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Messages - Evil_SodaMachine

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Fapping Materials / Re: Clueless/Oblivious Son
« on: January 01, 2021, 10:11:07 AM »
If the mom walks out of the closet with the bully behind her with her skirt pulled up the son has to be an idiot not to get it. I guess the more real it seems the better.

To be fair, some people are pretty fucking stupid about that. They have a blind-spot.

When I was in my late teens, I had been  with my first real girlfriend for about a year and suddenly I had a sexually transmitted infection. I was like "WTF? how could this happen  if I haven't had sex with anyone other than my girlfriend?" , goddamn I want to travel back in time and punch myself in the face, repeatedly.  Anyway, I had such absolute trust in her that it was an impossibility in my mind that she would cheat on me even if it was completely obvious.

Suspension of disbelief is important, but people do stupid shit all the time so some situations are not as farfetched as you might think.

Real Life / Re: My Son...
« on: January 01, 2021, 10:06:15 AM »
Not sure if this is a serious thread or a joke thread since the author is using a new account but I'm going to assume that it's entirely on the level. This problem is easily solved if broken down to it's core elements of which I see 4.

  • Problem 1: The son is very anti-social. At age 20, he apparently has the people skills of a 12 year old so he withdraws into isolation, which is probably made easier and therefore worse in 2020.
  • Problem 2: The mom wants to bring home female friends and possibly men for sex but she doesn't want to do it when the son is around which is all the time.
  • Problem 3: The mom is starting to feel a sense of detachment and even revulsion toward the son.
  • Problem 4: The son is not showing signs of improvement and the mom is losing patience.

These are all easy to solve now that they're separated so let's knock them out quickly.

1- He is adult age but he's still your child, ostensibly living under your roof. Tell him once and only once that he needs to start doing 'something', if he actually seems to be taking care of it, do nothing. If he keeps sitting on his ass, proceed. Take away his television and video games until he starts doing something. It doesn't have to be something grand but literally anything. If he started by going out to walk for 1 hour in the morning and later  got a part-time job as a clerk in a store, even if he was getting complete shit for pay, that would be enough to jump-start his development up to where it should be. The key is you cannot threaten him with this, you have to do it without warning once it becomes necessary. Expect strong resistance but if you back down, you have failed.

2- Bring the men home and have sex with them even if your son is at home. He will no doubt hate it but he's an adult and he's living in your home. If he doesn't like it, he can work harder and get his own place (He won't).

3- This is the only serious problem. The bond between a mother and son is one of the deepest and most sacred bonds. Once broken, it's pretty much impossible to restore. The good news is that it doesn't break through "trauma"  or petty incidents. The mother-son bond has to be eroded over time via loss of respect, growing disappointment and festering resentment. Basically, it's a slow process but once done, it's fucked forever..... you can fix this by getting him off his ass, as I had mentioned but also do your best to NOT resent him for messing things up so bad.

4- Sooner or later, you (the mom) are going to hit your breaking point. As long as you keep your cool and make sure he's moving forward rather than backward, there is nothing to worry about. Right now there is concern because he's just stagnating, but once that changes, the embarrassment and frustration will decrease and eventually disappear.


So tldr =

Tell him he needs changes. Take away his stuff until he does. Sex life at home even if he dislikes it. Don't wait or you may permanently lose your bond with son.

Oh yeah, and don't have sex with your son. Ignore the doujins, caption gifs and erotic stories. It won't help.

Real Life / The rising popularity of mom NTR
« on: December 01, 2020, 11:33:28 AM »
I've been noticing an interesting trend across some of the sites I frequent. Some mentions of "mom NTR" get dropped and the response are mostly positive interest.

I've seen this type of thing happen in three completely unrelated sites several times so I am certain it is not a coincidence. I sense a pattern that will create a bubble when this  will quickly grow in popularity and then be forgotten overnight. I suspect it will be within the next couple of months but we will see.

RL events coupled with family gatherings and alcohol might be contributing but my point is, sightings in the wild used to be very rare. Sightings in the wild that aren't aggressively crushed more so. That was not what I saw these times. If I am correct, I think this is a byproduct of the shifting of RL values of certain segments of the populace but I'm not entirely certain yet.

Again, possibly due to RL events but I'm noticing a change. Don't care which direction it moves toward, I'm just curious to  see how it plays out.

Real Life / Re: Your mom loves you, you can stop this, free yourself.
« on: November 29, 2020, 07:05:24 AM »
Would you want the girl you like to find out about this? Or your friends? Or even your mom? Of course not

I'm curious what kind of brain-addled simp would even care about  the above quoted.

