Author Topic: Thoughts & Advice For Cucksons  (Read 9479 times)


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Reply #15 on: April 28, 2022, 12:59:56 PM
Hi there,

What a great website this is! And it's so good to realize that I'm not the only one who has these 'weird thoughts and feelings' about my mom. For the longest time I thought that maybe there is something wrong with me, or that I am a pervert, or that I'm a sick person, and - well, maybe all of that is true, I don't know, but it is good to see that I am not alone.

After having tried my luck in university, which alas wasn't a success, I've been living with my mom again for the past half year, and it's basically just the two of us because my dad left us many years ago and we haven't seen him since. Even though she is already 42, I think she is still a 'looker', and she gets plenty of attention from other men as well as most of my friends, but apparently her experience with my dad has left a bad taste in her mouth regarding men because as far as I know she hasn't had a boyfriend ever since, and I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't had any sex either.

I was convinced that she had sworn of men completely, until a while ago I started noticing that she behaves differently when one of my friends, Julian, is around. Some of the things that I notice is that often she changes into some niver clothes when he is around, and she asks whether we would like a soda or a snack (which she never does when my other friends are around), and she is so friendly to him, and she very regularly asks me about him. julian is just a normal guy like my other friends, the only difference is that he is black. and the interest seems to be mutual because Julian is dropping by much more often and whenever he sees my mom I see him stare at her.

i don't want to get my hopes up, but as you can imagine this has been making my fantasies go wild - and I don't think I have to explain what kind of fantasies I mean. I would LOVE for my mom and Julian to get together and for my mom to be fucked by him, but I'm not sure what the best way is to handle this, and I don't want to screw things up. The most obvious thing seems to be to be a bit more direct to Julian about my thoughts and desires, but that is quite a big step, and so far I haven't managed to find the courage to do so. I'm also worried that I am maybe interpreting what I see wrongly, or that I am making more of it than there actually is.


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Reply #16 on: April 28, 2022, 02:33:04 PM
Hi there,

What a great website this is! And it's so good to realize that I'm not the only one who has these 'weird thoughts and feelings' about my mom. For the longest time I thought that maybe there is something wrong with me, or that I am a pervert, or that I'm a sick person, and - well, maybe all of that is true, I don't know, but it is good to see that I am not alone.

After having tried my luck in university, which alas wasn't a success, I've been living with my mom again for the past half year, and it's basically just the two of us because my dad left us many years ago and we haven't seen him since. Even though she is already 42, I think she is still a 'looker', and she gets plenty of attention from other men as well as most of my friends, but apparently her experience with my dad has left a bad taste in her mouth regarding men because as far as I know she hasn't had a boyfriend ever since, and I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't had any sex either.

I was convinced that she had sworn of men completely, until a while ago I started noticing that she behaves differently when one of my friends, Julian, is around. Some of the things that I notice is that often she changes into some niver clothes when he is around, and she asks whether we would like a soda or a snack (which she never does when my other friends are around), and she is so friendly to him, and she very regularly asks me about him. julian is just a normal guy like my other friends, the only difference is that he is black. and the interest seems to be mutual because Julian is dropping by much more often and whenever he sees my mom I see him stare at her.

i don't want to get my hopes up, but as you can imagine this has been making my fantasies go wild - and I don't think I have to explain what kind of fantasies I mean. I would LOVE for my mom and Julian to get together and for my mom to be fucked by him, but I'm not sure what the best way is to handle this, and I don't want to screw things up. The most obvious thing seems to be to be a bit more direct to Julian about my thoughts and desires, but that is quite a big step, and so far I haven't managed to find the courage to do so. I'm also worried that I am maybe interpreting what I see wrongly, or that I am making more of it than there actually is.

Hey Eric,

thanks for joining in! I'm very happy that you have found this site. I think we all know that relieving feeling of finding out that we are not alone with our unusual desires.

Now I will be perfectly honest and admit that I am taking what you wrote with a little grain of salt, since it's just sounds a tad bit too perfect to be true, but if it really is your actual situation you can be happy that you are basically living in our dream scenario right now.

Honestly, I don't even think it is nessecary for you to do much there. It seems like your mom and your black friend have good chemistry and with them being so interested in each other it seems like something is bound to happen sooner or later. I think the only thing for you to do is to give them time alone. Which means making up excuses to leave the room, or better yet the house, whenever Julian is around. If you really  want to make sure you can drop some hints around Julian saying you wished your mom find a partner again, since she seems lonely and you want to see her happy, or something to that effect. You could do the same with your mom hinting at Julian asking about her or Julian praising her looks or something. But again, dropping these subtle hints around them doesn't even sound really nessecary, although it might speed up the process. The only thing important is to leave the house and give them their space, imo.

