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Messages - 1angrydog1

Pages: [1]
Fantasy Discussion / Re: What got you into this fantasy?
« on: February 15, 2023, 11:37:32 AM »
1)A couple of times my mom exposed her boobs to strangers, including people my age, it was ridiculous cases like on the beach she had one boob come out when she came out of the water
I've seen a couple of guys smile a lot, and somewhere else a boy my age laughed out loud about it.
2) When I was a kid my nerd friend told me my mom was very pretty and I got kind of jealous and excited about it and this guy was a total jerk and a loser
3)My mom went to an old lady masseuse 50-60 years old, she had a nephew and he was with me, and saw my mom doing massage, he could even go up to the masseuse and ask him something, supposedly he was interested in technique and so on, the woman was like a healer (it was a fraud) this was all 2000 years in Russia.
4)Once my dad threw water on my mom with a hose, and through it all was visible, I was playing at the time with his friends in soccer, and she passed us naturally it was all visible
5) Some grandpa molested my mom on the street, and touched her, then this grandpa was in trouble, he was beaten very badly, but the fact that someone touched my mom, like with the words "let me touch your tits and my ass" I just entered the state of stupor, he grabbed her and ran away, she punched his face with her fist, and this probably stopped him

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