Author Topic: Watching My Mum Go Jack  (Read 3713 times)


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on: May 14, 2024, 01:18:09 PM
Chapter 1: Dinner Plans

Finlay Popple sat alone in his bedroom in halls, enjoying the break from his roommate, Jack. When he had first started university Jack had seemed like a nice guy, a little bit of a 'rugby lad' for sure, but he had been pretty friendly with Finlay. At school, none of Finlay's friends had been one of the 'cool kids', like Jack was, and Finlay hoped his new roommate would help him 'reinvent' himself as anything other than a nerd.

However, it was week four now and Finlay was starting to feel that the two of them were too different to ever get on; Jack's 'banter' and all of his 'lad' mates were getting too much for Finlay to put up with.

Finlay was browsing Facebook when his phone began to buzz. After a couple of rings, he answered, "Hey Mum."

"Hi sweetie!" came Jennifer's enthusiastic voice, "How are you?"

"I'm OK," he grunted, his tone bemused.

"Just OK?" she questioned, "What's wrong, Finny?"

"Nothing," responded her son in an uncooperative tone.

"Is it your roommate again? Are you sure you can't request to move to another room?"

"I don't think they'll move me just because I find Jack annoying," he replied.

Out of embarrassment, Finlay didn't want to admit to his mum that the thing that annoyed Finlay the most was when Jack brought back women and, most of the time, was completely indiscreet about it. It really pissed him off last week when he brought back Anna, a girl that Finlay fancied. Finlay hadn't ever spoken to Anna or told Jack that he liked her, so it wasn't Jack's fault as such... It was just annoying that his stupid 'banter' could seduce someone who seemed as clever and cool as Anna. The thing that annoyed him the most though (and embarrassed him) was that he silently wanked as the silhouettes of Jack and that night's conquest - ten in the past four weeks - gently gyrated to muffled orgasms.

"Well, have you tried talking to him about the things you don't like..."

Feeling an impotent shame, Finlay interrupted to change the subject, "Mum, what did you call about?"

Sounding taken aback by Finlay's abrupt tone, his mother took a second to respond, "Well, I just wanted to know if I can still come to visit you next weekend."

Finlay's older sister had just emigrated to Australia, after living away from home for the past three years, and his dad's job required him to travel quite frequently, so Finlay anticipated his mum might take it quite badly when he left home too. At first, he had been quite reluctant to have his mum visit him at university, he didn't want to be seen as lame, but, truthfully, it hadn't been as easy to make friends as he had hoped and he had secretly warmed to the idea of a visit from his mum.

His mum told him the details of her train and hotel, followed by some idle chit chat before they ended their conversation, leaving Finlay to resume browsing the Internet. Finlay's conversation with his mum regarding Jack had reminded him of the blonde girl, from two nights ago. He had pleasured himself to the barely visible dark shape of her ass beneath the sheets rising and falling.

Finlay dropped his jeans and pants right down to the floor and began to massage his erection to the memory of Jack's slut-of-the-day. He shuffled his chair forward; it was a regular chair, rather than one on wheels, and started searching for amateur videos of girls riding guys.

Finlay was close to finishing himself off when he heard the characteristic arrogant thuds of his flatmate making his way down the corridor. Finlay's heart skipped a beat when he missed the 'x' button on the porn video and hit the window resize button instead. Knowing he had barely a few seconds, he grabbed his jeans but felt them snag. He cursed to himself when he realised that they were caught under the leg of his chair. He managed to free them and pull them up around his waist as Jack walked in the door. The sudden movement caught Jack's eye and he smirked at Finlay as Finlay slapped down the lid of his laptop.

"Alright, mate," said Jack, still smirking as Finlay rushed to do up his fly.

"Uh yeah, hi, how's things?" mumbled Finlay shamefully.

"Good mate, good," said Jack, barely paying attention to Finlay as he splayed out onto his bed, "Love Thursdays. No lectures until Monday."

It pissed off Finlay that as a mathematics student, he had to attend 25 hours a week, but Jack, who did history, had just 10 hours. Apparently history students were supposed to do more hours of self-learning but all Jack seemed to do was play rugby, get drunk and pick up women. He could even see him doing it now; the obvious flick of his finger and mumble of 'left, left, ooo right' giving away that he was on Tinder.

"Ah mate!" exclaimed Jack, "Another match, that's six fit ones today."

'Fit ones? He treats women like objects and gets rewarded,' thought Finlay, whilst he outwardly congratulated Jack.


Finlay was playing Minecraft, when his phone started ringing. As expected, it was his mother; she had arrived in London about an hour ago for her weekend visit and she was due to get to her hotel soon.

"Hey Mum, where do you want me to meet you?"

"Hi Sweetie, I'm actually downstairs, I think," she said, stress evident in her voice, "Door number 60, right? There was a mix up at the hotel."

"Wait, you're here? What's wrong?"

"Can you let me in and I'll explain?" responded his mother, stress turning to exasperation.

Finlay mumbled an apology for not coming down straight away and then rushed downstairs. He opened the front door of the house of student flats to find his mother standing there, with a big handbag, a travel case and a grumpy look on her face. As soon as she saw her son, her frown gave way to a smile and she went to hug him, which he awkwardly returned.

As soon as their hug ended, Finlay heard a familiar voice and it made his stomach plunge, "Alright mate, who's your friend?"

Jack was at the foot of the steps that lead to the halls's front door and was looking up at Finlay and his mother. He ascended the stairs, hand outstretched, and Jennifer reacher her hand out to his.

"Hi, I'm Jennifer, Finlay's mum," she greeted, her earlier displeasure displaced by the enthusiasm she always got when meeting new people.

"Your mum?" asked Jack, looking at Finlay when he had stopped shaking Jennifer's hand, before looking back to her and continuing, "You sure you're not his older sister?"

"Well, aren't you charming!" laughed Jennifer.

Jennifer rolled her eyes but smiled as she stroked, hand-over-hand, her long black hair for a few seconds, before twirling one lock around her elegantly extended index finger. Finlay had read on the internet about women playing with their hair while talking to guys... was his mother flirting?

"You didn't tell me your name," she prompted Jack; their bodies were turned squarely to face each other and Jennifer's left hand was rested against Jack's upper arm whilst she spoke.

"Oh sorry, I'm Jack, I am Finlay's..." Jack paused, looking like he only just remembered Finlay was next to them, "Finlay's roommate."

"Oh...Jack," Jennifer said, the excitement in her voice lapsing as she continued, "Yeah Finlay's mentioned you. It's... uh nice to put a face to a name."

"Good stories, I hope," chuckled Jack, as he gave Finlay a 'friendly' punch in the arm, but both the force and the subtle tone of nervousness in Jack's laugh made Finlay question the innocent nature of the punch.

"Of course," lied Jennifer, evidently making more of an effort to sound cheerful about meeting the guy that Finlay had been complaining about for the past few weeks.

"So... uh... Mum should we go inside and you can tell me what happened?"

"Oh are you staying with us for a few days?" asked Jack, with a little too much enthusiasm for Finlay's liking.

"No, I had a hotel booking but apparently something's went wrong so I need to sort out new plans now," sighed Jennifer.

"Sounds terrible," replied Jack, lathering his voice with sympathy, "Let's go upstairs and we can fix this."

Without saying anything further, Jack picked up Jennifer's handbag and travel case in his left hand, which was already carrying a bag-for-life that contained a couple of cans of beer and an oven pizza. The case was a small overnight bag, so everything he was carrying can't have been too heavy, but Finlay thought it was obvious he was trying to show off.

"Jack, I can take that stuff..." said Finlay.

"Nah mate, us meatheads gotta be of some use," responded Jack abruptly.

'Who the heck says 'meatheads'?' thought Finlay, but he didn't say anything, instead he just awkwardly watched as Jack fished his keys from his pocked and opened the door, all whilst carrying his and Jennifer's bags in the other hand.

The three of them dumped Jennifer's stuff in Finlay and Jack's room and Jennifer explained her predicament. She had gone to the hotel and given a screenshot of her booking confirmation but it seemed the travel website that she had used hadn't sent the details through the hotel. The hotel said they couldn't do anything because they didn't have any proof that Jennifer had ever made a booking, and though the receptionist had been very apologetic, she said that all Jennifer could do is call the booking website.

After Jennifer had finished her angry rant, they tried a couple of nearby hotels, but it seemed that everything was likely to be booked up because of school mid-term holidays. They seemed to hit luck after the fourth place they tried, but the room was £230 a night, more than four times the cost of the room she had originally booked. Frustrated, Jennifer looked up the booking website contact details and called their support line. After grumbling her way through some automated questions, Jennifer was eventually queued to speak to a human operator. She paced around the room, her phone held in front of her with hold music playing over its loudspeaker.

