Author Topic: How old are you now and when did you get into this fetish?  (Read 8781 times)


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I was wondering how old the users on here are? I find it incredibly exciting that these days the internet has essentially given any age group the chance to discover this site and educate themselves on this fetish. Meaning there could very well be high school boys on here, learning about this fetish, while still living at home with their moms, fantasizing about the school jock, their friends or even their actual bully fucking their mom and jerking off to it. Getting off to porn, comics and stories about their moms getting fucked by their classmates, their bullies, their teachers, while actually still living their daily life in that environment. Learning and allowing themselves to embrace this fetish in their formative years of puberty, and yes, maybe even making an attempt at fulfilling this wonderful fantasy at one point before they have moved out of their parent's/mom's place and it's too late.

I would also be interested to know how old you guys were when you discovered this fetish? I'd assume that there are also a few users on here who did NOT have the internet or at least hadn't discovered this forum yet when they began having these thoughts and feelings. That's how it was in my case.

To be completely honest, I remember even as a young child having these thoughts/flashes about my mom kissing strangers, but of course at that age they weren't really sexual thoughts, more like strange images in my head. I think I began having my first real sexual thoughts of this nature when I was probably in my early twenties, maybe like 21-22, but when I discovered this forum I was probably in my mid-late twenties. I'm 30 now.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2023, 11:17:37 PM by nngh »


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Reply #1 on: February 16, 2023, 12:06:10 AM
Well, I think im a little late to the party! haha Im in my late 30s now, and I only just discovered this site in 2022. I always had the feelings and got turned on about watching my mom with another man, but didnt realize it was called cuckolding untill I did some internet searching. Back when I was in my teens we had no internet, as this was back in the 1990s, so I had no way or knowing or looking up anything. I just remember being in my teens and I would sometimes jerk off to sexy videos on MTV(yeah back when they showed music) lol, Id pretend some of the hot girls in the videos were my mom, and that my friends at school seen it and teased me about it.


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Reply #2 on: February 16, 2023, 11:25:24 AM
Well, I think im a little late to the party! haha Im in my late 30s now, and I only just discovered this site in 2022. I always had the feelings and got turned on about watching my mom with another man, but didnt realize it was called cuckolding untill I did some internet searching. Back when I was in my teens we had no internet, as this was back in the 1990s, so I had no way or knowing or looking up anything. I just remember being in my teens and I would sometimes jerk off to sexy videos on MTV(yeah back when they showed music) lol, Id pretend some of the hot girls in the videos were my mom, and that my friends at school seen it and teased me about it.

Damn, isn't it so interesting that so many of us have had these similar type of thoughts before even knowing that there was a name and specific fetish niche for it? I bet many users on here had this experience where they discovered this site or maybe a subreddit (Anyone remember r/mommybully and r/getoutofmymom?) after years of having these strange, shameful fantasies and suddenly it's like an epiphany: "Woah, after all, it's not just me. This is a real thing and it has a name and there are others like me who have learned to accept their desires and embrace them!" Honestly, it was almost like a weight was lifted of my shoulders when I found this fetish and was able to name it.


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Reply #3 on: February 16, 2023, 01:00:35 PM
I'm also on the older side myself. To be honest, I didn't really have this fantasy myself growing up. I only really discovered it after I started reading hentai manga. I came across the NTR genre (which is basically cuckolding) and then started finding stories that dealt with mothers cucking their sons. What's funny is that I feel like the genre itself has sorta "grown" with the internet as there was a time when stories like that never existed, and then slowly but surely more and more stories began focusing on it. Kinda like society as a whole started to acknowledge the fetish at the same time lol.

I find it incredibly exciting that these days the internet has essentially given any age group the chance to discover this site and educate themselves on this fetish. Meaning there could very well be high school boys on here, learning about this fetish, while still living at home with their moms, fantasizing about the school jock, their friends or even their actual bully fucking their mom and jerking off to it. Getting off to porn, comics and stories about their moms getting fucked by their classmates, their bullies, their teachers, while actually still living their daily life in that environment. Learning and allowing themselves to embrace this fetish in their formative years of puberty, and yes, maybe even making an attempt at fulfilling this wonderful fantasy at one point before they have moved out of their parent's/mom's place and it's too late.

