Author Topic: What is the most fucked up story on this fetish?  (Read 18772 times)


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on: February 26, 2021, 02:49:07 PM
What do you think is the most fucked up story on the mom/bully subject or general cuckson subject?


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Reply #1 on: February 27, 2021, 04:28:39 AM
There's some brutal ones out there. The most extreme one that pops to mind is the Nebic one where the mom and three "friends" blind the son then spend time tormenting and humiliating him until they kill him.


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Reply #2 on: February 28, 2021, 06:58:12 PM
In my opinion, it's  Furyou Ni Hamerarete Jusei Suru Kyonyuu Okaa San , the VN (Nukige).

The animation was good but it severely tones down the darker elements of the story, especially the ending. I'd rather not spoil it but I have yet to find a story in this type of genre that goes that far.


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Reply #3 on: March 24, 2021, 03:08:04 AM
There's some brutal ones out there. The most extreme one that pops to mind is the Nebic one where the mom and three "friends" blind the son then spend time tormenting and humiliating him until they kill him.
Nebic hasn't completed it yet, but I'd say Bully From Hell goes even farther than Lights. But either way, its hard to argue against Nebic writing the most fucked up stories.

mathew elizabeth

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Reply #4 on: March 24, 2021, 10:28:22 PM
The first three chapters of 'Donald's Mother'.

I've mentioned this story before. It's not very well written compared to Nebic's stories.

The first three chapters make up for a haunting 'fucked up' read. But I find the chapters afterwards to be tedious and without purpose.

It actually comes across as if it were written by a actual bully at the request of his masochist victim, then the bully disposed the masochist son as a character in the story and gets lost in a his own created world where he could satisfy his ego and experience a 'power trip' where he is leader of the pack and can even seduce lesbians for the following 6 chapters after. So it has that 'B-Grade', sort of 'amateurish' charm, which comes in in its own form of legitimacy, if that's your thing.

But I warn you after chapter 3 the story takes a sharp left turn where it deals with completely different themes. But the first three chapters are gems for this niche.


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Reply #5 on: April 03, 2021, 05:02:05 AM
I think it's this one :

Unfortunately I don't really know cause I  can't buy it where I live but the description of the story is insane !!  (Hope I can one day)

This is her description : 

      Tony is a 26 year old virgin, but there's a reason for that. His mother has kept him locked in her closet while in chastity, and he has no choice but to obey her every command. It's a hard life for Tony, but he manages to survive by worshiping his mother, and cleaning up after the other men that come to sleep with his mother. Less
"He finished his improvised prayer, and his mother laughed at him. She got off on having her son treat her as if she was his religion."

Of all of the men that his mother brought over, Ronny was the worst. Tony hated him, but he was forced to serve as a cuckold while his enemy ravished his mother. The act of witnessing such a horrific event was one thing, but the laughter Tony had to endure was the most humiliating aspect of being his mother's cuckold slave! 

If anyone have this story please can you share it here or in private message or email , would be very very grateful.

I think it this story even if I didn't read it because it seems like the son is forced by his mom and bully and is unwilling

Another story when the son is willing might be this one from the same writer

This is the description

I didn't hesitate to agree to becoming Mommy's cuckold. I was always attracted to her, and I was willing to do anything to worship her. The reality was, I was going to be placed in chastity and humiliated while a black man released himself into her. I was there to clean up the mess, and nobody felt the need to respect me...

If anyone can share them would be great !! ;D


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Reply #6 on: April 03, 2021, 11:41:35 PM
2nd one is currently 'choose your price', so you can read it for free is you like. Glancing through it, it seems decent enough. Shorter than I expected, PDF looks like its 5 pages of content with 6 pages of title/about the author/other books/etc.

The 1st book is a little shorter, and $3. Not familiar with the pricing structure of published e-smut, but paying 60 cents/page feels a bit steep. But for all I know, that could be a bargain.

I did manage to get a preview of 'Mothers Cuckold Slave' off of Smashwords, and I'd definitely like to read the whole thing:

Tony woke up without the ability to see or hear anything. He knew that he was in a cold, dark closet, and he had to wait for his mother to release him. His hands were bound behind his back, and his chin was resting in a puddle of his own drool. He had no concept of time, but his stomach was growling. The sound of food being poured into a metal bowl told him that it was likely in the morning.

“It’s time for breakfast,” his mother said as she opened the door to the closet. The light quickly entered the dark room and it temporarily blinded Tony. He winged, and tried to move, but it was difficult considering the restraints that his mother forced him to wear. “Aww,” his mother said, “my poor son. Are you hungry?” She asked.

“Yes Mommy,” he answered in a docile tone. He had learned to never betray his mother by speaking against her, or she would punish him relentlessly.
Only issue is that the son already seems pretty much broken at this point, and those are the 1st 3 paragraphs. For 'dark' stories, I wanna watch the main character end up as a pathetic shell of their former self. This guy doesn't have much further to fall.