Author Topic: Stories links (Moms vs Bullies)  (Read 1049500 times)


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Reply #120 on: February 07, 2020, 08:07:29 PM
Nebic sure has one hell of an imagination  ;)

The Bully From Hell, part 5


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Reply #121 on: April 01, 2020, 10:12:11 PM
Brand the Bully complete & Brand the Bully- The Original Story .docx format


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Reply #122 on: April 01, 2020, 10:42:54 PM
Brand the Bully - The Complete Story & Brand the Bully- The Original Story .PDF format


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Reply #123 on: April 01, 2020, 10:47:15 PM
Brad the Bully - The Compete Story & Brand the Bully - The Original Story .mobi format (for Kindle eBook, cause why the fuck not).


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Reply #124 on: April 01, 2020, 10:49:21 PM
Brand the Bully complete & Brand the Bully- The Original Story .docx format via google drive


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Reply #125 on: April 03, 2020, 06:17:07 PM

A new story in literotica, not sure if someone else posted this..


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Reply #126 on: April 06, 2020, 11:07:15 PM
Hey guys I got into literotica to read again one of my favorite stories: Anyone but mom! by DizzyDean, and it turned out that he deleted his account and all the chapters are lost. Has somebody saved them? I hope so, they were great


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Reply #127 on: April 07, 2020, 05:04:47 AM
That was one of the best stories.

In, I could only find the first chapter and the first page of the third.

If someone has it complete, please post it. I am sure everyone will be grateful.


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Reply #128 on: April 07, 2020, 11:24:40 PM
Post the wayback link please.


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Reply #129 on: April 08, 2020, 06:21:55 AM
That was one of the best stories.

In, I could only find the first chapter and the first page of the third.

If someone has it complete, please post it. I am sure everyone will be grateful.

If you could tell me and the forum the name and url of the old forum we might be able to find it.
DizzyDean used to post his stories to the old forum first before putting it up on Litorotica. I don't think we will have chapter 4 and 5 back but this way we can recover 2 and 3.

[Edit] Nvm I checked and he only posted previews before linking to litorotica.
For what it's worth, here's what's left of chapter 2

WARNING:  This story is based in the netorare (NTR) genre of erotic fiction.  Scenes of degradation and humiliation are graphic and uncensored.  There is no actual incest in the story, but the intent is there from one of the characters.  If you are not comfortable with this sort of content, kindly redirect your reading searches elsewhere. 

I do apologize to everyone for your long wait for this installment.  No long excuses – but my advice to everyone out there is to frequently back-up your computer work in the event of a sudden weather event.  Editing is an arduous process, and re-editing what you’ve already edited doesn’t go as fast as you may think.  My thanks to online editor, Turd Ferguson (‘it’s a funny name’) for helping me get it all done.  Rest assured I will be more careful in future, allowing me to post on a more regular basis. 

In this part of the saga, there is still some build-up to go through, but the final scene is as debauched as it is depraved.  I hope you enjoy...

Chapter 5
It was a busy morning at the office, so Bronwyn had no difficulties in remaining focused on her work.  She was to meet the new intern at 9 a.m., and that hour was fast approaching.  The last thing she wanted was to appear overly eager.  Men took advantage of women in that state, and she had no intention of being cowed by a man seventeen years her junior.

Her state of indifference was becoming more and more difficult to maintain, however.  When Bronwyn first arrived at the firm that morning, Linda Carmichael had shown her a particularly flattering photo of Hendrick that was taken at the office yesterday.  He had each of his arms around two attractive ladies who stood on either side of him.  A willowy blonde and a curvy brunette, they happened to be receptionists and the wet dreams of every guy in the office.  In any other case, being touched by one of their colleagues would immediately result in a visit to Human Resources to file a sexual harassment claim.  But it was clear from their faces that the two hotties only wanted to drag the young stud to the nearest hotel room with a prominent “Do not disturb” sign.  Hendrick beamed his thousand-watt smile at the camera.  He wore a multi-thousand dollar suit, and his thick, wavy dark hair was styled to perfection.  Bronwyn couldn’t stop herself from getting wet at seeing such a striking man. 

