Author Topic: NEW HARD MOM NTR STORY (AHVL)  (Read 3353 times)


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on: October 04, 2023, 12:03:20 PM
Hot Latina mom getting corrupted by the son's boss in a hard ntr story with all the spices. (ntr, mom ntr, incest, corruption, jealousy, etc)

Get the story and other 5 finished stories on my Subscribestar or Patreon page!

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Reply #1 on: October 04, 2023, 09:28:49 PM
Awesome! Could you at least post a snippet of the beginning so we know what we're getting if we subscribe?


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Reply #2 on: October 05, 2023, 11:17:29 AM
Well for the subscription there is really a lot. There are 4 finished stories , one is 20 chapters long starring a Muslim mom getting corrupted.

As for this current series if you want to start reading it for free you can do it on all of my socials. My Socials :

But for convenience, sure I can post the whole Chapter 1 part 1 right here!  Have fun!

Zack's POV :
It's 6am and I have to get ready for school. I need to do my usual morning routine - wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed. I also have to make breakfast for my mom and me before I leave. She worked all night like she usually does, so I want to have something ready for her when she come back. Maybe I'll make some eggs, toast and coffee.

My dad passed away when I was 5 years old. Since then it's just been my mom and me. She's worked so hard to provide for me and give me a good life after losing my dad. So now I try to help out however I can - making breakfast some mornings, going to school and working at a convenience store with a boss I really don't like. I know it's tough on mom working overnight all the time. The least I can do is take care of small things like having a meal ready for her in the morning when she gets home.

Isabella - Morning sweetie! You look good!

Zack - Thanks mom. Here, promise me you'll eat this before going to bed.

Isabella - Thanks! You're the best!

She leans in and gives me a kiss on the forehead, and with that I head out for school. I'm not much of a nerd there - honestly I don't like school too much. But for my mom's sake, I have to keep going and keep studying. Maybe one day I'll get a job so we can both really be free.

My school life is alright I guess. Even though my mind wanders, I've been blessed with good looks - I'm tall and skinny with nice brown eyes. I've added some tattoos, piercings, rings, painted nails, and mostly wear dark clothes. I'm basically every girl with daddy issues' dream. But I try not to let that stuff distract me too much. Getting through school is what's important right now.

School today was pretty uneventful. Classes were easy so the day went by fast. Now I have to get to work at the convenience store in an hour. As I'm leaving, my best friend Brian calls out to me.

Brian and I have been close since I started at this school. We share a lot of the same interests like skating, drinking and smoking the 'good' stuff. Though we aren't in any classes together, we're tight.

Brian - Yo Zack, got a minute?

Zack - What's up Brian?

Brian - I scored 'the green bomb'! Wanna smoke it?

Zack - Seriously? How'd you get the cash?

Brian - My dad gave me some money today. I didn't even eat, just drank nasty bathroom tap water. All for this!

Zack - You're a god, man! If I was Muslim I'd renounce Allah just for you!

Brian - Haha, that's gay, little bro. Let's spark up!

We call really good weed "the green bomb." It's rare for us to get it since it's pricey. But today's my lucky day I guess. Smoking with Brian made me lose track of time. I've got 10 minutes to get to work! I bolt from school hoping I'm not late.

Zack - Sorry bro, I gotta bolt! I'm super late for work!

Brian - Huh? What?

Brian's baked out of his mind. Ha, Brian baked - my jokes are too good. Wait, am I baked too?!

I sprint to the convenience store and arrive with 1 minute to spare. My boss Joe is there glaring at me.

Joe is a greasy, fat fuck.

Joe -You're late again, idiot! How many times do we gotta have this talk? Always fucking late!

Zack - Sorry Joe, I got held up at school...

As I start changing into my work clothes, he gets in my face screaming even louder.

Joe -Do I pay you to get held up at school? No! So be here on time!

Zack - Got it Joe, won't happen again. I'll...

Joe - It better not! Next time you're late, you're FIRED! Kids today have no respect. Now get to work!

Even though I was on time today, I knew Joe would still give me crap. He does it every day no matter what. Joe is the worst - everything about him disgusts me. But I have to keep my cool just a few more months and hopefully I'll move on and up from this job. That's what I tell myself whenever I want to quit - just endure this nightmare a little longer for mom's sake.

Not even 30 minutes into my shift, Joe starts in again.

Joe - You done with that yet? I figured it wouldn't take a dimwit like you very long. Is counting too hard?

Want me to get you a calculator? Haha! I bet you think you're smart in school. Well let me tell you, you're far from it! My dead grandma could count faster than you! Hahaha, cough, cough. Ah screw it, something's stuck in my throat.