I'll go one further and suggest that what's even more hot to think about isn't boys developing this fetish. But MOMS starting to develop this fetish. I think this might be tied to the earlier point about how society seems to be discovering this fetish, I think a large part of that has to do with how women and their sexuality post motherhood is being redefined now. There was a time, 30+ years ago, when a woman became a mother, for all intents and purposes, she stopped being a sexual being in the eyes of society. Their sexuality was never talked about, always downplayed, almost nonexistant. We live in a world now where that's not the case. Where just become women become mothers, that doesn't mean they stop getting horny.

I know there's no reason to believe me, hell, I don't even believe fully believe it myself sometimes, but I've actually met (online) an actual mother who had this very fetish. What's funny is that she had no experience herself with NTR hentai, which I think is how most of us came across this fetish. She just naturally always had this fantasy, it was kinda a love/hate thing where she would fantasize about doing super dark, messed up things to her son, in front of him, but at the same time holding him in her arms, saying she's a good mommy while cucking him.

I'm not saying that's a common thing going around or anything, it's still very niche, and even more so for women and actual mothers. But I do think it's something that's slowly becoming more common.


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Reply #4 on: February 16, 2023, 01:14:27 PM
I'll go one further and suggest that what's even more hot to think about isn't boys developing this fetish. But MOMS starting to develop this fetish. I think this might be tied to the earlier point about how society seems to be discovering this fetish, I think a large part of that has to do with how women and their sexuality post motherhood is being redefined now. There was a time, 30+ years ago, when a woman became a mother, for all intents and purposes, she stopped being a sexual being in the eyes of society. Their sexuality was never talked about, always downplayed, almost nonexistant. We live in a world now where that's not the case. Where just become women become mothers, that doesn't mean they stop getting horny.

Dude, THIS is an amazing thought! And you are so right about the redefining of motherhood right now. That's why these tiktok/onlyfans-moms are celebrated as "proud sexworkers" and "hard working mothers". I've gotta think about this aspect a bit more but I love the implications of this and the possibilities of mothers actively raising cucksons as part of their "lifestyle", where they view themselves as "queens" and "bad bitches". Wow. THANK YOU FOR THIS INPUT!!!


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Reply #5 on: February 16, 2023, 09:23:38 PM
currently im 23, but I've been into this fetish since I was about 13 or so

mathew elizabeth

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Reply #6 on: February 17, 2023, 01:16:50 AM
I was twelve turning thirteen in the year 2002 when I started having these fantasies.

I remember specifically fantasizing about a tall, skinny, shaggy haired 9th grade boy whose grade played dodgeball with our grade during gym class. I remember him pointing me out to his friends saying that I was the 'kid with the hot mum,". I remember fantasizing about him sitting on the driver's seat of my car with my mum sitting her big ass on his skinny lap as he drove the car.

 I also remember fantasizing about my friend 13-year-old Wade (looked kind of like Ash Ketchum), wrestling her down into the mud of our wet and rainy front lawn as he groped and grinded into her.

But these were just spur of the moment fantasies that I would relish and hold until I pleasured myself about it later that night.

This humiliation fantasy started to become a weird reality for me in which i was constantly 'teased' and denied content to relish on.

I basically grew up knowing that my mother was pretty much the most beautiful person In town. With her blonde hair and curves. She wasn't always so stunning as she had gained a bit of weight in the early days after having my siblings and I. But then she became a aerobics instructor and everything changed.

I was going through puberty and she had shaped her body to perfection over the years. She wasn't overweight anymore but she maintained her curves around her hips giving her a large Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Nikki Minaj ass (it was around 2002, so I guess Jennifer Lopez was the best comparison to make at the time, lol). I would gawk as she would practice her aerobics moves in the loungeroom, her big bum would wiggle or envelope gloriously as she stretched her thick meaty legs in her black spandex leggings. I was only a kid but I was ashamed of my feelings. I knew looking at my mother like that was wrong. But my own mother was the best looking women in town and all the boys in school knew this.