As she looked down at her desk and scribbled away on a document, she heard three authoritative raps on her office door.  Through sheer will power, she raised her head slowly, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible.  When she laid eyes on Hendrick in the flesh, she inhaled a short breath of air, hoping he didn’t notice.  She barely acknowledged her boss, Elwin Masters, who had accompanied this gorgeous hunk of masculinity.  Bronwyn stood and walked out from behind her desk to greet them both.  She felt her pussy tingle as she walked across the carpet.  Hendrick smiled bemusedly at her, as if he had X-ray vision and could see the love butter leaking from her snatch. 

“Bronwyn Amherst, this is our bright new prospect, Hendrick Colburn,” said Mr. Masters with an outstretched hand.  “You two will be spending a lot of time together over the next few months.” 

Bronwyn flashed her new apprentice a toothy smile and offered her hand in salutation.  Hendrick took it in both his large hands and gave her a friendly shake.  He returned Bronwyn’s warm, welcoming smile.  Yow-wee, he’s a hunk, and he smells wonderful.

“A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Amherst.  I’ve heard a lot about you,” said Hendrick, who maintained eye contact throughout the introduction.

“Same, same here, Mr. Colburn.  I look forward to working for you.”  Bronwyn replied.  Hendrick and Mr. Masters glanced at each other.  Bronwyn cringed inside as she realized her error.

“I, I mean with you,” she hastily added. 

Hendrick grinned with feigned bashfulness, but his ego was doing a vigorous fist pump.  I just met the bitch, and she’s already falling for me.  Look at that incredible body.  I’m going to enjoy defiling it.

After Masters left, mentor and intern spent a full half-hour in Bronwyn’s office getting acquainted.  Some attention was given to practical topics, such as the nature of the work he’d be doing.  But most of the time was spent with Bronwyn’s chin resting on her upturned palm as she listened to the fascinating anecdotes and clever humor of the precocious stud before her.  Hendrick was obviously intelligent and articulate.  He had a knack for expressing himself in language that was clear but eloquent at the same time.  Judicious use of sarcasm to emphasize but not overstate his points delighted her.  Her panties were soaking wet as Hendrick excused himself for a restroom break. 

As she stood, she could feel her juices running down her leg.  God, I wish I’d worn panty hose after all!  Bronwyn re-seated herself and got a tissue out of her purse.  She craned her neck to look out the door and then surreptitiously blotted the wetness away from between her legs.  Bronwyn threw the sodden tissue in her wastebasket just as Hendrick was coming back from his aborted trip to the men’s room.  He knew what he did to women, so he wasn’t surprised to see Ms. Amherst disposing of the evidence of her arousal.  Hendrick cocked his head and gave her an expression of playful rebuke.  She blushed visibly and stood up from her desk.  It was time for a tour of the offices and the legal library where much research was to be done on their upcoming case.  Legal precedents – it was all about legal precedents with Bronwyn, carefully chosen and flawlessly unpacked.  She would teach her young charge that half the battle in winning a case involved poring through thick law books and their vast wealth of information. 

“So, yeah, Hendrick” she said to him back at her office.  “My primary work now involves a case of eminent domain.  It will mean some courtroom time, and I’d like you to be there as my co-counsel.”  He had told her moments after they first met to dispense with the “Mr. Colburn” nonsense.  The person with that title was his father. 

“Well, you must have a lot of confidence in me, throwing me in the deep section of the swimming pool so soon.  I’m honored, Ms. Amherst” he gracefully observed.

Bronwyn smiled at him for perhaps the thousandth time and nodded her head.  “We’ll spend lots of time together on preparation.  I’m sure you’ll do fine.” 
She considered her next statement but went against her better judgment when she said, “And please call me Bronwyn.  I don’t want things to be stiff and formal between us.  That will ruin the kind of relaxed back-and-forth communication we’ll need to cover everything.”

“Certainly…Bronwyn,” he replied, putting emphasis on her name.  “Stiff has its place, but it’s not here,” he added with no change in expression. 

The innuendo struck at the core of her boiling sexuality.  She suddenly had a vivid image of Hendrick fucking her from behind as she was bent over her desk, wearing nothing but her heels, garter, and thigh-highs.  In this image, her hands were splayed open on the mahogany top as he slammed into her with his rigid horse cock.  Bronwyn could see her own face, a contorted mask of ecstasy, and she could hear the inhuman screams and moans that his shlong was power-fucking out of her. 

Bronwyn shivered as if cold and shook her head to clear the sexual cobwebs.  Like this beautiful man said, stiff has its place, but it’s not here.  So, where the fuck is it?  I want to be there and get drilled like a Libyan oilfield by this swarthy stud. 
On an impulse, Bronwyn reached out and rubbed the material of Hendrick’s suited sleeve between her fingers.  “Such elegant material,” she sighed.  “You will make a great impression on the judge.  I know him, and he’s a stickler for professional attire in his courtroom.”