Now if you are willing to go for the jackpot, which isn't to far-fetched if what you are saying is true, you could confess your feelings to your friend and make up a plan for him to fuck her while you are still in the house. Like pretending you have left but you hide somewhere. You could do that without telling him, but it sounds a bit too risky, if you ask me. By telling him you could also make sure that he makes he will give you a good view or at least a good listening. I think it is very, very probably that he would be on board with that. He could also keep your mom from accidentaly finding you in the house somehow. He could distract her so that you can leave and pretend like you are returning later. And this is just off the top of my head. I'm sure you could find many, many other things to do. The main thing is that chances are very high that he would be willing to fuck your mom with your knowledge and blessing. He's already ogling her with you in room. Maybe he won't let you watch the first times but I wouldn't imagine listening in would be a problem. But even without you being in the house, with him as your ally you could end up having access to the whole truth and maybe even actual footage of your mom getting fucked by him.

But again, the last paragraph is if you want to go for the absolute win. Although even that doesn't sound too risky in your circumstance. But even without going for it all, just with the minimal effort of excusing yourself around them and leaving them alone, things should work out to your liking eventually. If you are saying the truth, he will fuck her sooner or later, an it's just the matter of how involved you want to be.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2022, 02:54:18 PM by nngh »


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Reply #17 on: May 01, 2022, 05:11:15 PM
My friend has always fancied my mom, and I know he wants to fuck her but without me, or anybody else discover it. I want to help him being myself discreet too.


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Reply #18 on: May 01, 2022, 06:02:48 PM
My friend has always fancied my mom, and I know he wants to fuck her but without me, or anybody else discover it. I want to help him being myself discreet too.

1. Definitely give them alone time. Invite him over as often as you see fit and make excuses to leave the room or even better the house. Doing this during a lunch or dinner with her might be great, as it assures that they will continue spending time after you’ve left, maybe even doing the dishes together afterwards etc.

2. Praise him in front of your mom. Tell her all the good things about him, drop hints that he is very popular with girls and maybe has even hooked up with older women. Drop hints that he has made positive comments about your mom, both appearance and personalitywise. Make it known that he talks about her all the time, that he thinks about her even she is not around. Maybe even tell her that he looks at her a certain way.

3. If your mom seems to recipricate these comments, then do the same thing around your friend. Tell him that your mom strangely talks about him quite often and seems to really fancy him. Maybe something to the degree of: It’s so annoying because she always compares me with you and how much better you are at things. Maybe even: She says you’re more handsome too.

(Note: This last two points about making telling them about each others remarks shouldn’t be too far from the truth. You don’t want them somehow telling each other about it and your lies being exposed. If they haven’t made any remarks about each other then tell them about behaviours that you observe, for example, the way he looks at your mom, or the way your mom seems strangely happy around him and so on)

4. But if in the end it turns out that your friend isn’t bold enough to make a move, either because he is scared of her reaction or out of respect to you, it might be a good idea to talk to him about it openly. If you are sure that he wants to fuck her, this it shouldn’t be a problem, as long as you are willing to make it comfortable for him, for example, by opting out of being able to witness them having sex somehow, if that’s too weird for him. As long as he gets it the way he wants, he shouldn’t mind having your blessing and assistance, as you can be a helpful person to give him access and time with your mom.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 06:04:44 PM by nngh »


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Reply #19 on: May 01, 2022, 09:20:11 PM
Hi, interesting topic

I wonder how the situation would go if the son told his mother directly that his friend (whom she knows well) likes her and that he would like to invite her to a cinema, for example. The son would also say that he doesn't mind. Even if the mother would laugh at the idea, it would probably plant a seed in her mind. Then perhaps it would be enough for the son to invite the friend to his house as often as possible, and the mother and the friend would be left alone as often as possible. The female psyche is mysterious. Maybe she would give in to her son's friend. Maybe not right away, but after some time.

Sorry for my english.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 09:26:40 PM by beholder »


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Reply #20 on: May 02, 2022, 11:01:02 AM
Hi, interesting topic

I wonder how the situation would go if the son told his mother directly that his friend (whom she knows well) likes her and that he would like to invite her to a cinema, for example. The son would also say that he doesn't mind. Even if the mother would laugh at the idea, it would probably plant a seed in her mind. Then perhaps it would be enough for the son to invite the friend to his house as often as possible, and the mother and the friend would be left alone as often as possible. The female psyche is mysterious. Maybe she would give in to her son's friend. Maybe not right away, but after some time.

