Author Topic: Story Ideas and Plots  (Read 1505 times)


  • NOOB
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on: August 05, 2023, 11:52:53 AM
In this thread we write our ideas for plots and maybe somebody else can find inspiration in them and write a whole story around it. I'll start with a few.

1. Single (divorced) mom and son go on a vacation to the beach. Son invites his best friend to come with. There the best friend sees the mom in a bikini. He always had the hots for her. It's a two week vacation. It starts innocently enough. The best friend helps mom with simple tasks while the son is being a clueless brat. A few days in they play a drinking game in the evening. Son is a lightweight and gets drunk. Best friend makes a move on the mom and kisses her. They make-out for a while before stopping. Next day mom is acting standoffish but really he is replaying what happened in her mind. Son sees nothing our of the ordinary. Best friend keeps making moves on her... Eventually she gives in and they have sex while son occupied with something else. It has to be mentioned that mom loves her son very much and is really worried about their relationship if he found out. The best friend is too but he cares more about the sex (horny teenager). They keep fucking around for the whole vacation without the son finding out. A couple of hot scenes that could happen: They get the son drunk again and have sex in the same room as he is in. Another son wakes up during the night to listen to his mother moaning. Thinking he is just masturbating he jerks off to it and goes back to sleep. Another is that they have sex in the shower in the morning as son is banging on the door telling his mom to finish up already as he needs to use the bathroom. Or his mom giving the best friend a handjob under the table as they eat lunch. The sequel could be how their relationship continues at home.

2. Mom works a mundane job. It's the end of school year and parents are invited to be present. Pupils get their report cards and take some pictures. Mom waits for her son as she is counted by the photographer. He gives her a card and tells her she will be perfect for a photo shoot. She says she isn't interested. She gets home, tells hubby. They need the money as they want to buy a new house (current one is a dump). She calls the photographer and they set up a meeting. At the meeting she and hubby find out that it's a adult magazine for women over 40. Milf magazine. She declines again but he offers her 20k. She and hubby agree and she signs a contract for 3 photo shoots. At home she lies to son about what she is doing. Finally she gets and does the first photo shoot. She feels sexy after it. The pictures are released and she is worried someone she knows will pick it up. Nothing happened and she does her second photo shoot. First one was with her cosplaying a sexy teacher. Second one is her cosplaying a (insert whatever you like). This time however sons friend stumbles upon the magazine by accident. He becomes obsessed with her and plans to seduce her. Hubby in the meantime sees how popular his wife is and suggests to her that they open an onlyfans account. Eventually she does and more money comes in. Son's friend uses this and tries to blackmail her. She wants to protect her son so she gives in. They have sex behind her son and husbands knowledge. Son's friend gets bolder and suggests that they film a scene for her onlyfans. Husband is against it but gives in as he sees dollar bills in his eyes. First it's a threesome then it's just cuck scenes. Son never finds out but his friend keeps telling him stories about a milf he is seeing. Son is jealous. Some hot scenes that could happen: Mom and son's friend are having sex in the family pool while son is playing video games. Husband has to keep son occupied as mom and son's friend have sex in her room. Son's friend sleeps over and mom gives him a blowjob on the couch while son is getting ready for bed and husband is in the kitchen making them drinks. Son's friend makes mom wear less and less clothes around the home. Making her look like a slut (no bra or underwear). Son feels bad for getting a hardon thinking of her that way. The ending could be son finding out all of this as he finds her onlyfans on the internet.