"Hello, Thanks for calling our support line, you're on with Carly, how can I help you today?" came a very perky voice over the phone.

"Hi, I made a booking for the Holiday Lodge in Farringdon, and when I got there, they hadn't heard of my booking," replied Jennifer, the irritation in her voice contrasting with Carly's 'customer service' positivity.

"Oh dear, let's see how I can help!" chirped Carly, as Jennifer sighed, "Can I take your ten character booking reference number please?"

Jennifer read out the code at the top of her screenshot printout, and Carly asked her to wait while she checked the booking details.

"Hi madam, I found the problem, it looks like you booked using a discount code that isn't valid for peak periods, like this week, so the booking was cancelled."

Jack looked up from behind his phone, and sat up on the edge of his bed, having been lying down until now. He gave an disapproving look when Jennifer looked over. Finlay shrugged as his mother looked at him, annoyance towards Carly evident in her expression.

"OK but I got a booking confirmation, not a cancellation."

"Yes it looks like there was an error but you should have been sent an email with the cancellation."

"OK well I didn't."

"Are you... sure?" asked Carly, her professional veil of optimism slipping slightly as Jennifer's frustration started to turn to anger.

Jack appeared at Jennifer's shoulder and, without invitation, began to talk, "Hi Carly, my name's Jack, I'm a friend of Jennifer's, could we speak to your supervisor please?"

"Um... sure... give me a minute please," said the hesitant Carly.

"Um... Excuse me?" enquired Jennifer, turning to Jack as soon as hold music came on again, "I don't remember asking you to intervene."

"Yeah sorry, I should've asked first, but I used to work in a call centre, so I thought I could help. This woman's supervisor will have some leeway to give you a deal, and if you push that you want to make a complaint, they'd rather just give you something free than have a complaint to deal with. If they can resolve the problem in the first phone call then they get better stats and better bonuses and such."

Finlay was annoyed and embarrassed that Jack would have the arrogance to interfere in an issue that had nothing to do with him. He was thinking about what to say or do to reverse the awkward situation when to Finlay's shock, he saw his mum cautiously hand the phone to Jack, just as the hold music stop and a new voice came on the phone.

"Hi there, I'm Fiona, Carly has passed me your call. How can I help?"

"Hi Fiona," spoke Jack, slowly and confidently, "Jennifer received a confirmation email, to say her booking was confirmed, but you're saying that you cancelled it without adequately trying to ensure that you let her book something online that wasn't valid."

"Yes it's our policy..."

"Sorry, I wasn't finished. Basically, your customer has been left in a situation where she is struggling to find alternate accommodation because of this. These things do happen, but we're just asking you to resolve it."

"Yes, OK, I completely see what you're saying. We have already automatically issued a refund of the deposit, at the time of cancellation, but we can offer you a 50% discount at any hotel if you book through us again, so that you can find something tonight for cheaper, and we also have partnerships with various restaurants around London, so I've emailed a distinct voucher for a free meal up to £100 in value in order to apologise for our error."

Finlay saw an impressed look on his mother's face, especially as an email notification for the free meal voucher appeared on her phone within seconds. Finlay, however, was irritated with Jack; the woman on the phone would probably given them the same deal, without Jack's cocky performance.

Jennifer's earlier annoyance both from the hotel situation and Jack butting in seemed to have been quelled, as she thanked him very earnestly and started to stroke his right arm with her right hand, a very adoring smile beaming across her face.

"Now I just need somewhere to stay," mused Jennifer, her exciting ebbing as it became clear that Jack's 'solution' had not actually got her a hotel room yet.

"Well, you could just stay here," suggested Jack.

Finlay and Jennifer gave him a confused look, but Jack was only looking at Jennifer, who laughed as she replied, "So you mean I should just sleep on the floor? Not so easy at my age..."

"No, of course not, I can change my sheets and you have have my bed. I could sleep on the floor or, if you really feel uncomfortable, I could see if I could stay at another mates."

"No, no!" she retorted, "Don't be silly I can't kick you out of your own bed. If I'm sleeping here, then I suppose it would only be fair if I stay on Finny's bed."

Both Jack and Jennifer looked at Finlay. Jennifer had an expectant expression on her face, one that he read as saying 'well... if an stranger can offer to sleep on the floor for your mother, surely you could too?'

Jack had a similar expression, except for a twinge of smugness that said, 'I've snookered you mate, she's staying here tonight'.


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Reply #1 on: May 14, 2024, 01:18:30 PM
"Go on, Finny," Jack continued on from his intolerable expression, his jovial tone as he used Jennifer's pet name for Finlay served to avoid making it obvious he was being facetious.

"Yeah, I suppose..." mumbled Finlay.

"Great," said Jennifer, her gaze holding Jack's for quite a few seconds before eventually turning to Finlay.

"Hopefully I can sort out something for tomorrow, but for tonight, we don't have to worry! How about we use this dinner voucher tonight? Jack, would you like to join us?" asked Jennifer, eagerness entering her voice again after the past 45 minutes of annoyance.

"Ummm, I wouldn't want to get in the way of family stuff," replied Jack, his faux-reluctance unconvincing to Finlay.

"On, of course, we wouldn't have a free meal if it wasn't for you."

Finlay gritted his teeth as Jack yielded to his mother's invitation. He was used to his friends being attracted to his mum; she had ample, well-proportioned curves, which were often evident when she wore tight trousers or dresses, even when she wore reasonably modest tops, and she also had defined, yet delicate, facial features framed by thick wavy black hair, but today she was wearing regular-fit jeans with a thick jumper that gave barely a hint of her figure beneath. So Finlay was struggling to understand why his roommate was so desperately flirting with his mother. What really confused him though, was why his mother was indulging it and not revulsed by the sleazy jock.

The couple, who had been oblivious to Finlay's existence for at least two full minutes turned to him when the phone in his pocked started to beep. He checked it and realised that he had to leave for his Friday afternoon class. It was a two hour lecture on Bayesian statistics, something he rather enjoyed, but right now, he felt awkward leaving his mother alone with his lecherous roommate. His mother asked curiously what the alarm was for, and Finlay put aside his discomfort, realising he was being stupid, worrying about her; she was a grown woman after all, she could handle herself. Finlay told her he needed to go for his lecture, but he'd be back around half past 5.

"OK, it's... twenty to 3 now, so that's perfect," exclaimed Jennifer, "I need to go to the shops, I was hoping to get a new dress for your father's work do.'

"Great..." replied Finlay, trailing off nervously as he noticed Jack intently listening in;, Finlay continued, trying to ignore him, "Do you know where you need to go?"

"I can show you a couple of places nearby," interjected Jack, barely a second after Finlay stopped speaking.

"Yeah, that sounds great. You're so very helpful aren't you," said Jennifer, gently brushing Jack's upper arm for a few moments.

Finlay tried to think of a way to discourage them from their freshly formed plan, but he didn't know how to, without letting on that Jack had got to him. He really needed to get to his lecture but he waited around for his mother to get her handbag and walked the two of them down the stairs. Finlay became increasingly anxious as his window for being on time to his lecture narrowed but his mother and roommate paid no attention to him as they exited the building.

When they were at the foot of the stairs outside the front of the door, Finlay turned to speak to his mum, who was looking completely the other direction, at Jack, "Mum, the bus stop is just round the corner, you can catch the..."

"Jennifer..." interrupted Jack, making Finlay's heart sink, "It's, at most, a 20 minute walk, even if we take a casual pace. I'm good for a stroll... if you want to?"

Jennifer started walking in the direction Jack gestured, agreeing without even acknowledging her son.

She took a few steps, then, as if she suddenly remembered, she turned back to Finlay, "We'll see you back here right? Did you say six?"

"Five-thirty," replied Finlay, resisting the urge to tell his mum not to spend time with Jack.

"Great, see you then," she responded, as she turned back to Jack.

Finlay's stomach churned as he was sure his mother had completely ignored what he had just said, her mind completely distracted. He didn't want Jack to know he was bothered. He didn't want his mum to know he was bothered for that matter too. He crossed the road as Jack and Jennifer made their way in the opposite direction. Finlay looked round; the couple was at least 10 metres away now but he could clearly hear a hearty laugh from his mother as she caressed his shoulder for a few seconds, before they disappeared around the street corner.


Finlay sat through his lecture, unable to concentrate; his mind kept drifting to thoughts about what his mum and Jack were doing. Surely she had become bored of him after half an hour and sent him away?


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Reply #2 on: May 14, 2024, 01:19:07 PM
After the class finished, a group of people arranged to go to the pub for a couple of drinks. Finlay was invited along, as a courtesy he assumed, but he immediately turned them down to rush back to his mother and sleazy roommate. Finlay unlocked his room's door and entered to find his mum sitting at his desk applying make-up but, to his relief, Jack was not there with her.

