Author Topic: Agreement With A Friend - My Sister, Your Mom  (Read 4239 times)


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on: October 16, 2019, 08:11:27 AM
I was going through some old story files of mine when I came across an outline I was working on based on some real events I had been told. Back on the old forum, a member had contacted me after reading one of my short stories and wanted to see if I could turn an event he had experienced into a story. He told me about a sequence of events that had happened between him and friend that was, interesting. I was intrigued by the story and we exchanged a couple dozen messages or so back and forth until one day when I went to check the old forums and found them gone.

I never did right up the story but I thought at the very least I can share it here for everyone's enjoyment.


As I said before, this isn't a story and a lot of what's presented is text I combined and started to fill out. With the exception of the friends name, I named everyone as the user didn't want to use their real names for the other characters.

Drew (20) - The user I was talking with, described himself as your average high school sports player, kept up his sports workout after high school was over to keep his body.
Matt (19) - Best friend, met Drew when kids playing sports together. Shy to the outside world but hilarious when he warms up to you. Had issues throughout high school staying in shape, not fat but not toned.

To make the story a little more spicy, I had him describe what famous person the next two people looked like.

Stacy (49)  - Drew's mom, he said his mom looks like Elizabeth Hurley, he doesn't see it but he's heard it from a few people.
Gabby ( 22) - Matt's older sister, said she looks like Lucy Hale but with long hair. I had to look her up as I didn't know who she was.

It's summer time, school is out and everyone is home. Drew has always had a thing for Gabby and it sounded like this summer, she noticed and they started spending some time together and eventually started dating. Apparently Matt was one of the last people to find out and he did not take it well and got into a fight with Drew over it and accusing him of just wanting to fuck his sister..etc. You get the point. Things got even more heated and a few punches on both sides were thrown with no resolution for a couple days. Apparently Matt's behavior hadn't gone unnoticed by Gabby getting her upset and breaking things off with Drew because she didn't want to hurt hurt brother. Drew and Matt resolved their issue but Matt still felt betrayed and told Drew he could date his sister but if he did, they were done as friends. He felt betrayed and hurt that his best friend hadn't even talked to him about it and he was the last to find out. They got into a verbal argument about it with Matt asking how Drew would feel if Matt started making moves on his mom. Drew laughed which pissed Matt off told him if he wants to date his sister, hes gonna go for Drew's mom. Drew's parents weren't divorced but his dad was gone 5-6 days of the month and this, among other things lead Matt to believe Drew's mom was prime for taking.

We're gonna jump a bit to a block party in July and to the main event of the story. Drew had to work so he arrived to the party already in full swing, his parents were both talking with their respective friends and drinking while Drew made conversation with some others. Drew's family was also there except for Gabby as she was out of town which as I'm sure you can imagine made Drew unhappy and no outlet for release. Him and Matt were civil but the once best friends hardly spoke that night, Drew had made his choice. The night went on, people kept drinking and getting more drunk and Drew who was pretty down decided to go home and just jack off to pictures Gabby had sent him. It's around 1am when he his his parents and some of their friends downstairs, he goes downstairs and here's his mom puking in the bathroom and his dad's going off about leaving the car there and how it should already be back, normal drunk people stuff. One of their family friends ask him to go get the car but no one can find the keys. Its only a block or so away so Drew decides to walk back and see if maybe his parents left the keys in the car.

He heads back to the scene of the party and has no idea where the car is, as in its literally gone. He walks around for a couple minutes and decides to head back and let his parents sort the mess out in the morning. As he's walking back down the dark street, the turning on of a car light catches his attention so he looks over. He can't see much but there someone in the drive seat with their head thrown back and yes you got it, another head bobbing up and down the person crotch. Like any horny kid he makes his way over and can see why the person turned the light on, the person who he assumes is a guy is recording the the person giving him a blowjob. Hes too far away and its too dark to see whats going on and to be honest, this is making him horny. Without a care in the world he takes his dick out and starts jacking off, even though he can't see anything its got him going hard. Hes nearly there when all of a sudden the car's horn goes off scaring the shit outta him. Looking at the guy tells Drew the guy probably just came and his arm twitched and hit the horn. He wasn't able to finish and decides to finish at home using the pictures of gabby.

Drew sees the car turn on and leave its parked spot and head down the street until out of view. As drew makes it back to his house he hears some noise inside and sees his dad talking with Matt and thanking him for bringing the car back. Turns out Matt was leaving and saw Drew's mom trying to drive and instead drove her home. Mom comes out from wherever she was, thanks Matt again for driving her home, he makes a joke about an eventful even, she hugs him and he leaves. Couple days later Drew gets a text from Matt that says only says "Fuck you." followed by a download link. Matt downloads the video and can barely make out whats happening but can hear sucking sounds then a clicking sound and suddenly light. Matt is getting a wet and sloppy blowjob from some women. The quality is shit but Drew recognizes the voices instantly as the women responds to Matt's question "How do you like my cock Stacy." to which she replies in a drunken voice "I like it a lot." Drew can't look away and got hard watching what appears to be a video of his mom blowing his former best friend. As Matt comes his right-arm twitches, hitting the horn on the wheel. Drew realizes that the "couple" he saw going at a couple nights ago was in fact his Mom blowing Matt.

From what Drew told me, he believes it was a right place at the right time kinda moment as he never got any more videos or anything from Matt again. Drew responded in kind by sending Matt images and videos for weeks of him degrading his sister and at the time of us talking, was still dating her and had been for nearly 2 years.   


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Reply #1 on: October 17, 2019, 08:37:01 PM
Good premise like usual you could be a really good writer for this genre.

Now you just need to finish you stories!