His bullying happens daily. A nightmare, really. Though sometimes it's funny seeing him nearly choke on his own laughter.

Joe - What are you smirking about? Get back to work! And what the hell are you wearing anyway? Is that the "style" you kids have today? You look like a female with those earrings, rings and painted nails. Wait - are you one of "those"?!

Zack - No Joe, I'm not gay...

Joe - Oh good! Cause looking as good as I do, I thought you might... Well, you probably would anyway.

But don't! I'm serious, don't try anything funny, ladyboy! Or I'll snap you in half! Now stop lollygagging! I bite my tongue and get back to work. Just a few more months of this jerk.

Joe was confident I guess... He is middle aged, bald, no taller than a bar stool and is a fat, greasy fuck. And yet, he tries to flirt with every girl that enters the store. After a couple of grueling hours working alongside Joe, something wonderful happened. My mom walked into the store, her bright smile beaming. I could see Joe's expression change instantly as he stopped his incessant yelling.

My mom has always been a head-turner, attracting the attention of many men, and it's easy to see why. She's the epitome of perfection, the most stunning woman on Earth. Even in her 40s, she looks more like she's 18 or younger. Maybe it's her Latina DNA, but she's often mistaken for a teenager and asked for ID. She has a petite frame no taller than 155 cm, she has striking olive skin that beautifully complements her captivating green eyes and luscious red lips, reminiscent of a Disney princess. Her long black hair is usually tied up in a bun, gives her a charming everyday mom look, but when she lets it down, she looks even more breathtaking than any Disney princess.

Also, a lot of eyes are attracted to her big boobs for such a small frame. They are a little bit saggy which makes them even more attractive because you know they are all natural. Also, they are soft so every time she walks her boobs bounce up and down. And then...her Latina ass. Every Latina is known by her ass, but my mom has the premium stuff, I would describe it as the 'olive bomb.' That's the killer right there for every man that sees her. You could see the men passing her staring at her boobs going up and down, but then after she passes them and they look at her back, everyone makes a shocking face. Her ass is shaped like an hourglass and somehow the lower part is fat, round, and as soft as her tits, bouncing every time she steps. Her ass would be something to die for, for sure. Today her hair was in a messy bun with a white shirt without a bra and some shorts were you could see the lower part of her ass. She was coming towards me with a big smile, with the corner of my eye I could see Joe taking a step back from me, his mouth was open staring at my mom.

Isabella - Hi young man! Working hard?

Zack - I tr...

Without notice Joe enters the conversation his eyes fixated on her boobs, he wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was looking.

Joe - This young man? He is the best I have, if he wasn't here the whole store would go to ruin.


Joe - May I ask ma'am, who are you?

Isabella - I'm his mom, my name is Isabella.

With his greasy body he steps towards my mom, he was almost the same height as my mom, I tried really hard to suppress my chuckles because of that.

Joe - Mmm, Bella like the Italian word for beautiful. You are truly that.

Isabella - Isabella is fine, mr...

Joe - Joe, you can call me Joe, Isabella.

The way he speaks makes me sick, is he trying to flirt with my mom? Hahaha, I saw mom reject models this loser has literally no chance.

Joe - I have to tell you Isabella, your son is a treasure, hopefully you will let him stay for some years here with me.

Isabella - It's his decision mr. Joe, now if you'll excuse me.

Mom wasn't even looking at Joe through all that discussion she was more fixated of finding what she needed from the store, while Joe not even once glanced away from her boobs.

Isabella - I'll prepare food for you before I leave for work Zack, please remember to eat.

Zack - Sure mom.

Joe - You work at nig...

He couldn't even finish his sentence and mom was already gone not paying attention to him at all. Seeing him shocked at mom's disinterest in him was a sight to behold, smirking I was looking at him...

Smiling all of a sudden? Then he turned at me and said:

Joe - What are you smirking about boy?! Back to work!

The rest of the day went as expected, I finished work, arrived home, eat and go to sleep until the next day where everything is gonna restart. That's a normal day in my life, hopefully things are about to change soon.

Isabella's POV :

My head hurts so bad, I don't even remember when I arrived home this morning. Did Zack already leave? He left me food like he always does, he is such a sweet boy. Well let's eat this and do what we can in the house.

Time was passing fast doing house chores until all of a sudden someone was ringing the doorbell of the apartment. Opening the door it was Zack's boss, Joe was his name?

Joe - Hello miss Isabella, how are you doing today?

Isabella - I'm fine... why are you here mr...

Joe - Joe! I wanted to talk about your son, if I may?

Isabella - My son? What about? Is it important?

Joe - I would say so ma'am. It's about his future.

Isabella - Future? Okay... you can come in, sorry for the mess. I'll go change into something more formal for this occasion.