Since I was 12-years-old I was hounded by boys my age and older, saying how much they thought my mom was attractive. Whenever I brought friends over, I would see them stare and blush like they were lost in a dream, seeing the love of their lives for the first time, their first crush on a older woman.

I remember that year an eleven-year-old friend of mine named Travis said to me at the public pool "Can I be your dad? Because I think I'm in love with your mom and I want to be with her."

What was so crazy was he wasn't saying it in a mocking or joke like way. Travis was legit serious with true emotion in his eyes as he said it with respected sincerity. The rational part of me respectfully told him she wasn't interested and that my father was very much around. But the dark part at the back of my mind that craved that humiliating swaddling experience wanted it to happen deep down. To have my precious 'creation goddess' taken. To be replaced in the eyes of that 'creation goddess', in favor of another 'worthier' boy. The feeling of social danger and taboo was an exquisite turn on for my little developing mind. But once again I relished on the 'idea' and what a roller coaster ride it could be.

By the end of my first year in high school, my other friends were saying similar things, but more in a mocking playful way. But I knew that they were serious about the things they said despite their playful tone. I remember constantly trying to shove them out the house during the weekends as they would gawk and stare at her doing her aerobics practice for her classes later on in evening. We were fourteen at this stage and I remember them tilting their heads with goofy grins as they stared at the ass sweat stain between the crack of her spandex clad bottom, burning into their retinas to stay in their memory for as long as they lived.

That same year, when we went to a holiday in the snow, my 13-year-old classmate Ryan would tackle my mum with his 15-year-old brother. Both boys excitedly grinded against her backside when they forced her into the snow. My mother was laughing like it was a joke. However, I knew what they were up to, Ryan admitted his intentions years later.

Those moments aroused my 14-year-old self on that holiday. I would create situations to subtly humiliate myself. I would decline to accompany my mother so I could watch the toxic contextualized beauty of my bratty classmate Ryan disappear with my beautiful voluptuous mother on the snowy horizon. His little arms around the top of her waist, her trousered bottom bouncing and wiggling as they ran to the nearby 'shack' where you could buy food and drinks and 'finally' be out of my eyes reach so they could have alone time together.

Watching them disappear over the white horizon hand in hand, followed by a hug for warmth was a beautiful image...from afar...

Less was sometimes more, and I would let my imagination wonder....

During the holiday, I played on the ping-pong table with Ryan and his brother in the games room in the cabin our families were staying. After a few sessions of me kicking ass, my mother came in and asked to play. Instantly, my masochist side was resurfaced, I put on an act and said, "Ok, but we play twelve rounds of me versus the three of you, I can beat you all!"

Sounding annoyingly arrogant on purpose, trying to set up my mother to humble me and bring me down a notch by teaming up with my friends against me. It worked. I was so clever, manipulating my family and friends to humiliate me. They teamed up to defeat me in ping-pong and it was glorious. Three against one was extremely hard and my body was tingling with excitement as my mom would cheer as I lost round after round after having a successful winning streak in the first half, it was actually difficult, and i wanted my defeat to look realistic as well.

They eventually won, and they cheered and hugged, and playfully berated me for my open arrogance, "See, your not THAT good at it!" Mom giggled in a winner's glee with them.

To celebrate their victory, I went off outside through a side door attached to the games room and experienced the contrast of cold and warmth. I shivered from the outside as I watched the beautiful snow fall and shimmer between the illuminated electrical lights surrounding the resort. I look to my left within the open door I stood, and watched and felt the warmth of the heater through the sight of my mother sitting between the two boys she temporarily favored on the sofa, watching a movie with them in comfort without me; beautiful sights and contrasting sensations of crisp cold and heavy warmth was on either side of my body, just as my jealousy and pleasurable ecstasy met and intermingled at that very moment. Then I snapped out of it, as my mother called out between those boys, "Come inside, your going to catch a cold, your letting the heat out."

'Yeah, that's weird man!" 13-year-old Ryan said to me in general matter of fact confusion.

