Author Topic: New bluvelvet99 story - Caught in the Act and Commission Compilation Volume 3  (Read 2642 times)


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    • bluvelvet99
Hey guys! I finally finished an original story, one involving Alexis Texas. And I also just put up the third collection of commissions, which continues the America series.

Just click on my link in the description below or google bluvevet99 to go to my site.

I'm still writing new stories at


mathew elizabeth

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Hey Bluvelvet99,

As usual, absolutely legendary.

I always like your stories with the spy cameras. But this one had an interesting twist with a satisfactory ending to it.

You literally created a 'world' with that holiday resort/motel location. This is an absolute testament to your writing. The side characters and everything just made it work so well. Just the 'water web' thing alone was fantastic.

Keep up the great work Bluvelvet99, you are one of the greatest among us in this community. I can only hope one day my writing can live up to your written works magnitude and subtle social and psychological cues, which is unrivaled.

Awesome as always mate, take care!

-Mathew Elizabeth


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    • bluvelvet99
Thank you so much man!

Every time I write, I always do so with the fear that what I'm doing isn't adequate or worth anything, and it's messages like this that let me know that what I'm doing has an impact on people. Especially as you note the things which were in my mind as i wrote the story, like the world-building (which i put in there to make it a sort of whodunit).

By the way, man. I've told you this before, but you were an influence on me starting my blog, and starting writing in general. To this day, I still see people bringing up your stories with love. You've made a huge impact on a lot of people and this genre as a whole. You're one of the reasons why Watching My Mom Go Black has the sons jerking off as they watch. It's crazy how far along this stuff has come because of the seeds people like you planted.

I'm still writing new stories at


mathew elizabeth

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Wow, what you just wrote is an absolute honor man. For real? You think/heard I inspired a lot of sons to jerk off to 'Watching My Mom Go Black'? (Classic series by the way)

Yeah, I was one of the 'earlier' ones to write it down. Particularly in a multi chapter format. But there were a few one-shots before me. My first story being 'Younger Bully Owns Joey' series in 2008, I was a very young and naive teenager writing that then. It was full of bisexual sex. It exists in many versions with different names like 'Joey and his Bullies'; 'Chad gets Joey's Mother' and a really nice guy released a purely heterosexual re-imagining named 'Owned by a Younger Bully' (I'm ashamed to say I forgot the author's name)

I did write a one-shot called 'My Friends and My Mom' in 2010 as well.

My next series was 'My Moms Young Stud' in 2012. It lasted up to 5 instalments before me canning it, once again got a bit 'gay', not that there's anything wrong with that. Plus, it sorts of ended on a poetic yet open ended note. Bittersweet feminine servitude alongside his mother?

Finally, there is 'Mommy's Love Denied' series, which is my biggest and best work, I think. Nothing gay in it at all. 16 chapters/episodes so far.

We've discussed before that I tend to write things in long series format, but God I wish I could churn out the quantity of quality one-shots like you do Bluvelvet99.

There was one earlier one you wrote that's not very famous, but I love, called 'The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back' (the spy-cam stuff is so great!)  There were a few others like that as well. I forgot the names. But otherwise, I'll just say your 'world building', character depth and intricate metaphors squashed into each of your 'one-shots' are truly evidence of your talent.

We will both try to keep up the good work.  ;)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2023, 04:39:03 PM by mathew elizabeth »


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Both of you are legends in this scene. I may not comment much, but I always look forward to anything you both put out.


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    • bluvelvet99
"Wow, what you just wrote is an absolute honor man. For real? You think/heard I inspired a lot of sons to jerk off to 'Watching My Mom Go Black'? (Classic series by the way)"

Oh no, I do think that's true as well. But what I was saying was that the way those videos themselves are shot was changed thanks to writers like you who helped make this stuff popular. I was talking about the sons jerking off in the videos themselves. I don't know if any of the producers have ever read your stories, mine, or any other writers, but the awareness popping up in our culture that some sons are aroused by the idea of their moms being fucked is thanks to you and a lot of the other writers on literotica who made this genre popular. You guys have opened up an entirely new form of human sexuality, and you did so years before tumblr writers like me ever started. You should be extremely proud of yourself. I am too for the part I played in that. But my story started long after yours.

And thank you so much treegod! I'm glad you read my stuff. It's because of people like you reading it that i write it in the first place.

I'm still writing new stories at



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That was really good. Glad you're getting commissions!


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    • bluvelvet99
That was really good. Glad you're getting commissions!
Thank you devetak, I'm glad you liked it!

I'm still writing new stories at
