Author Topic: Mom swap  (Read 13372 times)

Good Boy

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on: November 20, 2020, 02:41:35 AM

« Last Edit: January 15, 2023, 01:52:00 PM by Good Boy »


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Reply #1 on: November 20, 2020, 03:58:30 PM
I have a similar fantasy but for "son swap", where my mom and my friend's mom both plot on swapping us. Like for instance, both of us are 18 and our moms tell us to get out of the house, then the mom takes the other woman's son. The son fucks his best friend's mom, not knowing that his best friend is doing the same.


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Reply #2 on: March 18, 2021, 03:05:28 AM
There is a manga call it Your Mom's A Pretty Good Woman, Huh?  Where two friends try to fuck the mom of the other, then competing for who makes the other mom more slutty. I believe the manga still ongoing. but if you like porn manga, milfs and cuckold this is a recommended.


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Reply #3 on: April 19, 2021, 07:21:15 AM
Here a story that I wrote that fits with the theme of Mom swap.

As always ideas and feedback are welcome.


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Reply #4 on: April 19, 2021, 07:22:00 AM
Swapping Moms with the Bully
By The InsistenElk

Chapter One Deal at the Pool

   It was an early Sunday and the local public swimming pool was the place to be. It was a perfect day to be out and two friends were doing just that. The duo were center of attention, two mouth watering woman enjoining the warms sun in their swimsuits, two best friends Samantha and Maria. Both women were getting death glances from mothers and girlfriend as their husbands, boyfriends, and sons did their best to take quick looks out of the corner of their eye at the pair in their overly sexual swimsuits. The life guard might have done something about the two women wearing such inappropriate swimsuits, had he not been enjoying the scene him self. His life guard duty give him an excuses to keep his eyes on such lovely women.
   The duo knew the kind of lusty looks they were attracting from men and the jealous looks, and they loved it. They could have been sunbathing in private at Samantha pool, but here they were instead. It had been their thing since they had been in high school, drawing the attention of the men around them, seeing if any of them might have been worth their time. With body and looks like theirs it had never been hard to get that kind of attention.
   “How are things with you ex?” Maria asked adjusting her position slightly. Arching her back a bit more so that her ample breasts were better on display for all those looking. She was the shorter of the two woman with a light mocca complexion and curves in all the right places.
   Maria had clad her dark curvy body in a white one piece bikini hybrid. Bottom set low on her wide hips, a thin pointless strap running up her smooth belly stretching into a band like top over her massive tits, the material stretched taught and taught. A thin loop around her neck kept it all in place while a pointless thin little sting attached to the top warped around her back giving the illusion of pretending modestly, if only just barley.
   “Fine,” Samantha responded looking around under her sun glass for any potential targets. Taller then her best friend with a fair skinned complexion, long red gold hair, with curves to match her friend.
   A traditional, all be it skimpy, bikini clung tightly to her curves. The royal green materiel covering her light skin, the color contrasting well with her red hair. A high slung bottom with two knots on each side resting high on her hips, while two triangles centered over her nipples that didn’t extend far enough to cover the rest of her breasts. Ample amounts of tit flesh being seen from the bottom, tops, and sides.
   “Shame, really wish we got to celebrate our boys birthdays together. I never got Jacob a birthday gift after all.” Maria knew how just bitter Samantha was about her ex getting some visitation with their son. Even more so after he had remarried, as Samantha frequently referred to, a barely legal ditz blond cum dumpster.
   The milf duo had been having joint birthday parties for their sons for years, since both boys had been born. They were only a few weeks apart after all so it had made since to just celebrate together. Unfortunately Samantha ex had insisted that their son Jacob spend his eighteenth birthday with him instead of with his mother. The two milfs continued to shit talk Samantha’s ex while soaking up the sun and gazes.
   In the changing room their two son were still getting into their swim trunks.
   Victor was being overly cautious as he didn’t really want to come to the pool. His mother Maria has insisted that he come long when she and her best friend had deiced to go. He didn't mind Samantha, she was extremely pretty woman and just because he had grown up knowing her wasn’t going to stop him from admitting it. If Samantha was going then that meant her son Jacob was going as well. He was thankful that their didn’t appear to be any ones else in this part of the chaining room with him at the moment.
   “Surprise Bitch!” Instantly Victor feet left the floor as he was hoisted high into the air.
   Jacob ambushed Victor from behind as soon as his guard was down. Jacob grabbed the waist band of his underwear, yanking back crush his penis into his pelvis. Then he redirect the force strait up, with his height advantage it wasn't hard for him to get Victor off his feat.
   Victors his entire body weight now resting on the seam of his underwear digging painfully into his groin.
   Victor gasped hollowly from the pain of his balls crushed by his own body weight. He wanted to scream, but he could feel the impact running from his scrotum all the way to his lungs keeping him only able to feebly gasp for air.
   Jacob watched a Victor crumpled onto the hard floor of the changing room gasping like a bitch.
   “Man that never gets old,’ the red haired teen though to him self just leaving poor Victor to clutch his throbbing balls in agony.
   Victor had know Jacob all his life, their mother being incredibly close friends. They had played together a children, and even shared their birthdays together. That had been then, but now things were very different. Jacob had started to drift away from him when they got to high school, now in their senior year he didn’t think that could be counted as friends any more. Jacob had developed into a young man that attracted the attention of the popular kids, while Victor stayed the same skinny teen. What had started as light teasing had escalated quickly.
   Victor slowly got to his feat, his throbbing balls sending painful singles. Thing may no long be good between them, but their mother were still friends. He wasn't about to go running that relationship when after senior year he could just never seen Jacob again.
   “Took them long enough.”
   The men who had been enjoying the lovey eye candy milfs in their swimsuits were no longer the only ones enjoying the sights. The arrival two new arrivals had got the female patrons attentions. If their boy friends and husbands were going to enjoy some succulent eye candy, then why couldn't they.
   Victor may not have been the capitol S T U D stud that Jacob was, but he was packing where it counted the most, easy noticeable under his old swim trunks. One particular lady took a rather keen interest in the well endowed teen, Samantha. She had been just as unable to keep her eyes of his noticeable package like the rest of the ladies.  Maria was as equal impressed with Samantha’s own son Jacob. Enjoying the view of the water on his well defined and well built features.
   Jacob was a capitol S T U D stud.
   Maria had know Jacob his entire life watching him grow into the adult he was now, and what an adult he had grown into. He was going to make some lucky lady extremely happy one day, judging by all the attention he was getting it would be sooner rather than later. It did fell a little bit wrong to watch her best friends son attract the attention of such skanky women, the kind that though that being young insistently made them sexy. What he need a woman that knew the needs of a fresh young man, a woman that could give him the guidance he needed.
   “Dose Jacob have a girlfriend?” Maria asked, truing over to give her back some sun.
   For a moment the men were disappoint that her massive orbs were now hidden, then their disappointment evaporated. Maria reached behind her back and undid the superfluous string leaving her whole back and sides exposed.
   “No he doesn't.”
   “Handsome boy like him should be an easily magnet for a girlfriend. Both of them.” Maria nodded towards to just how much attention both of their sons were getting, even if Victor was getting less.
   “More like their very sexy young men.”
   Both mouthwatering milfs moaned sweetly in agreement.
   The just let their statements sit their for a moment while they continued soaking up the sun and gazes.
   “You know, I think I know exactly the kind of birthday gift my son needs. Becoming a proper Man.” Samantha ended giving her friends the knowing look that she gave her when ever they deiced to go out together.
   Maria kept on looking at Jacob, he was well worth looking at, she suspected he would be getting an eighteenth birthday gift from a lucky lady soon rather than latter. She had been like an aunt to him, now Samantha trusted her best friend to help her son transition to becoming a man in full.
   Samantha continued to eye up Victor. She really hoped that he had the stamina to match his size., as she intend to give him the full work over despite knowing most of her lovers were so easily broken by her high demands. Victor would almost certainly not have the kind experience need to keep up with a women like her, sp she was going to have to help him along.
   “You know I never did give Victor a birthday gift either.”
    Samantha kept watching her best friends son. He might not have matured quite as well as his peers, but it was obvious to her that he had it where it counted the most, and she did find his the contradiction with his boyish appearance rather appealing.
   “I think we both know exactly the kind of present they need for their birthdays, even if their a bit late.”
   Later Maria sat in her car while she waited for Victor to come out of the changing room. She was thinking about exactly what she was going to be giving Jacob for his birthday. She was so consumed by her though process that she didn’t even notice her own son being given another brutal wedgie by Jacob. Let alone her son crying out in when he was drop kicked in the balls. She didn't notice a single thing off with her son at all as she though about Jacob and his birthday gift.


