Author Topic: Problems with say the least.  (Read 6449 times)


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on: March 24, 2021, 12:53:22 AM
Note: The following isn't made up. The situation is real and there may be some details slightly altered in order to stay anonymous.

Sooo, where do I begin? Last week a friend of mine who lives in the same building that I do handed me some letters that fell out of our mailbox. Why did they fall out? Well, my mother "broke" the key and didn't request a new one. There's mail in there that's probably a year old.
So yeah, he hands me them and I go up the stairs to my apartment.
My mother isn't home since she slept at her boyfriends place.
I open Discord and go to a voice-channel where my friend is in as well.
I knew that the letters were from the Hauptzollamt (Basically German IRS) and an Inkasso bureau. Both those things are responsible for collecting unpaid bills.
I open the one from the Inkasso first: A letter telling me to pay my electricity bill from September.
"Ah yes, my electricity bill. For my electricity contract. WHICH FUCKING ELECTRICITY CONTRACT?!".
I never made any contract so this was already confusing to me, but I soon figured that it's probably my mother's fault.
My friend already noticed that I wasn't very happy about that, but as soon as I read the second letter he was getting a bit mad as well.
The second letter, the one from the Hauptzollamt, was asking me to pay 7.5K€. And for what? Insurance.  Now, here's the catch: I am family insured. Meaning that my mother pays it (To clear out things: I turned 18 in November.).
That is, I SHOULD be insured. For SOME reason (Which I'll get to later as I found it out last week.) I wasn't insured from starting from May last year. And the bill stated that it from May to September last year.
I immediately got out of the Discord Call and started messaging people. My father (Who lives in Berlin, far away from where I live) told me to message the insurance company, Techniker Krankenkasse.
My brother, who has a LOT of knowledge in this topic and without whomst I'd be screwed, told me to get to his place the next day. Which I did of course. He called the electricity company, ePrimo, first since he wanted to know who signed the contract. The signature was "mine" (didn't look like mine at all) and the person on the phone said that it was paid by my mother's boyfriend. This verified that she signed it in my name.

He told me not to worry about the insurance stuff and that he'd take care.
Here's what the insurance situation is about: They want me to pay the money until 1st April. If I don't, they'll get an search warrant and search the appartment my mom and I live in and confiscate anything that's of value (For me it's be my computer, TV and MAYBE my PS3 as it is my most recent console).
He called the insurance company and asked wtf was their deal with not insuring me but charging me.
They told him that, since my mother stopped paying in May, they automatically signed me up for the highest kind of private-insurance....
But I still don't get why my insurance card and everything were invalid afterward if they signed me up for that shit.

But why did she stop paying? Well, here's why: From May to September she worked for a Yacht-Club. And I am VERY sure that it was illicit work since she still got Hartz IV (Basically support for people without jobs). And I am going to assume that the employer told the insurance company. But my mom couldn't pay, otherwise she'd get into legal trouble because she had Hartz IV even though she had work.
So that's THAT reason.

Meanwhile my brother is trying to get ME out of this mess, not my mother.
And why is that? Well, because she did something very similar ten years ago when my bro was about the age I am now.
And then, 4 years later she did it again.

She basically fucked up and my brother is sick of dealing with her bs which she deliberately causes.
My brother already managed to stop the search warrant. I'll have a meeting with a representative from the insurace company and we'll talk about everything. Turns out they thought I was like 26 years old and could pay.

TBH at this point I am pissed that forceful prostitution is illegal.
I'd definitely rent her ass out to people. Not even charging a lot. She could work for that money for once in her life.
Or better yet, sell her as a god damn slave. Any bidders? :P
But. Ehh. Not possible :/.

I'll keep you all updated. If you have any questions, ask away. If you have and advice, I'd much appreciate it. Note that this is a shortened version of the actual situation. There's A LOT more going on, but the post is already long enough sooo.

Cucking wnd bullying is not just a sexual act, it's a lifestyle. Hail to all those bullies who have managed to actually fuck moms!


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Reply #1 on: March 27, 2021, 08:17:15 AM
I'm not sure what the problem is here, then again that post was clearly written up when someone was upset so that's probably the reason.

Anyway, if this is legit and serious here's what you do.... there are two possible ways to solve this. Actually nevermind, I just realized that there is enough information and details missing that I can classify this as an incomplete story. What is her age bracket? what does she look like? what type of jobs does she normally work if any? do you have a close relationship with her? what is her intention with the new boyfriend? etc.  There isn't enough information to even understand the story. No, no hard-details like address, real name, specific birthdate, etc. but general stuff would go a long way.

My initial sense is that the story is legit but exaggerated and poorly told. Still, it doesn't have any signs of being BS which is good.


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Reply #2 on: March 29, 2021, 09:34:57 AM
Hat sie einen fetten arsch?


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Reply #3 on: April 30, 2021, 07:33:26 PM
Hat sie einen fetten arsch?
Würde ich behaupten, ja.

