Author Topic: The Jackson Chronicles: Vol 1  (Read 5920 times)


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on: December 24, 2019, 06:55:55 PM
Hi guys, Merry Christmas! I wanted to let you know that I wrote a new story. It's only my second story so it's not a masterpiece, but I hope you guys enjoy!

The Jackson Chronicles: Vol 1

Jordan Smith lived with his mother Brandy in a small town in Montana. Life was peaceful, Jordan and his mother regularly went to church, Jordan was a straight A student who participated in multiple regional spelling tournaments. As such he and his mother spent a lot of time on the road together. Jordan was a portly 18 year old with freckles and acne problems. As such he was subject to teasing among his peers.

 His saving grace was his best friend Sandra Hopkins. They were best friends and next door neighbors ever since they were children. They had a lot of the same hobbies and interests and it was almost impossible to separate them. Sandra was also 18 although Sandra had gone through puberty much better. She had a full and perky chest and her waist was also filled out quite nicely. Sandra was also an honor student who excelled in gymnastics, thus she was always in excellent condition. Brandy was her coach and loved Sandra like her own daughter. Brandy had shoulder length red hair and was fit for a 40 year old. The three of them were always together, always laughing and sharing experiences. Life was peaceful.

Jordan was walking down the school hallways, his head wrapped in thought. He had been selected to represent the school in the annual regional spelling bee. He was extremely proud, yet also very anxious.  With the end of the year approaching he would have to cram for so many exams and the spelling bee. Not to mention he was finally planning on telling Sandra the truth. Jordan had always had his eye on Sandra ever since they first met all those years ago. He would always notice her beautiful blonde hair and how it would light up in the sun, her pale skin glistening in the rays. His thoughts were cut off however.

“Help me!” a fat mexican teen ran towards Jordan. The boy made a mad dash towards the bathroom. Jordan kept walking when he came face to face with the object of the boys panic.
“Hey nerd! Watch where you’re going!” Jordan suddenly found himself on the floor. He could hear the bully calling for his victim before eventually making his way into the bathroom.
“I found you Juanito! Come here!” All Jordan heard on his way out was screaming. Walking towards the gym, Jordan caught a glimpse of Sandra and his mother warming up. Sandra spotted him and beckoned to him happily.

Making his way to her, Jordan noticed how tight and firm her gymnast outfit was on her. And how good her legs looked.
“Hey Jordy, guess what!” Sandra took out a paper with her name on it. “ I got into Yale! Isn’t this great!”
“I’m so proud of you Sandy, I knew you could do it!” chimed in Brandy.
 Jordan was torn. He was happy that Sandra got into a great college, but another part of him was upset at the idea of losing his only friend.
“Yeah, congrats Sandy.” Jordan muttered
“Aw don’t get down Jordy. I’m still gonna visit you and besides, we have the whole summer together!” At hearing this Jordan perked up slightly.
“I guess you’re right Sandy.”
“Of course I’m right, I’m your better half!” Sandra grinned. “I heard you got into the regional championships Jordy!”
“That’s my smart baby boy!” cheered Brandy. Jordan smiled sheepishly.
“So, where’s the championship at? We can take a road trip together!” Jordan smiled brightly at Sandy.
“It’s going to be in Monroe city.” At hearing this Brandy sighed hard
“Ugh.. Monroe is such a shithole of a city. Your teacher Mrs. Crenshaw told me she went there with her husband and a guy kept harassing her, in front of her husband! Can you believe that?”
“No way! And Mrs. Crenshaw is such a sweet teacher.” Sandra said incredulously.
“Not to mention really hot” Jordan thought. The bell rang snapping the three from their conversation.
“Ok you two, finish up with your classes. I’ll see you later!”

Jordan and Sandra walked side by side down the hallway, their minds on different subjects. Sandra was ecstatic about her acceptance and Jordan was thinking about Sandra. Pretty soon summer would come and it would be his final chance to tell her the truth.
“Hey Jordy..” Jordan looked at Sandy. “When I go to Yale,” -Sandra pointed to her chest- “you’ll still be here alright?” Jordan smiled at Sandy and pointed to his chest.
“And you’ll be here always!” Smiling, the two friends parted ways to their classes.