If a friend or a family member of mine "found out about this"  and then brought it up, I would simply say "Are you really that interested in the details of when I jerk off? well okay. I like variety, sometimes  that means  vanilla, other times it means pretty fucked up stuff. Now unless you're secretly trying to get some action from me, I would truly appreciate it if you would back the fuck off. What I read or do in private is my business, got that?"

If your woman, whether you are attracted to each other or she's already yours,  finds out, then who gives a fuck..... I swear, a lot of people on the internet these days are really young or somehow grew into adulthood without becoming adults . Adult women know that men are into some fucked up shit  compared to women. They know this, and if you think otherwise, you are very naive or stupid. If any adult woman tries to act indignant or shocked that you were reading or watching some fucked up porn, call her out on that bullshit immediately. Never let a woman get away with saying that  obvious nonsense.

Guys, If you are caught with this by anyone,  always remember that you have done nothing wrong. You cannot be made to feel guilt nor shame by others, only by yourself..... that being said, don't be a fucking animal either, keep the content in private where it belongs.

You are beautiful, and your mom is beautiful too and you know that she doesn't deserve this

Well that's just, like your opinion man.

If you delete this, you are evil

Well rock the fuck on.  If I were a moderator I would have deleted it simply because I do not tolerate the above quoted bullshit from anyone.

You moralizing "politically correct" dipshits are priceless. You whine about being "offended" over every little thing but have no qualms about wasting people's time, spewing hypocrisy or trying to push your nonsensical orthodoxy on others.  I hope you were trolling because even by the standards of a concern trolling moralfag,  your performance was piss terrible. All you came off across as was a leftist simp  that thinks if he simps hard enough, a woman might someday touch his pee pee. The virtue signaling of a simp like you is what being repugnant and pathetic actually looks like.

Real Life / Re: Should I expose my mom?
« on: November 29, 2020, 06:30:13 AM »
No, you shouldn't.


This is the RL section of the message boards which I will take to mean you intend to actually use RL exposure. Don't, especially not openly on a message board. If you really feel like doing that kind of thing, there are other people like you that hang out in certain circles where they privately exchange RL pictures or data of their wife, girlfriend, mother, etc. I wouldn't recommend doing that either but if you're going to do it anyway, doing it in private and through secure channels is your best bet.

Real Life / Re: Im fucking a single mom right now
« on: November 29, 2020, 06:00:45 AM »
It's possible, yeah.

Remember that the things OP says would be virtually impossible 50 years ago but today, there are more single mothers than ever before by a lot. In fact, the proportion of responsible, married family woman to drunken, cock-bouncing single mother only gets worse each year. Very soon, single mothers will be the largest group of women which will be boring as fuck.

Karens everywhere = hell.

Real Life / Re: My hot hobby :)
« on: November 04, 2020, 06:06:20 AM »
Good find, Oops.

Her setup is terrible. I could actually believe that she is poor unlike other camwhores streaming in luxurious settings but whining that they are in need of cash.

Real Life / Re: I fucked a real mom
« on: November 03, 2020, 03:12:22 PM »
Single mothers have a tendency to throw caution to the wind and do that type of thing with minimal hesitation and even less remorse. 

Nicely done.


I had a similar thing happen a couple of times but one that was very similar, I was in my early 20s and was not exactly 'dating' a single mother but we were 'friends'. She in her late 20s and had 3 children; The eldest was a girl in her mid teens  and 2 younger boys were I believe 10 and 12 ish? something like that. The boys were outside playing soccer and  the girl was out somewhere. We were taking in her room and she was telling me that the boys really love having me around, apparently even though I hate children and can't stand them, somehow I was the best 'father figure' they've ever had. She said  they kept asking her things like if we were going to get married which she said no to, making them upset. I thought that was cute and took it as my cue to make my move. Pretty soon we were naked and fooling around a bit but not fucking, she was worried the boys would suddenly come back and they frequently walked into her room without warning,. Our "solution" was to have sex on the bed under the sheets so we'd be covered if they walked in. As to why we didn't lock the door, she said that they never locked that door because her kids should always be free in their own home or something like that. Note that there were only two rooms, she and her boys stayed in one while the daughter stayed in the other. I'm not sure why it was setup this way but I didn't care to ask.

Anyway ,when we were done fucking,  we were spooning naked on her bed, hidden under the sheets doing the pillow talk thing when suddenly her two boys burst into the room and I freaked out internally thinking that it was over. To my shock she talked to them completely normal saying that we got cold and  asking them if they behaved, things like that. This went on for a bit and the older boy left but the younger boy stayed. He had some bullshit he was upset about which ended in her telling him to come in for a hug,  lifting the blankets and exposing her naked body to her youngest with me behind her, by this point I was rock hard again and had been inside her for awhile but he couldn't see from his perspective. I didn't move during their hug but she shifted her weight and moved a little, basically telling me to go for it but I didn't, even I have limits. Anyway, they hugged  for a bit and  then he left. At the time I wondered if he didn't understand what we were doing but anyway we fucked again and I was much more energetic and aggressive than before.  Good times.

