run down her face, eyes tearing up in pain as her whole curvy body was being rocked by Thomas' thrusts. After several minutes of watching mom get assaulted, a few of the boys pawed at her dress and started to pull it up over her head. When they pulled it completely over her, the only thing mom was wearing now was makeup, heels, her panties, and some fake lashes. I stayed on the ground until Thomas was finished with my mom and several boys voiced their eagerness to replace him inside her.

"Nah, nah, it's the birthday boy's decision!" Thomas said sarcastically.

Everyone remembered I existed and turned around to look at me on the ground. For a moment the room was silent except for mom's quiet sobbing as she pulled herself off of the counter. She started to weep when she realized Thomas forced her down onto my birthday cake, covering her breasts in chocolate cake and frosting. Several of the boys took pictures of her as she wept and feebly tried to cover the front of her crotch with her hands. Her watery eyes searched the kitchen for her dress, but it was nowhere to be found and she timidly walked out of the kitchen past all of the boys. The air was awkward and no one knew what to do as I watched her humiliate herself in front of all the boys that were in the living room, now seeing where all the noise was coming from. She didn't even make it half-way to her room before one of them practically tackled mom to the ground.

This cut the tension and one of them shouted, "bring her back, she's the birthday cake!" To the cheering and agreement of the other guys, I had to watch in horror as they carried mom back into the kitchen in the most humiliating position possible. The guy that shoved her to the ground held her knees up toward her head, legs spread wide and locked in place with his arms. She couldn't escape his grip from such an impossible position and instead was reduced to sobbing and begging for them to wait. They threw her onto the counter top and forced me to sit down at the kitchen table. I watched them all greedily grab at the cup of frosting as they liberally applied it all over mom's ass and thighs with their hands. I saw several stray fingers force some inside her asshole, to which she responded with sobs and pleas for help. They ran their hands all over mom's backside, making sure to coat every inch of it in frosting and cake, with a healthy amount of it inside her orifices. They then hoisted me up by the shoulders and forced me to sit down at one end of the dining table as they turned off all the lights in the house and closed the curtains.

I could hear mom crying harder now and begging them to stop from where I was sitting, but I wasn't prepared for what I saw. They forced my mom to walk out in her heels nearly naked, her private parts covered in frosting and cake. She sobbed uncontrollably when she looked at me and they coaxed her onto the table and her makeup was a mess. She was laying face down with her knees to her chest and her asshole and pussy pointed directly at me when several of the guys took some birthday candles and stuck several of them into her butthole. They took a few more and pulled the crotch of her panties to the side and forced them into her pussy. Someone then held a lighter to the candles and I sat there silently, completely humiliated as they sarcastically sang happy birthday to me. Mom's butthole and pussy pushed a few of the candles out and her body flinched when the flames would get too close to her skin. I could see her butthole wink whenever mom sharply inhaled as she cried, and that inane little detail made my hardening cock twitch with anticipation.

When the singing stopped, they demanded I blow out the candles. I didn't wish for anything, not even for mom's safety. I knew it was pointless, and I knew I couldn't stop what they were about to do to her. They cheered when the candles went out and I heard one of them shout, "gimme some of that cake!" I didn't move from my chair when mom screamed as they pulled her off the table by her hair. I didn't move when they forced her over the arm of the couch and ran a train on her asshole. I just sat there silently and listened to the sounds they were making, and the sounds they made her make. In the past it was just one or two voices grunting, but I heard more than two male voices grunting in pleasure with mom's cries and squeals intermingled with the fleshy slapping noise I've grown accustomed to expect. I was a statue for hours as they pumped her holes for all she was worth, from every position and angle they pawed and writhed at her immaculate body. Mom's sobbing soon stopped when more of the drugs kicked in and were replaced by whorish grunts and intoxicating moans. Mom wasn't the only one on drugs that day, as everyone was getting their fill of her body and drank deeply the pleasures that she offered.

After all of the guys had a couple turns, a few of them left, but the party didn't stop. I heard them drag mom into her room and shut the door. For about an hour I listened to the guys behind me watch the porn videos they made with her and the muffled sounds of mom being fucked to death in the other room. Every ten to fifteen minutes one of them would leave mom’s room, naked, and their cock wet and red as another boy got up and replaced him in her room. I lethargically moved for the first time in hours when they opened the door and I saw that they had put mom in a dog collar. She was completely naked now except for her heels and they must have made her apply more makeup because she really looked like a used up whore now. Her eyeliner still stained her cheeks but Thomas pushed her forward each step with a thrust from his hips into her ass. Her flesh rippling and jiggling in response to his force and she was paraded around the house in front of the few remaining guests. He forced her on all fours onto the carpet in front of me but didn't pull his crotch away from her ass.

"You like what you're seeing birthday boy?" Thomas said as he pumped mom's ass while she stood on all fours, being forced to take it up the ass.

The plopping of flesh against flesh caused my cock to twitch, despite my better nature, and he saw this.

"Aw, the birthday boy does like it! Does the birthday boy want to take a turn riding his mommy?" He said, with increasing sarcasm.

Mom didn't raise her face when he said this, and her head hung down toward the ground motionless except for the pumps Thomas was giving her. I looked away and frowned at the table in front of me, bashful of what I was being forced to witness.

"Suit yourself! Your mom's prime pussy and butthole are all mine! No one can fuck her as good as me. Ain't that right, bitch?" He spat on her when he asked this but didn't stop his pumping into her ass.