Sorry for my english.

Thanks so much for contributing to this topic! Very refreshing to hear some other thoughts.
I think the general idea is great, making it known to the mom that the friend is actually interested in spending time with HER and not just her son. Also, letting her know that the son wouldn't mind it is certainly helpful, imo.
But as I wrote in one of my last posts: I would try to stay away from completely making up stuff to her. So if the friend has actually mentioned that he would want to take the mom out on a date or anything hinting in the direction, I think it would be a great idea to tell her about his plans to invite her to the movies for example. But if he hasn't ever mentioned anything like this, I would be careful with that. I wouldn't risk it just because it could backfire and blow up in the son's face, not necessarily because of the off chance that the mom accepts the invitation, but because she might mention it to the son's friend the next time she sees him for instance. It would just be awkward and strange for everybody involved, and probably mostly make the mom feel embarrassed and possibly avoid the friend for awhile.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 11:02:44 AM by nngh »


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Reply #21 on: May 02, 2022, 12:01:24 PM
Very cool thread in this forum.

What do you think about an idea like this.

A son tells his mom that he has a friend who is shy and has never been on a date with a woman. He likes his friend and asks his mother for help. He shows a picture of his mate on his phone or the Internet, for example, and studies her reaction. If his mother bursts into laughter at the idea, he either drops it or repeats it some time later while probing her and asking if she likes his mate. At the same time she keeps mentioning him and complimenting him and saying that he would not mind their meeting. There is also nothing stopping her from inviting him home and after some time also saying that the friend likes her. I wonder if after some time the mother would agree to a date, e.g. to the cinema.

Another scenario that comes to my mind. More natural. The son enrolls himself and his mother in a fitness club. His friend also goes there. All three of them start going there together. After some time, the son stops going, simulates illness, etc., giving the friend and the mother the opportunity to be alone. Ideally, the friend should be more physically developed, handsome, and knowledgeable about working out to give guidance to the mother. Then it would be up to the friend how far the relationship would go.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 02:45:05 PM by beholder »


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Reply #22 on: May 02, 2022, 12:05:41 PM
Hi, interesting topic

I wonder how the situation would go if the son told his mother directly that his friend (whom she knows well) likes her and that he would like to invite her to a cinema, for example. The son would also say that he doesn't mind. Even if the mother would laugh at the idea, it would probably plant a seed in her mind. Then perhaps it would be enough for the son to invite the friend to his house as often as possible, and the mother and the friend would be left alone as often as possible. The female psyche is mysterious. Maybe she would give in to her son's friend. Maybe not right away, but after some time.

Sorry for my english.

Thanks so much for contributing to this topic! Very refreshing to hear some other thoughts.
I think the general idea is great, making it known to the mom that the friend is actually interested in spending time with HER and not just her son. Also, letting her know that the son wouldn't mind it is certainly helpful, imo.
But as I wrote in one of my last posts: I would try to stay away from completely making up stuff to her. So if the friend has actually mentioned that he would want to take the mom out on a date or anything hinting in the direction, I think it would be a great idea to tell her about his plans to invite her to the movies for example. But if he hasn't ever mentioned anything like this, I would be careful with that. I wouldn't risk it just because it could backfire and blow up in the son's face, not necessarily because of the off chance that the mom accepts the invitation, but because she might mention it to the son's friend the next time she sees him for instance. It would just be awkward and strange for everybody involved, and probably mostly make the mom feel embarrassed and possibly avoid the friend for awhile.

Of course, I was referring to a situation where a friend is privy and introduced to the plan.   ;)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 12:07:26 PM by beholder »


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Reply #23 on: May 03, 2022, 02:49:36 AM
Hi nngh,

Earlier you said that if you could do it all over again you know who you would have fuck your mom. I am just curious who that person is in your life? Is it a friend? Why him specifically? What is it about him that makes you choose him over other guys? Interested in hearing your thoughts.


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Reply #24 on: May 03, 2022, 11:31:39 AM
Very cool thread in this forum.

What do you think about an idea like this.

A son tells his mom that he has a friend who is shy and has never been on a date with a woman. He likes his friend and asks his mother for help. He shows a picture of his mate on his phone or the Internet, for example, and studies her reaction. If his mother bursts into laughter at the idea, he either drops it or repeats it some time later while probing her and asking if she likes his mate. At the same time she keeps mentioning him and complimenting him and saying that he would not mind their meeting. There is also nothing stopping her from inviting him home and after some time also saying that the friend likes her. I wonder if after some time the mother would agree to a date, e.g. to the cinema.