Months later I talked to the boys in private over some problem they had and straight up told them I loved their mother and sometimes we did 'things'..... to which they  almost laughed in my face saying "Yeah we know, we're not stupid."  and more importantly they were happy that that was the case because they wanted me to stay with their mother, they didn't want me to leave. It was totally the opposite of what I expected and I grew fond of those kids. The mother was an absolute degenerate but the sons, instead of becoming freaks like me, went in the exact opposite direction despite probably watching their mother get fucked by strange men on a regular basis. To be honest, I felt pretty bad for them and wished I could help raise them but that didn't happen. Apparently the guys their mother hooked up with were such pieces of shit that to them,  even someone like me was amazing in comparison, that's truly fucked up. I don't want kids but I grew very fond of her sons, teaching them what they should do, how they should do it and why. In turn they viewed me as "the only father they've ever had". Unfortunately their mother and I were only ever 'friends' and while we were sort of together for a shockingly great couple of months, as soon as she was hooking up with another guy I simply backed off entirely.

Other single mothers I've been with weren't much different. This is why I believe OP's story has truth to it.


Not that it's sexy or anyone cares, but I saw her many times after that and her boys picked up a lot of my quirks, phrases and hobbies even though I explicitly told them "Don't be like me. I suck.". when they were a bit older I asked why  and they said I was really cool, "really smart", fun to be around,  never hit them and never abused their mother so they admired me greatly which was SUPER fucked up because that's a really low bar that they picked, me I mean. Still they said they were happiest when their mother and I were 'together' and I found that heart-warming...... as to the mother, she went from guy to guy until she got real ugly around her mid 30s . I still talk to her but now it is me telling her we are strictly 'friends'. Sad, I would have kept her as a wife and taken care of it. I would have put up with a lot of her bullshit simply due to the bond I had with her sons which would have only gotten stronger. God that's such a  pathetic and embarrassing thing to say. SHE WAS HOT BTW YEAH, she was a bit shorter than me at about 5'4, stayed in shape, had breast enhancements done at some point but they didn't look or feel fake at all. She was light brown not sure exact ethnicity but looked like a half phillipino half-hispanic mix if you know what I mean....... fuck  I should delete this post later, I've never felt like a cuck until now, talking about how I was willing to raise two kids that weren't mine, what the fuck was I even thinking...... I should really delete this

Fapping Materials / Re: Mexican Slut Mom. Comic
« on: November 03, 2020, 02:39:46 PM »
Sounds good. Thanks for taking my comment with a cool-head and not take it as some sort of insult like many people do.

You have a good attitude and it will serve you well,  best of luck

Fapping Materials / Re: Mexican Slut Mom. Comic
« on: November 02, 2020, 11:44:03 PM »
Good effort but the artwork needs refinement.

You handle drawing anatomical proportions very well but other than that you struggle. Keep at it man, there is potential.

Fapping Materials / Re: **Stories and Links*** Involving Women of Color
« on: October 10, 2020, 06:13:00 PM »
What is the point of having a story with that setting?

I'm guessing fancy dresses, minimal technology (No cell phone/no internet) and umm yeh I got nothing.

Personally I'm fond of the 1980s but I couldn't really tell you why.

Real Life / Re: Sharing real stories of my mom for feedback
« on: October 05, 2020, 06:15:08 PM »
Reality isnt quite as sexy or interesting as fantasy.  Ive shared some real stories here but Im pretty sure all I did was bore the fuck out of anyone in the thread.

Dont misunderstand, you should share them but dont expect all that much interest unless you exaggerate or lie which means fantasy and fiction not real life.

Real Life / Re: The REAL thread
« on: September 22, 2020, 11:35:23 AM »
What you described is really interesting, especially the two sides of your mom. I have watched "Big Bang" and I can't think of Leonard's mom having a naughty side or being fit & sexy like your mother.

Not a woman,  but I've always assumed that the more strict, formal, tidy and hard-working type of women probably have a lot of repressed desires waiting to come out. I might be talking out of my ass here though, like I said Im not a woman.

I'm also surprised with the cops and how they let you watch them with her even if you couldn't see much.

I'm foreign to the united states., my country is a shithole and police are typically corrupt. Not corrupt like murdering people but more corrupt like they are stupid, lazy and unprofessional. Never around when you need em type of thing. I was more surprised when I realized that they toned it down (Didn't fuck her) when I got there.