At home Brandy and Jordan were eating dinner.
“So how was school?” Brandy asked.
“It was okay, I have a lot of exams coming up, so I’ve been swamped.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, Jordy. You’re a smart boy, these exams aren’t gonna stop you!” Brandy laughed
“I’m not worried, but these regionals are tough work mom. The best of the best are going to be going there!”
“And you’re the best of the best of the best Jordy!”
“Ah mom! You’re embarrassing me.”
“So, Why haven’t you told Sandy how you feel about her?” Jordan stared at his mother in shock. “Come on Jordy I’m your mother, I know you like her, hell I’ve known about it since you two started elementary school.”
“She doesn’t want a nerd like me mom, she’s too beautiful.”
“Nonsense! She never stops talking about you and she’s always around you. I think she likes you more than you know.”
“Aw mom…”

It was a week before the Regional Championships and Jordan, Brandy, and Sandra had all packed their belongings and were on the road.
“Hey Jordy, where are we supposed to go?” asked Brandy.
“It says we’re staying at the Pineview Motel.”
“The Pineview? That’s where Mrs. Crenshaw told me she got harrassed!” Brandy stammered. 
“It’ll be okay Brandy, We have Jordy here!” At hearing this Jordan blushed and did an awkward laugh.
“Well, I hope nothing too bad happens I am responsible for the both of you.” Brandy sighed

The group arrived at the Pineview. It looked old and run down with most rooms unoccupied. Brandy and Sandra went in to collect their room keys while Jordy stood back to unpack the supplies. Brandy and Sandra came to the front desk where they were loudly greeted by a young man no older than 21.
“Damn you girls are fine!” Brandy and Sandra blushed.
“Ugh, have some respect young man!” Brandy huffed.
“Where are my manners? My names Jackson, welcome to the Pineview and might I add that you’re both extremely sexy?”
“Listen you pig, we have a reservation under Brandy Sandra and Jordan.” Brandy was becoming increasingly annoyed.
“Ah Brandy and Sandy, my two favorite moods.”- Jackson took the room keys and handed them to Brandy. -” I live in the top room if you girls ‘need’ anything.” Jackson flashed a crooked smile.
 “Believe me we won’t.” Sandra stated. Making their way out, Brandy and Sandra could feel his eyes still on them.
“What a creep!” Sandra stated.
“I know, he looked at me like I was a piece of meat!” Brandy replied angrily.

They came upon Jordan who was struggling to unpack everything. Momentarily forgetting about Jackson,  they started helping Jordan.
“Geez Jordy, this isn’t that heavy.” Brandy quipped.
“Sorry mom, It was a lot of things and I got tired.” They made their way to the rooms.
“Ok Jordy you get your own room, and me and Sandy will stay together.”
“I thought we all had our own rooms mom?”
We were going to, but I don’t have a good feeling about this place. It’s best if Sandra stays with me.” Sandra grinned at Brandy.
“Ok Brandy, We’ll have a girls night!”

The trio had separated for the night and Jordan was in his room bored. He decided to go out and get some coffee. Coming across the main desk Jordan found himself staring at Jackson.
“Yeah, What the fuck do you want fatty?” Jordan was shocked
“Um I’m looking for some coffee.”
“We don’t have any coffee here you shit stain. Now get the fuck out, I have some fresh pussy coming tonight and I don’t need you stinking up the atmosphere. Oh yeah,tell your fine ass mommy and girlfriend I’m gonna see them soon.” Jackson laughed. Jordan left embarrassed and hurried to his room. Thinking about Jackson’s parting words, Jordan could see why his mom was weary.

A little while later Jordan was still bored and searching the room for anything to do. He came across a stack of vcr tapes, curious he placed one in the Vcr of the tv and was shocked to see it was porn. In the video a man was busy pounding away at a black haired female, her moans filled the room. This continued for a bit until the man got off the woman and laid on his back. Jordan was shocked to see the man’s member was so big and even more shocked to see that it was Jackson! The woman got on her knees and began to suck Jackson’s dick. Jordan couldn’t help but get turned on at the way her head bobbed up and down and the sounds she made. Eventually she got up and sat on Jackson’s dick. However Jordan couldn’t help but notice that the woman on the screen looked familiar. Too familiar.

“Mrs Crenshaw!?” Jordan felt like a ton of bricks hit him all at once. His married teacher came here and was seduced by that bully? He couldn’t believe his eyes.
Every thrust made Mrs. Crenshaw moan more and more until eventually she came. Jordan was extremely turned on at the sight, however, to his dismay the video ended. Jordan was startled to hear noise coming from upstairs. It sounded like Jackson took another woman.

