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Messages - hop665

Pages: 1 [2]
Fapping Materials / AI Dungeon
« on: September 13, 2020, 02:43:22 PM »
For those who aren't aware, there's this free text-only game that uses an AI to generate story/dialogue and you can input whatever you want, correct it on the fly and give it rules to remember. It definitely has its issues, in particular with remembering things, getting characters mixed up, trying to advance plots you never asked for, and being too random, but I find it can usually come up with something interesting. I haven't tried it with mom-bully specifically, but I know it's possible if you feed it the right information. I've tried humiliation and it was better than I ever expected from an AI. Pretty excited to see where it'll be in a few years when the kinks have been worked out.

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