Author Topic: Quarantined- Story Commission  (Read 7708 times)


  • Guest
on: April 13, 2020, 03:28:06 PM

Bruce looked down at the dish in front of him with utter bafflement. He was sitting at the table in his kitchen, he knew that, but everything else seemed… off. He looked at the bat floating in the watery soup in front of him and tried to figure out what was wrong.

‘Don’t want it, honey?’ his mom asked.

He looked across the table to where she was sitting, trying to find the words to explain the problem, but the sight of his mother made it worse. She was naked except for a black bra that resembled a large bat clinging to her curvy body, it’s leathery wings squeezing her large breasts together.

‘It’s… a bat,’ he tried to say but the words came out jumbled and confused.

‘You'll love it!’ she insisted, leaning over and taking a spoonful of soup and pushing it towards his mouth.

Bruce tried to fight it but the soup was pushed into his mouth and immediately he felt nausea overcome him. He wanted to puke but could only manage a few dry wretches. His mother frowned deeply at him and stood up from the table. Bruce saw her underwear now and was momentarily relieved to see that there was no other bat holding onto her. Instead, she was wearing plain black panties that strained under the effort of containing her plentiful ass. In the middle, however, directly over the slight bulge of her vulva, was a white cockerel. Bruce recognised it at once and another wave of nausea overcame him, mixed with a strong dose of shame too.

Suddenly, the kitchen door swung open and a naked boy walked in, a massive pink penis swinging between his knees. Bruce recognised him at once as Brock, the biggest kid at school and Bruce’s personal tormentor. The short, lean blonde boy that already seemed most of the way to manhood, swaggered over to Bruce’s mom and grabbed a fistful of her black hair. He forced her to her knees and slapped across the face with his swollen cock.

‘Eat the bat, chink,’ he said, pushing his enormous member down the mother’s throat until she has somehow consumed it’s entire length. He looked down at her as he pushed his cock deeper into her, then said to her, ‘You like that, Anne? You like eating white cocks?’

Bruce’s mom gagged loudly and began to twitch as she choked on the length of meat now fully lodged inside her. As Brock’s cock slipped inside her, Bruce felt the bat soup slide down his throat too. He wanted to vomit but couldn’t. He wanted to spit the soup out but couldn’t. He wanted to jump up and push Brock away, but couldn’t. His mother’s eyes had rolled into the back of her head now and thick, white slime was oozing from her mouth, onto her breasts. Bruce looked down at his soup and into the dead eyes of the bat. Suddenly, it came to life and erupted from the bowl…

Bruce shot out of bed, instantly awake and alert, looking around his bedroom for the bat that had returned from the dead. He looked around frantically before, in pieces, reality came back to him.

A dream…, he thought. Just a nightmare.

The small Asian boy sighed in relief and wiped the sweat away from his forehead. He felt something warm and wet under the covers of his bed and grabbed his glasses and asthma inhaler from his bedside table. After a puff of medicine to calm his irritated lungs, and with his glasses now on, he looked under the covers and saw the damp spot between his legs, staining his pyjamas. His cock was still flushed and half-hard, but now spent and quickly shrinking.

Fuck, he thought.

Shame rushed up his face as he realised what had happened. This wasn’t the first time he had been driven to orgasm by dreams of his own beautiful mother being taken from him by a boy his own age. Brock was a usual feature of these dreams and almost always ended up degrading his mother in some way while Bruce watched helplessly. Bruce sighed heavily and got out of bed, heading for the bathroom.

Now with the evidence of his nighttime shame washed away, Bruce dressed himself for school, choosing to wear his usual outfit of plain clothes. He didn’t want to attract attention to himself and that was reflected in his clothing choices. He wanted to be ignored, which he was by most people, except for the small group of tormentors. He was used to it by now and while the school day still brought dread to him, he took comfort knowing that today would be the last one for a while. For all the bad things that the Wuhan Flu had brought, it had also brought a plethora of positives. A very dark cloud with a thick silver lining, part of which was that Bruce’s school was shutting down and switching to home classes for the foreseeable future. No more racist white bullies. No more Brock. That made Bruce smile.

