Author Topic: Thoughts & Advice For Cucksons  (Read 9482 times)


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on: April 21, 2022, 04:33:03 PM
Ok, so this might turn out to sound like I'm just venting or ranting, but I really hope that this could become a helpful thread for the younger users on here that still live at home with their moms. I honestly hope that you can learn from my (and other's) mistakes and regrets. Because if you are anything like me, you probably don't even realize what an incredible situation you are in right now.

To my defense, I only discovered the mommy-bully/cuckson-fetish AFTER I had moved out of the house, but still, one of my biggest regrets in life is that I had the chance to make this fantasy (at least to some degree) come true, and I just completely missed it. It's even more frustrating because in hindsight, I feel like I always had vague feelings of this nature, but I just wasn't able to define them or put a name on it - until I found out there was an entire specific genre and fetish about this, when it was too late.

So here are some of my thoughts, regrets, take-aways etc.:

1. If you are on this site AND still live at home, you are lucky. Really lucky. Because you can define it. You know what you want and you also know that you are not alone, that this isn't just you, but that there are many other sons out there that feel the exact same way, and would actually do anything to be able turn back time, so they could be in the exact situation you are in right now.

2. You will never be this close and therefore this influential to your mom again. You are living under the same roof, you see each other and talk to each other every day. Your chances and opportunities won't ever become better than this. You can literally invite anyone over and introduce them to your mom, because you share a home. Just think about that. You can basically introduce your mom to any guy you want, just by saying he's your friend/study partner/tutor/whatever. No questions asked. You can sit them down together, make up some excuse and leave the room. Just your mom and some guy you randomly introduce her to, sitting alone in a room IN HER HOUSE together. It would be so fucking easy! Once you move out, that's over. It wouldn't be impossible to archieve but much more complicated and I doubt it would ever feel as casual and natural.

3. As I said, living at home also means that you get to see her and talk to her every day. You can drop hints and comments about your friends praising her looks or calling her attractive, or even you yourself can compliment her on her outfits, make-up, hairstyles etc. You can actually encourange her to slowly dress more revealing over time. You get to influence her on a daily basis AND you get to observe her reaction to it in real time, and adjust to it accordingly. You might be thinking that it would be strange to praise her looks or even talk about your friends/classmates etc. praising them, if it's something you don't usually do, but just think about it, how would your mom not be happy to receive compliments that makes her feel attactive and good about herself? Also, it's not just her looks you can talk about it. It's so much more. You can touch on all kinds of topics like your 'friend' hooking up with a woman close to her age or hearing about an affair between a mother and her son's classmate, and subtly adding that you think that there's nothing fundamentally wrong with that. You get the idea. You have a daily, face-to-face 'influence' on her. Once you move out, that's over.

4. There are other things besides talking as well: 'Accidentally' leaving a browser tab open with MILF porn, or 'accidentally' making her see pictures of your muscular 'friends', maybe even showing them to her after mentioning that they were talking about how pretty she was etc. Watching a movie with a love story between an older woman and a teenager, when she is around, or with her. You get the idea. Again, once you move out, these things won't be as easy and natural to pull off.

5. Ok, so you might be thinking that you don't have any guys to introduce to your mom. Maybe because they are your friends and would never act on it, or because you are not sure if they are interested in your mom that way, or because you are not friends with them and it would be strange to invite them over, the list goes on. Well, this is a big one: You could literally just ask someone to make a move on your mom. Yes, I know it's bold and much easier said than done, but hear me out. Asssuming your mom does qualify as a MILF in the broadest sense (not pornstar standards), isn't it actually more likely than not that a young horny alpha male would be happy to try to fuck your mom? Especially if you promise to assist him, increasing his chances? Yeah, he might find it weird but wouldn't he do it despite it or actually maybe even precisely because out it? Just to have done it? Just so he can say that he once fucked his classmate's/friend's/whatever's MILF mom? I'm not saying you should walk around asking any guy you see to fuck your mom but I am sure that you can think of someone you know that you could actually imagine saying yes to this. Even if it would be uncomfortable and humiliating to ask, if you really think about it, in the end he will probably say yes.

6. Last one for now: I can totally understand that it would be uncomfortable to ask. You probabaly worry about the consquences. Will he laugh at you? Will he tell his friend's? Or in case you are friends, will he stop being your friend? Again, the list goes on. But here is a very important thing to remember: You are still young and life will eventually go on. Trust me. Anything you do right now is not as important as you think. The other kids you fear making fun of you for asking someone to fuck your mom or maybe rumours spreading about you and your mom, whatever you worry is - it's not as important as you think. In just a few years, most of these people, yes, even a lot of your friends, will be out of your life and you won't ever have to see them again, if you don't want to. You will go on with your life and so will they. They will probably forget that any of this happened, and worst case scenario it will be some funny anecdote they will remember and chuckle about once every few years at a class reunion or something. I hope you get the point. It doesn't matter as much as you think right now.

