Author Topic: The REAL thread  (Read 46388 times)


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Reply #30 on: September 13, 2020, 09:52:04 AM
Maybe. In real life, my Mom and my Best Friend dated for about two years. I was ok with it, but they weren't really flaunting all of the stuff they did around me either. They definitely had sex

That's a very important detail that a lot of people seem to forget.

Real life isn't exciting, sexy or usually surprising. Nearly all of  the time, life is  predictable and boring even when it feels like it shouldn't be. This is why a lot of stories fall flat, in my opinion. Unless a story is outright stated to be fantasy-rules stuff,  'coincidences' and rapid-character turns shouldn't exist.


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Reply #31 on: September 22, 2020, 09:23:41 AM
Well, guess I'II tell my story here.
When I was 17 I found that my parents were swingers by finding a video of my mom with another guy by accident, I felt really ill and even avoided contact with them for some time, however, my father did not it well and tried, by all means, to make me see it as a normal thing, even taking me to a swing bar as soon as became of age, and yes I know that for some it may sound like a dream but I was terrified and even felt sick while I was there.
This went for about a year until I was approached by one of my dad's friends (now this guy was really nice and I pretty much saw him as an uncle, we didn't talk much but we clicked off pretty well and his son is one of my best friends) I talked with him when I went to visit him once and he revealed to me that he was a cuck and he really wanted me to fuck his wife, he told me his wife really liked me and was more than willing to show me the ropes (his wife was pretty, not a model but she definitely worked on her appearance) needless to say that I was beyond shocked, his son was one of my best friends and I could never even imagine doing it with his mother, I said I would think about it and went back home as fast as I could.
Months later his son was at my house hanging out with me when he asked me out of the blue when I would fuck his mother, that scared the shit out of me and he revealed that both he and his dad were into it (its also because of him that I discovered this forum and I'm writing this at his request).
After A LOT of talking and convincing I accepted it, we set up a date and went to their house, he and his dad weren't there to make me more comfortable but they had set up a camera, well I'm decided not to write a lot of detail because I don't really know if I should, but it was mind-blowing and I definitely enjoyed it, although their comments about it really creeped me out for some time.
We did it a couple more times and I will say that it took me a while to do it with him and his father in the room watching.
The one thing that really messed up with my head was when me and my parents went to a house that they had in the countryside for a holiday, my father had to solve a problem at his job so he left 2 days before the end of it, one night we were all drinking and hanging out when my friend asked for me and my mom to try some weed, I had never smoked weed in my life and I barely drink but since my mom and I were shit faced we decided to give it a try, I honestly can't remember a thing from that night but I woke up the following day, naked on top of my mom who was also naked, my friend said I fucked her but honestly I don't think I even like to imagine it.
I'm writing this because as I said I'm still trying to understand all of this and my friend said it would help, so any advice is more than welcome as long as you're not a creep.

Natmom: Did you ever considered having sex with your son? And why?, I know its a blunt question but I'm just trying to take my bearings in all of this.

Lol don't think about the incest part but the swinger thing is hot. Any stories you know of your mom?


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Reply #32 on: September 22, 2020, 11:35:23 AM
What you described is really interesting, especially the two sides of your mom. I have watched "Big Bang" and I can't think of Leonard's mom having a naughty side or being fit & sexy like your mother.

Not a woman,  but I've always assumed that the more strict, formal, tidy and hard-working type of women probably have a lot of repressed desires waiting to come out. I might be talking out of my ass here though, like I said Im not a woman.

I'm also surprised with the cops and how they let you watch them with her even if you couldn't see much.

I'm foreign to the united states., my country is a shithole and police are typically corrupt. Not corrupt like murdering people but more corrupt like they are stupid, lazy and unprofessional. Never around when you need em type of thing. I was more surprised when I realized that they toned it down (Didn't fuck her) when I got there.

There is a difference between spy & watch, I'm curious if your mother knew she was being watched

I'm pretty sure she was aware but probably didn't think about it too much. If it was in private rather than public, she probably wouldn't have called me. Sex when drunk was a complete non-issue.

I hadn't thought about it in a long time but having to take care of my mother so often is probably why I hate alcohol and am so violently antisocial, heh.

in general not just with the cops. If you want to share I'd like to hear another one of the times you said you watched her having sex.

Sure, I can tell you but as I said before, it's really not interesting.

Short story, my mother was in her late 30s, she still looked good. She had gone through a second divorce and gotten a nice house out of it. We were living there just her and me. At the time I was going to university every day to the city next to mine so I would leave early and come back late.