He opened the door out of his bedroom and was surprised to see his mother standing in the hallway that connected her bedroom to his, attaching something to the wall. She was, thankfully, not dressed in a bat bikini or racey underwear, but instead in her usual home clothes: expensive, black leggings and a loose singlet top. Bruce couldn’t help but quickly glance at how the legging material was stretched by the width of her ass. She had to wear expensive spandex because the cheaper stuff became see-through when it was stretched, meaning anyone walking behind her would know exactly what kind of underwear she was wearing. That was a lesson she had learned the hard way when she had decided to wear a particularly exotic g-string, a gift from her then-boyfriend, and had spent the day wondering why she was turning so many heads. She was already a headturner, being a former model for various sporting franchises, but even she noticed the sudden uptick in attention.

Bruce was fully aware that his mom was… ditzy, to say the least. He remembered something her last boyfriend had called her: Hotter than the sun, but nearly as bright. That was, sadly, completely true. As a Filipina, Anne was a mix of cultures, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Indonesian… All of which had combined, in her, to produce something truly impressive. She was short, at only 5’2”, but her body was all curves. While her face was distinctly Asian, with soft features, sharp eyes, and a general aire of Orientalism, her body was European; a gift from the Spaniards who had conquered her homeland in centuries passed and left their seed in many bloodlines. Her breasts, by far her most impressive feature, were firm and plentiful. Her ass was good enough to star in a rap video, but without the disgusting cellulite that seemed so common on ghetto bootys.

As testament to its quality, hardly a week went by when a black man wouldn’t try his luck with her, only to be inevitably rebuffed. Anne had very specific tastes in men and, as long as Bruce had been alive, had never deviated from that. Bruce knew that his mom only dated white men. She didn’t give men of any other race so much as a second look, which was a strange sore point in Bruce’s life considering that he wasn’t even half-white. His father had been Chinese. Anne had explained the situation that had led to his birth. When she was young and still living in Manila, her family had arranged for her to marry a Chinese businessman who had American citizenship. He was nearly 15 years older than her, but being a good daughter, she had obeyed and married the man. Bruce had been born in the United States a few years later. When he was five, a sudden heart attack had killed his father and left his mother all his wealth, as well as US citizenship. She had quickly gone about re-inventing herself. She landed a modelling gig that quickly led to more, better gigs. She carefully invested her money in stocks and businesses, so even when she retired from modelling at age 34, she was still generating a comfortable income. She had a string of boyfriends, all of them white, which she brought to the house regularly. Bruce got used to hearing the noises that came from her bedroom late at night and seeing men at the breakfast table the next morning.

‘Morning, mom,’ he said, shaking the thoughts from his head. ‘What are you doing?’

Anne looked up and smiled at him. ‘I’m setting up a divider,’ she said. ‘Because of the outbreak. I was told it would help keep the flow of germs to a minimum’.

Bruce didn’t feel like pointing out that all the divider did was make it harder for them to move around the house and did nothing to stop transmission of COVID-19, but decided this wasn’t a conversation worth having. His mom seemed painfully gullible when it came to anything regarding the virus. He walked over to give her a good morning hug, but she backed away.

‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, confused and a little hurt.

‘We’re meant to keep close contact to a minimum,’ she said. ‘That means no hugs or kisses for a while, ok?’

Bruce felt his spirits drop a little. His mother’s affection was something he valued and to have it nonsensically taken from him like this was more than a little frustrating. But he accepted it and walked away. He had to leave soon…
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 03:54:50 PM by uglyfucker »


  • Guest
Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 03:28:50 PM
School was as hellish as ever. Perhaps worse. It seemed that every bully Bruce shared a class with that day was taken their last chance to torment him before school disbanded. By lunch he had already been called a chink more times than he could count, accused of being a virus spreader, a bat eater, a gook, commie, and CCP plant. All of them made no sense but that didn’t seem to matter to the bastards who hurled the abuse at him. It was after lunch, however, that things escalated.

Bruce sat at his desk, feeling the spitballs hitting the back of his shirt but not reacting to them. Until suddenly something much, much heavier than a spitball collided with the back of him. He felt all the air knocked from his lungs as he was shoved forward. His lungs refused to refill. They were closed. He scrambled for his inhaler and sucked deeply on the life-saving medicine, but now he was having a coughing fit. Reflexively, the whole class backed away from the coughing, spluttering Asian boy. The teacher spun around and glared at him.

‘Bruce! Please, don’t do that here,’ she said, pointing her finger towards the door.