"Hey Sweetie," greeted his mum, without breaking from her preening routine, "How was your lecture?"

Finlay was about to respond when the door swung open again.

"Hey Jen, got your wine here," came Jack's voice, stealing the moment of relief that Finlay had barely had a chance to enjoy.

"Thanks Jackers but just this one, it's not even six!" replied Finlay's mum, looking to Jack and smiling earnestly as she took the glass of red wine.

"Hey mate," said Jack, nonchalantly, barely glancing over to Finlay.

"Hi," responded Finlay, his voice curt as he digested the information that Jack called his mum 'Jen' and she was calling him that stupid rugby team nickname 'Jackers'.

"Grab yourself a can of beer, if you fancy, mate," continue Jack, as he leant over the desk, close to Jennifer, "It's on my shelf in the fridge."

"He doesn't drink beer," said Jennifer, rolling her lips as she placed her lipstick back in her bag.

"Ah yeah, I remember. There's some wine too then."

Finlay thought back to one of their first pub trips out as new roommates and Jack, jovially telling Finlay to 'man-up' and have some beer. Finlay asked for cider but Jack brought him back a pink alcopop. Jack eventually bought Finlay the drink he wanted, but not before a few more laughs.

"Beer's fine," mumbled Finlay, but her got no acknowledgement from either of the other two in the room, bar a dismissive 'cool' from Jack.

Finlay returned from the communal kitchen to his room, with a foul-tasting beer that he sipped through pursed lips, to find 'Jen' and 'Jackers' deep in conversation. Jennifer was just finishing styling her hair up into a pony tail before bending down to affix the straps on a pair of black high heeled shoes. Finlay noticed she had bare legs; thanks to climate change it was pretty warm for October, but it wasn't until she stood up that she realised it was quite revealing. It was black, and had a covered back, sleeves that just covered her elbows and the hem finished at her mid-thigh, pretty respectable, but the cleavage was low and wide and there was a slit at the bottom that went most of the way up her thigh.

"Uh... nice dress, Mum," commented Finlay, still mumbling.

It wasn't completely unlike some of the things his mother had worn before, but not in perhaps 10 years, and today it seemed like an odd occasion to wear it. He wondered if she was just trying it on now, ahead of the event at his dad's work, and maybe then she intended to wear it with tights.

"Thanks," she smiled, before walking over to Jack's wardrobe and examining herself in the built-in mirror, "It is nice, I tried on a few but Jackers thought this was best, good choice."

Of course that arsehole chose it. Didn't she know he was being a perv? It was like she'd forgotten she'd just met Jack and everything she'd heard about him until now was how much of a twat he was. Proving Finlay's point, that Jack was a twat, Jack walked over to the wardrobe and excused Jennifer, whilst he pulled off his t-shirt. Jennifer moved away by taking a step back, but didn't attempt to look away.

"Just thought I'd get a shirt on, since you're all dressed up," explained Jack, as flicked through his railing of hanging shirts, neither of them reacting with embarrassment or modesty.

"Finlay," said Jennifer, finally turning away from the topless teenager to look at her son, "You must have that blue striped shirt? The one you wore for your 18th. That looks nice on you."

Finlay, in a grumpy tone, told her he had the shirt and went to put it on, annoyed that just because 'Jackers' was trying to show off he had to change. Unlike his exhibitionist flatmate, who had dressed himself in a crisp white shirt that was so tight against his built frame that he may as well have still be topless, Finlay had modesty and hid behind the wardrobe door as he quickly swapped tops. It had nothing to do with the fact that Jack was in much better shape than Finlay was.

The three of them assembled downstairs after finishing their drinks, or in Finlay's case, pretending to finish the can of beer and pouring half of it into the kitchen sink. Jennifer had put on a black belt-up coat that covered her chest but still left some of her leg on show; Finlay noticed Jack stealing glances, often in a not-subtle way; Jennifer didn't seem to mind. Finlay and Jack were wearing similar outfits; jeans, a shirt, a coat and smart shoes, but all of Jack's clothes looked like he was modelling them for the online catalogue, whilst Finlay's looked like he'd got dressed in the dark.

"Oh, Finny, I didn't say earlier did I but we made reservations at this seafood place that Jackers told me about."

"Oh... Right OK," replied Finlay, a little reluctantly. He wasn't the biggest fan of seafood and his mother knew that.

"Yeah mate, it's right by the King Henry, so I thought we could nip in there for a drink first, then grab the food, then back to the pub or even another pub," chipped in Jack.

"Good plan," praised Jennifer, giving Jack an extra cheerful smile as she took a side-step closer to Jack and squeezed his tricep.

Good plan? Finlay's fists clenched in response to his mother's actions. It wasn't a plan, it was just Jack suggesting that they could drink a lot. That's not a plan, that was just an average evening for Jack and his stupid friends.

Jennifer, clearly oblivious to her son's frustrations, gently grasped both guys by their upper arms and cheered, "Come on, boys."

They followed her lead and she released her grip on them both after a few steps, though Finlay noticed that it took just a few more seconds for her to completely let go of Jack, as her hand softly stroked it's way down to his. If he didn't know better, he could've sworn she held it, if only for a second.


Jennifer had another glass of wine; she asked for a small, but Jack convinced her to get a large, and the guys had a pint each, though Finlay's was a strawberry-flavoured cider, before they moved from the pub to the seafood restaurant. Jack and Jennifer agreed to share a bottle of wine, and Finlay ordered another cider. Finlay's drink came in a small bottle, barely more than half a pint, whilst his mother and roommate were already pretty tipsy; Jack was making predictable and banal jokes, yet his mother chuckled away encouragingly at each one and the noise was beginning to grate on Finlay.

However, what grated on him more though, was the way Jennifer had angled herself towards Jack, and since, Finlay and Jack were sitting opposite each other at the table with Jennifer was sitting diagonally between them, it effective blocked Finlay out of any discussions they were having.

Jennifer was debating between lobster stew and monkfish curry, which 'coincidentally', Jackers had been looking at too. They decided that they could order one dish each and try the others', something she often did with Finlay's dad. Finlay wondered what his dad would think about Jennifer wearing a tight dress, getting drunk with her cleavage out as she playfully giggled with his dickhead flatmate. He doubted she was thinking about that at all, she was too engrossed in trading stories about university; Jennifer had done history too, as well as play netball, so they had a surprising amount in common.

He waited until his mother had finished telling some story about a night out with her netball and rugby friends, from a time before either Finlay or Jack were born, before he interjected, "Mum, how's Dad doing? When's he back again?"

"Oh yeah, I spoke to him this morning before I left. He's fine, this project is a bit boring apparently, so he's looking forward to coming back again... which is... this coming Friday."

Finlay intended to keep talking about his dad's work, knowing it would be harder for Jack to engage in the conversation.

However, it didn't seem to have deterred him, "Oh where is he?"

"Canada, his company has an office there, but doesn't enjoy going there that much."

"Oh really? What's wrong with Canada."

"Oh nothing, it's just his office isn't really based anywhere with much interesting to see or do, especially if you've been a dozen times. It's not too far from Vancouver though, We went there once, it's a really nice place to visit."

Once again, Finlay had been sidelined out of the conversation; Jennifer focused on Jack as he replied, "My cousin went there during a gap year. He really enjoyed it and recommended it to me."

Jennifer delicately put her hand on Jack's forearm as she spoke, "You really should, I can give you some places you should definitely go."

"Should we ask for the bill?" grumbled Finlay, as his mother rolled her chest forward slightly towards Jack.

She turned to look at Finlay and Jack, indiscreetly, looked down her top, "OK sweetie, you two get the bill and I'll nip to the loo."

Jennifer swivelled her body round to the left, towards Jack, even though the way to the toilet was on her right. Finlay clenched his teeth as he noticed Jack's dart down to between his mum's legs, as they briefly parted. Jennifer stood up; the hem of her dress had ridden up and Jack's wandering eyes looked at the bounty of bare thigh she was offering. She fixed the dress, acting far too casual about maintaining her modesty. Jack watched as Jennifer turned to face away from him then bent down, dropping to her ankles a little too late for her to avoid giving Jack a glimpse of her bum. She picked up her bag and then strode off to the loo.

Jack smirked as he followed her swinging butt cheeks, before looking back to Finlay, "Fuck me your mum has a nice ass..."

"Fuck you, Jack!" retorted Finlay, before dropping his voice a little, embarrassed that he loudly swore, "For some reason she seems to like you, so just don't be a prick."

"Whoa! Where'd that come from? Lighten up, mate."