Cucking wnd bullying is not just a sexual act, it's a lifestyle. Hail to all those bullies who have managed to actually fuck moms!


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Reply #4 on: April 30, 2021, 07:48:41 PM
Note: The following isn't made up. The situation is real and there may be some details slightly altered in order to stay anonymous.

Sooo, where do I begin? Last week a friend of mine who lives in the same building that I do handed me some letters that fell out of our mailbox. Why did they fall out? Well, my mother "broke" the key and didn't request a new one. There's mail in there that's probably a year old.
So yeah, he hands me them and I go up the stairs to my apartment.
My mother isn't home since she slept at her boyfriends place.
I open Discord and go to a voice-channel where my friend is in as well.
I knew that the letters were from the Hauptzollamt (Basically German IRS) and an Inkasso bureau. Both those things are responsible for collecting unpaid bills.
I open the one from the Inkasso first: A letter telling me to pay my electricity bill from September.
"Ah yes, my electricity bill. For my electricity contract. WHICH FUCKING ELECTRICITY CONTRACT?!".
I never made any contract so this was already confusing to me, but I soon figured that it's probably my mother's fault.
My friend already noticed that I wasn't very happy about that, but as soon as I read the second letter he was getting a bit mad as well.
The second letter, the one from the Hauptzollamt, was asking me to pay 7.5K€. And for what? Insurance.  Now, here's the catch: I am family insured. Meaning that my mother pays it (To clear out things: I turned 18 in November.).
That is, I SHOULD be insured. For SOME reason (Which I'll get to later as I found it out last week.) I wasn't insured from starting from May last year. And the bill stated that it from May to September last year.
I immediately got out of the Discord Call and started messaging people. My father (Who lives in Berlin, far away from where I live) told me to message the insurance company, Techniker Krankenkasse.
My brother, who has a LOT of knowledge in this topic and without whomst I'd be screwed, told me to get to his place the next day. Which I did of course. He called the electricity company, ePrimo, first since he wanted to know who signed the contract. The signature was "mine" (didn't look like mine at all) and the person on the phone said that it was paid by my mother's boyfriend. This verified that she signed it in my name.

He told me not to worry about the insurance stuff and that he'd take care.
Here's what the insurance situation is about: They want me to pay the money until 1st April. If I don't, they'll get an search warrant and search the appartment my mom and I live in and confiscate anything that's of value (For me it's be my computer, TV and MAYBE my PS3 as it is my most recent console).
He called the insurance company and asked wtf was their deal with not insuring me but charging me.
They told him that, since my mother stopped paying in May, they automatically signed me up for the highest kind of private-insurance....
But I still don't get why my insurance card and everything were invalid afterward if they signed me up for that shit.

But why did she stop paying? Well, here's why: From May to September she worked for a Yacht-Club. And I am VERY sure that it was illicit work since she still got Hartz IV (Basically support for people without jobs). And I am going to assume that the employer told the insurance company. But my mom couldn't pay, otherwise she'd get into legal trouble because she had Hartz IV even though she had work.
So that's THAT reason.

Meanwhile my brother is trying to get ME out of this mess, not my mother.
And why is that? Well, because she did something very similar ten years ago when my bro was about the age I am now.
And then, 4 years later she did it again.

She basically fucked up and my brother is sick of dealing with her bs which she deliberately causes.
My brother already managed to stop the search warrant. I'll have a meeting with a representative from the insurace company and we'll talk about everything. Turns out they thought I was like 26 years old and could pay.

TBH at this point I am pissed that forceful prostitution is illegal.
I'd definitely rent her ass out to people. Not even charging a lot. She could work for that money for once in her life.
Or better yet, sell her as a god damn slave. Any bidders? :P
But. Ehh. Not possible :/.

I'll keep you all updated. If you have any questions, ask away. If you have and advice, I'd much appreciate it. Note that this is a shortened version of the actual situation. There's A LOT more going on, but the post is already long enough sooo.

Okay, one month of silence and OH boy did a lot happen. The appointment happened. My grandpa showed up to help me (lives at the other end of Germany). The person from the Hauptzollamt (Basically German IRS) was really nice actually and understood the situation. My grandpa decided that it'd be best for me to get away from my mother's place and I now live at my grandparent's place.

I took care of the debt, resolving it with the insurance company. I also am insured again.

I took care of A LOT within a month. Like, really a lot. Applied at a lot of schools, finally requested a new ID after my old one was confiscated as I registered my new home to be my grandparent's place since that ID has been expired for 2 years.

I also registered as looking for work so that my grandparents can request child-care money.

I have basically lost contact to my mother and have only texted her twice, only bc my grandpa wanted me to.
I am helping out my grandparents as much as I can in the household and I notice myself feeling better and better every day. I admit that I wrote the original post because I was mad at my mother for reasons that I believe to be understandable. As for the electricity contract: I plan to file a complaint against unknown in order to get rid of it. I'll let my mother know that I did and tell her that "The next time I have to file a complaint, I won't file it against unknown."