In his mind, Hendrick was celebrating like the Patriots after Super Bowl 51.  This is going much faster than even I expected.  This chick must be starving for cock!

“Yes, as my mother used to say, clothes make the man,” he replied as she continued to rub his sleeve in a near hypnotic state.  Hendrick’s understated but virile cologne filled her nostrils along with his freshly showered man aroma.  Her pussy was screaming at her for some attention.

“Your outfit is very nice as well,” he commented, smoothing his hand over the sky-blue fabric covering Bronwyn’s forearm. 

She beamed at the compliment.  “Thank you!  I think personal presentation says a lot about a person, both in business and private life.”

“Indeed,” Hendrick agreed.  “So, you see the problem with that outfit, then?”  It was more a statement than a question.  Bronwyn’s face fell and she looked down at herself, as if trying to locate an elusive ink spot.

“Umm, I don’t follow,” she replied, beseeching her young charge with doe eyes.

“Well, blue is a great color, but navy is the proper shade to show trust, reliability, and authority.  Sky-blue in business communicates deception, unreliability, and aloofness.  All these qualities are poison for a lawyer, wouldn’t you agree?”  Hendrick knew he had scored big.  From his thorough examination of all Bronwyn’s social media, he know how much of a clotheshorse she was.

Bronwyn was speechless.  She was trying to process what she just heard.  A big part of her mind felt outrage at being pasted with such unflattering labels.  She came extremely close to giving this young whippersnapper a piece of her mind.  But the way Hendrick was looking at her – helpful and questioning…

“I don’t know that I agree,” Bronwyn said sternly, dispensing her anger in a bite-sized dose.

“That’s your prerogative, but what I said is a demonstrable fact.  Do you know anything about the psychology of color?”  Bronwyn shook her head. 

“It’s a fascinating field of study.  Haven’t you ever wondered why police officers all over the world wear dark blue uniforms?” 

She shook her head again, becoming increasingly annoyed at being shown up by this young man. 

“Well, dark blue tells people, ‘Cool down.  I’m here, I’m capable, and I’m in charge.’  The human response to this color is universal.”

Bamboozled by his logic, Bronwyn pulled her arms back and hugged herself.  It was a glaring sign of doubt and insecurity.  Hendrick smiled inwardly.  Now, it’s time to jerk her the other way.

“Of course, you’re a very attractive and intelligent woman,” he added.  “Changing your wardrobe is a relatively simple thing.”

Her embarrassment and despair were pushed out of her by this well-selected compliment.  Then again, she didn’t relish the idea of buying a new suit to replace this one, which she loved.  It would not be cheap.  A puzzled Bronwyn smiled at Hendrick and redirected his attention to their case.

They exchanged ideas and quoted legal precedents for nearly an hour.  Bronwyn was impressed by Hendrick’s excellent memory and ability to coordinate facts into a solid argument.  He struck her as a natural born litigator.  His crafty ‘negging’ of her attire was quickly forgotten.  If anything, it just made her want to impress him.  To that end, she put her pen down and looked at her watch.  It indicated that lunch time was at hand.  I’ll take him to Jean-Pierre’s Kitchen.  It’s one of the best restaurants in Cincinnati.  He’ll see that I have taste.

“So, Hendrick.  If you’re free for lunch, I’d like to treat you to one of our city’s best dining experiences.”

His eyebrows went up in anticipation of further details.  He didn’t speak, which unnerved his mentor.

“Jean-Pierre’s Kitchen!” she announced with pride.  “Have you ever been there?”

Looking unimpressed, Hendrick replied, “It’s an excellent place, but I’ve dined at better establishments in Paris and New York.”

“Well,” an irritated Bronwyn responded, “in our ‘one-horse’ town, it’s practically an institution.  Anyway, it’s my treat, so you won’t be losing anything.” 

Hendrick stood to his full 6’3” height.  Bowing his head as he buttoned his suit jacket, he said, “I graciously accept, Bronwyn.  That’s very thoughtful.”  She smiled gratefully at him as she rose from her desk.  The two of them walked out the door and headed to the restaurant. 