When i was 16-years-old a teammate named Chad pinched her nipples drunkenly when I was at a post sports grand finale house party, she admitted that a few days later to me and my dad. (we lost the grand finale btw)

There was a rumor she gave another friend of mine Andrew a hand-job during my 18th birthday in my younger brothers room (my brother wasn't home) .

When I was 19, a former bully named Jay came into my workplace and mocked me about having sex with her in the Pub bathrooms ("She begged for it up the arse LOL"), and it all matched up as I knew she went there with her friends that weekend. I later tried texting him about the details through a phone of a girl I knew (This girl, a friend of mine at the time,  complained that Jay was obsessed with licking her asshole while his friend Brent would watch and want sloppy seconds) After I texted him asking for the details, he called me, he was a at a party, he screamed at me "SHUT THE FUCK UP! STOP TEXTING ME! THATS BETWEEN ME AND YOUR MUM!"

That same year, my friends would get me drunk and stoned in my segregated bedroom outside my house, until I was too tired to move from my bed, half asleep, they would abandon me and spend time with my mother in the loungeroom (my younger brother wasn't home then either, as he was being a normal 14-15-year-old kid hanging out friends at night at that stage)

I spied on her instant messaging program (at the time it was MSN) and she had a contact called 'Milfhunters'.
She would later tell me while I was in my early 20's that she had sex with men that were my age or younger than me and some were just 18-years-old, while she was in between relationships transitioning from my dad to her current boyfriend (those years were very interesting).

She even recently told me last year that she hooked up with a 23-year-old British tourist at a concert when she was in between relationships back in 2014. My brother piped up and "Hey, I don't want to know aye!". I felt like screaming at my younger brother ("BUT I DO!").

I have so much real life inspiration to add to my fictional stories. Maybe one day ill write true stories about how I grew up with her, but it would involve my suspicion and not seeing anything. Just hearing about it, and physical innuendos.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2023, 02:48:34 AM by mathew elizabeth »


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Reply #7 on: February 17, 2023, 04:01:13 AM
29 right now. Been into it for about five years, ever since I first read Soccer Mom and a Bully by something1234. To me, still the best work in the fetish, probably by a mile. Sometimes I wonder if I even fully have this fetish or if I'm just chasing the dragon of reading that story for the first time again.


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Reply #8 on: February 17, 2023, 04:47:52 AM
I am 16 now, got into it 3 months ago so was 16 at that time too. I do live with my mom and fantasize about her, i get off the humiliation from it i don't want to have sex with my mother though, so its kind of like just a fetish i have not attempted to fulfill it irl, probably can't cause adultery + mother of someone + traditional taboo about sex


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Reply #9 on: February 17, 2023, 02:51:17 PM
I am 16 now, got into it 3 months ago so was 16 at that time too. I do live with my mom and fantasize about her, i get off the humiliation from it i don't want to have sex with my mother though, so its kind of like just a fetish i have not attempted to fulfill it irl, probably can't cause adultery + mother of someone + traditional taboo about sex

Oh wow, this is really amazing!
Absolutely love the fact that you are lucky enough to have discovered this powerful fetish at 16, and I also find it very interesting that you are only 3 months in - in fact, I have a bunch of questions for you if you don't mind, because your situation (in regard to your age, living situation) is super fascinating to me and on top of that everything is still so fresh and present for you, so it's much easier to get a raw, authentic insight.

1. How did you get into this fetish? Was it a slow gradual thing (through stories, hentai, porn etc.) or did you suddenly stumble across this site?

2. How did it feel the first time you discovered the true hardcore mother-son-cuckold thing? The first time you  actually pictured your own mother getting fucked, maybe even in front of you? Did it shock you? Was it hard to accept and embrace your feelings as a cuckson or did it immediately click for you?

3. Did you have (even vague) thoughts/feelings of this nature before? Or were you completely surprised by yourself being turned on by this?

4. Do you think about specific friends, classmates, teacher, maybe even bullies fucking your mom? I find this especially interesting, considering many erotica stories of this nature are set in an (high) school environment, so it must be unavoidable to picture yourself in those scenarios since that’s your daily environment.