"Well don't be rude about her then!"

"I wasn't I said she's got a nice ass. It's a compliment. She wouldn't have worn that tight little g-string if she didn't expect people to have a look."

"What the... heck... are you talking about?"

"I saw her bend over earlier and she was wearing a floral number under her jeans, but now you can just about see a sexy little," He paused to gesture a T in the air, "under her dress. It definitely wasn't a whale tail I saw earlier."

"What's a whale tail?" snapped Finlay, then spoke again quickly, "Actually I don't care. You're just such an... effing creep."

"Just chill the fuck out mate," sighed Jack, "It's things like this are why people find you fucking annoying."

"What? What people?" asked Finlay, feeling his stomach drop; he knew he wasn't the most popular of people but did people really say things like that behind his back?

"Nah, mate, just ignore me. It's the drink talking. That was harsh," replied Jack, seeming genuinely awkward for a few seconds.

"What people?"

"Look, it's nothing. Some of the people that know I'm your roommate sometimes tell me you can be a bit... intense and stuff. Just lighten up and people might like you."

The two of them sat in awkward silence for about ten seconds, but Jack broke the tension by waving at the waiter and mouthing the word 'bill'.

He turned back to Finlay, and with a more serious tone than his usual, he said, "Look, your mum is pretty cool. Don't tell her I said anything."

Finlay still felt numb at Jack's words but he wanted to tell Jack that he wasn't going to just play nice so that Jack could try it on. He held the words on the tip of his tongue for a couple of seconds, his thoughts jumbled in the mix of anger and hurt, when he saw Jack smile over his shoulder.


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Reply #3 on: May 14, 2024, 01:19:13 PM

Jennifer walked to the far side of the table, so that she was right next to Jack before sitting down. She brushed his shoulder with her hand as she sat down, then put her bag to the floor whilst bending her whole chest forward. Finlay noticed Jack looking; he must have got an eyeful of her breasts. Jack looked up at Finlay and gave him a wink and a sly smirk.

Finlay silently seethed as Jennifer and Jack started talking again, only stopping when the waiter interrupted with the bill. Without consulting Finlay, they decided to go to a nearby bar for a couple more drinks. As soon as they left the restaurant, Jack and Jennifer started walking together, with only a cursory glance to make sure Finlay wasn't falling behind.

At the bar, Jennifer was ordering; Finlay asked for a cider, and Jack suggested another bottle of wine. Jennifer immediately shot down the idea, saying she was just having a soda water this time, but somehow, Jack talked her into getting them gin and tonics.

Lucky timing meant that Jack managed to grab them a table just as a couple was leaving. These were high tables, so Jack stood at one side and then dragged a bar stool over, gesturing to Jennifer that she sit there, diagonally next to him, like at the restaurant. She willingly obliged, perching gently on the stool and leaning forward onto the table. Finlay wasn't about to get left out again; this time he stood so he was opposite her and closer to Jack, so that she couldn't just forget he was here.

Finlay was feeling a little tipsy now, and so he felt more able to be assertive. He still felt put out that his mother found this dumb jerk more interesting that she did him, but he determinedly made himself part of the conversation. He noticed Jack trying to cut him out, which was irritating but not unexpected, but surely his mum had noticed this too? Why wasn't she doing more to make sure Finlay wasn't being ignored? Had she forgotten the purpose of her visit was to see him?

Finlay desperately wanted to shout at Jack and tell him to fuck off back to their room. He wanted to tell his mum to stop being so touchy-feely; she was only getting worse the more she drank. He also remembered what Jack had said at the restaurant, about Finlay needing to lighten up. Would showing how pissed off he was just now just make people find him annoying? Maybe he was being shut out because instead of enjoying himself he was more bothered that his roommate and mother were actually getting on quite well.

Finlay had been holding back a need to go to the toilet for a while now. He needed a number two, but he was worried about leaving Jack alone with his mum for so long. Realising he was being stupid, he excused himself and headed downstairs to the loos, where he stood uncomfortably outside the one stall in the men's.

Finlay approached the table, after being away for about 15 minutes, and saw Jack holding his mum's out in front of her.

"Like this," he said, and brought her hand up to his mouth then licked the back of it, near her thumb.

"What are you doing?!" exclaimed Finlay.

Unfazed, Jack lightly shook some salt onto her hand, where he had just licked, and quickly did the same to his hand.

His mother looked up at him and replied ecstatically, "We're doing Tequila!"

She showed him her shot glass and then, with a slightly apologetic tone, continued, "We finished our drinks and you've still got half a drink left, so we didn't know if you wanted one. You can go get one. We'll wait."

"No, don't worry about it," replied Finlay, annoyed at how quickly his mother turned to Jack with a big grin on her face.

"Lick the salt, we lock arms, do the shot and then the lemon. Got it?"

"Yup, GO!" announced Jennifer.

Finlay watched in disgust as his mum licked the hand that Jack just licked, and then leant in to Jack to lock arms with him. They downed their shots and then bit into their lemons, without unlocking arms. Using their free hands they discarded their lemons before looking at each other, their noses barely two fingers' width apart. Finlay's stomach churned as he wondered if they were going to...

Jennifer interrupted Finlay's train of thought by slamming down the shot glass on the table.

"It's been about 20 years since I did Tequila I think! I don't know if I remember all this lemon and salt stuff though but you can't forget that taste."

Leslie has come off her stool for the shot but she didn't sit back down, instead choosing to stand close to Jack as the music and ambient chatter made it increasingly difficult to talk. The alcohol was starting to make Finlay feel drowsy and he was getting bored with being ignored.

"How long are we planning on staying out?" asked Finlay, edging around closer to his mother and Jack so they could hear him better.

"It's barely past 9, mate. I was planning on staying for a few," replied Jack.

"We'll wait until 10 and see how we all feel," added Jennifer, but she was looking at Jack when she said it, which made Finlay think that she was unlikely to take into account his feelings.

"Jacky Jack Jackerrrrs!" came a voice that Finlay recognised as AP, one of Jack's rugby friends.

AP banged his pint glass down on the table and stumbled, obviously quite drunk, knocking the table a bit and sloshed a fair amount of his drink onto the table.

"AP!" yelled Jack as he put up his hand for a high-five, which turned into some stupid handshake ritual.

AP, as well as Jennifer and Jack, remained unaware of the pool of drink that was travelling to the edge of the table at risk of dripping onto all of their coats. Finlay took a few steps over to a shelf that had some napkins.

"Who's your date?" bellowed AP, loud enough that Finlay could still hear him.

Finlay waited near the table for a guy holding a tray of drinks to walk by.

"I'm flattered," said his mother, giggling, "But I'm much older than the rest of you."

And married? And not interested?! Finlay thought 'flattered' would be his mother's last reaction to this big lout thinking she's dating Jack.

"He's Finlay's mum."

"Finlay?" asked AP, before quickly continuing, "You mean Harry Potter!"

"Harry Potter?" asked his mum; like the rest of them completely ignoring his presence and the fact he was cleaning up AP's mess.

"Oh yeah, the first few times Finlay met AP he couldn't remember his name, he kept thinking it sounded like Harry Potter, so he just calls him that," explained Jack.

"Finlay Popple, Harry Potter, Oh I suppose it does sound a bit like that..." agreed his mother, seemingly unaware at how much he hated being called that.

Jack and Jennifer looked at Finlay, possibly acknowledging him of their own volition for the first time in an hour, which caused AP to follow their gaze.

"Harry! Didn't even see you there!" greeted AP, with an unnecessary, and painful, slap to the back.

"Oh yeah, I was just cleaning up the drink you spilled," grumbled Finlay.

"Ah right, cool," said AP, dismissively, with no hint of gratitude.

There was an awkward silence as all four of them looked to each other, though Jennifer maintained a tipsy smile.

AP broke the silence, "There's that look, the Harry Potter look!"

"What look?" asked Finlay, sure he wouldn't like the answer.

"Yeah, it's something Jackers said! You always look a bit dazed and confused, like Daniel Radcliffe trying to act. It's the Harry Potter look."

Jack laughed uncomfortably at first, but then he saw Jennifer giggling too, and his laugh became more hearty.

"You do sometimes look a bit lost," chuckled Jennifer, "That's quite funny."

AP and Jack looked to each other and smiled; this wasn't friendly banter like his mum thought it was. They both liked to rip into Finlay and now, unwittingly, his mum was egging them on.

Presumably, the satisfaction of having Finlay's mum compliment an insult at his expense was enough for AP and he gave both Finlay and Jack a slap on the back to say bye, though Finlay's seemed that little bit harder. AP and Jennifer exchanged 'nice to meet you' pleasantries but she went in and gave AP a hug.


