Author Topic: Your mom loves you, you can stop this, free yourself.  (Read 7616 times)


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on: November 15, 2020, 05:21:18 AM
You are more than this, We can free ourselves from these demons if we want to.

Would you want the girl you like to find out about this? Or your friends? Or even your mom? Of course not, because it's not normal, it's weird, and it's fucked up and you know it very well.

But don't be scared, this is not you, you can leave this behind very easily if you try to find out why do you like this, accept this fucked up part of your mind and destroy it.

I want you to rise, I want you to live a healthy and happy life and you can only do that if you kill these demons. This pague is created for our demons to interact and feed each other, you have the choice to let them grow or kill them.

You are beautiful, and your mom is beautiful too and you know that she doesn't deserve this, you want to be a good son and a great human being, it's never to late to become what you really are, don't let these shit accept that lame life, you can rise and become someone better.

My dad used to hit my mom, I think that's the reason why I grew up with this shit. Now I'm 22 and I can finally say I defeat it and now I'm free.

If you delete this, you are evil and you will keep somebody to save his own life, please, we all share the same issue, let's stop helping each other to destroy ourselves.

It's time to be free my brother, I love you. Now get the fuck out of here and go tell tour mom that you love her.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2020, 05:26:49 AM by FreeSoul »


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Reply #1 on: November 15, 2020, 04:24:42 PM
Honestly I’m more on the fucking the mom camp not the bullied loser camp it’s the idea of fucking someone I don’t like mom that’s my thing but no I don’t want my mom or no one to fuck her I know I know it’s hypocritical but yeah I fuck yours hands off my mom lol I’m the bully I guess


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Reply #2 on: November 16, 2020, 01:25:45 AM
Yeah I agree with whitedragon44


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Reply #3 on: November 16, 2020, 10:00:08 PM
I love my mom. But when I went to tell her that I love her, I couldn't help but think of my bully's fat cock down her pretty throat. That made me aroused.

So yes, I love my mom. But I also would love for my mom to be brutally fucked by my bully. These things are not mutually exclusive.


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Reply #4 on: November 17, 2020, 08:46:43 PM
It can't be stopped. Our moms are for the Alphas of the world.


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Reply #5 on: November 18, 2020, 01:38:23 AM
Can see no evil wishing our moms enjoy tough sex. An alpha male's pounding is a dream of every woman mommy or not.


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Reply #6 on: November 29, 2020, 07:05:24 AM
Would you want the girl you like to find out about this? Or your friends? Or even your mom? Of course not

I'm curious what kind of brain-addled simp would even care about  the above quoted.

If a friend or a family member of mine "found out about this"  and then brought it up, I would simply say "Are you really that interested in the details of when I jerk off? well okay. I like variety, sometimes  that means  vanilla, other times it means pretty fucked up stuff. Now unless you're secretly trying to get some action from me, I would truly appreciate it if you would back the fuck off. What I read or do in private is my business, got that?"

If your woman, whether you are attracted to each other or she's already yours,  finds out, then who gives a fuck..... I swear, a lot of people on the internet these days are really young or somehow grew into adulthood without becoming adults . Adult women know that men are into some fucked up shit  compared to women. They know this, and if you think otherwise, you are very naive or stupid. If any adult woman tries to act indignant or shocked that you were reading or watching some fucked up porn, call her out on that bullshit immediately. Never let a woman get away with saying that  obvious nonsense.

Guys, If you are caught with this by anyone,  always remember that you have done nothing wrong. You cannot be made to feel guilt nor shame by others, only by yourself..... that being said, don't be a fucking animal either, keep the content in private where it belongs.

You are beautiful, and your mom is beautiful too and you know that she doesn't deserve this

Well that's just, like your opinion man.

If you delete this, you are evil

Well rock the fuck on.  If I were a moderator I would have deleted it simply because I do not tolerate the above quoted bullshit from anyone.

You moralizing "politically correct" dipshits are priceless. You whine about being "offended" over every little thing but have no qualms about wasting people's time, spewing hypocrisy or trying to push your nonsensical orthodoxy on others.  I hope you were trolling because even by the standards of a concern trolling moralfag,  your performance was piss terrible. All you came off across as was a leftist simp  that thinks if he simps hard enough, a woman might someday touch his pee pee. The virtue signaling of a simp like you is what being repugnant and pathetic actually looks like.