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Reply #5 on: April 19, 2021, 07:22:31 AM
Chapter Two School First

   Victor some how found him self in a very familiar situation.
   The dark skinned teen was being dragged by Jacob by his hair and collar across the back lot of the school behind the cafeteria. Jacob had his hair by the roots painful ripping out stand as he pulled the flailing teen against his will around the school, their destination  the dumpster behind the school cafeteria. Full of food from a week of school, having been baking in the sun, but best of all nice a secluded from the rest of the school. A small crowd of half a dozen students had already gathered, having arrived early then the duo. It was such a regular spectacle that they didn’t even need to be told to show up and enjoy the show.
   This happened every week on Friday like clockwork, and some time just to surprise him twice a week.  Despite I being such a familiar situation and he knew the outcome didn’t make what was happening and going to happen any easier, in fact it made it so much worse.
   Despite the situation Victor made no attempts to plead for help or mercy, he knew that none would ever come, and if by some miracle some one did hear him they would all be easily able to talk their way out of any trouble. He could see the anticipation of the other students faces as he and Jacob reach the dumpster that had the best view for the eager crowd.
   “DUNK! DUNK! DUNK!” the crowd chanted, cheering just like at a basketball game.
   Victor broke just like he always did and started blabbering like a moron as he made a desperate instinctive plea for help right before the main even started.
   “DUNK!” Jacob yield to the crowd as he took hold of Victor and gave the audience the show the were waiting for.
   Victor was lifted off the ground by the collar of his shirt, the strangulation forcing his mouth open as he gasped for air. Jacobs other hand garbing hold of the waistband of his underwear adding a wedgie. With an impressive amount of strength for a teen Jacob lifted Victor, doing an overhead arch sending him right into the dumpster head first.
   The screaming teen went in face first, mouth open, the rotting dumpster, he poorly tied bags of trash busting open submerging him the week old rotting food.
   The cheers and laughter of the crowd drowned out Victors desperate crying as he flailed in the tangled mess of trash bags and rotten food. Jacob slammed the lid shut to even more cheers muffing Victors reaching, vomiting, and crying. Leaving the begging teen to marinate in the horrid rotten juices.
    Friday had become dumpster day for Victor. It didn’t matter where he ran to or where he hid Jacob always found him and always dragged him to the dumpsters, some times twice a week. He had never been able to get used to a single part of it, every time was just as unbearably horrible as the first. It left him so disgusted to being full submerged in rotten food that he couldn't even bring him self to eat for days afterward.
   The crowed dispensed now that the show was over, no one sparing a though to how Victor would get out of the dumpster or when.
   Maria was parked out side the front of the school she was expecting to see Jacob before her son, for some reason he hung around the school longer on Fridays.
   “YOO, HOO” Maria shouted waving in Jacobs direction.
   He guessed that she had come to pick up her son, smirking to him self nonworking that it would be a while before he was able to escape. He was presently surprised as what his moms best friend was wearing over her succulent brown body.
   She was wearing a tight fitting button up blouse  stretched tight across her massive chest. The fabric so tight that the space in between two of buttons was pulled far enough apart that a hint of the bar she was wearing underneath could be seen.
   Black, lacy, and thin.
   “Hello Maria” Jacob said catching up with the milf around the front of the school, while her son was desperate trying to crawl out of the rotting dumpster.
   “I was wondering if can you help me with something,” the milf asked leaning forward slightly giving him an even better view of her cleavage.
   Jacob didn’t even bother asking what help she need or why she couldn’t just ask her wuss of a son to do it for her. He knew that this time of year she tended to sun bath in her back yard latter in the day. He had gotten a good looking at her curvy body on Sunday in that skimpy swimsuit of hers, but he wasn’t about to pass up a chance to get a better look. Eagerly he got into the car with Maria, enjoying the view of her massive tits on full display thanks the seat belt. The short skit she was wearing set high on her thighs giving him good view of her long brown legs.
   It looked like the kind of outfit that one would wear when they were trying to seduce their boss or a client.
   Much latter, after he had finally manged to swim his way out of the dumpster, Victor was washing off the rotting food in the gym showers. It had been agony tying to get out of the full dumpster in the dark. The rancid smell leaving him reaching for fresh air only serving to drawn even more of the horrid smell in. Finally getting out of the dumpster hadn’t made it any better, his clothes had become thoroughly soaked in the liquefied filth.
   Unable to stand the horrid stench he had vomited all over the pavement ruining his cloths even more.
   He had been able to make it the unlocked locker room with out any teacher noticing him, knowing they would only make it worse somehow. Unfortunately plenty of students had seen him, mostly just turned away and didn’t bother giving him any attention. Several had bust out laughing at the sight of him covered in a weeks worth of rejected lunch.
   “At least the school years will be over soon,” He though to him self finishing his shower.
   Their was really no chance that he would ever have to have interaction with Jacob, or even be around him period graduation. Thinking how that day couldn’t come fast enough, as he opened his locker and found it empty. Some one had taken his gym clothing from his locker, It didn’t take him much effort to guess who had done so. Their was nothing for him to wear but his still putrid dumpster soaked ones.
   He tried to wash out as much of the fowl stench as he could, but their was only so much that water and a bar of soap could do. It wasn’t anywhere as horrid as it had been before but their was still a fowl order coming off them and now him as well.
   It was after all the buses had left, and he wasn’t going to try calling him mom. He hoped that the walk home would allow for most of the smell to dissipate before then. He rounded the school and come to the font and was surprised by someone who had been waiting for him.
   “O my god Victor Are you OK!”
   Samantha could tell from his slightly damp hair and clothing that he must have showers recently. It wasn’t at all hard for her to tell what had happened with smell the faint rancid smell of a dumpster. Victor was surprised that she was their, and more concerned that she was their to pick up her son. He didn’t want to look around panicked that Jacob would still be their, as it might bring up awkward questions
   “I’m fine, just a school bully.”
   “Well how about I give you a ride home?” Samantha didn’t need the flimsily excuses she had cooked up earlier to get Victor into her van.
   She though It must have been terrible to have been dumpstered, but she knew that it would be a distant memory after the weekend. That was if he was even able to remember anything at all.