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Reply #4 on: May 14, 2024, 01:19:40 PM
The trio finished another round of drinks and ten o'clock rolled by. Bored and tired, Finlay brought up leaving again but the other two suggested one more drink before calling it a night. Finlay, armed with his mum's cash, bought Jennifer and Jack more gin and tonics and got himself a diet coke, which he told Jack was a vodka and coke, to keep himself awake.

Jennifer talked Jack out of another round of Tequilas but they both decided to go on the small raised platform that just about counted as a dancefloor. They asked Finlay if he didn't mind looking after the stuff and he agreed; he didn't want to dance and they weren't really asking.

He watched the two of them dance together, checking they weren't getting to close or that Jack wasn't being to handsy. There was some hand holding as Jack spun her and a couple of times when they were doing some sort of attempt at a waltz, but it didn't ever get too inappropriate.

Still bored and ready to fall asleep, not to mention Finlay really didn't like bars with loud music, he was ready to give up and go home. After seeing Jen and Jackers on the dancefloor he realised the worst that would happen if he left them to their own devices they'd get more drunk probably just embarrass themselves with terrible moves.

"I think I'm going to go," announced Finlay when the other two came back to the table.

"I've still got a little bit of my drink left," replied Jennifer.

"Yeah," sighed Finlay, feeling defeated, "but if I wait then you'll just want to get another one or something."

"No, sweetie, just wait a few minutes..."

Jack quickly interjected, "I'm gonna stay out with AP if you guys go back. It's a short walk back, I could take you back when you're ready to go."

Finlay could see his mum wanted to say yes, but she instead asked, "What do you think? Is that OK, Finny?"

She was drunk and he was a sleaze, but what did Finlay really think would happen. This is exactly what Jack was on about earlier. He just needed to lighten up.

"Yeah," agreed Finlay, though it made him feel distinctly uncomfortable the moment the words left his lips.

"OK, see you soon. 20 minutes tops," smiled his mother.

Finlay gathered his stuff and headed out the packed bar, relieved he was leaving just as it was getting really busy. He looked back at the table with his mum and roommate, neither of them looking like they had any intention of leaving soon.


Finlay's dry eyes strained in the darkness. His throat was raw and his head felt like his brain was pulsing against his skull. He should have had a glass of water before bed considering he'd had a few pints. He just hadn't realised how many he had drunk because he was too busy worrying about Jack and his mum.

He wasn't sure the time, so he went to fetch for his phone; he always left it on the wall shelf above his bed. He looked up to where it should be and saw the frame of his bed. He took a few seconds and remembered he was sleeping on the floor because he had given up his bed to his mum. He wouldn't be able to reach his phone without undoing his sleeping bag and getting up, so he gave up on the idea.

He guessed the time must've been really early morning, based on how dark it was outside, and he half-rolled to his right, away from his bed, intending to go back to bed. He shut his eyes and tried to ignore Jack, who seemed to be half-snoring and half-panting.

He heard a couple of knocks and a groan from the corner of the room with Jack's bed. He couldn't see that corner, because it was diagonally behind him but he could hear and odd shuffling noise that accompanied the heavy breathing. Tangled in his sleeping bag, Finlay could just move his head to look up and to his right.

Because of the dark he still couldn't see much, but a thin sliver of light was peeking through a tiny gap in the curtains; though it fell beyond the end of Jack's bed, the light diffused enough to highlight the silhouette of Jack's rising and falling buttocks, as he thrust into a woman to whom the outline of a shapely thigh and a set of curled toes presumably belonged.

Finlay's heart began to race with anger, which only increased the painful throbbing in his head. It was one thing to fuck women in their room when just Finlay was there, but his mother was asleep just a couple of metres away from Jack's depravity. He wanted to get up and punch Jack squarely in the face, but he was scared he would wake his mum and force her to witness this shameful behaviour.

Then something terrible occurred to him, what if Jack had just left her alone to follow this random slut. Maybe he was being so brazen because she wasn't back and she was just wandering around outside. Fuck! He should have never left her. He looked up at the bed but couldn't really tell if she was there. He looked around the room and saw a woman's shoe lying in the stream of light, but it could have belonged to Jack's daily whore, rather than his mum. He followed the light to where it met the wall next to the door and saw a woman's bag; it looked like it was the one his mum had taken out with her. Turning to looking around further, he noticed that just behind his head was her coat, and he sighed with relief; she had definitely come back. He started to worry again though, it was completely unlike her to throw her coat on the floor. Had she had too much to drink and had to run out to throw up? Jack was ploughing her with far too much all night.

"Uhn... yes," quietly moaned the girl pinned beneath Jack and Finlay quickly looked at his bed, looking for signs that maybe his sleeping mother was about to be woken up.

"Yeah, you like that?" replied Jack, his voice hushed.

"Shhh... you'll wake him," she whispered in reply, and suddenly, the worst thought popped into Finlay's head.


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Reply #5 on: May 14, 2024, 01:19:57 PM
Right then a car pulled up on the street outside so that it's headlights created a strip of illumination that fell right across the head of Jack's bed. Finlay's viewing angle from the floor meant that he could only really see Jack's head, and just a hint of the thick wavy black hair of the woman he was kissing intensely. Finlay saw her back arch and heard a restrained moan as a delicate hand reach around Jack's head and grab a handful of hair. As the woman pulled tightly, Jack's head was lifted back just a couple of centimetres, into the light, and Finlay saw the glint of his mother's wedding ring.

Jennifer and Jack were clearly trying to keep themselves quiet, but their moans and groans were still audible. The only sounds he could hear other than their lustful whimpers and the noise of skin against skin against bedsheets were car doors shutting. As the car outside drove off the stream of light travelled along the naked writing bodies of the woman he loved more than anyone else in the world and the prick he hated sharing a room with.

Finlay was paralysed. How could he confront them now? He wanted to pretend he wasn't seeing what he was seeing, not have to shout at his sweaty, horny mum. Finlay stared in shock, willing himself awake from the nightmare.

His stomach began to churn as he heard the tell-tale lip-smacking of vigorous kisses and just watched helplessly as his mother's dainty feet locked together above Jack's buttocks. Her calves grabbed his hips tightly, but not as hard as her right hand was grasping his ribs.

As if she knew he was watching, as if she knew there was only one thing she could say to make it worse, hushed words slipped from her lips, "Oh yes, Jackers."

Her breathing became more frantic and her hand started to desperately paw at Jack's skin. The noise of barely controlled gasps was replaced by lips and tongues caressing each other and Finlay felt warm bile at the back of his throat.

Swallowing it, he controlled his stomach, just long enough to hear, breathlessly begged, "Come with me, come inside me, please."

"Uhn Jen," grunted Jack, hardly attempting to quieten himself any longer.

His mother's legs unwrapped and she used her heels to grab the back of Jack's thighs as he spread his legs to give him better leverage to thrust. Their abilities to keep quiet diminished, especially considering the outside world was all but dead; neither of them even noticed Jack's left foot made a loud thud as he place it down by the side of the bed for better purchase. His left hand entwined with Jennifer's right and they held them out off of the bed.

Finlay heard his mother intermittently emit sharp exhales whenever Jack thrust a bit too hard but she still seemed to be trying to stay quiet whenever she could. Jack's left hand went to grasp his mother's large right breast, and Finlay saw him pinch the nipple, which made her stifle a yelp. Both his hands dived under her body bringing her face into view for the first time. Her mouth was agape and her eyes were scrunched with concentration. He wondered that even if he tried, could he stop them.

Her hands grabbed a shoulder blade each, and both her legs rocked back until her toes were pointing straight at the ceiling. Her calves rocked back and forth to the rhythm of Jack's undulations, as her head came up to bury her face in Jack's shoulder.

Jennifer made a nearly silent exhale, bar a short squeak, which lead up to her whole body shuddering. She exhaled as she let out a quiet moan and he saw her whole body go limp. Jack made a few deep thrusts as he presumably, delivering further insult to Finlay, pumped sperm deep into woman who created him. Silence fell as the desperate heaving of his unfaithful mother and her new lover came to an end.

Finlay shut his eyes, still holding out hope this was a vivid dream, but he heard the peck of soft kisses followed by his mother's gentle cooing. He looked up again and saw Jack pull back enough to move his head to his mother's chest. He watched his roommate take her right nipple into his mouth and heard her moan approvingly as he sucked on it. She let him continue for 30 seconds before stroking her hand through his hair, eventually using it to coax him back to her lips.

