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Messages - jmdarko

Pages: [1]
Fapping Materials / Re: Any good/creative fapping material ideas?
« on: August 27, 2020, 03:36:20 PM »
Something i had in mind for a long time but it might take some coordination on a discord server or something;
Basically, A mix of stories happening in the same lapse of time in the same fictional city, multiple channels each telling it's own story by different users, each one can use the media want (Images, only text, chatlogs mock ups), Like a big RP event but without interfering with other users characters.

Example: We can start it with let's say ''First Day of High-school''; Users can make they own stories about this day; A Son afraid that his middle-school bullies are going to be there, A Bully looking forward to meet the new fresh meat (And their mothers),  A Single mother meeting her son's bullies for the first time, A Brother going to the same school as his over-sexually active sister, A Principal taking care of a low income mother who has no money to pay for her son's education, you name it.

That way every user can make a story using the different sub-genres that this fetish has

Later on characters can reference other characters from other stories, maybe even ''Borrowing'' your characters to other users, bullies sharing Moms, etc etc

It will take some time to organize everything but it will be worth it

Site is down, can you reupload?

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