5. What is your ultimate fantasy about your mom right now? If you had the magical chance to make one fantasy come true (without any real-life consequences), what would it be?

6. Do you get turned on or even hard in front of your mom now? Like do you picture her as a sexual being for other men now constantly, in your daily life? Or do you feel ashamed and try to separate your fantasies about her from the reality of being around her?

7. Do you exclusively jerk off to mommy-cuckold/bully-fantasies and material now? In your estimate what percentage of the times do you jerk off to fantasies about your actual own mother?

Sorry for going on like this, I hope, you have a chance to answer at least some of it - it would be so cool to hear the thoughts of a 16-year-old on this, and I bet others on here would appreciate it too, because in a way you are in a very envious position for many of us, who feel like, in hindsight, they would have been so fortunate if they had gotten to discover and accept their true desires much earlier in life.

Thank you!


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Reply #10 on: February 17, 2023, 05:23:02 PM
currently im 23, but I've been into this fetish since I was about 13 or so

Really intrigued by this one too! How did you get into it at such a young age?
Did you start imagining your own mom getting fucked right away? Or at what age did you start viewing your mom as a sex object for other men?
I feel like at 13, this mommy-bully-cuckold thing must have been one of your first and probably a very, very strong influence at forming your sexuality and sexual desires! Would love to learn how it shaped you at such a young age.


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Reply #11 on: February 17, 2023, 06:34:12 PM
17, got this fetish when I was about 12 or so, with friends peeping at how my mom was changing, I still remember my friend saying "your mom has tasty boobs" now I'm a little ashamed of it)


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Reply #12 on: February 17, 2023, 10:57:58 PM
Really intrigued by this one too! How did you get into it at such a young age?
Did you start imagining your own mom getting fucked right away? Or at what age did you start viewing your mom as a sex object for other men?
I feel like at 13, this mommy-bully-cuckold thing must have been one of your first and probably a very, very strong influence at forming your sexuality and sexual desires! Would love to learn how it shaped you at such a young age.

Hey thanks for your response and questions. I absolutely love discussing this fantasy with like minded people so I'd be happy to talk as much as you want. I think I'm actually in a minority situation here because my mom is actually a sex worker. She isn't a prostitute exactly, but she basically gives topless massages to men and then happy endings. Growing up with her, she always lived in hotels and would simply ask me to leave the room for a couple hours whenever she had a client over and never told me exactly what was going on, but I quickly figured it out. (some of her clients I actually met and they literally just told me) I started to have sexual thoughts about my mom really young, like when I was 7. Then eventually, idk even why, it transitioned into the bully/cuckold fantasy. Some of her clients and boyfriends throughout the years would be really mean to me and even hit me sometimes, and i guess it might have just been a way for my brain to cope with it. As for how it effects my normal sex life, I actually don't think it has. I lost my virginity a little late (at 19) but since then I've had a very normal and active sex life (14 partners so far). If you wanna discuss more feel free to DM me :)


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Reply #13 on: February 18, 2023, 12:07:14 AM
Probably 14 or 15. I'm 26 now. I had been watching and reading porn for a few years and had been getting into weirder and weirder stuff. By this point I pretty much only watched interracial porn. I was on holiday with my family (mum wasn't there) and had my own room. One night I was jerking off imagining a white girl in a BBC gangbang and suddenly, out of nowhere, the image in my head turned into my mum. I instantly felt incredibly turned on, humiliated and a bit sick all at the same time. I had one of the best jerk offs of my life and since then imagining my mum getting blacked has been pretty much my biggest fantasy..

Other factors I think is I was raised solo by my mum so she's a very big part of my life. I once found some condoms and a vibrator in her room which made me feel very confused and scared and horny all at once. Then there were multiple occasions where I would heard my step dad fucking her at night. Again, at first I found it really scary, and I found myself listening out for it every night - initially out of worry but before long I realised I wanted it to happen.

So yeah all my experience is a weird mix of fear, humiliation and horniness which eventually just became my biggest turn on lol


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Reply #14 on: February 18, 2023, 12:32:42 AM
Really loving this thread! Its great to hear the replies from everyone, and know that im not alone in liking the humiliation of it!