But what does matter is that you will at least know that you tried to make this fantasy come true. That you won't have to wonder and regret that you missed the opportunities when you had them. That you can proudly say that you tried to give your mom the opportunity to feel young and sexy again, even if in the end she didn't take it. The beauty of all of this is, that you can adjust on the go. You can see how she responds to all of it in real-time, and you could stop anytime you want. But this right now is your window of time to make the attempt, because -this is important as well- your mom will get older and therefore unfortunately she will become less fuckable. That's just the hard truth.  You don't want to look back in a few years and feel like "Back then all of my friends would have fucked her for sure but now maybe not". And maybe not even because your mom's older but they will be as well. They won't be horny teenagers anymore. And best case scenario is: You will be the one lucky son, that took his chance when he had it and made his fantasy come true, unlike the rest of us poor bastards who forever be stuck in the deeply frustrating state of "What if...". Please don't be like me, and look back with deep regret in a few years. Instead please be the lucky cuckson that helped his mom embrace her sexuality and become a good slut for other men.

Please share your thoughts, comments, advice etc. If we can help just one cuckson make his dream come true, it will be worth it.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2022, 05:47:47 PM by nngh »


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Reply #1 on: April 26, 2022, 07:40:39 AM
First of all, great fucking advice! I was wondering if there’s a limit to age of a mom? I’m 18, and just about to finish my first year as a freshman. Next year I’ll be commuting to school so I’ll be living with my mom again. I’ll also be able to drive someone to my home to fuck my mom. The question is, my mom is 55. Is that still a fuckable age? Or too old? Also, she’s hella revserved, hasnt had sex with anyone since my old man moved out 5 years ago. Havent seen any evidence of her masterbating either. Should i try it even after taking all this into account? To be honest, i wish my mom was at least 10 years younger, cuz at this point, she might be considered borderline too old.


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Reply #2 on: April 26, 2022, 12:14:08 PM
First of all, great fucking advice! I was wondering if there’s a limit to age of a mom? I’m 18, and just about to finish my first year as a freshman. Next year I’ll be commuting to school so I’ll be living with my mom again. I’ll also be able to drive someone to my home to fuck my mom. The question is, my mom is 55. Is that still a fuckable age? Or too old? Also, she’s hella revserved, hasnt had sex with anyone since my old man moved out 5 years ago. Havent seen any evidence of her masterbating either. Should i try it even after taking all this into account? To be honest, i wish my mom was at least 10 years younger, cuz at this point, she might be considered borderline too old.

Wow, I'm so glad you responded! I was actually thinking about deleting this thread because it didn't seem to spark a lot of interest, but reading your words really makes all the difference, so THANKS.

Here are my thoughts (and I hope maybe others will join in too, to give you a better perspective):

1. I don't think there is a set-in-stone age limit per se, although I'd say that it probably gets kinda critical when approaching 60... But in the end the age is just a number and want counts first and foremost is the looks. If you are confident to say that your mom can be considered a MILF, at 55 it really shouldn't be any problem, in my opinion. But I'm very glad that you realize that you are on the clock here, I was worried that I didn't emphasize that enough. I completely get that feeling of "I wish she was 10 years younger" but in all honesty chances are that in 10 years you will be saying the same thing, wishing you had acted now. You know how as a child the teenagers around you seemed so adult, but when you get there yourself the feeling has just shifted to an age group above you? It's literally the same thing. It's all relative. But what is absolutely true is that it won't get any better. Your mom is the youngest now, that she will ever be, if that makes sense.

2. About her being "reserved": I don't think it's too helpful to get hung up on that. Of course, it's okay to take it into consideration, like emphasize to your 'friend' to, when in doubt, take it slow, feel her out and be careful not to scare her away. But at the end of the day you just don't know what your mom's sexual desires are, since it's nothing that she would ever disclose or display  to you. Also it sounds like you are currently not living at home, so who's to say that she isn't masturbating regularly, now that you are out of the house. In any case chances are that she is careful not to show her sexual side around you. And even if her sex drive is low, you certainly don't know how she will react when put in the right situation. I know that scientific facts can be tricky but it is considered that women reach their sexual prime later in life. But aside from that your mom is a human being after all, she has thoughts, fantasies, needs and urges just like the rest of us, and you just don't know how they will be triggered in her when you set the right stage for her to tap into them.

3. I think instead you should focus on the very lucky aspect that your dad is out of the picture. It's a major issue that you are fortunate enough to avoid. You won't have to make your mom cheat on her husband. It's not just a psychological aspect but a practical one to: There is no husband around to restrict the situation and make it harder for your plan to work. They won't have to wait for the him to leave, or fear for him to come home, awkwardly sneak around, come up with lies and excuses etc. It's certainly a real obstacle that a lot of us would have to deal with, but you are lucky enough to be completely free from it. And on top of that you seem to have confirmation that your mom hasn't had a cock in her since at least 5 years, meaning she will probably be hypersensitive to any touch and easy to please, once she let's loose.