Brandy and Sandra were in their room, getting ready for the night.
“I still can’t believe that scuzz ball tried to hit on us, the nerve of that guy!” Sandy angrily said.
“I know, who does he think he is? I should complain to the manager.” Brandy replied in a huffed tone. Suddenly they heard a noise from above. It had a rhythmic pace and loud moaning accompanied it. Sandra was curious as to what it was, but Brandy knew and was disgusted at what she was hearing.
“That does it. I’m going up there and I’m going to get my money back!” Brandy made her way upstairs and began knocking on Jacksons door. “Open up, I have to talk to you!”
The noise stopped momentarily. Brandy heard hushed whispers followed by footsteps. The door opened and Brandy was shocked to see that Jackson had nothing on. She noticed how muscular and toned he looked. Looking down she was shocked to see the size of his massive dick. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. Her thoughts were suddenly cut off.
“You like what you see?” Brandy picked her jaw up.
“Um, no I just came to tell you to keep it down!”
“How about you join us?” This flustered Brandy.
“No thank you!” Brandy made her way back to the room, she couldn’t stop thinking about how big he was.
“How was it Brandy?”
“Hm?, what happened?”
“How was it, did you get our money back?”
“No, everything went alright, I’m just tired.”
“Are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost.
“No, it’s nothing to worry about Sandra. Get some rest.”

The night progressed without any other incident. It was the morning and The trio were at a restaurant eating breakfast. Jordan and Brandy were thinking of the revelations they discovered the night before.
“Are you guys ok? You’re acting really odd.” Brandy glanced at Sandra before looking over at Jordan.
“I’m fine, I’m just tired from last night is all. That damn Jackson had me up all night.” Jordan raised his eyebrow. “Anyway that’s behind us. Let’s go see where you’re gonna compete at!”
“Actually mom, me and Sandy were thinking of going shopping.” Sandra nodded her head in the affirmative.
“What? I thought we were going to check out the spelling hall, what am I supposed to do now?”
“Well mom if you want, you can come with us, that is if you’re not too tired.”
“No, it’s fine. I wouldn’t want to cramp your style Jordy. Besides, I am pretty tired. I’ll catch the both of you later. Don’t be late!” And with that Jordan and Sandra left to the mall while Brandy headed back to the motel.

Upon arriving at the motel Brandy noticed that Jackson was nowhere to be found. She was relieved to not have to interact with him. Brandy entered her room and sat down.
“Might as well watch some tv.” She uttered. Flipping on the tv Brandy was shocked to see a porno had been left on. As she went to turn it off, she saw a familiar figure on the screen. “Jackson!?” Brandy saw Jackson pounding away at the girl on the screen. She had to be no older than Jordan and Sandra’s age, her moans of ecstasy were filling the air. Every thrust caused her to quiver and shake. Jackson got off and took her by the head forcefully, and stuck his dick in her face. The girl began to kiss and caress Jackson’s penis before finally allowing it into her mouth. Brandy couldn’t take her eyes off the screen. “Oh my god.” Is all she managed to get out. Jackson took his dick out the girls mouth and bent her on the bed. He gave her ass a nice smack before grasping both cheeks and shoving his dick into her. The girl let out a big howl of pleasure as Jackson continued to pound into her.  Brandy noticed she was beginning to get hot. Her pussy began to ache as she watched Jackson have his way with the girl. She unconsciously put her hand into her pants and began to play with her pussy. Brandy moaned as she dug deeper. Everytime the girl would moan, Brandy moaned as well. Soon Brandy felt a pressure begin to form within her, she was reaching her climax. Suddenly she heard a noise from outside.

“Hold your nose up Jordy!” Sandra and Jordan were running towards the motel. Jordan was bleeding from his nose. Brandy took a moment to shut the TV off and regain her bearings before running outside.
“What happened!?” Brandy yelled.
“Jackson found us and he beat Jordy up!”