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Reply #6 on: April 19, 2021, 07:22:56 AM
Chapter Three Getting Things Started

   Jacob had been moving around boxes Maria for about half and hour. She had sent him about doing some pointless It was simple, easy, and pointless work just to keep him occupied for a bit while she waited for an excuses to give him his birthday.
   “Thirsty?” she asked bring him a large glass of water after what she though was an appopriate amouth of time
   Maria held the glass weakly then casually let her grip slip fumbling for a moment then dumping it over both of their fronts, soaking their shirts through.
   Silly me.” Maria remarked casually, as if their was nothing about it all all she started unbuttoning her blouse right in front her her best friends teen son.
   Jacob could see easily see the outline of her bra  though the blouse before, but now the whole thing. The transparent blouse could no long hide just how thin and skimpy the bar really was, the cold water showing just how low it sat just right above her now hard nipples.
   He didn’t need her to strip off her blouse to get a look at her bar, the transparent material of her soaked blouse did that for him. None the less he great appreciate the unrestricted view. Starting at the bottom and working her way up, first showing off her slim flat waist then working higher showing him the bottom of her bra.
   Keeping her way up showing off the lacy and thin black bra. The sheer material showing her mocca skin underneath while the design conveniently hiding her nipples even though the cup was so low that they were just about to pop out.
   She had defiantly been fucking some on at work today.
   “Miss…” Jacob started, he loved the look of a sluty milf in just her bra, but she was his mother best friend and he didn't want to get in trouble with her.
   “Maria,” she corrected, slinging the soaked blouse of her shoulders and casually holding it with a single finger “you’ve know me long enough to not call me Miss. I'm so sorry that I ruined your shirt.”
   Maria knew how well built he was before Sunday at the pool, but still she had to admit that seeing his features though a soaked shirt was far more stimulating. She might be planing a birthday gift for him, but she knew that she was going to be enjoying it just as much as him.
   “Here let get you something dry to put on,” Maria said dragging the young man to her bedroom in just her fuck me bra and whorishly short skirt, giving him a fresh change of clothing so he could clean him self up in the shower.
   When he had washed up and left her bathroom he could see that she had tossed her wet clothing into the hamper. He hoped that she had put on one of her tanning bikinis like she tended to do after work this time of year. He really liked the idea of her in such a skimpy appeal, covering as little as necessary. She had got him going with her little strip down earlier and he was definitely going to need to get a release latter, but he could still enjoy her in all her curvy glory till them.
   “In the kitchen.”
   Jacobs jaw dropped when he saw Maria. She hadn't put on one of her skimpy tanning bikini like he had hoped she would, it was far better. She was wearing a silky white full length nightgown that hugged everyone of her curves perfectly showing off her hourglass figure. A thin sash was tied just bellow those massive tits helping pulling the material taught, tied in a bow right in the center like a giant present. The material clashed fantastically with her mocca skin, showing just how thin the material was.
   “Something wrong?” Maria did her best to play it cool, acting as if everything was completely normal.
   “Nothing, nothing at all,” Jacob answered.
   He was enjoying the sight before him, it was much better than a tanning bikini. Maria was already a smoking hot milf that just oozed sex appeal, but now she wasn’t just oozing sex appeal. She was practically screaming for some one to come and fuck her.
   Milf and stud teen moved to the living room after had poured them both drinks.
   The light mocca skinned fuck bait milf sitting down on the couch next to Jacob, getting right up next to him. He could clearly see just how sheer the material was with her dark aerolas visible though the fabric. The low neckline showing off ample amounts of her cleavage, and the large buds from her fat nipples
   “It a shame that we all didn’t get to celebrate your birthday like we always do.”
   She was looking right at him, but he was having trouble keeping his eyes on her. Hard nipples making two buds on the taught fabric casting a showed on the rest of her jugs, and they were pointing right at him.
   “Yea but I had a great time with my dad and step mom.” Jacob liked how things were going. He had gotten past his initial shock of her appearance, now he wanted to play this out. “It would have been real nice spend my eighteenth birthday with you.”
   Jacob put his hands over her shoulder pulling her in close to him. She didn’t resits his motions at all.
   “Really?” Maria played along and Jacob pulled he even close. Now she was pressed right against his side, there face right next to each other “Just me?”
   “Yea, in fact I don’t think you’ve given me a birthday present yet?”
   “Really?” Maria acted surprised as if she had in fact forgot about giving him a birthday gift “Well now that you mentioned it I think I have just the right thing for you.”
   Samantha was lying in her bed casually pretending to read a book while the sound of her personal showing could be heard from her personal.
   She had made Victor strip down as soon as he entered the house under the guise of not wanting to track the mess around. He had complied awkwardly as she didn’t make any attempt to look way from the striping teen, something he didn’t notice until he was almost fully undressed. She was pleased that he was just as well endowed as she had guessed from his appearance at the pool.
   She hadn’t bother setting out a fresh change of clothing for Victor while  like she said she would he showered. He wouldn’t be need them tonight after all. The only thing she left out for him was a towel that was definitely far to small for him. The sound of the water stopped and she could hear Victor getting out.
   “O fuck.”Victor turned to his side to hide as blood rushed to his growing erection at the sight in front of him.
   Samantha had striped off her work clothing was now in just an old worn t-shirt that was so worn that the holes in the fabric showed glimpse of her breasts underneath. The shit was loose and showed just him immense her chest was with how much of a curtain it made over the rest of her body. The hem just high enough to show the red thong she was wearing underneath.
   “Is everything OK?” Samantha asked the startled teen with a sweetly fake tone.
   Victor stammered like a complete idiot. She was wearing such a scandalously reveling outfit in front of him with no sign of concern or shame, made so much worse by just how small the towel she had left out for him was. It wouldn’t be long before the towel wouldn’t be able to hide his libido excitement around a blatantly sexual woman.
   “Well..I mean… This…” Victor really didn’t have any way of saying what was wrong with out making him self look like a pervert. His mom and Samantha were very close and she was bound to her m if he was pereving on her best friend.
   “It’s OK I know how embarrassing it must be to be thrown in a dumpster,” Samantha was still acting casually about the whole situation.
   Victor wasn’t thinking about being dumpstered, by the son of the boner pooping milf in front of him. He was thinking about just how much of her ample breasts he could see through the holes in the worn shirt, the shadows being cast by her fat nipples. Worse of all the blood rushing to his dick, knowing that the towel would be completely inadequate in containing his growing erection.
   “You know their might be something that I can do to make things better?” Samantha took hold of Victors hand and led him to her king sized bed and pushed him down face fist “Just let me take care of everything, OK.”