4. Considering all of this, the most important question being if your mom qualifies as a MILF to some degree, I think you certainly could and should go for it. Especially, if you have someone suitable for her in mind. If there is that one horny alpha friend/classmate/colleague who you could see getting on board with this, I'd say now is the time to act. Now is your chance. And the thing is even if you are not sure about the guy you could basically do the same thing with him: Spend some time around him, bring up certain subjects (does he like MILFs?), see how he responds, before disclosing your true intentions to him. But in any case, if she's a MILF, then NOW is your BEST chance. It won't get any better than this. Your mom is the youngest and most fuckable now, that she will ever be.

And again, I can't stress enough how lucky you are to be aware and in tune with your fantasies and desires at your age, living at home with your mom. I'm not gonna lie: I envy that. I'm jealous of that. It frustrates me that I wasn't lucky enough to be in that situation. But, as cheesy as it sounds, I am really happy for you to and I hope you don't miss this opportunity.

Lastly, I want to remind you that this is a plan that can be adjusted on the go. Especially in the beginning, you can literally stop any time, if she doesn't respond well to your compliments or your 'friend's' comments, or doesn't seem to get along with him. You can literally just ask her what she thinks of him after their first encounter or your first dinner together or whatever, and decide from there. It's not set in stone. It's not like you choose to pursue this path in this instance and have to go through with it no matter what. But trust me I would feel so much better now even if I knew that I just tried, when I had the chance. Even if it didn't work out as I hoped. At least I tried. At least I would know that I gave my mom the chance to embrace herself as a woman and feel desired and young and sexy again, even if she ultimately didn't need it.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2022, 12:37:41 PM by nngh »


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Reply #3 on: April 26, 2022, 01:58:44 PM
think about it..even when we get older our fetish is never gonna go away...if you can't achieve it this life then home for another. :-[


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Reply #4 on: April 26, 2022, 03:24:34 PM
think about it..even when we get older our fetish is never gonna go away...if you can't achieve it this life then home for another. :-[

Exactly. That's why it's so frustrating to discover this fetish AFTER moving out and missing out on my mom's prime fuckability. I mean, I even know who I would have asked to fuck her, and I know he would have said yes. It's honestly kinda painful to think that it would have been entirely possible for me to make it happen - if I had just been lucky enough to discover these ideas and realize my desires a few years earlier. But now, instead I will now forever live with these regrets and this powerful fantasy, that will never go away, but somehow even increases over time while sadly getting more and more entirely unachievable.

It really makes me jealous but at the same time happy for the upcoming generations of cucksons, that they are fortunate enough to find sites like these with the introduction of the internet from a young age. They will be able to go through all of this of content and form their true desires, and pinpoint and articulate their feelings, while still living at home with their moms, being able to introduce them all their friends and other alphas they find suitable for her. They can literally bring home a new guy every week until they find someone who she seems drawn to and has chemistry with.


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Reply #5 on: April 27, 2022, 10:22:35 AM
First of all, great fucking advice! I was wondering if there’s a limit to age of a mom? I’m 18, and just about to finish my first year as a freshman. Next year I’ll be commuting to school so I’ll be living with my mom again. I’ll also be able to drive someone to my home to fuck my mom. The question is, my mom is 55. Is that still a fuckable age? Or too old? Also, she’s hella revserved, hasnt had sex with anyone since my old man moved out 5 years ago. Havent seen any evidence of her masterbating either. Should i try it even after taking all this into account? To be honest, i wish my mom was at least 10 years younger, cuz at this point, she might be considered borderline too old.

Wow, I'm so glad you responded! I was actually thinking about deleting this thread because it didn't seem to spark a lot of interest, but reading your words really makes all the difference, so THANKS.

Here are my thoughts (and I hope maybe others will join in too, to give you a better perspective):

1. I don't think there is a set-in-stone age limit per se, although I'd say that it probably gets kinda critical when approaching 60... But in the end the age is just a number and want counts first and foremost is the looks. If you are confident to say that your mom can be considered a MILF, at 55 it really shouldn't be any problem, in my opinion. But I'm very glad that you realize that you are on the clock here, I was worried that I didn't emphasize that enough. I completely get that feeling of "I wish she was 10 years younger" but in all honesty chances are that in 10 years you will be saying the same thing, wishing you had acted now. You know how as a child the teenagers around you seemed so adult, but when you get there yourself the feeling has just shifted to an age group above you? It's literally the same thing. It's all relative. But what is absolutely true is that it won't get any better. Your mom is the youngest now, that she will ever be, if that makes sense.

2. About her being "reserved": I don't think it's too helpful to get hung up on that. Of course, it's okay to take it into consideration, like emphasize to your 'friend' to, when in doubt, take it slow, feel her out and be careful not to scare her away. But at the end of the day you just don't know what your mom's sexual desires are, since it's nothing that she would ever disclose or display  to you. Also it sounds like you are currently not living at home, so who's to say that she isn't masturbating regularly, now that you are out of the house. In any case chances are that she is careful not to show her sexual side around you. And even if her sex drive is low, you certainly don't know how she will react when put in the right situation. I know that scientific facts can be tricky but it is considered that women reach their sexual prime later in life. But aside from that your mom is a human being after all, she has thoughts, fantasies, needs and urges just like the rest of us, and you just don't know how they will be triggered in her when you set the right stage for her to tap into them.