Jordan and Sandy entered the mall. Immediately Sandy made a beeline for the clothing shop.
“Ooh, look at this hat Jordy. Don’t I look fabulous?” Jordan nodded his head. Sandy smiled at him. Sandy and Jordan kept looking through the clothes enjoying each others company. Jordan kept staring at Sandra, her beautiful face shining in the lights. He loved her completely and he knew the time to tell her the truth was soon.
“Hey Sandy?” Sandy looked at Jordan.
“I wanted to tell you something.” Jordan moved closer to Sandra. He was staring intently into her eyes. Sandra stared back at him. They stood staring at one another for what felt like an eternity until a voice broke them out of their concentration.
“Damn, you look like a snack!” Jackson walked into the clothing store his gaze solely directed on Sandra. “What’s a fine young thing like yourself doing here?” Sandra sighed angrily.
“Listen you creep back off, me and my friend are shopping.” Jackson laughed again.
“Relax, If I wanted you, your limp dicked boyfriend here wouldn’t be able to stop me.” Sandra blushed.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Sandy half yelled. At hearing this Jordan flashed a sad stare before looking at Jackson again.
“Oh? Is that so? How about you come back to my place and I’ll make a proper woman out of you.” Sandra blushed harder. Jordan stared angrily at Jackson. He stepped in between Sandra and Jackson.
“You heard her, she’s not interested now back off!” Jordan shoved Jackson who gave a laugh in return.
“You think you can handle me, coffee boy? Get the fuck over here!” Jackson took Jordan and punched him in the face twice, downing him. “Out like a sack of potatoes!”
“Jordan!” Sandy knelt down and tried helping Jordan up.
“If you ever want a real big dick, you know where to find me.” Jackson left. Sandra stared at his fleeing figure before turning her sights back to Jordan.
“Come on Jordy stay with me! We have to go find your mom!”

“He did what!?” Brandy was fuming. “Are you ok Jordan? Do you want to go to the hospital?” Jordan looked dazedly at his mother.
“No mom, I’m ok I’m just really tired. I’m going to bed for the night.” Brandy and Sandra helped Jordan to his room and laid him down.
“Ok Jordan you rest up. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Brandy and Sandra made their way to their room in silence.
“Ok Sandra can you tell me exactly what happened?”
“Me and Jordan were just shopping when Jackson came in and started harassing us. Jordan pushed him and Jackson punched him!”
“What did he tell you?” Brandy looked sternly at Sandra who blushed.
“He told me to come back with him so he could make me a, um, ‘proper woman’.
“What!? The nerve of that animal! when I see him, I’m going to kill him!”

It was night time and Jackson still hadn’t arrived. Brandy was growing impatient. She had sent Sandra to watch over Jordan half an hour ago and was now waiting in her room. Waiting for when Jackson would arrive. Suddenly she heard a noise coming from outside, glancing out the window she saw him entering his apartment. Brandy waited for a moment to see if anyone was with him. After confirming that there was no one. Brandy stepped out and made her way to Jackson’s room. She banged on the door loudly.
“Get out here now Jackson!” No answer. She knocked again. No answer. Annoyed she grasped the handle and tried opening it. She was surprised to find the door was unlocked. Upon entering Brandy could hear a shower running. Looking around the room she noticed what appeared to be chains and whips. Brandy was shocked at the amount of stuff he held in his room. Vibrators, Dildos of varying size, buttplugs, gags. Brandy suddenly remembered the tape from the night before. How Jackson had defiled that girl and used her anyway he wanted. Brandy remembered how much of a pounding he gave her and how she moaned. Snapping her mind out of it, she remembered why she came. “For Jordan.” She was angry at Jackson for what he did to Jordan and even more for harassing Sandra. The sound of the shower stopping alerted Brandy. Hearing the bathroom door open, Brandy was shocked to see Jackson was nude.

“Oh? What are you doing in here Brandy? You finally realized your feelings?” Brandy blushed and averted her gaze. Steeling herself, she looked Jackson in the eyes.
“You harmed my son and harassed his friend you piece of trash!” Jackson simply laughed and inched closer to Brandy.
“Listen, he pushed me first, I was defending myself, and come on let’s face it that Sandy girl is perfect meat, just like you.” Brandy grew flustered “You know what I think? I think you came up here because you were curious about this.” Jackson pointed to his dick.
“What!? No, I--” Brandy was suddenly cut off when Jackson grabbed her breast.
“When’s the last time you had a good fucking Brandy? You seem to think you’re in control. But I can see right through you. You’re just dying to get fucked aren’t ya? If you could stop me you would have already. Jackson leaned in and began kissing Brandys neck.
“Oh!, wait please. I can’t…” Brandy could feel Jackson’s dick on her stomach, it was hard and firm. Jackson took his hand off Brandys breast and began fondling her ass.
“Yeah I bet it’s been too long huh?” Brandy was quietly moaning. Jackson suddenly threw her on the bed. “By the time I’m done with you, you will exist only to serve me.”