Jennifer sat up and Finlay pulled his eye lids down so he could just about see what was happening on the bed, but appear like he was asleep if they looked over. Jack grabbed his boxers from the foot of the bed and pulled them back on as he clambered into bed. Jennifer kissed him briefly on the lips as she slowly got to her feet, stumbling for a second as she stood up completely. She walked unsteadily towards the wardrobe just beyond Finlay's feet, stopping for a second to turn to Jack. She stood in the sliver of light from the streetlamp and Finlay, to his shame, found himself thinking that Jennifer had an incredible body, better than someone half her age. Her skin shone with sweat, but the light just touched her right nipple, which glistened more, presumably with Jack's saliva. Jennifer blew Jack a kiss then opened the wardrobe, where she quietly rustled through some hangers. She slid on her nightie before stumbling back over to the bed.

Finlay watched, anxiously, through nearly shut eyes, as his mother seemed incapable of navigating around him. She tip-toed towards his head and stepped directly over his face. Her footing wasn't sure and she thumped her foot down just above Finlay's shoulder. As she paused over him, maybe to get her balance, drips from between her legs landed on Finlay's cheeks. He withheld another gag and resisted the urge to clean his face until his mother had clambered all the way into Finlay's bed. As silently as he could, he wiped his face with the edge of his sleeping bag, willing himself not to think about what that was a concoction of.

Deep breathing came from the corner of the room, this time it really was Jack snoring, seconds before his mother started doing the same, albeit hers sounded oddly graceful. Finlay rolled onto his back and started at the ceiling. His mother shuffled in her bed and her left hand flopped out for a few seconds. He stared at it, how relaxed it looked after how aggressively it was grasping jack just minutes before. He stared at his mother's wedding and engagement rings and wondered what was going through her head.

Eyes wide open, Finlay stared blankly into space above. As he eventually drifted back to sleep, he wondered how his mother could cheat on his data; he wondered why he was so pathetic that he didn't march over to the bed and throw them apart; but most disturbingly, he wondered why he had had an erection during the whole thing.


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Reply #6 on: May 14, 2024, 01:25:38 PM
Chapter 2: Showers always help with a hangover
Finlay woke to a groggy head and some twinges in his hip and shoulder. He reached up to the shelf above his bed to grab his phone from its usual resting place, but instead he found the frame of his bed and remembered he was sleeping on the floor. This triggered his memory of last night and her quickly withdrew his arm back into the sleeping bag. Cautiously, he looked over to Jack's bed and saw it empty, both of its usual inhabitant and any... visitors.

He carefully sat up, slowly rolling the shoulder that had not fared well from sleeping on the hard floor. As his eyes made it past the top of the mattress, he saw his mother was not in his bed, and he glanced around the room to check he really was alone. Without Jack or his mother here, he felt some tension ebb from his mind as he now had time to take stock of last night and really think about what he witnessed; was it even real? Was it a dream? Had he imagined some parts? Had he seen another woman in Jack's bed and addled a little by alcohol he filled in the rest with a preposterous scenario?

Whilst his fear that what he had seen really happened began to wane, a different anxiety took its place. Where was his mother? If that hadn't been her, then what had happened to her last night? He could see her heels and coat in the corner of the room, so he was sure she had actually been in this room at some point. He opened his wardrobe and saw her suitcase, which he opened to find her dress neatly folded on the top layer.

OK, that was a good sign. There were still now the questions of what he had seen - or more likely imagined - last night, and for that he'd need to get the story from his mum. Maybe she'd headed out this morning, but without her coat that seemed less likely. He glanced around the room to see her bag sitting on the floor by the foot of his bed, further confirming she was somewhere in his halls right now.

He grabbed his phone from the shelf he normally kept it to charge and saw it was coming up to 9am. Definitely far too early for Jack to be up on a Saturday, even some weekdays he barely got out of bed by 10. He went to call his mother, but as he looked over to Jack's bed to double check he definitely wasn't there, he saw Jennifer's phone charging, next to Jack's. He walked over to it and clicked the screen on to see quite a few notifications from various apps, and two messages from his dad, unread. It was also on 4% battery, which suggested she had only just plugged it in.

Nothing really screamed out to Finlay as clear evidence of what had happened and what was going on now. He wondered if he should just head up to the kitchen and grab some breakfast and wait for his mum to get back. She was most likely in the toilet, or gone to the kitchen herself, probably, but hopefully not, with Jack.

He went towards the door and picked a hoodie off from the hooks over the radiator when it clicked that Jack's garish towel wasn't hanging over it. It had Jack’s favourite football team's badge on it and having such an overt piece of football paraphernalia had been a red flag to Finlay, quite literally in this case thanks to Arsenal's team colours.

He went back to his mum's suitcase and saw her own small travel towel was gone. OK, that explains where they were. Just sit tight and wait for her to get back. That would have been the most sensible thing to do, but the mental image of his mother's legs wrapped around 'Jackers' torso plagued him. He'd have to pass the short corridor down to the men's washrooms on the way up to the kitchen anyway. He could poke his head in and see if Jack was there. He'd rather speak to his mum first, but deducing the sparse clues around the room it was most likely that his mum had spoken to Jack this morning, plugged in her phone then got directions to the women's showers.

'Hey Jack, hope you had fun last night. Didn't see my mum around this morning, have you? Just tell her I'll be up in the kitchen if you do,' he practiced saying in his head, trying to sound natural. He didn't know why he needed to try to sound natural, but he felt incredibly on edge right now.

He left the room with a deep breath. It wasn't a long walk to the washrooms, but it was enough to increase his anxiety again. Nothing had happened, he was being stupid, but it all seemed too real, such a vivid dream. Then again, whilst he had been tipsy, he surely can’t have been drunk enough to have invented that vision.

He came to the set of doors into the men's washroom, heading through the outer door first to a feeling of increasing nervousness, which got so much worse as he slowly pushed the inner door open, his arm shaking as it extended.

There was no one at the sinks, but Jack's red towel was draped over door of the furthest shower stall. Finlay let out a sigh and gave a brief thought to going over and knocking, but Jack would probably just make some shitty joke about Finlay wanting to join. No, he just needed to drink some water, have some cereal, wake up a little more, then head out for the day and spend some quality time with his mother who had not fuck...

'FUCK!' he thought as his eyes caught the sight of a small black towel, the microfiber travel towel he was almost certain was his mum's. It was on the towel rack opposite the last three stalls, below which was Jack's sports bag.

It was a pretty generic looking black towel. There was only one shower on. They were in the men’s shower room. His mind had threatened to jump to a conclusion that was the worst possible interpretation of the evidence. As slowly and as quietly as Finlay could manage, he snuck into the neighbouring stall. The noise of the shower seemed to obscure the faint sound of his bare feet on tiles and the gentle thud of the stall door closing, so he was sure he hadn’t alerted whoever was next to him – surely just Jack, on his own, no one else – that he was next door.

He fished his phone from his pocket and went to the camera mode, but then realised that it was obviously far safer to investigate using the ‘analogue way’. He crouched down, then went onto one knee and an elbow, allowing his head to get down far enough that he could see under the gap between the stalls. It was a big space, enough to fit a hand through comfortably, so he was able to clearly see the feet of the people, plural, who were showering together.
One pair of feet looked strong, athletic, reasonably hairy. The other pair were smaller, dainty, smooth, with neatly pained toenails. Definitely a couple; if it wasn’t obvious enough from the fact they were together in a shower stall, naked, it was reinforced to Finlay by their stance. The woman’s feet were gently tucked between the man’s in a way that very much suggested an embrace, likely a kiss.

Then it got worse. A happy giggly laugh pierced through the background noise of cascading water and the woman got down to her knees. Finlay stood up as fast as he could without making any noise. His stomach and heart fell so fast that it felt like he’d left them down in his crouched position.

“Fuck…” he whispered.

Falling back to his riskier first plan, he went to his phone and opened the camera app again. Holding his device in front of him, he could see how much his hand was shaking. Still, he flipped the phone to selfie mode and took a deep breath.

‘OK go!’ he thought to himself as poked the front facing camera over the top of the stall’s dividing wall. The camera took a second to focus but when it did, in clear gut-wrenching HD quality was Jack standing over Finlay’s mother. The end of Jack’s large dick was past his mum's lips as she eagerly pleasured him with her mouth.

Finlay ignored both the queasiness in his belly and the twitch of his own smaller, flaccid dick as he held the camera steady. He watched as Jack leant forward and reached out to catch himself on the handrails that were attached to the stall walls. Finlay felt the divider next to him shake as Jack’s hand grabbed the rail, and it made him even more aware this was really happening next to him, it wasn't just a video on his phone.

His mum's face was obscured by Jack’s torso and Finlay felt frustration. He knew he should either leave them be or try to stop them but morbid, sick curiosity wanted him to keep watching, keep filming.