3. I think instead you should focus on the very lucky aspect that your dad is out of the picture. It's a major issue that you are fortunate enough to avoid. You won't have to make your mom cheat on her husband. It's not just a psychological aspect but a practical one to: There is no husband around to restrict the situation and make it harder for your plan to work. They won't have to wait for the him to leave, or fear for him to come home, awkwardly sneak around, come up with lies and excuses etc. It's certainly a real obstacle that a lot of us would have to deal with, but you are lucky enough to be completely free from it. And on top of that you seem to have confirmation that your mom hasn't had a cock in her since at least 5 years, meaning she will probably be hypersensitive to any touch and easy to please, once she let's loose.

4. Considering all of this, the most important question being if your mom qualifies as a MILF to some degree, I think you certainly could and should go for it. Especially, if you have someone suitable for her in mind. If there is that one horny alpha friend/classmate/colleague who you could see getting on board with this, I'd say now is the time to act. Now is your chance. And the thing is even if you are not sure about the guy you could basically do the same thing with him: Spend some time around him, bring up certain subjects (does he like MILFs?), see how he responds, before disclosing your true intentions to him. But in any case, if she's a MILF, then NOW is your BEST chance. It won't get any better than this. Your mom is the youngest and most fuckable now, that she will ever be.

And again, I can't stress enough how lucky you are to be aware and in tune with your fantasies and desires at your age, living at home with your mom. I'm not gonna lie: I envy that. I'm jealous of that. It frustrates me that I wasn't lucky enough to be in that situation. But, as cheesy as it sounds, I am really happy for you to and I hope you don't miss this opportunity.

Lastly, I want to remind you that this is a plan that can be adjusted on the go. Especially in the beginning, you can literally stop any time, if she doesn't respond well to your compliments or your 'friend's' comments, or doesn't seem to get along with him. You can literally just ask her what she thinks of him after their first encounter or your first dinner together or whatever, and decide from there. It's not set in stone. It's not like you choose to pursue this path in this instance and have to go through with it no matter what. But trust me I would feel so much better now even if I knew that I just tried, when I had the chance. Even if it didn't work out as I hoped. At least I tried. At least I would know that I gave my mom the chance to embrace herself as a woman and feel desired and young and sexy again, even if she ultimately didn't need it.

Thank you so much for the advice. I’ve always been on the edge about this topic, and everytime post nut clarity would knock me out of the desire of being a cuckson. As for finding a good alpha chad, that still hasn’t happened. None of my friends would do that and i know that for a fact. I was thinking about maybe looking around those cuckson subreddits like r/bangmymom and the such. Maybe submit a post asking for willing people near my area to meet up irl. Always hella nervous when the subject of actual irl addresses come up. There were 2 times when i contacted dudes on reddit to come fuck her irl, but i pussied out last second, deleting my post and account. The farthest I’ve ever gotten was giving a dude her number, but when he sent her his dick pic to gauge a reaction, she didnt even open it. She told me a day later that she got a dick pic from a stranger and asked me how to block the dude without opening the chat. She said that seeing the dude’s dick would “taint her eyes”. Wish she was more slutty sometimes…


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Reply #6 on: April 27, 2022, 10:28:48 AM
Also, i dunno if she can be considered a milf tbh. Ofc there are some dudes on reddit that said she was fuckable, others say not so much. She’s an asian bbw, saggy big tits and belly fat. Probably just under 200lbs. I personally cant find her sexy whenever i directly look at her. Maybe when im horny and fantasizing about someone fucking her, but not when im directly in her face. Never took any creepshots either for that matter. Boner goes limp when i see her in person. Thats why i think reddit is a better place to find an alpha chad, since there are a variety of different people with different tastes on there.


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Reply #7 on: April 27, 2022, 10:56:43 AM
Oh and another worry of mine about finding someone to fuck my mom online from places like reddit is safety . As much as id like her to be fucked and corrupted into a cum dumpster, with tramp stamps and “i love cock” tattoos on her, i still love and care for her 100% . Dont wanna accidentally introduce a murderer to her ya know. There’s always just so many worries to deal with


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Reply #8 on: April 27, 2022, 01:02:08 PM
Also, i dunno if she can be considered a milf tbh. Ofc there are some dudes on reddit that said she was fuckable, others say not so much. She’s an asian bbw, saggy big tits and belly fat. Probably just under 200lbs. I personally cant find her sexy whenever i directly look at her. Maybe when im horny and fantasizing about someone fucking her, but not when im directly in her face. Never took any creepshots either for that matter. Boner goes limp when i see her in person. Thats why i think reddit is a better place to find an alpha chad, since there are a variety of different people with different tastes on there.

Let me say, that I find it really remarkable how level-headed and thoughtful you are about this matter. It can be difficult not to let our horniness cloud our judgement sometimes, but it seems that your are managing it very well. Also I find it very brave how honest you are about your mom's (lack of) attractiveness, it takes a lot of courage to admit that, imo, so hats off. Telling us about your past attempts at making your fantasies come true is very helpful too.