End part 1


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Reply #1 on: December 24, 2019, 07:02:32 PM
Part 2

Sandra, was in Jordans room. She was extremely worried for Brandy and Jordan. Jordan was out cold and wouldn’t wake up till morning at least. “There’s nothing to do but wait I guess. I sure hope Brandys ok. I should’ve gone up with her.” Brandy strolled around the room briefly before deciding to sit on the floor next to Jordan’s bed. Sandra spotted the tv remote and turned on the TV. She gasped when she saw the video playing. “Mrs. Crenshaw!?” Sandra saw Jackson fucking Mrs.Crenshaw, her face looking directly into the camera
“Tell the camera what you wanna say Janice.” Sandra heard Jackson say.
“Oh, I’m your woman Jackson! Do whatever you want to me! Oh, I’m cumming!” Sandra couldn’t believe her eyes. Her married teacher was being used by this bully. The same bully that harassed her earlier. Sandra’s eyes grew wider when she saw Jackson pull out of Mrs. Crenshaw. “Oh my god, he’s huge!” Sandra hurriedly turned off the screen. Her breathing was ragged. “He wanted to do that to me!” Sandra collected herself. Suddenly she heard movement from upstairs. It sounded like the movements she heard the other night. Her breathing grew ragged again. This time she knew what those sounds were, and what it meant for Brandy. Sandra felt a warmth in her. She had to go see what was happening. She gave a guilty look to Jordan who was out cold and headed outside.

Quietly, she headed upstairs, careful not to make a sound. As she reached the top she could hear voices coming from inside. Sandra reached the source of the noise. She could hear Brandy’s voice emanating from the walls. It sounded like she was moaning. The walls were shaking and Sandra could hear the bed creaking. She knew what was happening within and she knew she should’ve gone back to Jordan’s room but she couldn’t leave. Not now. So she opened the door just slightly and peeked in. Her eyes widened and she let out a small gasp at the sight that lay upon her. Brandy was on all fours with Jackson behind her fucking her into oblivion. Brandy was tied up and had a blindfold and ball gag placed. Sandra could hear Brandy moaning with ecstasy. Jackson did not let up. He was like a wild animal, the way he grunted and pounded away at her flesh. Sandra was getting hot, hotter than she’d ever felt in her life. Jackson grasped Brandy’s red hair and began to fuck her even harder. Her moaning grew louder as a result. This continued until Brandy let out a loud howl and came. Jackson released Brandy and let her collapse in pleasure. She was shaking all over and breathing heavily. Jackson walked over to his wall and pulled out a 12 inch dildo.
“So you thought you could confront me and be a mama wolf. How’s that working out for you?” Jackson took the dildo and began rubbing it over Brandy’s back. He began sliding it lower and lower until he got to her ass cheeks. “You’ve been a bad girl Brandy and I’m going to have to punish you.” Sandra’s eyes widened as she saw Jackson preparing the dildo with lube. Brandy started breathing harder as if she knew the punishment that awaited her. Jackson took the dildo and pressed it against her asshole. However just as he was going to insert it, he caught a glimpse of someone by his door.Jackson and Sandra’s eyes met and Jackson smiled. Jackson took the dildo and stuck it into Brandy’s ass, his eyes never leaving Sandras. Brandy Groaned. Taking a vibrator, he inserted it into Brandy’s pussy and set it on high. Sandra was frozen with fear. Jackson had seen her, she tried to get away, but found that her legs were like jello.

“Like the show?” Jackson held the door open, his dick swinging hypnotically a few inches from her face. Sandra could still hear Brandy moaning in the room. Sandra tried to think of a way out but could not find any. Jackson simply laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, he shut the door in Sandra’s face and locked it. Sandra was breathing hard. She couldn’t believe what she experienced. Her mind was shaken. “What did he mean by that?” As she stood up, she noticed that her legs and pants were wet. She made her way to her room and laid down. The sounds above had not stopped. Jackson was going to have his way with Brandy the whole night.Sandra couldn’t take it anymore. She pulled off her pants and started masturbating. Her mind went back to the mall and how he told her he would make her a proper woman. She thought about how Jordan couldn’t protect her from that animal, and how he was currently taking Brandy anyway he wanted. Her breathing grew harder and she began to touch herself more furiously. As if responding to her, the noise from above became more frantic. Sandra reached her climax and came, her moist pussy squirting heavily.