His mum was the one betraying his dad, betraying him, and messing around with a guy literally young enough to be her son but Finlay knew he was in the wrong right now. A pervert, a voyeur, a creep.

He ignored the semi-erection that was growing in his pants and paused the recording. With less fear and more determination to see his mother sucking off his roommate. He got down low again and saw his mum’s legs. He lay down on the floor, unfazed by the dampness that had spilled over from Jennifer and Jack's stall and got as close as he dared to the gap.

Jack was facing the other way and his mum's face was buried in Jack's crotch, her eyes were probably closed or totally obscured by Jack's stomach as she eagerly licked and sucked his shaft. He could do this. He kept as much of his body in the middle of his own stall and edged his head right up to the bottom of the stall divider.

He couldn't see anything above his mum's chest or above Jack's legs, however, it was shocking to see the real life porn show unfolding in front of him. His mum's ample breasts swung in time to her mouth bobbing along Jack's shaft, sometimes being knocked by her right elbow as her right arm jerked his roommate and now, definitely, enemy’s hard dick.

He dared do it. He couldn't help himself. He slid his phone close to the gap, flinching at his own image lying desperately on the floor before swapping it back to the back camera and hitting record.

The vantage point of the camera was better than his own, he could see his mum groping Jack’s bum cheek and he saw Jack's hand move from the handrail to the back of her head. He couldn't actually see her head or see her working his shaft with her mouth but what he could see with his eyes and with his phone was disturbingly explicit. Jennifer’s legs were closed as she knelt between her new lover’s powerful calves and her breasts were only partly visible behind his even more muscular thighs, so this almost passed as a softcore show.

He dared more. Finlay knew it was a risk but he judged that if he kept his phone behind Jack’s legs he could get away with it for a few seconds. But just to be safe he tilted the camera up to get a good look at Jack's back. His head was tilted up, moving rhythmically, like he was breathing heavily. Not surprising, even if it was infuriating, as Finlay could tell his mum was giving the blowjob her all.

He gently moved the camera deeper into their stall, keeping it behind the line of Jack's feet. He went as far as his wrist fully passing the line between the stalls and raised the phone up to above ankle height. Jack's hip did still obscure his mum’s face, but that was a good thing. As long as he can't see her eyes she wouldn't see his phone. But he could see the back of her head from the side, see Jack’s fingers in her hair, see it moving so her lips could caress his erection.

He couldn’t see the phone screen very well as he managed to go a little higher, just the button to pause the recording and the button to take a still. He hit the photo button a few times, then addled by the surrealness of the situation decided to push just a little further in and hammer the screen where he thought the photo button was.

For a second, he thought he'd lost grip on the phone but he caught it before it slipped. Panicked, he withdrew his hand as fast as he dared and rolled into the middle of the stall. He could see Jack step away from Jennifer and he quickly scrambled to his feet. He heard the shower go off.

“What's wrong?” Echoed Jennifer’s voice.

“Dunno, just thought I saw something,” replied Jack.

Finlay thought about dashing out the stall, but he felt it too exposed. As he heard shuffling feet, he decided to push himself up off the ground using the handrails on the dividers and pulled he knees up as high as they could go. He wasn't strong, but luckily his frame meant he was quite light.

“Is there someone next door?” Asked Jennifer, this time in a whisper.

Finlay heard a soft grunt along with more moving feet and figured that he had made the right call, as it sounded like Jack getting back up after looking under the stalls gap.

“No, we're good,” answered Jack, speaking at full volume as he continued, “besides, I know people fuck in here all the time.”

“Oh really, and by ‘people’ you mean you right?”

“No, you're my first.”

Both Jennifer and Jack laughed. Finlay lowered himself down, his arms aching from the twenty seconds he had to hold himself up. She was openly laughing with Jack about being one of his… sluts… to fuck and toss aside.

“To be fair, you haven't actually fucked me in here yet.”

“That’s true, I just got carried away with how good your mouth felt.”

“Well…” Finlay heard his mother purr, “How does this feel?”

He heard a grunted laugh from Jack and a gasp from Jennifer.

“Fuck, you're wet.”

“That's what happens when you suck a big thick cock,” moaned Finlay's mum as Finlay bent low.

“Fuck you're a dirty slut aren't you,” chucked Jack. Finlay activated the camera function again and could see his mum's feet splayed wide and Jack standing neck to her.

He was fingering her and she sounded very much like she loved it. She was being a dirty slut, like Jack had called her.

“Fuck, that feels good, especially you calling me a slut. I’ve never really been called that before,” said his mother, her voice now a bit breathy.

“I find it hard to believe a slut like you doesn't get called a slut all the time.”

“Fuck no, it's just you that makes me so slutty, your fucking dirty slut.”

“Is it my big cock that makes you a slut?”

“Uhn… no it's all of you… fuck… I'm cumming Jack.”

Finlay knew how fucked up this was. He wasn't even trying to pretend to himself he wasn't excited by this, even if he was angry and ashamed too. He got up quietly, the shower was still off so he didn't have any cover for any noise he might make, but luckily the soft shuffling of his clothes and the light treading of his feet weren't enough to tip off his mum and roommate.

Back in selfie mode he raised his phone until it peeked over the top and he could see his mum lying against the corner of the shower stall, head buried in Jack's shoulder. Jack meanwhile was sucking Jennifer’s neck as he used both hands to bring her closer and closer to orgasm; one hand was under her fingers clearly deep inside her the other one pointing downwards, palm against her stomach and middle finger flicking his mum’s clit.

“Oh… fuck… Jack…uhnnn…”

Her head whipped up as she moaned, obviously trying to hold it in and Finlay panicked but realised her eyes were scrunched shut. Feeling brave he took a couple of photos then pulled back his phone

“Fuck,” he whispered, then poked his camera out from the bottom of the stall, being careful not to knock the stall divider and make a noise.

He didn't get anything near as good as her mid-moan but he caught her toes curling as she continued to gasp uncontrollably.

Her orgasm continued for the best part of a minute, then she laughed happily and he could hear kissing noises.

“OK wow that was a good one, I didn't think I had the energy for that after last night.”

More kissing noises came. He'd been filming his mum messing around with Jack for over ten minutes now. He began to consider if he should try to sneak out, but then the door to the shower room opened. He jumped a little before he caught himself and he heard Jennifer and Jack jump too.

Almost immediately, he heard the shower go back on, likely Jack or his mum were trying to hide the fact there were two of them in there. It helped Finlay relax a little too, now that not every tiny noise might give it away that he’d been hiding in the stall next door spying on them. Finlay lowered his phone again so he could use the camera to check on Jack and Jennifer, and this time both feet were pointing the same direction, Jack’s between his mother’s wide stance.

Despite nearly being caught, Finlay had confidence again and decided since they both seemed to be facing the shower presumably leaning against that wall as his mum let that arrogant, self-important dickhead thrust into her from behind, he could safely film them from behind. He was about to slip the camera above the stall divider when he heard the approaching footsteps of whomever entered the shower room.

For a few seconds he started to panic, wondering if for some reason they would try to enter his stall and realise it was occupied but no one was showering. Would they make a fuss and tip off his mother and Jack? He looked around the stall for options, but obviously none presented themselves.

Then heard the tap going. Whoever it was, they were probably just in here to brush their teeth, and they had to come closer to the end to get to the row of sinks. It was ok.

Aware that if he went too high with his phone he might be visible to the person brushing his teeth, Finlay was careful but still continued with his plan to see Jack and his mum back in action. He watched through his phone screen, in awe and disgust as Jack rolled his hips against Jennifer’s. She was desperately clinging to one of the handrails whilst her other hand was pawing at the tiled wall. Jack took a fist full of her hair and pulled her hair back. Her reaction was to hold the wrist of his that was roughly grabbing her and caress it softly, like she was saying ‘thanks for treating me like a cheap pornstar.’

“Oi oi! Jackers! Is that you, you Arsenal wanker?” Shouted the guy outside Finlay’s stall.

Finlay almost dropped his phone in shock, but, as before, some miracle of reflexes saved Finlay. He did however retreat to the centre of his stall as he heard the squeaking of the taps closing and movement outside as the guy approached the stall next to him.

“Ay! Yeah, that you Briggs?”

“Aye man. Mate, did you shag that MILF last night? She was fucking hot. You’ve fucked your way through all the girls our age and now you’re dicking down some fine older sluts!”

The way Briggs – Andy Briggs from the floor above Jack and Finlay’s room – forcefully called Finlay’s mum a slut gave him the creeps. But… apparently, she liked that, she liked ‘being his slut’.

It was a huge risk, but Finlay snuck the camera up over the divider again. Jack hadn’t even stopped. He was fucking Jennifer whilst Briggs talked about her like she was some sort of sex toy. But, clearly, his mum didn’t care either… she was holding Jack’s hand as he continued to gently gyrate against her.