Joe - Thanks Isabella, you don't have to, you look lovely as you are.

Isabella - Thanks, I guess...

Dashing fast into my room I put on a new t-shirt with some jeans and put my messy hair into a bun.

Isabella - Can I offer you something Mr. Joe?

Joe - Joe is enough, I would like a cup of coffee sure.

I started preparing the coffee for Joe, intrigued of what he was referring to about my son's future.

Isabella - So, Joe, what about my son's future?

Joe - Ah yes! Well you may not know but Zack is my best employee, works hard, fast and he is always on time. I couldn't ask for a better guy to work in my store.

Isabella - I see, I thought it was something bad.

Joe - No, not at all, on the contrary, I wanted to speak with you because I want to offer him a gift.

Isabella - You don't need to Joe.

Joe - Oh but I do! I want to offer him the best school he would possibly want to go to.

Isabella - Really Mr. Joe, I can't accept that, and I know Zack could not accept it either.

Joe - Exactly, oh, thanks for the coffee. As I was saying, exactly, he could never accept it from me, that's why I'm here, to offer it to you, as a secret from him of course.

Isabella - No, we can't accept the offer Joe, it's too much. Thank you for liking Zack so much though. I really appreciated it.

Joe - Liking? No! I love him Isabella, he is like a son to me! I know all his qualities were taken from his mother. Please! Accept my offer! It would mean a lot to me!

Isabella - His father was one of a kind, most of his qualities were from him. And again, that would be too much to ask of you Joe, maybe if the offer was not that much, maybe then.

Joe - Ok, then let me treat you both to a sauna house this weekend. That's not too much! Please, you both need it and deserve it after working so much!

Isabella - ...Okay, Joe. It's a deal, thank you very much, you are too kind.

Joe - Yes! Can I give you a hug?

Isabella - Sure...

He hugged me with a lot of force I could feel his big belly trying to squeeze my body and his hands were almost touching my butt, but I'm sure it was only excitement from him.

Joe - Thank you Isabella! See you this weekend!

Isabella - Thank you Joe! Bye!

Zack's POV :

I was still shocked when I got home. Joe had not made a single snide remark all day. What was his deal? Normally he jumped on any chance to say something. But today he was in a good mood, he even let me bring some things home that mom had asked for. I have no idea what has gotten into him, but I won't complain about it too much.

When I arrived home the lights were all turned on but my mom was nowhere to be found.

Isabella - I'm in my room baby! Come here I have something to tell you!

Zack - Is everything okay?

The door wasn't fully closed, and it wasn't even my intention, but when I peeked inside, there she was, changing into her work clothes. I couldn't resist stealing a glimpse of her, and my eyes fixated on her voluptuous, Latina tits. They were absolutely stunning, with a tantalizing softness that begged to be touched. It was as if the bra lovingly enveloped her breasts, accentuating their irresistible allure as she seductively put it on.

Isabella - Yes, your boss... ehmm, Joe? Came over this morning, he speaks very highly of you by the way.

Made me feel very proud of you. Anyway, he has invited us both to the new Spa resort that has just opened. He seems like a nice guy, do you want to go?

Zack - Joe was here today?

That old fat fuck, how did he know where I live? It's that way he was so nice today? What's his game?

Isabella - Yea, why, is there something wrong?

On the other hand this is a full day to an expensive spa, my mom deserves it and I can't afford giving it to her yet, besides I'm gonna be there in case Joe tries something... I don't know tho...

Zack - Nothing, do you want to go?

Isabella - To be honest with you, it kinda sounds nice, we both deserve it.

Zack - Sure mom, we can go.

Isabella - Really?!

She got out of her room now fully clothed and kissed my cheek before leaving in a hurry for work.

Isabella - Don't forget to eat!

Zack - Sure, have a good shift mom. See you in the morning.

And with that, having an uneventful normal day, the weekend arrived, the time for the spa has come.

Isabella - Do we have everything packed?

Zack - Yes we do!

Isabella - Ah I'm so ready! This would be legendary!

Zack - Yes it will.

And there he was with his newly bought car, but I had to admit the old fat fuck knew his stuff. Not my mom, she didn't know anything at all about cars, if he wanted to impress her, bad luck, she doesn't care about your car pig.

To be continued...


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Reply #3 on: October 05, 2023, 04:00:39 PM
Hot Latina mom getting corrupted by the son's boss in a hard ntr story with all the spices. (ntr, mom ntr, incest, corruption, jealousy, etc)

Get the story and other 5 finished stories on my Subscribestar or Patreon page!

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Does your stories involve any incest, gangbangs, and pimping by the son? Basically the son using and pimping out the mother and having her gangbanged?