Again, here are MY thoughts (please keep in mind that I'm just one person, I would really hope other's would join in to give you more perspective):

1. It's unfortunate that your mom might not qualify as a MILF anymore and also that you don't seem to have a suitable lover among your friends or acquaintances. But again it's good of you to admit and accept this, since it won't set you up for inevitable disappointment and failure. If you are absolutely sure that you can't find someone among your social groups that would take a shot at fucking your mom with your blessing and assistance, then you are right, looking for a guy online is probably the way to go. I will admit that this option hadn't crossed my mind, but of course it's entirely possible to find a good alpha in your area that way. In a way it might be even easier since you can be upfront with him right away and even ask for his cock size etc.

2. But I completely understand the doubt and worry that comes with that. And don't feel like we don't know that you love and care about your mom. Honestly, I would bet that most of us cucksons love our moms more that ANYTHING, and that's precisely why we have these desires for them. I know I do. So yes, caution & her safety are number 1 priorities. I think it would best for you to meet up with the guy first, once you feel he's a good candidate after chatting online and on the phone. Have a face to face conversation with him, get to know him a little, get a feel for him. Do you think your mom would like him? And that way he will understand how serious you are about this as well. He will see that you really care about your mom and don't want her end up hurt, if you are taking all these measures. It will help gain his sympathy and also make him understand that you are allies. And of course you will see how serious HE is about the whole things as well. And if something doesn't sit right with you about him, then just tell him you changed your mind afterwards.

3. The upside to this situation is that you have confirmed evidence that there are guys out there that are eager to fuck your mom irl. It doesn't matter that you didn't go through with it, what's important is that they were willing to. So finding a suitable alpha for your her shouldn't be a problem with this online approach.

4. Now lastly about that dick pic. I think it indicates this: I think your mom definitely needs some type of emotional connection with the guy before she will spread her legs for him. There is that feminist stereotype out there that women don't actually enjoy dickpics and can't just get off to a singled-out body part like that, and while I think it's absolutely crazy to make such a broad generalization (no doubt, there are women that enjoy dickpics), of course for some it is true. And your mom is probably one of them. But that doesn't mean that she wouldn't enjoy a big cock inside once she finds herself attracted to the guy on a personal level as well.

5. But this isn't necessarily bad because as I emphasized before you want to make this a rather slow and gradual process. Drop some hints, remarks, topics around her. Get a feel for that. Invite someone over, see how they get along. Talk about it afterwards. It's a step by step process, which allows you to adjust your strategy on the go, ensures that she won't be scared away and now, in light of this new realization, allows them to form the personal relationship that seems crucial to your mom for opening her legs for someone. And once again, if it doesn't seem to work out, you can throw it all out the window at any point.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 01:05:11 PM by nngh »

son of brazilian MILF

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Reply #9 on: April 27, 2022, 06:29:41 PM
Ok, so this might turn out to sound like I'm just venting or ranting, but I really hope that this could become a helpful thread for the younger users on here that still live at home with their moms. I honestly hope that you can learn from my (and other's) mistakes and regrets. Because if you are anything like me, you probably don't even realize what an incredible situation you are in right now.

To my defense, I only discovered the mommy-bully/cuckson-fetish AFTER I had moved out of the house, but still, one of my biggest regrets in life is that I had the chance to make this fantasy (at least to some degree) come true, and I just completely missed it. It's even more frustrating because in hindsight, I feel like I always had vague feelings of this nature, but I just wasn't able to define them or put a name on it - until I found out there was an entire specific genre and fetish about this, when it was too late.

So here are some of my thoughts, regrets, take-aways etc.:

1. If you are on this site AND still live at home, you are lucky. Really lucky. Because you can define it. You know what you want and you also know that you are not alone, that this isn't just you, but that there are many other sons out there that feel the exact same way, and would actually do anything to be able turn back time, so they could be in the exact situation you are in right now.

2. You will never be this close and therefore this influential to your mom again. You are living under the same roof, you see each other and talk to each other every day. Your chances and opportunities won't ever become better than this. You can literally invite anyone over and introduce them to your mom, because you share a home. Just think about that. You can basically introduce your mom to any guy you want, just by saying he's your friend/study partner/tutor/whatever. No questions asked. You can sit them down together, make up some excuse and leave the room. Just your mom and some guy you randomly introduce her to, sitting alone in a room IN HER HOUSE together. It would be so fucking easy! Once you move out, that's over. It wouldn't be impossible to archieve but much more complicated and I doubt it would ever feel as casual and natural.

3. As I said, living at home also means that you get to see her and talk to her every day. You can drop hints and comments about your friends praising her looks or calling her attractive, or even you yourself can compliment her on her outfits, make-up, hairstyles etc. You can actually encourange her to slowly dress more revealing over time. You get to influence her on a daily basis AND you get to observe her reaction to it in real time, and adjust to it accordingly. You might be thinking that it would be strange to praise her looks or even talk about your friends/classmates etc. praising them, if it's something you don't usually do, but just think about it, how would your mom not be happy to receive compliments that makes her feel attactive and good about herself? Also, it's not just her looks you can talk about it. It's so much more. You can touch on all kinds of topics like your 'friend' hooking up with a woman close to her age or hearing about an affair between a mother and her son's classmate, and subtly adding that you think that there's nothing fundamentally wrong with that. You get the idea. You have a daily, face-to-face 'influence' on her. Once you move out, that's over.