   Victor didn’t resits or complain to Samantha forceful advances. He had dreamed so many dirty fantasy about her that he wasn’t going to do anything that might stop it from coming true. He let Samantha guide his arms behind his back leaving them their while he heard her open a drawer. With an anonymous clicking sound the furry cuffs locked shut around his wrist, keeping his arms secured behind his back where he wouldn’t be able to use them properly.
   He started to panic a little after having his arms cuffed behind his back. The situation was becoming to much for him, now he was starting to have second thoughts. As he tired to fidget his way free he felt Samanthas soft hands clamp down on his still tender balls like a vice.
   “Now what did I say about letting me take care of things.” Samantha said with curly sweet tone, telling him all he need to know.
   Victor relaxed, but he didn’t calm down.
   Samantha guide his legs apart till they were close to the feet of the bed, with his balls still in a vice like grip, the clicking sound of metal cuffs singling that he was now trapped. She went about making sure that he wouldn’t be able to struggle. First one ankle then another one, a clinking sound telling him that his legs were now cuffed to the bed legs splayed far apart.
   “Now we don’t want to disturb the neighbors.”
   Against his better judgment Victor turned his head to see what she meant. He could see that she was holding up a belt that was in a loop, bringing it in font of his face lined up with his mouth.
   Ignoring his protest she fastened the belt around his mouth, pulling it tight silencing his protest. Now that he was bound and gagged Victor was in a full panic. He was complete immobilized, exposed in nothing but a towel and now unable to call for help. This wasn’t some horny teenage fantasy come true, it was starting to turn into a nightmare.
   Behind him their was the pooping sound of a tab lid being opened.   
   Samantha kept a bottle of lube in her nightstand for occasion just like this. She knew that he would definitely be needing the lube for their first round, but she hoped that he wouldn’t need it any more by the time they were done.
   Maria would have liked to snuggle on the couch with Jacob, but she wanted to get the main event. She made to get up from the couch and for Jacob to follow her to the bed room, but he had another idea. As she tired to she felt the teenager grab hold of her thin wrist pulling her back falling back towards the couch lading in his lap. They were face to face now with her straddling him, the only thing separating them were her giant tits squashed against his chest and the see through garb.
   With one arm wrapped around her thin waist, the other at the back of her neck he pulled her in close.
   Victor had taken full control of the situation and had pulled in the fuck bait milf into a deep wet kiss.
   Maria knew where their evening was heading, but she was still taken aback by just how eager the boy that she had watched gown into a man was. She had expected to need to lead him along a bit, but now she was pressed against his chest, lip to lips.
   She started rubbing her body back and fourth bit by bit while she worked her lips against his. She could feel his hard cock rubbing against her, her puffy nipples ground against his chest though the her thin nightgown and his shirt. Pulling back, breaking off their kiss with a week pop, she leaned back jutting her tits out more so that he could get a better access to them. Jacob pulled on the bow of the sash like he was opening a birthday presets.
   With the nightgown loose Jacob was easily able to force the already low neckline of her nightgown down. The material had been so sheer he could easily see her tits underneath, he had plenty of knowledge from all the times he had caught glimpse when she sunbathed. Still now that they were presented to him unrestricted he wouldn’t help but feel his mouth watering.
   Maria tits were huge, he already knew that. Now he could feel just how big they were, firm and still perky despite her age. She had nice fat nipples that were just begging to be sucked on, something that he was more than willing to oblige.
   While he sucked on her tits she stared working open them fly of his pants.
   Getting his cock free she backed off before scooting down to her knees bring her face to face.
She had guessed that Victor would be hung like a stud, but seeing it for her self was still so much better. He was long and thick, with big heavy balls that were packed with cream. It may have been his birthday gift but she was going to enjoy this just as much as he was.
   Starting at the base then working her way to the top her tongue getting him nice and wet, enjoying the smell and taste of ready to fuck stud. Pressing her sealed lips against his crown with a sloppy kiss, then she pushed forward letting his cock force her lips apart on the way down.
   “I’ve been dreaming about this since I was in high school,” Jacob moaned.
    Maria, the woman that he had know his entire life sucked him all the way to the base. He had used the image of her to satisfy some sick fantasy of his own, but it was nothing compared to her doing it in reality. All though of anything but getting his nut off with this mocca skined milf were driven from his mind as she stared bobbing her head up and down, working him up to first release.
   While Maria worked Jacob, Samantha worked Victor.
   “Shhhhh,” Samantha tried to give Victor some weak reinsurance “We don’t want you accidentally disturbing the neighbors now do we.”
   Taking hold of the belt pulling it one notch tighter. Now It felt as if it was going to rip his mouth open. He couldn’t see what was going on behind him from where he was, but he could hear what sounded like a jar being open.
   “See if I was so bad then I wouldn’t be give you lube. Right?”
   She pressed two lubed up fingers against his ass, pushing them in and wiggling them around a bit. Pushing a bit further in while ignoring Victors gagged cries of fear and pain, she found her target. Applying more force she worked her finger tips over his prostate, her actions enticing more full panic cries from her victem.
   Ingoring his pleads, they all cried at first, then soon enough they would be crying for more. As she worked his prostate she started counting off with her fingers, well trained in getting the size right with just her hand. He was well over the ten inch rule, with more girth to match. Satisfied that he was at full erection she pulled her lubed fingers out of his bitch pussy, spreading them wide as she did in order to get him ready for the next part.
   Victor gasping for air from having his prostate assaulted to the point, it actual made his dick hurt. He had been so close to nutting, but Samantha had stoped right at he was about to pop.
   Victor started to recover from his pre-orgasmic daze, just long enough to look back at Samantha to see what she was doing. His eyes bulging out of his head when he saw just how much worse things were about to get from him. She had put a viscous looking strap on dildo, securing the thing with two straps set high on her hips.  To him it looked as if she had picked one that was the same size as him. Worse was that she was pointing it right at his virgin asshole.
   “PPPPLLLL” He was begging, putting everything together, this was not a fantasy he had had about his mothers best friend.
   Samantha got the message, just not the one that he wanted her to get.
   “Don’t cry, this will all feel good in a moment,” She said lining the head with his ass thinking to her self as she aimed  “They always cries at first, but they love it after.”
   Victor keep closing and opening his eyes, desperate that this was just a night mare and he would wake up at any moment. he kept on screaming as loud as he cold though the belt, but it wasn’t even enough to hear him outside of the bedroom. Tears were running down his eyes, and he was drooling uncontrollably from his belted mouth.
   Then he felt the hard tip of  the dildo press firmly against his virgin asshole