It was the morning and Jordan woke up, his head still aching. He glanced at the calendar and cursed. It was the day of the championship! Hurrying he dressed himself and headed outside. No one was there to meet him. He made his way to Brandy and Sandra’s room and knocked. Sandra came out and greeted Jordan. She looked like she had stayed up all night.
“Are you guys ready?”
“For what?”
“For the championship!”
“Sorry Jordan but your mom’s not feeling well.”
“What!? Is she ok?”
“Yeah, she’s fine, but I don’t think she can take you.”
“Well, are you still coming with me? We can get something to eat afterwards.” Sandra looked apologetically at Jordan.
“Sorry Jordy, I’m going to stay here and look after Brandy. I’ll try to meet you there though and we can go get something to eat, ok?” Jordan smiled a bright smile at Sandy.
“Ok!” Jordan started to leave when Sandra called out.
“Hey Jordy?”
“Yeah?” Sandra simply smiled and said.
“I love you and good luck!”
Jordan was bewildered. He nodded a few times and mumbled something, before making his way to the Championships. As Jordan left, Sandra could hear Jackson’s door opening.

Jordan made his way back disappointed, He had advanced all the way to the finals before being unceremoniously eliminated. He waited for Sandra for nearly 3 hours before deciding to go back to the Pineview. Upon arriving he went to Sandras door and knocked. No answer. “Sandy?” Jordan called out. Knocking again, he was met with silence. “Must’ve went with mom.” Jordan went to his room and sat down. He noticed that there were three new tapes next to the tv. He looked at them curiously. He knew what was on them, Jackson and his daily conquests, but why was it here in Jordans room? More curiously they were numbered 1 to 3 as if Jackson wanted him specifically to see it. Jordan took the first tape and popped it into the Vhs player. He was surprised to see his mother in Jackson’s room. She was rummaging through his supplies. Jordan saw Jackson get out of the shower, fully nude. He watched in horror as Jackson took Brandy and started kissing and grabbing her, before throwing her on the bed. The video then switched to Jackson pounding Brandy. Jordan could hear his mother moaning like a bitch in heat. Jordan saw Jackson’s door open and he held his breath. He could see Sandra poking her head through ever so slightly.  Jackson had gotten off of Brandy and took his dildo off the wall. While he was priming it, Jordan could see that Jackson’s attention was focused on Sandra. Jordan’s eyes widened as he saw Jackson stick the dildo in his mother’s open asshole. His eyes widened even more as he saw Jackson approach Sandra. The tape cut off.

Jordan cursed. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His mother had fallen for this bully and now the girl he loved was going to fall. He briefly debated whether it would be worth it to watch the second tape. Deciding that it would be better than doing nothing. Jordan took the second tape and popped it in. He saw Sandy in her room sitting down. Nothing out of the ordinary. The door knocked and Sandra opened it. Jackson stood in the doorway. Jordan hoped that Sandy would slam the door in his face, but was disheartened to see Sandra let him in. Jordan could hear Jackson and Sandra talking.
“So where’s your boyfriend?” Jackson asked in a mocking tone.
“He’s not here.” Sandra replied.
“It’s a shame, I really wanted him to be here to see this, to see you.” Jackson took Sandra’s face in his hand and lined it up to meet with his. “I bet you’ve never been fucked before. This is going to be a whole new experience for you.” Jordan was practically begging for Sandra to regain herself and force Jackson out, but to his dismay, she didn’t. Instead Jackson went and gave her a deep kiss which she reciprocated. Jackson took his hands and began fondling her ass. Sandra moaned heavily. Jordan had tears in eyes as he watched the girl he loved most in the world be taken. Jackson began fingering Sandra who held on to Jackson tightly. Jordan felt a tightness in his pants. He was embarrassed. He was watching a bully fingering the girl of his dreams and he was hard. Sandra began to move more and moan louder before quivering violently. She had cum. Jackson took his hands out of her pussy before bringing them up to her lips.