3. Single mom marries a new guy. He also has a son. After a few years he dies. Step son is a year or two younger that her son. There is a natural disaster (earthquake, flooding... it's a whole subplot of this story as mom tries to get insurance to pay and they do in the end) so they have to move temporarily to a new location. The new home only has a few rooms which means step bro has to share the room with mom. Son makes fun of him because of it but he doesn't know that step bro wants their mom. Mom gets drunk one night and step bro gets her naked on her bed. He jerks off. Here comes the slow seduction. Mom wakes up one night to see what step bro is doing to her. She is shocked and tries to reason with him but he somehow manages to convince her that nobody will find out. So they start fooling around. She makes him promise he will never blab about to to his brother. And so mom teaches step bro about sex and stuff all the while while her son is clueless. Eventually son suspects that mom is seeing someone else so he enlists his step bro to help him find out who it is. He even pays him to do it (or do her). Again the step bro could become more bold and have mom do slutty things around the house and stuff. Like mom sends son to go to the store while she and step bro have sex in the kitchen or something. Or how they almost her caught as she is giving him a blowjob under the desk and step bro is playing video games.... Anyway story ends with them returning to their new home that the insurance paid for. but is also feels like it's only just the begging as step bro has more plans for her.

As you can see I don't like in your face humiliation. I prefer the son being clueless as long as possible. I would like to read your ideas for stories. Like I said before. Maybe somebody will find inspiration in them.


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Reply #1 on: August 08, 2023, 08:28:12 AM
Here's some older ideas I've had lying around. I have more and even some basic story prompts I can share if there is an audience for them.

Mom is convinced by her friends to go out dancing with them one night, later on during the week son overhears a convo between his mom and one of her friends about how she cut loose and was dancing pretty friendly with some guys. Later on son thinking nothing of it tells a couple of his buddies and unknown to him they want to fuck his mom. Son notices they seem to be around more than usual even when he's not around. One night his mom says he's going dancing and he calls his buddies but each tell him they are busy but actually set up the dance night to get with his mom and her friends. Son finds out his friends are up to something when one of his friends gf calls him later and says his friend said he would be hanging out with him at club X, same place his mom and her friends went.

Son and his friends decide to celebrate college graduation by going out. Mom wants to go but son turns her down because he think it would be weird and he hates how his friends leer and hit on her. She convinces him to let her tag along and she'll pay for everything. They go to a few bars and in a half-drunken state go to a strip-club where mom gets mistaken for one of her sons friends gf by a stripper asking if they want a couples lap dance and in order to not make the situation awkward goes along.

Son moves into new town and makes some new friends, they introduce him to weed and during one time while smoking at his house his mom comes home early. This is the first time his friends have seen his mom to his knowledge and one of his buddies invites mom to smoke with them. She gets high with them and son gets asked to run and get some soda. He's about to leave when he sees that his mom had already got soda and must of forgot and goes back and see his friends have started asking his mom more risque questions making it obvious they think shes hot. One friend blurts out she has great tits and the group looks on stunned while the son is hiding watching this unfold.

Mom just recently had a baby a few months ago. Son has a buddy who has become fixated on his mom and son catches him one night jacking off while watching his mom breastfeed. Son's friend gets himself invited on family camping trip and sees an opportunity to break the breast pump while putting himself into a situation with the mom that would make him the breast pump all while the son watches from the shadows.

Parents divorce while son is in college, he helps mom move into her new place. The next door neighboor is a 20-something year old who goes by the name "DJ Steve" and as you guess is a DJ. Son notices immediately that this guy wants him mom though shugs it off, his mom's hot and he's used to seeing that type of reaction. A couple months later son stops by his moms but she's not home. He walks in the house and sees a flyer for a rave this weekend being hosted by Steve. Again he shugs it off, just Steve trying to get into his moms pants. This is where we find out Son loves watching his mom as he goes into her room to snoop on her computer and go through her things to masturbate with. Son shocked to see his mom has recently purchased a very seductive gogo dancer girl's outfit and is planning to go to the rave! Story will chornicle what happens at the rave and after.

Son is excited it's summer and can't wait for the family trip, he's even more excited then normal because his dad isn't going leaving it just him, his mom, his cousin and his aunt. His step-uncle was going up until recently when a deal fell through and caused him to not be able to go. The reason the son is so excited because he's hoping he might be able to score with his aunt or at least see her naked. He's had a huge thing for her and even made a deal with his cousin to help him get with his mom if he helps him get with his aunt. Son's excitement is soon shattered when he finds out his step-cousin is coming and bringing along a friend, the friend being a bully from middleschool that the son hates.