Bruce stood up and rushed out of the room, trying to hold back his coughing long enough to reach the toilets. By the time he reached the bathrooms his coughing had subsided, but his face was still flushed and he felt dizzy. He stood in front of the mirror, breathing deeply and splashed his face with water. Behind him, in one of the stalls, he could hear a noise. Curious, he went to investigate. He peeked around the corner, looking into the stall and saw, to his completel shock, his prime tormentor, Brock. The short, muscular boy was sitting on the toilet, with his hands on the head of a girl who was kneeling in front of him, sucking hungrily on his cock.

‘What the fuck?!’ Bruce shouted when he suddenly saw Bruce watching them.

The girl on her knees spun her head around and looked up at Bruce. He recognised her at once as one of the school seniors. She was a large breasted Japanese girl a few years older than Bruce and Brock, but here she was, on her knees in the school bathroom sucking on Brock’s erection. Bruce could see the saliva around her lips, dripping off her chin. The girl screamed and jumped up, pushing Bruce out of the way and she ran out of the bathroom.

Bruce was stunned and could only watch the beautiful girl run out of the room, not seeing Brock get to his feet and lunge for him. Brock grabbed him by his shirt and threw him against the wall.

‘You chink piece of shit!’ Brock yelled at him.

Bruce could see the boy’s muscles bulging under his pale skin and knew instantly that if Brock wanted to beat him to death right here, right now, it wouldn’t even be a challenge. Brock was at least double his weight. Bruce didn’t stand a chance.

‘I’m sorry!’ Bruce shouted back, trying to bring his hands up to protect his face from the expected beating.

‘You dumb mother fucker,’ Brock growled, slamming Bruce against the wall again. ‘That was my last chance to fuck that Jap bitch and you ruined it!’

‘I didn’t mean to!’ Bruce said, trying again to defend himself, but Brock made it impossible. He was beginning to panic.

‘You better find a new girl for me to fuck by the end of the day or else I’m going to make sure you can never fuck a girl as long as you live,’ Brock threatened. ‘I don’t care if it’s your whore sister or  you’ve got to pay a whore, but I better get some pussy’.

Bruce’s chest suddenly felt heavy. His asthma was coming back. He couldn’t grab his inhaler or bring his hands up to cover his mouth. He had to cough and no matter how much he tried to fight it, the cough had to come. He did, directly onto Brock’s face.

The white boy flinched and dropped  Bruce. The asian boy took his chance and tried to run. He scrambled to his feet, but slipped on the wet floor and tumbled. He fell for a moment, trying to regain his balance, but inevitable he fell and collided with the floor. His head hit the tiles and the world went black…


  • Guest
Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 03:29:21 PM
Brock washed his face thoroughly in the bathroom sink until he was sure that whatever had landed on him was washed away. His temper was maxing out, but one look at the limp, little Oriental boy on the floor and it all melted away. He leaned against the sink, crossed his arms and watched Bruce’s body for a moment.

‘Hey, chink. You awake?’ he asked.

There was no reply. He considered kicking him in the ribs, but decided not to. The sight was pathetic enough without the extra abuse.

Ah, fuck, he thought. He rolled his eyes and reached down to pick up the small boy. He lifted him easily over his shoulders and carried him to the nurse’s office.

‘What the hell happened?’ the nurse asked as Brock lay the boy down on the bed.

‘No idea, ma’am,’ Brock lied. ‘I walked into the bathroom and there he was. I think he slipped’.

‘Oh shit,’ the nurse mumbled as she began to check the boy and make sure he hadn’t suffered anything too bad. ‘I’m going to have to call his mom. Wait here with him for a moment, will you?’

Brock sighed and sat down next to Bruce. Inside his head, he quietly fumed at the golden opportunity that had just passed him by because of Bruce. He’d had that girl exactly where he wanted her. Weeks of work were all about to pay off, but it was all ruined in a heartbeat. He was going to give that Japanese girl the kind of sex that defined sex for the rest of her life. She was going to go back to Japan, marry some baby dicked Jap guy, and always remember that the best sex of her life had been with a white boy she met at her American high school. She’d probably masturbate to it for the rest of her life. But not now… fuck!