Another scenario that comes to my mind. More natural. The son enrolls himself and his mother in a fitness club. His friend also goes there. All three of them start going there together. After some time, the son stops going, simulates illness, etc., giving the friend and the mother the opportunity to be alone. Ideally, the friend should be more physically developed, handsome, and knowledgeable about working out to give guidance to the mother. Then it would be up to the friend how far the relationship would go.

Yeah, if the friend is involved in the plan then there really are endless possibilities to approach this, and it can be always adjusted to the mom's personality, preferences and of course her reaction. If she is a very compassionate, sweet person who likes to help others than it would be a great idea to tap into that, if she has certain interests and hobbies it could be a perfect opportunity to get to her through that.

In the same way, if she is open to going to the gym or maybe even regularly works out already it would be an amazing way to pair her up with the friend. The gym is especially great because it is a physical activity which makes them acknowledge each other's bodies and physical traits, both by the activity itself and the way they dress for it, AND it also gives them plenty of chances to touch AND it will give them a satisfying sense of having spent time together afterwards, with all their endorphins rushing. It think it is one of the most efficient way to get them closer and make the mom acknowledge the friend as a fit, strong male.


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Reply #25 on: May 03, 2022, 11:33:09 AM
Hi nngh,

Earlier you said that if you could do it all over again you know who you would have fuck your mom. I am just curious who that person is in your life? Is it a friend? Why him specifically? What is it about him that makes you choose him over other guys? Interested in hearing your thoughts.

He was a guy from school, around the same age as me. Now that I think about it he might have even been a few months younger than me, which would have made it even hotter tbh. But he looked way older than his age, he probably the manliest in our agegroup, of course, way bigger and stronger than me. He had sort of a reputation as a bully or asshole around school, always involved in some trouble with teachers. I used to be a little scared and intimidated by him, although I don’t remember him coming at me directly.

Right around the appropriate age (maybe a bit earlier) we sort of started hanging out with each other through mutual friends. We weren’t best buddies or anything, but we had a friendly connection. I even remember being over at his place (with said mutual friends) once.

And he also used to regularly have casual sex with girls at that time. If I’m not mistaken none of us other guys had girlfriends or regular sex. I remember one time when we picked him up at one of his fuck buddies place to go somewhere afterwards. He bragged about he fucked her just minutes ago and I distinctly remember noticing the sweat on his face and thinking: “Wow, he really just had his dick in some random girl, moments ago.”

Now I don’t know if he had a big cock or not, but I want to think so. Judging from his stature it would certainly be plausible. I’m also not sure if he would have tried to fuck my mom on his own iniative, simply by bringing him home and introducing him to her. But he was horny, and as I said, kind of a troublemaker and ‘daredevil’, who would have 100% agreed to doing so if I had been courageous enough to ask him to make a move. No matter how many times I think about it, he would have 100% agreed and probably loved the idea. Not just because my mom was definitely quite fuckable at that time but because he would have loved the idea of having fucked someone’s mom. He might have lost respect for me and made fun of me but as I said we weren’t very close anyway and, well, it would have been so worth it... if I had just found this fetish and accepted my true desires earlier.


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Reply #26 on: May 03, 2022, 02:44:45 PM
Hi nngh, thanks for answering.
How do you think, your mom would like this guy? What kind of person is your mom? Is she an open minded fun-loving person or more of a conservative type? Can you also describe what she looked like physically? Maybe she was similar to some actress or celebrity?


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Reply #27 on: May 03, 2022, 04:32:35 PM
This is spot on.
My mother is now 70 and still wish to see her fuck an alpha


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Reply #28 on: June 25, 2022, 02:50:11 PM
Great thoughts and advice.
But my situation is a bit tough.
I'm an asian cuckson, living with my parents. My parents, they seems to be happy, but as a matter of fact, my dad is 11 years older than my mom and turns 60 this year.
I really wish my mum has a chance to be feel a younger and thicker cock. Sometimes I even dream about the alpha bull impregnate my mum and give me a little brother/sister. But at the same time, I feel bad about my dad though I often have a crazy thought to turn him to a cuckold.
At the end, I don't want to break my family.  :-[

« Last Edit: June 26, 2022, 01:41:30 PM by soduong363 »


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Reply #29 on: July 08, 2022, 04:57:16 PM
any advise about indian sons?

my mom is pretty educated but barely expose she 48