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Reply #7 on: April 19, 2021, 07:24:02 AM
Chapter Four Birthday Presents

   Maria was still on her knees in font of the couch bobbing her head up and down. She had been sucking off Jacob for close to half an hour now and she could TELL that he was getting ready to pop. For a teenager that was about to loose his virginity he had surprisingly good stamina. Going all the way down humming as she did, thinking about just how long he would last once he had some proper stamina training. She was definite going to need to nurturer his well endowed gift of his in the future. For now she would just settling on pooping his cherry.
   Clenching her throat and sucking as hard as she could as she brought him over the edge.
   Jacob bucked his hips upward as his ball contracted and started pumping a load right down Maria’s milf throat. She could feel each potent load running down to the head before it was deposited into her throat on its way to her stomach.
   “Stamina, potency, and capacity,” she though to her self while swallowing for a full minuet strait, he definite had it all form the start.
   With his potent teenage spunk now filling her stomach she slowly backed off this cock, keeping her lips sealed and throat clenched. With an audible POP Maria sucked her lips right off of Jacobs spent prick, a thick strand of her spit and his cum running from her lips to his piss hole, connecting them together for a moment.
   “How was that?” Maria smirked licking her lips.
   Jacob didn’t give her a response, just gasped as he came down from his post orgasmic bliss.
   “Well I hope you still have time for more of your present,” she said scooting father up so that her tits were level with his cock. Even after spending a potent load he was stills stiff, and his balls still had plenty left in them, she could tell from experiencing. Warping her massive tits around his slick dick, bracing her self for priming him with a titty fuck “or maybe lot of time?”
   “Fuck she has an even better than my step mom,” Jacob though to him self as Maria stared working her tits up and down his cock.
   As she kept his cock firmly sandwich in between her ample tit flesh, bobbing up and down. Maria mistook his blissful remissness of his stepmother for the rush of getting a second load primed.
   Victor was unable to hold back his tears as Samantha backed out of his ass. Raising her hips up so as to press the hard end of the dildo firmly into his beaten prostate. He had no idea how long she had been fucking away at his ass with that thing, but it must have been an eternity. When ever he was starting to reach his limit and was about to blow she would stop and let his settle down.
   “Nice stamina,” she commented glancing over at the clock. It was almost an hour after they started and he still hadn’t popped. She gave him a hard smack on the ass with the dildo getting a pathetic little yelp from his gagged mouth.
   Samantha knew she was going to have to not hold back any more if she was going to get anywhere with him. She went to the hamper and pulled out a sock, taking place right behind him she forced it all the way up his prick, making sure that their was quite little bit of space left at the end. He was going to need all of it after and hour of being primed. With balls as big and bloated as his she didn’t want him completely running her bed spread. Just one last hing was left before they got to the real fun.
   “I know it a bit uncomfortable, but don't worry it will all be worth it in the end.”
   She one again took hold of his hips and spreed her legs wide apart to get a good stance, her nails digging painfully into his skin as she pressed the dido against his ass. Rather than ease it in like befor she threw her whole weight forward bottoming out in one hard smacking thrust.
   Thunk Thunk Thunk
   Samantha was hammering away at Victor so hard that the bed was smacking against the wall that it was a miracle she it wasn’t putting holes in it. The cruel milf didn’t left up as she fucked the poor boys ass hard then she had fucked any of her dates, that same kind of energy that fueled the beatings her son delivered onto the very teen she was ass fucking that very moment.
   Victor could barely hold on from the ass raping she had given him before, and now he was beyond what he could handle. Screaming as loud as possible for her to stop that he could feel his throat starting to tear, the belt keeping him from making any noise loud enough to be heard over the bed frame hitting the wall.
   His failed attempts at begging for mercy did nothing to stop her violent bucking.
   With tear streaming down his face, eyes bulging, and throat ripping Jacob finally popped his nut. Filling the sock with ample amounts of him teenage cum while Samantha's brutal fucking didn’t stop. In fact she even picked up her pace even as his balls he stopped pumping, having emptied load she had spent an hour building up.
   Watching his balls spasm as her hours of hard worked filled the sock with his teenage cream Samantha gave him a final hard slam, working the dildo strap on out in a corkscrew manner so as to loosen his stretched ring more. She slid the cum filled sock off of his prick, the thing was like a water balloon with how much it had been filled. His potent teenage discharged starting to drip though the material, careful to not let to much drip, as she undid the belt from his mouth
   “Open wide” she said mockingly as she brought the horrid cum sock to Victor's mouth.
   He wanted to stop her, to force his mouth shut so she couldn’t gag him with him with his own horrid spunk. But he was far to exhausted from the hour long ass raping she had delivered him to do more then give a few feeble bleats. Working the sock into his mouth choking him, he made a few feeble attempts with his tongue to stop it, only to get a horrid taste of his own discharge. She made sure that the whole thing was in his mouth before she proceed to put the belt back around his head. Pulling the strap tight to as not to allow even a single drop escape.
   “See I told you I could make it all better,” She said leaning in close and plating a big wet kiss right in his cheek, “Now stay right their while I get you ready for round two.”
   Victor could feel his heart beating faster at the threat of a round two. His mind was terrified at the though of more, but after she had brought to him such a mind blowing orgasm he couldn’t help but get excited. Seeing his dick twitch slightly at her words Samantha took pride that she was the one that was going to break in such a well endowed boy.
   Victor felt Samantha take firm hold of his cock and balls as she fumbled with something for a moment, then their was the sensation of cold metal pressing right at the base of his dick and balls, then with a horrid clicking sound he something shut around him. She had fitted him with a cock and ball ring the device snapped shut restraining the teen. He tried to scream as she pulled on the string that controlled how tight to restraint was, the pressure sealing his cum channel shut, nothing would be getting through now.
   “Trust me I know what I’m doing.” she said undoing his ankle restraints, pulling his legs up his back and secured them to his wrist cuff then flipped him over on to his back. He could see that she was holding what looked like a ball contend to a long wire ending in what looked like a remote.
   Victor screamed in horror as she pressed the ball against his stretched ring, even with her loosening it up she still need it in. Slowly it stretched his ass open then the widest part passed though his ring as she worked it in, knowing the target location from earlier.
   With the ball in place Samantha flicked the remote to max, a buzzing sound starting and watched satisfied as Victor started loose it. The vibrator had been lined up on his abused prostate, sending him into over drive with the remote set to max. The restrained teen could already feel his balls working up another load contained by the cock and ball ring. Making sure that the vibrator secured, restrained with the two belts, so their was no way to dislodge.
   Victor could taste not just his own discharged in his throat but blood was well, the force of his screams having fully torn open his throat. He could feel his limbs going numb and his bucked against the belts keeping them rescued in place. The pain was unbearable as his eyes rolled back into her head. Worse than the pain was the uncontrolled stimulation of having him self bought to his limits but held their with the cold hard metal ring. Samantha left his like that for a minute, but it might as well have been hours from his perspective, but she did turn it off.
   “See I told you it would all be worth it,” She said lovingly, looking down at the son of her best friend “Don’t cry, I’ll turn it back on!”
   Victor shock his head back and fourth violently, their was no way he could handle that again. Pretending so see what she wanted to see Samantha took his terrified pleads of no for him begging her to not stop. climbing on to her bed straddling the broken teen and lining his pick up with her wet cunt, the ring and the vibrator making him harder then he had even been in his life. He was surprised at how genital she was when she slid him up inside of her, It didn’t last long though.
   “OO!! UUGGHG!! FUCK!!” She started cumming as soon as she was all the way down on the son of her best friend. His big dick pressing right up into her wanting womb as she was looking down at the eighteen year old.“You really are the perfect little boy.”
   As the teenage prick pressed firmly aginst her insides she felt the first spasms of what she expected was going to be a long weekend of orgasmic bliss, for her at least. She was no stranger to large cock, but this teenager he was still filling her up like she hadn’t been in longer then she could remember.
   Despite everything that had happened Victor was still unable to ignore the mature woman, his mother best friend  riding on his hard prick. It was his first ever time having sex, and had she not had him sealed he would have cumed right then and their. Samantha, coming down from her own orgasm, place her hand on his bare chest, her long finger tails teasing his dark skin.
   “Happy birthday” she said as she flicked the remote back up to max.
   Victor and Samantha screaming unison.
   The vibrator and milf cunt clamping down on him, his hips bucking instinctively, she bucked back riding the teenager with everything she had.
   “Fuck me, your incredible,” Jacob said pulling his dick out from Marisa well fucked tits.