There is a difference between spy & watch, I'm curious if your mother knew she was being watched

I'm pretty sure she was aware but probably didn't think about it too much. If it was in private rather than public, she probably wouldn't have called me. Sex when drunk was a complete non-issue.

I hadn't thought about it in a long time but having to take care of my mother so often is probably why I hate alcohol and am so violently antisocial, heh.

in general not just with the cops. If you want to share I'd like to hear another one of the times you said you watched her having sex.

Sure, I can tell you but as I said before, it's really not interesting.

Short story, my mother was in her late 30s, she still looked good. She had gone through a second divorce and gotten a nice house out of it. We were living there just her and me. At the time I was going to university every day to the city next to mine so I would leave early and come back late.

For whatever reason she was depressed over being single/divorced and I knew she would be drinking.... when I got home, well, the house was kind of awkwardly structured but basically the living room was to the right of the entrance, and there were stairs directly in front of the front door. There was the back of a couch on the right so if someone was laying there, you couldn't see from the entrance..... anyway, I got home late, didn't turn on the lights but the shades were drawn. There was enough light to see liquor  containers,  beer cans and clothing on the floor. My mother was probably naked on the couch. I assumed she passed out and was sleeping there  so I started to quietly walk up the stairs. I did hear some noises but didn't pay attention.

When I was half way up the stairs, I looked over and saw a guy's back. I looked a bit more carefully and realized he was on top of her, he was fucking my mom on the couch and most definitely heard me enter the house.  I hadn't been able to see at first but I had a better view now. The guy seemed much younger than my mother, he was probably in his mid 20s, I found that a bit strange but was more focused on him driving himself into my drunken mother...... I stood there for a bit and really perked my ears to hear what was going on. They were trying to be quiet but I could hear anyway. I'm not sure how long I was there but it felt like a long time. When I heard a voice say something, not to me but still, I panicked and hurried upstairs to my room.

I went back down after a bit more than 10 minutes and since I didn't hear noises, I walked over to the couch from the other side. The guy was gone but my mother was naked and clearly passed out. Like completely passed out. I felt really guilty at that moment since apparently she was totally out while he was fucking her. My guess is that she went out to some bar or a party, probably hooked up with someone (Not that guy) but unintentionally went home with this young guy or something like that. Oh yeah, one of the first things she did in the house was setup a mini-bar with liquor for guests and for when she felt like it. Sometimes she'd come home hammered and go straight to the mini-bar which I always appreciated. At least she wasn't outside which would mean I'd have to go pick her up. She probably brought the guy home, kept drinking and the guy did what any guy would do. I doubt she would have had sex with him, he was young but not her type, not tall, not buff, probably not confident. Guy got lucky that night.

Anyway at the time I thought I should have done something and felt like I failed as a son, now that I'm older I know that I did exactly the right thing.  If I was a more sinister/sexual guy, I probably would have fucked her that time but instead I just put a blanket over her and went to my own bed. I asked no questions the next morning.

You also mentioned she kinda apologized after the cop incident. You ever talked about her behavior when she was not drunk?

No not really. I am probably understating it, but she was  always very strict, very straight-arrow and formal when she wasn't drinking. She would get furious if I brought up sex in general, let alone her drunken behavior. Ironically,  the only genuine conversations I had with her was when she was drunk. I know it probably sounds fake or like I'm lying, but aside from when she was drinking, she was hard working, tidy and generally a saint.

BTW...I enjoy details in a story so you can write as detailed as you want, a long story is a plus IMO. Thank you for sharing and contributing to the thread.

Thanks for the friendly words. Real life isn't very interesting in my opinion, so it just feels like I'm boring people with this.

Real Life / Re: The REAL thread
« on: September 13, 2020, 09:52:04 AM »
Maybe. In real life, my Mom and my Best Friend dated for about two years. I was ok with it, but they weren't really flaunting all of the stuff they did around me either. They definitely had sex

That's a very important detail that a lot of people seem to forget.

Real life isn't exciting, sexy or usually surprising. Nearly all of  the time, life is  predictable and boring even when it feels like it shouldn't be. This is why a lot of stories fall flat, in my opinion. Unless a story is outright stated to be fantasy-rules stuff,  'coincidences' and rapid-character turns shouldn't exist.

Fapping Materials / Re: Stories links (Moms vs Bullies)
« on: September 13, 2020, 12:23:27 AM »
This is specialized folder for an assortment of Cuckold Son stories. Nothing New.

The SpankyMCF's complete works is in the folder one one(1) txt file.

Thx fam

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