4. There are other things besides talking as well: 'Accidentally' leaving a browser tab open with MILF porn, or 'accidentally' making her see pictures of your muscular 'friends', maybe even showing them to her after mentioning that they were talking about how pretty she was etc. Watching a movie with a love story between an older woman and a teenager, when she is around, or with her. You get the idea. Again, once you move out, these things won't be as easy and natural to pull off.

5. Ok, so you might be thinking that you don't have any guys to introduce to your mom. Maybe because they are your friends and would never act on it, or because you are not sure if they are interested in your mom that way, or because you are not friends with them and it would be strange to invite them over, the list goes on. Well, this is a big one: You could literally just ask someone to make a move on your mom. Yes, I know it's bold and much easier said than done, but hear me out. Asssuming your mom does qualify as a MILF in the broadest sense (not pornstar standards), isn't it actually more likely than not that a young horny alpha male would be happy to try to fuck your mom? Especially if you promise to assist him, increasing his chances? Yeah, he might find it weird but wouldn't he do it despite it or actually maybe even precisely because out it? Just to have done it? Just so he can say that he once fucked his classmate's/friend's/whatever's MILF mom? I'm not saying you should walk around asking any guy you see to fuck your mom but I am sure that you can think of someone you know that you could actually imagine saying yes to this. Even if it would be uncomfortable and humiliating to ask, if you really think about it, in the end he will probably say yes.

6. Last one for now: I can totally understand that it would be uncomfortable to ask. You probabaly worry about the consquences. Will he laugh at you? Will he tell his friend's? Or in case you are friends, will he stop being your friend? Again, the list goes on. But here is a very important thing to remember: You are still young and life will eventually go on. Trust me. Anything you do right now is not as important as you think. The other kids you fear making fun of you for asking someone to fuck your mom or maybe rumours spreading about you and your mom, whatever you worry is - it's not as important as you think. In just a few years, most of these people, yes, even a lot of your friends, will be out of your life and you won't ever have to see them again, if you don't want to. You will go on with your life and so will they. They will probably forget that any of this happened, and worst case scenario it will be some funny anecdote they will remember and chuckle about once every few years at a class reunion or something. I hope you get the point. It doesn't matter as much as you think right now.

But what does matter is that you will at least know that you tried to make this fantasy come true. That you won't have to wonder and regret that you missed the opportunities when you had them. That you can proudly say that you tried to give your mom the opportunity to feel young and sexy again, even if in the end she didn't take it. The beauty of all of this is, that you can adjust on the go. You can see how she responds to all of it in real-time, and you could stop anytime you want. But this right now is your window of time to make the attempt, because -this is important as well- your mom will get older and therefore unfortunately she will become less fuckable. That's just the hard truth.  You don't want to look back in a few years and feel like "Back then all of my friends would have fucked her for sure but now maybe not". And maybe not even because your mom's older but they will be as well. They won't be horny teenagers anymore. And best case scenario is: You will be the one lucky son, that took his chance when he had it and made his fantasy come true, unlike the rest of us poor bastards who forever be stuck in the deeply frustrating state of "What if...". Please don't be like me, and look back with deep regret in a few years. Instead please be the lucky cuckson that helped his mom embrace her sexuality and become a good slut for other men.

Please share your thoughts, comments, advice etc. If we can help just one cuckson make his dream come true, it will be worth it.

You are a pro, dude. Congratulations!


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Reply #10 on: April 27, 2022, 07:13:31 PM
Also, i dunno if she can be considered a milf tbh. Ofc there are some dudes on reddit that said she was fuckable, others say not so much. She’s an asian bbw, saggy big tits and belly fat. Probably just under 200lbs. I personally cant find her sexy whenever i directly look at her. Maybe when im horny and fantasizing about someone fucking her, but not when im directly in her face. Never took any creepshots either for that matter. Boner goes limp when i see her in person. Thats why i think reddit is a better place to find an alpha chad, since there are a variety of different people with different tastes on there.

Let me say, that I find it really remarkable how level-headed and thoughtful you are about this matter. It can be difficult not to let our horniness cloud our judgement sometimes, but it seems that your are managing it very well. Also I find it very brave how honest you are about your mom's (lack of) attractiveness, it takes a lot of courage to admit that, imo, so hats off. Telling us about your past attempts at making your fantasies come true is very helpful too.

Again, here are MY thoughts (please keep in mind that I'm just one person, I would really hope other's would join in to give you more perspective):

1. It's unfortunate that your mom might not qualify as a MILF anymore and also that you don't seem to have a suitable lover among your friends or acquaintances. But again it's good of you to admit and accept this, since it won't set you up for inevitable disappointment and failure. If you are absolutely sure that you can't find someone among your social groups that would take a shot at fucking your mom with your blessing and assistance, then you are right, looking for a guy online is probably the way to go. I will admit that this option hadn't crossed my mind, but of course it's entirely possible to find a good alpha in your area that way. In a way it might be even easier since you can be upfront with him right away and even ask for his cock size etc.