Chapter 6
Bronwyn had broken her own rules and ordered wine with lunch.  She was on her second glass.  Ordinarily, she never consumed alcohol during business hours, preferring to keep her mind as sharp as a tack.  But this mysterious young man had thrown her off her game, and she needed something to steady herself.  He’s a perfect gentleman, and his manners are impeccable.  I just can’t work out what he really thinks of me. 

Hendrick continued to engage Bronwyn in his dance of manipulation.  Even when they were discussing the case, he maintained his game of one-upmanship.  He would raise her up with a tastefully expressed compliment and then bring her down with a veiled criticism. 

“Yes, I agree that the case of Kelo v. City of New London is the strongest precedent we can cite,” he said with conviction.  “However, in dealing with our case of eminent domain, I feel that the compelling point for the seizure of private property is ‘reasonably foreseeable needs’ rather than ‘reasonably necessary.’  After all, Columbus is experiencing much needed economic growth right now.  They made the Intelligent Community Forum’s list just three years ago.” 

Bronwyn just looked at him and blinked her eyes.  This guy had been putting her on the back foot since they met this morning.  Her irritation was still there, but it was giving way to arousal and desire.  She was so used to men being pleasant and cooperative with her.  She never had difficulty in getting her way with the male of the species…until now.  Hendrick had gone from an irritant to a challenge, and challenges to Bronwyn were things to be overcome, not avoided. 

Just then, the waiter stopped by their table and asked Bronwyn if she wanted another glass of wine.  Before she could speak, Hendrick told him, “No, the lady is fine, but bring me another scotch and soda.”

Again, the much older Ms. Amherst was dumbstruck at the young man’s insolence.  She could contain herself no longer, “Why did you do that, Hendrick?  That was my decision.”

He looked at her sheepishly and said, “I was just trying to save you embarrassment.”

“What embarrassment?” she demanded.

“Well, you’re a woman.”

She gave him a ‘No shit, Sherlock!’ expression.  He continued, “They’re at a disadvantage in social and professional situations where drinking is involved.  They can’t hold their liquor like men.”

Bronwyn hands curled into fists on the table.  Her confusion was off the dial.  This was the first time she’d ever been horny and angry at the same time.  “How can you say that?  Because men are bigger?  Well, that’s not always a factor in how strong a drinker someone is.”  She was filled with confidence as she remembered the occasions back in college when she would drink men under the table.  She’d join them there shortly thereafter, cross-eyed and clueless, but at least she could claim the victory. 

Hendrick held up his open palms and shrugged.  “This is not my opinion. It’s a demonstrable fact.  Women have less of a certain enzyme, ADH, that breaks down alcohol before it leaves the stomach for the bloodstream.”

Another ‘demonstrable’ fact.  What is this guy, a walking encyclopedia?  “I’ll tell you what, big shot.  We have a lot of ground to cover before the week is out, meaning we’ll have to take some working meal times.  You can thank me for this lunch by taking me out for drinks Friday night.  You’ll see that I can drink and remain sharp as a tack.  Are you game?”

Hendrick smiled wider than he should have.  His prey had fallen into his first major trap.  “Always,” he replied ominously.  “What’s life without a little friendly competition?”
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 06:50:26 AM by ks9045 »


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Reply #130 on: April 09, 2020, 08:29:08 AM
That was one of the best stories.

In, I could only find the first chapter and the first page of the third.

If someone has it complete, please post it. I am sure everyone will be grateful.

Chapters 1 - 5

The link would be valid for 14 days. Can you upload it somewhere else so it stays up?


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Reply #131 on: April 09, 2020, 06:00:07 PM
The link would be valid for 14 days. Can you upload it somewhere else so it stays up?

Here are three download links so readers can save them and post them on their own.


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Reply #132 on: April 09, 2020, 08:21:05 PM
Ok here is a good one

Catherine Dixon's Punishment

Its about a teen who bullies another student into helping him blackmail the victims mother into sex. She then becomes the bullies willing sex slave. Its a bit long winded but has tons of potential.


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Reply #133 on: April 11, 2020, 02:40:34 AM
That was one of the best stories.

In, I could only find the first chapter and the first page of the third.

If someone has it complete, please post it. I am sure everyone will be grateful.

Chapters 1 - 5

The link would be valid for 14 days. Can you upload it somewhere else so it stays up?

Holy shit, thank you dude. Youre a hero.


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Reply #134 on: April 11, 2020, 07:54:15 AM
livingwithhotmom and insistentelk, thank you for your help in saving that great story.