With nothing better to do, Brock stayed in the nurse’s office. He didn’t really care about the kid asleep in the bed beside him, but it was a good enough excuse to stay and check out the nurse’s ass. She was a short blonde and fairly good looking, if a little on the plain side. Brock was more of a tits man, himself. He entertained himself with his own thoughts for a while until, finally, the kid’s mom arrived. Brock saw her rushed into the nurse’s office and was stunned. She was gorgeous. Other horny boys had gathered outside the office to stare at the hot Asian mom. He never would have guessed that such a weird, nerdy kid like Bruce could ever have such a sexy mother.

‘Are you Anne Li?’ the nurse asked the woman.

‘I am,’ she replied. ‘Where’s Bruce?’

The nurse showed her to the bed. ‘He’s had a bit of a fall but as far as I can tell, he’s fine. No real damage,’ the nurse explained. ‘This is the young man who found him and brought him to me’.

Brock was pulled into a tight hug by the short, busty lady. Only a few inches taller than Brock, her enormous breasts squeezed into his head nearly suffocating the now extremely horny white boy. Brock wasn’t sure how to respond, but accepted the hug regardless.

‘Oh, thank you so much. Bruce is so lucky to have a friend like you,’ she said.

‘Umm, no problem,’ Brock replied. ‘It wasn’t anything’.

‘I think it’s best that you take your son home, ma’am,’ the nurse suggested. ‘He might still be a bit groggy, but I’m sure Brock would be happy to help take him to your car’.

‘Yeah, sure,’ Brock said, almost without thinking.

The woman tightened her hug and released him. ‘Thank you so much, that would be wonderful. Please, follow me’.

Brock helped Bruce up from the bed, gently rousing him and moving him to his feet. The smaller boy was still uneasy on his feet, but he seemed to follow orders well enough, with a little help. Brock and Anne helped walk Bruce out of school and into the backseat of her waiting BMW. Anne strapped him in and went back to talk to Brock.

‘I really do appreciate everything you’ve done,’ she said, smiling sweetly at him.

Brock had to fight the intense urge to stare at her chest. Her boobs were huge. The cotton fabric of her top barely seemed able to contain them. Brock could just imagine them spilling out onto his face and jiggling violently as she got fucked. Instead, he shrugged and smiled.

‘It wasn’t anything, really. I just saw him and saw he needed help. Nothing big,’ he said.

‘Is there anything I can do to repay you?’ she offered, taking Brock’s hand and holding it tightly. ‘I feel like you’ve earned some kind of reward’.

You can suck on my fucking balls, you gook MILF bitch, Brock thought. ‘Really, it’s cool. Just a guy helping out someone in need,’ he said, instead.

Anne frowned at him slightly. ‘How about you come home with me and I’ll cook you dinner? Would that be alright?’ she offered. ‘I might need some help getting Bruce to bed when we get home as well’.

Brock thought about this for a moment. The woman, Anne, was pretty hot and she did seem just oh so very grateful to him. Besides, her son did owe him one. Sure, it wasn’t the same as blowing a load into the mouth of a cum-hungry Jap, but Brock thought that swiping a pair of panties from her and maybe leaving a nice, sticky surprise in them would be at least some compensation.

But what if her dumb kid starts talking about me? Brock thought about this for a moment, but one look at the kid in the backseat of the SUV was enough to relax his fears. That kid was going to be sleeping for the rest of the day and no way would be up in time to ruin Brock’s time with his lovely mother or her underwear drawer.

‘Alright,’ Brock smiled. ‘That sounds lovely’.
Bruce was vaguely aware of what was happening around him. He could hear voices that he recognised and could just about make out what they were saying, but he struggled to make any sense of the words. He knew he was in the back of his mom’s car and that they were driving, but otherwise, he felt adrift in a sea of confusion.

‘My dad actually works for the WHO,’ he heard the voice of Brock say.

Why would Brock say that? His dad’s a firefighter, Bruce thought. And why is he in mom’s car? I must be dreaming… The situation certainly had all the surreality of a dream and it’s not like he hadn’t seen Brock in all kinds of weird places in his dreams before. Bruce stopped caring about the why.

‘Oh really?’ his mom said. ‘So he’s got to know a lot about the situation then?’

‘Absolutely. Plenty of information they haven’t released to the public yet,’ Brock continued.

‘Oh really? Why’s that?’ Anne asked, immediately fascinated and deeply concerned.

‘Oh just because some of the things you can do are a little out there, you know?’ Brock said. ‘They don’t want people thinking it’s all home remedies and stuff until they can dress it up in all sciencey dressing’.