Cucking wnd bullying is not just a sexual act, it's a lifestyle. Hail to all those bullies who have managed to actually fuck moms!


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Reply #5 on: April 30, 2021, 09:00:18 PM
Note: The following isn't made up. The situation is real and there may be some details slightly altered in order to stay anonymous.

Sooo, where do I begin? Last week a friend of mine who lives in the same building that I do handed me some letters that fell out of our mailbox. Why did they fall out? Well, my mother "broke" the key and didn't request a new one. There's mail in there that's probably a year old.
So yeah, he hands me them and I go up the stairs to my apartment.
My mother isn't home since she slept at her boyfriends place.
I open Discord and go to a voice-channel where my friend is in as well.
I knew that the letters were from the Hauptzollamt (Basically German IRS) and an Inkasso bureau. Both those things are responsible for collecting unpaid bills.
I open the one from the Inkasso first: A letter telling me to pay my electricity bill from September.
"Ah yes, my electricity bill. For my electricity contract. WHICH FUCKING ELECTRICITY CONTRACT?!".
I never made any contract so this was already confusing to me, but I soon figured that it's probably my mother's fault.
My friend already noticed that I wasn't very happy about that, but as soon as I read the second letter he was getting a bit mad as well.
The second letter, the one from the Hauptzollamt, was asking me to pay 7.5K€. And for what? Insurance.  Now, here's the catch: I am family insured. Meaning that my mother pays it (To clear out things: I turned 18 in November.).
That is, I SHOULD be insured. For SOME reason (Which I'll get to later as I found it out last week.) I wasn't insured from starting from May last year. And the bill stated that it from May to September last year.
I immediately got out of the Discord Call and started messaging people. My father (Who lives in Berlin, far away from where I live) told me to message the insurance company, Techniker Krankenkasse.
My brother, who has a LOT of knowledge in this topic and without whomst I'd be screwed, told me to get to his place the next day. Which I did of course. He called the electricity company, ePrimo, first since he wanted to know who signed the contract. The signature was "mine" (didn't look like mine at all) and the person on the phone said that it was paid by my mother's boyfriend. This verified that she signed it in my name.

He told me not to worry about the insurance stuff and that he'd take care.
Here's what the insurance situation is about: They want me to pay the money until 1st April. If I don't, they'll get an search warrant and search the appartment my mom and I live in and confiscate anything that's of value (For me it's be my computer, TV and MAYBE my PS3 as it is my most recent console).
He called the insurance company and asked wtf was their deal with not insuring me but charging me.
They told him that, since my mother stopped paying in May, they automatically signed me up for the highest kind of private-insurance....
But I still don't get why my insurance card and everything were invalid afterward if they signed me up for that shit.

But why did she stop paying? Well, here's why: From May to September she worked for a Yacht-Club. And I am VERY sure that it was illicit work since she still got Hartz IV (Basically support for people without jobs). And I am going to assume that the employer told the insurance company. But my mom couldn't pay, otherwise she'd get into legal trouble because she had Hartz IV even though she had work.
So that's THAT reason.

Meanwhile my brother is trying to get ME out of this mess, not my mother.
And why is that? Well, because she did something very similar ten years ago when my bro was about the age I am now.
And then, 4 years later she did it again.

She basically fucked up and my brother is sick of dealing with her bs which she deliberately causes.
My brother already managed to stop the search warrant. I'll have a meeting with a representative from the insurace company and we'll talk about everything. Turns out they thought I was like 26 years old and could pay.

TBH at this point I am pissed that forceful prostitution is illegal.
I'd definitely rent her ass out to people. Not even charging a lot. She could work for that money for once in her life.
Or better yet, sell her as a god damn slave. Any bidders? :P
But. Ehh. Not possible :/.

I'll keep you all updated. If you have any questions, ask away. If you have and advice, I'd much appreciate it. Note that this is a shortened version of the actual situation. There's A LOT more going on, but the post is already long enough sooo.

Okay, one month of silence and OH boy did a lot happen. The appointment happened. My grandpa showed up to help me (lives at the other end of Germany). The person from the Hauptzollamt (Basically German IRS) was really nice actually and understood the situation. My grandpa decided that it'd be best for me to get away from my mother's place and I now live at my grandparent's place.

I took care of the debt, resolving it with the insurance company. I also am insured again.

I took care of A LOT within a month. Like, really a lot. Applied at a lot of schools, finally requested a new ID after my old one was confiscated as I registered my new home to be my grandparent's place since that ID has been expired for 2 years.

I also registered as looking for work so that my grandparents can request child-care money.

I have basically lost contact to my mother and have only texted her twice, only bc my grandpa wanted me to.
I am helping out my grandparents as much as I can in the household and I notice myself feeling better and better every day. I admit that I wrote the original post because I was mad at my mother for reasons that I believe to be understandable. As for the electricity contract: I plan to file a complaint against unknown in order to get rid of it. I'll let my mother know that I did and tell her that "The next time I have to file a complaint, I won't file it against unknown."

Glad to see that your situation is getting better