“Open your mouth” Jackson commanded. Doing as she was told, Jackson took his fingers and placed them into her mouth. “Suck on it” Jordan was surprised to see Sandra complying. Jackson laughed. “Damn you really are a freak!” Jackson took Sandra and threw her on the bed face first. “I hope you’re ready for this!” Jackson took Sandra’s pants and pulled them off ferociously. Jackson dropped his pants, his fully erect member was standing at attention. He grasped Sandra’s bare ass and pulled her closer to him. Taking his dick, he began to rub her swollen pussy with it. “I know you want all of this. Say it bitch, tell me you want this dick.” Sandra was moaning.
“I-I Want it.” Jordan was crushed to hear her say it. “I want your dick! Please give it to m-oooh!” Jackson slammed his dick into her. Pounding away, Jackson took Sandra by the hair and pulled her close to him. With one hand, he began fondling her perky breasts. Jordan was extremely hard at this point. He ran his hand under his pants and began to masturbate. Sandra was reaching her breaking point. Jackson noticed and began fucking her even harder. Just as Sandra came the video cut off again. Jordan briefly cursed, before taking the third tape and hurriedly popping it into the Vhs player. This time it was only Jackson who appeared. He was looking straight into the camera. It was as if he was looking directly at Jordan. Jordan could hear slurping coming from the video. He spotted glimpses of Sandra’s blonde head as it bobbed up and down. Suddenly Jackson addressed Jordan.

“So how did you enjoy the show? It wasn’t enough huh? I bet you want to see more of your mom and girlfriend. You little pervert. You’re probably jerking off right now. Well this is an invitation. Come upstairs so you could see what happens next!” The video cut off. Jordan was torn. He had lost the Championship, his mother, and the love of his life, all in one day. He knew there was only one thing left to do. He made his way upstairs. He could hear voices. Their voices. He opened the door and saw Sandra strapped to a chair. A vibrator was sticking out of her pussy. She was lost in ecstasy and barely registered Jordans appearance. Looking over, he saw Jackson sitting down with Brandy in front of him on her knees. She was stuffing Jackson’s dick all the way down her throat. Jackson smiled at Jordan.
“So, you finally came! You know, you‘ve got a great mother, and your friend is just the best!”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“What are you talking about? I just wanted to fuck these dumb bitches ever since I saw them. I tell you, they are grade A meat!” Jackson took Brandy off of him and stood up. He made his way to Jordan who cowered a little.
“What are you gonna do, huh? I own your mom, I own your girl. You lost. So sit down and enjoy the show.” Jackson pushed Jordan to the floor. He made his way over to Sandra and positioned her to face Jordan. He took the vibrator out of her pussy and crouched slightly to get in position. As soon as he was ready, he inserted himself into her. Sandra moaned intensely. Jordan tried to look away but found himself staring at his mother, who was currently fucking herself with Jackson’s dildo. She had become a slave to him. Looking back to Sandra he noticed her usually perfect hair was wild and unkempt and her normally pale complexion was now blushed red.  Sandra was moaning wildly. The chair creaks added a sort of hypnotic quality to the atmosphere. Jordan couldn’t hold it in any longer. This place had broken him. He took his pants off and began masturbating.
“Sandra, I love you!” Jordan called out. Jackson began laughing.

“Aw isn’t that sweet? The little lovebird finally said it!” He began pounding Sandra harder. Jordan picked up the pace as well. He was already about to cum.
“I love you Sandra! I always have ever since we were children. I love you so much! You’re my best friend and I wish I could’ve told you sooner! I love you!!” Jordan came into his hand. Jackson merely grunted and began pounding harder. Sandra was howling in pleasure. Every thrust caused her to squirm and quiver. Jackson began to moan hard.
“I’m gonna show you how a real man cums!” Jordan could see his mother was also going harder and was about to cum. With one final thrust Jackson came into Sandra, who threw her head back. Sandra was convulsing and whimpering with pure joy. Jackson pulled out of Sandra and positioned her again, this time with her cum filled pussy facing Jordan.

“If you love her so much give her a kiss!” Jackson made his way over to Brandy who was resting. “Clean this up bitch!” He stuck his dick in her mouth again, and began fucking her face. Jordan made his way to Sandra. Her pussy laid bare for him to see. Just as he came closer, he heard Sandra mumble.
“Jordy… I love you too..” --End--

So that's it. How was it? I hope you guys enjoyed. If you have any criticisms please let me know since I'm trying to write better stories for next time. Thank you all, I hope you guys have a merry christmas and a fantastic new year!

spiky green cactus

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Reply #2 on: December 24, 2019, 08:15:04 PM
I was imagining that Jordy would lose the spelling bee to a cocky middle school bully who would then fuck his mom and crush.