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Messages - Pamela_78

Pages: [1]
Real Life / My Son...
« on: December 31, 2020, 10:41:03 PM »
I'm a single mom just turned 42 new to this type of thing a friend suggested this, and I feel my son is sort of like these boys described who are feeble pitiful types and targets for bullying and ridicule. He is still a sort of a mommy's boy type which is troubling since he's turning 21 soon.
He rarely does anything besides watch tv and sleep always stays home which I feel is unhealthy and quite worrying. He doesn't have much close friends and I don't know if he's even capable of talking to another guy let alone a girl which is even more concerning. I've taken him to a psychologist when he was younger and hoping he'd grow out of this behavior but unfortunately it's just continued.
I don't want to sound like a bad mother but it's really infuriating as it affects my life and privacy as well, since I'm not able to bring friends around even the odd one night stand or a date. I'm not a sex addict but I like any person enjoy the pleasure and feeling of sex and such activities and it's also a good stress reliever. Even when guys flirt or try to talk to me sometimes in public he gets all weird and agitated.
I feel embarrassed to invite anyone over as he is always up late watching his series or playing games in the lounge and it just makes things feel awkward and then I have to explain and make excuses as to why he doesn't do anything else and it's really irritating nowadays.
Some days I just feel ashamed that when I meet new people I hide the fact that I have a child and feel guilty but it's the easier thing to do sometimes.

In July I had to self isolate from him since I was in contact with someone who had the virus and it was actually so freeing being away from him and it was so much easier ignoring his texts and calls, I actually felt it as a blessing which is wrong considering how some have been affected by it.
So the day after Boxing Day I lied to him that I was feeling some symptoms and suggested he go stay with his father to self isolate just so I could enjoy New Years and be away from him.

I know I'm a terrible person but I feel like I've really reached my limit now and don't know what to do because I can't confront him about such things.
So venting here seems to be a bit of help, but if anyone has any advice or been in such a predicament, I would greatly appreciate it.
I do also use whatsapp if that's easier

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