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Reply #8 on: April 19, 2021, 07:24:41 AM
She had been working him with her mouth and tits for what felt like an hour and still he was a ways off from blowing his second load of cum. She had come close to getting him to blow a few times but he had somehow manged to hold back long enough to settle down, now he was at the limits of his patience.
   “Fuck, here it comes!” Jacob took hold of her tits with both hands, mauling the firm flesh while running him thumb over her hard nipples. Holding onto his wist and sucking his head into her mouth, sucking on him just like a lollipop.
   “OOOUUUU!! FUCK!!” Jacob roared as heblew his load right into Maris mouth.
   She kept her lips sealed tight while sucking like a pro, draning all his sperm pack semen right down her thought. Not a single drop was wasted as his balls filled her mouth over and over. When his torrent stopped she worked her tongue over his head cleaning off the cream that was left before howling her cheeks and sucking off his spent prick.
   Maria smiled, licking her lips and she looked up at Jacob. Despite being a virgin he had lasted over and hour and had not disappointed her with a substandard reward. Best of all was that their was no sings that he was softening one bit despite how full she was. She crawled up so she could kiss his chest, working her hand all over his still hard dick, massaging his balls noting that they hadn’t been deflated one bit.
   “Best birthday gift ever,” Jacob said looking down at Maria. He wasn’t even lying, she was much better gift then his stepmother.
   “Not yet,” she said sarcastically stroking his dick while she looked into his eyes “so how about we go back to my bed room and you can have your real presents.”
   Jacob smiled as he and Marie got up from the couch together, leading the stud son of her best friend to her bedroom by his massive dick. She intended to lead him to her bed lay down with and end spend the rest of the day making love, but he had other ideas in mind. Their was no way he was going to take things slow, he need to work out years of sexual fantasy and he need to do it now since he had no idea if he was going to get another chance.
   Reaching her bedroom he picked up the naked milf with little effort and threw her onto her own bed, the frame creaking slight from the impact. Taking hold of the neckline of her nightgown that had been pulled under her tits he ripped it right down the middle tossing the torn clothing aside. Her lacy panties suffered the same fate being ripped off and thrown aside.
   Pushing her down and lining his dick up with her soaked cunt he worked his way in, ignoring her cries as she tired and failed to adjust to his size. He didn’t give her much of a choice as he started to fuck into her pressing his cock head right up into her womb. Even with two impressive loads filling her up he was still primed for more but far to excited to hold out for long, not wanting to miss this chance he decided not to take things slow.   
   Taking hold of her things he really started to fuck into the mocca milf, pounding away hard enough to get the bed frame to smack against the wall. It took him only a few minuets of brutal fucking before he slammed into her hard and started creaming.
   “Wow, I mean just Wow.” Maria exhaled as her best friends son filled her womb with his cum.
   She was very much impressed with is stamina, two loads in her stomach and now one in her womb, and she could still feel his hard dick inside her no hint that he was going soft.
   Jacob had gotten what he wanted, creaming this milf that he had fantasied about since puberty. Now he thought was going to try pushing him luck since he still didn't know if he would get another chance. Right now he wanted try something that his stepmother wouldn’t let him do.
   Pulling his dick out of her cunt with a POP, he angled it down a bit as he pulled her hips up with one had. He wasn’t aiming at her cunt this time, he was aiming lower.
   “Wait, wait, wait,” she stammered as she felt what he was going to try and do. Jacob was concerned that she was already starting to get second though, his step mother had them as well.
   “Well then,” he said angling back up to her cunt. If he couldn't try out he ass he was going to make full use of her cunt.
   “No,” Maria half shouted half begged “It’s your birthday present, you can use it how ever you want.”
   Jacob took her at her word and angled down again pressing his slick cock right up against her asshole. Maria tensed up as his massive dick started putting pressure on her sphincter, then all of a sudden he backed off. She relaxed for a moment had the teen maybe changed his mind?
   Jacob took advantage of her guard droping to slam with force into her ass driving into her guts hard enough to knock the wind out of her. He savored the sensation on his dick, fully embeded in her ass while she tried to catch her breath. She was tight and deep, accepting his full length into her warm guts, restitching his prick like a vice. It took actually effort for him to start backing out or her tight ass.
   Jacob slammed back into her again, again driving the wind out of her, but this time he didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath. He started fucking the mocca skinned milf in her ass with the same brutal energy that he had when ever be beat up her son. He need this, and no amount of begging was going to stop him now.
   Maria tried to regain control of the situation, maybe it was a bad idea to give him full permission to do what ever he wanted CLUNK! But now their was no chance of escape, he had her pined to her bed and he wasn’t going to give her an opening to recant her statement CLUNK! She could only scream hoping not alert the neighbors, she didn’t want to explain why she was screaming for her life while a teen fucked her ass CLUNK!
   Despite the burtalness of the situation she still couldn’t contain her own excitement. She could feel her body getting hot as the teen made pull use of her ass. Her had brought her to orgasm in the short time he had worked her cunt, and now he was going to do it again with her ass.
   “UUUNNN!” Maria came for the second time, soaking the already ruined sheet.
   Her orgasmi didn’t stop Jacob, in fact it only got him more excited and he ramp-ed up the force of his bucking. He was fucking the defeated woman in the tangled mess of her bed, the sheets fully pulled off and wrapped around both of their legs. She was down right crying now and still he showed her no mercy, she was his birthday gift after all and he was going to do with her as he please.
   He kept on Pounding the mocca skin milf ass though her next two orgasms hard enough to start putting dents into the dry wall. A far better birthday gift then what his step mother had given him as his balls stared to reach the boiling point.
   The mocca milf had no idea just hoe much Jacob had left in him.
   Samantha could see light peaking though the binds of her bed room window. It had been hours since she had started riding the birthday boy and still she hadn’t broken him.  He was still bucking into her womb with the instinct to breed. The cock ring keeping all of his baby batter locked up nice and safe in his now fully bloated balls. She hadn't let the poor boy cum since they had started not, though she had cum plenty.
   Her bed was complete ruined. The sheets were pulled off the mattress and torn, their was no saving them now. The mattress was in even worse state, it was misaligned to the frame and starting to come off the bed, thoroughly soaked through with her cum in desperate need of a deep cleaning.
   Bottoming out for another mattress drenching organism, digging her long nails into Victors dark chest drawing out blood. Their was no reaction to cutting into his skin, his brain far to fried to register any thing other than the milf clapping down on his big dick. Hour and hours had gone by and he still was fully hard, not a single man had lasted this long ever. He definitely deserved a reward for holding out for so long.
   Stopping her own hips and settling down while he kept on bucking. She laid down pressing her chest into his, her nipples rubbing over his. She let him take charge for the only time that night, his instincts would do the work that his brain was now to fried to do.
   “Happy Birthday stud,” She whispered into his ear before she reach back and undid his cuffs.
   He warped both his arms and legs around her keeping her close as his need to cum drove his actions. She still had enough wiggle room to reach down and undo the ring that was holding him back. The metal clasp was under so much pressure that it sprang off unleashing an entire nights worth of cum in an instant.
   Victor had no control over his action as he pumped up into her womb one last time creaming the milf that had denied him a release for so long. His sock spewed her wanting womb so full of his baby batter that she could feel her self getting full. Even after he had filled her with up and drained his testicle of everything they still kept on flexing, hours of resistant being released in just a few minuets.
   Samantha let him hold on to her whole his body worked the she felt his grip slacken and his body go limp. He had finally passed out after hours forced restraint, she nuzzled close to him as he starred to snore softy, he should have at least a few hours of rest, they would both need some. After a potent load that big she was going to need to work him over for at least an hour, or several, just to get him primed for round two.
   “Fuck me these eggs are good,”  Jacob was savoring the home cooked breakfast before him in the kitchen with Maria nowhere to be seen. Despite her absences a faint wet sucking sound could be heard coming from under the table “or maybe fuck you these eggs are good.”
   “Hows that fresh yogurt taste, eeh.” The teen asked looking down at his lap.
   Maria was on her knees underneath the table sucking away at his morning wood savoring the fresh load he had just fed her, hoping for more. After dumping one large load right up into her ass he proceeded to make full use of her other three holes well into the night and morning. When he was done playing with his present they were only able to get a few hours of sleep in before she had been woken up by his morning wood.