2. But I completely understand the doubt and worry that comes with that. And don't feel like we don't know that you love and care about your mom. Honestly, I would bet that most of us cucksons love our moms more that ANYTHING, and that's precisely why we have these desires for them. I know I do. So yes, caution & her safety are number 1 priorities. I think it would best for you to meet up with the guy first, once you feel he's a good candidate after chatting online and on the phone. Have a face to face conversation with him, get to know him a little, get a feel for him. Do you think your mom would like him? And that way he will understand how serious you are about this as well. He will see that you really care about your mom and don't want her end up hurt, if you are taking all these measures. It will help gain his sympathy and also make him understand that you are allies. And of course you will see how serious HE is about the whole things as well. And if something doesn't sit right with you about him, then just tell him you changed your mind afterwards.

3. The upside to this situation is that you have confirmed evidence that there are guys out there that are eager to fuck your mom irl. It doesn't matter that you didn't go through with it, what's important is that they were willing to. So finding a suitable alpha for your her shouldn't be a problem with this online approach.

4. Now lastly about that dick pic. I think it indicates this: I think your mom definitely needs some type of emotional connection with the guy before she will spread her legs for him. There is that feminist stereotype out there that women don't actually enjoy dickpics and can't just get off to a singled-out body part like that, and while I think it's absolutely crazy to make such a broad generalization (no doubt, there are women that enjoy dickpics), of course for some it is true. And your mom is probably one of them. But that doesn't mean that she wouldn't enjoy a big cock inside once she finds herself attracted to the guy on a personal level as well.

5. But this isn't necessarily bad because as I emphasized before you want to make this a rather slow and gradual process. Drop some hints, remarks, topics around her. Get a feel for that. Invite someone over, see how they get along. Talk about it afterwards. It's a step by step process, which allows you to adjust your strategy on the go, ensures that she won't be scared away and now, in light of this new realization, allows them to form the personal relationship that seems crucial to your mom for opening her legs for someone. And once again, if it doesn't seem to work out, you can throw it all out the window at any point.
Once again, great fucking advice! I think I’ll start making my new reddit account to look for a good candidate. Although, thinking a hit into the future, I’ll probably not start until the beginning if june, when i get my car. That way meeting the other person would be easier. Also, should i be posting a pic of my mom onto reddit? Like to filter out the dudes that dont wanna fuck her? There’s always the chance of her pic circulating back to her and her finding out, but i find that chance to be minuscule. I’ve sent a pic of her face to strangers in dms but i think it’d be different if it was in a post for all to see. The new reddit account i just created is u/Fuckmymomirl69 if anyone wants to keep up with the journey. No guarantees that it’ll end up like how we’d imagine tho.


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Reply #11 on: April 27, 2022, 08:19:43 PM
Once again, great fucking advice! I think I’ll start making my new reddit account to look for a good candidate. Although, thinking a hit into the future, I’ll probably not start until the beginning if june, when i get my car. That way meeting the other person would be easier. Also, should i be posting a pic of my mom onto reddit? Like to filter out the dudes that dont wanna fuck her? There’s always the chance of her pic circulating back to her and her finding out, but i find that chance to be minuscule. I’ve sent a pic of her face to strangers in dms but i think it’d be different if it was in a post for all to see. The new reddit account i just created is u/Fuckmymomirl69 if anyone wants to keep up with the journey. No guarantees that it’ll end up like how we’d imagine tho.

Hey, that's so great! I can't tell you enough how lucky you are and how happy I am for you to take matters in your own hand, using this opportunity while it is there! It really makes me feel good about creating this thread.

Yeah, waiting until you have a car sounds like a good idea, it will come in handy for sure. And I mean, what an exciting idea to think about being the chaffeur for your mom's big cocked lover, driving him to fuck her and then back home after he has used her up.  What a powerful scenario. But fantasy aside, the few remaining months until then will be a great chance to come up with a general plan and ideas (who is he? how do you introduce him? excuses to leave the house? subjects to bring up to her?), and also an opportunity start working on your mom, making comments, bringing up topics, testing the waters, as sort of a groundwork, so you will have a better understanding of the situation, which will be also useful once you talk to the candidates, and be able to give them more info and paint a better picture.

As for posting her pics, I think you're right that the chances of it finding its way to her are pretty slim, but maybe censoring her face or identifying marks, surroundings etc. might be a good idea. Men will get a general idea of how she looks and if they are interested and if they contact you and seem legit , you can give them unedited ones in private.

Oh, and this might be a useful sub to post:
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 08:25:18 PM by nngh »


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Reply #12 on: April 27, 2022, 09:21:54 PM
Once again, great fucking advice! I think I’ll start making my new reddit account to look for a good candidate. Although, thinking a hit into the future, I’ll probably not start until the beginning if june, when i get my car. That way meeting the other person would be easier. Also, should i be posting a pic of my mom onto reddit? Like to filter out the dudes that dont wanna fuck her? There’s always the chance of her pic circulating back to her and her finding out, but i find that chance to be minuscule. I’ve sent a pic of her face to strangers in dms but i think it’d be different if it was in a post for all to see. The new reddit account i just created is u/Fuckmymomirl69 if anyone wants to keep up with the journey. No guarantees that it’ll end up like how we’d imagine tho.