When mom didn't respond, Thomas violently tugged on the leash and mom's torso and head were forced up.

"I said: Ain't that right... Bitch?" His face was pressed against hers when he asked her again, this time through barred teeth.

Mom's eyes wandered up from the ground and slowly met mine. She looked indescribably beautiful despite the state Thomas had her in. Like a fallen angel. A humiliated goddess. A dominated bitch. A well-fucked breeding slave. A loving mother. Mom closed her eyes gently and some tears escaped, running down her cheeks that were stained with makeup.


"Yes what?"

"You fuck me better than anyone else Thomas. You fuck me good." Mom didn't open her beautiful eyes when she said this, and the delighted boy inside her ass enthusiastically pumped into her a few times before forcing her back onto the carpet like a dog.

"You heard it from the bitch herself, Will. Your mommy's mine now. That makes me your daddy, you got that?" Thomas was still thrusting into mom's asshole when he announced this.

I silently nodded, and he smirked in response. I didn't get up from my chair when he shared my mom with everyone else. I could hear her trying to stifle the sound of her voice, but every so often a little squeak or sigh would escape her. I couldn't imagine all the different sizes and shapes of cock she was being forced to pleasure, and the fluids they made her swallow. I couldn't help it any longer, and my stoicism gave way to sick curiosity. I turned around finally and saw the guy with the deep voice who warned me earlier was now having his pole ridden by mom. He was sitting on the couch with the both of them facing me and mom looked like she was in pain as she worked her ass up and down his fat shaft. He grabbed her plump ass cheeks in each hand and humped upward toward the part of her he was violating. A few moments later he groaned and a look of disgust and humiliation was shown across mom's beautiful face. As she stood up, his massive cock fell out of her and was completely wet and spent. When she turned around to straddle another boy sitting on the couch, I could see the hole the he had used. Her asshole was completely red and gaped, and was freshly wet. The boy underneath her now pressed the tip of his cock against her reddish, pink entrance and hastily started to pump into her when I realized it was Ray.

One of the boys turned up the volume on the porn video they made with mom when she was unconscious, and Ray started to fuck my mom with increasing fervor. He sucked greedily and roughly on her tits as she worked his pole with her warm, wet, motherly pussy.

"You see that, bitch? That on the TV? That's me bitch, that's me fucking you, right there. You remember that? You remember my cock, huh? It wasn't just a dream, me and the boys were fucking you all day every day you let us come over. We were fucking you good and deep, just the way you like it." Ray was working himself up into a frenzy as he said this, pistoning my poor mom at a ludicrous speed as he humiliated her.

Mom craned her head to the side and watched the video intently. Images of her head being pulled and of Ray emptying himself inside her were being played. The camera fumbling in someone's hands as now a new boy had replaced him and was now violating mom's warm, wet hole. Mom was expressionless when she watched what was on the TV until Ray pulled her hips down forcefully onto him, pumping her womb full of his vile cum.

“Get fucking pregnant bitch, get fucking pregnant.” Ray practically chanted this as he spurted his seed as deeply inside mom as he could.

When his orgasm subsided, he released his arms from around Mom's waist and she awkwardly unstraddled him. When she stood up, large globs of cum fell out of her reddened pussy and dropped down her legs all the way to her heels.

"Anyone else?" Mom said robotically, as her eyes seemed to intently stare off in the distance.

"My turn again bitch." Thomas said, his red, worn out cock standing straight, eager for her attention.

Mom reluctantly walked over to him and turned to face away from him before she lowered her hips onto his gnarled pole.

"Mmm, yeah, you already know how I like it." Thomas said, with no reaction from mom.

They were directly facing me and for a split second, mom and I locked eyes. She quickly closed her eyes however despite the pleading look I gave her, and I watched her whole body jiggle from Thomas' upward thrusts into her asshole. He pawed at her tits like a hungry bear before grabbing a handful of her hair and yanking her head backwards.

“You belong to me, you’re my fucking woman! Mine! This ass is mine bitch, you hear me? I’m gonna fuck you forever, bitch. I’m gonna make you cream on my pole just like yesterday.” He continued to belittle her as he sodomized her.

Mom was completely emotionless and only pained sighs and the occasional grunt left her lips. Her skin was flushed red and wet with sweat as I could tell she could hardly feel any pain from the drugs. I couldn’t imagine the toll this would have on her perfect body but they didn’t care. None of them cared about her. They only wanted her holes, her breasts, her lips. They wanted all of her and they got all that they wanted and more. Over a dozen different cocks of various sizes and shapes violated mom on my birthday, and she knew at least half a dozen more were going to breed her before they were satisfied. Thomas pulled mom’s body off of him and onto the couch, laying her flat on her stomach with her face in the cushions.

“This is how I fucked you yesterday, you remember baby? Your shit hole’s gonna remember.” Thomas was drooling at the sight of mom’s plump ass meat presented in front of him.

As she laid there, mom's beautiful face contorted in pain as if she were about to cry.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 02:48:15 PM by terribleguardian »

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Reply #8 on: September 04, 2020, 02:53:24 AM
Would have been nice if you mentioned their ages.


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Reply #9 on: September 08, 2020, 09:24:08 AM
Very impressive! Are you sure you never wrote before?


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Reply #10 on: September 09, 2020, 01:06:04 AM
Really well done. I normally like it more when the mom is more engaged but the ending was great.


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Reply #11 on: April 02, 2021, 05:09:29 AM