For whatever reason she was depressed over being single/divorced and I knew she would be drinking.... when I got home, well, the house was kind of awkwardly structured but basically the living room was to the right of the entrance, and there were stairs directly in front of the front door. There was the back of a couch on the right so if someone was laying there, you couldn't see from the entrance..... anyway, I got home late, didn't turn on the lights but the shades were drawn. There was enough light to see liquor  containers,  beer cans and clothing on the floor. My mother was probably naked on the couch. I assumed she passed out and was sleeping there  so I started to quietly walk up the stairs. I did hear some noises but didn't pay attention.

When I was half way up the stairs, I looked over and saw a guy's back. I looked a bit more carefully and realized he was on top of her, he was fucking my mom on the couch and most definitely heard me enter the house.  I hadn't been able to see at first but I had a better view now. The guy seemed much younger than my mother, he was probably in his mid 20s, I found that a bit strange but was more focused on him driving himself into my drunken mother...... I stood there for a bit and really perked my ears to hear what was going on. They were trying to be quiet but I could hear anyway. I'm not sure how long I was there but it felt like a long time. When I heard a voice say something, not to me but still, I panicked and hurried upstairs to my room.

I went back down after a bit more than 10 minutes and since I didn't hear noises, I walked over to the couch from the other side. The guy was gone but my mother was naked and clearly passed out. Like completely passed out. I felt really guilty at that moment since apparently she was totally out while he was fucking her. My guess is that she went out to some bar or a party, probably hooked up with someone (Not that guy) but unintentionally went home with this young guy or something like that. Oh yeah, one of the first things she did in the house was setup a mini-bar with liquor for guests and for when she felt like it. Sometimes she'd come home hammered and go straight to the mini-bar which I always appreciated. At least she wasn't outside which would mean I'd have to go pick her up. She probably brought the guy home, kept drinking and the guy did what any guy would do. I doubt she would have had sex with him, he was young but not her type, not tall, not buff, probably not confident. Guy got lucky that night.

Anyway at the time I thought I should have done something and felt like I failed as a son, now that I'm older I know that I did exactly the right thing.  If I was a more sinister/sexual guy, I probably would have fucked her that time but instead I just put a blanket over her and went to my own bed. I asked no questions the next morning.

You also mentioned she kinda apologized after the cop incident. You ever talked about her behavior when she was not drunk?

No not really. I am probably understating it, but she was  always very strict, very straight-arrow and formal when she wasn't drinking. She would get furious if I brought up sex in general, let alone her drunken behavior. Ironically,  the only genuine conversations I had with her was when she was drunk. I know it probably sounds fake or like I'm lying, but aside from when she was drinking, she was hard working, tidy and generally a saint.

BTW...I enjoy details in a story so you can write as detailed as you want, a long story is a plus IMO. Thank you for sharing and contributing to the thread.

Thanks for the friendly words. Real life isn't very interesting in my opinion, so it just feels like I'm boring people with this.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 05:39:06 AM by Evil_SodaMachine »


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Reply #33 on: October 22, 2020, 07:44:20 PM
...Real life isn't very interesting in my opinion, so it just feels like I'm boring people with this.

On the contrary, I believe our fantasies come from real life incidents. We are so many people in this world with a history of few thousand years so pretty much everything we fantasize at some point has happened or it is happening and will happen again. People around the world are diverse with different beliefs, this site wouldn't exist if there were no real life situations, mild or extreme. A lot of things are taking place behind closed doors...


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Reply #34 on: November 26, 2021, 07:09:22 PM

This time I was in control, I invited son in the living room where I rode my surprised bf. We didn't change position, I blew him quickly and I rode him sitted in an armchair. I rode him slowly wanting to make it last for him, my son.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with your son NatMom. I guess a lot of the fuel for this fetish is driven by the idea of our loving and nurturing mothers engaging in lewd sexual acts. So have your sexual acts in front of your son always been vanilla or more kinky, e.g. anal, facials, squirting, rimming (giving/receiving), titty fucking, facesitting, watersports (giving/receiving)? Is there a point or boundary where you would draw the line and say "shows over sonny, go to your room" or are you both uninhibited about this sort of thing?


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Reply #35 on: November 26, 2021, 11:03:31 PM
I love this fetish also and it hits close to home. I wish my mom had your views.

A couple questions. How exactly do the sessions get initiated? What dialogue happens during it and is any directed towards your son?