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Reply #9 on: April 19, 2021, 07:24:57 AM
She knew that he had worked hard, despite it being his birthday present, still she was taken aback by just how easily he had popped a new erection. The only sensible action was to give him a wake up blowjob. He hadn’t let her finish her morning alarm though, instead opting to send her to the kitchen to make him some breakfast so he could get some energy back. She had expected to being him a breakfast in bed, wearing an appropriate white apron and nothing else.
   Instead he had come up behind her as she fished putting the plate together. Giving her a hard spank on the ass. Then he had forced her down to her knees and stared fucking her mouth right then and their in the kitchen. At least he had the good sense to sit down and eat breakfast before it got cold.
   Maria popped off Jacob dick as he downed the glass of orange juice. She could feel that he was ready for another round of fun in the bed. But she also knew that he should let the food digest a little bit before they started for today.
   “How about you just wait right their while I get the bedroom cleaned up, OK.”
   “Better idea,” Jacob said grabbing her by the hair as she tied to get up from under the table.
   Keeping firm hold of her hair her he dragged her along, her son had given him plenty of experience in forcing people by the hair. She let him take control, excited by just how assertive he was, just like a cave man taking his newest conquest to his cave. The milf was surprised as he dragged her not towards her bed room like she though, but towards her son’s room instead.
   Reaching the door he let go of her hair instead picking her up caveman style, then kicked in Victors door. The cracking sound making it clear that he had broken the lock, not hesitating he walked over the bed and threw her down on her back.
   She knew that his was so wrong, but she wanted more of his meat and his cream so she didn’t complain.
   Spreading his legs so as to get a good stance he pressed his cock head up against her succulent lips, the corona stretching her lips. She knew what he wanted and tilted her head back while arching her back, giving him a strait shot down her throat.
   “Good whore,” He cooed as he used her tits as handlebars flexing his hips forward.
   It didn’t take much for Jacob to go balls deep down her throat, she willing let him do it. Waiting till he was all the way down before she started tightening her throat. He let her do most of the work, sucking and swallowing and savoring the last while he just helde. Once he was sure that she had gotten him as lubricated as was possible he flexed his hips back till just the tip was in her mouth.
   Knowing what was coming next Maria took in a deep breath as he flexed forward again hard and buried him self in her throat then flexed back. She tried her best to breath when he pulled out then hold hear breath when he went in, but as he starred to pick up his pace it was getting harder and hared to breath. Fucking her face with the same force and energy he had fucked her ass earlier not even bothering trying to holding out.
   She was going to need a large breakfast for what he had planed.
   Bottoming out in her mouth, his balls pressed into her nose blocking off her airways as he feed her a second serving of yogurt. Even after Friday night and that morning his size and potency had diminished not one bit, something that she was very thankful for.
   With Jacob and Maria bother having had a proper breakfast he was ready to get thing really started.
   He didn’t pin her to the bed like last time instead getting behind her, warping his arms under hers then behind her head. Putting his milf fuck present into a head lock. He intend to use all her holes thoroughly, but he wanted to make sure that he got to use her ass fully before she risked changing her mind.
   Nuzzling his dick right up in between her ass till it was pressed against her ring. Rather than force his way in like last time instead he pulled her up and back so she was lined up better with him. Uing his muscular arms he forced her down all the way to the balls, her son’s bed creaking in protests at the force.
   “Fucking tight as always,” He whispered in her ear while she cried out.
    He was so deep in her guts she could feel him in her stomach. She hadn’t had a single moment to try and adjust, the feeling of having her ass wrenched open like that had sent her over the edge. The wide corona of his cock head battering her walls as he drove deep inside.
   Maria organismed spaying her fuck juices all over her sons bed while the bully that she though was his friend fucked her ass.
   “GGAA!! GAAA!!, GGGA!!”
   Keeping her upright with the head lock he bounced her up and down while he bucked his his upward. Her full weight was being used against her in order to dive deeper and hard into her ass then before.
   “Come on I want to hear you scream,” He didn’t ask her he commanded her “Scream for me.”
   Maria broke at his order and now she couldn’t hold back any more.
   “Please stop fucking meeeeee! I’m begging you!! Please just stop!!! NOOOOOO!!!!”   
   Jacob ignored her cries, in fact it only got him more excited. His stop mom had begged him to stop and he had, but he wasn’t going to stop with Maria. He knew it and she knew it.
   Maria knew she had given him permission to do what ever he wanted, to use her how ever he wanted. Still she hadn’t expected this. If she hadn't given him her full unrestricted permission to use HER how ever HE wanted, Use her REGARDLESS of any protests she might have after. Then she MIGHT, MIGHT have called this rape.
    “Well maybe not?” She though to her self. The sound of wooden joint cracking could be heard over a desperate milfs screams of bliss, while still desperately begged him for more.


