Author Topic: Tomato juice tale  (Read 843 times)


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on: January 05, 2023, 12:02:14 PM
“Hey buddy”, Brad said as he hit you on the shoulder so hard it left a bruise. Hey Brad, you said nervously. “Have you ever had tomato juice?”, he asked passing you a bottle filled with red liquid. “No I haven’t”, you replied.

It was breaktime. You were students in your final year. Along with Brad came his friends, they were watching you menacingly. You recognized Brad wasn’t asking you to drink from the bottle, he was commanding.

You knew they probably put something nasty inside, but put the bottle to your lips regardless. As you drank it tasted a little bit like iron. “Why don’t you drink all of it you ugly cunt”, Brad said as he twisted your nipple. You drank every last drop. As you put the bottle down Brad asked: “ You liked it didn’t you?”

“Yes Brad” you replied. He then grabbed your head and put his lips close to your ear. He started whispering: “I bett you liked it, do you want to know where it comes from?”

Fear took you, yet you shook your head yes. He continued happily: “Do you know why I haven’t clipped my nails for two weeks?” He said while he pressed his sharp nails deep into the skin of your leg. “I shook my head no.

“I asked your sister Lisa, to help me in the broom closet. When we were all alone i lifted up her skirt and stuk tree fingers up her pussy. I made sure she didn’t scream.” You felt his smile against your ear, “i grabbed a funnel and that bottle you’re holding. And the rest you can probably figure out yourself”

Thanks for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it.