With a laugh, Jack responded, “You could tell she was a dirty slut from that two-minute chat we had could you?”

“Aye!” Briggs laughed back, “She looked like she’d have jumped you in that bar. You’re a fucking lucky cunt. Great taste in women, even if you’ve got shitty taste in footie.”

“Fuck you, Briggs,” Jack shouted back as he turned away from Jennifer.

Finlay had just a second to react and hide his phone in case Jack noticed. The door to the shower room swung shut as Briggs left, and, now, believing they were alone, Jennifer and Jack started making more noise. The slapping of skin was just audible over the sound of the shower, as were his mum’s soft moans.

He also just about heard them speaking, first Jack, “Sorry, Briggs is probably still a bit drunk!”

Jennifer giggled, “Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure I am too. Besides he’s right.”

“Oh yeah? That you’re a slut?”


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Reply #7 on: May 14, 2024, 01:27:28 PM

Finlay could see his mum nodding; he couldn’t resist peeking at them again, and they were both facing the wall again.

“But…” added his mum, “I also definitely wanted to jump you in the bar.”

Jack laughed, and thrusted harder, “You kinda did remember. You tried to wank me off on the sofa. I reckon you’d have gone for a full blowjob if I hadn’t dragged you back here.”

“Ooops!” She giggled.

Finlay had only seen flashes of his mother’s ‘mischievous’ side. Usually when she was drinking with her friends, but it all seemed like harmless fun or the occasional dirty joke. This was… he didn’t know what this was.

“We definitely would have just fucked on the street if that car hadn’t come by.”

“Oh yeah… you were sooooo worried about that. I’d have kept going. I’m just glad that… uh… we were able to when we got back. I wouldn’t have forgiven you otherwise.”

“I know, I thought I was going to have to take you down to the basement kitchen, I didn’t think you’d be ok with him right there.”

This was fucked up. But Finlay was rock hard. Which was also fucked up.

“He’s always been a heavy sleeper.”

“It was just…”

“Shut up about him, just fuck me, I’m gonna cum again.”

“Fuck you’re such a slut.”

“Yes…” Jennifer groaned as she pulled Jack’s hand to between her legs as he continued to thrust into her fast.

She groaned, and cursed and they both called her a slut several times before she convulsed in a second orgasm.

“Good one?”

“Yeah,” she sighed.

“Where do you want me to finish?”

“On my face, I’ve never done that before.”


“Never. I really want to. I want your cum on my face.”

Finlay couldn’t believe it. His mum was begging for that fucking scumbag to spunk his fucking cum all over her face.

“Beg me for it,” he said.

“Please Jack, cum on my face, all over it.”

OK fuck now she was actually begging for it. He’d had to stop filming for a few seconds as the had rearranged themselves but she was on her knees again, looking up as she pleaded with him to cum on her face.

Finlay was pretty sure he’d picked an angle where his mum couldn’t see the phone sticking out from above the stall, but Finlay was too enraptured to care anymore. She was mostly obscured by Jack’s back and muscular thighs, but it was obvious they were both stroking his dick and she was sucking it until… it happened.

As soon as Jack groaned, Finlay snuck further forward to make sure he got his mum’s face in the video. He clicked the photo button, grabbing stills from the recording as Jennifer was splashed with thick ropes of semen all over her face and hair, letting some fall into her mouth. Proper porn level depravity on the face of the woman who raised him.

Her eyes were closed shut, but he knew he’d pushed his luck as far as it would go. As his mum giggled, and Jack called her a slut, Finlay carefully unlocked his own stall and snuck out under the cover of the noise coming from their shower. Sneaking too through the shower room door he exited as quietly as he could and ran back to his bedroom. The one he shared with Jack. The guy who obviously hated him. The guy who had just finished fucking his mum.

As the realisation of what was happening hit Finlay, the boner he’d been sporting for about ten minutes finally subsided. He didn’t know what to do, so he got back into his sleeping back and decided to pretend he was asleep for when his mum and her new boyfriend got back. He wondered why he was so pathetic, why couldn’t he say something? It was them who were doing the bad thing. Not him.

He took out his phone and scrolled to the gallery app. The ‘recently taken’ screen was filled with videos and photos of his mum and Jack going at it. He ignored his dick as his got a little harder again. He tried to look for a way to multi-select so he could delete his shameful collection. Then he heard footsteps at the door. He threw his phone under his bed next to him and arranged himself like he’d been asleep.

“Finny,” he heard Jack’s voice. The literal motherfucker. After what he did, still mocking him. Probably because he had every right to after Finlay had watched them fuck and did nothing. Watched them twice.

“Um…yeah,” replied Finlay, pretending that he was just about awake.

“Your mum’s in the shower, she wanted me to wake you up so you’d get ready so you can go grab breakfast,” Jack told him, like it was nothing. Like this was just a normal morning. Him cockily standing around in just a towel, muscular body just on show. Well, he had every right to be cocky after what he did, what he always does.

“Thanks,” said Finlay. Yes, Finlay thanked Jack.

Nothing happened, Finlay did nothing. He just got up and got ready. He thought he wanted to say something, but no, he just got dressed, put on some deodorant, and Jack ignored him. Was he on Tinder? He looked more like he was scrolling than swiping. What if he was on Tinder? Would Finlay be happy? Would it be good that Jack was diverting his attention elsewhere and this can just be one stupid one-off mistake and everyone could just forget it? Or maybe he should take the phone and tell him to fucking have some respect for Jennifer and not just be ready to fuck the next slut the moment he pulled out of her?

All those thoughts ran through his head. But Finlay just went to the toilets – he couldn’t face going back to the shower room – so he could use a sink to brush his teeth and wash his face. When he returned to his room, Jack was in just a t-shirt and shorts watching what sounded like football on his phone.

“Mate, can I borrow your little phone stand thing?”

‘No, no you fucking can’t you piece of shit. You insult me, you humiliate me, then you fuck my mum? Who the FUCK do you think you are?’

“Sure, it’s on my desk,” came the words from Finlay’s mouth, his impotent angry thoughts constrained silently to the back of his mind.

“Cool, thanks,” he grunted, not even looking at Finlay.

As he got out of bed the door swung open and his mum came in, much more dressed now, looking clean and fresh and respectable. Finlay focused on that image as much as he could to prevent other intrusive thoughts from making their way in.
“Hey sweetie, are you ready to go?” came the same voice that had professed to being Jack’s slut.

“Yeah, I just need to put my shoes on,” replied Finlay, his voice dry.

“Jack, can we bring you back anything?”

How could she speak to him in front of Finlay, like nothing had happened?

“No, I’m good Jen, thanks so much! I’ll see you later though,” he said with a smile and wave.

“Bye,” she replied, giving him an equally sweet wave.

As the door shut behind the two of them, Finlay looked at his mum. She looked back and he noticed a subtle nervous expression. She was assessing him, assessing to see if he knew what had happened. She said she was still drunk from the night before. Maybe she’d just realised how stupid and reckless she’d been.

“Everything ok, Finny?” she asked, sweetly, with concern in her voice she can’t possibly mean.

Now, now was his chance.

“Yeah, there’s a little café nearby I think you’d like,” he replied.

“Sounds perfect,” she said. She gave him a smile, but he noticed it wasn’t even half as enthusiastic as the one she’d given Jack.


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Reply #8 on: May 14, 2024, 07:48:20 PM
Finally. One of the best and one of my favorite stories continues. Thank you sir.  8) I hope there will be further chapters.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 07:50:16 PM by beholder »


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Reply #9 on: May 14, 2024, 07:56:26 PM
Am I dreaming? The best story in all of history is getting a chapter 2. I've read chapter 1 for at least 100 times, and I prayed for a continuation. Thank you so very much for this. If you're intending to write another chapter or two (or dozen) of this brilliantly written story, it will be the best news of the year.


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Reply #10 on: May 15, 2024, 12:49:22 PM
Damn. Are you the author of the original?
Or it is fan continuation of the story?


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Reply #11 on: May 17, 2024, 12:13:29 PM
more chapters of “a true performance” plz


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Reply #12 on: May 17, 2024, 08:31:53 PM
more chapters of “a true performance” plz

I think the author said somewhere that he has no intention of expanding that story and we need to respect that, but yeah, if he ever changes his mind and writes "A true performance" from the mother's perspective, meaning basically the same story/timeline but just from Samantha's point of view,  it would be a dream come true.


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Reply #13 on: May 22, 2024, 04:53:08 AM
The GOAT Returns with a sequel.
Thank you
I have been meaning to ask this.
How Does Jennifer Look Like? ( asking similar looking famous people )