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Reply #10 on: April 19, 2021, 07:25:16 AM
Chapter Five Another Present

   “Don’t’ want you wasting any of that cum now do we,” Samantha said looking down at Victor.
   After letting him get a few hours of sleep Saturday she had returned to their routine. She had ass raped him again for hours and hours till she was satisfied that he was primed for another fucking. She had been just as brutal this time as last time, working him so hard that everything just faded into torturous bliss.
   He didn’t even know that it was Sunday evening till he had woken up again. Once again she had a surprise for him. A long metal cage with two straps attached and a lock on each one. A chastity cage, one that looked just big enough for him.
   “Just relax we don’t want to pinch this lovely skin now do we,” She said as she slid the cage over his now deflated cock. He didn’t like the idea of having him self being restrained at her cruel whim, but their was nothing that he could do with his arms and legs tied to the bed post.
   “NNNNOOOOO!!!!” Victor cried as he felt the metal over his limp dick. A onamiss clicking sound as the lock on the chastity cage closed, trapping him in the cold steel. The two straps followed each getting its own lock, now their was no chance of him getting free.
   “Their we go,” swinging the key ring around her finger as she made her way to her dresser and placed in one of the drawers. She was going to need to hid the other two keys somewhere Victor wouldn’t be able to find them. She didn't want a repeat incident of the last boyfriend of her that couldn’t wait till her scheduled was open.
   Victor was left to lie in Samantha’s bed, the cold steel pressed firmly into his dick. She had worked him so hard that he would have preferred to get dropped kicked in the balls by her son rather than have her ride him again. His ass was in the worst shape, she had streaked him out so thoroughly that he was sure he wouldn’t be able to sit right for a week.
   All he could do was cry as Samantha washed off the thick coating of sex she had worked up in her private bathroom in the next room.
   “AHH!!!”Maria didn’t know how he could possibly still have this much energy after such a marathon.
   “AAHH!!” She wasn’t going to complain about the situation though, even if she was capably of doing so “AAHH!!”. She had been reduced to nothing more but his fuck toy at this point “EEHH!!”. The most she had been able to do was suck him off and ride him her self when he need a moment to regain some strength “NNNN!!”. She had complete lost any sense of time.
   “NGH!!!” She had been fucked in every room in the house, at least three time one for each hole. But it was her sons room that was his favorite, especially his bed. At this point it wasn’t just trashed, it was barely even a bed any more, the frame had been complete broken.
   “FUCKING WHORE!” Jacob knew that it would take hours for him to build him self back up to another orgasm but that wasn’t going to stop him.
   Warping his arms around her, pulling back into a head lock then digging his fingers into her hair. He had a firm grip, and Maria was once again at his complete and total mercy.
   “hiku” Maria faint gasped for air as he took a moment to enjoy her cunt tightened around him as her womanly instincts tried work out another load of potent sperm filled cum. She was so lost only her body's desire to be bred by a stud mattered.
   “nnnn” She prostrated as he pulled out of her tight cunt before he aimed his throbbing cock right in between her mocca ass cheek. Even after having busting it open so many time she hadn’t lost any tightness.
   “MMMMM” She felt his cock against her but, then it crown pressed up against her ass hole.  The only issue was that he wasn’t going to put another load of cum into her wanting womb.
   “Wai…” for just a single moment she regained her self, but it was to late.
   Jacob used his the head lock he had her in to pull her entire body back as he jacked his hips hard. A deep gut wrenching scream over the sound of skin on skin, with the broken bed framed putting large dents into the wall. He was hammering into her ass hard enough for her to feel it all the way to her throat, her ass starting to turn red as it smacking against his groin.
   The sounds of a milf getting willing raped by a capitol stud on her son broken bed drowned out all other noise in the house, it even be easily be heard all the way down stairs at the front door.
   Victor had struggled to walk home with the chastity cage tightly restricting him. His ass was just as much of a problem as the cage. Both prick and ass had been abused to such an extreme it cause him pain just to walk, both severing as a painful reminder to her finally words to him, as well that he knew that he had no choice. His mother would be furious at him for having sex with he best friend, that would drown out any attempts to reason with her that it wasn’t his doing.
   “Till next time stud.”
   those words kept going over in his mind with each uncomfortable step closer to himhome Her son was horrible, but now he had to be sacred of mom as well. He didn’t think their was a single things could be any worse as he unlocked the font door stepping into his own home. The broken teen expecting to see his mother their waiting for him asking him where he had been all this time. Telling him that she had been so worried and been unable to think of anything else.