‘So all things you can do at home?’ Anne asked.

‘Yeah, real simple stuff. I’ll show you a few things when we get back to the house,’ Brock said.

Something about what Bruce was hearing bothered him. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something in the back of his mind was trying to sound an alarm. He ignored it again. It was a dream. All kinds of weird shit happened in dreams and yet Bruce always woke up in his bed, safe and sound.

‘Actually,’ Brock said, ‘I’m a little concerned with Bruce. I think he might be in the early stages of the infection. We should probably get him home and into quarantine as soon as possible’.

Anne nodded her head quickly in agreement and Bruce felt the car accelerate. The rest of the journey was a blur to him and before he knew it, he was being helped out of the car and led indoors. Brock was on one side of him and his mother was on the other as they guided him through the house towards his bedroom. His body was practically on autopilot and he gladly accepted their direction. He felt himself fall into bed and his sheets wrap around him protectively. It made him happy. He felt safe and warm now. His body felt like it was a distant puppet that he could only control indirectly, but somehow he managed to open his eyes for just a moment. Looming over him, massive and intimidating, was Brock.

‘You get some sleep, little chink. I’m going to go teach your mom a few things,’ he laughed.

What did that mean? Bruce wondered as he slipped into total oblivion and sleep washed over him.


  • Guest
Reply #3 on: April 13, 2020, 03:29:46 PM
‘So,’ Anne said, seating herself at the dinner table. ‘What do you think about Bruce? Has he really got the virus?’

Brock smiled to himself and prepared to work his magic tongue to weave a story that this dumb gook would swallow faster than she swallowed a cock.

‘I do think he’s showing symptoms, but it may be too early to tell,’ Brock lied. ‘I think it’s best that he stays in quarantine for at least two weeks and I think maybe it would be best if we did too, only for a few days, however’.

‘Why a few days for us?’ Anne asked, sounding genuinely concerned with everything she was hearing.

‘Just to see what happens with Bruce,’ Brock explained. ‘If he isn’t sick, we’ll know in a few days and there’s no need for us to isolate. But until then, it’s for the best that we don’t leave this house’.

‘Don’t you have to go home?’

‘No, no. I’ll explain it to my parents. They’ll understand,’ Brock said, waving his hand to calm her. ‘Now, more importantly, I think we need to seal off Bruce’s room. I saw you had a plastic room divider, I think we need to move that to his doorway’.

Anne didn’t hesitate or question a thing. She headed upstairs at once and, with Brock’s help, disassembled the divider that she had put up that morning and moved it to completely seal Bruce’s door. What Anne did not see was Brock sliding the small locking mechanism into place. When disengaged, the divider was a simple plastic sheet that could be opened if needed, but when locked, it could only be opened from outside. In an instant, Brock had sealed Bruce away in his room for good. There would be no interruptions…

Back downstairs now, Brock began to explain the many small tips that would help Anne defeat the COVID-19.

‘Some of these might sound a little weird, but I promise you that they’ll work and if you do what i suggest I’m sure we’ll all be fine, ok?’ Brock explained.

Anne nodded firmly in agreement. She would obey without question.

‘Firstly, do you have any kind of lotion available? Moisturiser, or something like that?’ Brock asked.

‘Of course!’ Anne replied, rushing off to retrieve a large pump-bottle of aloe vera moisturiser. ‘Will this do?’

‘Perfect! Now, what the idea is that every day you rub this lotion over your chest, which will help keep your lungs open and clear, despite what the virus might try to do. Do you understand?’

Anne seemed to think for a moment, then nodded her head. ‘Yeah, I get it,’ she said.

‘Good. I would suggest you do that right now. Take your top off and rub the lotion in,’ Brock told her, trying to sound confident despite some nervousness. Would she fall for it?

‘You want me to do that here? In front of you?’ she asked, seeming a little shy all of a sudden.

‘Well… I just need to make sure you do it right. There’s a specific technique,’ Brock explained.

Anne hesitated for a moment, but steeled her resolve and quickly removed her top and bra. Brock was stunned at the size of her breasts. They were big under her bra but they were huge in the open. They hung off her chest like fleshy sacks just begging to be groped and squeezed. They looked incredibly soft and Brock could only imagine how many men had enjoyed the pleasure of sliding their cocks between them.

‘Let me show you,’ Brock said as he pumped several globs of moisturiser into his hand.