Hey, that's so great! I can't tell you enough how lucky you are and how happy I am for you to take matters in your own hand, using this opportunity while it is there! It really makes me feel good about creating this thread.

Yeah, waiting until you have a car sounds like a good idea, it will come in handy for sure. And I mean, what an exciting idea to think about being the chaffeur for your mom's big cocked lover, driving him to fuck her and then back home after he has used her up.  What a powerful scenario. But fantasy aside, the few remaining months until then will be a great chance to come up with a general plan and ideas (who is he? how do you introduce him? excuses to leave the house? subjects to bring up to her?), and also an opportunity start working on your mom, making comments, bringing up topics, testing the waters, as sort of a groundwork, so you will have a better understanding of the situation, which will be also useful once you talk to the candidates, and be able to give them more info and paint a better picture.

As for posting her pics, I think you're right that the chances of it finding its way to her are pretty slim, but maybe censoring her face or identifying marks, surroundings etc. might be a good idea. Men will get a general idea of how she looks and if they are interested and if they contact you and seem legit , you can give them unedited ones in private.

Oh, and this might be a useful sub to post:
Yea, i follow that sub. Ill have to take more pics of her then. So far i only have a single pic of her with her face mainly being the focus. Gonna have to take a pic with more body too


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Reply #13 on: April 28, 2022, 03:06:53 AM
And how can we find dudes to fuck our moms? Even if we do. How do we convince our moms?


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Reply #14 on: April 28, 2022, 10:22:52 AM
And how can we find dudes to fuck our moms? Even if we do. How do we convince our moms?

Hey fellow cuckson, glad you found your way here! It's good to see that you seem seriously curious about this. That's the first step.

As I wrote in the posts above, when finding a suitable lover for your mom there are two approaches that come to my mind.

First option is, finding someone among your friends or acquaintances that would seem like a good fuck for your mom and also seems likely to be willing to fuck her, especially considering the option to just flat-out ask him to do it with your blessing, help and assistance. Is there a horny young man you know that would be open to fuck your mom? Someone that's good with woman, who may even have some experience hooking up wit girls older than him? Some handsome, perverted alpha that, even if it was embrassing and humiliating to ask him to fuck your own mother, would in the end probably say yes, just to get the chance to fuck a friend's/classmate's/colleague's mom? Or someone who might be a good fit, who you could drop a few hints around, bring up certain topics (does he like milfs? has he had experience with milfs? theoretically, would he hook up with a friend's mom?), before depending on his reaction dropping the question?

Second option is looking for someone online in your area. This has the advantage of being able to be straight-forward in your intention and even ask for intimate details such as cock-size, body-count, dickpics etc. The drawback is that it requires caution and a more careful screening process. You will need to chat with him, maybe have a few phone calls, before finally meeting up with him alone to determine if he is a good fit. You don't want to invite some random stranger in your house who could end up being dangerous to your mom, either physically or by maybe blowing your cover and putting a strain on your relationship. You need someone you can trust, someone who is in this WITH YOU. Someone who's your allie in the conquest of getting your mom to spread her legs for him.

When it comes to "convincing" your mom, imo, there is no straight-forward way to do this. At least none that seem very probable to work out. In case of your mom the only things you can do is slowly introduce her to certain topics (what does she think of younger guys with older woman? how does she react when you tell her about your 'friend' hooking up with a woman her age last week? etc.) and see how she responds. On top of that you can compliment her on her looks, tell her how your friends think she is very attractive for her age etc., the goal being, to make her feel more confident and acknwoledged as a woman, in her sexuality, especially in regards to her age. The most edgy thing I can think of is telling her about some friends having an affair with a guy your age and then, rather casually, mentioning that you personally don't find that they are to blame, as long they were both consenting. Plant that idea in her head that there is this option of women her age hooking up with guys your age out there, and it's taking place right around her, and she could very well be one of those women too, if she chose to. But that's all that you can do in terms of "convincing" your mom through talk, imo.

After you have done this groundwork, the only thing left to do is hope for your chosen alpha to have good chemistry with your mom and work his charm on her, after you introduce them to each other under some unsuspicious pretext (He's your friend, study partner, colleague etc.), and use excuses to create some alone time between them. Again, unless you believe that the guy would hit on your mom on his own, it is probably best to just ask him beforehand, even if it might be awkward at first. That way you can know for sure that he will start working your mom even more, once you leave the room. Keep in mind that this will probably be a long term process, he will most likely not get in her pants on their first encounter. But depending on your mom's reaction both from your friend's perspective and yours after you talk about him to her afterwards, you get a better idea of the situation and also be able to adjust your strategy from their. And if it doesn't work, then in doesn't, and you can throw the whole thing out of the window without your mom ever knowing what was going on. From her perspective you just once invited a friend to your house.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2022, 10:26:30 AM by nngh »