Anne presented her chest to him openly as he reached out to touch them. Of all the tits that Brock had touched before, these were undoubtedly the best. As he glided his hands over the flesh, he absorbed every fine detail of them from her firm nipples to the smoothness of her skin. Brock could hear a slight change in Anne’s breathing as he vigorously worked the creamy lotion into her breasts. She was getting aroused by his touch. He could feel it. Her pink nipples were harder now and he deliberately paid them extra attention as he made his way across her expansive chest.

‘I think you should remove the rest of your clothes too,’ Brock said.

Anne looked up at him, puzzled. ‘Why?’

‘Well, you see, the virus can often linger in the space between our clothes. So it was decided that the best way to avoid it was to spend as much time as you can totally naked,’ Brock said. ‘Plus nudity has several other benefits to the immune system that could be useful’.

‘Even underwear?’ she asked.

‘Yup, even underwear. Not a single piece of clothing should stay on,’ he repeated.

‘Alright then,’ Anne said, stepping back and pulling off her pants in one quick motion.

In less than a second, she was entirely nude and Brock could see everything. She was hairless between her legs where a neat and subtle pussy was clearly visible. Her body was simply gorgeous. It was as smooth, clear, and unblemished as her breasts were. Brock was simply stunned by the sight of her, but managed to control himself and maintain his composure. He wasn’t finished just yet.

‘Would you mind if I undressed too?’ he asked.

‘You should!’ Anne insisted. ‘And I’ll put the lotion on you too’.

Brock tried to hide the evil grin that wanted to spread across his face but he couldn’t help but smirk as he pulled his top off and then undid the button of his pants. He yanked them down, underwear included, and stood proudly in front of Anne. The slight gasp that escaped her lips was the sweetest sound he had heard all day. He knew exactly what she was reacting to. His cock wasn’t fully hard yet, but had swollen to near it’s full length of seven inches. It brought him intense and profound pleasure to know that his cock could even make a woman twice his age recoil in surprise. He would make sure she got much more closely affiliated with it later…

‘Now for the test part I’ve got to ask you some pretty personal questions,’ Brock said, sitting his naked pasty white ass back down at the table.

‘That’s alright,’ Anne replied, obviously trying to hide her nervousness.

Brock could tell she was getting increasingly flustered. It was obvious that she was trying to hide it but her body language was giving her away.

‘Well the first question is when was the last time you had sex?’ Brock asked.

Anne blushed slightly. ‘Why is that important?’

‘Well, the more sex you have, generally the more healthy you are. Sex reduces stress and helps your body fight the infection. So what’s your answer?’

Anne blushed and tried to suppress a giggle. ‘It was a few months ago’.

‘And nothing since? No masturbation?’ Brock asked.

Anne giggled slightly and wrapped her arms protectively around her nude body. ‘Well, I do that every few days, but no, nothing else’.

‘That’s good. Keep that up,’ Brock said with a smile. ‘And when you were having sex, what kind of men were they? Like, what race?’

Anne giggled again and took a moment to answer. ‘White guys, so… um, Caucasian men,’ she answered.

‘Only white guys?’

‘Yeah, only white guys,’ Anne said, unable to hide the embarrassed smile on her cute face.

‘That’s a good start. Now, this is important, did you ever swallow their cum? Or let them cum inside you?’

Anne burst into laughter at the question. ‘Why does that matter?’

‘Alright, so I won’t get into the science of it, but basically men of European descent have different immune systems that make them a little tougher and stronger against certain viruses,’ Brock said, lying as fast as his mind could think them up. ‘It’s possible to acquire some of this immunity through semen, usually by drinking it or absorbing it. So your immunity to the virus could be very different depending on the amount of exposure you’ve had to European semen’.

Anne hesitated to answer for a moment, but eventually forced herself to tell him the answer.

‘Yeah, I usually let them cum inside me or in my mouth,’ she said, blushing deeply.

‘Good!’ Brock said, patting Anne on the shoulder. ‘Now, I have a few more things to ask…’
Bruce awoke in a daze. His head was still a spinning mess of confusion, but he felt more grounded than he had earlier. He felt more like himself, back in his own body again. Strength had returned to his body and he found himself able to sit up and move out of bed. The world around him was still an abstract thing, but he felt more connected to it now.

Slowly, he made his way to the bedroom door. He wanted to go find his mom. He had to tell her about his day and maybe find some comfort in her arms. He opened the door and stepped out, only to find himself blocked by something invisible. He reached out and pressed into the clear space in front of him, finding a thick plastic sheet covering it. He shook his head, trying to get rid of some of the fog that still clouded it.

Why is this here? He asked himself as he continued to probe the plastic covering. He found that all his attempts to move it were fruitless, even when it seemed like the obvious zips and hooks should have let him open it up. Nothing worked, and it baffled him. Then, in the distance, Bruce could hear something. At first he thought it was a fight. The sound was definitely of some kind of commotion. He could hear people grunting and groaning, as well as the sound of flash slapping against flesh. Something about the sound was familiar but Bruce couldn’t place it, until finally it revealed himself.

I’m dreaming again, he realised. This is another nightmare with mom.

Bruce recognised the sounds of rough sex. He’d heard them in porn and they often appeared in his dreams. He could practically see the actions that created those sounds. Somewhere a woman was getting fucked hard and fast, probably bent over a bed while the man behind her spanked her ass and yanked her hair. Bruce’s imagination kicked in and filled the roles with his mother and Brock. As was so common in his dreams, Bruce visualised his sweet, loving mother being used like a cheap Manila whore by his muscle-bound bully.

Bruce looked through the clear plastic and down the hallway to his mother’s room. That’s where the sounds were coming from. Behind that closed door, on which someone had scribbled QUARANTINE, were the sounds of fucking. Not love-making, or sex, but fucking. He heard his mother’s voice crying out in pain and pleasure as she was spanked, bent over, gagged, groped, and pushed around. Images of rough, almost abusive, sex flashed across Bruce’s mind and to his shame, filled his cock with blood. He felt himself growing hard at the sounds.

Suddenly, the far doorway swung open and two figures emerged. As expected, it was Anne and Brock, but somehow they seemed more real than ever before. The details were all there. Dreams were usually blurry things, but now Bruce could see them crystal clearly. His mother, fully nude, her large breasts swinging in front of her as she was pushed down the hallway by Brock. Her face and hair were a complete mess. While her whole body shimmered with sweat, her face was particularly messy. Around her mouth was a creamy white substance that dripped off her chin in long strings and settled on her breasts. Her hair looked like someone had been grabbing and twisting large fistfuls of it, and long strands clung to her messy face. Her eyes were spinning and unfocused. She looked drunk, which explained why Brock could move her so easily.

The sight was so shockingly extreme and realistic that Bruce was completely dumbfounded by it. It was impossible to be true but it felt so real. When his mom was pushed against the plastic barrier, her face and tits flattened by it, Bruce nearly came. The sight was… entirely unique. This was something he had never seen before, even in his most extreme dreams. Suddenly her head was yanked backwards by Brock pulling on her hair. Anne cried out in pain, but quickly switched to loud, shameless moans as Brock pushed his cock back inside her.

‘I’m… sorry, baby,’ Anne mumbled dumbly. ‘It’s for our own good’.

‘It’s for your own good, Bruce,’ Brock laughed. ‘I’m keeping your mom safe from your chink virus’.

The slime that coated Anne’s face and chest blurred the image on the clear plastic as her body was forcefully pushed against it again and again.

‘He’s… helping… us,’ she gasped between deep moans before she was suddenly yanked away again and marched down the hallway back towards her bedroom.

She didn’t try to resist Brock’s commands, even as he spanked her ass and pushed her down the hallway. The last sight of her that Bruce had was seeing her be shoved roughly back into her bedroom. Brock shot Bruce a sly grin, then followed her inside… The sounds of distant fucking resumed and Bruce was left alone, standing in front of the smudged and smeared plastic barrier that covered his door, the outline of his mother’s face, breasts, and body still clearly visible. A new stain now joined them; a thin, watery splattering on the inside of the plastic. Close to, but forever disconnected from the markings outside.

Bruce stood limply, his softening cock still in his hand. Exhaustion overcame him and he drifted back to his bed, collapsing into it face-first. As he drifted away, he wondered what kind of a world was waiting for him when he awoke.

No, he thought to himself. It’s all just a dream. Just a dream...

spiky green cactus

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Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 05:06:39 AM
The first dream was hot, wish the rest of the story played out like that.


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Reply #5 on: April 17, 2020, 12:02:17 AM
this sounds soo good. love the raceplay aspect of it